Exeter Advocate, 1911-1-19, Page 7AN OPEN LETTER From a Baptist Clergyman Telling of Cures Wrought b pr. Williams' Pink Pills The Dr. ' Williams' Medicine Co., ,Brockville; Ont, Gentlemen,—It has been my 'in.- teution to write to you for some time, but being; busy,' have "neg- lected to, do BO until now. T am a, Baptist minister. Was ordained June 14th, 1887, in Ora- Mahe Baptist Church, Northumber- land Co,, Ont. I want to tell you in as few words as possible what I know about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I was pastor of the Dales- rile Baptist hu lst C ch in Que., t i 1891 end again lin 1894-o. While pastor In 1891, the Rev, John Icing, a for- mer pastor, aged 74, was stricken with, paralysis sothat he could not help himself. He had, to, or did, take a, tablespoonful of rhubarb every day to keep his bowels regu- lar. I thought of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills.. He began taking them and it was not long beton he ealalel walk again and his bowers were res prier. T#; paralysis never retaarn- eel and Itis trowels remained active. Se died a few years ago practical- ly from old age. I went from Dalesville, Que., to Groton, Verinan , els pastor of the Baptist Church in that place, There lived . man about two and one-half mile's from Groton by the name of Boil. Moth :rt, ra, OeeetRain. I Beard Ile was ill an being z and aanadiai, X went to see hien. I. found him st- ing in bed, He said he had no pain, -but was too weak to sit up. His lips were bloodless, au fact he was acs white as ebalk. I recommended Dr:. 'Williams' Pink Pills and gave hien same. He began taking them and in a short time eouid eee blood inn the wilts of his handy and in the eourze of az ,tew weeks he was gait watching men building a new barn for hixn.., and' shortly after that he. canoe to Groton to church. Now, I ought to tell you that the doctor of Groton had given him up. The *epee doctor (a doctor in an adjoining village) could not help him and said so, The best doctor in tho hospital of Burlington, Vt., came and saw Mr. McCrea, but said be could not help him, He did not get any help until Dr. Williams' Pink Pills put him. on his feet attain, Later I returned to i}alcsv Ile, Quo., as pastor. A young lady who lived about six miles west of Dales- villo at a place called Edina, sent for me to come to see her, as She bad been a member of my eongre- 'gation in my ' former pastorate. 1 event to see her and fotind a similar. case to that of Mr, McCrae, of Groton, Vt.'This girl was so weak', she could not sit up, She appear- ed to be bloodless. I said to her: "It will cost you $6,00 to get a doc- tor to come out :from ;Lachine to see you,, whereas you can get six boxes of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills for $2.00." She followed my advice, took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and when some time later I saw her in Lachute, sh Mrvas as well as ever, R.nd. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did it • tall. I have given you the facts of these three eases which came to my personal notice and Ithink only just to other sufferers that these cures should be given the widest publi- city. If you wish me to go before a magistrate and.' take oath to -the truthfulness of the things mention- ed above, I am prepared to do so. I am' at present engaged in evange- listic work,' and have therefore not at -the present time', a permanent address. I can, however, refer you to the editor of the Canadian;. Bap tist. (Signed), T. C. Sowter. HE WAS WISE. Ross="What was yes- terday?" :our,huri" es- teiday ?„ y Penrose -"I just bought my wife a new hat and had to .hurry home before the style changed." No surgical operation is neces- sary in removing' corns if Hello - way's Corn Cure be used. Too many men mistake' conspicu- ousness for greatness. t4Inard"s Liniment Cures Coids,, etc :PRICE OF EGGS ROSE. Hewitt="How did he'. make his .fortune?" ''`..Jewitt—`"He kept aen." nG ac n ' c,timea,m ll o i.n , stofthes a b.y t eluting "soniething.`he' is lousy' look - leg for sonicthing,'to eat. a Blind One hi ti; ett,yrrbot Olbse Ndl „et4 WO45. Mrd ABOUT J'ARLIAME1\TS. Facts That Are Especially Iuterest- ing Just Now. The first parliament of Great. Britain, met in 1707. Not until 1771 were the debates in Parliament allowed to be report- ed. The first Parliament of the Unit- ed ICingdoru of Great Britain and. Ireland met. . in 1801. The first Jew admitted to Paella, Ment, the late Baron L. Rothe- child, took his seat on July ' 26th, 1858. .The "Parliament of Dunces," convened by Henry IV, at Coven- try, in 1404, was so called because all lawyers were excluded from it. In 1649 the Rouse of Commons formally abolished the ' ionse of. Lords, andinthe same yeara peer sat as a member of the Commons. Prior to the time of the Stuarts, members of Parliament were paid a regular wage for their services by the constituencies returning then,. The present' House of Commons and House of Lords Sere represent- ed in Anglo-Saxon times by the Polknoot or Connell of the people, and the Witenageinot or Oounoil of the Chiefs. The shortest Parliament lasted. for one day only, and decreed the deposition of King Richard Il, The four next shortest lasted seven, twelve, fourteen, and twenty days reepecti•ely, The "Parliament of Bats" assent- bled during the regenoy in the reign of Henry VI. Its members were forbidden to carry swords, so they eaano to the house of Com mous with bats er clubs. Parliaments have sat `,,1 strange places. One was held by Edward under an oak tree in Sherwood fore est. Another, called the "Black was P rliament " 'c:o , nYened h 3' Henry VIII. irz Bridewell: Gaol, o little was the right of retztrn' stag eneartbers to Parliament esteem- od in this days of the early Tudor Kings, that rainy boroughs paid considerable sits li of money for the ''Privilege" of being disfrunzehised. Now that Russia, Turkey. and .' Persia have each achieved or been granted constitutional government of a kind, there are only three', countries in the world without Parliament. They. are Cnina, Mor- occo, and the, tiny principality of Monaco. When the King opens Parliament in. State the Crown. and the Gap of Maintenance figures largely in, the cerernony. Each is borne before his Majesty by a nobleman of high rank, the Grown an a cushion of crimson velvet, the Cap on the top of a short white staff, for these em- blems of royal, r ank may not be olckty Mop* caadhr. wares• ScoldsA. coaheenits.t tt,a throat told Isi& a . , 1' touched by any hands but the hands of the Sovereign. "Parliament .Undertakers" was the name given to the little group of great nobles who, till William Pitt's administration, returned ful- ly half the members of the House' of Commons. More than sixty seats were in the hands of Lord, Downshire, the Ponsonbys, "and the Beresfords alone. They undertook to manage Parliament in their own way, on' their own terms, and largely` in their own interests. A GOOD SCHEME. "I see the sheriff is advertising your stock for sale." "`Yes; and he's getting quite a run of business. I wish I had tried advertising myself." TRY MURINE EYE' REMEDY for Red,. Weak, Weary, :Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids.: Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain.' Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, 41.00. Murine Eye Saive in Aseptic'Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. And it'sometini es happens that a man likes to have his wife get so mad she won't speak, to him ---then she will not ask him for money. ' Worms cause fretfulness and rob. the infant of sleep; the great ;riour isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator.' will clear, the stomach and intestines and restore health- fulness. LESSEII, OF TWO EVILS., . " 'r`. „�:'. Sir, . said' the tr.,.mp, "1 : have ncit tasted food for, seven- days .; an etli i half an houa of fasting,; T must ,die." exclaimed the ,philan- r. thropist; "you shall •11vee 'e Take this ticleet. it; will 'admit you, in' ir)y 'steal, to;% a sumptuous bancluet;`''� course after course, --meats, wines, ,i and dessert -ea feast three ".hours �cing (lorious company r; Ef ,; forts, 'Ms Spotitoftcn, Mr ring` yarn, ,and -other eminent ,pien., Will there be say- after dinner' eechc s'?" asked the staring ;one Column of i'ezn,?' said the phil j a Ilroplst A> at ie tramp-4here s 11"11 h�'TT �1i,ti~stf ant 1 einl STARTS THE NEW YEAR A NEW MAN QUEBEC FARMER TELLS WHAT DODD'S RID1NBY PILLS DI» FOIL BIL They fixed up his Nidneye, made his blood; pure, and ivatle 'hLm feel young all over. Franklin Centreue. Jan: 1 rt (Special),—The only way to start the New Year right is to get the health right, and Mr. William Gamble, a well known learner liv- ing near here is telling his neigh- bors llow he got his health right. "I am afarmer sixty-seven years o1 age," Mr. Gamble says, "And I suffered with. a'weak back and stoppage o.#' water `off and on for ten years, I used several boxes of Dodd' Kidney Pills, and they made a new man of me.. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best,: medicine I have ever taken,'' ' Dodd's Kidney Pills will make a ,j ew marl of you because, they make the Kidneys strong and bealthu and able to do their work of etra.inieg all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means new life. It means good eirculation and renew- ed strength and energy all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all forms of Kidney Disease from Back he to Bright's Disease, and the •Mao are doinga great work by giving renewed health and en- ergy' to thousands of Canadians who are run-down, tired and generally feeling no good for anything. Start the new year by totting up the Kid- neys with Dodd's Kidney Pills. It will pay you; A DIFFERENC"E„ SniithT- »What is ,your laoy* le;a rn- mg a,t college?" Brown—"I don't know. 1 can only tell you what he is studying.'' Externally' or Internally, it is Good -When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Ecicc- tric OR opens the pores and pene- trates the tissue as fow liniments do, touching the seat of the trait blc and immediately affording re- lief. Administered internally, it will still irritation t ion in the throat which induces coughing and will euro affections of tho bronchial tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. DID HE GET IT? Tru -in Passenger (to porter who is wielding whisk)—Much dust on me, porter? Porter—Tout 50 cents' wuth, sir. AizNARn'S LINT.tENT CO, LIMITED. GI NrLE\u N,—Last winter I received great benefit fro,n the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of La - Grippe, and. I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflamma- tion. Yours, W. A. HUTC1IINSON. EXPERT. MOUNTAINEERS. "We went all through Europe." "Do much climbing?" "Considerable. .At " every ens- tom -house we had to hunt our trunks." ."A Crowe -yard Cough" Is the p17 of tortured lunge for mercy. Give them mercy in the form of, Allen's' Lung Balsam, which is used with such good effect even in aonaumption's earl ea tag. Winer neglect a cough. • The first time a bride loses her temper if worries hex husband half to death. hiinard's Liniment Cures Carget`in Cows. It is better' to getg gright at the start than to back up and start again. PILES CURED IN 6 TO r4 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure aky case of Itching, Bllnd, Bleeding or Protruding' Piles in 6to 14days. .itc HE HAD FOUND HER ;OUT- Husband—"Y ou never 1>iss .me except when you want money." Wife—"We11, isn't that often enough 1". ' A SOPORIFIC MEASURE. "Doctor, I've tried' everything and I can't get to sleep," coin- plained the voice at the other end of the telephone. "Can't you do something for me "Yes," said the doctor, kindly, "just hold the wire and I'lI sing you a lullaby." liar over fifty years Rheumatism; Neuralgia, and other painful ail- meats have been cured by Hamlin'$ Wizard Oil, It is a. good honest rernedy and you will not regret hay- ne' a bottle ready for use, NAMES IN SAMOA.. Travell r g e s visiting Samoa, axe'puz- zle,d, at first by the fact that many boys bear feminine names, while girls as frequently have masculine names, The visitor learns after a, while, however, etbat his con- fusing use of names instead of be- ing due to ign'xean.C;;, is in. r , i ya1 ty the result of anative custom which is highly poetie. Thusif agill "s born soon after the deal b, of a bre- ther the latter's name is given to her in the belief tnau res spirit and all his good qualitieshave been. transferred to her. Oe the o:t ror hand, if a boy is heat ,aft'ee , tho death el a sister he teles he lat- ter's name and, as tilt Sit:Monne' lie, Bove, all her los-able traits beeon e his. STORMS AND THE RAILWAYS. The barometer plays an import- ant part in the npexaition of Lon- don's underground railways,alwa In the traffic-euntroller's -office elese watch is kept upon the glass, and when it indicates the corning of bad weather, the effect upon the train serviee is immediate. When it rains on, the surlaee, there is an instant rush of Londoners to the under- ground lines, and if such, erowding is not forefieen in time to provide for it, 'there is great eongestien. at m stations. Therefore tram service i regulated with Constant reference to the barometer, more trains be - in placed ou the .'ehedule for the ithoe. sof storm, awl fewer when s• n- sb ne llroniises again. BABY'S SPLENDID. IIEAJiiL Mrs, R. Yates, Montreal, Que., writes: ---"'Bab .ys spice - did icn- did health was obt111ned through the use of Baby's Own Tablets. They are a grand medicine for eonstipa- tion, as their abctiort is easy and docs not give baby pain. I would recommend them to all mothers; no one should be without them' who leave young children in the Rause." This testimony is similar tothou- sands of others sent us by grateful mothers. Every mo- ther who has ever used the tablets for her little ones will tell you they are the verybest medicine in the world. They not only cure the ills of the little ones, but they make. them grow happy and strong: The Tablets can be given to even the youngest babe -with absolute safety as they are sold under the guarantee of a government Analyst to eon- tain no opiate or other harm- ful drug. They cannot pos- sibly do harm—they always do good. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' . Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. And yet the lively horse may not be so much of a charger as the chap who runs the stable. tin. Wlnslt v s Soothing Syrup Has beau uspl- for oser SIXTY-FIVE YEARS . by ; I1tfLLtO5y of MOTHERS for their CIfILDREN WIIILE -TEETHING. with rsinscr SUCCESS. 1t SOOTHES .;CURILD. SOFTENS tho GUMS. ALLAYS all PA/N; RES' WIND: COLfc, and le the best remedy for DIARRII EA. .Sold by Drucrlete In ovcry part of the world Bo sure and ask for "Bre. WInelow a Soothlnc Syrup," and talro.:no"othor, kind, Trent -eve cents a bottle. Gtaranteed under the Food .and Drugs Act, tm,&30th, 0906. Serial Number 0091. -AN OLD AND WELL TRIED BEtMENT. The man with a grouch is Known by his bark. Only'one "BROMIC QUININE" That is LAXATIVE IIROMO QUININE,. Look for signature of L. W. GtiOVk,. ;Used the, World over to'Cure a Cold in Ono Day, 25c A dentist may - not be a society man, but he is' -right at home in a drawing room.' All Women know what le le to have'vtolont pain. Flame take ono thing and come another, Our ad vice isto place "Tho T3 L" Menthol Plaster over the seat.of-the pain it will do mora to give you comfort than anything, A man's shortcomings ; are the things his neighbors first take kas to become cognizant of Boon for the Bilious. --The Irv, tre is a 'very-tiensative organ and a;sily deranged. When this occurs ere is undue secretion of bile' 3., acrid, Ilquld flows into the,s i'vnd°=ours it. It is a most d%s' *Vas t A?allment and leany a,i`e1- olxe o Glu tlis core Ion a maing° _... e )1ODE t;► MI liter} ;i Re Had Eczema 261 Years and Do, tors Said "No Cure."' Yet Zaul Buk Ras Worked- Cott plete Cure. This is the experience el .a ma of high reputation, widely known in Montreal, and whose ease can read- ily be investigated. Mr. T, M. Marsh, the gentleman referred to, lives at 101 Delorirnier Avenue, Montreal, and ;bas lived there for years. ar twenty-five years 'Tee had eczema on his hands and wrists. The disease first started in red blotches, which . itched, and when scratched . became beca me painfnl odBa,d asnodresthfelldowh,arwheicshpdreisaedhatrge- disease , `.until his hands were one raw, painful mass of sores. Four eminent medical oda al nlen tried to cure hialz, and each gave up the ease as hopeless in the end, Natur- ally, Mr. Marsh tried remedies of all .kinds, but he, also, at last gave up, For two years he had to wear. gloves day and night eo terrible was the pain and itching when the air got to the sores. Then carne Zam-Buk i He tried it, just as be had tried hundreds of, re'meeiies be fare, But he soon s` for:rid out that Zaln,-Buk was dif- ftarent, Within a few weeks there were distinct signs of heeefit, and a little perseverance with this great herbal balm resulted in what be had given up all hope of—n, Qom- plete cure s And the euro was per-. aananent, He was eared nearly three years ago. lutes viewed the other da Mr. Marsh said: "T y: ho euro I which Zara -Bele worked has. 'been , absolutely permanent. From the day that I was mired to the present a moment I have had no, trace of ee-l sea, and I feel sure it will never return, Having suffered for oven-, ty.frvo ye ars, I regard my eurea ata a modern mirraele.' 11 you staffer from any skin trete eat out this article, write a' se it the nartie of this paper, i nail it, with one cent stamp I pay return postage, to Zana-lluki o., 'Toronto, We will forward you by return a. free' trial box of :Zana- Buk, All druggists and stores teen 1 this famous remedy, [ape, box. NAMING THE B.aa.BY IN JAPAN. Such lovers of picturesque cere- monies as the Japanese do not let' an important event like the rain- ing of the baby pass without pro- per obsotsare . The infant's birth is irnnnnediately announced to the relatives and friends, who hasten to sand congratulations and pre- Bents. Visitors used to insist upou seeing tho mother and child, but the spread of medical knowledge is gradually changing this. On the seventh day after birth the child is named. The 'first born son is fre- quently called "'chis," 'which means "First." Others, as in La- tin, are :named "Second," "Third" and so on, Girls are more lucky>,. reeeiving picturesque names like " Snow,'? " Chrysanthemum, "Glory" and the like. JUST ABOUT NORMAL. "How's your father getting along'?" - "Oh, he's much better this morn- ing. He's begun to find fault again." Better give away your time than spend it foolishly. People write a lot of things in a letter: they wouldn't say to your face. The sting of defeat lasts longer than the sweets of victory. lir oil, Cun utckly slaps' coiidha. cares colds. heal* throat and lungs. . . . 28 cents, New Boarder -"How's the fare here?" Old Boarder—"We have chicken 'every morning." "That's first rate! How is it served 1 "In the shell:'' So popular is, Bickle's Anti -Con-. sumptive Syrup as a medicine in the.treatmentof colds and coughs or ailments of the throat, due to exposure, to draughts, or sudden changes of temperature, that drug- gists and all dealers in patent me- dicines keep supplies on liand to .meet the :' demand. _ It; is pleasant to take, .and.. the use of •it guaran- tees freedom from throat and lung 'diseases. Even a, weak woman ilia "put a'strenteargument, Month After Month a'' cold Dttdka tearholes h your throat AreOybt lopen a stubborn And.long ne+*leatad frith' Alien's Lang Iizleain HEY Se, Mair" 6'a , as,o TAKE A, as AegN'S WAliTEis wenK, -- Wit weer BEX,I4' Ilia! to operate oar gh' a od aatinfil Machine.. at home' who* or apo . l tt gtol`bd:'4 trrw+t&; gnu 3 rrlilt. Poe s I Raft.li •FF riy�q '1,e °°aaadta>i iYl,oltu1 tl . Go.nP a. , 0friilia, 0 tsrio.. 1'II HIED, R4 THJS : ESItSKTt "rialirlg,-- rt*W sy0terameu aetaut graetico--,ca ai iaa .. Wit IAA f4t weeks .Com .e0o Calms-, re-,osI'M rtryr eradetw,t4114Itl ra ttret;uta siti$taea 4044)ra weed.. liwrrit*Or5atatpigue, Meter ii tthsrColleAS e4 gtiffi( li 44. To};ohlto. ANaE:E1, Tot ort, leases. ate. IptPraai r and external, cured d without paha o our home• ta"eatrxent. svelte us ?ieYarn too tee. D 11m Besn liedieal Co., united, C tlew, d Ont. pe rsl,iorax i a CC,eada t o<,ilay pr.. ide fire ebaneos for yonag e55054, tPape 741:es5aphw ar"d i,tat,+ars tt* rarrtaeidlet, [foie Wait ntr-aa Tielegtapka alae€ ;rt�attr4s4 val„ k,otiga amtC4rrszit Ftp, r. �. W. IL shag, rre40e04t, YOU rBE That Life lust nee work ofTers greater ret n than any pr;har. That you ccn ca"pitalis x°o 1r pa.rugnality" all"i ,give it sol acluat Ah ,aloe; That if you are a, worker and wilt: represent the "X+ts"onaiI Life your success caro be llmost guar. auteect. - DO NOT FORGE le for the Agency Tenni aei ds Q;. The Nationa E Assurance of Canada Head Office Tortaratca am Roo: Fire, ,Lil,dhtnln1 Rust and StormPr Durable and Ornamental Lot us know the size of any you are thinking of covering and wi will nuke you an interesting` ,ter. Metallic Roofing o. Ltl.wited MANUFACTURERS `TORONTO"ana Inne1e1IPEG1 THE. DEEDS THAT COUNT. Maud—"Why don't you prefer , Harry to Will ? Harry is capable, of big deeds," Gladys—"Yes, but Will owns some.'' An Always Ready Pill. -To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but the great majority oft men are not of regular habit. The worry and cares of business pre- vent it, and out of the irregular- ity of life: comes dyspepsia, indiges- tion, liver and kidney troubles as a protest. The run-down system. demands 'a corrective and there is none better than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and nd can, be tak- en by the most delicately constitut. ed. Wise is the woman who is master of the art of :saying pleasant things. inssionarloa reran Lando are friends of Pain•'; tiller. Hundreds of letters to trfy to the fact. For accidents and sudden oin *rides. diel: ae:. ,prains, cots and bruises. the 0 inv.1n Able, avoid substitutba, there is btu. " Ya1n;:illar —Perry Davis' -25c and 50c." THE SILVER LINT "Oh, John�. e xelaimeo sirs', Shortcash, who Was reading a let-; Ter, 'our son has been expelled. from college. >Isn't it awful it ' able " Oh 1 don't know," answered , r.:. Shori:cash.' ,Perhaps I can pelt ith'oiig' witfilis:i ��l�l"ltinm zkp"arSj�r� i1ne ttb -44 �heXti'a,4 to if HESE ;Tfl1; Why do ",goo insist 0 ate'"? „s $3!7an't to, ll 11' itch ,i -r YTiP'�F{"'•y'p e is 'tl 1, 3d iq 3i t¢ Sk1 sld t. 111 a4, �JY 4i 15 i2 5-