Exeter Advocate, 1911-1-19, Page 5rder So ►e When you are jaded—you r aped- tite poor your wholesystemweary weary—just try a glass of ',abases 0 and Stout Itresses; the palate, refreshes the body, agrees with the weakest stomach. A truly wholexerne heves'- aege that ,really nourishes. For a. milder drink try La batt's ondon Large: gall to the attest Qetenan brews. Has the true smack of choice hops. Very iightt paiatablen, satli-yng. Look for the lavender Coinet 1'] Bee: (LAGER a LE) temperance brew—tastes tastes; end looks Tike choice lager, faits less than era%, of proof sputa. Qtte?teltee thirst; refreshes; yawns appetite. Order soots today. mien Beer (ALE STYLE) ,,ewes, Ston -intoxicant, mild id delicious 'with the real flavor arra quality of good ale. Complies, with local ontiott requirements and may be openly, sold anywhere. ere. Order any Labatt product front your dealer, or direct ,from JOBS, i.Agi#T s LONDON, c*?i'11D As or ew St' oc Nie ore Having purchased the pre- mises lases lately occupied py- Mr. M. Jackson, South of the Met- ropolitan Hotel, and establish - a First Class Grocery Stock therein, we invite you to call and give us a trial order. Our, Motto is to keep noth,' ging but fresh goods,, and you may be always assured that you will receive good goods all the time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Try as with your Christ- ' mss order in Groceries. JAS. COULD rtili�crs Orders For ring Taken ow. .. Seldon, Exeier 4 4 4 4 4 Manure litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap Lumber and last forever, Beatty Bros.' Load Binder 41 These three thins are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Wm, Gillespie, Exeter PRONE 51 is like trying to dos sucoetaiafut business without advertieltita And it is not oxpensive to gn n desirable publicity by the usi of printers' ink. Our Classified Want Ads. cost tittlerand,aro read by nearly everyone. Try them as a systenatonle for your business, McGILLI RAY. D,'Ilss Maud formai, was couipelled'to ante home; from L ndott'owing to, Ill- �' Mesa—i2c.c_ntly 'at Nokomis, parsed away: a 'well-known .one iltiie ieaid !tit of `rvtcGiilivray, in time •< e�son of. 'ilIircd Sk1PPon, in his il)th a Tit early ' fe-h., bund on the Skip- s, i'ar c,o, ot •vmo�' t -tit If l., a i ow s1t o n d by M Wti ,Doituldsonn,' and for the tpfew years resided un Saskatel swan ere his latter days,wereapent. ITe is rather to brCa gJtitt,inaldeg4i i$3! ,Qt ga C'rai� JMr,ii4G r 1Co; e 4°. has31. a couple ewe iS�, f�p , o 30 471 P Potittda�-5 sti> Cri �rmi e i it ai Society naiSa iigbtzirigb .'x�ae dt�ali.�h'i %gulfs, To .w, 4i> a'col rs't,a-rx'u"ttt1„ QUEER Otto Couple of .Matta* Y.ps R rived a .Pair of Collin*. An English -Man extremely fond, of bunting received as a wedding gift from an auto#tyznous,gerson a cOmtpiet set of false limbs a set of art:hide teeth and a; couple, of glass eyes, to Procure rill of •which the- sarcastic donor must, of course, have put" him self to considerable expense. Accom panying these strange presents Was at note wherein the hope wvaa expressed that,, by reason of the reeipjent's matte' AFTER THE. iioLIDAY EXCITEMENT cuperate at- ziearby Is the St. Cathar-4. nes, Preston and Mount Clements min -- There are many restful places to re - era, resorts,„; The "Highland Inn" Ni Algonquin lark, you can enjoy tiic e pure air and winter sports, and rest to -pour 'heart's co: tent. A trip to Tennaganii, Cobalt, Gaw'gazada or new gold field: of I'iarcupinewlll suit the prospector, , The S'nerry South, Florida, California - or Mexico will appeal to t IP'ee w,viao wish to get away front tit x cord weather, Full information, tickets, and illus-• trated literature from Grand Trunk ,Agents, or. address J. D. ,McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat - lot, Toronto. Ont. fails, whilst f'ollQwing the hounds, some or all of these substitutes might hitt- mately prszve use As the br!dc- gram had incurred much enmity white bolding offe under his government, it seas supposed that these gifts same from ft dtgappotnted office seeker, A wvetl known Alnerieari writer re- ceived from a rival Man of letters. a Portip ,look wherein, were earefa?lty pasted and indexed atany tt,andreids of cllaniaga contatnfig adrerse eritleletns<- touehlog the tites fanner';,work, end` ,p, popular' artist; was presented wvith. aw set of elementary works upon self lastrne- tion in drawing and palming: Some years again the west en eider- le, crusty tt'ternhant; on eapoteting a epinater of mature age was pr tm-d b a. y a undertaker with twvgr catlins for bitaselt and wife, a letter wwrbtch se- orapanied tires' ghastly sifts stating that they would, unlike Most of the other offerings received, be' ,etre to be at a ralee, Naturally es ougtt: the bridegroom neaettted this singular it n`;efiti gift, and it took all the eilatt'ts a mistral friends to prevent a brettel. or the peace, like vexation woo ntu 'cloutat fen "bt an Marra oetogenariatt in Ohio who wedded a pleat -awe tog wonete mere, than, fifty years his junior. Tbe• lyres eat ,aa this ease vette at /urge. lames nano "ititetided.'" ass the inevitable aec'oa n pe.ayring letter stated. '^to restraln,tttc' waywand tll,gbts et se.. giddy youatg Nein. who hate .married It decx'epit,old, fool for his ntoney,r--Ch ea;a Record -Hen al ld ATES OF HONGKONG. Y Aro the Rsael Old Fothion*d BioaTititirety kind- are pirates in flotil kong-not nt kind that greet the gentle with girt expansive smile rind take what be has for worthless rub - bleb, nor yet the petty thieves tbatt t:o 4y that 'name on our own water froute. but the real old fashioned, uturtierorts kind, who count not the vlctitns its they reekon the spoils. Of course they do not swagger in los• tum,. as all ,real pirates should, or ply their imido in Uongkottgs lmtnedlate water`s', but among the thousands of liahernien, stevedores and coal han- dlers that crewti the harbor's_ edge tbes mingle and gossip, water front news. knowing well when a particularly deli cargo Is due from the Interior. And in the purple twilight a junk darts out of one ofRhe tnany estuaries ter up the. West or Peart t•Ii r end swoops with the suddenness of nn hawk on the heavily laden prize. The strug; gle is short. Over the hills 9n the naked 'backs of a swarming crew the loot disappears forever froze a smoking hulk in the rice swamps, or, as help• petted in the er se of the Salient]. half 11 bn,tntlred take passage in the crowded hold of a river sterttner and when tilt' handful of unsuspecting whites gather at dinner raise a heathenish yell on the startled air. and the ship is taken. iRifies thrust through bolted doors subduer the pitiful fire that lasts a lit- tle' while from behind the shot torn tablecloth, but the ship is already headed for the bank by the quarter- master with a rifle at his ear, and one more tragedy is added to the long list of crimes on the Sikiung.-W. J. Ay l ward in. Harper's Magazine. Suicide by Swallowing Gold. Suicide by swallowing gold 'is some- times accomplished in- China. The following is an authoritative account. written by a'very learned Chinese for the Westminster Gazette, of how this much contested,,form of suicide is -ar complished: "In swallowing gold,' it Is not loose gold leaf or gold' dust that, is somal lowed.,-r:but a so]id lump ofgold, or even a gold ring. weighing about half an ounce. Gold Is not at any Sinai of •a corrupting nature, butwhen. n. lump, of it is .swallowed and gets into the bowel it .fails, on account of its intrinsic weight, to rise and surmount the convolutions -of the bowels and can therefore never complete'; its pas- sage. After two or three days it there- fore sinks throngii the bowel. and de- stroys life without any suffering."' An Unfortunate, Response. The problem ;of too many churches a ;igen. lo_ cality is often a 'perplex- Haig one. It is said that the.churches: ln a certain village, on apposite sides of the streets, were so close t]tat when ilr congregation „ation iu''one church sang ti ill There Be Any Stars : In My Giov,n? the cengregatiod3nthe other church prolin'pt ttespond,ed, "No, Not OneNonei'1 ` b Lunate is it if the see t co f aidze ,fr is confined; ] e n �- -_ • tai. e ,, til ,•,Spon -77 iiotss,-a rut y�td <,' ,in't t. 7 .4-` , >-'. .,,,,,, , "iii HI?,NS1LI 1 ¥r. .sand Kra. Wlilfana Peart are here front North Dakota, visiting their relatives. Mrs. Peart haste ingwhame in response to a telegram advising her of the death to her father, the late Mr W?Igatn, SSkttiite 1 -Tie frdends of air G. 13, Arnold will regret to learn that she continues very seriously t11• - 31tss Bessie Urquhart has resumed her teaching duties in scl€rllze. i4. H. Harbuna, and son and daughter are re- afiv 1n ft°'n th`Sir recut ilrneua ss ?PIN was rutty Presented With a MUSIC cabinet by her puPliat,--"1'i'ltaaon Car]tto :has moved treat Hay to Alla-1 'green, -Mira; BariattM of. Dett`oit is here visiting frien4g,-A. l:rrnbart la shipping large quantities: o flax tibre -Wm. McDougall, aged sd, le pot, as well as ids friends would hope tor,-•, 3tr. G. Vald,well; is horn, tx,rom t > WRs, tot^ a vial`•,. USROIttiE COnetQ]L, The couaa,eil elect t: coneened at the Toweshlt+ %fall, Eiitnvllle, on Tan, 9th, pursuant to the statute, Alt the rnere- bsr3 were pre and aubacribed to tae d=ctaratioae or uuaitficatfon and office, aad teak their seat* at the Council floeavi,--F'. iurikln, Reeve: 5. Slit/leer, Ellerineton, •T. ,Brock and '5, Rout•,., 14, voenellierr, The salaries Tor 1911 were fixed ata tollowe--Clerk $1.70 and SAO for nost- ase and stationery. Treasurer 490,00; nest,anon $65. Collector $60 ; Auditory, $t! each ; Caretaker .$T ; Councillors $40 egad Ree $50. All the o14 of1icerta were reappointed cxrept the atasseseor, that beioo laid awrer until the next meetintf, Board of I-tealtb-5. J Pyln, Patasn ers> and. A. hritchell, with: the Reeve and Cleric, yl. K Hyndntan, 3t,D. af.TI,.O, and Thomas Smile, sanitary In- -specter, Fence Vickers -John Hanna, John Glenn, Charles i•Iarvey, F. Del - bridge, Amos Doupe and Jams' Earl. Potted Keeper's, -John Luxton`, S.Huhter R.' 1Ceddy, ralatt, ,Westlaite, Hector Tay- lor, W. Haze)wootl, T. Cameral-, Sohn Shute. Tho expoaiaes of the Municipal Election aniourazttg to $4o were pard to the clerk ror distribution. Atgrasit of all "watt given to the Sick Childrea's Hospital at 'Toronto. The contract for the printing usually required for the tifun!clpality was giv- en to the Time. The Clerk was instructed to order 9 copies of the Municipal World for the. Council aitd Officers. Orders were issued int payment of a rew accounts, and'tlio^_ouneil adjourned to Saturday, Feb. 4,, at 1 p.m. F. ,forley,- Clerk. TRICKY ART DEALERS. Astute , Parisian Scheme For Booming a "New Master." For the booming of a new artist au astute dealer is neeesaree • He catches Fits artist as young as possible, prefer- ably as an eehtbitor of crazy canvases atthe. autumn salon of the independ- euts'-exhibition, and comrnl- sions him. tapaint 100 pictures a year. 'One by one, occasionally in twos and threes, at, judielous.intervals the deal- er sends the pictures to the Hotel Dronot for sale by public auction. There be has confederates, who raise the price • at each sale, and he buys them in himself. - After a- few months the young ar- tist's canvases have a certain market, value, and the neat step re taken to turn their painter :into a ,modern mas- ter. The'critics are attacked. One of them is asked to look at some daub, and when be=cries out with horror• the dealer says: "Wbat?' You don't Iike it?. Take it home' with you as a favor to mai, live with it six months and then" - In' due course an art amateur calls upon; the critic andeannot contain his admiration for the, new arthit's -pic- ture. . "What a masterpiece: 'Ibe most modern thing in art I have seen 'Tor a long time!" he exclaims Doubt begins to . invade tbe critic's. mind:. and when one or two more en thusfastic. amateurs' have" visited h m; be is workedup to 'igniting a column of panegyric on tide ewv master. The amateurs sire, 'of course, sent by they., deOaler: twone'or ariiclesand the boomIs in full swing. Wealthy and simple minded collectors, remembering how other-panntez have been deerled in the, earl,wsaand ;how tbelL worts late ",co fano pricespt atA ed t,uc,>t .ti4itfi rt '�r�4s1il� CGILL ?YitAY Corii�t l! The Council niet last week .pursuant to statute when; t,. merttbers were dui- sworn in. The .following appointments were duly rade,-,i. D. Drummond, Clerk at a salary of . $22!5, without `extras •A.. I .:Smith, Treasures, $100; •,itobeat Tiuto?ttaagn, assessor. .$9t 1 Amos and Geo. Hindmarsh, Auditors. $10 each; Geo. Saunders, 4-anitor, $1.5 • A, Tl. lodgir>s, member. ,IJoard„ o I-Iealth James Sutton, 4. D, Medical 'Health 0i -tiger. The clerk was asked to ,adver- tise for ,tenders for a Township shed, et West 3TvGtllivray, provided a suit_. able site could be ,,obtained at a reason able cost, and the Reeve, 3olut Robin- son, and A. E. Rog were appointed a conurlittee with powgr to act. 'A num- ber of accounts were passed. Vie court cit ad.lourned to meet on the 30th day of January, -J.. D. Drummond, Clerk, WANTElaa-C`rSTTI...E TO FEED -Goad Ccs d, water and:. shelter, Pries right. J- A TRAE. Coo. 2, Lot? 3, 3feaillivray f%ffrnara's old Plaee. { zGriTCfi. Sir, Chas. Fritz lice purchased the shoe stock or err. P. Sender and has moved the.eants to ilia` Paola -Mr, Jacob Geiger of P,igeomZ, Shen,. Mr, Elton Tt.an- tate of Indiana, and :Aida l lla.' Rargnisa, o r t I%2t of t attend -ea tato tuneral of the late Alfred Cele -ere -During the reeeot Storrs the roof wart' bk%ownt oft r'J. N. Cap tient barn at St.Joseph.--Ree. 1w • 'i;.., eippell of Rodney was aaetating Rev, l 4. 0, Gisehlor last' ,week int the revival meetlaSe,. fir, and ;tars. Chas Siebert at: Kansas, Mrs, 5, Brawn and daug>rter Erma, and lura, Wi'L, Siebert of Dash, wood vis3ited ¥r.. and titre^'.T, i're4& - Rev, Joacph TJmbaeh, one er fhet pipe, ee' mtaletera of the Evangelical church, dled at New Hamburg i Tan. 9. -The l2Cv� gentleman wax well known, in thla dig triet.---A- quiet wedding was celebrated at the home of. Mr- and arra. Henry Thiel, when tree eldest d centerEmma, mma, Was te. tSoouFtle,rhRerCtv. Bsaalocha,aofoffcy- tenennearr, Ed, Alt lett far T onden on Wedniaaday, to assist .h'ta Strother, }•n-law,'Str, Kaiser, In, ilia butcher strop, =- Liss Sneie Snaith of ,the Galatten, "Line South, is visiting in Dunn,ville, eahed SdstemrttobFtroerthagek Place of Mr. Seawall, Druar of . St. Cle- meet's to Mica:Margaret K rataskopf, ciausllter of afr. and airs, Fred Krattia. Kopf or the Goshen, ,Line, Atter the cer- emony the wedding party returned to the hone or the lbrled 's parents, where a bounteous wedding dinner was serv- ed to about alzty couples, after which the remainder of tale day and oveniag was sprat In various atnusementa. Rev. Attract Geiger Dead.-fiiy, the death or Rev. Alfred *War, the Evanaeileat church loses one of the moat promising younS' ministers, The deacased, who wee only .in ltie'32m% year, was etatlon- et.t at Pembroke for a number of years, and by his kindly manner bad made many warm friends not only 1a his own church, but also the public generally, and his deatiseis- deeply mourned wherever be was known. H. la a native or the Township, being a :son of Mr. acid Mrs. Geiger of the ' iironson Line, and ails early death came as a great -shock to has many friends In this section. The late Mr. Geiger,waa strick- en with appendicitis early last week and an operation'waa° .at once performed in the Pembroke hoapital. For a tow days the case looked hopeful, and everything was done to save'his life. 'TTe,: however, • worse grew wo s towards the end of< the week and passed away on Sunday. He leaves o widow, a daughter of the late Sam'I Beanie, besides two small children and a large ,number of relatives to mourn his death. The funeral took tplaro from the residence of his parents, on'Thurs- day afternoon, the internment taking place 1r thh Bronson Line cemetery. �alw$ vMAGUIRE-?fr, wan Hod noir at d £aroily have mated to Ailsa Craig, wners {Mt, Hedgso:,: is „outs lava contracting; ut carpenter and cement 'work. AIL -SA CRAIG. --Thos Toole. sv a sxa.s £or about 3o ;years a resident of Ansa raig: was take:: to V ctorla Hospital, London, last week. He passed away on Saturday, Sana. 7t1'. Tho body was tar on to Nairg1 cemetery for interment on Sunday. Since the dead, of itis wipe, about five years agpa gr. Poole has re- sided aloes. l{PPEN--The hone of Mr; ,iohn. Stew- rt, tdrt, Tttekeraniith, was the scene of a iiaplry event when his sister, Mies Nei - lie, Stewart, was united in marriage to Mr. Walter McCully of the 4,th eon. Rev. 3. Bier:;arson., performed the cere— mony. gr. and fairs. McCully. have coax' tthneenedt hoofuTukecleprnsgrniotcn. their' farm 011 PABgTi L1r-Dr. Gtor'r'e Shoults, rorat erly of Parkhill, died of ,heart failure at Lisle, Ozitarto, San„ 2nd, aged 51 Sears, 9 months. Dr. S1 on1ts had been j Practfrtr:; hie professlozF, at relate for four months and Was just recovering' from a severe.. attack of pneumonia t:,t the time of his decease. Hie enc .f± were interred at Mount Peasant eerpe- tory, Toronto, Jatt, 5th. Dr. Sh;aulta was a rad,4ate of i`± rglvili High school TuC.KEItSallTlii-it was with aariatt rt, gret and a , ens'e,. ot, shock; that the; wort was reee ved. ttaht 4r. Frank Plew- e-a, a. proaaperous young farrnar 'at Tuck-, eramith, .tad panacea away, very row peoplo had ,heard of his Illness. wbie]t was of only rorty -6I ,ti isours duration. PaCeaSea watt' a# 7pting rival III the ;kraut? 4t life,, halaa;ri ltd: 4;lst year, The. primal .cavae of death was paeu anoula, Trona which braltt teva' develop - i t,�NDON, Q]'iTh Business & Shorthand SuaTCCr'S Resident and Mail Course; 4�atalos.sac Pre. w-✓. Woacrt' It 1. W. Wirt again; Sr., C. Principal. Vhx,,Frinciotit. ADOPT THEM Adopt the use of Classified Want Ads. They have proved money" makers rfer others. They`are appreciated by the buyer, as they -enable him to quickly locate the place where he can find his requirements. Will he .find your busictesse represented? Gattb.,,d arta The New 'Way -- take - owey's Cure -a -Cold ,Capsules YOUR BLOOD 18 TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS,: " BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY ' CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those al ctcd with any Blood or Skin.Disease to our New Method Treatment as a guuru'teed cure for these-compiaints,• There is no ex. Oise for any person,havinga dislIgt,leil face'' from eruptions and blotches, matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and' treatment neut .1c:.'* alt poi- sons in the blood and expel then.: from the system. Our vast erpercence in the treat- ment of tharisaads of the most s r mous and complicated' case's enables us to perfect n cure without e .perimentmg Ssei'o t utfness *, on the plan—Pay Only for The Benefit You Derive. If you'have any blood.. di ease, con- salt:us Free of 'Charge and -E us prove ove .'to you how quickly, our renin will remove, a:l evidences of disease; t a `heinth:eneo ,of the New.Metl,od Treat x:the comes clear,, ul ets,'pcmi S and blotches;. heal up, enlarge t glai 2s ar 2duced, faIien out hair grows in again eye becoti;e�t bright ambition and ens i return, and Chet victim realizes a new life has, opened up to 1:7 YQU rCAN A A CE TO PAY APTE YOU A'4,CURED CON'Stil.TA';'ION FREE Sena for Bookie, on Di3easea 'of iwieri? GULDEN MONITda7 FREE toal w terite' fifer ib Clitertion ,li , ome Treatment:;, 0 C lY; Ott s@. <ta