HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-12, Page 7tA'
"You say he plays the vieli
"cyst as
'Woes he play it weld?"'
"I'Ie must `do so, because he's en
speaking terms with, 211 his raegll-
Pills of attested, value.:—Pa
tees Vegetable, Pills are the rw
of careful study of they properti
Certain roots and herbs, and the
lion of .ouch as sedative and 1
lives on the digestive appara
success the colupoun
have met with attests the vain
their work. These pills have b
cognized for many years .^-s
best: cleansers gf the ,system
can be 'got. Their excellence
recoged front the first and they
grow mere popular daily.
Mrs. Peke — "Henry, what pun-
lsh.ment should be meted out to a.
Jean who proposes toe woman, and
)hen refuses to marry herr' Peek -
Dm "'"Ha 411044 be, ceropelded to,
raairr y her.
COA1I 61316 A SiiiP
f f"s 1
roll L' S.S
S 21Ls S
OLD 'il'AY,
Every M I Takes ]Elis Posiiioii Just
as If the Battleship was
in Action. -
Twilight has just given place to
dawn as the grilny, blunt -nosed
Tea- collier comes ' gingerly alongside.
ilt As she makes. fast a motely crowd
es el hurls itself aboard, . swarming all
ac- over her,, reeving whips and, out-
avaa- hauls, and flinging sacks and`shotr-
atus;. elsinto the holds.
dere Hardly two men are dressed
e of alike, for on a "coal -ship" day the
een uniform regulations of his Ma -
the jesty's fleet are rela :ed --indeed,
that they are disregarded entirely—and
was the utmost latitude le allowed in
the matter of dreee..
The forecastlemen and foretop-
mee, each tinder their cion offerers,
attack the foremost holds of the
collier, the n»raintupmen and qua,r-
ter'edecirme.n the after -holds; while.
the donkey -engines have been: hast-
ily overhauled h stokers with.
view to y , all e
getting the best possible
work Qua of.them,
re Liniment Cures Distemper.
"4,,When did • Green die?"
"He isn't dead, I saw him this
zitornieg, Whet ever made you
think he had passed away Ir,
"1 thought surely he must be
dead. I heard Black liaising' him
this morning."
Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
P,ar Coat usr4 l4r ,rtes BIATY4'lY5 Fx4Rs tit
Irii>Irlifr t o2 XOTIflaan for
thsb OBlIniiz s 1K1rn.z
f yo,jrns,..ferllti lyg: inertile Vtli &L;.,9,e, 8 Y2A re
nuns R1Q.. +kott a %`,tie ,bort, 7edr.}for
I?1Anttnkt,51X, Sts!4'7arLLL111rvTr ass le rs[r lurk or to
wand Ii D} end 1p8' X117., aaslaw a 8,iothln;
9 e,-. q4 Mks':n 4 9 tarot Tweet}•ere teuty
t f le. silo *a%te sada t#rr A'aa4 AAs Drop 4gts
A4E1;4ttt. 'e 4N. wX7Rs Its.141 OLD
Little Bob (just started in school)
-°-t `Uncle Harry, what is the bird
with the biggest biII1"
Unc10 Parry (wbe is still thinlc-
ing of the night before) --"A, quail,
my boy, a quail-ou toast.".
otherscan slsil
e kuo when
w b
t1 Bir children, are troubled with
evokes, and thee lose ,no time in
npplyiug the best of remedies—Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator.
Corals that nearly reproduce the
real thing are sot on a bar, making
moat attractive veil pin.
Re Reeetdtaple' Man expecte to aura w n•gxt ecte i
fold in la day; But tins, and Allen's Long Beisatrl
will *Toccotno the: cold and stare off consumption.
CtouPL'will gesaw And lunge be sound as a note
Garlands. or roses are now being
draped ever cloche hats for little
tots. Silver or gilt tissue or soft
satin are the materials most used.
Corns cripple the feet and make
walking a torture, yet sure reiief
In the shape of Holloway's Corn
Cure is within reach of all.
Plain cloth, velvet, and plaid
trimmings are. characteristic com-
bin,atioxas, on children's garments.
We Must Co from. boated rooms to tbe,cokp
outer air, and the change eats us coughing. Cnr4
bag 'winter colds is not hard if you take Allon'l
Lung_Balsam. A noxloctod cold is troublesome.
end deagerous
Paris Court Thinks They Should
Retire at 66.
The Paris Court has just given a
decision which will"be of interest
to medical men as it raises the
question'- of the age•'at which doe
tors' ought to retire.
At the' beginning of last year a
well known ,Paris physician, Dr.
Eugene Oheuriot, 66 years r of age,
was the victim of a serious automo-
iiile accident, Which prevented him
..from following his practice for nine
ninths and .necessitated a long
stay in' `the South of France. He
brought an action against the own-
er of the automobile which over-
turned his coupe, claiming $2,400
for medical treatment and his stay
in the South; $12;000 for ` loss .of
practice and $30,00D for "dim nue
tion of clientele in the future be
cause- of .the time during which be
was away from' his consulting roo r s`I
and of the loss of strength which
will for the future prevent hire from f `'
, ° o
performing the same amount of ( aeieete stone coneas. urea
ork as' before the accident:" alae throe t and'' •. ;%
has two whips for hoisting the bags
of coal inboard, and they anust
keep them well supplied.
A bugle sounds the ""Commence i"
and as the first heist—Ave sacks of.
coaI, weighing 2'^cwt, eaoh°;awings
into the b€ttticship a cheer goes up
fro Tui,111 IIIOD.
As scan as a group has five sacks
filled, a hemp strop is passed
through. the beekets at their mouths
anal one of the whips is hooked on,
"Heave ilp, two!' yells a voice.
An officer atanding by the coatlting'
of the hatch holds 'up a small flag,
Therm is a rattle from the do>iikey-
engine, and up goes the hoist,
amidst ellctuts of "Stand from, un-
n-derd" as the men dodge the loose
lumps of coal that fall from it. The
bands on the hemp outhatil ease it
Away, and the hoist swings over
the deck of the battleship. The
°Meer, seizing the right moment,
flaps the flag to his side, and down
go the bags of eoal en - the deck,
where,a „ party of men spring' on
then e get them out of the way
hetero the arrival of the next
hai'tte . ,
,Df l l {trONG THE DUST.
Olr'gatrd ship the Marines, each
armed with an iron trolley, rush
the full:sacks one by one to the
appointed coal -shoots. Here they
are tipper` up, and the coal pours
down into she bunkers, while, the
empty bags are passed back to the
collier to be refilled.
But the matter does not end with
the disappearance of • the coal from
an deck. Down below in the bunk.
ers are the men who have the least
pleasant part of the work to do—
stokers, who trim the coal as it
comes in, working in enclosed
spaces, in which then atmosphere is
thick' with the fine flying dust. Ma-
nipulating `weird -looking rakes, and
dodging the descending'. avalanches,
they distribute them to the corners
so as to get the bunker evenly and
completely filled, and to keep a
clear space beneath the shoot to
prevent it from becoming choked.
Except for half„ an hour's inter-
val for breakfast, and the same for
dinner, the work
Every hour a midshipman chalks
up the results on the sides of the
hatchways, so that the shovellers in
each hold can. compare their efforts
with those of their rival parts of'
the ,ship„ The. band .;plays lively
airs on the shelter -deck, and nearly
everyone smokes. Mess:kettles of
lime -juice -and -water are passed-
down; and the seamen wash the
coal -dust from their parched
throats. All the officers who are
not required for special duties
shovel'` Coal with their'men, ° and the
commander and first lieutenant are
(everywhere at once, full of encour-
agement, and dealing with any Ellis -
hap that may occur, Perhaps- te-
wards the end'speed decreases as
the hunkers become congested, end
the coal on the decks cannot be di.,
posed of so quickly; but at last the
bugle sounds `'Cease firing!" and
a mighty cheer goes up from the
collier' with the final hoist.—London
The Court expressed the .opinion ( I
that "at the age ,of Dr. Clieuriot,
the greater nzurher, of medical men
aspire to a well merited repose,"
ti and cuusi<lc red ther efor.e that ,dam -
i ages to tlie amotin 'o'' 12,000 would
case. ;:
is .at
seem that the Cootiia,, ;thinks that
doctors are foo''61 d "'' o c'
T! PERS-'l
Recently a mistress was showing
her ne\= servant how to prepare',
tiinnea All ;Went well until the;'
macaroni for the 'pudding %vas pro
uced. he servant was'•surprised,
vhen she saw the long white sticksM
hen they, were placed in water
a,looked ,astontis.hed, wf' "
,"Did you say, gmassaiS,' a'e sall.t"
"that y ou aro gazing tv iii
idoses Sherwood,, a long surf
from, Backache, found perinea
relief in one bob; of the Ga
Canadian Kidney Emilie'
Dodd's Ifidney i'il1s,
Poodiac, fling's Co., N. D,, 3
9 (Special), -After suffering
eight years, while all the time
remedy was right at hand,
Moses Sherwood, a well known fa
mer livixfg uear here, tried Dod
Kidney Pills and is now:as well
ever he was in iiae life.
Mr, Sherwood'e experience i5
miler to that of thousands of of
natives of New ,B`i tinswiek, "Ab
eight. years ago I hurt my back from,
lifting," be states. "I used lini-
ments and plasters and wore a wide
belt, but in two years my trouble
had developed, into Kidney disease,
"My back was se sore I could not
lift any weight, when reading a
Doeld's Alutenee led me to try
Dcdd's Kidney Pills, Before the
first box was fie shed ;rny backache
was gout and I have never been
troubled with it eined,"
Bolts' and plasters zr;ay give to
porary relief in cases of 13ackae
or Rboumatism, but the only w
to cure them is. to go to the seat
the troubile. Cure the Kidneys an
the Backache or Rheumatism, w
disappear. Dodd's Kidney Pil
never fail to cure the jitneys.
l,'ER«?arI z;' It I T'i?Elie
ower ot ,Collecting Daiaprless i<a
Atmospheee and,Coudc>;:;':ing It,
The rain tree of Peru 'taro -we a very
large, is rich in leaves and is called
by the Indians tam ticasri. it ,has
the power of enlleeting the damp:
Hess of the atmosphere nand eciti't;'
tensing it into a cantineous copy_
crei ous supply of rain,
eel In the dry season when the riv-
'ea6 ere. are low and the heat' great the
e tree's power of "eondensing seems
at the highest and; water falls in
abundance from the _ leaves and
ori_ oozes from the trunk. The water
fox;, spreads around in veritable rivers,'
sire part of which niters i ito the soil
Mr.' and, fertilizes it. These ;rivers are
r_> canalized s+. as to regulate the
c'Bourse of the water;
s f It is estimated that erre f t e
Perttvian rain trees a
tees wi.11 on an Frv-
ei erage yield nine gallons of water
riser : per diem. In a eeid of an area of
out l one kilometer stlltare-that is, 3,,
250 feet each way tan be grown
10,00 trees separated from each
other by 23 meters, This plantation
produces daily 3s,Opo liters {1
water. If
allow for evapora-
tion and iefiltratiola we have 135,-
000 liters or 20,531; gallons of rails
for distribution daily. The rain
tree can be cultivated with'very ]its
tle trouble, for it seems indifferent
as fo the soil in which it grows, The
tree inorcases rapidly and resists
Troth extremes of climate,
d Have you ever heard of anything
ill that was matorilly improved by
is ;;Bolding
The rage for black velvet gown-
ing reaches down to the tiniest
feminine mites, A' charming fad,
It may not be so bad if your p
y r taiews
aro ono-shied—providing you al-
ways look, upon the bright side.
While more prevalent in winter,
when sudden changes in the weath-
er try the strongest coustitutiors,
colds and coughs and: ailments of
the throat may come in any mas-
on, .At the first sight of derange-
ment use Biekle's ,,Anti-Consump-
Five Syrup. Instant relief will be
experienced, and use of the media
cine until the cold disappears will,
t the
lungs from attack.c
, For
anyone with throat or thest,weak-
ness it cannot be surpassed.
Perhaps you h observed that
spiritualistic mediums do not seem
to care a, rap for each other.
Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes 1
and G nulatedEyolids, i%turine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00, Murine Eye Salvo in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.06. Eye :Boole
and Eye Advice Free by - Mail,
' Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Money may not ring ha
but it. will purchase a lot of substi-
tutes. .
It has many 'qualities.—The man
'who possesses a bottle of Dr. Thom-
as' Electric Oil is armed against
many ills. It will cure a cough,
`break it ,old, prevent sore throat;
it will reduce the swelling from a
sprain, cure the most persistent
sores and will speedily heal cuts
and contusions. It is .a medicine
chest in itself, and can be got for a
quarter of a dollar.
Avoid pushing to the front by
going, back on your friends,
Minard's Llnlment:Cures Diphtheria.
A dollar fairly got , is worth a
thousand thatare not.
e LAXATIVE a3ROMO quinine' Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it f ills to. cure.. E. %V,
GROVE'S slgnathre Is on each box. 25o.
A Toronto man who visited Bri-
tain.;last summer appears to think
that country the champion tip-t<ak-
He says: "Well, I had tipped
every man, from the swell gent who
scented to own the House of Com-
mons down : to the hireling who
gummed the wrong labels on my
luggage, and 'I went into .the wait-
ing -room on the landing -stage ,at.
Liverpool to, wash my hands, and
what do you.,, think stared me in
the face, when 1 had finished? .'A
placard, 'Please tip the„ basin.' I'll
be hanged if 1 did("
illnj D'S i,.Is,1ft'tvr o, ? Iuirnt7m
Gi NTLFMB J, -J bar a» used
LINI1#Its\ T from time to time for the
twenty ye,ts, it was recommended
try a prominent physician of loctre,al,;ivho
called it the "great Nova Scotia Liniment:"
It does the doctor's work; it is particularly
good in cases of Rbcutnati,mand Sprains,„
Yours truly,
Chartered Accountant,
S., Sept, ax, 1905.
"1 hear she is to be married,.
the happy neer?"'
"He:r father,"
They cleanee while they 'eure.--
The vegetable compounds of which
P'armelee's Vegetable Pills are
composed, mainly dandoli. nd
mandrake, clear the `stornac :incl;
intestines of deleterious matter and
restore the deranged organs to
healthful action. Hence they are
the best remedy for indigestion
available to -day. A trial ckf them
will establish the truth of this n'.e
sertion ancl do more to convince the
ailing than anything that cos bo
written of these pills.
Hoax—The amateur photographer
is generally a pessimist, Joan —
How do you figure that out? Hoax
--He takes the worst view of ev-
erything.Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta
When a woman has an eye fo
the beautiful she hunts up a mir
Your druggist ;rillrofund money if P4Z0 OINT-
MENT fails to cure any case of Itching,. Blind,
Blooding or Protruding Piles in 8 to 14 days.. 503.
A college education enables many
a young man to refer to the allow-
ance from his father as his income.;
Be Sure y i get the kind you nava always nae,
'The]) & L" Menthol Plaster, For rheumatism
neural ia, etc., nothing is better. Made only bl
Davis a Lawrence Company.
Bobby's Lather, is not a brilliant
sort of man ; it las been said in'.
fact, that he errs decidedly in the
other direction.
He took Bobby the, other day on a
short visit ' to some friends, and,
thinking to make a good impres-
sion, he started a conversation.
"I had quite an adventure the
other evening," he said.• "At the
corner of a dark` street a lnan' sud-
denly sprang out on lee, and said
that if I didn't give hint my watch
he'd knock my brains out. Fortu-
nately, a ( policeman came along,,.
and the man took to his lice's!"
"And weren't you afraid ?" asked
his hostess.
"Afraid'!" echoed, Bobby's papa
modestly. "Well, I hope not."1.
But, went on the la.ly, "if he
had: carried out his threat?"
"Well,"answered the visitor, "/
he had And then the Ioyal' lit
tle Bobh•y <Ctrnck in
"I'll bet there's nobody tivh a
could knock any brains out
Cher. ho said proudly.
Ma "` Tops, ' I , have
approval your:
a1;i 4th s;F
The i Hyo Lamp is a.liigfl ae#e lamp, so#4'ot * lC x: ,r
There are lamps that mit more, b44tltss isr¢s hettar atn ,
price, Constructed o£ solid hys,$.,3; trie13e £fared -aa illrltt7lkt a3eora
ornament to any rooms in aoThon,e; Iltsras gs avathlta "ltnavt0.t tkl the
of lasnp°makarg 517,4 can acid to tba 'vplp(a of t1,e .1-41K0 p,Als s li
giving :device. 1Srory doaler ere,relsere« #'revs z%t aur
scrl Fier oircular-4o the ae jos s- ta7
scriptire # x R z r ey! q.
Tee Queen City .tail Coil:t;pany, Limited; Toronto.
'1 TAT TRA 1101:'5E TORBAY;, 65
poat:al for circulars or 10"7 for samples as
rn3, Alfae,iTyler, London, Opt,.
Cures Sprung Tendon,
C„q ar and sugdie Saila
.: i rsxitstap,ra."s'yar2,7;x
octs+5wr,at xxa,
-r xa.r
1444 yooN' $3,11:0* c e, Or
Tsai • a wits 094 resu;ts *o4 i as ruvci.naa.rnt it
fxtfa L roo4 ak da4tr4844" a, rr. ,$s
Spate -'e
t3hla+sle,C tat fhrZWIP 704 ole sea Za est goeY
ar 1.r4aaa'sapatof, I, came:Ler..sal
=Maw 4.1.tate sa, o.:rwy,
* is tisk sera Isu774tr Oat las e374e54 m brg.aeat
5A411 b •tttPtutet7 4",`€e *mu. 11b7i{oce*,
sail t, m ruse, sn4 t rt.,.s,,
hofs Axa sears or tom tin -Eats aajk,
iota[?1orless xsroe i1,1*
Nem Wr 44 1)re sM+erelon t7, bb a lwtt..
AIWA 'NtMecserial, aN'your4,01.54,CO4447
at ego boe4'A Xzeath,s Own* iia cos' ---ars r,.,s
+ors +rets ox a
b s, J, l££llil'ALLCO, Er s%rata, VL
"Whet ds you understand ley
c' neoessities off' fife`;'"
"The means for .securin•
g the lit:%-
*Inns 'd's LdititneTIC
"What goes up rn
That's ars axion
But for seasick
The directions
Thousands of country people
know that in tirne of sudden mishap
>r accident Hamlin's Wizard Oil i!
;he 'hest substitute for the fanail7
lector. That is why It is so often
ousel upon the shelf,
Do you sift your ashes?"
"No, sir« It'a all I ccn cio 'to
take there out."
ehtlled to the Botta 1 A telae oonfat of Pats.
keilor to a oupp of hot water sweetened will warn,
yon and avert a cold. Avoid 4bbattteter there he
but ossa "Painkiller `-Perry Doris' -,2z0 slat tae...
1 fain would walk—
"The Boss" ••proclaims a "N,
I fain would -talk--
"The Boss" won't have it so.
I long for peace—
"The Boss" prefers to talk.
I crave fatigue's surcease—,
"The Boss" will have me walk.
No matter what 1 want
"The Boss" at once objects.
Man may propose, I grant;
"The Boss," of course, elects.
My soul is not 'my own;
I must "The Boss" obey.
"The Boss," a tyrant grown,
Was one year old to -day l
Don't make the mistake of claim-
ing you never make one.
, cls WORE., .- 1fP< 1TANT Iti:.IA,BI,B:
ties OA ,e;,ateairlsglx.opoeduniors*.
tanB l es aI barna • leitol e or .3.sry
itcn:afortlpg retina aped sagas. ror air
atuiarr ad:4**c..CATiAdiari. 151131444,1 p
ribntin,y t o , 04T7t, i9, F3rji:;ia. f>ataa`do_
`Uri .9A$aa n `'ncDxia .
?a-consta t rrziedca-rnrsddl iusRrs¢s
7 weeks getAp.ete coarse -4 oal,x fres,
dnat'es orae twsiwa to 955htooa dealers week-
iy write for ratatrepe- 24010r L'atber Col/e0,
s ques:s Fast, rarit0ta,
A icg , 1`uato,rat., bumps.
#ease unsi et Internal eatercal, Berea wthout ioatreatment. Wrlte no before ton
Tar, Itolutxn 1Pedlesl C'a:, LiutGe5,.
it or,d, Ont.
a l scart
tttd t' ane :apo„
1i.q,, nd. ati4a?
k ■laartaarlr
tlara'Tvov, write
tT+h sited tt)kiltraatd
and tlorTor4 5*8,
to Plano Ist;
nslat 011 'airs,
Piano Action:
6 for 5
ma rsaost lacgialy;eficaant'a$tlslicxttiota
ft rr theraduetion rf8wcllNtal;s, Goitre,
"#lticla Neck, Glandular En@Arf;er,.
mentis, Its PoAltivc,
PILES LES oRiklgda, in uttp a<ttd
i stqeA
ay 7 dtai
fckly re..
lia,ved and positivel)y cured. Cure
Y01#4" siErAring anti liye, quietly,.
kCpmrnott,$epsc for Piles -will do it -
$1 $ a box,. tri for 4 boxes, Mailed un.
receipt of price,
Fire, Litbtnin
Rust and Storms Proof
Durable and
Let us know the size of any roof
you are thinking of covering and wd
will make you an interesting etre&
Metallic Roofing Co.
Sometimes a girl gets even with
a man for mot asking her to marry
him by telling her friends she
turned him down.
George FL Duffus of Robertson St.,Fort `cVi1
. Harz, a
P. R. fireman, says "Th water gauge of In` loco v
y meal to
burst and scalded the whole left side of my face'
' terribly, I
had a box of Zarz-Buk'in my pocket, which I was.usin :'
fb1t a
sore on try' lip, and when 1 had recovered from the;frrst dire ,
of the accident, 1'prodticed the balm and heti it'applied freely
to»the scalded parts. i was suffering"acute'a on , b
i; Ya all t r1,4e:
O essnnrinn 'a Ha1...s et = le '3_ _n . .. • iuJ
continUe.my journey anal eapoli'reaca-zl:i .her jt ;
r• Q
orae fan ulgy and eorcxnued ae treatgi nt. Z Buk
rfui1Y well, and in a'fe r da s-`, la
> the , , otl3d
e..e ..:' • ally'thiii90