HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-12, Page 2Into
een 41148&6 rift,
'For Teuvnu FR-D_'1ALL 0YE9 C
TIAM GLOBE. ij?"east cVeV a,,quarter of a
Only Glentiqle
century. j �A-jough for, 5 cts
Tviegraphic Bricts jvrow Our GIT11,
Other, Countries 0,ill JrAe, vvhqlel�=Ae,
OMP -M a
-1�ras This $I-Iwaure -oil the pgo.1�4(,o 41141 h broa,
t en th
A proposal is before. the Ontario e.-.-perUn Oro
to permit -voting by
Government '1;13t ;m 0004"1":
Charlie a Toronto r-,* W. CILLETT CO.,L
. Phair, jurt.,
Trinidad waskilled in a TORPUT.0i ONT.
n I I �
race on Wednesda'.
'The zupply of ice for the coming, Awarded hlg4r* hqo�g; at,
season whi, -titiful ai of vi
good quality.
A petition has. been filed against
tile election of Mayor
KILLIn D ansof Winnipeg,
Harry Clark was. arrested after THE WORLD�S.. 'INIA R KE FS
d tried to blow up, the post-
JU ho lia
U`XLY TWO omee safe, at Govan, Sask.
)IOr4c.0 Shipman, a Hamilton NO
Street Railway conductor, dropped
lead at, the skating rink. TRADE, CENTRE&
or Other 'Rion -dollar c e vin g in
g u
AussiWs Death Trap aarched f Employees of DeDartment at Ottawa Had
with head office ia, Tor-
s been lnqoi,-,porated�,
onto, Prices at Cattle, Gratp, Cheese ai4d
Possible Viet*
Paul 3veplice and It -Narrow Escape.
is sister, both
'i Urtry ProAtica -At
Over 10 years, were burned to death
A despatch, front Uadon, 'Eng." the police bad to �lear the gi in, their dwelling at Clyde River, Dow and Abroad.,
IM f raffiQ, Ao4 the two_tasks� kept p, 1, 404patch frov� �Ottalv'u, '�K W with hcavv loss. The manufactuvf
says - N,Q Other bodies lia-vo Le-lt . or t DIE AD STUFF 8 SiXt"Tw eJWP1QXQ-s 6f the arialysVs of, the, )n
them, on the jump. Qation Jeffre s leaving Winni- ethylatc4d spirits was' in
avered by the police and fire th Toronto, Jaia. 10,Flour—Winter and ;sptrits branches of charg.e. Of Yr. AV41ter Armstrqnx�
%lise A at''tbe hou 0 pegt for I udi to induce young the Dii Reve
It 's belieyed s Engla
, , t o! 1,�Jazld, nue, All
raea woh -.searched the ruitis 'Of us�i, $, made their for- men to enter tbo mi wheat 90 per cont patents $3,35 At in were oil the Iloor when the ex
tile )R sision, work of,
the house, in, $teplley irl_icl� IN'33 tress, was set on fire by thelu, when the, Eni Oburch. tile mills West, Mapitoup, flotirs— Cluding two -women, maile� wild �losion occurred, and at once gavor
First patent 4a�hv�s I for safety. on Weidiiesday,, tj
burned down on Tues4ay '11(ring they forund that tile ammunition The wgges advance -of rjail.-�ay s, $5.40; second P4 alarm to those who were in, 1!4r,
St Ong bake s brilitch upstairs, an
tents, $4M, and 5,, When a barrel, out of which wals 40, mcoilv 4 then
the, ba iog -PuMPO -4-004 U4'e
,ttlo betweeti the poli( -e and sn,pply was TuDitio low Ind that employe -os agreed Upon at Chicago r
suppwied 'Terroriata, th6p 0. vitable. After c 'eludes O.P,R, railway men, 010 $4,70, on track, Toorato. made their escape. Mr. Ppirent got
%ptrqq was ine X
firemen and *4 with terrific nolse mid impao, out with 69-06 diffivulty, dashing
Vie police found twa apaiser revol, the games haij. broken out fiercely hope to negotiate in4deperidently in Alailit-ci wheat- -No. i 3,\Torthoxil
vera and a nun c, was a 11111 ill the firing f $1.01Y_., Bay ports, No, 0. Nor- Overturning ail Qlectrie Inciter, alad, right. through a r9om. -enveloped
nber of cartridge ther or a Canada. 3 at causing,
wo shots thern, 99c Bay Ports, and No. �ea'dangeroui firo to the flames, b%ttr
boxes, in the deb r1s, few moments and then t Ivitho.ut any injury., Thw
96c, Bay ports. buil4ini OQcupied.1by thes:e two total, valueof tho stock of wood al,
hear4. It ma -v have been that GREAT BRITAIN. out Gover�fiuent ;lepaxtmeuts, at m, 4�oho
The coroner of the Stepney o -'s- were
xv iiarchists res rved their last
Ontario wheat --85o to We 1, grairl. alcohol, methylite,
trict states vm�,,Iatly that only t. o thc� A e
r Ins, two bWlets for thems.elvel— The Sir John Air4, the famous con- side, for NO. � wbito and red, Win4 3,10 4bd 321. Queen Street. The spirits, an4 other i, enis for
cter, is dead - in ter, buij4ing, was p raoically destroyed, its manlifaeturo was
All that waL of the storNy which was circulated Tuesday tractor and onlin a
s (011,id cjf one
ptaiii-!d, in a handkt�r� that the house had been fired, by England, Barley—.56 to �$Q outside, and,
Britisli opinicii. is deeply stirred
th-e Order ()f Home, Secretary ChIly- fo$d 46 to �5,00 out*le� Western, 11 1-2 to I.c; casterxis 11 sold at 5 3-4 to Ge, good at 5 14 by
h by,the au- b -V the fight With the. A�archists, Otals—IN0. 2 3-1 1-20, to 11 1-4c, Butter—Chuicest, 5 1-2% and fair at , k, whilo cboiC4
There was -almost a's Muc x chill is I)o'.9itively 4 , I , I ' .
ed. tllerifle�_ ar,4 the Home Sear-etary has pro- on tr4_ck, Torbinto, ant 3.2c outside ; 25 1-2c, secotilds, 23 1-12 to *�15o.
citeuteut ill the. on X epwa broug good 4 1-2 to �o,,
mised to inquire, iut be working �NTO. ' 2 W. Q 380 Ba_,)�
t Nrts,
neWay as there was, during the Iiii the search Ior tbe Ikuss fAir 4 to 4: 1-4c, conittion 3 1-2 to�
ap. partie P, aliens act, and NO. 3 quoted at ZO 1-2c, Bay 3 3-4o, and infle
ular care bad been exercised Of th
ri.jege of the Rusidtaus' dezr;h tr,, ri.or 3 to 3 I -4c 1per
Great trow,4s putinod a�aiast tl�e to discover any, receptacle which ports. UNITED STATES MARKETS' lb, bull:s sold from 3 to 4e, as , to
D -S. Corn—Xew No, a American 52 31inueapolis, Jan. IQ._jVIj
't contain papers tfiroving light, qwAlity. Sheep ssukl at 4 14 to
police lines, etriving vainly to ge ligh TE STATE cat
on the plans of,tbe gang. I to V2 1-2c,, prompt shipment.,. Tor- ji�jay,, $,.or, 3,4 to $1.06 7-8; JuTy, 4 1-2o, anti lambs at 6 IA to 6, 1,2o
,close to the ruins of the house and A 'general treaty of arbitratio onto freights.
see for themselves when the fire- such existed they. 'wesa--61fficir to- $1.07 3-8 to $1.07 1-.0; No, 1 hard, Per Ili,
ly destroyed between the United State's and Peas—No. 2 78c out- $ To. I Xortfie'rn, $1.06 to
atert And police found any gruesome tal M, ble house" or T ping, 4107 1-2; IN
were burne4_�rrtb_e Anarchists dur- Great Britain is, proposed by Presi- side. $1.10 No, 2 Northern, $1.03 3-4 to rAIIAL TRAIN )VAUtH.
traces. of the dead defenders. , Id
dent Taft, Rye—No. 2 at 60c to Ole outside. $1,05
uddition to keeping the crowds away ing thpwlsl ge.
; No, 3 wheat, $1.01 14 to
Thirteen transatlantic steam-ShIP Buckwboat—No 2 at 46 to 47c, out- $1,04, Flour—First patents, $4,95 riftecu Rilled and 11,orty or Fift')
companies ba-ve been in -dieted un- side. , 4�
to $5,45; 4o,, -secoods, $4�8- to lit ureilin South Afticn.
HARD TO GEI� SUPPLT;�, THE, rurrit Cum, run, D der iho Sherman anti-trust law for Bran—$20 in bags, Toronto, and $5.35; first clears, $3.35 to $3.75;
allogo conspiracy to kill compet- shorts, $21,, in bags, Toronto, On' do., seconds, $3.3 1 5 to $3,95. A 4espateh from Queenstown,
scktion on Tr-111� ontinental X014 ition. tario bran, $20.50, in saoks, Tor- .131iffalo,1an. I6.—'Wbeat,—Spr1ng Union of'South Africa says,, Fik"n
�211.1`eo Doctor vas not Called in Tinte nod onto, and shorts, $2111, , persons ivere, killki and forty or
GENERAL. No. 1. Northern, carloads store, fifty injured, in the wreck of a pas.
$1,,16 1-4; lVinter stronger; No. 2
Cbilil Died., I
espatch from Ottawa says: The Premier of Newfoundland CIOUNTRY PRODUCE, red, 960; No, 2 whita, 930. Corn— �wngcr train near Catheart, Calm
-eA- �,2 S2, tt I A despatch from Detroit, Colony, carly oil Thursday, The
The hardest section of construction - Attended by Only dosires reciprocity with tho UxiiWl Apples—Spys, $4.50 to $0; Bald- No. 3 yollow, 48 3-4; NO. 4 do" 47C
ans. says, a "faith train, which was loaded ;ith holi.
in -the eastern section of the Tr, States. wins, $4 to $5; Greenings, $4 to on track, through billed. Oats
,continental Railway is at the head- curell doctor, Hazen Mci a-9- is still main day makers from. East London, left
aci ed nine) daughter of William, MQ- A rigid censorship - 84 50; No. 2 assorted, $3,50 to $4 No. 2 white,. 36c; No. 2 w "'cl the rails, and, turning over, roll-,,
waters of the Gatineau River, tained in Brazil, from which come " er barrel. 35 1-2; No,, 4 white, 34 3-4e. B )arley
cording to a statement ma4e on IV-ain, a signal engineer on the P e<1 4own an embankment,
ere, lit- disquieting rumors. Beans—Car lots, $1,60 to $1.70, —!�,Taltinj',` 03 to Ole. RyeXo� 2,
tte Railroad It
Wednesday night by Mr. Gordon Pere Marque 71
Grant, chief engineer. The actual erally eboked to death 'on Thurs- and small lots, $1.80 to $1,85. on w-ack, 85c. CONSTRUCTION IN TILE WEST.
a - A REWORD IN YUKON. Honey—E, xtracted, in tinB,
construction may not be any hard- day while her p rents stood qcl,p 10 1-2 to lie per 1b. No. 1 comb, LIV�� STOCK INIARKETS.
er than the rest, but the section, lesslY by. The little,girl contract- C.P.R. Staff is Putting Finishing
get ed a severe type of diphtheria four Last Season Best in Dredginng Gold wbolesatle, $9. to $2.25 per �dozen; Toronto,. Jan. 2.—Ltimbs -,ven�
number 13, is the hardest to � s ago, and the mother at �tn.ce frow River. No, 2 corlib,, wholesale, $,1,75 to from 15 to 25c higher, and are eas- Touclies� to Prograninw.
tat. As a consequence the woik is cl av $1.85 per dozen, ily quotable at from $5.50 to $0.15. A despatch from Winnipeg says,
moned a Christian Sci,�ae,3
i�� very difficult to'get -9urn k despatch from Ottawa, says Baled bay—No. 1 at $122-50 to Calvrs axe much firmer, a few be- The engineering ,staff a� the C.P.
retarded. It
in supplies,- and this section will ",healer," who, gave, the Patient F T dongden, ILP., says a re -
"prayer treatment." Sbe'failedt.6 c 0 $13 on track, and No. 2 at $10 to ing sold as high as $9 per cwt. R. headquarters here is busy put -
"be the last f ed� o was made last, seas n. in dredg
improve, however, and � reg�iltl Ing on the � Yukon. It extended Hogs, and $7.40 led and ting the finishing touches to the
By the end of n12, with the ex- Baled straw—$6.50 to $6.75 on
watered, Good co -,vs and 1 bull-, construction pr r
practitioner was called in, but the o-,�er 233 days. It is remarkable ,ogham;,,,e for the
ception Of thigLstretch of 100 miles, lie that a, gold dredge track, Toronto. were steady, as weere all lines of current year, lie V c-Pmsident
g, to Mr. child *was already dying, . and can work to
rails will be lai1d aeicorMin Potatoes—Car lots, 70 to 75c per
Grant's estimate, The followin- was powerless to do anything. every aZivantage there 'Lip to two cattle. Win. `Wbyte will 'present -to the
weeks of Christmas, There are dif- bag. Montreal, Jan, 10.—Oboice steers president next week,
year will be taken 'Lip -in. ballasting Poultry ---Wholesale prices of
and finishing up and the line Will be floulties in the Yukon not experi- dressed poulti�v,—Chickens, 12 to
10 L�4 SUES FOR WIFE BEXTER. enced. in Other countries,, but it is
ready. 12 3-2c per lb; fowl., 9 to 10
being proved that they can be , lb ; ducks, 13 to 14c per tu�31_'
Y go per lb ; aa:�
IiATURAL G1S RUNS SHORT. Belleville. at E
EdAvard Garrison Sentenced overcome. ke s 17 to I (d geese,
i2 to 12 1-2c per lb. Live, :L to 2c U-NEND-E OF TH E D0111ilON,
The People A despatch f I rom Belleville says-, CARNIVAL IS OFF.- less.
of Nia-ara Falls Have
Trouble. Edward Garrison, a man about fif-
ty years of age, was on Thursday Nontreal Citizens and Council TIRE DAIRY M, ARKET.-
A despatch fro'in Niagara Falls found guilty of an assaallt upon his Statement for December Most �;atisfactbory
Failed to Give Support. Butter—Dairy prints, 22 to 24c;
biting her,.
rays; Hundreds of families were wife by beating and choice dairy solids, 21 to 2iro; in-
to A despatch from Montreal, says:
forceA to eat cold meals on Thurs- Judge Derciche sentenced �im ferior, iB to i9c; choice large rolls,, for Long Period.
'clay because of the almost total fail- six months in the Central Prison The "week of 'Winter sports" it Creamery quoted at 27
ure. on the natural gas pro-"ure. and to receive ten lashes. Five out w- I as proposed to hold here in Feb- 21 to -22c.. rolls, 256 for so -
to 28c, per lb for,
NTearly every,hou.se in the, city is of nine of GarrisoWs children are ruary'was, called. olf at a meeting of
ids, and 24 to 250 for separator A despatch from Ottawa says: The expenditure. for the pint
equipped -with gas ranges, many at presellt'wards of the Children's tile committee on Thursday. morn7
prints�. The, financial statement months shows anincrease of
having no coal or wood stoves. Aid Society of this city. Garrison's Ing. The, reasons 'given are tha� of the Do-
Eggs Case lots of Pickled 27c; b- , -cublish6l in 003.531:, tbe.figures being $52,fj(X,-�
Many also use it for heating 'Pur- home is in Elzevir township. The while the railways finally consented minion for Decem er o I �1:
Poses. For the'pa'st two yearsthe Judge, in pronouncing s1eiitbmCc toL help the plan along, they took .,old storage, 27 to 28c; select6d� 30 'the 'Canade Gazette is -j ne of the 133.07 for 1911D," as against $47,398, -
to 31c axid strictly new laid, MAO a ery.
gas pressure has, been low during characterized Garrison's actions foolong t,6 inake up their min S L most's tisfactory for a V g, 129.U. in 190.
noil refused tb, Aoc.per dozen. time,, The ievenue, ure on --api al , ac
the, very cold snap. towards his wife as most shameful. while the City'Gou jor DoQcinber The expendit t
k Ch6ese---�Largo; are. quoted at n C �T.
te'and was �9,790,387.13 an increise. , of 'cou 't diiriii� De ember last was
contribu citi,zens were bac
12 1-2a,� a:nd'twin 4 $1,056,861.09,,wUe th6 ex'penditure $3,680,205 47
s at 12,3
ward in comind,f as a-�ainst $3,379,270.-
0 with finan-
oil cial assistance.1 for the fi-ionth was, $5,355�26.8;13� an '77;,while:for the hine months it wa's
HOG PRODUCTS.. $22 804,24'�M, again at $24,026 137. -
increase, of $683,26.
e nine: months of 1,1 -ie fiseal 22 in the-,correspoiWini- pcl'iod' of
"BIT' 1-2c pe, :For t�
BtTh Ba -con long clear, 12 to 12
�IT U P. I , b -:in case lots; Mess pork,. �$24;, Year 6ncled-wiih the last day of the� last year, neaily,*.-the whol
rcv wa,:'$81- - amount. being ex ditnile, on�tho
short out, $26,� Palen&.r year the entie"
xplosion ill St. Catharines 'Hams—Light to me-dium, 16c; 6Q5, "ainst '$73,30,030_97, National 'Transcontinental Rail -
833.8p, as ag
lf�,avy E rblIS
00 lieav: " . 1 12 1-2c; a, betrtermcnL -12,2675 T6 66. wa
In: than Woma'n, and Five Chiluen. Found collet'idtc. 'I -2c breakfast - ba- 52
slibulders, 11
`13atch fromSt. 'Catharines con.: 18c; backs (pea; meal), IS 1-2
Ba sa,ys,:,Soon afte�r the�puplls'.O'f the Lard--Tier�ces, 12 ' 1-2e; tubs, Ti T.,
Collegiate� Institute reassembled on
12 3-4c; pails;, 13c.
Wednesda"v 3 m n, after the
or in�- i
Porf'Arthur Jan 5. --Left alone -arri-ved I j by "hoh -ITREVI
st, -last the.', u HIST CA PRIX
arvnig---Hus band dlyo FrozeiaF AN,
Or. Monday night b s-
Cl-iristmas days thev were start- MOTS 2� L, MARKETS.'
by ber husbaiAi� -With five small chil-, band of the womanr at Mr a heatvy �0-xplo�ion. In'
at but rab- 'Mercier's, camp with both feet and Vronto� Jdn.�� 10. --
dmn'and nothing to e, gationL reVea,16�1 the fact that''the, 0
b'i�ts 'which she h ad caullib as best hands ba4ly fro�en and nearly�ex� adian"Westero N6.'2 4 o 40 1- 2�c,
boilei� in connection with the 'heat
st, -ra No�' I �feed,� Hal hn d th,e' Arch,.
'a,squaw N�,a-,7fonnd "on hausted from arvation. He car lots Plot: to El AV Up City,
im; apjjai,atus1v,d blown out, in sev�
p 'I
eceinbor '27' vvamlerin axoun"d in lie had had nothing.to eat for �39: to 89 1-26 _N
0 3
pla _�Va_'
necessary A,
hile the t eral _bt J1061X�6 2 loca,* No. 3
en days. His s U P 1) 1 -,viiii, ,
ce, 38c - T
y�o matches bish M ��.Nlj P,
P"'starving c�,n, o s a ac
Miss: the,!sch6ol till iepairs' afef,,. 0 11 t r ea:
ve-f'A bct-,vee Kgk _,'Kite
37c; iN o. 4 local White,
'�e'iati�rie`bcl ha�lgiven ont -and his'el6thing was -d
_p� u _L.0''U 'him ,I Ala n i t p b a K prin� �q
degrees 461ov, V$
�PUO,�, Y_
9: ni.
�whea, pa c
A ereier car ca A 014he WL)U4,'il.'T,'�, i*as
4 FOR t
'hl6ntre I nix, sinco t4;e*A;tj%,v'�1'. �z'bt;
f In a vvheat pa _�i
'w% 01 " �'
O�vl Ore -,wc6n J
dee eijt'j�j ter
fo.111v'"11 j
ek,, beA I Anarcljj_�t �jot to bjo,jV Ili) the rec'
jAi -eivp
00 1 legi d ixont, the �axe� be,was
Lake,,' �_M,
0 u1m,
U101IS"TARIP set 10,11 11 and'the% Ro'ma:n th
. fl,
j,'g Ri�
an ffia,fan ''.1dont-real, C Jr(. Saine�
NvaSr pj
at lllou�Fgal is al
oeu,enccd , (�,j athblic j�rchbi �s: 12ala6e,
�-iflv t:0 jackii 11 ing"
V)7 111;44?
Fej !� A_� Z: Z, __ _ 0�
01-T j 11!NVWAK.11� i V-1 �114,1 i
_0 TO I Z
0 -,h r fap���ot,�:Jhd 4
.0 itl
to Mayor
$ �X �ZN45
_ , e� 'It- ffil- �,`JMASIA?1. I "i " � ,
�,-'wn%i, a , mpi a ip - (&th&,�L id _Ylilt Rvbt 11, AIM I'
ur 0-1T,,t..R.V_.
At s 01) llrnch�, i�