HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-12, Page 1CARLIN fow is save money on our Fur Fur vill give a special cash dittnt cif 2S per mat. Mens Fur Coats and Ladies Cloth: Coats with io�l ars 1-3 off on all small furs such as Stoles, Ruff's, Ma lls and fur caps Everything in this line must be cleared out at a Flee, Gen d e ha�xe some e the latest les tMens Hard h � e wild cls � otzt at the following prices, X2,50 Hats for $1.75 and $2.25 t fol' l 50 Stock Taking is now on We have bargains in all lines. These remnants ust go to make room for the spring goods that are Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, C.ARLIITG COUNCIL'S INAUGU%2 AL :1EETING, The newly elected, Connell of Ezetea` xeid their. Inaugural meeting i 'tin Town Hell on i!ondtile, at 11 a. nx. Af- ter Reeve. Jo)' 'W Taylor, anel &Cour"-. clitoris 'kV: IL LsWett. W. 'Wa, Wolper, W. C. Rivers and Louis Day meets been duty sworn. in by Clerk, Jos, .Senior,! the Reeve called upon. Rev. ltfr. {Powell to opeet the meeting' with religious er ereises. After eoszgratulatieg the rhea here who had beent elected to ,the mune. lci33al board and, extending tm them rise yell wishes at the eitizette generally, ' fl'. Powell 'reed a portion of scripture sled offered a prayer for divine t uid-' a"ce to :the !itemisers of .tae ,Council ir, the perearinance of the duties that would devolve upotx tt'4eixy ask the peolale`e re- preee,atativeti at tl e xxxun ieleal board. k e've TeYlor then, extoad& cense-tete,. 3;tttcnlas totile several r etntrare on OW eleetion and !rusted that their nteetinga. would be a pleaseee to `ihet, end s. bea- t to the tows,. Ins alt probability this yetnr would be one of the most import- stir for the town. Certaia8 worlte bad to be 'completed. l=ie then, Save .a fore- ceet of the work that mould eenebabl be be Yore the O20nCil. Since•the,water- comzraiesloxl by-law l..ad been eleteated the looking after the waterworks would be, left le the ;ha'neel of 'till Commit. It all probability a by-law wouldhalm to he paused, fixing the r aces, etc. Tee rntalne would probably be extended. fie eensidered it advisable to apltroaciett C. T. IL, else if satisfactory arrange - este can be rix ,de, to extend a twain • to thti sta:: t_. Ilct advised tine appointllai two as e%%l e t at7;iul;,t the a.stieee-, t ot the t4t'y e „seel tl ei to soot now isf ret to ^Y, they itl a.aeeete ; ; 'v& v de 3 4ofex* vwixen r Sees rtry, lie thou. b, i lrr advisable to 1 iia t^tl the pallir„ sub- !steno- No. 1, as at . p e aielxt ;, N' , d 81, le rl rr No. C4, all ateartlx of Ilse river lva. te e; flu,on ail set, to the river., it would be3 wellto ttasve a street teeetx a u,trpole' d io lookafter, tilt! nen-ceeplayexl dui -ie eertai,9 >acaeotls or the year, when it was itxlpoemible for the tercet commie - to look after the work. pee xeleage of the Canning 'Factory snort- t age would perhaps have to he dealt with, sad rite telcctrie l°gittint would raced Peine attention. The lay-Ia h s wErl'el stow in a bad condition, and consolt- dliter", or re-aottnent would be Ixecesa gory to get thene .,Late shaloe for tt'e. proper protectiotx of the gown, Sewer- age and, the heating of the Town Mali would be up for coayslderation. He ad- vocated a by-law to regulate the con- struction ot boulevards to 'secure unt- forreity, and allow for leper reed - beds, and warmly commended .,the cit- izens for the Interest they had ' ttready taken in the beaut1tytn.g of the streets., PrafesdIOnai Cards. O. P. 3tOULSTON,L.D.S.; D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto University. DENTIST Offices: -Over Dickson & Calling's Law Offices, Exeter. Telephone No. b. Closed Wednesday afternoons. aiDS. A. R. -KINSMAN. L: D. 8., D. D. E. Honor graduate of Toronto Univeriety. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or may had effects 0 ee oyer Gladman fie Stanbury'e office, Mainstreet linter. Qfc*1 11'!0 1-3 R. BRIGHT, M. R. M, C. P. &S., HONOR J1.• Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. OlSce and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street ,EXETER. DR, QUACKENBUSH', Physician, Surgeon, Ac- coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Main Street. Residence, corner,James and filbert streets opposite James street Methodist' parsonage. Phone omce, 39 a; Residence 39 b. Legal: Y° 11 §" & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for 'Moleons Bank, etc. Stoney to Loan at lowest ratsof stereo Offices Alain street, Exeter,' R. Goofing B A., L, H: Dztm[lota 14A ONEY TO,LOArl. We have alargeamount of private funds to loan n farm and village properties at low rates of inter •et.' GLADMAN & STANBURY, i . •''. ;Barristers, Sclicitors,Main st., Exeter On J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life •Assurance pornany, also Fire Insurance in Iead- ing �ariadian said British Companies. Main -St., 'Exeter. L10Ef $ED";, AUCTIONEER, )ERSON. Lieclised t°'c kitty.. Te "Si b let r nal MUSIC MISS DELIGIHT HOBBS, Ylolllx In- etrucbor, names Street Parsonage, MISS LILLIAN ELLIOT CONCERT SOPRANO. PUPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS,—CENTRALIA.; ONT. t (YRN D AT PARK HILL. till Jan, 9,—Fifteen persons had a dose call tram; toeing burned to death �v e, ach fire h r h tbads la fzr.. hie early, this tzaarninx Gpinpletely deetroyed' the beg three-story frame hotel known as the est -logs !louse. The fire wzs diet - Covered at a (plater toe 2 by To2n -Bloom- told, the right porter, and within t' .s.o.nty minutes the building was. a emitting furnace, with 114Mel staoRttnb rto:n every winders' in the pace,- Within quartora at an, hour so t'furiously hP bwtds .g &tern, neat the reef ed Thos. Newell, proprietor of otel, and ksit w.f+y were. sleep- F e third ; fleet^ and 'bath eseap- 1 their night. clott=ed. His brother Iki'a, .'r to were steeping. on the. Floor and they ata gist mut in t't elotbes. The o'xiy thing that tweeted, a big load ot Ilte ';tr"7 e the that tb.e building was aialelsdtdly sill' Pen with 1%l c, escapes. Only a few a els,'aped by way of the t11 eco its pan c Tire depertme diel"excellent went, soon had three Rtrops etrentals play un the flames., The direction, of the vies all that prevented the flames 1'am spreads.;.' TO the ,adiednittt•;_'. ateren. So fieree was the beat that Witldows Ire the Bank of CRtn{uertte across " rho tltreet, were bracktd, and the building took tire, but the biltza was eztingush-- eti. Fires ales lergke out he the stare et Simon. Mcleod and the house and etebies of Jol„x, ,Laughton, stare than kill,} feet away',,, Wer0 set oir firer ere t eiixgu abed Without dlr-' daughter of Mr. and Mrs to Mr. Anettzany Jilted of PATHS T \V. Easton, 'feraggart -lax. I rsborne.. a Brantford. 1oratlo N. ; fc'I'agvax'f,, 9 resit e. ute'lirgRon- In Sarnia„ Dee. 8U, �Vtl?aarrc a a Iiutcixia'tvearx of tsse 27th of r%G3il,vray, aged ad years. Kletifil—ete. me. M:Cxillx'ray, Dec. Mrs. Ann liunxphreys, relict late James elleboi, aged 71 years, months. 2,7 days: flies., -,en St. Marys, Jan, et, Elizabeth, wife of Wee. Messrs! EYIes. agc1 23', Years, 11 .days. MitehelI.—In"Heiman, pa Jan. 5th, William Mitchell, aged 76 years. Lambrook.—Ire Exeter, oil Jan. 8, Jane Corbett, wife of Herry,Lambrook. in her 76th year. Alke_t--rat Stratford, en Alien, formerly of Fa years.. tI n r, ti. C. A. HOUZE3 V;. S. Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege; member Ontario. Veterinary Med- icate Society ; treats all diseases of do mesticated animals on scientific prin- ciples s P „modern: surgery a specialty. Op- erations on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat Isfactory. •Calix 'Pb'y • day or night promptly attended to.—Office--Main-st., Exeter, Dr. Rairisay's o1d-, stand. Phone In connection, ;t ?; On motion of Wears. Lovett, and Day Bev. Powell was extended a vote al thanks' for his services at this sea'- sion, to which 1,fr: Rowell blade .a tit - Ung reply. ,Per Lovett and W alper—That Joseph Senior -be ret -appointed clerk. Mr. Sen- ior, however, wished to withdraw and asked that a new one be: appointed. The councillors expressed their regret; at his decision to retire and asked Mr. Senior to reconsider the platter. Air. Senior, however, stetted that he, had thought the matter over ,carefully and gould not see his verse* clear oto retaixng the pos- ition under any circumstances. Per Levett and Rivers—That S. San- dere be continued as Treasurer, a t ,the sante salary, $75.—Caeried Per. Lovett and Walper; That R. E. Pickard he an auditor --Can led. Per Rivers end Day -That Jos. Davis be an, auditor. --Carried It was decided to meet regularly on the .first and ,third 'Vridaya rOf the month. The Clerk was inistructed'to advertise Street Com - C t to for a limon Clerk, i , S PP miseioner, and Assessors, and for ten- ders for the weigh, scales, bell ringing and printtn'g. Adjourned to Friday, Januaryl3th. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE Fifty. acres good pasture farm, West. half Lot 9, North Boundary of Mc4I11 ir-n'ay; several acres in bush. Apply at once to: ` GLADMAN &' STANBURY, Barristers; Exeter. FOR SALE ST.'MARYS WOMAN :FATALLY INJUB. ED ! St. Marys Jan. 7.—St -Marys people were shocked to learn the sad fatality that hefel Mrs. Colquhoun, wife of Mr .Alex. Colquhouit, Steel worker, at .Vic- toria '?Wines, Sudbury District. ' Deceased Was going down the cellers'teps 'of her residence there on Wednesday of last week, wizen she slipped, and fell, . and fractured .several ribs, and was so -seriously, injured . internally that , she died . shortly aftoxrwards- • "One! -hundred acre farm in Usborne,. two and` a half miles from Exeter ; al- so a house in Exeter. Don't 7 for get Vogelgesangs "Remedies—Typhoid Fever calx"be.cured in a few,°'h,ours. WM. 14f., BLATCHFORD FARMS FOR SALE Westerly 70 acres Lot ' 21 South Bonn- clary of Stephen. Good brick house, barn, rock well and windmill. First; class property, , convenient to church. and school.' else, 50 ,acres good pasture farm; V7 12,14et 9, N. B. of;MeGilliviay, see-, eras acres ir' bush. Apply at once to. CI,PnDIVIAN STANBUetY,. Barristers, s. ANNUAL MEE"FING 4hua1 meeting of TIi?i�ti-n"a L',1"XIRAL SOCIETPV tv, TOWN`tFTALL "T i JANL 4RY, so'eI.oekRp n , e NTEETING OF I=IUItON COUNTY COUN CIL. The cotnncli. of the Corporation of the County of Pluran will iv,' t" in the coup ci1 chamber, .hi the town el Goderich; at 3 o'clock ore the w'4th' sof this ,month. All accounts for settlement must ' be placed with the Clerk before this date. Dated .Tas:uar2' .9th,t 1911. , • Q, . LANE Clerk. Notice is .hereby givens that'`I be responsible for anv debts, or ac counts centraeted . by my wife,' Ellzabet1 eeaylor, she haviing'left my, bed 0Yt board without I u�pt ca.0 o blT rbv9catio'rete 1 uttY."" °;tci f'leef I a lz i1R ItQtee: itl el ego will t 1 .same '33.11 lLUii'tldalla:G owi4 wi11 eoua�titutea U3 fl of Buren for thin •tinware very favorably sv esses,- field,-T1tos. Stroihers, Ilaylield-^Dr.. Sndth. i3ty-tit-l'. Flill. Ilruaselxt--Joix:n Leckie. Clineotl—W.. G. Snxtthe Colborne—N. Kernagnan. Exeter—John W. Taylor, CorlerLch—Chaa. A, Reid, B. O. Mun- iue�o Cx4ile' tier, TowAshiP- , Sturdy. Grey -R. "FV. tvlt+ alone, John Brown 1ny:—P. Lamont. I3aneall—O. Geiger: Howick—T, J. 'Winter, J. DOW ney, I tullett--lots. Leiper: eetl illop-Johrx, M. Govenloek, Morris—Zahn Sixortreed. Seafoerehz-J, C. Greig Stamlwy W. Glenn. Stoph0n--Sanx'l S,woitzer, W. D, Sand- . Tucltersxliith—R. hi`cI' ay. Turhxbeery—T„ K. Powell Usbonae lerod. iiunkin. Wawanosh East—John Gillespie. Wawanoeh West—W. Bailie. Winglham—D. E. McDonald, Wroxetee-C. Rei -s. :lathy , mind. their an. 9tlx, xrire, atone +n god 60 Jan. att�_ Tr Tealtra,. 25 per cervi Discount Sale 0 Overcoats and sui And Buy Your2Men's We Here. DASHWOOD BOY KICKED BY HORSE 'WE HAND TIO Y AN NtPSiIING Ill "f' MEN'S IILDII.Eii S Ci.t1'i HINt VOLT DETTS It VA1$38 3D N T N ATTT21- {�"LT ELSE-. 1 Ila Ii KA rcr:F >atiGc� Ts 1 i SAVING TO 'yf3 SIDER TIZAT W PRICED STOIU3 IN TOw READY -TO -'WEAR- SITITS 7r1R k3lip+10 DOWN TO CLEAN TNEIVI ALF OUT IN TEN DAYS. SPECIAL TIES' AND :Ayr - LEAS. WE Allkl I t0UD OF OUR IIANGB IN THIS 'DEPARTMENT. YOU WILL NOT FIND ITS EQUAL In ?Ni". feTann STORE IN THE COUNTY.. HAT CAPS, SWEAT lB COATS,FIOO KM; SHOES, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, BOYS' MOCASS1NS; MITTS, GLOVES. EVER3t"TT-1111G FOIL 3LAN OIL BOY. HOUSE COATS AND BATH ROBES FOR MEN 'd., i.1 A BIG ASSOItTMENT of FANCY I-IANDIIB1WHIEFS FOR T1EN AND CHILDREN. BEAUTIFUL FANCY BOXES FREE. BUY NOW .AND DO NOT BE DIS- APPOINTED. Willie Bender, the ,seven-year-old son of Mr, John, Bender, who resides' a mile west of Dashwood was terribly induced on. Thursday' morning as a result of being; tricked by a'tforse. There tee a slight chance of his recovery. Vie boy had stayed ' Thome from school owing, to the deep ,slow, and when his father went to the barn to,.lolok after theestoclz' he accompanied him. In playing about he got too Obese toy. a horse which kick- ed3r"The u him full , the � ak I I was completely caved in and presented a terrible appearances Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood saw at once that the rase was .:a serious one and; had the boy taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, 'where, he was operated upon and, the broken bone and clotted mass sof brain and blood removed. The little fellow never lost:`eonsciousness, and he is said to have a slieht'cha'nce. of', re covert', unless complications" set in. S'E'LL 'PDX CASES IN. LUC 7. N. , 1' or several 'weeks a number oi-cases of what was supposed to: be chicken] pox existed in Lucan, and its Was,, not. until last week that they were diagnosed. as smallpox. The local authorities im- mediately established a rigid quarare- tine,;. and every precaution is being taken is prevent the disease spreading. IRTHS .\a tern—F ir: Exeter, Jan. 10, eo Mr. ailri efeee Aubert Waiters, a soar.. Cottle—Ln 'Osborne, Jan, 9, • to hli. ,and jvli�s. 1,.s. Cottle, a. sea( �ure�i At Lurks o' .an- i, I41`rS. It. Oese§x, a eon. '3 .' to Mr legion, a son, a a-2:' Tc*ionto,' ns, Jan to Mx> a!id foteineriy}of Hay, a, nd SPECIAL 5 pairs 25c. Wool Soz for 1.00 nigh Grab B u bore Main St., Exeter Bawden 75,. THE CLOTHIE drier— ou Only on an OP When a knife .is: dull a Pandora owner never -vastes tittle hunting for "steel." She just. walks over to the Ci13Cr)'' rod attachment to Pandora, gives knife six or eight passes over':`. h the high -;rade emery,. whin , puts on nest ,kin �commblaec tdWel ori ttachme Ne v