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Exeter Advocate, 1911-1-5, Page 3
IN THE . IKIN6'S SERVICE OIPARING ABOUT HISf.t- tiSTY'S IY4l1SEIIQLI3. Sal ries and Expenses ,done Alts Dunt to Considerably^ Over $1,500,000 Per Annual. King . George's H'ou'sehold is div- ided . for purposes of convenieeee, into -three principal departments, the rowan s of_ which- �a b e p an e d Y_ ecralaed as. "holo e stairs," "above stairs," and "out of d0 ,re." .' The first of these is presided over by the Lord Steward, who receives a ;Sall gy if $10,000 at,year ; the second by theLoed Chamberlain, also with 't10,000; while the Master of the retatien to the standard specified Horse, to who care the third de, by law. The Ring's Ptresnemb :rangier partment is entrusted, • draws ae , ring.in of the I es des at the S e r P �5F a anginal stipend of $12,500. Jura and receives . 'and records their verdict.. Gold coins must be eleven4welichs bf fine ` geld and one -twelfth of"'alloy; 'while silver coins must contain thirty-seven= fortieths of fine silver, and thrc:e- 4Tt'ardrobe, etc, Each of these de- rserves a speciatil article; but' at is. in teresting to nate that King- George will never draw or sign a cheque- himself, hequehimself, this duty being always per- formed for him by the Keeper sef his Privy Purse, KING'S REMEMBRANOTI One quaint legal Qfee in eon/les:- tiers vyath his Majesty is that of King's l.emembraneer: The nom ination of sheriffs, the swearing-in of the Lord Mayor of London, the acknowledgments, of homage. frit' Crown land,, the recovery of leg- acy and succession duties, and the °I Trial by Pyx, all fill to los lot. The Trial by Pyx, which takes place an nually in Jane or July at the Gold- smith's Aaill, is to determine the fineness of the anaterialc of the coinage bearing, the King's head in The,. Lord Steward is the first dig- nitary of the Court, and presides over the hall; kitchen, esvey, pant- . ry, wine, beer, and coal cellars, . a onry, As. emblem of his an fort: t 9 . thor.ity, ho,carries a wiatte staff, a ad rill of alloy, —F,ondou t1>7s ne zs chairm an of the Board of € hti'an , O ee n Cloth. The .I oar'd;, of Geesta Cloth is where all the Household accounts are e;ca;nmed and passed, and on this the Treasurer and It was, in the wild and woolly Comptroller of the 11°11E010:d, who '4'cst, ancl Slimy Sam,.. the crafty aro the officers next in. rank to the cowboy, . ;suddenly bethought him- LordSteward in his departmeet, If of a• plea for obtaining a suit also sit. of `clothes Iron Ikey Mee_enthal's Ie is riot these three, however, store, who bear the real. brunt of the "Say, Ikey, there don't scent to work. The scapegoat, upon whom be much color in this yer one," devolve the duties theoretically be- as- he tried on a fourth coat and. longing, to thele, is tlita Mustier of vest, the household, who reiiides in t' ' "Aw, my boy, that% a thplendid, Palazce itself, investigates, all etc:- ecslor that ith," said the tradesman eouutn, maintains disoipdane mating' anxiously; 4"git out in the sunlight the ordinary servants, and presicle;t and thee," at, the dinuers of the suite in we it- :No sooner lied the artful one got 'Sag an King George, lie is also outside the does' thorn he started perstluablyresponsible for the ac- doing :a ten -mile -an -boar sprint for conimodaatioln Of foreign, ' oxlaarche Immo and beauty. ' "ha visit England, "Ili hi, :stop thief!" yelled the Hebrew, and gage eharae. But suctcdeuly, to Sans'e dismay, a policeman hove in sight, and, taking in. the situation at a. glance, dram? his "shooter," after the gen- tle 'fashion "out 'West." "Boss, boss," ' y'elle'd the ell' reap, with the ,frenzy of despair, "for the lova of goodneth, shoot 'ins in the pants. Ho's got my coat and vest on!" CAUTION .N EDM). "KING'S The department of the Lord t:hannberlaalit, who =lust lie w mons her of the Governments a Peer, and fl Privy Councillor,' anoludes the d di hah b, A privy -chamber, pre - yen n oq c lil , wardrobe,, house- lreeper's-rootu, guard -room, the, txiotrapolitan theatres, and the Cllassets Royal. He has control sat - o< aM. vast number of a appoi,tatments ira the :Royal, Palaces from those of the hang's physienies downto that of the charwoman who sweeps out the servants' romans. He it ie who gives the various tradesmen the right of galling themselves "ptir.- veyors" to the King and Queen, ,J.r-J ranges all the Courts and. Levens, Coronations, Royal marriage; christenings, funerals, etc. ' There are many curious offices in the Lord Chamberlain's clepa"rt- anent. The duties of the King's po- et; or Poet Laureatte, are well Z,:aioivn . lout not many people real- ize that there exists a parallel office'. in Art. The King's Marine Painter is Mr. Edward ele Martino, and, just as the Poet Laureatte is expect- ed to eosnmerora'te great events in. verse, so Mr. Martino is expected to cora nnemorate great naval victories on canvas. The King's I3aargenas ter is Mr, W. G. East, who has con- trol of his Majesty's "barge"—it more closely resembles a miagnific- ent gondola—on the Thames;: while a special officer is appointed to look after the King's swans—the Keeper of the Swans, be is called. Another strango office in this, de- partment is' that of his Majesty's Armorer. Kings; of course, no longer fare forth to 'wield their bat- tleaxes in hostile lands, so that the duties s o£ this. gcarde a n have d e- velo ed along very peaceful lines. l His special care is tate King's col- lection of armor, and the detection of "felted" • articles offered, for' sale. When a piece of armor is offered to his Majesty, the would-be 'Vendor first sends a photograph of.it.to the King's Armorer, Mr.;; G iy Francis Laking, ''who then sh i vi it to the King. If it appears e Pp gelatine, , and is approved, Mr. Lakinginspects it personally; but . how rarely pur- chases are made may be gauged from the fact that in six years 1,08o" pieces were offered to . Kinn. Ed , ward o£ which Patsy;" said .a stranger era :h ' , ed shegg,soap.and suffer'certainty to ee 'vele , bought." ly.mounted a lain}tttag..ear in deaf - dirty Dublin. , OUT -DOOR ,,D ETiT.IillJ PA : , . t< r. Arran yer Itonoi,''noto p or, but The "out-of-doors department' of unlucky he is'' ' `l?nI t l .' '' .. tlac Master of the Horse. �inclucles �, uc.ry . Hew's .tlta,t? the stables and` co ' `'Tis like this, -err hon . ' ach-�houses` .•elle,`, , 5 or. I:;v ry�� stee mews,i nlol'nin' l .toss 'Whether incl kennels, He:as aI-„ ... ]ether he.` has a ways a.iaeznb r of the Govern meat eed u' ; cern or I •hare a, glass o' of, the clad as iis,,uialrs6 the .Mast -e of I „whisky. ,r1n', begob,''tis he has los the bul klicul ds; z' -.low duty" ' as to' five moans").'s rennin' s," ;3 to attend the Royal tIiunt 7 u�k z z+ the preee °1i u0^Qfi�e{ � i ii A& ,.c .? or a` °f,'# AIs sea ebn gi�eFn°: gnia! noose, Bound e TIIE 1 OS P4ASTEtR JOINS TOE ARMY WHO ARE SIIOI3TING 'lIE PRAISES OF-BOOD'S litIDNEY PILLS' IN TILE W1 ST. A Neighbor advised hint to take thein for his "Rheuialatism and Gravel. They iiured West` Gr apelb o S ectal , — urg, Basica Jan. 2 i P )Alexander MoCartear the postmaster :here, has joined the great western array that has for its wutchvro d, "'When ailing, use Dodd's KidneyPills." And like all others be }las good and sufficient reasons. "I was laid np with Rheunnatiszn and Gravel," Mr. McCarter states "and was also troubled with znyr bladder, I was so,{ bad I could not A ao much: work. neighbor cause slo lag who had been troubled the same- way, a=id advised me to try Dodds. Kidney Pills, I did it. T bought two bores, and, using theta according to directions, was soon stile to go to work."' I'otiee one thing:, It was a neighbor'who had been troubled the tame way who',advised the post- master to use Dodd'a Kidney Pills, Te else had been ,eured by diem. Mat's why he recommended them; If you're. troubled with Kidney Disease in any tQ Backaebe, Rheumatism Lumbago, " Gravels Dropsy_, Diabetes, or Bright's Dia, mase. ----ask your neighbors. You'll soon And one who has been eared by Dcdd's Kidney Pills. Ala NT—MIel i` EO I dl+ OA. Iaittlq IY.appel3izi lrtatlaea Ile; lIer teff to Gra'auslfathe "You know tbe old, old said Belinda, "about gran razisd his spectacles, how one day when be wanted them he couldn't find therm, and how they looked and looked and lolaked for them, on iho floor" and under the table, and around everywhere, and how they, finally found thein on ;grandfather's forehead, vilerc he had pushed. these hada from his nose? "Well, this morning when I' came FROM E 1N'S GREEN ISLE NEWS .B IL FIt1M LAND'S SHHORR.ES, Happenings in the 'Emerald, Lsle' of Interest to.Irish- men. The old saw mills in Cavan, the property of the Cavan n St re s C . Q, were entirely destroyed by fire, with a loss of $2,500. An old -age pensioner and small farmer, William (.Curtis, was found drowned ira a well at Shauratlgu,. Carriekiaacross. , James Casselly, a ` carter, was. awarded $3,700 by a C"ounty,Dowaa jury for injuries received from the Great-Nosthern R. R. Company. The nee o: e hospital .,Ito i in ..til p.l 1w o. in - point of et{mfort and et uipment can ares favorably w. th any insti- tutionof its kind in the three king dome. Tho anniversary of the nurse of Alien, Larkin sand, O'Brien is Janchester was ea omerorated by as torchlight procession in Mona fit afichael Davitt's, eldest son;° who is za medical" student, delivered an interecting €address in Dublin, die playing all his father's power of eloquence. The external trade of Ireland bits reased from $32,5,000,000 in 190 to upwards of $025,000,000. in 1909, the bulk beiug in exports to. Gt;eai Britain. .Negotiations fon the purchase by the tenants of their' :holdings on the estaate of Lord' Castletown, situated. lit the parish of Clough algal Balla. la, are no'ly almost completed, POOR l'A A little boy was risen by his mother, and, hero ous to'get away to play, he sande a11 the has he could.: The shop was full Oaf customers when lie .ar- riv ed, but he pushed himself to the from rine,? tried out: I' say, grocer, will you serve me clilie1 i It's for any father's din- er.az "'Well, what do you want, nay it- ile man 1" said the grocer, leaving the customer he was serving. "Two pounds of softy soap and a packet of washing -powder,'' was the quick response. ITT ZA111-11-CI% ,F011,F011I'ILES. .Head How Tbhs Sufferer Benefited] Don't you `believe that experience is better than hearsay 2 If you alai,, fel. from piles, just try Zam-Bah. Xou can 414 so at your own expetlse. So assured are we of the result that we will 11 s end's you 4l, free trial boat _ if you send to oiir Toronto office** fell name and address and a one r cent stamp to pay return postage a Mr, I''. Astridge, of a St. Paid St,:. ,. S t, Cuaaariaes, Out., says ; ' `For fins _ y oars I have suffered untold agorg with protruding piles, The para! was so great at tunes' I wesuld al• most scream..- `"I lost weight and had' uo' arxpe tite., 1 tried everything I- eves heard of for. piles, as I teras williisg; to take anything tn, get relief. ,Ins was- useless, however, and 1 allzaoss. gave up in. despair, t "One day a friend gave me a sem pie of Zara-Euk, and told zee ef a friend of his who had been cured I decided to try .Zana-Bul, anti thi relief I got was encouraging, used three boxes, and at the ens of that time 1 was completely curl ed,'" Zan .Bak be found asure cure for 'COld sores, chappee hands, frost bites, ulcers, blood poison. varicose -sores, scalp sores range—m, in>'latncd patches, babies. eruptions and chapped places, outs burns, bruissie and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at Sae. box, lar post free fain Gam-Buk Co„ Toronto, upon "re. eeipt of price. You are warned against harauful imitations and stub' stitutes. The death has taken plaee at Ilosenallis, Queen's County, of 1lIrs. Elizabeth Conroy, aged 203 years. She leaves three sans, all of whom are ira reeeipt of old -age pension],; Arra Englishman eonnected with the woollen manufacturing business: has acquired Kent's mill,on the South Quad Wieklevv, for the pur- pose of having it fitted up as a woollen factory. The tenants on the Darcy estate in the parish of Turlough have re- fused to pay ;rent, and are seeking y every means to compel the land- rd, Mr. Darcy, of New Forest,, es. Galway, to sell the land. There. were 3,029 wises of anfec oils disease reported. in Glasgenv cane day recently. to put on nay ;clippers `I` got one on. and I couldn't find the other, and la I looked and looked and looked and G looked just everywhere for that other :slipaper, and where do you think I finally found it? "Whys it is was on any other foot, where 1 had put it and forgotten it,, Y, I must be as queer as grandfather:" • e chis .*tons coadhs. cures colds, heal" "Rea 11 think I m t t TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak,` Weary, Watery Eyes and GraanulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't £inart—soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25o, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25o. $1.00, Eye Dooku and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. You may have noticed that a good Many man who attend church are not troubled with; insomnia. Warts are disfigurements that disappear when treated with Hollo- way's Corn Cure. No , man is so ; great that lie can afford to ignore even' the smallest man: tlhtldren.WM C• Sleighing. TDoy conA* borne eev rod with snow. Halt a;teaapoonyal of Paig- e killer in bot sweetened wit©r will prevent any effect,, Mold substitutes, there to but one "Painkiller "-Perry Model -25c. and 500,' I?URC FFA SED. Dyspepsia Specialist (irritably — "But, madamyou -must , chew your .food. " What were,'your teeth given you for 7"• Patient (calmly) --"`They weren't given to me'; 1 bought •'em." .t; e The: greater the irritation throw in the t the more }distressingthe cough becomes. Coughing effort of Nature' to expel 's rri- tating -substancePel. thisar ,pas-. from the; air pas- sages, Bickle's P ti 1�71tI-i�,(?Y15U..... S'yru- will Anti -Consumptive n v ll head the` inflamed ' arts n'hich exude mucous, and restore themrto a healthy state, the cou h disa pea ring.- under the,' g le,. • to of fire medic7neIt is f¢`taste,,a,ndthe,ric pleasant ,the' iS Within t .P e, `lo tents, he;reach elf allt=.,•,.res l?ECTO l no}vn poo tn,lJ+nglis';. Wnatli tendl rnls Osthroat lad ]unix • • , 25 cents. Too much patience is awfully hard on a certain portion : of a man's trousers. ♦ Wagging genet drives sleep sus aotittar! away. Yon-canconquer it with Allen's Taos uaL+aai, which relieves hard breathing, pplan to the chest and irritation of the throat. Clive If .rawly to the children. Anyway, a woman can sharpen a pencil just as gracefully as a man can thread a needle. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sort. Throat will not live under the sams roof with Hanslins Wizard Oil, the best of all remedies for the relict of all pain. THE EXACT FIG. Did -you know that the hairs of our heads were numbered, Willie i" "Sure! I was with sish ande en she bought hers, they were nuin- bered nineteen -fifty, was twenty- two -seventy -fire !" A cure for 'Fever and Ague._ -Dig` turbance of the `'stolnach andlives always precede attaeks of fever -ane ague, showing 'derangeui. 1., t - � hf digestive osgans anti des ti) atiit in the quality d I y of the Weser ,_ Is l these ailinents : Parnieiee's Vega. table' Fills have,: -been -found ' most effective, abating, aIle - fever tine subduingthe agile in a few days. r to.,. There arc many _who are subject to these distressino. disturbances -ane A man is sure to have enemies -- unless lie rnarries a. woman who ]lass no relatives. Thousands of mothers can testify to ` the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm' Ex_termivaator, because they know intim experience how useful it it. i Wife -"Here's another invita.-. tion to dine at the Platleys. What a bore those occasions are 1" Flub- by—"Yes; ub by--, `],res ; even their dinner -knives are dell a' mer-. fa No ouch Thing es * barnelees sough, The'trouble goes Iron. bad to worse unless check. ed. Anon's Lung' .Balsam, aures the worst: of sows. It allays inflammation and clears. tbe air paao gel, A mother or four daughters, one of whom had recently married, cor- nered an eligible young man in the drawing -room. "And which of my girls do you most admire, might I ask'?" "The married one." was the reply, °s. WI Tow's Seo .'tag Syrup .1124 'been nand for over Stxrx-rsvg YEAr.s br n:zLobus at MOTKErt5 Ir- .:ur1r CHILDREN; WHIM T Y ,.•t`III-�ap. *frith i entaoic: tern. It.eoonr $:..: rt. CHILD. SOFiEINS the 00115.AIZIANS Ali PAIN; fi;JRrs WIND COLIC. end le the beef remedy far Ipi4YH.IIC{,i.: Sold byDrn, t -it, la every pert of the girls Senors end Ask Mr 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing..' Syrup, rad take nootber kind. Twentr•five cents a Uottic Q,urunteed uruer the Food end Iaruga Act, 'nue,-.tt)s..1855. Serial 0. umb,rlal. LW. QLD AND WLSLL TRIED REMEDY. Bibliophile(ast I h ag } be you -, g Yr pardon, madam, but that book your little girl is playing with is an old and ' exceedingly rare first edi- tion. Caller—Oh,_that's all right, Mr. Bibbert. Tt will.amuse her just as tench' as if it were nice;,,and new. to '"}e1Rk'l' ftp vu, ",olila7/LT'tCGI"F fPea.. ]Luca tfellarw wee/. oleo Rubor Qellege, ANCER,;', :: pre, :].opens, ever $btsrkMM� an ez.. al, cure ,w al cured Atsbgalagee ging borne lit'*at�c+nt.: 'Write las beforft tate tr Ia . l'sr. 2 �e lit' ra 1,lecli0a3 fila.. LimsG.a. pli1St+gw4aal Out, 4 eratious in Can ta'dxy Pt"*" Tide Ans ebonies al ^y,st�e� rues we teach 341se7ap Y Ih1* $taiing, Aroutx work Orlt),leilt?Atskroriset tiara a'srit.sitnifats;; write Contrat Tolegraplk end ;a3ail:road a5choel, Yonge kul4 (Wood rarento, w, l blasaw, Preoeiti.e-t' MAKE LI PATIN 1911 Do you intcrd anaking e money irs 59u than you ditd Tri 1.91.0? Your intention will be a reality i' yell earl ":lick and: hang"—that is, if you go into Life Insurance' worik'. The National 14re atfirn rile !host modes] and liberal'palieRas-.-the kind that aro easy to Write to-dayfur our liberal termer to good, mon. The National. Assurance _Joof n .itt ,cow Head, Office - Torrent o o0: Fire, Liabi Rust and Storni,ProR Durable and Ornamental amental Let us know the size of any root you arra thinking of;covsrfntaand w'e will (make you an interesting offer.: etaWWWG " iloaffng Co Llmlt,d MANUFACTitInEriS TORONTO and WINNIPEG A certain married man was in the habit of troubling hie father- in-law with complaints about his wife's. behaviour, "Really, this it too bad i" cried the irascible old gentleman one day on' hearing of some . of his daughter's delinquen- cies. "If I hear : any more com- plaints I will disinherit her." There were ,no more. TAKE NOTICE. the publish simple, Ll git testimonials, notpress agents' into views,:' from a sell -know* people.. > From all over Americq they testify, to 'the men' � its of TfiliAnn'S LINIMENT, the beat of Hots,. ' holdlaomodies. MINARD's LINIi1iE �'r CQ. LI ITI;D.- t 2t is a Liven S Pi 1. Man' , of. the ' • " r S .y The � aver age r, -tri is apt �, to gen .<:.ilments• that men has to contend ' crate a genre to kiss .her .little. bre with have their origin in a'disorder then when the right'young, gaol. .el ed -liver; which is a delicate'organ, resen p t. peculiarly susceptible' to tie dis x117°iJane r5 that come from irregular rEgnia7 ' Mo 8ubaltute,lor "TUe n,�ln habits or lack of care hi eating ¢ltUougliaoanelrgcrul� uuacies. nF; and ,9s' R•oa m Bili ;w: ,, . .. '_. fb drinking. .'t x This w. fog° tlte..and eaerx;5�iu,���i" a ��ay� ane ver reg ula acs now A�lgpthgl PlaNtleasayisti great many li t to these there Is n('; better prepara• 'presser] ;inr the':attention of -suffe: tion: 'procurable as, a means of re ers> Of these: there is 'none. supers lief. Dior to Parmelee s Vegeta , - Their'olieration.thoughgentle.hs of feetive, and the : most delicate can' Frequently- .a ;thief small sum that he;;hs steals silo sekat ;to fail Se, tt 11 :�