HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-5, Page 2t
"Nancy, come: out a
"Y011 must
oder of her each day; while Sir
ncs t"- "a'mphrey boldly declareal he eoulc
not do without his Nancy now,
She .had dropped. ,into her plea,
scant position both naturally an
came to the wvindoan",: gracefully, and ne. two people re -
looked doewrn at; her sister b ado-:ioxoed fortune
over her phenomenally
tion, a wwrorl<'t of love shinixa :n her good fortune than her old frit y,
Dr, Oarentle ; and Nurse Wortley,
Flea mfieent. eyes.
� c e,e ,
Yana. dares; sa,� must t to me 1
aalxe demanded, with a smile.
Dorothy answered, laiz-
fl „A"you have sat over that Italian
stuff quite lexig- na„wglr; I do not
intend to let yea sit tiny 1QXr$e , ,oz1
eh an exquisite "lay a,
"1t is lovely,” „.greed Nancy,
Both Sir Humphrey and Dorothy
knew everything about her,anee
they loved her hent the less because
cif her former menial duties and
vulgar surr'ouzidings; aid the, fee;
brat her father's relations, had so
etuelly deserted her. winly served tea
ear her still nxore strongly
from. the mistress of the house, ' the J 't. > 1,11.. 0
man "t2sswvered, insolently".
Na'lcy pped atlood at m
for air inststoant, thennd saidke, slowlyhi,
t ""Y„Su are quit right, .I am not
he m4tress of this house; but there
s a. master, and he shall deal with + v av
"Don't - you go.and get me ray
notice,” William nruttered, nutting The outcome of every man's busi.
�uixnself before the girl; "don't, I /less, his Profession and finelly him-
;day, or it will be the worse for self individually, depends very
der-, Miss Nancy Ilamilton, l: 'yer, much upon how he looks :at himself,
�xnderstend i" says Hoard's Dairyman. What,
And with that the loam put his are his standards in the conduct of
wand, lightly ,on the girl's arm,
his work? How does be honor .him-
Before she had time to. utter a self and his life work in his mind?
rd he had removed it, and was We di} not know 'boxy mucid conceit
lid)pirag quickly away, when .Bir d or vanity he may have , but rather
. brees voice said,
P: in u dee how much honest pride does he take
eiumpinind v y : in the profession ho follows?
'"St -o .." Then¶herr, is a most powerful isa#lraence after a wedding 1 at
The human stemaelr an action-
p s loolring at him g t xe ancient. Teti- cineamato "ra li
sterol he went on ; lei r�'an•a what for good or ill in this question. toils had' a custom o ' drinkingg P. performances is
y, hat Ono of the most powerful causes for mead made of hon f a ab t the latest
}a cussed as.
s Ns -y;414 1 hear that man threat- ,R _ ey about
poor, shiftless ut the
you r, p , h ftless fanning, miserable,- The hrxdef room . In Flahive 11 latest and most brilliant q
*ayauc ^ x low-grade omelet r°urr dowry farm, times the newly wedded i otheplismen l in the lighting ntst
,� Imitated; she had felt , y xnarx hate
ex angryfor x and all, t.,e long train, of evils: that to wait upon his brideof .barnoc pant ,with its, stareal-
'y r a a� oxlserxt, but there �i? and the
amend in the wake of such thins guests on his weddin day, Re for in the
occupant t as the ac-
ads not a grain of ;malice in her Fla- is to. starywas tor in ttse scenes.
t with a low-down stand- their groorn,
s" and of wh,a,t the farnper ought to be
It ie nothing; lie meant .no, g e.
,, There ra the beginning of tho
:- , she answtircd, laurriw;dly,
inmi LYE
D1S"at eels=" ER
c RUrv'kC Co€r .;
Booklet'"x,)istemper; Causes,, CAM and Prevetatiou,'"Tit k3. nrx
gieta, herpes$ dealers, St and 54e bot,le. $xx and rw a dazed. XV'uters-,ti, L,L wvxrgnars:a x n D RriUGq s`rzi,
SPQHN MEDiC,alt,. CO.. Qosb n. Indiana, }t. S.
xoom" CanDie .From a Looxig CirreamatPerformances
erformances n'l
ession; o rinldng. Duman Stomach.
The :honeymoon: For thirty days
S1ol\ S.
wt le, "Ho tekeea n0 pride in bis
Humphrey kissed her gently. farming,": is the e i
away, my° dear, and leave mo wv1 ere T�v rd ca Geo
to deal with this fellow." ;� you, will that sort v a farmer
The two girls were .standing at helxt, Oi oottr se her prosenca eta „ 1 barely exists. Ho never crnakes
Cho E zee to Newsy paused for an instant, menet, f
. Cha o y rti a;rxning oar does be win
' ori the �*rasaa-= laxwvu *" n, in
a v , and Naxlcy whiGla, Tjad r Fr .retieyoungwou o an a noww, turned
sxszda Isar room, a delightful, pxc;- , 5 l;e -1d, Clio any , r ocl and have to ask the queYtiolx that
xtside c a om, nt which earls mother, participated vigor walked away. at- ods as the cationto this
i e, wl ch she at 1. She, r knew p i s bort
ored .,.s y, but xsir, atinoulit of argument sieves or kw'w wlwat passed be -
owed, Depend , I1. p upon. it that the
It wet >e ..t _ a 1, 11
� ltxnxxr{'i', >alx+r�. tate:,.
>s#a. 1.ixi%o steam, tho �alaBw .
know cid faintly ixr the soft breee F . , either in Frolics or honor, or r ai
scent Gf
he lilies mingled with.
o ..
�cl r h the
r s1as�, the old-f,tislxran swv et- "
� c Nil-
liatxn and carnska�ans prankc;d the
garden plots. Nancy's heart thril-
led with the ,sense of peace and bap
piuees that was her daily lot now.
"Why on earth tirou work so hard
X cant think, 1 don't bother my-
self about tt.'"
�.eti gar@ swot r?ie, i.?Q1Ia'",or ,
sart*red Nancy, uiagraxrunatically.
too hot to puzzle tat
tarotlxy Iauglra, and then ;.
dung up a, dewy fr rraiit rose
back ( the 1411. Doroth oat- eetvu Salt had given a
y great aracl much disoussio
n seeing that no word of hers credit. That, tho reason why
ld d good we
mors "could nkeve e?tlsser
,artey or Dorothyfrom
�aetesminaation to keep Naney
lamilto. with u ww. Iz Clea
saved my darling's life, and
rhe makes her happy, that is
euough for .erre, Sir Humphrey a1='
ways answered 14is cousin, -"even
AD were all you try to nuke out,
ise�i.11a, I should lova her still
Nervy is 'just the sweetest and
girl in all the kingdom,"
he belent s to es now and shall.
r leave us'" Dorotlxy�, dealer -
pugnaciously, "and if Aunt
ilia can't conxe here without
ell agreeabiw�, why she can
eta • awed
s all. t a a
e Nancy is
y y
weed dear friend and sister, and
an't !rave ,her insulted,"
ween Sir Humphicy:arid the uxan;
belt side learned Fro tl let
leceper, a few Leers later that. Wit sa
i eel. aaxsong his fellow men, will
iia bad
na .al "
& r y dismiss- hang very largely upon Clic way
ed, and had already left Ripstoae that question is answered.. human
Hall for ever:.: nature is very queer. We ha,.v
After a momentary sensation of known some ver r unworthy,€t
regret that: she 41lould have beers yloedest b shifts
iced farmers Who talk loudest about
the unwilling cause oft depriving the rights a;rxd the home.' of the farrs
the marl of his livelihood, she could; znor., It waa to betoped, iu their
^ot help feeling reieved that he Ives cavae in wbet they :'seed, not what
Ane, It hadbeen very abetird, of they did, Quo of the eurest ways.
xrSs, but Williams persistent in- to xuake money in farming is to
oleuce had been the cozily
slotxd on the ;horizon of bei
cont great bappineas,
When her household duties
Dorothy's particular request
had taken them in hand •'
done, she returned to her olcl love,
her studies. She had shared with
of every fare -wee life
ClickOrit,', etaifiliug, 1
So lon+sly" with' amn artful li
°walt. in hsyr voice.
Tient was uitn enou h for .Na. c :,
,cl Z� n y
The 'nexte instant -acne was on the
lawn and had slipped' her hand
through the other girl's arm,
"Now, then, ,my fair one with
the golden locks," she asked > plat ._
, play-
fully, fully, "what are we going to do?"
"Get inti our haxnxnoelts ando
to sleep," g
Dorothy suited' the deed to the
word by flingingherself' down on
the ;ewingiug net and cushion ,"
'tole'dhbir `ani}
eat beside' er, raid gazed at the
Iovely little face, with its golden
locks and sweet oyes, ttxoughtful-
ly"What are you yostaring tit?" ask-
ed Miss Leicester, lazily, "How
dreamy you eyes are, Nancy."
"They are great goggles," ob-
served our heroine, putting one
hand over the orbs in question,
"What are great goggles V" in-
quired a voice from. behind.
"Merefiold 1 you again!" exclaim-
ed Dorothy,
"I only came yesterday," Lard
Mersafield said, apologetically, and
looking rather hurt.
"You will live here next."
"Dolly, you are rude 1"
"01z 1 It is all right, Miss Ham-
ilton, I don't mind what she says;
in feet, I—$ rather like it.''
And Lord Merefield drew up an-
other chair -sat down by the ham-
mock, -too, endeavori lg to .seem as
if he did not mind his cousin's un-
graciousness in the least, and fail-
ing miserably.
Nancy Hamilton leaned back and
smiled; this was a daily occurrence,
and she knew it by heart.
"w is Aunt .Priscilla?"' . snap-
ped Dgrothy, after a -pause. She
always 'spoke of his mother in this
way, although Lady Mcrefield was
her father's cousin.
en there was anotherP ause.'
I," haven't you any news,
'1 You are the dullest
ow," was 'the next re
-T quite forgot --
roe the other day,
vex lived at the
old place near
a long time,
next win-
n—a Mr.
1l have
All this was declared over and
erver again to Lord Merawfield, who
protested in return that Dorothy
was quite right and his mother
quite wrong, and that he loved
Nancy very much, as he would have
protested he. loved -a scorpion if
his ousi1 Dorothy had wished it,
though, as a matter of fact, he did
like Nancy inamertselyaandelea was
rest Lea.cis ipso-itand,ed to sea r llat
her companionship was,. an excellent
for the beautiful, tituu spoiled sole
d 't.
► 1
tie heiress.
With her Uncle Henry, Nancy
held no communication, though she
got occasional news of hixu from
Dr. Grantley; and gradually the
past, with all .its miseries, its bit
ter despair and drudgery, faded in-
to oblivion.
Now, as she walked back to the
Hall,she was busy thinking about
the guests who were to eome to-
day. Dorothy had determined on
ha.v"ing a lawn -tennis tournament,
and, of course, it was decided at
once this was to take' place.
"It will• be a good opportunity to
introduce Nancy to the county, pa-
pa," she had said, .and Sir Hum-
phrey quite agreed with his dar-
"Let me see, one two," Nancy
mused to herself, `"Capt. and Mrs.
Fairfax, four, and—and I wonder
if he will come.''''
"He" was Derrick Darnley, whom
she had not seen •since ' that mem-
orable evening - in Sir . Humphrey's
den; perhaps it etas because his
name was so often on Dorothy's
lips that Nancy remembered him;
but most certainly he rose- to her
mind with wonderful persistency.
The housekeeper was waiting to
receive all her c,rders, -and Miss
Hamilton was very busy for. the
next half-hour; shefound that all.
the servants waited on her with
great deference and respect with
one exception, and that 'exception
was a footman ;named ' William„
whose manner sometimes had the
effect of making the girl most un-
eomfortable, though she could
scarcely have told why. ,,She said situation ajoatfalli alarming, " oud-sust
nothing about it f h in jocular manner; "You must
dark take an Iso; ; " e eee1 nae tie:;' eienduct
pre- of the...
- at SI T'i"t.N
T Tho pro
ti necessary donee pt
Miss Leicester during the ;lost few ity depends up;an the
months all the benefits that tie t'era.ture of •Glee mall, and
best masters could give, and with, the strength ref rennet used.
her natural aptitudes and lova of Tho ideal temperature a!e-exaas to ho
learning she had made,gigantic: 84 to 86 degxwees, preferably
g the foresee; too high temperature
progress. Dorothy, on the other l?
Sirloin of beef ; King Charles I.
being greatly pleased with a, roast
loixA of b -ef set before %suss, deeta ed
it "good. enough' 4o ho lcxiighted,"
I't lime ever since been called
A spinster: Wome;w were'pro;ths
xted from, inert -tete; in the olden
lee until they had ;Ton a full see
1Jed furniellings on .t spinning
lie nee, tiU rna;'died. they.
Cabal: This word. was eoh-wd iu
Charles I:I.'s reign tido applied to
It is called ""bioureengenogre
phy" ,and is the invention of two
M1.unich physicians, Drs„ 1 , iCaestlo`
and H, Rieder, in collzber;etien.
with Dr. Rosenthal, a civil engin-
eer, I€.`is tho Cinematograph meth-
od of photography° applied' to laze
X-ray; `process, and gives moving,
pictures of'the body'e internal or-
Auks as they de their work,
The stomach, which can be nada-
$`1teet to the X-ray by c% edger,
its `interior wall with some cheluic
ale—oxido of zircon ie what theeo'
his cabinet council, It was made m n, use—is adaptss to
out of the initials of asci• names wvtrich raymoproonsy itself
which were: Clifford, ,A,rlin�to 'the Fray Proacsses, which is �,
which eCliffo g n, mighty fortuneto thing, because it.
3, Lauderdale, is elect the one on whack the near
he '4
hand, was neither clever nor desir-
ous of being so.
"Derry always calls me as dunce,
_she would say to • Nancy, "his love-.
ly` .ittie gunee; and you know 1
lei .m
really atales all do �;�
xis, i tom.
Y r C+ " Iw. xanya.ul�;
It was an undoubted fact that
Dorothy kept religiously to this re-
solution,- and succeeded admirably.
"But with such beauty, such sur-
roundings as' hers, what does she
want morel" Nancy would think.
to herself, "and her mature is none;,
the worse for her literary defects."
The only thing for which Nancy
was sorry Was the way in which the
little heiress treated her kinsruan,
the Earl of Merefleld, for already
she know that it was the dearest
wish of Sir Humphrey's heart that
his daughter and this :young man
should make a. match of it. Nancy
was only too anxious for anything
that would give the genial, kind-
hearted. father happiness.
""They are only two 4r.
she said., as she :heard ..� w .:, els
carne," toward her on the breeze --
Dorothy's shrilly indignant, and,
Merefielc s beseeehing—"and wv'ili
get wiser each day. I -I wish Mx.
Darnley would'come home; I fancy
he has more influence over her than
any one ease.".
(To be continued.)
""Do you know what" my father
would have done if he had.caught
me doing such:a thing?" asked an
irate father of his youthful'' son;
and then he went: on to describe the
penalties and pains that would have
been inflicted.
The Iatter did not consider the
, however, ors e
knew that, had she complained the
man would have been dismissed at
once, and she had too kind, a heart
to -desire' this; besides, he --never
ventured to show any disrespect
before Sir Iurnphrey 'or his young
• ress-; it was only when she hap -
see .him alone that she, e
a;grieable neina...' ..
ce, au,c even thenTs
to laugh down
iculous and be
t is wonderful'f
things `affect
for example
ugh the
have had a pretty bad father."
This cool, sarcastic manner >'net-
tled the parent all the more, and
he, exclaimed : "Well, sir, 1 want
you; ' to ".distinctly understand that.
I had a better father than you']I
ever have."
Tien ho'?;feIt that 110 had
ri se7ryr,, c?xi4ru.�d" �sa`1dx;�}7e ate
has supposing,;, a, big, fierce tine
ao seize one af.your.'playxnat,
11lT l ungr, Jaw7s and, earryr'hi
•, € wb no,l�repay.' Half.,'W'
eYa shine it wvas•,
if 'wine
ad general
shareheldeers, ht
December 170 a,
factory one. It s
ishment of everything else dependr..
al�Tll ill' t,'tN tD Discoveries of the utmost int,
portenee i!i diagnosis have follow
Statemented, instantly, on the use of Ilion-
tiled --Gent, eno eta hy. Th v..•;.
,g � IP,.. o pea urlxnl
lliatory. opinion regarding the moven:mate
nt of le Haloes of the stoma: ell was found to be
wrong, It w es taken for
ed azt the
of the
a most satis-
s a very lib-
ral margin of profit over the
mount required for dividends. In
tet the bank t
G, rood at the rate
of 14 per cent. on the average paid-
up the curds to harden lou up capital, and as a result of the
quickly with loss of fat, and ,low satisfactory earnixxgs inoreascd
temperature requires longer time their dividend from 7 to 3' per Cent.
for a proper degree of hardness or The net.profit 'Lor the •ear
a soft Cheese or curd will be the ye , af,..gr
result: It must be ; borne in mind deducting expenses of manage-
thaat`'"� sore st have a urlifarni" tent- G, interest due depositors, etc,
pera,ture trouglxout the vitt of etc,, unxow1nted to $451,,6°0. Durin
milk. ` : the year $800,000 of new stock -
Tho amount et -rennet to 1.180 de- i seued at a. prcvr'n.v.'rnf 5 flee.' 0
pends upon its strength," lire terne rete .
perature and aeidity of the milk tog thcr with the
. "Face
, sums, together with tbalanoc
d chees8 bade, thcredof cV•ern
fraaniu gthe tokind 4 ounofce per 1to,000-:lbems, of 30,e 3300, stmitountacnl;ount to $25,000on ov
, madbere
milk may be used; it should cosign- a total of $840,107 available for dis-
late the milk sufficiently for Gutting tribution, This was apportioned as
it from 20 to 35 minutes after add.
any physicians that aa,
0f tile, ,Stomach contracted in rhs�
!X13!! ?xxtt'rvasdividing
., itself lixt,
� ascparcrttT ;Harte.' The moving X-ray'
pictures show that such a separa-
tion doesn't take plane,' nor is thero
any strictly local end-piece to tho
The contents are contrtxeted and
pushed forward; then, immediately
before exit front the stomach, n
portion of the mass in process of
digestion returns to the stomach
id goes through the movement
Q.." diagnosis of the graves
s is vastly helped
; but electricity
further than
shadow of
ing. The rennet should be diluted follows:
with about forty times asmuch cold Three quarterly dividends at the
water before adding to the milk; rate of 1% per cent, and one at the
this allows it to be well stirred into rate of 2 per cent., a total of $500,-
the milk before
coagulation begiaa. 000 transferred'to the rest account,
Always use a rake to stir rennet in this sum being made up of prerni-
with; a `dipper can be used and is •ams on neW stock and $140,000 from
preferred by many makers. After the ordinary earnings; the sum of
st;irringthe ,xentaet in, it is wise to $10,000, transferred to officers' pen
koepx, the��,+surface of the'. -vat gently sign fund, leaving a balance of $80,-
at itat zi to prevent cream rising, 000 to be carried forward. The
being sures to 'stop all motion be- paid-up capital now amounts to
fore coagulation begins. Whenever 84,000,000, being increased' by
passible,- it is wise to cover the vat $800,000 during the year and ,the
to exclude cold air, flies and dust, rest account now stands at $2,400,-
01ose watch should be kept to note 000, being also largely increased
the condition so that the cutting during the same period.
:may be begun' at the proper time. An examination of the statement.
Great care should be taken to shows that the deposits not bearing
stir the' rennet evenly throughout interest amount to almost $15,000,-
the whole vat, as uneven coagula- 000, heaving increased by over $3,-
tion causes excessive loss of `vat 000,000 during the year. This in -
and casein as well as imperfect lex- crease -in the` deposits not bearing
ture and body. interest indicates an increased ca -
No maker should ever attempt to paoity for profit earning on, the part
stir the rennet'` in the, vat' when he of the' bank. The statement shows
has other work that calls his at.
tentionbefore the stirring, process
can be ,completed; it wotild not
cause so, much loss to leave the vat
and delay the adding of the rennet
until such time he he can give the
vat the .necessary time and atten-
tion. More loss of fat and caseiii
is caused by the makers in this
stage of. cheese making than any
one is aware of. The temperature
at which the cheese may be cured
should also be considered and the
amount of rennet to use; for a
quick ripening sit" high temperature'
more rennet may be used, but for large sum of .$47,455,000. indicating
ri.p.ening at about 55 degrees to that the Union Bank has become
60 degrees, use not m7Ci H.
ththan2 1-4 one of the larger of our financial
ounces of rennet.—Ala' ?' Few- . institutions. TI1a,t itis serving the,
ler in the New York "Produce' Re needs=of the business community is:
shown by the fact that it has lotnt:
jto business ho uses of lover $39 QCrO
00o Ai»0 tee intim&'
g 7ui9i mete in tki
8ct ratrcll rind th0.ea,,, 37 by ie
ei ens " tie ban
]s"wryA� a� ve es fy lw
'?r+aQs t ''.EL1toget Iel
dg�imalh the bank 1S
iri t tlfal ,i tirxti. ,xe.fleets
some gr
If you
your religion y,.
Righteousness as
right rather than fe
When the heart is frozen one i&
apt to think that the faith is firm;
A little humanity helps the
preacher mare than a r.. lot of divin.
Religion will never mean much
until you find it in the least 'ti,xngs.
He gets little.onit.of prayer wlro...,
prays only when he would get some-
One of the uses of adversitymay
P 7 ;-
be to teach us atienoe in 'u8gin_. t;
It is never safe to trust t the man
who thinks of the truth as a matter,
of grammar.
It's a wonderfully` comfortin
the hank to be particularly strong thing to see Providenceget after
in cash reserves i ` ,
y s n gold and Do- our. neighbors.
minion notes, which amount to He who fears ho will belone-
13 per cent. of the total ha- some xn heaven may find himself in
bilities, and also that the assets the wrong crowd.
immediately available, including Sone preaclring seems 'toonly be oChon
stocks, debentures and call loans, the notion that it needs
are very nearly 815,000,000, or over fireand whirlwind' to "rats "rich;'
37 per cent. of the total liabilities. crops.
The net profits for the year show It's hard fielieviii inthe death eathof
a gain>of $44,000 over the figures of the devil wrficn you see men making.
the previous Year and the. - money b "tle r g _
y total as . � g avinb children.
sets of the, bank an increase of 4�5 The ,greatest adirance that child_
Iii -
000,000 during the sante aeriod, ren, c,onld make would be' to
Imake it
The -total assets now amount to the Plain ,that there could be no, hob-
mesa without honesty.
"Thear.e, wC3
ehool .ta-
llest zet
only tliite eboys xn
Kv could answer a
the to bl ex 'skeSl,
t'ad to his ,mother
ape 19y '4ot'r w ;as10ne of
said the .fond parent
as answerer tlse
o -a
t is estimated t?aat the .oald'�;li
a;little of el 3;000,000,000 bias.
tent, -<eat la year, galla^ a : '
sYnce 100; that +he, � �, erage
eajj'ox n 00o?000, hesi ii -a,