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Exeter Advocate, 1911-1-5, Page 1
T ! Ti. AN A 19'. WNW Stock o Ise The trial «ifi' fly it1 Ila✓rc3i£Le, 'tlae t , b'3r0,0 Tovrnship .i'arTzser charged .w It ihett and with conspiracy with Jameo g`ita1+ si arx ixi hired man. cane to , ixt <i - d k ridgy :light in Goderich. its r lour cta <a lxearkr. AE lite' cot:cluatt Judge .; IX,y e -sentenced him to arse naoaath in jail on the en xrtr • crf sher'cpr- 5 stolen geods,- ;do,;t of the time v„ts k lar lion to briar; bongo ,!e e'^ cCl vy with Chapman. to rob tlkc g 1xR;ighbOrl.t1g tarinFr 0C :tamers, hips, grain, etc, '.Vhich v4a1eround la various 711 tees ' Oh the: RoY'clftfe farm I otw'ilr79tatrtding the fact that Ohs, Ttea a pit dcd Pi fly' of conspiracy *i :.i shore. that Rowelifte and tic tiled cora plrv.dt' u _ charge against 'rtor+ellfre fell i the _Advocate leas aclready' given the dottreIP of the Frtit, tilrfa:ctx carner ottt 44t the ntLaar:F r!e rilx some tela ai; s: a; n. xriel Mere ,' the W4111(4 cages cut a' ;t1c ttirtl, lr Go lerieh , At -tout .06 witnesses ,veto ftCatd !tx all. Zhe you:t state, Cli p:ru.tn,I.1ad lust cork ixlPied his term at the time 'of •the tr 3t'1 read was disc tattled ft Asti(, Dickoon. o? k' z t£ 3arad F°roudicut of Godericll appearal for ilsG detonce wtxllt CrOwn ;kltcaz,leY hes e -r- isx3ascouted, are anxious all the od�1 order to do .i' and pzecet in have rnaed Price: away u' o take advent their Al C. f2, Cr, £. 7,1OUf.STON, L.D,S; D.D.S- Donor Cradaate of Toronto t3nivereity DENTIST O9Hcest--over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices; Exeter: Telephone No. S. , Gioeed Wednesdtay: afternoons. Ixl. A, D. HINS1LAN, L. D. S., D. D. 6«+ °nor graduate of Toronto Univex etv.. DENTIST. teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad ettecto Ofdoeoyer Madman t Stanbnry'sOilce,lehineireet 7tseaelr, • �8©s'tacen5' R. BI IG111Tr • , D., M. C P 8.;. 11011011 • Gradptite of Toronto Uniyersity„Two years resident:pbysician Royal .Alexandra'Uc heal, etc. Office and Eeeidonce „Dr. Ainos' Old Stan; Andrew; Street .EICETE R T'4ot. R l�Iie1ie ACB ',DTBL J1 Fl}ysician, Surxeon, J.J cou3Zoffice `Dr Ilallins 47d�ce �C t Ces 9tice corner Tames and &I 'b, Jt�' optaotiaje Jame$titreet gidenco 39 b tletilodis1 paxeo11age, Flii ut„ G. BARRISTERS SOL1C1•. G"onvevaueers Con_ncisatoslere' txnifn!r, etc.; "'nt' 10/'-1.l lowest, ler.teeof ,;iµe naso et!eet,Exe+er, rrrFi>"D s, ie; 1vLUSIG" MISS DELIGHT BORES, Violin In- structor; James Street, Parsonage, MISS LILLzA%1. ELLIOT CONCEIT ' SOPRANO' PUPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS,-CEN`tt.ALIA; ; ONT. A. HOUzE V..S, • Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary COI - lege ; . member Ontario- Veterinary Med- ical SSciciety;,. treats all diseases o£ -do mesticated animals' On .scientific prin• - cipleu ; modern out -'erg a' specialty. orations on I., ;np Jaw, guarantend.'pat. 1siactory. Calls Itly ` day or night pr(x- ptly attended to. Office-Main-Gt., EExceter. Dr Ramsay's old' stand P'l ogle in connection:. PASTURE FARM sur SALE : eaigood` pasture farm, • West 9,'Noartb 'Boundary of 111cGiII- veral",acre: in: hush. ' Apply at LAal}IAN ' ;. STANBURY,, ' a3 Barristers, ;proton. elf 44 k'OR S L d nacre fair 11a1L xlixle�k,fa an Exetel elgesa tgs "T. axe cured; LOAa rge aanoust o#trp ode gxxtads dg� �gpertioo cyg t I .44 t In Osborne, tint.Exeter; al :q,s 'ia C'1»sat+rax tla lue, cot{: It s ¢'e<C0V41 it Sx' z,c1:11 aai: fl:{i iia P m°its 'i'-mre arc ori lot of lx 9,>t.� rt o Matte ! o 'bzl , sq `,4', a1 lc El l!e mum p:!i election i'2 Exeter 0n `onday last resulted in John Taylor is y re -eluted Reeve by a majority of 6.. " The following were elected coun-- tilcira, Rivera, Wr;i. \Valper,- %Vm. vett a'nd Luis Day. The former .ual Trustees were ( re-elected, Messrs. 1'. Carling', S. 'dariin rand. P. Wood. c' h7.-1:sw for water Conanaise1on1r4 us defeated, and colxsccluenllY the elte- '1V.x.ter Commissioners let, of r!o detailed stz.tt 1'E''t of t"ten l till a :s give:, belniv, a Tt.e r o,lt4st y of tr o rn t of ti ctof rt, Y +cat u cel c al ba an 1" taila ix;amiry. 1hq : vrar a cloee vete„ "r, Taylor'win tky'. 01,4y f- '3nlaell xata orlt7. Beth cod natruicinal Jeer>, laavc had gond lilxal rs rperl1nce, are L": od tl4htcr4, ould hot win. Wit„ x slreh a as a margin, bnth.astalrants as well satisfied as < it fpr 'Kinner and loner to lye. Fo+' Tuve r 74 a9ii"---24E1. For Cost '.1 orgsat. w w311 39 45 41, 30 51, 40 359-' is aiclti.b os;tjibte crl sale`=1 ai s 1- CI ateed; A tl8 till 11 3,-:38• Dow Sil;ea-.Yt` the 4a,n'de, on .an. 3 'b.y RCY. , 7F 7h irp, $r All sw lcIIer Dow, to Kira. Miller, both- �� Ezrf+r. zdsor- Robitrs,or.-,At Ducat: or. Dec. 14th, ;Mlee-' Mary Windsor, danghtcrt, of }Lr, aynd Mra. Geo, Wirdeor Cz.01. formerly of. ;SLcGillivray',, to Mr. F 1 ". R.otalt on of; SSC11Elvr°a.' Duplop--W iliania 1-t SC Lforiia ? <,k, Bay i,T, : Dunlop of Rifte rein, seta M. 11ia '1s of .afortlt, \.Longa:1-Pirk'!rd-Al St lr.zrys, c 2? term. Maria i"ck.a. to Mr '.7ol.�g Mor- g i of ilio trxt. 1'urteous -I x 't1tl -r°ll tier, 1'o.te.ous, ag'cd FIs ,car; ey befit o; t.. ` 24 tet "i"-.ornov laxtch�"4Yrt�.•-Mn kbtete,. aarci Blaf !ford, alle 9 ndotxt?s. luyga: ley-: eek years, glceter, an Tan. ;d,. zoom aged 73 Ye c'E.r 3, t1« fll.,:ntbr to Rx6it, ctnteriY of x17 t ,,d "70 e � e 4eTagg Its C.7-20:5 R 7.`.i.. tib .i,it r•-- '.",.'. . "7.'1-11.'.'"-4. (otauaaxlars° xa Tly la vt 3o :q led 32--3.12 57 lit rile 83-2.7,8 ':K.Gk1 ,A};,�3 la �g1Ptt 'SA' e a7 7--,13:5 89 1,4 d, 37-410 14013tsa, ;q-1 ress _tit, .- et;,1 s rt dna k.ut van, 011:31; :ta a�xgec1 ,.. '1 av'lt+ tt t+x u> Pert There ,t r int of Ylif£t.t ,, 'ye11.'.3 y xn;xlcia;S good and _sinking o„tar 3sao1. Iscaaly' all the t;nian and STr w raltora ,'nvc, au>w returtied to [their var- louo hornee, , Y+au can't: taiwcry`,s t31r,.z- Ii6crafitY by the length of to ibex Witc'1 .tat. ^itlt a .£amity: =rua1 live, ill 11tt' er Mian he, car. In ';1 a s stint s ter, ' . 0.; -' -Mr. Jamen _balker of.. .onxto0 llvad South, we aro, •sorry Yb z coon, :t s' at carTgdo1rttneIvuo.rali'ytcIaolut ha' shw1thho. talong the Normal course., and who ;wend bonne for ,the vacation, have returned Ito 'their studios. The friends 'of Mr. 1 -Bram Sfapton of Stephen will, leant with regret that he 1 confined to hes bad with:: art attack of "rheumati-$tn. The boll-tingera, of the Tr•ivttt ` YICIit- orlal Church were entertained ° to an oy- ster supper Oa NeW 'Year'a Fare at the home of air. N. Dyer{ Harden., Mrs. Tilos. 'Alleat of Farquhar, who re ceixtiy ,underwent and operation for, a,p pcndicitis,"has sufficiently recovered as to be able to visit' her .parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fletcher, ire; town. Congratulations are -due Geo. X3awdeu and Wm..Dignan of, Lucas, YE -Nelms ';Old Boys, o11 their being ,elected,'',to the. mun- Icipal Council of that village; ?1fr,5'13avw- ,r.. den hats been'- a . men1tser for several year9. ' c tS Mr, Macdolnald, student of'Queer'a Uri"- 'versify, Macdonald; preached Ilii'Caven Presbyterian church ;Sunday Morniing..141es Dundass. Of Ingersoll' sang a very ;pleasing' Solo at the sable service. 'fir. Art. 'Selden, of Lngeraoll: sang nix appreciated solo la ;.he eveiiitie;. Friends and relatives ,sere: will ,; re-. gree t'o loath that Mrs, F'red,'3..'i1i11 of Toronto, claujghter ,of'Mrs.:F ; .Tames ord of town, fell. while ,skating at, the park in, Toronto' h Saturdity, la et and broke oge,leg at Inc ankie The.' /hiured mem- ber i was immediately at.teoded to, ` xz;d the n'ati.erit is'doin nicely,: v' re a :nal the. feathers N ENQ.UI To t+1: Editor ai 'T.tie .dvjoc o, - Is' it legal.- for rat ,�cotr,acl30,113,t' ern the en' al thr -anxna,tion,•when, twz,' or the coun,cilsuen and reov t'iat"i„e.T1eign!� cd toeir different per3x`!on9 he't wall' c l ' ap04 to dO ashes' at st�l ria „ � s the Wau1d. of do, bozo e : n to' li!~;i4'13tic1SC 17 1 i'.I A'T1A:13AY: ,a go 11 STl'11'i 7 V a fetor unary tort oIccted t.y, fres lntnlx» int lire rix:'cc-cornered fight for' rt afe tib" 1a, Sanders ',rug out by I rt xxtajarlls. 3.10asra. 1%ctlermanp, curley were cicted councils'. 1 ell t osult by polls le, 61:vea bela'w, 7'Or Deputy -Reeve 4!S1 ,h'.'1Lt1i�rson ;i 17 17 ,7 .tri 27 r-1..85 • !tf,'tr,l r3 £ $4 20 40 30 10 85-22 l or Counclilors ntie,hael Finkbcl ser 20 21 55 70 28 59 50 .32'21-855G 00031;0 -Kellen -1141'n ".'171t 7 30 50 18 SS .86 25 59-390' 7elm Love 51. 44 54 64.22 142 32 57 76-403 David 'Webb 2,18 22 2'l «6 5309 20 58--986 'WYilit= -YearleY 52 '18 69 88 57 36'29 39 26-434' ISBOlR 31, - The eotatest was for the Beaveship^a- lone, between 'Wm. Atkinson and :Pled, Hu -akin, the latter winning by' 50; as foll.ovvs,- A.ilc%nson 48 11 '107. 41-207 Rankin 78 79 26 79-257 CLINTON-Mayor, . Jaeob Taylor, accl. Reeve.. W. . t . Smith, atdI.;