HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 8Good Clothing.. Do not let all the good chances pass by you. If you are likely to need a new suit during the next sir'months you will be doing yourself a favor by getting it now. Take advantage of our special discount of 20 per cent. . We don't try to fit a man into a ready-made suit. We make a suit to fit the man; and to fit him as if it were his own suit, not a borrowed one. If you want to have the repu- tation of being a correct dresser let us do the tailoring for you, and you will eyer be sure of Good materials, good fit, splen- did ' workmanship, and perfect finish. W.W.AMAN 1' Merchant. Tailor, Exeter, Ontario rrevowiririFir-v-erviriell LOCAL DOINGS. �. Rosiness Locals - Read Them Get your Marriage Licenses at the .Advocate office. Trya hot drink or an oyster stew at Stathanr's. . Ladies' or gentleman's gold watches. See the fine selection at A. Marchand's. Two dozen oranges for 25 cents at Charlton's Fair. Biggest assortment in town of chat- elene bags, wrist bags, band purses, pocket hooks, music rolls, silver purses, leather travelling set's, etc. etc.—How- Ws Drug Store, Choice Chocolate Bonbons 15c. to $1.50 per box at Statham's. Err- ovens Coming, Dr.• Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, January 11. Hours; all day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of • Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Mixed candies 3 lbs for 25c. at Stat - ham's. • Oranges i5c.to'60c:per dozen at Stat - ham's. Perfumes galore,. at Howey s Drug Store. If you want to see variety go to Howey's. Prices from 10c to $8. Our dollar lures "can't. be beat." #alk Mr. Chas. Rowe is again in a : very low state of health; ' Mr. Wm Rivers has purchased Mr• Albert Hooper's house on Simcoe street. ` Mr. John Preszcator lost a horse through death on Friday evening. Lockjaw was the cause. A song service will be held in the Main street church' on Sunday evening Deb. 30th. A car of Christmas presents going to the northwest was burned at North Bay on Tuesday of last week, Some of the students who arehome for the holidays are: Elmore Senior, Ray Farther, Herb. Gregory, . Ed. J. Facrett, Miss Winnie Carling, of Tor- onto;' Herb. Pickard of McGill Tniver- sity, Montreal; MissMartha Carling of Brantford. - Mr. W. T. Hawkshaw, of.London has purchased Mr. John Hawkslaw's residence on Main street, and the lat- tee has purchasedthe residence •of Mrs.` Airth on William street. "A hockey match will be played be- tween Hensall and Exeter teams here to -night (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. • Band in attendance. Skating after the match. Admission 25,15 and 10 cents. Clubbing Rates' TheTS canADV o- CA. give • you a special clubbing rate with any• news- paper or magazine in America. . Cell and get our rates. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. . The finest stock of silverware eyer shown in Exeter is at A. Marchand's. H. Wilmot Young and Marige Ad &liras Comedy Company drew good crowds to the Opera House on Friday and Saturday nights, They played '°In. Old Kentucky" and "The Princess of Patches." This company is always appreciated in Exeter and last week was no exception to the rule. Besides the plays being good thespecialties were much better than usually go with these shows. We understand that this company will return to Exeter in February under the auspices of the Exeter Fire Companies and will re- main for a week. . nicks' Forecasts for December. A Reactionary Storni Period is cen- tral on the 30th and 31st. The Moon is full on the 30, and on the same day the planet Uranus is in conjunction with the Earth and Sun. The opposi- tion of Jupiter being on the 27th, or only two daysfrom the conjunction of. Uranus and the full Moon on the 30th, brings. Jupiter, Earth, Moon, Sun and Uranus all in line at that time. Add- ed to all of these, wemust keep in mind the fact that we have, entered InlIy.into the combined equinoxes, of the great planets, Jupiter and Saturn. As the yeatr goes out more ;storms ' of sleet and snow will be passing across the country, with the probabilities good fair great accumulations of snow and ice, from previous storms and cold in most parts of this country. Suittngs and Partings Reduced in We have reduced a large +l•. nutnlier of first-class suitings and pantings in price and for + r . the next moy, nth will offer you d+ Suits reduced from $18 to $15 ÷ 1, ii /i $17 :to $14 $16 to $13.50 T. Pa <1nting "' 8do " '414 $15 ttb $ 512.50 ► F $ K' it " di $e to $4 u „ , ", $4.50 to $3.75 + $4.00 to $3.00 +± Chance. /iy�/.� iii w w r • ter J.'�Yr+,y�, � ta Merchant 'tailor • ;, B7setest' 4,'Phis Line we Will Clear et Once. Don't Mies the •4444 ***41+ + +1444+++ • Christmas was quietly spent in town. A'sbooting match took place on the Gun Clubs' grounds in the afternoon,, both pigeons and blue rocks being shot at and for the greater part bit. In the pigeon match four men tied, getting 8 out of 10. A Christmas entertainment was given the children of the Trivitt Me- morial Sunday school on Friday night i•f Inspector J, E. Tom has been ap- pointed to the board of examiners by the advisory council,,• Mr. Geo. E. Case of Toronto came up last week tolook after his sale, He will return there to live. The bellringers of the Trivitt Mem- orial church were kindly remembered at Christmas by Mrs. A. Q. Bolder who presented each with a fine large turkey, They take this opportunity of thanking her very kindly for the remembrance. Holiday "Visitors, A few of the Christmasvisitors are: William and George Salter, Fred Wal- ters, R. S. Crocker, wife and child, Mr. Bennett and daughter, Winnie, Miss Edna McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and child of Toronto; W. J. Verity, wife and 'fautily,. Russell Frayne, Mr.•and Mrs. N. W, Creech of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowe Flushing, Mich; Agalilla .Sheere of Lansing, Mich., Miss Tillie Balkwill of Hamilton, Miss. M,Gill, Fort Erie, Miss Evelyn Gill of. Toledo, Ohio., Frank Delbridge of Amheretburg, Dr. Follick of St. Marys, Dr. Ed. • Pickard of Chic- ago, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and daugh- ter of Detroit, Mr. and . Mrs. P. Mc- Donald of Forest, Miss Emma Heide- man of Ingersoll. Bert Flynn of Orangeville, Hugh McKay of ; Detroit. Trueman Brownlee of Chicago, Miss Cecelia Ferguson, Chas. Miners, Rich. Bissett, Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Rowtcliffe, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Tomlinson, Mr, and Mrs. George Willis, Miss Nellie and Geo. Hedges, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight, St. Thomas, Edgar Westcott, Mr. R. Sel- don and daughter, Ingersoll,' Mr. and Mrs. G. Sheere and Nelson Sheere, Brantford; Fred Sweet, Hamilton; Wm. Moncur, Guelph;. Albert Box,. Toledo; Frank Gordon, Rev. C. W. in the school hall. " A. tea and pro Sanders, Lucknow; Fred Sanders, gram were given and a pleasant time Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Ma daughter Ila, spent by the little ones. Mrs. Bich. Bissett and daughter Ila, Clifford,• son of Mr. Geo. Vosper,Aof Alfred Salter, wife and child, John Toronto, formerly of Exeter, under- Salter; Mr, and Mrs. Bird, Sidney Bucking - went a surgical. operationExeter, at one of Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harry the hospitals in that city for • appre- ham and two sone, Arthur Wood, dicitis. The little fellow came through Marryy u aidson, George •Armstrong,H the operation successfully and at last Erniess Davis,a Davis, MissiEmma Halls, reports was doing nicely.. Ernie Dands. Reid, Jimmy B Miss den, Daniel and Percy Rendle, Misa Mr. W. H. Kestle of Sharon lost a Nellie Fulton,' of London, Chas. Den - good mare on Saturday evening at the nis,-Hamilton; Mrs. W. W. Tait Park- station:- Be had come out to meet some relatives and having succeeded in fixing'a trunk on the cutter was about to drive offwhen the work train went through the yard. The beast be- coming frightened jumped in. front of the train which struck it and killed it instantly. , A colt belonging to Mr. D. A. San- ders ran away ,on Friday afternoon last when he -was driving it •upthe London Road. It was. frightened by. a small boy's antics.. Thecutter was turned over and became detached from the shafts, the horse escaping from the driver and running toward home. No hurt was done but the rig was con- siderably damaged. EXETER MARKETS. CFIANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 67 68 Barley,. ,., ,.,. 44 45 Peas... .. .. 76 78 Potatoes, per bag 60 60 Hay, per ton.......... ,. , 9 50 10 00 Flour, per cwt., family .. 200, Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 125 Butter., 21 to 22 Eggs. , ,,, ... Livehois, per cwt • Shorts per ton,,.:, Bran per ton.., Chicken ..., Hens. , Ducks . .. Geese Turkeys .... Dried Apples.... hill; Mrs.- Markey, East- Tawas, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagan, Dash- wood; A. E. Lindenfelt, Detroit; John and James McDonald, Clarence East- erbrook, Forest; Ed. Lambrook; Fort Wayne,. Indiana; Thornton Fear, J. D. Spackman, Toronto; Loraine Hooper, Buffalo; Mrs. Isaac Bissett, of Delhi; "Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hilderly, Stratford; _Arthur Hoskins, Brantford; Miss 'Ethel Sweet, St. Marys. Here is a puzzle that puzzles every- body. Take the number of your living brothers, double the amount, add to it three, multiply byfive, add toit the number of your living sisters, multiply the result by ten, add the number .of deathsof brothers and subtract 150 from the result. . The right figure will be the number of deaths, the middle the number of living sisters, and the left the number of living brothers. Try it and see. If you know of an item or a pieee of news, tell us about it. That's what we want. But a newspaper man -some- times experiences more difficulty in gathering news than one would imag- ine. This was the case when a reporter in a neighboring town, who a few days ago was sent to write up a fire in a res- idence. Going to the door he inquired fir the lady of the house. The maid saidshe was out. "Are any of the family at home?" inquired the scribe. "No, they are all out," was the. reply. "Well, wasn't there a fire here last 'evening? "Yes" said the maid, "but that's out too." The following is from the Clinton New Era: "Owing to the large attend- ance at the Clinton Business College the progressive management have found it necessary to get larger apart- ments fitted up. An additional teach- er, Miss Rosa McNee of London, who is a Gold Medalist, arrived in town Saturday and is in charge'of the Sten- ographic Department. Knowingsome- thingof this institution and the thor- oughness of its work, we can heartily recommend the Clinton Business Col- lege to those desirous of securing a Commercial or. Stenographic educa- tion." Mr. Wm. Bawden arrived on Thurs- day last from Scotland with thirteen fine heavy horses, eleven clydes and two shires. Mr. McDonell came as well but took the passenger train from' St. Johns, N. B., while Mr. Bearden came by freight. They sailed from Glasgow on the steamship Cassandra of the Donaldson line. When near: Paris the car in which the horses were was smashed in shuotingand at Strat- ford the officials• accommodated Mr. ' Bawden with a special train to Exeter for which he was well pleased. The ocean voyage was favorable both ways. She unpleasant part of the trip , we the six days run on the :railway from St. Johns. "George,"'ayoung Scotch man, came along with Mr. Bowden, Many will learn with regret, of the illness of Mr. Samuel White late of Detroit, but well known to many here, being a brother of Mr. Wm. White, Rodgerville. For several months Mr. White has suffered from lung trouble andwas confined to the Marine losppital of Detroit' and later to the Marine I3os- pital, New Mexico, but thinking a change would benefit his condition, about two weeks ago he carne to live with his mother at Hensall. : ` The change however brought no relief and owing to his motherbefog indisposed together with othen members of the household it was deemed 'advisiable to have Mr. White, removedto Victoria Elospital, London, for which place he left on' Saturday. Mr. White is very much reduced and there is no hope en- tertained for his recovery. Mastitis Elect Officers. At the last meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 1.33, A. F. Ilk A. M. the following biters were eleeted for the ensuing term, viz: Bro, Thos Pish- er, W. M.;Bio W. W,T men, 5. W.; Bari, D. W. Collins, 1.W4 Bro. E. A. Fear, Chap ; Wor.'Bio, Haivis. Tress.; Wor. 13rrr. O. H, Sanders, Sec'y;. ,Bro,' S, Sweet, Tyler. PERSONAL. 23 600 19 00 9 pee lb 7 Of 10 /1 10 " 12 " Miss Nettie Fulton of Wallaceburg is here an a visit of some weeks. Miss Stella Gregory has returned from Erin. She will teach here next year. Miss Victoria Miners returned last week from Goderich, • Mr. John Pedlar went to Petrolea on Wednesday: to visit. Mrs. Chas. Birney and sort, Willie,. are visiting in Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hein . spent Xmas with their son in Norwich. Mr. Chas. Tebbutt went to Clinton Saturday to . spend the holidays, Miss Lida Quance is home from Har- row.. Miss Rice, teacher, has returned to St. Marys. . Miss Pearl Leavitt has gone. to Ber- lin to visit. W. V.Taman visited his home in Blyth Tuesday. Miss Elsie McCallum' is spending a week in Toronto. Mr. Fred Elliott is home from New Ontario for a holiday. W. J. Heiman and family were in London Christmas day. Mrs. C. Lindenfelt has returned from a visit in Goderich. Miss Chidlev is spending the holiday at her home in Clinton. Mss Cora McPherson is home from Hope Bay for the holidays. Mrs. Newcombe spent Xmas in Stratford with her son, John. Mr. and birs. Joshua Morgan are here on a visit from Manitoba. Miss_ Jackson and Miss Sharp are spending the holidays in Gond on. Mr. Norman Cruikshank left on Fri- day on a visit to Toronto friends. Miss Lonise Eacrettreturned Friday from several weeks' visit in Toronto. Miss Weirheiser, of Buffalo, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Marchand. Miss May Snell returned last week from Inggersoll to spend the holidays. Mr. W. '0 Cann presented Mrs. Cann with a piano as a Christmas pre- sent. Mrs. D. Johns and daughters, Misses Lille and Any, spent Christmas at Sarnia, • Mr. Joos. Senior was called to Blen- heim on Saturdayowieg to' tie serious illness of his father, Mr. John Dinney OsLa,va arrived last week on a visit to relatives -here for a month. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Wenig (nee Dr. Addie Holland) are the guests of 311. and Mrs. A. Holland. Miss Merrill Gould is home from Blyth, having completed her duties as nxilliner for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Runlohr spent Xmas. at Seaforth. Harry Stevenson. ;returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweet of Olin - on arrived Thursday to spend a few ays with relatives. • Miss 011ie Quance returned last hursday from Dashwood, having -.completed the millinery season. Mr. Wm. Pugsley left, on Friday for Detroit wbere be will spend the winter ith his daughter, Mrs Jas. Vise. Messrs.'Fred Penbale and C. IV.. Cann returned Saturday from the Northwest where they spent the.sunr- mer, Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod returned Friday night from a two weeks' visit to his brother, Mr. D. C. McLeod, at Pana, III. Mr. D. French, keeper of the House of Refuge, Clinton, was in town Fri- day. Mr. Geo. Hodgins carne down with hian and will spend a week or. two. Miss May Armstrong arrived home from Willow City, North Dakota, • 'on Saturday to spend as few weeks. She. was accompanied here by her aunt, Mrs, Thos. Bowerman and little son. Miss Mary ,McArter, teecher tit •Sord-' om left Saturday for heir home in Brussels. While here she wen massy friends by her sunray disposition, who will be sorry to learn of her departure. She takes a Scheel in Morris next year. Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Darman of Whitewood, Sask., Mrs. Philip Green- tvood, Reiland, Man., Mars. Jacob Diehl of Cypress. Man,, Mr, A. T. Diehl of Winnipeg,. Man., are visiting here, the ix'tests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. %Vesteott. Mrs, Greenwood • is Mrs. Westcott's mother and Mrs, Dayton') iind MO, Diehl are her sisters. The latter has riot seen her sister for 25 years, Anderson - Austin Hewitt spent Sunday • under the parental roof.—Miss Maggie And- erson is visiting friends at Sarnia. Miss Nellie Sweitzer of Peterboro is home for her vacation.—Mr. Rundell of Mitchell. Road spent Sunday on Town Line. -The scholars of Town Line school presented their teacher Miss Brown with a writing desk before going'to her home at Granthurst; Miss Brown is through teaching. We are sorry to have her leave. Miss Birtch of St. Marys takes her place.—Will Brown is spending his vacation at his home here.—Leslie. Wright, James Highet and John Highet havereturned from the West, all looking hale and hearty. Grand Send - A happy New Year to all.—L Green of Port .Frank is spending the holidays ,with his father.—Emery Carriere is home from Parkhill for the a `'holidays. —Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Oliver and fam- ily spent Xmas. with friends in St. Marys.—Mrs. D. Molltird met with a painful'accident 'one day last week by falling and injuring her back. We are pleased to note, however, that she is improving.—The Christmas entertain- ments held by the Methodist and Pres- byterian churches were quite success- ful, the proceeds of the former amount - frig to $25 and the latter $55.—Wm. Holt of Sarnia spent a few days with relatives here last week.—Mr. Benore of Point Edward spent last week here. —Mr. and Mrs. A Kennedy, who have been in Port Huron the last two months, have returned home.—School closed Friday and Miss Mills left for her home to spend the holidays.—A. Bossenberry was in Parkhill a few days last week.—Mr. J. Southcott has gone to London to spend a few weeks. —Mr. Down and B. Pollock left Fri- day for Arkona on business. -Mr. Smith, who has been in Toronto for medical treatment, has arrived home. —Mr. and Mrs. L. Ravelle and family are spending a few days with friends in Dashwood. CORN! CORN !! 1 We have just received a car of old CORN of excellent quality which we are selling at reasonable prices. 0-0 EXQHANGE We will be pleased to ex- change Corn for Oats, Bar- ley, Peas or Wheat. We handle all kinds of grain. 11, HARVEY BROS- p, EXETER ONTARIO aancY4 �c.sec� e .ia41.1 Good Gifts When thinking of gifts for .New Year bear in mind that we have many goods That Make Ideal Presents of beauty and utility . Ebony Toilet Sets, Thermometers Travelling Cases, AtomlZers, Shaving Sets, Mirrors, Collar ,and Cuff Cases, Manicure Goods in Ebony, Ebony and Cloth Brusltes, Imported Perfaines Hi Handsome and many other items. Sensi- ble gifts th tt are espeeiaalfy di' • sirithie for prest:ntattipn to members of one's own family. We make the price right. W.L�OELNillI,L Chernist and Optrciae, EXETER Phone 00, NEXT DOOR 7:O LOST OFFICE TRY T. HAWK.INS cX� SQN: :FOR S T R3't7'Ea and„ FZTRNACES We keep a full stock of Building Hardware, Paints, Glass, Oil, Nails, Etc. Also for the Frost Repairs � sWood, and Cockshutt Plows T. BAWKINS & SON. Gclliu� Re -ay For inter 1 This is the time of the year when one begins to furn- ish the house for winter. We Help to Furnish the Home By supplying Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Parlor and Extension Tables, Rockers, Chairs Pictures, Etc. Call to see these goods and you will find the "price suited to the article' and "both to suit you:' ROWE & •ATKINSON r The . Leading. Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO 32 We Wish Our Customers, Prospective Customers, Our Friends, and Their Friends A Bright and Prosperous New Year. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing fr SNELL.&ROWE We Wish All A Happy New Year