HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 4Why Refer, to Doctors' ti OOITIPLJ1UENTS —OF THE— SEAS N llE— SEASON We sinoerely thank our many customers for their patronage as our trade for 1906 has been very satis- factory, but we still want. more customers for 1907, We have everything in stock that a first-class drug store ought to have, and we feel that it would pay you in every way to make this your regular family drug store. -.-AT=— COLE'S DROG3STORE xetet Ab»o.at., 1 (irreeuway A gaud concert was given in No, 1$ . school the other evening A large nutuber of per•erds were present ana the trustees -and scholar's presented a program, consistifgofrecitations, dig, to ;nes stud songs. C, H. Wilson was: 01144ru:1 a :Lnd. gave a very interesting a address and was assisted by several others. The teacher; Miss Ella Sutton, was presented with a beautiful fours- tarn pen and a very flattering address, liMiss. Sutton has given good satisfac- tion as a teacher and has been engaged. for another year. -Geo, Steller, and wife of Stratford are visiting at the home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. J. I McPherson. ---A meeting of the Wo- tnen's Institute will be held at the res'' idence of Mrs. W. 3, Wilson, Jan. 3. Miss Marie Laurie i9 spending the hol- idays with Miss Zilla English,' TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION• One Dollar per annum if paidin advance, $1,50 if not so paid. Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Dec. 21, '06 NOTE AND COMMENTS W. D. Sanders has now fully decid- ed to be a candidate for municipal honor as councillor in Stephen. His friends say his chance is good to win. * e The present prospects are that there will be several candidates for the reeveship in. Exeter, while there is as yet a scarcity of candidates for the council. as ,a The contest for the deputy -reeve's chair in Stephen now appears to be de- veloping into a three cornered fight between Councillors Anderson and Webb and Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Those three -cornered contest are n't safe things to bet on. * The report of the Pi•esbyteriau, Methodist and Congregational church- es, which recently met in Toronto, gives an exhaustive account' of the work of the different sub -committees in their efforts to draft preliminary conditions looking towards union. The committee believes that there is nothing to hinder the union on satis- factory grounds to each of the religious bodies. Farquhar. . Edwin Gardiner bas returned from a three years' sojourn in the West.- Miss Hamilton is spending the holi- days in Motherwell, --Arthur Pass more of Boston, Mass., is enjoying the holidays at his home here. -B. W. F. Beaver and wife spent Christmas at Salam. -Thos. • Alleu and wife spent Saturday at Exeter. -Ed. Gardiner of, Manor, Man., is home for the winter. -At the conclusion of ..the program given at S. S. No. 2, on Friday the pu- pils presented their teacher, Miss Ham- iton, with a handsome manicure set. - The Misses Madge of Hamilton and Toronto respectively, are home on their 'vacation. -R. D. Turnbull and W. A. Gardiner are home from. St. Marys. -Mrs. Barbara Rodd of Stret- ford"is a visitor at the home of her brother, D. Duncan. Saintsbury The people of St. Patrick's church -presented the pastor. Rev. G. W. Rac- ey, with one hundred hushels of oats, also with a fine fur coat as Christmas gifts. -The Christmas concert held in aid of St. Patrick'•s Sunday School for the children on December1 2 st was a rand success. The basement ant wa s crowded. The chair was taken by Mr. -John Fox of Lucan and a pleasant program was rendered. Everybody enjoyed themselves. A collection amountingto , 12,33 was taken up.- 'E. B. Smth is borne from Arthur after spending the summer masoning with F. Washburn. -Mrs. J. D. Arm t- 'tage of Hamiltou is visiting his father, Mr. Wats. Armitage, this week. -Mr. and Mre. Jos. Atkinson of Wheatly is visiting the Tatters' parents, Mr. and. Mrs. James Isaac. -Percy 0., Armitage •of London is home for Christmas.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham are spending their Christmas with the latter's mother, Mrs. Sani'l Hodgins. -Nassau Davis sports a, new cutter. Because we mare medicines' for them. We tell them all aboutAyer's Cherry Pectoral,. and they prescribe it for. coughs, l S g , colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. Theytrustit, Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. 7t'he best kind of a £eetimontal.- `;Sold: for over sixty years.' Vida t,s J": o. Ayer Oo., Lo*eli, Veda Aieo rdanuresturere or SARSAPARILLA, DJ . -. IIAtlhR V160t1,;' We have no beoretst eve nblfsh the reminds et ea out medicines. ....• cines, Ay®r'ff Plllsr gra ally' and tt o Cheri ! Pectdlr'al ln' brea,ldn rI a cola( Dashwood The auction of the estate of the late John Winkenweder took place on the premises on. Thursday last and was well attended. The homestead pro- perty containing one hundred acres was purchased by Jos. Willert for $4600, while the 50 -acre farm, East. half of Lot 20, on eon. 15, Stephen, was purchased by John Stephen for $2150.., Possession will be given on or before March lst.--Andrew Musser who has been working at Kimberly 13. 0., since last February returned home, on Wednesday evening of last week. He will spend some time here before he returns to the west, -Municipal. matters seers to be warming up as time goes on and no doubt by nomina- tion day a number of aspirants to the different offices will be on hand. -Miss Florence Rhode wbo has been working in London since last June returned to her home here on Tuesday last. -Mrs. Holtzman of bliohigan is visiting her brother Mr. Geo. Rudy. -School closed on Friday and the teachers are enjoy - ins themselves at their respective - homes while the little folks are enjoy- ing themselves out of doors. -This week, Wednesday, the annual School meeting was held; particulars will be given next week. -Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Buffalo and Norman Ruby of Lin- wood are spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruby. -Messrs. W. Sandercock and Ed. Kraft who have been employ- ed at the McCormick works London for some time are here renewing aquaintanceship.-Miss Emma Davis is visiting under the parental roof. - Mr. and Mrs. Sim Schlueter from near Pigeon. Mich., is at present visiting arcing friends in this focality. -Misses Violet and Beatrice Graybiet left on Friday to spend the holidays with their aunt in Bad Axe, Mich. -Mrs. Rader and children from near Bay. Port, Mich., are visiting her brother Henry Trueurner of the Goshen line.- Mrs. Welker who lives near Pigeon is visiting her brother, Mr. J. Weber and other relatives in this community dar- ing the Xtnas holidays: -Miss Ethel Kellerman who has been for some time studying in one of the institutions at Sarnia is now home for Xmas vaca- tien.--Mr. Geo. Snider of the State of Ohio is visiting his parents here.- Jacob Eellermap placed a fine new or- gan in the home of; Fred Willert on Monday. .liensall Mr. Millian and daughter of Gode- rich are visiting friends in town. -Dr. BlackaIl has returned from the West and is spending a few days in town. He looks well after his trip. -Mr. and Mrs, Dew and Mr. Follick and son spent Xmas. at Exeter. -Miss Mallie Shuart is, we are sorry to learn, in a very low state of health. -Mr. Shuart has been laid off duty for several days owing to receiving an injury to his eye at thefoundry--Business is boom- ing in town. -The Xmas. entertain- mentin tbe Methodist church was a decided. success. -Mrs. Drew of `Gode- rich is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Warener.-Allen Webber and wife of London are -visiting the farmer's per-. ents.-Mrs. W. J. Miller has returned home from the West. Her husband, who has been very poorly has gone to California. -Prof. J. T. Wren and wife of Toronto. L Ortwein and wife of De- troit, and W Woods and wife are here for the holidays. -Miss Mabel Sparks has. returned from Goderich.-Alex. McBetb, who has been ill, is on the mend. -Corney Conk spent a few days. in Lucan last week. -Alf Fairburn, W. Curry,Horton, Jack and Alex. Forest and wife have r turn d ro the o f m t e W est, -B.S. Philip's has disposed of his farm on the 2nd of Hay to a Mr. Whiteford of the States, the price paid was $6550. Mr. Phillips intends tnoviug,to Hen- sall.-Rev. Hart and family were sur- prised the other evening when the Chiselhnrst congregation drove to the pa-ztnr's home and presented thein with a iiundrtwd bushels of oats. The evening was very pleasantly spentand during the evening the ladies served a very dainty lunch. Aco1iENTs.-While-driving to her hove in Kippers the other evening Mrs. Frank Graham's horse took fright and ran away. She jumped from the rig and alighting on her head received a severe cut which reuuired ' eight stil hes to close the wound; -While driving the other day Miss Grace Mc- Arthur received c-Arthurreceived a' bad cut on the face by being thrown from her cutter-- On utter,-On Tuesday afternoon while Wesley Moore wasuttin p g on a belt in the foundry his hand got caught and re- ceived a bad gaah. He was at o nce-re- nnved to Dr. Macdiarmid office where the hand was dressed, which required eight stitches. He is getting along as well as can be expected and feels very, thankful that the accident was no Jin r Caaa.--A Milwaukee cor- i•espoudent says: "Harvey Bauers, a Canadian of Hensel!, Ont., who : is charged with bigamy on information laid vMiss Lottie Paitschow, of this cit blames the woman for his trouble. W nen Batters was arraigned alleged wife No. 1, who was expected here for the trial, did riot appear. "Miss Pats - chow knew all about illy former mar- r is e," declared floaters oa the stand. Site` threatened to kill me if Idid. not marry her, I told her my stili"y in• :luding tbe facts of my previous mar- riage. 1 tried to avoid her, but her r:hartn' bewildered we." The prose- :ution'claimsthat Batters deserted his ife in Cenede two years ago. Miss Pal chO W, who has srnee the • case , Was begun secured a 'separation, alleges rhnt Bauers courted her in the usual rrrrrianer. The ease was dentin tied tarts it December 28." Sbaro11, o' the a c- The 1Li t i th to i l 't eful ivloglaarepat r rug of the pupils rn S.S 110 4, Stephen,. fur December: Sr. I\r. --G Kastle, 1V Amy, S Morlock, W Motiock, \' Fres- zeator, M Eiltler, E Kestle, M Keatie, 11 Wein. Jr, IV. ---L. Molock, Il. Schwarz,, B S rrith, E Wein, 0 Eilber,. A Brokensh ire..L Sehr•oeder, 0 Cornish, A Oornish H Kraft, Sr, III.-W Schwarz, C 13rown, 11l Coxworth, M Klurnpp, E Schroeder, M Brokenshire. Tr. III -G Cornish, 0 Brown, L Iles- tle, A Wein, Sr, II, -E Roeszler, C Wein, I Eilber. E Aury, L Smith. Jr. IL -C Mor•iook, E Wein, J Brokenshire, M Coxworth, D Cornish, Jos Schwarz, A Aubin. Pt. I. -O Cornish. The best spellers were: Sr. IV. -N Amy; Jr. IV. -L Morlock; Sr.. III. -0 Brown; Jr. IIT. -O Brown; Sr. ][1.--gRoeszler; Jr, II -J Roeszler. Average attend- ance for the year 37. G. W. Lawson. Teacher. A pleasant time was spent on Friday afternoon last in the school house, it being the occasion of the last afternoon the teacher and scholars were to spend together for same time at least. In order to thoroughly enjoy the day the parents and friends were invited. A goodly number cause out and enjoyed the entertainment given by the schol- ars. The chair was ably occupied by Mr, Silas. Brokenshire who with oth- ers gave short speeches. The teacher, - Mr. Geo. Lawson, who has been here for three years has been a general fav- orite in and out of the' school and, the scholars showed their appreciation by presenting him with a handsome suit case, while he in his turn gave each of the pupils a gift as a kindly rememb- rance. Mr. Lawson intends continuing his studies along the teaching line and will attend the Lucan High School af- ter the New Year. The section'sgood wishes go with hint. He is succeeded here by Miss Mable Jennison. DEATH OE MBs. DAUNOEY.-Death this week claims another of Stephen's kind hearted and much respected resi- dents in the person of Annie Hind, be- loved wife of Joseph Dauncey, wbo passed away Christmas day at the age of 54 years, 11 months and 19 days. Mrs. Dauncey had been a long sufferer from cancer and during her long afflic- tion endured much intense pain, but she bore it all with patience and resig- nation. On the 19th of Septenrher last the deceased underwent au operation for the removal of the trouble, but it afforded only temporary relief and. slowly sinking under the deadly effects of her affliction she passed peaeeful'ly away at the time above stated. Born in Lincolnshire, England, she came to Canada with her grandparents when quite young, first settling in the town- ship of McGillivray, where she resided for man} years. About twenty-one years ago she moved with her hus- band to this neighborhood and :has made her home here ever since. By her kind acts and generous disposition she endeared herself to many who.will learn with deep regret of her death. She is survived only by her sorrowing husband. The funeral takes place to- day (Tb arsday) o-day(Tbursday) to the Exeter cemetery. Whalen B. Younstou had the miforttine• last week to lose two finget•s by hav- ing thein taken off where running a cutting -box. -The first service .was held in the new church on Sunday The building is now in readiness have ing been brought from Bethel same time ago. Freewill sheds have also. been moved clown and placed in posi- tion. The first service was conducted by Rev. Fair of the Elirnville .circuit. --Mr. Win. Ogden is nowpretty much himself again and able to do duty in. the shop. -Our public school closed Friday. Miss Copeland, the teacher, will not return and as yet the trustees. have not secured a teacher. - DE. rH-The death occurred on Thursday night last of Mrs. James Brooks of Granton. She had been ill only a few hours, although for some- time she had been troubled with Bright's disease. -Mr Brooks was _in, Calgary at the time and the funeral was delayed until his arrival. Besides the husband three daughters, Florence and Nettie at home and Mrs. Arthur Westman also_ of Granton, and one son. Norman. of Washington, survive. WEDDED -A pleasant and pretty Christmas wedding occurred at the home of Mr. -John Batten on Tuesday when his. daughter, Miss Pearl, was un- ited in marraige to Mr. Brian Ro wt cli esono Mrs. James. Rowtcliffe of Clinton, formerly of Winchelsea. The ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of the relatives and friends. The' best wishes of their friends is extended h ours couple f` ra lifee toteor of h i- ness and prosperity. Pp Mooresville The many friends of Mrs. James Neil are sorry to bear of her serious illness; also the illness of Mrs. Kil- more. We trust that their recovery may be speedy and permanent. -=Wm. Smith, wbo has been very ill, is 'im- proving. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Bloomfield of Denfield visited the formers father here recently: -Mrs. James Miller of Lloydminster, Sask., is here visiting her mother, Mrs. James Neil, who is ill. -Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Hodgins spent Xmas at Olandeboye.-Wellington Whiteford, who recently returned from Wisconsin, has purchased afarm near Hensell for which place he left last week with his family. -The ball held in the Maccabee hall, under the auspices of the Orangemen p g men was well attended and a, good time spent, -Mrs. Webb of Lucan is visiting at the home of Mrs. -John -Gilmore. -Norman Clark and Russ Sinipson while taking the threshing machine up the hill let it ac cidentally slide into thediteh,breaking it considerably. 'With assistance it was taken into a yard near by. -Moses Simpson and family spent Xmas. with i Mrs. Geo. Eacrett at Exeter. -Mrs. John GiIinot•e and family spent 'the holidays at Port Hairon.-Mrs. Robb, Clark has returned from a pleasant visit in Detroit. --Mrs. Thos. Gray of London, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robb; Clarke, during the holidays.—Rev, Andrews of Centralia occupied the pulpit at tate Nursery chureb on Sunday, :K'ipp�'ll Mr, and Mrs..3.Balfour Have 1 rettti'n- ed`frrwrntheir': visit to Toronto.- Regi- nald:Rirrnrneston. who has been . `, work- ing Tt- ing with Peter >: isher, Stanley, for Smite years has gone to Hamilton ,a'rnd. will remain for the wifater,-John M-• e from e - l3 Breweds ASK Fon lected hops, choice barley malt and pure spring xvater, with the utmost • care.- Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt s -.Ale is equal to the fin, est, surpassed by none, though it. costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods, A Surprise in Biscuits. Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. • When youwant to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas L tit Gregor, son of A. McGregor, who went. West in the spring bas returned home. John looks as if the prairie province agreed with him. -Alex. McBeath has fully recovered from his illness and is now into the lumber business again. The Methodist people held their Xmas. tree and entertainment on Mohday evening. All report a pleasant time. Moray . John Thompson has been building his barn during the past few days. - After spending the past five months in Parkhill at dressmaking Miss Eunice A. Durr has returned home. -John F. Durr is carrying a very sorehandat present. While loading logs he had the misfortune to get his finger badly bruised. -While returning home from school the other day Master Eddie Thompson, son of Chas. Thampson of the 1Sth con., fell on the ice and broke his leg. The leg -was set by Dr. Wil- son of Parkhill and the little fellow is now getting along as well as can be expected. Zurich Mrs. Loveridge of Detroit is home on a visit. -Miss Freda Thiel celebrat- ed her birthday the other evening at which a large number of young people participated and all report an excellent bine.-Miss Annie Rummel is on a vis- it to Kincardine friends. -Miss Bris- son has returned to Tilsonburg after a visit at her borne in Drysdale. -Miss Laura and David Bender have return- ed teoin a year's stay at Hopedale, Ill. --Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cann, of Mani- toba, are visiting the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howald.-Miss McIn- nis and Miss Gibson have returned to their homes in Blytb, having complet- ed the millinery season at D. S. Faust's and J.Preeter's,respectively.-After an extended stay with her daughter at Saginaw, Mich., Mrs. H. Well has re- turned home again. -Mrs. Daniel Sur - eras. Sr., is quite ill at present. We trust her recovery may be speedy. - Mrs. 13eyrock, Miss Lizzie Ran nie, Alf. Gellman and Milne Rennie assisted at :the entertainment at Blake church on Monday evening. -Master Warren. son of Dan Levengood, 14th con., bad the misfortune to break his leg below the knee a few days ago. -E. McGavin teacher on the 14th con., has handed in his resignation and has accepted a school near his home at Sea -forth. - Dr and. Mrs. Buchanan and daughter, Miss Pearl, left last week for Toronto where they will make their future home. Dr. Buchanan has been prac- ;tising in our midst for the past thirty- live years and bas won the esteein of the entire community. His wife and popular young daughter will also be much missed herr. We join the many friendsin wishing themmuch happiness in their new home. -John H. Schnell, 14th con., Hay, has sold his splendid 100 -acre farm to Chris. Haugh, who recently returned from The pricepaidwas $ West.c$6000. the Mr. Schnell gives up possession next March, when'he will likely remove to Zurich with his wife and family. -A very enjoyable time was spent at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiel, the occasion being the twenty-fifth anni- versary of their wedding day. Many, beautiful gifts were presented to the host and hostess with the wish that they may live to see many happy re- turns of the day. -Mr. Geo. Scbellig, Sr., left a short time ago to consult Dr. J, W. Harrison of 429 E Grand Souli- vard, Detroit, for an ailment from which hehas been a great sufferer for some months past. The doctor had him at once removed to Harper. Hos- hpital an performed an o' erati on a on im, removing a atone from his blad- der measuring -four and one-half .inch- esincircumference. Notwithstatading e of 7 2 years he withstood the his n ? w n K operation admirably and his Zurich friends will be pleased to learn that he expects to leave the hospital in a short time to return again to his hone with a new lease of life, Thames Road Your scribe wishes the Advocate and its numerouspatrons a ha and ros- y pal' pros- perous new year.-lVlrar and. airs. D.Alli- sonfrom West. son.tetdrrned Saturday F -the om Mre. •`o re. nn• --Mr. and ilr . Soh P; ssmo u r Mrs '}tnd'Mrs. Geo: Dunn are spending their Christmas holidays under ' the parental POOL-,T6hn IIunkin 18 weer - Ing kt, sunny smile of late. It's a baby gait. -Bert Passmore's may friends will: he pleased to hear that he is slow -1 Tyirn -- rovin .Miss Leih's friends are sote eyto see her leaving Lortiley schf3ol,A vel'y ple>isan t tune Was spent at the horse of John Duncan on • Friday evening. 40, { -tiClinton - 1'.►sntt'v a ItrEwltl�t-�At. . on Dec; 26, Lionel O. Paisley to Miss Mary L., eldest daughter of Duncan B. fYICEw'en, both' 6f Clliaton. (,.CiNOON r India Pale Ale Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 - CENTRAL STBATFORD, ONT. This School is recognized to be one of the leading Commercial Schools in America. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers. The most reoent application we received for a teacher offered $1400 per annum. We believe we are running one of the most progressive and up-to-date business train- ing schools in the Province, The demand upon us for office help is several tunes the supply. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT. & McLACHLAN, Principals. WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETER CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick); THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1965) - Head Office, - Montreal Capital Paid Up. • • • • • • • • •, - $3,000,000. Reserved .mud•••• • • . ... • • • • $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH -- i OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and old at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. ' DEPOSIT Receipts issued .and highest current rate of interest allowed • posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest nom - Saving Bank Department'pounded pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th and December 31st - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARDING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Shipka - Miss Martha Geiser left Saturday to spend the holidays at Cayuga. -Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner, we are sorry to say, is on the sick list. -Miss Clara Bay - ham returned home from London last Friday for a few weeks. -Miss E. Wes- ton left for her home in Oliver, after - teaching for a year in the school here. 3 00 0%�� feet Miss Weston has proven herself to be •v i V V v a teacher of unusual merit and will be Sunday school she took an active part much missed from our midst. In the SAW Loris and all will regret her leaving.- Quitea number • from here attended the school concert at Crediton Friday night and report a A11 Kinds good program.- Of Timber Mr. Pat. Slathers Sundeyed in Palk - NTE bill. -The Christmas Tree entertain- ment given in the Methodist church here vasa grand success. Those tak- ing part did well and deserve credit considering the short time in which they had to prepare. The church was crowded and all enjoyed . the affair very much. The proceeds amounted to nearly $3,3. -Mr. Neil McKenny is home from Stratford for the Christ- mAs holidays.-A.:MeGinnes returned Saturday from Lucas where he has been spending the summer. --The Miss- es Lillie and Lizzie Smith are home from London to spend Xmas. -John McEachan came home from Detroit Sunday to speed a few weeks. -John Dietrich sc,ld a valnahle burse last Exeter - Ont Monday to Chyle Dietrich, Kbiva.- For which we will pays Highest Cash Prices Call and see us before cuttings the logs for lengths and -prices. The Ross Taylor CoT r Ltd Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder attend- ed the Silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ye:+aleyof the Goshen Line on Friday. -Wilbert Smith returned Mon- day from Orangeville where be was engaged with 'the telephone gang.- Allen Mc -E then of London is borne for Xmas.; as is also Miss Annie Best- erd.-We wish qui' readers a merry ernas. LOWS • MBNUflE SPREflflR DEATH of MRS. McEaci3tnN-This week it is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. John McEacben, who passed away on Monday at the age of about 65 years. The deceased has been ill since last spring. Besides her hus- band sheds survived by three sons and five daughters, who have the sym- hpaathy of all in their affliction. The remains were interred in the Mount Carmel cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Andrews and little daughter left Saturday to spend the Xruas. holidays at Landes- down with relatives. • e CLERGYMAN'S s A The Rev. W. F. Brownlee, Ridgetown, Anglican minister, has written the fol, lowing letter to the Muskoka Free Hospi- tal for Consumptives :- Dear Sir; I fell in with a case to -day in my parish, a young woman very ill with consumption and I promised I would write you regarding her entrance into the hospital for consumptives, in Muskoka. Thecaee is.one of great ne ces- wity andotea charity. Tlesppgleant is aboat 18 years of ag 6. She i s practically ally with- out th Ont a horne, ettaying at preeent with a relative. She it bright and amiable,and would like' to live. As 1 understand, you reject none on account of poverty. I commend the caro to yon as one most needy, and if you can send me instruc• tions or ,papers for application to the hospital, I will Nee to raising necessary means for her transportation and have her sent et once, as I imagine she is not beyond receiving benefit., ote by Editor,uWm. R. Mere-. lith(N, Kt., Vice-PresidentSir of the National Sanitarium Association, er Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairmen of the Executive Coto- rnittee, Zonate, will gladly receive eon. tributions for this aridnevoral other eguiely piteous oaaos calling for help.) SPREADERS We have just received a number of fine Spreaders —The Successor—which does its Work in fine style. This is recognized to be the best on the market. PLOWS We handle Perrin Plows and have just received a carload of walking, rid- . ng and gang plows -made by this reliable firm T11OR1iTON BAKER Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin Plow Companies Exeter Ontario Wood.'a Phoephodino,` The Great Befl Fe lkemedvv Tories and. llrvlgoratestbe wholo nervous Yrss�. loin, makes new. Blood in old Volas. Cures Nero- oua bcbttit , Me,ital and ottin,Woiry, Des. on c• S�`arual Weaknes9, aawstonsr, S'per- d b nt ato , and , ects. o Qbusc o�r? ;l vcdeses. . larett, _ -,.. i tilos it per box, aixfor Ono wilt pleaao Mid will aur . • Seta b all dile gists or mailers iii Q „- laln k�. on reooly�it� of valeta Nein pamphlea: p cIclno Co. ee. 'rho W�Mbd muadted jr � ., .. o ' Windsor) Toron Qnt. (l' tyrECrdtt W 1 � .