HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 3',XAREES WERE TWINED,
Landlady Pothers Tenants, and. They In
Turn Scare .Her to Death.
l .
Wllat was intended as a jest by Mme.
Mayrt'stenants in Paris, France, has
just turned into. a tragedy, for the aged
woman was literally frightened to death;
Mate. Ma Jet, who was eighty-three years
old had
h annoyed. some ; of her tenant
by her persistency when they were in
arrears;; Some of them thought her
_ temper might improve if she was frighn
'toned a little,
Accordingly, her treatment consisted
of reppint s on the
wall breaking
tableware and cabalistic inscriptions,
one of which, eeratahed on a mirror,
was: "This house will be your tomb,"
One day one of Mine._..Mayet's 'tenants
cane and said shehad not been seen
for two days, A. locksmith was sent for
and the door opened. She was found
dead in bed, : fully dressed, her hands
i;Ienclred and her features distorted. lfer
boarders sent a wreath when she was
buried. On it was the word "Regrets."
Mr, Alf. ,I. Clark' of Cavendish street
London (Ont.), tollshow. Zane-Buk cured
hint of severe burns. .Eire says:—"I got
my hands very severely burned with
lime. The burns were so deep that as I
plied my shovel the blood actually an
down the handle. The agony I suffered
you may well imagine. I tried several
different kinds of salves but the burns
were too severe for these preparations to
"I obtained a supply of Zam-Buk and
the very first applioation gave me ease:
This pleased me, you may guess, but as
1 applied the balm each day I was more
and more pleased with the effect. The
pain was relieved completely. In a very
short time Zam-Buk healed my burns
completely, and my hands a.cluaily felt
better—the muscles more firm and. the
skin in better condition than before I
was burned."
Not only for burns, but for cuts,
bruises, sprains, etc., Zam-Buk is the
best and surest cure. It also cures
eczema, ulcers, abscesses, .ringworm,
boils, eruptions, poisoned wounds,
Chapped, or cracked hands, cold sores,
chilblains, bad leg, piles,- etc. All drug-
gists sell at 50c. a box, or post'ires from
the Zana-Iiuk Co., Toronto, on receipt of
price, 0 boxes for $2.50.
IT. •
Wife—That new girl of ours is a cau-
I Iusband What's she done now?
Wife—I told her to put the salad oil
or. the table and she polished the table
top with it. '
litany Thanks are due from the proprietors .of
weaver's (;crate to friends who have written to
:tell of the Corato's goad word i a curing scrofulous
)humors, scald head aud other skin diseases.
The Man -"I'd give anything if you
would kiss me." The Maid: But the
scientists say that kisses bred disease."
The elan—"Oh, never mind Chat. Go
ahead, and make me an invalid for
To discern and deal immediately with
causes and overcome then, rather than
to battle with effects after the disease
hose secured -a lodgement is the chief
aim of the.medical man, and Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the result of
patient study along 'this particular line.
At the first appearance of a cold the
Syrup will be found ..a most efficient re-
medy, arresting development, and
speedily healing the affected parts, so
that the ailment disappears.
"You're dreadfully.. untidy • again,
A,raryl I don't know what the baker
will think of you when he comes." "The
taker don't mailer, 'ni. The milkman's
brit f �_
Aficn's Lur+gBalsam, in which there is ne
Iopitnn, curds sore •throat and soro bungs as it
,a1lays the inflammation ani rids you of the
Imucous that stops up the air pas Sages. W., 500.,,
;$LAO ,bottles.
Job was a sorely tried man, but if
in addition to his own troubles he
d'dn't lueve to listen to those of his
neighbors he had something to be thank-
ful ,for.
Pains Disappear Before IL—No one.
need suffer pain when they have avail-
able Dr, Thomas' Ecicctric Oil. If not
in the house when required it can Le
procured at the nearest store, as all
:merchants keep it for sale. Rheumatism
and all bodily pains disappear when it
is applied, and should they at any time
return, experience teaches. the user of
the Oil how to deal with thein.
"Married, is' he? Well, well, and he
was always such a worthless fellow.".
"Yes, ler married a rich widow; he's got
a reputation to live up to now."
"Nonsense; he never had any reputa-
M "No, bin hie w,]fe'c first husband had!"
The ,Instinct of the Animals 'Was
Amply Demonstrated.
The tet t• .e l
to G v f t l
i C i ins nGt of leo blood -,
vas on trial at Shrewton, Eng -
tend, the other day,
Some five miles (cone the village, and
in the free stretching ]:lain of Salisbury,
a.series of eight Meals, with mets' as
the quarry, y , tool,..Iilace. Three were ab-
relutely suoedssful, The remainder, ow-
ing to theprevailing south-west wired,
the frequent crossing of the trail by
sheep; and the arbitrary time limit laid
down by the Bloodhound Hunt Club,
Yet such is the confidence of the Rev.
P. Walsh, the rector, Of rtollestone, who.
oflt'ated as one of the judges, in the
value of bloodhounds' in the tracking
down of lawbreakers and missing Po-
tpie that he telegraphed an ,invitation to
010 Commissioner of Scotland Yard to
send a retn'CSenlntivo•' lo witness the
concluding trials.
The scene was unexciting, but inter-
esting. A mien clad in tweed, tall and
stalwart, with a heavy stick under his
right arta, stands a solitary. figure druid
a ring of furze three miles away on the
skyline. A hound, cieop•mouhlied and
lung -carred, sniffs a White 'flag the -per-
son bandied, Then it runs off,• hot on
the scent, Ti1Ae, wind has borne the
swell riglete and left, but With its nose
to the ground the dog follows, often
slowly, hat with •unflagging 1ersistence.
The horned must reach the watcher on
.111e plain. Only the `•sense of smell
avails Every cy inch
of ground the per-
son has traversed must be covered 1111
the dog at length identifies his prey.
t � was severe:. IVefther aniseed
nor any (eller scent is permitted to' as-
sist the hound, The quarry ,has start-
ed a full hour ahead, so that the scent
h cold, and • the conditions, with the
wind sweeping across the open country,
are all in favor of the hunted man.
Yet one hound, Nome, rah down :'is
man in twenty-three minutes, another
in forty-five minutes, and a third in
thirty-seven ' minutes.
The lamentable effects of the general
destruction of forests are now sufficient-
ly recognized in all civilized countries.
Such destruction invites devastating
floods in mountain streams and causes
the surrounding land to dry up. Forests
ant like vast condensing screens. They
preserve moist atmosphere about
them, attenuate the force of torrential
downfalls, promote a more gradual
melting of the snow in early spring, and
Protect, the soil against too rapid eve,
partition. And yet the manner in which
forests act their beneficent part is not
exactly such as might be supposed, They
prevent a large part of the rain that
falls from reaching the soil at all. le J
estimated that in European climates th
forests evaporate directly, or transpire
physiologically, four-fifths of the rah
that falls upon them. Thus the force
atmosphere is no less important than th
forest soil in equalizing the climatic con-
ditions of a country.
Vie the Chicago, Union Pecfflo and
North Western Line, The •"Los Ange-
lee Unified" to' Southern California and
ih0 "'0vcrlazrd Limited" to San Franeis-
c , are considered' by travelers as lire.
finest 'trellis leaving Chicago. Less than
three days to Catherine. Urawingl:^oonr
and compartment sleepers, buffet, ob-
servaliot'1 .and dining c zs, ; :Trains.
The ''
ehctrii. lightedL '
h i throughout.. e n
.z ouil o l h "China
and tapari" Fast Mail carries Pullman
Standard and Tourist sleepers to all
Calhfornia Coast points,' Illustrated
California literature, folders land rates
to .be had on application to B. II, Ben -
tete, General Agent, 2 King St., Toron-
to, Ont,
A favorite dish with the Esquimaux.
is an ice-cream anade of seal oil, into.
which snow is stirred until the desired
consistency has been obtained; then froz-
en berries of different kinds added.
They Never Knew Failure.—Careful
observation of the effects of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills has shown that they act
immediately on the diseased organs of
the system•and stimulate.then! to heal-
thy action, There may be cases in
which the disease has been long seated
and does not easily- yield to medicine,
but even in such cases these Pills have
been known to bring relief when ,a11
other eo-called. rcrnedtics have failed,..
1'liese assertions can be subslantiatod.
by many who have used the Pills, and
medical mon speak highly of their qua-'
Business Man—"Now, look here; didn't:
1 tell of
not to show your face here
Ya e
l c 1
again?" Persevering Commercial Tease
oler "You did, my dear sir, but I can't
leave lay face at home, can I, when 1`
come here?"
Did you notice that OM 1.11 3A1 limping along ai
day or so ago? ll'ell, if he will put on his back
"The D &L" Menthol .Plaster, h a week he will
walk as straight as any OHO.
Asylum Attendanl--"This patient is.
perfectly rational except on one sub-
ject." Visitor—"And what es that?"
Asylum Attendant,—"fire thinks ho is
Salt Rheum, Totter, Eczema—The-6 die,
tressing skin diseases relieved by one an -
plies tion. Dr•, Agnew's Ointment is a
potent cure for all eruptions of the'skin..
Tas. Gaston, 'VTilkesbarre, says: "For
nine years I was disfigured with Tetter
on my hands. Dr. Agncw's Ointment
cured it." 35 Bents. -31
Visitor—'Whet are you doing here, my
poor man?
Convicl-Time, mum.
A Purely Vegetable Pit].--Pormelees
Vegetable Pills are compounded from
s roo's, herbs and solid extracts of lendwn
virtue in the treatment of liver and
kidney complaints and in giving tone
11 to the system whether enfeebled by
t overwork or :deranged. through excesses,
11 living. They require no testimonial.
Man Who Buys Cigars by Price 'Won't
Really Appreciate My Pharaoh.
\Vhat a cigar costs has less than
you'd think to do with its smoking qua-
Jity. The thing that counts is what it's
made of, and how it's made.
My Pharaoh cigar is a revelation to
men who were wont to think a cigar
had to be imported to be really fine.
It is just as much a surprise to . the
man who didn't believe a cigar could
be fine unless it cost fifteen cents, at
The Pharaoh costs ten cents, about
everywhere good cigars are sold. I
would like you to buy ono and judge
it in comparison' with any fifteen -cent
cigar you know.
I feel just about certain you will say
the Pharoah has the full-bodied, mel-
low flavor, the fragrant aroma, the
super -quality richness—without rank-
ness—lhnt you thought only fine im-
ported cigars could have.
With the -.real Manicuragua ,Havana
filler and the nliicl Conneotieut binder
and Sumatra wrapper all • put'togeth.er
under my eyes in this model factory r f
mine, the Pharoah has a fair right to
be classed with fifteen cent cigars. I
don't want you tobelieve it until you
know it's so. You will when you've
tried the Pharaoh.
Beller buy a box for Nanas. Your
dealer should have it—if he is up -to -
dale and beeps the best brands.
Made in Granby, Que., by J. Bruce
Payne, baited.
A certain judge had never taken a
Turkish bath, but pa day, when lin was
not feeling at his best, •it suddenly ,ic-
curred, to him le 'lest its vivifying ef-
fects, so enthusiastically descanted up-
on by this young friends. It seemed to
the judge that the rubber was terribly
rough, but, fearing to betray his inex-
perience and subject himself lo ridicule
by objecting to the regular treatment,
he patiently endured being punched.
pommelled, slapped, and whacked, until
he could not 'stand the torture any
"Is—it-quite--necessary-i.o—maloe —
me-bla-ok—and--b]ue—all—over?" pant-
ed the judge, as irregularly as the rub-
ber dug Iii$ fide" in more .or less vigor-
"ti-ewr you mind; I'm fixin' ;you," re-
sponded the rubber, redotibling his ,ener-
gy and grinning diabolically ---at least,
so it seemed to the judge.
"Who [slap, groan] are [thud, groan]
you?" gasped the judge, a horrible su-
spicion dawning in his mind. "Your
[whack, groan] face [thump, groan] does
[whack, groan], look [slap, groan] fa -
[thud, groan]---miliar" [swish, groan].
"nit. you remember 3110, do you?"
grs.\i'led the rubber, sarcastically. "Well,
yet old scoundrel, melte you'd like to
send me up for six months again for
prize -fl gh tin'!"
According to a London journalist,
there 15 a persistent rumor in Circula-
tion that, Prince Arthur' of Coiinau`ght
will become engaged to . the daughter of
a Hinton seer.
Their excellent qualities are well known
te all those who have used them and
they commend themselves to dyspep-
tics and those subjeet,to biliousness who
are in quest of- a. beneficial medicine.•
Once upon a time an Arab went to his
neighbor and said:
"Lend me your rape."
"I can't," said 'ilio neighbor.
"Why not?"
"Because I want to use the rope my-
self." -
"What do you want to do with it?"
the borrower persisted.
"I want to tie up. five .feet' of water
with it.
"How on earth can you tie up five
feet of water with a rope?"
"My friend," said the neighbor, "Al-
lah is great, and he permits us to do
strange things with a rope when we
don't' want to lend it."
In Manchuria dogs are raised nor
their skins. A fairly prosperous Man-
churian dog farmer will own a thousand
oe more dogs.
A Great Combination, "rerrorim '. the best
tonic is. It should be taken by all invalids, by
all who are run down or outor sorts, It builds'
up, gives new life:. . - •
There are a hundred places where
A fellow can find . trouble,
But none so good as a saloon,
For, with the glasses there, he soon
Beholds his trouble double.
Tho Backache Stage may be Just that.
incipient form of kidney disease which,
if neglected, will develop into stubborn
and distressing disorder that will take
long tedious treatment to cure. Don't
neglect the "backache stage" of the meat
insidious of diseases. South American
Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours
and cures.—.30
"Our Henry's dein'. real' well in town,"
sold Airs. Wayback'proudly. "He's run-
nel' a hotel now, an' Its a big one."
"Land'ssakes!" exclaimed' Mrs. Korn -
"Yes. Got a letter from hint this morn-
ing, and he ser: `I'nc'a hotel -runner now
and' it's a real ,Swell place,"
-Here is Something) That Will be Wel-
come News to Many a Dis-
couraged One.
"For several yearn
I have been troubled
with gas around my
heart, shortness of
breath, my food did.
'not digest properly.
It turned sour in my
stomach, causing me
great distress; often;
loo, 1 had disagree.
William H. Reed. able attacks of belch
ing gas and heartburn, and severe pains
across the small of my back, •
"1 tried Dr. Leonhardt:s Anti -Pill and
from the very first fouled relief. Anti.
Pill has indeed cured the,"
This is the voluntary statement of
Wm. 14. Beed, of 165 Queen St., King-
ston, Ont.
All dealers or The Wilson -Pyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
'1' N U ISSUE NO.- SI -06.
A Startled Mother
nears That Cih
She Th
, 5 of tl
i'1 �at �
s iso uKl 03
t G.
--Croup, tIhooptnx Cough
or Luing Trouble
If she is a wise mother she will have
the never -failing remedy at hand—
Cohtsfoote Expectorant. •
It is the best,' the safest: the mos)
reliable and positive cure for all forma
of coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma
and lung trouble. No barn -nut drugs,
The most delicate child, the weakest
stomach, welcomes it. It is pleasant to
take. It is the most reliable household
remedy known to medical sciences
effecting' remarkable cures every day.
"leaving, used your Coltsfoote I xpoctorant 1
consider is a splendid medicine for euughs or and
throat or lung trouble, would not litre to in
without it in the house,"
Vittoria, Oat,
Thousands have borne similar testi•
ninny to the wonderful curative proper-
ties of Coitsfoofe Expectorant. At, all
druggists, 25c. per bottle. No outer
Cough Medicine "Just as good" as
Outcoxnc of the Anglo-French. Entente
An Musing s wr 1asr
ti l
l aan
sign of British War Office economy and
110 less of the Anglo-French entente tor-
diale is an advertisement now appear-
ing in Lon.on papers: to Lire follownig
f c .
1 i
be let, 'on yearly tenancy, th
properly known as St, Helen's Fort,
,pithead, situate about half a mile from
the northern shore of: the Isle of Wight,
and connected with that island at low
Tide. The building consists of two
floors, coxitaiziing seven rooms and ti
nllrnber o1 stores.
"At a subsequently small' outlay Giese
could be converted Into comfortable
silting and bed -rooms, which would
, make unique marine quarters for a..
, yachtsman, or. if a license could be ob-
i twined, a small eoaside hotel (an appii-
a Cation for a license would not be op-
posed by the War Office). Water is ob-
tained from an artesian' well."
St, Helen's Fort originally cost the
t oye
r half amillion dollars,l]ars
and at present mounts a dozen 1S -ton
guns of obsolete pattern: As it is to be
lel on short tenancy, the War Oitice can
recover the use of it in case of emer-
gency, but, this is deemed a remote con-
tingency, as the Anglo-French entente
I coatiuues to execute good -fellowship,
entlitieiasm, and mutually practical
• ends,
TE1 ith— Di ou sin or that
,d d f Mr,
Y b
„ ,
.r ,g
'e et 11 Inst n1 ht? da— Les
I3az 1 A 1
n b ,
sang almost. a whole hour for hits.
t Edith—"1'm so' glad to hear 111 I've
EDL6�Et,TI. �al�rn
Mr. Borem—"I'rn afraid I have made
my first :call too long"?" Miss Pert
(glancing at the clock)—"Oh,. no, :t
wasn't really so long; it only seemed lo
Only those who have had experience
can tell the torture corns cause. Pain
with your boots on, pain with tlieni
off—pain night and day; but relief is
sure to those who use Holloway's Cern
Miss Vanily—"That Mr, Flipp is al
ways staring after me; he torments me
almost to death with Ibis attentions."
Miss Vixen—"I know. Poor fellow, he
never did have much sense.".
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary Lotion, It never fails.
Mother—"You mustn't play with that
little boy.,' Tommy—"Well, can I fight
with him?"
t-afness of 12 Year's standing.—pro-
treated Catarrh produces doatness in
many cases. Capt. Sen. Connor, of To-
ronto, Canada, was deaf for 12 years from
Catarrh. All treatments failed to relieve.
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him
relief in one day, • and in a very short
while the deafness left him entirely, It
will do - as much for you. 60 cents. -33
"I wonder what that man is doing up
'that telegraph pole?"
"lie's after fruit." A
- "What kind of fruit can he get lip
"Electric currents."
Der Mother
Your tittle ones are a constant care in
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about ShiIoh's
Consumption Cure, . the Lung Tonic, and
what it has done for so many ? It is said.
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in .children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
u rearmed. The price is 25c. per bottle,
and all deniers is media= sell 314
,?iris semedy should be in every household.
always had the greatesL aversion to that
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets.—
Medical science by accident discovered the
potency Of the pineapple as a panacea
for stomach troubles. The immense per-
centage of vegetable pepsin contained in
the fruit makes it an almost indispens-
able remedy in cases of dyspepsia and
indigestion. One tablet after each meal
will curemostchronic cases. 60 in a box,
36 coats. -32.
A hank roll may be a roll of honor
—and then again It may not.
Before you get.
Pen -Angle
garments ail
the s h rin.k
t itch
n le
keeps you corn-
Syas well as xa
w.ar'zn,because the
n it or •B. ; fibres that
make some under- `1
>a; wear itch are taken'
out, of Pen-
ArigIe wool.
411 irr'
Tivgk /'(six'
In a .variety of fabrics, styles Qud prices,
an sizes' '. for, women,; seen and
children, .and ,guaranteed by your own deeier:
"Health and Vidor depend upon the
quality and• ,.quantity of the blood,"
iiuxtaa> xilarian.
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonle and Blood
Purifier. Price. 0a centsper Bottle.
If ynu are not able to obtain it 10 your
neighbwhood, we will send bo any ad-
dress two bottles upon receipt of ONE
DOLLAR 'bottle) (600.per Ott ) cat"rurpe
Pamphlet sent FI1EE en application,
The Carson Ilzledsoine convanyi
87 Wellington. St. West, 'Terminal-
eront -NO USE.
"I don't think i'lh bet any more,"
"Why not?"
"My wife gives me blazes if I lose and
confiscates the proceeds if I win.
One of the greatest blessings to pa-
rents is Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator. It effectually expels worms
and gives health in a marvellous man-
ner to the little one.
So dight and Yet So Strong.
Tons o'" esuminura,.
Blades of Nickel Steal
Manufaetuuo,1 and guaranteed by
The Canada Cyels and € o orr Co., Limited, Toronto Junction
a. M :msss art rC
The Top Notch in
y cr'a*fEyr'P�
Tial very LATEST AND BEST for Up -to -!Date Players:
NOTE the distributions of weight by means of the Double b Standards.
NO'T'E the Combination Bracketed Heel.
NOTE the Unbreakable Front, Bracket.
NOTE the Shape of Runner and Quality of Steel used therot' .n -
sures a keen edge and increased speed or velocity, hence the name
2 cents to pay postage brings Catalogue "G," which contains complete rules of tho
game of Botley.g� p
5 bSl �Tri�:i 695f s g�, Co •6 LIMITED, 126 WelDAlington Street W.. TOnOIITO,
Tees , •Tools
fa t.
33 With
Put them onwith no tools but a
hammer and`tinner's shears,—can't
go wrong. Tfiey lock on all four
sides, are self -draining and water
shedding on any ,roof with three or
more inches pitch to the foot. Make
buildings fire -proof, weatherproof
and proof against lightning. Cost
least in the long run. Made of 28.
gauge toughened sheet steel—only
one quality used and that the best—
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than
any other znetal shingles heavily-
Is Ea.syy
painted. Guaranteed in every way
until 1932. Ought to last a century.
Cheap as wood shingles in first
cost; far cheaper in the long run.
"Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin-
gles cost only $4.50 a square,
10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the
area of any roof and hear our
tempting offer for covering it
with the cheapest roof _you
can really afford to buy. Let
us send you FREE booklet
about this roofing question—tells
some things you may not know.
Shingles are GUARAshawa Galvanized NTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five : Years
Ought to Last a Cc,ntyry
Said for FREE $oats --"Rooting
Get Our Otter Wore toe Root a
Peciple ,",ct`, d ti ni�«E,vxrt
AddrefIS our MONMAL TORloNt0 Orr! TOMOS WINRInd vl oUvgs
!tweet •aimmomihimmaluilNs Cg ir
ssttali*at ter .......et, ao Poser et.
es en