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Phone25 -.,- Advocate
When you want ANY-
THING that anup-to-date
printing; office can do, Lat-
est styles, newest types,
prompt work, right price,
Long Distance Phone.
feat Estate Changes
ltilfcicfor you on reeson-
malt' terms. We have uu-
eurtliett faoil tties to rent,
sell rer bey either farm or
yi11age property, Try
Seetniseas & Crtemert,
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Chartered by'Oomihion Parliament:
t 0
b r
. Capital
P up
Reserve tuna
and .
Und : ed
• .Proiiksto
Batik S
a. it•'
i 174lana
n, C
A p osi
Assets over
: bi sties
1, a 1
the POW',"
• $1,173,478
$ , 240,000
362,838 `
.,: 523,461
, 1,335,847
$ 759,9: 5
, ;16,578,920
11,662,838 '
. 1,720,373
. 2,133;939 •
5,278,557 .
Cash on Hand 13 �
and Debentures..
at ]tankers etc. .,�,,•
ons at'
i a ail
. C
1,63Q 199 ,
' Loans
$1,355, • 499
0,578, 850
' 393,097 439,363 `'
622,774 $, 713,3971,747,342.
1,214,822 672,034
1,491,398 ..- 791,153
'.3,55 5,203 .
. 13,818,988.
Savings Department at all Offices iieposirs of SIM end llpwiiratffi Received.
fig Info„rsi Pe; t Tnnr ,Encs a •Tea14
JOS.. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
GA ANRc,Solicito Solicitors.
The Old Reliable
Wish their many Customers and
Friends , a very bright .and pros-
perous New Year:.
And would say toyouthat we never carried such a fine display "of
FANCY 60005
SuitabIefOrThe .Wiflterr Weath'er
as we are showing: at the present time.
Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, - _ Ties,
Silk Waists, Kid {Moves, Etc.
We are showin a fine line of Cambric Shirts with fancy (rants-
- also .a choice line of
Mufflers, Braces
Cuffs & Collars, Hats & Caps.
Professleiasl Cards.
DR. (I. F. BOULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. 0, D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto' University. • .
OFFICE: Over Dickson 6c Carling'sLaw Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
Beth extraoted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office in Fanson's . Block, west side Main street,.
. Exeter.
A F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ,) MEMBER
tl.• College'of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Houe Surgeon Toronto; Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr. J, A. Rollins. Residence: East on
first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario,
House for Sale or Rent.
The frame dwelling in good repair, on the South
Boundary, Exeter, VA. blocks west of Main street.
The land consists of two lots and is in first class con.
talon. Good water, several fruit trees, etc.
Apply at this Mice.
.11L, tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Molloy to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
Y• R. CARLING, B,A., L, H. Dtossox
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
n farm and village properties, at low rates of inter
Barristers, Solieitore,Mainat,. Exeter On
Estray Steer
There Game unto the premises, of the undersigned,
Lot 7, Con, 5, Usborne, on or before Nov. 1st, a
three-year-old steer , Owner van have tame by
proving property rind paying expenses. • •
Quinton Bros., Saintsbury, r.0.
William Bro' n
Prof, 'Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of
Musi:lens, England; Organist of Trivia Memorial
Chureh,Exeter., Piano,; Organ, Iiarniony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
and Lot for Sale.'
The undersigned ie, offering for sale a desirable
brick bouso, two storey high, convenient and eom•
fortable in every way, situate in °reditpn East, and
one acre of good land On the• premises le a good
frame stable and driving shed, a well of good water
. and a number of fruit trees. Convenient to echool.
Possession given at once, Apply to
J. W. ANDERSON, Orediton East.
Lends for . Sale
Salle a
The choicest wheat hinds of the,
1`est. I halve o few ehoice half sec-
tions left If bought nos can be sold
for aln est double in a year, Dan give
yon the fullest. informal ion regarding
homesteads and town eifes. Also have
readgood b tr ai s in5 (N10 and 1.0 00
d 0
Acre blocks, . lar�sy. paycilents.,
Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist
Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ,Voice, Harmony;
Modern methods. Thoroue'hnees
Township of Stephen Nomination
and Election
Public Notice is hereby given that a meetine• of
the Electors of the Township of Stephen, will beheld
in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Deo, 31,'06,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purposeof
making and receiving Nominations for Reeve, Depu-
ty Reeve and Councilmen. And further notice is
hereby given that in the event of more Candidates
being-proposedfor anyparticular office than required
to be elected, the proceedings willbe adjourned un-
til Monday,. January 7th, A. D., 1907, when polls will
be opened at 9 min„ at the following places, as fixed
by Township By -Law, viz: Poll 1, Mills' Shoe Shop,'
Lot 6, Con. 1; 2, Penhale's kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 1; 3,
Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6; 4, Town. Hall,Lot 10,
Con. 7; 5, Cunningham's Kitchen, Lot 11, Con..13; 6,
Zimmer's Hall, Lot 23, Con. N,B.; 7; Hannan's Hall,
Lot 11,Con. 17; 8, Wilson's Hall, Lot 40, Con. S. B.;
9, Maccabees' Hall, Lot 1, Con. Sauble. And all:elec-
tore are hereby requested to take notice and govern
themselyes accordingly.
Crediton, Dec. 6, 1908. Returning Officer.
Notice is hereby given that the 32nd Annual Meet-
ing of the Members of The Hay, Township Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance company willbe.held at the
Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday January 8th,1007, at
One O'Clook, p,m.
Business-Receiying the Directors', -Auditors' and
Treasurer's Reports. " Election of Directors and such
other business as May necessary for the good and
welfare of the Company. ,
All members are requested to attend.
Village of Exeter Nomination
and Section
Publionotice is hereby given that a meeting of the
electors of the Village of Exeter will be held ni the
Town Hall, on Monday, December 31st, 1906, at the
hour of 12 o'clock, for the purposeof making and re.
ceiving nominations for Reeve, Councillors and Pub-
lic Sehool trustees. And further notice is hereby
given that in the event of more candidates being pro-
eleoted the osed for mee in will ar office
thanrequireduntil Mond a be
January 7th, A. D.,1907, when polls will be - opened
at 0 a. in,, closing at 6p. in., at the following places,
as fixed by by-law: Polling sub -division No. 1, Silas;
Handford's Residence, Main street, R. N. Creech, D.
R. O. and Jas. Creech, Jr , poll clerk; Polling sub:
'division No. 2, Weekes Bros.' Marble Shop, •Main
street, W. D. Weekes, b, R, 0. and James `:ekes,.
poll clerk; Polling sub -division No. 3, Rich, ''deldon'e
Oifiee, corner of Wellington and Main street, Joseph.
Davis, 14, R. 0. and L 91. Vincent, poll clerk; Polling
sub division No, 4, Town Hall, II. E. Huston, D. R.
0., S. J. White, poll clerk, And all electors are here
by requested to take notice and govern themselves'
Exeter, Deo. 15,1906. JOS SENIOR,
Returning Officer
equalClubbing Pate
q �'
offered by any paper.
Call and See.
D. T. Gilfillan, book-keeper for the
S6nthaanipttirl.`.Ftn'niture .Co,;. Soutb.
aamptore after spending a .few days
with his parents has returned to than
town. -Mr. Clarkson SiVoitzel' was
aluited. ]n n']ai'riege, at the trainee,.
Thames ROA, Dee. 12(b, to Miss Sate
ab i, ;:.,•
k 1 ili%
A.. S t e nd 11t+ civ. 1
R C. I" e cltr,r,
The many friendtt of the happy'bonnies
will extend congratulation's.
xeter School Report.
In this and: in future monthly re-
ports only the names of the successful
pupils will appear (i. e. those who make
oneach 1On theto-
tal.) a subject and
ta.. Ofmat'icei matriculation only33%in each
t 1 n
subject is required, for pass. Honor
standing calls for 75% in all grades..
Following is the report for Dee;
Jr. :Teachers.-MJones:75, WTrieb-
ner 67, I Armstrong 64, F Clegg 63, .A
May 63. M Coward 61, M Murray 61, E
Taylor 60, DDT' 60.
Jr. Matrioulatien.-M Bobier 49, 'p nil- receieed'it packageof candy,
has fully recovered from the effects of
his recent accident.
FEs'rlv.L,--The annual Xmas, festi-
val of the Evangelical church, was held
Xni,s. evening and was a splendid
secse s. The ehtltch was beautifully
det:oreted with a:n.art h and festooning.
.The exercises given by the scholars of
well r deme
`t� "�t s e.
the S ik.d a. 1a1 was 1 en
ty rac,A d>
while the anthems sung by the choir.
were very appropriate for the occas -
toll, A solo was sung by Miss Clara
Heist; an anthem by Rev,Andar's.B,'e;tn
saes • well delivered SSWASr sa the rec,
itatio a by Miss .Ella: Link. After the
program each of the teachers and pin
Carling 48, E Goetz 42. No, on roll 18, t yvED.nING - 'Phe Evangelical chw.ch
average 17.- L.O. Fleming,, teacher.
Senior div. -B Martin 70, FFoss 66
I. Rowe 83,.M Johns 62. Jr. div, - I,
Handford 79. el Meek 69,: T Oestreicber
`as the scene of a 'very pretty event
Oh..Christmis, at 5 pow, when• Miss
1,ydia M., daughter ef- 'Mrs. Rosina
'inkbein'er was united in marriage to
66, LMirlhnllend 66, W McEwen 64 °Mr. Russell' Huxtable of Hamilton,
Birney03,E.Tones 63, L Amos 82. ;l3 for -wetly of this village, Rev. E. H.
Howey 60. No. on roll 34, avenge 29 'an conducted' the marriage cet'e-
K. O. Rice, Teacher. •.molly in the presence of a large num.
Regular Class. -A McMahon 84.;'3
Taylor 82, L Heywood 75, 13, Mena 75,
D Stewart 73, E Copelend 73. I lzarch-
and 72, L Snell 72, A McPherson 71. 0
Pickard 68. A Dow 68.R'Hooper 68, 0
Mc.A-voy 67, A Pickard 67,'EWerk 66,
F Hunter 63, E Farmer, 63, J Manson'
61, C, Dunsford 61.
' Commercial. --M McTaggart 78, E
McKay 75, V Rowe 75, M Mack 69, S
McCoy 88, J Harton 68, \V Dayman 60.
No. on roll 45, average 43.
A. F. Cbidley, teacher.
Sr. IV. -G Ford 87, C 'Making 85. H
.Carling 82, 0 Wand 82. L Gould 78, E
Heideman 78, V Jnhnston 77. A leek -
.son 75, A Bissett 75,R Nay 71, B Boyle
.M Dauncey 69. T Bnlrnan 68, ,E
•Wond'66, C Harvey' 61: Jr. IV. -1i
nes 75.ESo rthcntt 70. 1F
Fake 07,
Sweet 66, No. on roll 32. average 28,
S. Sample, teacher.
Sr. IIi--P Gnhr 80. 13 McKey 79, R
Bissett 77, C Heywood 77. 0. Wood 75,
M Barrows 72, C Pickard 72, E Shad
dock. 71,-W•Stewart 70, G Taylor 66,.D
Hall 63, Y Creech 61, L Snell' 59. Jr
IIL-A Jaeksnn 74. M Carlini; 71; W
Fergnsnn 69,>I Hardy 65, S :Southcott
65. F McPherson 63, ,M Quance 55,' J
Walker 56.- No. on roll 51, .Average 44.
H E.:Weerond, teacher.
Sr.II.-J Seldon 93, L Harvey 81. M
Jones.80, E Harvey 80, A McKay 77, N
Jones 76, A Beverley` 76, H,;Elliott 75,
L Marchand 74. 13 Walker 71, R Flem-
ink•70,' T Fear 68, V :Knott 67. Mid. II.
F Rowe 88, E Day 85. J Follick 75,E A
Dey.72. M Knott 68. Jr. IL -W Mack
72, A Mack 68, J Russell 61. No. on roll
49, average 43.
Elsie A McCallum, teacher.
'her of guests, friends and acguaintan-
ees. While the sweet strains of Lnhen
grin's Wedding Marcb floated through,
the edifice, the bride entered leaning
on, the arm of ,B. Eiher, ilt.P,f'., who
gave her away, A very impressive:.
Marriage ceremony thea took place,
t-ttftet= which bride and groom de -
departed tram the alter, while the
rn- estio music of Mendelssohn's
Wedding march was played. A. ff.
Either presided at the organ. Miss
Almena 'Hu,ctable of Centralia and
Miss Clara Fanner acted AS brides-
maids, while Wesley A. Finkbeiner,
l,rother of the 'bride, supported the
groom. Miss Pearl Holtzman was the
,,laid of honor and Misses Elsie Kienzle
end Cora Tree inner- were "flower .girls.
The ushers were Messrs. Russel Mc-
I:aseughiin of Rodney, Fred Harris, Ira
Brown and August E Kuhn of town;
The bride looked the picture of lovli-
ness dressed in a Japan taffeta gown,
tt anmed with -silk Brussels net -with
l;el;tha of point de sprit lace,the pleas-
i)l1'and ,bewitching; effect greatly en-
hasnced by a long Tull- veil .tastefully
a7'i•ianged and k •pt in place" by a spray
of orange.blossoins, eine perfect 'her-
Mony with the usual shower of lovely
bridal roses., Needless to- say, the
groom proven himself equal to the oc-
casion. The bridesmaids looked beau-
tiful in gowns of pale green eolienne
and of white carnations, and.
the maid of honor lookedquite win-
some in a gown of white organ dy,while-
theFd.uwer girls were like fairies, being
dreeeed:in.peie pink silk. The bride's.
t -i'r'king suit was of gray. The
c l' .rch wee beautifully decorated for.
Ali!••""•8•8,n. Atter the'ceremony the
_ ; , 'AT --eidal .:+.5:. Bali rueete.repe red teethe
:Tr. II. �;_Kydd 95 M Senior 8c3. ,,a 1� � t. :�,. � .. ,t
Smallacombe 87, J Brickwood: 86, .(3 ''oaome oi' Mess Fink heiner where an ex -
Richardson -81. J Craig 81, L:H;,ndfimd cede;it repast had keen.prepered., The
77, E Keyes 76,8 Johns 74,M Heywocid dining room was very artistically dec-
73. Sr. Pt II. to Jr. IL -M Seldon, orated wlth candles, evergreens. and
I Delve, .F Wood, D Houlden.. jr.: Pt. bells. The peesents wet'e many and
II. to Sr. Pt. II. -P Jackson. M Hadcr-
ert, B Homey, G Ortwein. Sr. Pt. II.
to Jr. Part 1I. -D Kuntz, A Johns, G
Fitton, G Ford, J Bagshaw, M Gillies.
No. on roll 40. average 33.
Mildred Martin; teacher.
Jr. II. -B Hodgert 88, M dase 87. W
Mitchell 86, M Hicks 86; A'Bell 81, E
Horney 75, F Bowie 72, H Parson 65.
Sr.' Pt. 11.--MHuston 96, F Neil 78, M
Elliott 77,3,7.Ferguson 72. Jr, Pt lIt to
Sr. Pt. II. -P Gardiner, D White, E
Rowcliife, J Hurdon, J Ford. Class
Il. to Class III, -D Knight, M. Glad -
man, M Vincent, F Brent, A Wend
land, M Patterson.' V Marshall-
F W Howard, teacher.
Miss Ethel Clark has returned from.
an extended visit to Ailsa Craig. -Art
Zwicker and Mr. and Mrs, Chas.Zwick.
enjoyed their Xmas. dinner at London
with Mr. Zwicker's parents. -Mrs.
Volk of Howell, Michels here on a vis-
it. -Percy Banes of Hamilton is home
on a visit. -Mr. Watson and wife have
arrived here from Brandon, Man., on
a visitto the latter's mother, Mrs. 0.
Eilher.-Rev. Bean preached an inter-
esting sermon on Xmas. morning in
the Evangelical church. -Misses Ella
Beayer and Mary Bertrand and Herb
Young are spending Xmas. with rela-
tives in London.- School closed. on Fri-
day for the holidays. Miss Susie Saul -
ter, who taught here the past six
months has been engaged to teach in
Torontb. She is an excellent teacher
and gave entire satisfaction. We wish
her every . success. She will be suc-
ceeded'by Miss Robinson of Exeter,
who has been teaching in the school.
south of the village. -W a all regret to
state that Mrs. Jno. Mcisaac is very
low and slight hopes are entertained -
for her recovery. Her many friends
trust there may he a turn for the bet-
ter. -The post office was a busy hive
during the week. So far the appear-
ances are that more parcels passed
through the Crediton office this sea-
son than in any previous year, while
ordinary mail matter will show a
great increase. -The' Christmas holi-
days have brought quite a number of
visitors from the distance and many
are the cheerful words of greeting we
hear as oil friends meet one another
after a lapse of four or five years. The
following are a few we have noticed
who have come here to enjoy the holi-
da.ye: Mr. and Mrs. John Feist and
daughter and Christian Brown and
son, Kilmanagh, Mich.; Edward and
John Treitz and Chits Ewald of Detro-
it;.Mrs. Jones, Marlette, Mich,; 'Alf.
-Williams and Garnet taker and Chris
Finkbeiner, London; Miss Mary and
Grover Gilmore, Pandora, Ohio, --Rev.
G. F. Brown of ottereliffe, is a pleas-
ant visitor in our midst. -A ,dumber
of friends were very pleasantly enter-
tained by Mr. end Mrs. Jos. Heist on
Ohristlnas evening, -Mitchell Fink-
beiner, Jr is on a visit to Caugiln
friends. -Miss Emma and Tom Hoist
of Eilniatnatgh, Mich, are .visitors in
our midst. -The sale at Frank Taylor,s
on Saturday was well attended ain d
h• id 11 B r is
costly, showing quite plainly the es-
teem in which they have been held in
the neighborhood. The groorn'e gift to
the bride was a. crescent of pearls; to
the bridesmaids a small'crescent of
pearls; to the maid of honor a faucy
gold brooch and to the groomsman a
pearl stick pin. They will make their
future home at 160 Gibson at., Hamil-
ton. We join in wishing the happy
couple a long, happy and'prosperous
married• life.
A very pleasant event took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm, Year-
ly on Saturday, Dec. 22, when about
70 guests were invited to help them
celebrate the 25th anniversary of
their wedding day. Twenty-five years
ago this venerable couple were mar-
ried. It was a happy. event and the
young people started on the tempest-
uous sea of life with great expectations
and although they have• experienced
the sorrows and joys incident to those
who have spent 25. years of happy' mar-
ried life together they are hale and
hearty, bright and happy and bid fair
to see, many ,happy returns of their
wedding anniversary. After receiving.
the hearty congratulations and well:
wishes of the• guests all sat down to a
very dainty and appetitizing wedding
supper which was followed by various
games, singing and music... The splen-
did array of presents both beautiful
and costly testified to the high esteem
in which Mr. and Mrs. Yearley are
held and the sincere wish of all is that
they may long be spared to enjoy
them. Friends were presents from
London, Parkhill, Exeter, Centralia,
Crediton, Shipka and other places.
CONCERT. -The concert given in the
Town Hall Friday'by the pupils of our
public school was a huge success. H.
Eilber, M.P.P.; acted as .chairman.
The hall was .beautifully decorated
with evergreens, flags and buntings.
The building was filled to the doors
and standing room was at •a premium,
in fact, many were unable to gain ad-
mission. , The Crediton Symphony
Orchestra has been reorganized and
they rendered several fine selections,
which kept the feet moving and made
ever bod happy. The first part of
the program cosisted of three drills,
kindergarten songs and recitations
while the second part was a cantata,
entitled "Johnny Doubter" and a tab-
leau. The first drill called r' The Drill
of the little Patriots" was given by lit-
tle girls from 6 to 12. Miss Clara Kien
zle who had charge of this drill dhe
serves great, credit for the way t
drill was given. Although the girls
'Were small they went through the dif-
ficult movements like veterans. The
"Drill of the Milk•Maids";was very
nice. Each maid was dressed in a be-
cotbieg costume and looked finite pret-
ty. e
Gy. Miss Susie Saniter who had charge
of this drill is to be; congratulated • on
the success, attained. The. third drill,
entitled "The San Flower Drill"'was
splendid. Boys did the d.riiling and
were dressed in yellow suits Arid wore
black -Cakes fringed with yellow seal-
lops;which, gave' theni. the exact a]p-
pearaince of e, live sunflower. ,Bach.
'' d as Wand, at the end of which
° of a
ion of
WAS attached en eicaellent tt t t
lee Rin
We have a Idle of
LADIES' .LES SI �4�'"�±�'�''1 RINGS
-which arevery er moderate in lc
i e anti attractive in design
Y , P es gn
Call and See Theme
Our Stock: is Complete in all Other Styles as We
Issuer of ]�: ai, rime Licenses
P,.•S.-We.have a line of Gent's Travelling Cases: 111 the
best quality leather at $2.50 each. Makes a slice present.
wheeI'and come together, showing' a
line of black faces the house - was con-
vulsed with laughter, The principal
of the school, Mr. Bluett, had abarge
of this drill and certainly matte a suc-
cess of it. Excellent recitations .Were
given•hy Miss Elsie Gaiserand, Mervin
Winer. The cantata emir led "Johnny
Dnuhter'was worth theadntission price
The • scene opened. up with .a
number of tots on the plettfornl,amotig
reborn was' one, who did not believe -in
a real Santa Claus and knew that he.
was right. This part was taken by
Murray Holtzman and he: made an ex-
cellent, character. The persons we read'
of in the nursery books, such aa Moth-
er Goose, Mother Hubbard, Little Red
Riding Hood, Little Bo -Peep, The Old
Woman who lived in a. shoe, and Jack
and Jill, each came forward and made
their address to proye that 'there was
a real' Sante Claus. Afterwards Eng-
land, United States, Scotland, Ireland,
Germany, France and Italy came and
had their say. The ruaturne each
e palter1S 5! -tvaS.'vE,' -cl 11••1 .•ititeand
p 4 , p pj .
'their eating :wee i efl e u;r. ' Tee
program closed -with three beautiful
tableaux. The teael ei:'s end 'MMMrs.
Bluett deserve a great: deal of credit
for the patience they showed in train-
ing the pupils and in making this en-
tertainmeht such a success. The trus-
tees and teachers desire to thank the
persons who have assisted them in the
practice and entertainment,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock of: Cen-
tralia spent Xmas. with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Hayter. -Mr.
Sutton and sister of Alberta are Xmas.
visitors at Frank Stanlake's. -Miss
Edna Sherritt has. returned from
Mitchell. -Archie and Adelbert Webb
have gone Michigan to visit their
grandmother and otherfriends. -Thos.
ove and wife spent Xmas. at Brew-
ater.-Geo. Webb, sr., who has been
in poor health for some time with lung
trouble still continues 111. -Peter La-
mont of Zurich was through " this sec-
tion buying horses on Monday. He
also bought ten head of cattle from
John Sherritt.-Several of the young
folks from our burg attended the High
School concert in Parkhill Friday ev-
ening and all report a good time. -At:'
the Xmas.
tree in.connectian with the
(3rand Bend Presbyterian Sabbath
school :held Thursday' evening. the
Christian Endeavor and Sabbath
School .presented Miss Rosa Smith,
teacher of A B line pnhlic school, with
a biscuit jar and a handsome bracelet
accompanied bythe follr;wi -
P ng "ad'
Dear Miss Smith
Please .cce p t these •tokens as
symbol of our appreciation and a mesa
Y PP ndl grati-
tude to You for your most untiring,
services in:our 2pidst daring the past
three years. We know that;we cannot'
full sex ress our heartfelt Y p t thanks to
you for your never -tiring labor,-yotiir'
willingness to advance' all the inter-
ests of botli S.S. and C. E. They will
be remembered' with pleasure' sas we
continue to carry on the Christian
work. Our„sincere:wish . is -th<et you
may continue to be a blessing-„wher
ever let .may' he cast:.: Wishing`
you a merry Xmas and e happy appy .New.
Year.. Signed on behalf of the Sunday
Sehool'and C. E. -T. F. Turnbull and
R. J. Taylor
ton, on. Dec. 25,'by Rev. Bean, Ras -
ell Uuxtabie of Hamilton to Miss:
Lydia, daughter of Mrs. Rosina
Finkbeiner of Crediton.
CHRISTIhn-BAasi�Aw-At the home
of the bride's parents, on Dec. 28th,.
by Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. David 3'.
Christie, of Lachute, Quebec, to
Miss Victoria, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Bagshaw, Exeter.
RowmaraFFE--BATTEN-In Usborne,
on Dec. 25th, Brian Rowtcliffe to
Miss Pearl, daughter:of John Batten
all of Usborne.
DAUNCE'-1n Stephen, on Dec. 25th,
Annie Hind, wire ,of .,Joseph Delan-
cey, aged 54 years, 11 months and
19 days.
a dHok
Spy g ate, Hockey
50c. to 3.50 per pr.
Pocket, Pen and Jack Knives
Scissors in eases
. ce sets
Bread Knives in 3 -pie s
Bread Knives only-
Carvers in pairs
Carvers in cases, 3 -piece
Carpet Sweepers
Boys' Pool.Chests
Silver Colo Meat Forks
Silver Berry Spoons
Air Rifles
Stevens Rifles
from 5c to $1.00
75c to 4.00.
25e to 50c
15c. to 1.25
1.00 to 3.50
3.50 to 4.50
2.45 to. 4.25
75c to 1.25
1.50 to 2,90
90c to 1.45
1,00 to 1.75
1.00 to 1,25
325 to 4.00
Mickel Tea Pots, Nickel Tea Kettles, Sad Irons sets,
Spice 'Box Sets , and Crumb Tres,
The biggest assortment of ar�dware in town
everything a the --- , orin: eacve , caizie ,
.. tri dro fete days. in Aaburn.
�A Heaman
npgTl ebo sedlilte � 1 fSo v�r tovo Store
r� ��Ha�
row froirl here
:tttendecl 'the shootin area Wer, 1
match at Exeter Thesday.- Bert Clete soldiere trend whenever they Would