HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-20, Page 3Keeps your body warms, yet Zeta your skin breathe. knit, not woven, -- --it 04 Guaranteed does Atlainst ANGLE s Shrinkage Underwear Traci/p( Trade-markedrn red. In a variety of styles, fabrics and prieept for women, mien and children, z n d guaranteed. 203 allionitlAWANNIIIialionloporanomiosoimpormocomoct000l "'Health and Vigor depend upon the ,quality and quantity of the blood."-- Ttumanitarian. Dr. arson's Tonic .Ste mach and Constipation Bitters. A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Bloodl :Purifier. •Price 50 cents per Bottle,' If you are not able to obtain It in,your neighborhood, wo will send to any ad. dress two bottles upon receiptof ONP DOLLAR (sue. por bottle) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sent. FREE on; application, 'The Carson Medicine Company' 187' Wellington St. =\Vest, - Toronto] r+o Yo ME, E HOSPITAL FOR sc.r SICSICEI CIIIL R1 J?or it Corea for Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment. The hospital for Sick. Children, College .street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and =others of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nurses within, its walls every year. Tho Hospital is not a local institu tion—but Provin. cial. The sink child from a n y place in Ontario who mitt afford to pay his the same privileges as the child livinin Tor - "ferry wrrla TIER onto and is treated DOLL. free. The Hospital had last year in its be& and cots 1358. patients -331 of these were from 231 places outside of Toronto. The cost is 1,37 eta.per . tick per • day, and there were 133 sick lit- - Ale 'ones. a day in Y , the Hos- pi tal, os-pital. x r'"frt r Since -- -- It9 fours- "Naw PIUTOIE vagus, JUST dation • Ahu1Y.MD.' the Hospital has treated 12,120 children. About 8,500 of these were unable to pay and, wore treated free. r-. Your money can pub -gel den hinges en the door of the Hospital' mercy. Eve ry• body'sdollnt may be the r .Friend itr y . Need to Somebody's chill. SERVING: T..OMA.1 k a8'r. Your, dollar may be a floor of hope to somebody's' child. The Hospital pays out dividends of health end happiness to suf• fel is ?'ohildhood on every dollar that is paid by friends of little children. 1f' you know of any child in your neighborhood 'who ie sick or crippled or . has club feet.,. }vtya send The parent's, varve t0. the Hos- pital. TWO 01.03Irpa1' CASE: IN YLA81'Elt See what con .re dono;,for club -foot cbil- dken. Tlhdro were 36 like cases lust yea' and hundreds in 31 years. • starve ve ereea Please semi contributions to 3, ROW? Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas Davi l - n, Sec.-�'reii5:, of the Irospital for S'fu Chiltdren, Collcge a tree t, Toronto. ESSE QUAM VIDERE? Scott (grutnbling)---"Women take off their hats at the theatre, so why can't they at cpiurch?" • • Mottr--"Skill •• gran, do you want to empty the cluirches?" I•tetilless as a Baby. -••South American Tttetunr tic Coro strikes t11croot of the ailment and strikes' it quick: It. • W. Wright, to Daniel street, 3raekvillo+ Ont„ for twelve years a great sultarer from rheumatism couldn't wash himself, feed himself or dress himself, After tieing six bottles was able to leo to work, rend saysa "1 think pain has left me forever.' --26 HOW 'If) Ctioos : A HOUSE. A Few !tints to. Those Who Are 'Thhdre in of Buying a Wane,. It is not necessary to be as expert i:n. order to understand whether a given house is unfit for occupation. The ques- ion of ttspeot is not of eon. paramount importance as is attributed to it in some quarters, It is wrong to imagine tllat'a' -honse with a southern aspeot is neces- sarily healthy, or one withan eastern of northern aspect unhealthy. All. depends upon the house itself, its surroundings, and Ills soil on which it stands. It is well known that houses standing on damp • 8011 are very unhealthy, as damp houses net only give 'rise to such diseases as rheumatism and neuralgia, but they render the occupants liable to become a prey to consumption. The best soils for building purposes are the loose sands and gravels,and the worst aro the different rocks, clays and limestones. However picturesque a house sur- rounded and even overhung by trees may appear to passers-by, it Is'a foot that such houses are exceedingly liable lo dampness. The trees .shut nut the sun end prevent the free, circulation of the air, 1vy-covered cottages, as a, rule, are damp and. unhealthy, , The salve •thing applies . to • houses on banks of rivers, unless they stand on the slope of at hill. A great Ileal of vegetation round a. house is a sign Of damp soil. • PRACTICAL EPERIENCE. "Want ar job on the mine,,;el1? Do you know how to use clytia.mite?" "Yes, sure. I was a practical anar- chist for two years, until ze cheap Ger- man competition los me ze job. I have blown up much of ze nobility ofEarope " Moeller Willie, did the grout. toll you these eggs were fresh? WVillie—l•Ie didn't any, but.ho told ine to hurry home with them. . Her heart like a Polluted Speing.—Mrs. James Stigler, Pelee Island, Ont.; says: "I was for Ave years affliotect with ds s- pepaia, constipation, heart disease and nervous prostration.. I cured the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure for the .'Ifeart, and the other ailments vanished like mist. Had relief in half an hour after the first doso."-27 UNLUCKY CUBA. it Has Recently Been the. Scene of Hor- rible Barbarities. If there is an unlucky spot in this old globe of ours, it is• surely Cuba. In most Other places war is a more or less spasmodic evil; there it is perennial. Discovered in 1.02 by Columbus, who thought 'it "the most beautiful country it had ever been his lot to look upon," it quickly becamethe scene of merciless raids by armed adventurers, by whoi-n the original population was .practically destroyed. Later on,the buccaneers matte war upon the Spanish settlers, and very nearly wiped them out of existence in their turn, even the Cityy of`Havan'a itself being stormed and taken by the arch - pirate Morgan, whose savage followers committed atrocities unmentionable upon the unfortunale inhabitants. Next cane rebellions of the slaves im- ported from Africa, and these were put down with fire and sword; or. ratherain the case of the prisoners, with sword and fire, for. these wretched beings were invariably lopped and mutilated in the most, horrible Branner, Before being burned at the slake in the principal square of Havana; Cruelty beefs cruelty, however. and ,the memory of such unmentionablehor- rors does not readily die, as the Span- iards found to their cost Tater. The Creole insurrection, which began in 1850, was marked' by almost as much savagery as anything, that had gone be- fore; and as late as 1801, not only was no quarter given on either side, but torture of prisoners preparatory to exe- culion -vas regarded as quite a mater ofscourle:"' • The Americans., when they intervened,. slopped, or were supposed to have stopped, such savagery, :as this; but in - 1.507, ellen Guise. was captured by the I insurgents—mostly escaped convicts under Calixto Garcia. scores of wounded prisoners were deliberately roasted to death over'. slow. ;fires - And [Lis is the land they have chris- tened "The Pearl of. the Antilles"! £APFED . HANDS.. Z:1,1„I-Bf K THE DEALER. At this Season chapped hands, chit - blains, rough, red skin, and other ef- fects of We cold ars rimy common; and Tam -Duk, the folnely Healer, is in great demanri. Miss E, Brown, of Markham, .says: "I certainly prink ,am -Bute the finest balm in the world. I used it for chap-' ped [lentis, and it made them as smooth and -soft as a baby's hand. My uncle Ilan also tried it and found 11 wonderful" Mrs. M. A. Doyle, of \\'ickson Ave- nue, Toronto, says: "My son used Zam- 13uk it r file first place for chapped hands and colcl-sores. I•Ie foundit so good that we now -always keep a supply in the house, and use it -'for cuts, bruises, burns, etc. 11 is wonderful how soon ease comes after Zam-Buk is applied to a sore or injury!" Not pnl,y for chapped hands, cold - sores, chilblains, etc., but for cuts, brui- ses, ulcers, running sores, blood-pois- oning, festering wounds, abscesses, pimples and otupttons.olc., Zam-l3ulc is 0 COLT. • It also cases the pain.•ancl sinal iltelrif files, and stops the bleed,, ing. 11 will close old wounds and sores which have defied all outer treat- ment. l,ubbcd well in over the parts af- fected it cures rhe lntatitn, neuralgia, setatica; it: eases tightness and aching chest in cases of colds and chills. '[hemagic Healer can be obtained' Of f all t Oc. a box, at' est 1, druggists tt 5 a ,p free tmuti tha L.un•p'3uk Co.,Toronlo, upon receipt cf prow,. G boxes for Can it truly be said of any other book Than Webster's .Interl ational'Dietonary that it ,i•e:---lite Standard. of the Federal and State Courts? The Standard of the Government t'•1'fnllllg Otliee? Tile Basis of nearly all the Schoolbooks in the c0ultlry? ludorsed, by every State School Superintendent? Universally ee- eomMerldod by. College Presidents and ,F::iaucators? Adhered to as a Standard ly over,. 00 per ;cent. of the Newspapers? Reliable, Indispensable; Complete, Scl- entitle, 'Practical, Popular, The ,Safe Guide for a-i?rofossloilal Man, -Business Marr, Toaeher. and •Student?' Should you not oran sued a book? Look else- where for advertisement in this paper; SATIS VI�Ci13013EA7.' "But' I have talked long enough;" said the windy orator, looking at his watch. "Keep on!" shouted a disgusted audi- tor. "You'll say soinctthing. after a whit el" IIAVE YOU PILES? Dr. D.L e ha' on udts float -Reid is an inter- nal' l einedy that entirely removes the cause of 'Piles, and cures to stay cured any case, no matter how long standing, If you have Piles, and Dr. Leonliardt's Heal -Reid will not cure you, you get your money back. A thousand dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Mem-Heid sold. $1.00 'All dealers, or The Wilson, Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. A lady n•rites; "I was enabled to re- move the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the same experience. OII, WHO? Oli, who shall show the happy way For nian to live from day to day? tie works until his strength gives out, Or else he loafs' and gets the gout. Yes, it Is humlttutin2 to have a skin covereri with foul eruptions, Ib is painful, too. Why not end the trouble and restore your skin to its nat. erg fairness With Weaver's Cerate2 RIVAL CANDIDATES. "I understand your opponent isn't very popular," said the.- family friend. -"You bet he isn't," replied the can - dale le andalele for office. "Why, that fellow rnuld:i't even get a laudatory -sentence on his tombstone." EATING CAUSED AGONY HEALTH RESTORE. -BY BILEANS. Mrs. J. Whitfield, of Swan Lake, says: "Bileans have done ale a wonderful amount of gond. I can hardly describe flow bad is telt before I took them. I could not eat but that it caused pain. There was a constant sensation of tight- ness in my side, aid my liver was en- tirely oat of order. ` I could not -sleep al nights, suffered also from kidney trouble, and was altogether, rundown. - 1 had been ailing in this way for years, and it is gratifying to find that Bileans were equal to my case" Bileans have been called "a woman's medicane" because of their exceptional fitness for the various ailments pculiar to the sex, as well as ,for liver disord- ers and stomata ailments generally. Unlike most liver and stomach medi- eincs, Bileans coakiin no bismuth, mer- cury or any mineral whatever. They are purely vegetable. Likans are absolutely unequalled for female ailments and irregularities, con- stipation, piles, anaemia, debility, rheu- matism, blood impurities, etc. They torso up ,the system and enable ft to throw off colds and chills, strengthen girls just emerging into womanhood, and speedily restore energy end strength to il5os who are rundown: Of all druggists at 50c. a box, cr Post free from the Lilcan Co., Toronto, en receipt of price. .6 boxes' for 22.50. A NATIONAL ARMY. What Great Britain Necds is an Armet"i People. Speaking a short time ago in London, England, ,before the Ct ly Liberal Club, Major Scicy, M. P., laid down the pro- position that reductions in tie. regular infantry of the line, whether .popular or unpopular, are absolutely essential The progress of civilization and the special- ization of industry -have made it more and more difllbult for any man to and employment who has not learnt a trade, with the result that an appalling pre portion of the 'vagrants and inmates of workhouses aro ex -army men. About half, of the vagrants in Irelanel, on the authority of .'a. Royal Commission, are ex -soldiers, more than a . thousand, ex- clusive of militiamen, having. beenad- mitted to the wor'khouses last January. When -ono reflects on the nature of the special danger to health, apart from the difficulty of learning a trade, which must beset the foreign service soldier, it is neither more not; less than a scan- dal that, provision should not be made for Trim, To set things right will .cost money, and as in the near future more money niust be. spent on each man, it le necessary no less for the welfare of the soldier then for the well-being of the empire that there should be a reduction of lite line. Stii1 another reason for Ibis is that attention must be centred more upon those parts of the army which it takes longest to make, notably artillery and cavalry, and these are far more costly than the infantry arm.' The Major had no heSitatton in say- ing that the true path to pursue was to aim fit creating gradually by building up out; of existing 1rlateria.Is a national arlrly, complete in all arms, on the vol- untary principle, end on a home defence basin --an army of men who remained civilians and engaged in civilian Barn pur- suits, While Still Iii i r s ld n time to l ; . and organize lo_dcfend theft cotmtrys ilbei lies. Their should he two armies, but only' two, a ,small foreign service army and . the armed people., TttWSC OUSE'S CAME, old-time scotch Corrector to be V -Sed in. Manchester Schools, The lawse has tra'clled stunt 1're111 its native Sootland to .correct the oiling schoolboys of Manchester, England.; Under a regulation of the alanellee- tee Education Committee, which curve into force recently, and has since been the subject of much criticism, only head- insteps ead-i nsters of public elementary schools are permitted to 'inflict corporal punishment upon refractory soholars, arid the tawsc has ' been substituted for the 'cane. Tho Manchester variety as a triple tongued strip of fairly hard leather, and really looks a more formidable weapon. from the boys' point of view than the. dreaded cans which it has superseded. Many ,of the headmasters also regard the, new corrector with a certain amount of diffidence. They are under the im- pression that there is more risk of hurt- ing a boy seriously with It than .there is with the cane. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. Plan of the Pac'fic Coast Securities Company Absolutely Safer The old idea of "nothing new under the :sun" is completely put to flight by the Pacific Coast Securities Company of Portland, Oregon, in handling the stock of the Sea Island Copper Company, This Company, whose officers are business, inch of, many years' experience have 'perfected a plan whereby the in- vostor's money is under his own con- trol and he docs' iter take the stock un- til earnings and accrued dividends are satisfactory. A - new booklet, "Some- thing to Set You. Thinking," has just been issued for fres distribution, and it is valuable to anyone contentplating. investment in corporate enterprises. SAW IT COMING.. 11e -"Their marriage was a complete surprise, wasn't it?" ' She—"Not to those of us who knew the bride." As the 011 Rubs in the Pain Rubs Out. —Applied to the seat of a pain in any part of the body the skin absorbs the soothing liniment under brisk friction and the ,patient obtains almost instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas'. Eelectric Oil have surprised many who were unacquainted Willi its dualities, and once known it will not i;e rejected. - Try it. She—Clarence, just think of 111 Five weeks from to -day, and we shall be married. Ile—Well, let's be happy while we may!" ITCH, Mange. Prairie Scratches and every fornt of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Itnever fails. Att i the time of his marriage a man thinks he is getting a better half, but later on he may discover that he has a counterfeit on his hands. A Veteran's Story.—George Lewis, of Shamokin, Pe., writes: 'I am eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for ,fifty years, and in my time have used a great many catarrh cures, hut never had any relief until I used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Ono box cured me ompletely." 50 cents. -25 "I am very sorry to hear, Captain Salter, that yourwife left you so tin - ceremoniously. « iffy mistake, sir. r tc'ok her for a male and she proved to he a skipper." The Demon, Dyspepsia. — In olden limes it was a popular belief that de- mons moved invisibly through dile am- bient air. seeking to enter into glen and 'troubl'e thein. At the present day the deuton, dyspepsia, is at large in the same way, seeking habitation in those who by careless or unwise living invite him. And 'once the enters a man it is difficult to disla'dge him. I3e that finds himself so possessed shortie know that a valiant friend to dobattle for him with the unseen foe' is Parnmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready for the trial. A fool and his money are seen .part ed --nand a:wise man soon dies and his heirs take .What , the lawyers leave. So take your choice. Imitations Abound, but insist upon getting the genuine, 'True D do L" Menthol Plaster. It has stood the test of years. It euros aches and pains quicker than any plaster. The darkest hour is just when your chickens are disappearing. Worms derangethewhole system. Mother Graves' \Vorm Extermfiia or de- ranges worms and gives rest to the suf- ferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. - 1I -IE REASON. Mrs: homer—"I can't understand rutty that woman who just moved next door spends so Hauch timeivith her pet dog." Mr. Homer-"01it then you haven't seed her husband." olsobomoommotooramesoorruse Your.•rut �= M. yodor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but -- why go. to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of havinghispreseriptfon filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S. CURE for a quarter. Whyy a two to p five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOHi11 cure you as quickly? ., w Why not do as hundreds of thousands of ' Canadians have. done for the past thirty -:four years : let SHILOH be your doer tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILO.HI will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee, The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with rvt ti05IL . aruu,.enc�, ar. . .__ . _ _.. _ .. .. ,. '�';. -:�,r..�• ..,a ..ramie? . The highest zate,illtalilenowledge lathe world has produced COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT R TLordsanda of sufferers havekeen e*ntatxett1i cure » , . ..x di�yth9.evv!ot►der- ful remedy and thankfully write to: tell us so. Keep It in the house anci use it for Collds, Cott i>its, Crean!, WInoolsk¢tg Cough, ACAlbnna and all TlarOttat and Lung troubll+e0. Your drugwiat not only keeps it but reeonitil'neuds 11. Price, 25 Beats. tzt T You don't require to be an expert to teli the difference between the G ntii a Acme and the -imitation. The genuine has the word "Acme"—our registered trade mark—stamped on the runner. Beware of inimilatfons. �t14 tl iR MMT G [!i1le , 128 1wlfngS,{otWest' ., 0AIT. A postal card brings our Catalogue "G," which contains complete rules of the game of I-Iookey. rIST Arirs'+n—P. 5 HAVE YOU SEEN? Tti E. ALUMINUM TOPPED In Lightness, Durability, Speed and the Neatest en ice. CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, Toronto Junction, Ont. For sale by prominent hardware Dealers. tc..a,>eN/Lv r. - SO DIFFERENT. "lin is perfectly lovely—so different from any man .I ever met." "He must have proposed to you." Sudden 'transition from a hot io a cold temperature, exposure to rails, silting in a draught, unseasonable substitution of light far heavy clothing, are fruitful causes of colds and the resultant cough so perilous to persons of weak lungs. Among the many medicines for bron- chial disorders so arising, there is none Letter than Bickle's Anti-Consiimptive Syrup. Try it and become convinced. Price 25 .cents. AT THE AGENCY. "Did you` bring your references with you?" "No, mum. Did you?" Under the Nerve Lash --The torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostra- tion anti nervous debility no one can rightly estimate who has not been under the ruthless lash of these relentless hu- man foes. 01. Williams, . of i'ordwlch, Ont., was for four years a nervous wreck. Six bottles of South American Nervine worked a miracle, and his doctor con, firmed it. -28 When your neighbor begins to boast of his honesty it's up to emu to get busy and put an extra bolt on your_. back door. The, heat :of tate Tropics fadesro•y cheeks. It takes away the energy. "Serrovim" is the best tonic- to brace yea up. It stimulates the System. 11 makes the weak strong. It is pleas- ant to take. Au druggists sell it. Every wonan is firmly; convinced that she earns the- money -every time she purchases a dollar article for 08 cents. A Magic Pill.—Dyspepsia is a foe with which wpm are constantly grappling, but cannot exterminate.' Subdued, and to all appearances' vanquished in one it makes its appearance in another di rection. In many the digestive appara- tus is as delicate as the • mechanism of a watch or scieniille instrument in which even a breath of air will knake. a variation. With such persons disord- ers of the stomach ensue from the most t°ivial causes and cause much suffer- ing. To these Parmelee's Vegetable fills aro recommended as mild and sure. Once In agreat while a woman gets so angry at her husband that she even refuses to talk back. Loss of Flesh, cough,.and pain on the chat, may Sot moan oonsuinption, but are bad signs. Allen's Lung. Balsam loosens and heals t cough: Not a grain of opium 3n it. IdIIMAN PICTURE GALLERY. A walking portrait gallery has been arrested In Tunis, where ho had long been wanted as a deserter from. the French army. The name of the human picture show' is Sarthe. On entering the police -station be removed all his cloth- ing, and said, "Observe my skin, You sha'n't have 11; it is worth its weight in gold." Ori his chest were tattooed Ave pictures of ladies, in color, blowing kisses to a. cavalier. On his tight side Saralee has the portraits of President Loubet and the Shalt of Persia shaking hands. On his left side are Mme, Yvette Guilbert and Mayol, the .music -hall: Singer, S.a.rth.ee ba this treated in pure - ]Yde olatle style, rather after the man- ner a vner of Boucher. Podgy cupids are re- presented in garlands of rosebuds, and a scroll of flowers rens up and down '1' N U Sarthe's spine ir" LAMP CIL Ecollortri Sarrda USE prig White ,No real need tobuy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used. and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHT -Tiaras oa FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE— Q eon tiny TR,! it CH SliA,l) P irta n LIGET Lakin p For Sale by Dealers •...._.rte ins QUEEN CITY CIL Co.y rosy a 1 T':r_��NATI N L rarA GRAND FAMILY EDUCATOR. It not only answers your questions in Spelling, Pronunciation, Definition,. New Words, Etc., but also answers cues - tions in Geography, Biography, Fiction, Foreign Words and Phrases, the Tradoa,w Arts and Sciences. 5000 Illustrations. 2 380 Pages. A necessity in every cul -- red home. It is the best Christmas gift. ♦vErSTLR'st:OLLICUTATE 1DICTIOIIArtS:. - 1 Lannat of ouralridgmeneo. Eo ,zlar 'mania raper s edkiom,. Iii f e Wa roit 11,x0 111uatrmiiona . Initn for"Tho Story nets Book"—Nut. C. 1'1 G.& 0. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass. AN IMPORT.INT QUESTION. IIe was an impecunious, seedy, out- at -the -elbows peraen, and the dueler when he prescribed for him, knew ',ot- ter than to expect a fee. "For the inflamed eyes," said the bono- volent physician., "dissolve as much Ler- ache arid as yea can put on a ten -cent psi cr, in half a glass of water," "Tisk you, doctor," murmured the patient, turning away. A moMeat toter, however, the office door was opened and the patient sidled in. ''Say. caro," said he, with an ingrati- ating 3 r.i l ', . "where do I get , the lell- ccnt piteid" ISSUE 1!rl', 511.-.16.,