Exeter Advocate, 1906-12-20, Page 1Phone 25 --Advocate When you walk ANY- THING NY-T ZING that Rin up-to-date printing Office can db, Lat- est styles, newest types, prompt work, right price, Long Distance Phone.. T WENTrlaTH YEAR, Real Estate Changes Made for yoe, on reason., able ter•nis. Walleye trnM equalled facilities to rent,: sell or buy either farm or village property, Try it S,AND'ORS & OREFCIT„ EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1906. SANDERS & Onuc r -The Sovereign Bank of Canada Chartered by Dominion Parliament. A NEW CANADIAN RECO/kn.. 3rst Oeto• her. Ca iM1 Pa i -up Reserve Fund andAssets Undivided I':ofits Sovereign Bank Notes in Circulation Deposits Excess of over ,ir,Uilitics to the Pu}?i c 1902 1903. 1904 1905 1906 $1,173,418 1,300,000 1,800,000 1,610,478 3,942,710 $ 240;000 362,838 420,373 523,461 1,335,847 $ 759,995 1,237,650_ 1,284,840 1,550,790 2,850,e75 $1,681,7 '0 4„309,4.'2 7,196,741 10,134,20) 15,578,920 $1,413,478 1,002,833 1,720,373 2,133,039 5,278,557 3xst Octo- bei• Cash on Hand and at Bankers Bornls,Commercial Debentures, etc. I,oansat', Call Loans and L)iSciuuts Total Assets 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 $ 383,097 ..622,774 1,214;822 1,491,398 3,916,842 $. 439,363 713,397 672,034 791,153 1,612,831 $1;680,199 1,747,842 1,179,54D 1,566,144 4,614,067 $1,3517,469 4,074,043 7,014,123 9,578,8 50 14,640,510 $3,855,203. 7,200,1;20 10;201,954 13,818,938 25,343,401 Savings ■ ..j...A1I1/ pp Offices Deposits of. $1.00 and Upwards Received. Savings. Department at all Offices tr.ter.,,t jdrttd Vnnr viAWS a Year. • JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, • • GLADMAN & 'ST ANBURY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable Wish their n'bany Customers and Friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And would say to you that "we never carried such a fine display of FANCY GOODS Suitable for Christmas Presents as we are showing at the present time. Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Silk Waists, Kid Gloves, Etc. IN CENT'S FURNISHINGS we are showing a fine line of Cambric Shirts with fancy fronts also a choice line of Ties, Mufflers, Braces, Cuffs & Collars, Hats ik Caps. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. CARLING B R x:. . 0S Profeastonal Cards. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D, D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristv. DENTIST, Beth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Oilice in Fanson'e Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Medical AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER • College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ohtario. Da. McBRIDE, L. R. C. P. . P. & S. Edinburgh, will Ll look after the practice of Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood during the letter's visit to Europe in search of more knowledge, He will be found in the same office. Let;ai, DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI. tors, Notaries, Conveyancers; Commissioners. Solicitors for MolsonsBank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Cantlx0, B.A., L, H. Dlcaso2 MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan n farm and village properties at low rates of inter, est. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Soliaitors,Main st., Exeter. On Estray Steer There came unto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con. 6, reborn°, on or before Nov. let, a three-year-old steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, Quinton 80008.,Saintebury, P.O., William Brown Prof, Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of Mueioians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Chureh,Exeter, Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Mueie, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, House and Lot, for Sale, The undersigned is offering for sale a desirable brielehovec, two storey high, convenient and ooih- fortablc in every way, situate In Crediton. East, and one acre of good. land. .On the premises is a goad frame stable and driving shed, a well of good Water and a number of fruit trees. Convenient to school. Possession given at once. Apply to J, W. ANDERSON, (7rediton East, SaskatcieaDar� Lands for Sale Valley La s o The choicest wheatlands of the West. I have a few choice half sec- tions left ° If bought now can be sold for alplost donble in a year. Can give yo.a the tallest iforn' at ion regarding homesteads end toe'cn sites. Also have real good bargains in 5,000 and 10,000 acre blocks. Easy payments. 301IN CHARLTON, Exeter.. LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell' Methodist Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorouvhness House for Sale or Rent. The frame dwelling in good repair, on the South Boundary, Exeter, 1% blocks west of Main street. The land consists of two lots and is in first class con- dition. Good water, several fruit- frees, etc. Apply at this Office. Sale Registers. THURSDAY, DEO. 20 -Farms, farm stock, im• plements and household effects, the property of the late John Winkenweder, Lot23, Con. 15, Stephen. Sale at 12 o'clock. Ed Boseenberry, Auct. SATURDAY, DEO. 22 -Real estate, driver, rig and household effects, the property of Frank Taylor, Crediton East. Sale at 1:30. Ed. Bossenberry,auct. Township of Stephen Nomination and Election P ublic Notice is hereby given that a ureetinr of the Electors of the Township of Stephen, willbe held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Dec. 31, '06, at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of making and receiving Nominations for Reeve, Depu- ty Reeve and Councilmen. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more Candidates being proposedfor any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned un- til Monday, January 7th, A. D., 1907, when polls will be opened at 9 a.m„ at the following places, as fixed by Township By -Law, viz: Poll 1, Mills' Shoe Shop, Lot 5, Con. 1; 2, Penhale's kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 1; 3, Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6; 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; 5, Cunningham's Kitchen, Lot IL Con. 13; 6, Zimmer'sHall.•Lot 23, Con. N.B.; 7, Harman's Hall, Lot 11, Con. 17; 8, Wilson's Hall, Lot40, Con. S. B.; 9, Maccabees' Hall, Lot 1, Con. Sauble. And all dee- tors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HENRY EILBER, Crediton, Dec. 6, 1906. Returning Officer. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements and House - Effects. Theundersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction oh Lot 6, Concession 1, Hay,London Road on FRIDAY, DEC, 21st, 1906 e At 1 o'clock sharp, the following property: 1 driving horde, 4 years old; 1 blood colt, rising M. years o d; 4 steers, rising 8 years; 2 steers, rising 2 years; 2 spring calves, lumber wagon, set diamond harrows, land roller, fanning mill, 1 Massey Harris cutting box, hand or power with carriers; 1 Frost dr Wood IIorso Rake, nearly new; 1 Frost & Wood Mower, nearly new; seed drill, combined, 12 holes; pair bob sleighs, cutter, buggy, platform scales, 1000 pounds; extension ladder, length 30 ft; bag truck binder truck, hay rack, binder, twin plow, wheel�bnrrow, turnip pulper. 8 -piece parlor suit, 1 ratan rg6ker, birch rocker, mahogany corner chair, cream corner chair, organ, half claw dining room chairs, oak with leather seats; 1 dining room rocker, oak with leather seat;1 arm chair, oak with leather seat; extension table, quarter (talc; oak sideboard; couch, 2 quarter oak bedroom sbits, 2 ash -bedroom SAHA, a number of bedroom chairs, springs and Mat - noses; hall doien kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen reeker, 1 extension kitchen table, 1 barrel churn, 'crashing machine and wringer, All the furniture is nearly new and In first class .condition. Also many other articles. ,..TERMS, -Snore of,w6 and tinder, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, A. dlscotrnt of 6 per dent. of •tor cash on Credit amounts, GEO. E. CASE,.' THOS, CAMERON, Proprietor; Auctioneer. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the 32nd Annual Meet- ing of the Members of The nay Township Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance com anywillbehall at the Town Ilall,'Gurieh, obi Tuesday January Sth, 1007, at One O'Clook pee.Business-['receiving the Dircetors',.Auditors' and Treasurer's Reports, Election of Directors and such other businese as may be necessary for the good and welfare of the Compotes All members are requested to attend. JACOB ittar1t11tANN sea. Presideny HENRYEC}.ill'S[t, Socretert The Exeter. Council, The statutory council meeting took place on Saturday evening, Dec.. 15, Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. All present except He uran. councillora - Mr. D. McInnes asked for refund of $l on dog owned by tenant. Left over. R. Murphy was refunded $1 on dog tax, 0. Pardon and H. Parsons were refunded $4.25 and $5.25 on business tax, 'respectfully, it being held that they had no places of business. A. E. Hodgert thought itnot right that he should pay for digging ditch from his lot on Mary street to And- rew. Such, however, was held to be the practice, the council only paying for tile. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: W. G. Bissett, rig, $1,50; W. J. Bissett, express, 40e; Thos. Hart- noll, wood, $21; D. Braund, sundries, $3.50; Geo. Ford, gravel, $2; do, gravel. for cemetery, $3.40; T. Hawkins & Son, supplies cemetery, $2.85; Connor Bros., sundries, $6.50; Mr. Connor, librarian, $25;;Treasurer of band, $50; R. W. Dinney, part payment painting at, cemetery, $20; John Mitchell, sundries. for cemetery, $5.25; James Willis, la- bor, $4.50; John Elliott, -do., $3; John Ford. salary, $27; Sec.hoard of health, $5, M.H.O., $5, Isaac Hall, refund dog tax, $1; Mrs. Sutton, taxes refunded,:. Passed on motion of Jas. Creech and B. Fake. A petition for a light at the corner of Mary and Andrew streets was granted. The ADVOCATE Wishes Everybody A Very Merry Xmas. A Merry Christmas, Ho! Out of the North, out of the North, Out of the North Igo, [feet With nip reindeer fleet whose unshod Bear me swiftly over the snow; Over the great white plains That sparkle with crystal and pearl, In the mellow light of the moon to -night. As the darkening clouds unfurl; And I hear the King of the North On the winds that ever blow [reeks From the great white peaks of Baffin's Shout, "A Merry Christmas, Hol" "A Merry Christmas, Ho! A Merry Christmas, Ho!" [flight Rings out on the night as I take my Through -the land of the 'Esquimea u.; And Jack Frost laughs as he hears The rattling of my pack , As my reindeer bound at the cheery sound Of my whip -with its crack! crack!! crack!!! And shooting stars like falling spars Mark out the path we go, As we lend a cheer to the dying year With "A Merry Christmas, Ho!" FRANK W. K. TOi r Toledo, Dec. 17. The ADVOCATE can equal any Clubbing Rate offered by any paper. Call and See. Communication We are in receipt of a communica- tion from the Township of Stephen, signed "Ratepayer," which we decline to publish 'atpresent. Times out of number we have stated thatcommuni- cations for publication must be signed by the writer. It is no use to sign a "subscriber," "a ratepayer" or any other fictitious name. If your com- munication expresses your convictions then sign with your name. We will not publish the name, but we must have the name to show good faith. If the person sending us the unsigned communication this week will but give. us his name we shall be pleased to give his letter due prominence. Centralia Last week Mr. Robert Mitchell and Mrs. John Kerr were at Wiarton at- tending the funeral of their brother-in- law, Mr. Samuel Wilson. Mr. Wilson died suddenly. He left a widow, who was Annie • Wilson, daughter of the late Charles Wilson. who resided on the 2od of Stephen. -The Misses Wil- son of Centralia were at Exeter visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baker on Sun- day. -Mrs. Luker is quite ill and con- fined to bee room --There is a large amount of grain being brought in to the elevator these. days. -The. Xmas. visitor%are beginning to arrive. -Wm Moffatt intends 'laving a big shooting match soon. Village of E,teter Nomination and Election Puhlie notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Village of Exeter will he held fin the Town Hall, on Monday, December Slat, 1006, at the hour of 12 o'clock, for the purpose of making and re- ceiving nominations for Reeve, Councillors and Pub- lic Scheel trustees, And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being pro- posed for any particular office than required to be elected, the meeting will1,e adjourned until Monday, ,laniary 7th A. 0., 1903, when polls will be opened 9 a. m., onosing et 6 p. rh,, at the following places, AS fixed by bylaw: Poling eub•tlivlsion No, 1, Silas IIandford's Residence, Main street, A. N. Oreeth, D'.. R. 0. and Jas; Creech, Jr poll clerk; Polling sub- division No. 2, Weokes Bros.' Marble Shop, Main street, W. D. Weekes, D, It.. 0. and /wino Weekes, pea clerk; Palling subdivision No. 2, Rich. Seldon's Office, corner of Wellington and Main street, ,Joseph Davis 12• R, 0. and 1,. 0, Vincent, poll clerk; Polling sub division No. 4, Town Hall, H, E. Huston, D. R. 0., J, J,. White, poll clerk. And all electors imbue,by re nested to take notice and govern themsolves accordingly. Exeter, Dec, 18, 1906, 308 5801071, i" Returning Officer Crediton Before another issue of the Advocate is printed Xmas, Day will be passed. Your scribe wishes the Editors and all the readers of thus paper a very Merry atld joyous Cnl•istulab and a bright anti a prosperous New Year. Miss Carrie Kuhn is visiting friends in Loudon this week, -Miss Ida Rau, who has ,iieeu residing with her grand- parents, Air. and Mrs. John Mitchell, at .Exeter, for the past few months, ieturned;to her homein .Crediton Bast. Tllureday. We arepLeased to see her in aur ti lst again. -John. Feistier and daughter Miss Laving, are spending a few weeps with relatives in Howard City and Detroit, Mich, -Miss Robson' of London is visiting Mrs, Albert Oun- nin_gham-EzraKrein of Osnabrock, N.D., is, here visiting his another.. Ezra bac; been very ill since he left here he we are pleased to know that he has recovered his health and to see him arrtit,nd again. -Matthew Fink- beiner spent a few days in Berlin last week. -.Wes. Finkbeiner was in Lon- don Motsdayon business. -Mrs. Sophia Fahner is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rogers tet Selene; Mich. -Mr. and Mrs, Preeter of Zurich Wei visitors with Mr. and Mrs Sam. Brown Sunday. - We are pleased to learn that Mrs. J no, Doyle,, 111 t, Carmel, is recovering nicely from this effects of his recent accident. While on her way to attend church a few Sundays ago she slipped and fell breaking her arm at" the wrist. The fracture was set by Dr. Orme,Oen tralia. Miss Tilly Wein has returned from her sojourn .in London. -Mrs. John Kerr was called to Wiartou last week owing to the death of her brother-in- law, Sarn'l. Wilson. -The largest load of brick that has ever been drawn from any of the brickyards here was one that left Fred Kerr's yards on Wed- nesday. ednesday.'The load contained thirty- five hundred brick and was taken to Exeter 'by Norman Beaver. Win; can beat t-hisi'-Our burgh is beginning to put on a holiday appearance. -Dan. Kilpatrick, who has been engaged with Geo. Holtzman during the past few months, has gone to Kippen where he has accepted a suitable position. Dan will be much missed around here as he is a jolly good fellow and he will alwaysibe a welcome visitor here. - Homer Alotz of Elkton, Mich., is home on a visit. -The John Goodison Thresh- er'Co., of Sarnia, has engaged the ser- vices of Geo. Bedford of town, who commences his duties at the beginning of the year .". George is a good, capable and trustworthy man end we wish him every success. -Fred Finkbeiner of. Killarney, Man., is visiting his par- ents for a few week. -Large quantities of brick and tile are being sold at pres- ent Jpseph Hoist intends manutic- turiesea, ‘as as well as brick next sum - mei tend he is bow .$$ettiug •in his man'. chinelyand erecting sheds so that he will have everything in readiness by spring. -Dr. Orme of Centralia was in the village Sunday evening, -The last meeting of the township council was held in the Town Hall Saturday. All kinds of rumors are afloat as to the candidates for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Councilmen.. The more the mer- rier. -We a are pleased to see Dr. Mc- Cue around again after his recent ill- ness. -Ira Brown and Art. Zwicker visitedfriends in Zurich on Sunday. These visits have become quite fre- quent. What's the attraction, boys? -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kunz of Exeter were guests of Mrs. Link on Sunday. -The pupils of our school will give a concert in the Town Hall on Friday night, this week, A very interesting program will be rendered. -Mr. and Mrs. Christian Eilber of Zurich visited Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel on Sunday.- Our young people are enjoying the good skating. -Our township collector was a busy man ou Saturday. . As it was the last day for the payment of taxes a large number came up to pay "The white man's burden." Some- thing over $6000 was taken in. -The annual Christmas Festival in connec- tion with the Evangelical church will bh held inthe church Ott Xmas. eve. Everybody come and enjoy the gpod program. S. S. CONCERT. -The concert given by the Sunday school of the Methodist church, was held in the Town Hall, Friday evening. The hall was crowd- ed to the doors and all enjoyed the cantata, entitled. "A good time with Santa Claus." The decorations and stage scenery were grand and reflect great credit on the designers. Eimer Gower, who acted the part of Santa. Claus, certainly made his mark. His acting was of a high order, After the cantata was rendered a beautiful hoop drill was given. The program closed with two tableaux. During the change of scenery instrumentals were given by the Misses Vivian and Ella ,Beaver, Myrtle'Olark and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Everybody was loud in their praises of the :excellent parts performed and the committee who had this matter tin hand deserve great credit for the suc- cess they have made of the evening's entertainment.. Stephen Council The council of the Township of Step- hen, met in Town Hall, Orediton, Sat- urday, Dec. 15th, at P. M. All pre- sent. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Anderson-Fink- beiner-that Gottlob Brown, Collec- tor of taxes, is hereby instructed and authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power, as pro- vided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes. -Carried. Webb- 'early --bat By -Law No. 11 of 1906, to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and select Polling Booths for Munici- pal Elections, having been read the third time be paassed fond sighed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corporation attached thereto,"".. Carried. Orders to the amount of $1348.55 were passed. A detailed statement will appear in the Treasur- er's report as soon as published.The Nomination for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Councilmen to representthe Town - Ever 1ad Rpprecia*es a fZice Ring: We have a line of LADIES' SIGNET RaINGrS which are very moderate inp rice and attractive in design • Call and. See`Thenz Our Stock is Complete in all Other Styles as well 5, FITTON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses., P. S. -.We have a line of Gent's Travelling Cases in the: best quality leather at $2.50 each. Makes a nice present. ship of Stephen for 1907 will he held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Dec. 31, at 1 P. M. -Henry Either, Tp. Clerk. Shipka H. Wing was in Goderich last week on Grand Jury. -J. 'D. Hannan had a runaway last week leaving J. D. out near Khiva.-Miss Olive Holtzman of Crediton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweitzer last week. --Fred- erick Geiser had a very serious accid- ent last Friday morning.. While corn- ing out the house door he fell down and broke one of his ribs. We hope that we may soon see' Fred around again. -Sandy McEacban and • his mother were over to Parkhill last Fri- day to the funeral of Sandy's grand- father. -Mrs. John Schreoder visited friends on the Goshen Line last week. -Some of our citizens were more ,than surprised a Week ago to -day to • see a man riding a bicycle through.the vill- age conning from the west, it being good sleighing, Bicycle riding is now the order of the day. -Wm. Holt of Sarnia is visiting in and around our. lour. .-While turning the corner a, little too 'feet altet' d vii ''f.i,we . from the chopping mill last SSaturday Master Ernest Gaiser's cutter upset and left him in the ditch. The horse being free ran down the road. He was not hurt not was anything brok- en; but take warning Ernest and hold on to the lines. DEATH. -Mrs. John Sharp, sr., pass- ed away on Thursday, Dec. 13th, at the good old age of 68 years and 10 months. Deceased was highly re- spected and is survived by a husband, two sons and five daughters, all of whom have our sincere sympathy. The funeral took place on Saturday at one o'clock to the Salem cemetery. Rubber buggy tires will be damaged if left in an open shed through the winter. If the tires are pneumatic pack them in a box and cover with chalk. If hard rubber either take the wheels off or jack them up, and cover tires with sulphur and asoapstone in equal quantities. Keep the tires in a warm place. BIRTHS . AcaansoN-In Exeter, on Dec. 16, toe Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, twiner -a boy and a' girl. MARRIAGES. WILHELMi-SARARAS-At the borne of the bride's parents, on Dec. 12. by - Rev. Gischler, Ed. Wilhelm of Bad- en, aden, to Miss Lucinda, daughter of D., Sararas, of Hay. HAH,RIs=MULTERose-At Mitchell, on - Dec. 12, by Rev. McIntosh, Samuel Harris, to Mrs. Grace Mulheron, all of Mitchell. MALCOLi-LoVE-At Mitchell, on Dec.. 12, by Rev. McIntosh, Archibald Malcolm, to Miss Sophia Love, both: of Mitchell, McKERcnER-McINTosa-In London, on Dec. 12, by Rev. Stuart, Albert McKereher of Seaforth, to Miss Ag- nes May Sperling of.Lorldon. PICKLE-CussoN-At the home of the - bride's parents, on. Dec. 12, by Rev.. Graham, Wm. D. Pickle, Weliburn, to Miss Florence, :second daughter of E M. Oubbon, St. Marys. Duerze- BEER --.1u Mitchell, on Dec,12, by Rev. Elliott, Arthur Down ofd Scrathroy, to Miss Maud, eldest, daughter of John Beer, Mitchell. DBATIIS STONE -In Mitchell, on Dec. 12, Mar.- garet Robb Stone, aged95 years. NIGROLS.-In London, on Dec. 15, Geo.. F. Nichols of Corbett, in his 51st year. JOHNS -In Usborne, on Dec. 13th''. Sarah J.,daughter of Richard Johns, aged 48 years, 4 months and 20 days. JERMYN-In Biddulph, Dec. 12, Miss• Nettie Jane Jermyn, aged 29 years,. 10 days. RILEY-At the home of her son-in-law,. John Cole, Russeldale, on Dec. 16,. Mrs. Eliza Riley, aged 77 years. SHARP. -At Shipka, on Dec. 13, Mrs. John Sharp, Sr., aged 68 years, 10' months. EAGLESON-At Greenway, on Dee; 135 James Eagleson, aged 45 years. XMAS. GOODS At Holiday Prices SKATES` .,.: Spring and Hockey. 50c. to 3.50 per pre Pocket, Pen and Jack Knives Razors Scissors Shears Scissors in cases Bread Knives in 3 -piece sets Bread Knives only Carvers in pairs Carvers in cases, 3 -piece CarpetSweepers p Sleds Boys' Tool Chests Silver Colo Meat Forks Silver Berry Spoons Air Rifles .. Stevens Pikes • from 5c to $1.00 75c to 4.00 25c to 50c 15c to 1.25 1,00 to 3,50 25e, 150 50c to 1.75 3.50 to 4,50 2.45 to 4.25 75c to 1.25 1.50 to 2.90 - 90c to 1.45 1,00 to 1.75 1,.00 to 1,25 3.25 to 4.00 Nickel Tea PotsNickel Tea K ettles, Sad Irons rons sets, Spice BOX Sets and Crumb Trays. The biggest assortment ofXmas Hardware in town.. - Haran's Hardware .& Stove Store1