HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-6, Page 7Ttee �fas% what 'S'¢lls pant itanr Trails marked this in al eerietr of rtyles, (sons and prieeahtfwomen, men and dutdraw t orm Fitted: Dealer' are autbmized to tet:lace rn t'ntly andel oqr cost, aify Pen -A„ qie gar aepent r sa faulty incl a e ,�uxt 200 79�P ren -Nagle trade mark (in rod) on every Pen -Angle. garment, tette you it will fitandwon't shrink,—your own dealer o guarantees Underwear thus tradenaxked is Softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing. ,''""" 'r tunE WE. Patents Secured Free I • prepare patent applications free of - charge. If you have an invention send sleeted ta•day.for free opinion; 24 years' experience. l'. II. Gibbs, 52 St. James. St., Montreal. PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE. Two 2 -revolution Campbell Presses, sizes 40x56 and 43x30. The largest has the patent swing delivery,— and both have lour inking rollers and plate dis- tribution. They are capable of doing the finest work.- These presses will be sold at a. very low figure for .quick sale. 'Wilson Publishing Company, 73-31 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FOR LAMP 014 ECUHOi Y Sarnia sE Prime Q L, , White No: real needle buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHT-ruasa ON FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE--• Queen TRY A City , BEAUTIFUL Oil mot L.ani p For Sale by Dealers TNI QUEEN CITY Olt CO,, Ta A JEALOUS CAT. Die Not Like the Attention Paid Iter Kitten and. Killed It. The janitor of a College of law has a cat, which lie has petted and fondled since its lcittenhood. Not, long ago this oat became a mother for the first tinea, tut of only one kitten. 'Tatting lioff- sprint; in her mouth, she laid it at the fret of her master, who lifted the any creature into his 'lap, alternately strok- ing it and potting the old cat, calling ben endearing names, The mother pur- red her c°against rcd loudly as she rubbedrubbed. master, 1.hus acknowledging, tier plea- sure at his congratulations and pride in her offspring; During the first:few days of the ,lcit- fen's life the mother cat seemed; glad to have her master taro . an interest an it, but stood ferociously on guard when any one else approached the box con- taining her treasure, Unconsciously the jenitor paid less • attention to the old cat, as he spent more time watching the development of the young one. But Mistress Cat noticed the change. and resented it. On the eighth day of the kitten's life, before its eyes were- opened, but not before the germ of the spirit of play had begun to show it- self, the janitor went to the box and taking the small animal upon his lap, tickled and stroked it. Suddenly, hear- ing a low growl, he became aware of. th•e angry presence of the old cat. Think- ing slie feared for the safety of her baby, the janitor, to reassure her., held the lit- tle creature to his face, and rubbed the soft body •against his cheek. At , alis, the cat barck arched, her tail swelled and stiffened, her eyese Tared, and with a snarl she leaped into the lap of her 'master, seized the kitten. by We .scuff. GI the neck, and shook it twice savagely. Then she jumped with it to the . Boor,: shook •It again three Limes, and left it lying, a little Helpless heap, upon the floor. and found that The' janitor lifted it up it was dead. The mother cat, ih a fit ;,tjealous rage, .had killed her baby. In a. few minutes; when her anger had cooled and her maternal instincts had reasserted themselves, the old cat carie back, and lifting the limp body, tender- ly carried it to the box. She realized very soon that something was wrong with the kitten, and tried all restorative methods known to the feline race. She licked it, she rolled the little corpse over and over,. she warmed it with her body, she offered it refreshment; but fail, ing to rouse it, she lifted the tiny form out of the box and tried to make it stand—here, there, everywhere; all over the basement. Wailing, she carried it to her rnaster, as if begging hiin to bring it back to life. • All day long the cat wandered dis- consolately about, sometimes with the dead kitten in her mouth and sometimes alone. At nightfall the janitor, think- ing that his old pet had suffered enough, buried the little body; thengoing to the cat, he stroked her head and tried . to take her on his lap. She slunk away, whining, to the box which had been the birthplace and home of her child, and lay down, a feline example of Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted because they were not. MURDER WILL OUT. Uncle: "Are you always so quiet, my little mail?" Johnny: "I should say not. But mam- ma :promised me five cents if I wouldn't say anything about your bald head and the wart on your nose." A CRIPPLE CURED. and by . help And o were I ] fa George e th toa is l broad of other n, all kinds to at impossible altaC y ba work a time d c Pi only - hes 1'I, Bred many from several ova y able, further suffer turning from a fro Pink rheumatism. rr to that e the week's and seem not aside began to Since that you at Liam able. blood acid That flim gest: general that v. mai Co, 'man rket Germ pf who Elizabeth the rplat Andres evening customers wentop he i] -tea oh . r 20 it had just shrewd but, exam marks Tiring n the man a me Bet d ace and. her. olnan or•a never when on 'the w85 'tile" pared trolled market. to differ toward :sone way, ande the she e. y, see r.,th missa ed that police ni —whi Mother for e that any so•e id p1 da ion, l: up ms Own Ileal little known. 'tablets by n the D e, G 130 women." Helpless Bent with ltheuneatisrn-r- Cured Williams' Ina fills, "I was a, less cripple. I was bent In form .ai oiled nett straighten up. Crutches my oxaly means of move ]rag, about. tried Many medicines, CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION. The importance and value of Canadian trade is appreciated mare and more as evidenced' by the location of American and English industries in different pro- vinces of the Dominion. In consequ- ence, Canada's industrial expansion is progressing rapidly. The latest invasion is that of the Gil- son Mfg. Co., of Port Washington, Wis., which concern is now building a plant at Guelph, Ontario. Here the wonderfully successful "Goes Like Six- ty' line of gasoline engines will be manufactured. • ' No doubt the Gilson Mfg. Co., Lid-, Guelph, Ontario, which is the name of the new Canadian concern, will reap a full measure' of success proportionate to what the parent concern. has attained in' the'States. WILLIE'S PULL. Willie: "Ma, won't you speak to Johnnie? He's pulling the cat's tail." Mamma: "The bad boy!" Willie: "Yes; he's just as selfish as he can be; he won't let me pull it at all." t , ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM is espectallyintead- ea to break up neglected coughs and many hope- less cases have been saved by its use. Contains. ;ao opium in any forts: SOMETHING SOFT TO FALL ON. "Yes," said Mr; Herlihy, pressing a damphandkerchief to her eyes, "he's an unfortunate man, `me cousin. Cella's rnan is. If ever there's army chanst of a good: thing he's always a little tO wan side. if it hadn't been for that, he'd'beanie his home new, instid of in the hospital, ma'am." "Why, I understand that Timothy stepped off backward off the staging and fell clear to ,the ground," Said the dis- trict visitor, sympathetic but puzzled. "Ho did," said :Mr. Ilerlihy, with a burst of tears, "but if he'd fell a bit more to the right, • there was a, great pile of brick, an' it would have broke, his fall anyway., but they al fled until 'I began using Dr. Williams' link Pills—lacy cur 1 me," Geo Soliaw, of Short 1Jeaoh,. N. S., made e above almost startling statement reporter a few days ago. Mn Schaw pow a . well built mini, Sluing ane sliouldoreci. Like thousands c her Nova Scotian's, he is a fisherman, and is coxlsecluenlly x posed to nds of weather, just the conditions set We rheumatism poison in the bloodwork. Me, Scbaw adds:' "1t is :imp le to overrate the sever- ity of the ]c. The trouble was lo- cated in til back and right hip: I had t1 quit wo and was mostly indoors. There was me when T never expect - ea to star erect again; but Dr. Wil-. liams' Pin} Pills straightened Me up again, not that, but they made rno the strong; hearty nitro, you see nee to - 'day. } ca never describe the awful pain 1 surf before I used these pills. !' tried medicines and bad ireat- leant eral doctors, but to no avail. My legs -became so stiff that to order to m at all 1 had to use crutch - ea. Fleetly the doctors decided that I was incur and told me they could render no ler assistance. I continu- al to suft day and night, and •then, °time the ing point of my life. A friend distance eame to see me. Ind it was !MID h}m I learned that Dr. Williams'Pills were a great ewe for, rheum At once 1 got: a. supply and began use them. The first in- dication. they were • helping was wbei pain grew less severe. In a few ks more the swelling in my legs a hips began to leave,, then my joints ed to loosen up, and then it was no g until my crutches were thrown as and I could straighten up. Then I to go'out and soon was able resume my work as well as ever. Sin at lime 1 have never been troubled withrheumatism or lanaeZacic.. 1 Can tell my neighbors were all astonished my cure; they had all thought I would always be a cripple." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure rico lnatism bygoing straight to the root of the trouble in. the blood, They make new' rich that sweeps out the pois- onous and soothes :the jangled nerves. is how they cure all trou- bles rooted the blood, such -as anae- mia, indi oft; neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, weakness and the special ailments only girls and women folk know Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by l at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 0 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. BERLINHAS A NEW SWINDLE. Hardup' With Bmtrgain .Weich, Easy Ma Woman and Fake Sleuth. Berlin, any, has Laveloped a new. variation the confidence game. The victim has brought ,it to light is. Frau . Eli h Andres, who keeps a stand in Central Market an the Alexande z. The police are wonder ing how many others have been victim - Frau A s was silting at her stand one about 6.30 o'clock waiting fcr, when a shabbily dressed man to her and poured a hard luck storyinto her ears. At the oon- elusion produced a near gold watch and semi -tearfully declared that his necessitiesobliged him to sell it for any: Frau Ande to old price He begged .r s tate it...for marks -tnbout $5), assuring her that cost him,100 marks and was stillas good. The sh market woman scented a bargain she drove a hard one. She finally became the owner of the watch fci 16 ($4) and spent the next hour admiring her purchase and patting herself o back. She hadrude awakening when a solemn stalked up to her and ex- hibiting metal badge announced that he was a Detective Muller of the police force an used her of buying a stol- en watch The thief,. he said, had been arrested had confessed turning It over. to Thew `wtis terrified: She.shook with tern s if she had a chili and of course thought` of question or re- sistance the detective laid an em bargo watch and informed her that she under arrest as a receiver of stolen goods. While woman closed her stand and pre to go with him the de- tective s toward the entrance cf the When she was. ready he beckoned her to fellow—they do these things differently in Germany—and started t d the nearest police office.. The prisoner kept him in sight for a Utile but he vanished in crossing the Alcx rplatz. Having no suspi- cion of genuineness of her arrest, however, kept right on to the Police Prefecture. ... Nohod, seemed to know , anything altout 'he ere She ..was referred' to the Com ry in Charge and he speed- ily divin at she had been swindled. The`a still looking for the bun- co •men ch has a familiar sound. . BABY'S HEALTH. Every er who uses Baby's Own Tablets i her little ones has a solemn guaronto this medicine does not contain .of the. poisonous opiates found in ailed "Soothing" medicines and liquid preparations. These Tablets always cod—they cermet possibly do harm They cure indigestion, colic, constipal diarrhoea and simple fev- ers, break colds, prevent croup, ex- pel worms and make teething easy. Baby's Tablets have done mora le bring health, happiness and content irlent to a ones than any other medicine wn. You cart get Baby's Own Ta frogi any dealer in medi� eine,, or, mail' at 25 cents a box }.y :writing r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. • AFTER TEN YEARS. Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterborough, says: "For over ten years. I suffered con- stantly . with Piles, first itching, then Bleeding; pain almost unbearable; 1ife. a burden. Tried everything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid. "I had taken but a few doses when 1 began to notice an improvement. Now I am completely cured." A $1,000 guarantee with every box cf Hem-Roid. $1. • All dealers, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited .Niagara Falls, Ont. Friend of the Family: '+You are ver lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son, It will bring you everlasting fortune." Son Number Seven: "It hasn't so far. All it's brought me yet is the old clothes of my six brothers." 110.11. A Carefully Prepared Pills -Much time and attention were expended in the ex- perimenting with the ingredients. that enter into the. composition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills before they were brought to the state in which they were first: cf fered to the "public. ~ : Whatever ' other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aro the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspepsia or, disordered liver and kidneys may con;. fkuerttly accept them" as being what they 'are represented to be. "This is the, latest style of bracelet,'' observed the detective, deftly applying the handcuffs to his victim's wrists. "How do you like it?" "It's very fetch- ing," coldly replied the prisoner, as he walked away with the officer. TONS OF IRON consumed each year in medi- cine. In rerrovun," the best, tonic, it'is so cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly get all possible nourishment and benefit from it. - - — ♦-- WOLF" -DOG WORRIED CII ILD. WOMAN OF THE EAST, Dowager Empress of Cliilia Likened: Unto England's Virgin Queen. That wonderful woman, the Dowager Empress of China, has been compared to ?Elizabeth of England end -Catherine of flussia. tier force of char:aotor leis enabled Tier to maintain lieu' au111ority in all ttie turmoil and intrigue and re- bellion which has beset Chiles. in recent years. She has absorbing vanity, in wllic h she is Mace Queen Elizabeth, and a °enema artist, who lately painted her portrait, has described his experiences. The painter made a portrait as true to life. as could be, but this was entiraly unsatisfactory to the royal patron. She is over 70 years "of age, but she wanted a painting of a woman m the full bloom of. youth, so.: the painter had to depict her as a woman of 25. This vanity, which appears: like weal.ness; has been seen m many of the Trost powerful wo- men and has much"' to do in shaping their lives- Some of the cruellest things these women have done are traceable to it, for, surrounded by courtiers and sy- cophants, they are fed on flattery, until they oannot live without it. They de- ceive no one, not even themselves; but they never give` up the battle against old age. The Dowager Empress • of China has many imitators in all stations of life, from palace to poorhouse. Crossbred Animal Devours Both Arms of. Lithe Victim. A horrible scene was enacted in en. experimental station of the Agricultural institute attached to the university of. lTa11e, Germany. The result of one of the experiments, a cross between a wolf and'a dog, was Confined in a cage, and in the absence et his parents, lite three-year-old son of the keeper played. too near the cage. The voraeiolrs animal stretched its pawl, between tate bar's, and drawing it to- wards the cage gradually got •such tt firm hold of the child that the latter could not escape. 1t then bit off one of the baby's arms, and devoured. it, and as no one • saw the child's plight the wolf -dog started at the other erne and .ate it also almost ecmpletely off. A Iran then'happened to come within hearing of the eti}ld's rruonns, and released it from its terrible position. The hits victim was at: once`Conveyecl to the hospital, evher° the two stumps find to be crnpulaied. "Now boys, said the teacher, howV' ninny lnonlhs have twenty-eight days 7" "All of , thelnt" promptly replied the Scholar at the foot 01 the class. • ONE SIDED. Friend: "What a lot of marriages there havebeen this year. Marriage seems toextremely fashiohilble." CheerfulIdiot: "YDS, espcC}ally. evith the Often what appear to be.the most. trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are. dis- posed to regard. a cold as a slight thing, deserving of ,little consideration, and ibis neglect often results m most seri- ous ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with 13ickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recognized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. IN SUBTRACTIJN. Sunday School Teacher: "blow, Willie, how many commandments are there?" Willie: "Der wurteil last Sunday, but Jake broke one, so'I s'pose dere's nine left." olds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs f every description and character, ungtroubles,- Asthma Sore T �,x hroats,etc., are all cured. bythis ale and permanent remedy. or sale bya all dealers, � a nly25cents a Bottle, � n all sides we receive thousands of estimonials from grateful people E xpressing their' appreciation of - T AL is used in the championship league In Canada and United States. Cos tittle more than :fie cheap kinds but is worth MUCH MORE. STAR QUALITY THROUGHOUT. NOTE the Box Centre Bracket and Combination Heel, the re -enforcement of which is not shown in the cut. STA 'F'C�CO., Limited, RITE In Now York 8tatealf an wrtt t3 aerial euro DARTMOUTH, N. S., and s2, ee"liar' � T`�RSi%tTt7, CATALOGUE by Dr. Agnew's Ouse for the Heart, says: "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was fay suffering from: heart trouble and. so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this Powerful treatment. I owe my life . to it." -19' _� . Probably half the pleasure a woman gets out of life is due to her ability to change her mind and complexion at will. . LAZY OLD ,SORES, painful and disfiguring' will not lier long after treatment with Weaver's Cerate has been begun:, Also, cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. A man begins to acquire wisdom when he discovers that be is capable of mak- ing just as many mistakes as his neigh- bor. Help your children grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill -health. One great cause ,;f disease. in children is. worms. Remove them with Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. It never fails. Locusts are most prolific in Cypress,. where as many as sixty tons of their eggs are destroyed annually. ,About 115 million eggs weigh a ton. When Rheumatism • doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure, but here's the mention. Wm. Pegg, of Norwood, Ont., doubled u with nearly d P saes: "I w ae rheumatism. I got three bottles of AQnth American Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw." —18 HIS AMBITION. Visitor: "Well, my little man; how old are you 2" Jimmie: "Five." Visitors "And what are you going to be 2" Jimmie "Six." MARK THIS DISTINCTION: A purely lomat disease of the skin, like barber's itch, is cured by Weaver's Cerate alone' But where the blood is loaded with impurity, such. as Salt Rheum, Weaver's Syrup also should be used. • There was a young fellow, I'm told, Whose wife was a terrible scald; Said he: "I cople say A bride's given away, But it strikes pie the bridegroom is sold." A Successful Medicine. — Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking inwhich he may merge. It is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to anew 'that their efforts- to com- pound a medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been suc- cessful beyond their expectations. the endorsation of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- diced which will fulfil everything claimed for it. There is at least one redeemingfea- ture about our air castles; we don't have to pay taxes on them. That Cutting Acld that arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is canned by fermentation of •the food in the tato. mach. It is a foretaste of indigestion and dyepepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediately after eating, and it will prevent this dig - tread arid aid digestion. '60 id a bog, 35 cetxte.-16 NO NEED FOR IT. "Music hath charms to soothe the sa- vage breast," quoted the young lady With a simper, as she seated herself at, the piano. "That may be," muttered a crusty bocbelor, "but there are setae of us in this crowd who are civilized and deserve a little consideration" If • a Woman is in a position to sup- port a husband she can afford to do w]thotit one. WANTED. Ladies to do plain and light serving at home, whole or epee() • time; good pay ; send stamp for buil partfoulars. National Manufacturing Contptiny, Montreal, "OSHAWA Wind, Water, Storm and Fire Proof » Steel Shingles. Looked. cn iKll Four Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This Is the most durable eov- ' eying on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barrs, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only fools required. We are the largest and oldest ceomnpany of thekindunder the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND L1^HTNtNG-PROD.F• We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long staeers, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGH, Etc. METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 145 and free samples of "OSIIAWA" Shingles. Write today. mogul, Que. I ottaa, on[. Toron[o, Oct: [OIi oo, 601. maim, tad vaucouver,B.6. 15 Pander et. Lombardst. a Dundas et. 76 e b8 bund rat, rlOolborn st V . A98 naso.l szs.s � crag st s Craig 1 i 1 Write your Nearest ,-PLEAD OFFICE ASND WORItS—OSHAWA, Out Ile is a wise 'man who never lets his wife know that he can put up shelves as well as a carpenter. BE SURE YOU GET THE RIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS II4D, ," The D .k L" Menthol Plaster. For rheumatism, neuralgia, etc., nothing is better. Made only by Davis dy Lawrence Go. Vanity isn't on the official list of vir- tues, yet unless a man has a good opin- ion of hirnselt Tee will never amount -to' much. Eyes and Nose ran Wator:-0. O. Archer, of Brewer, Maine,. says. I have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Ca. tarrbal' Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an at- tack. It relieves in ten minutes," 50 Ceuta. 17 - Some men have so little to worry them that the operation of getting their hair cut, takes a load off their mind. You cannot he happy while you have corns. Then de not delay in gelling a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It. removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. URCHIN PHONES KAISER. Tells War Lord That Isle Wants Imper- ial Order for Holiday. When Henry Schmidt, a schoolboy at Hone!, Germany, heard that the Kaiser intended to visit that town, he said to his classmates, "Here, is a chance for a holiday.. I will arrange it," Instead of wastingeffort and paper in , writing to court ollleiais, Henry went to the public telephone office and rang up the Schloss Schaumberg, in Bonn, where the Kaiser was staying. "Hello," he said, "is this the Schloss Schaumberg? It is? Welt, kindly ask' itis Majesty to conte to the telephone. Henry Schmidt wishes : to speak with him," Not dreaming that anybody but an intimate friend would dare call up the. War Lord, a court messenger sought itis imperial Majesty, who at once went to the phone. The Kaiser's feelnigs can be imagined when he learned that the person: who so peremptorily wished to speak to him was a schoolboy of Honef, bet the Emperor's sense of humor came to his aid end he listened to: the boy's petition. The next clay he sent one of his eller°, berlatns with a message- to Henry saying that the school 'nine to have a holiday When he visited lloltef:' STILL AT IT. Scott: "My wife's rn.ather has visited us only once in five years." Mott: "That isn't bad. When do you expect her to pay her second visit?" Scott:. "Oh, she hasn't got through her first yet." Trial Proves its ]excellence.—Tim best testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil in the treatment of bodily palms, - sighs, colds and affections of the respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not found the sover- eign remedy it is reputed to be, .then it may be rejected a useless, and all that, has been said is its praise de- nounced as untruthful. HOPEFtYL. We laugh a little, Sigh a attic, Sing our little song, And we have our bit of trouble on the way We fight our little worries As we journey In the throng, But we know that hope will come some brighter day! Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but,— why go to all the trouble maid inconvenience of looking hint tip; andthenofhevingbisprescxi twit. filled, whoa you can step into any drug store In Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE: for a quarter. Why pay tw'o to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you, as cjuickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold; appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold Cure zt with