HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-6, Page 411111[111 1111 COLE'S DRUG STORE Comprising A eomplete stogie a Suitable Xmas. Gifts Stich as Eboy Goods in toilet sets, Hair Broshes, Mirrors, ete. Choice Per - and fine Steam:wry, On every hand you will see timely AI1C1 valealde suggestione that will help you greatly in tolving that important problem t What to get for Xmas. —.A.T Cole's,. Central Drug Store Exeter, Outario 05x.eter, Abrocate, TERM OF SID3SCRIPTION, Due Dollar pe.r mutual It paid in Advance, $tyli U ease pod. Sanders te Creech, Pops. TITURSDAN, Dec. 6, '06 son AND Gomm TS Dashwood ; the effeete of bee rehent aecideot Nue 1 is able to be ont again, -Mies Esevry BOOKS. S'FATIONERY AND ALL and "sites Late Wilson vt4ted ituter SCHOOL SUPPLIES -When in need sentata,_elea ca,olter eattnatalese spent Soteedey with nits, 0. Deplan. -Aftep meet pleastute viea with the Mews Curtin, Miss Atude Creary has yet arped to her home in Seafortlo- Mrs, S. McCoy attended the funnel of the late Jacob W. Winkenweder at Dashwood on Tuesday, This family has indeed been eorely afflicted as this is the fifth deeth ioside of two mouths, et -The Methodist people intend holdiog their mentversary services ore Sonday AO Monday, Dec. elerd, and 2eth. Braatford Council has refused to `submit the local option by-law. e Hon, Ot S. Hylrlarl is said to be ser- lously ill. His weight bee deceased frotadeao t lee pounds. Lettere eud sfl butsineas matterare withheld from of .a it y t i no in this true drop in. We can supply your Wants. To our Os- tnlilerd we ere giving o. gueselog con„ test end to the leaky one we will give, gra,ad prize, Drop in and get °moil, tattoo etee Oonveyaneing and It1.- 80Gileei. Charges vero monerate, ' Et hit BROKENSHIREt Dashwood, * * The estimates for the next fiscal year inclride $50,000 for harbor improve- , mento.at Goderich. $45,000 for harbor repairs. at Kincardine, $25,000 for re - poke and improvemeots to poetoftice et Goderich, $20,000 for public building in St, Marys. Just $105,689,519 is the totteh Not, much, eh? * The new County Council Act which provides that the reeves and certain deputy reeves of the municipalities be the county councillors is the only cor- rect way of having each municipality represented. The increased cost of theta attendance at the county towns will he little. The new ace is the re - salt of the expressed wish of nearly every municipality in the Province, No one should know better what a municipality needs than its elected head,. the reeve. A wandering white spott eil fox ter - tier supposed to have cortee from Ex. step in making its home at Henry Trunmerh, !meth of Sarepta, and if the owner wishee hie dogship alive be had better cell soon. --Messrs. Ehlers & Eid t shipped a. ear of flour last week from Exeter, and at the same time the dent reeeived a carload of Ittanttobe wheith-Rev. Eidt is taking a two weeks' holiday visiting his parents , at Berlin, consequently there will be no preaching service in the Evangelical (rhumb here on Suuday. Iu the morn- ing there will be Gernean prayer meet- ing and in the evening the Senior and Sootier Y. P. A. will hold a union meet- ing. -Wm. Ehlers and Ed.Restemeyer exchanged horses Thorsday.-A tine baby girl :Arrived at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willett Monday, Nov. ember 26. Both mother and child are doing well.- -Rev. L. JL Wagner of Berlin preached an excellent sermon in the Evangelical church Sunday eve- ning.-letonday morning mother earth was mantled with o coat of ate beau- tiful and it has been quite cold ever sinee. The wheeled vehicles have been diseerded as a result and the merry jingle a the bells can now be heard on all sides, De:eater-The many friends of A. Mc- Laren will be pained to hear of his early death which took place last week, the funeral being on Sandey. Jacob Sehroeder attended the funeral. Mr. elcletren at one time taught school three miles \VeSh of this Tillage, atter which he went to Detroit and studied law. tele passed. his final ex- anduation successfully and opened an oillee in Port Huron. Ill health cow - gelled him to give up his practice in June lest *41 While the modern system of school work may be deficient in some res. poets, no doubt the tendency is to take on more work awl too many branches of study for a pupil to master thorn- alenly for Hew -sell where tney Intend ughly in the time the average boy or nave` tededee Ito Ilemdle'm ddhde-d tA"-deddltdna, woad:Mg.-John Koehens.who left here girl is allowed for schooling,, yet there zede-ke th511"ide ffic'3dre• 711•S'ir non eighteen) yeaas ago for North Dakotaa, is a fault 011 the part of parents which r1.8 443 7411717reittatsridthm:ke '`hgag.::d1Ii is hare adoeeding fedemai,.andateavoeind persisteatly left oat of account ie the farna.-ellhe Ociihnttelreameew 'hes =totes -3011.0 Htat....„, son of ea. Of ate. o eeeeetaon sae reeeedelv nadeth I sea for /the eaaciat Tater a -splendid r- hea ElImvilIe Ira Andrews of Cromarty lost a flue horse _here on Friday. Ile left it 013 t be fain) of Sid Andrews for a rest. That afternoon it was let out in the field for tto airing and it is thought to have slipped when going up the milt banktnent thebern and its fore foot turned out brea.king the ankle and al- lowing the bone to protrude through the skin. When found it was ht A ser- ious condition and Dr. Sweet on being called decided that nothing coald be done and it was thereforedkilled, The beast woe worth $125.--A towel tele- phonesystem le being widely discussed in thissection. The purpose's to put tel- ephones in the farm houses at te cost of $ra each. Six townships are proposed to he covered thus with, a central office at Iiirkton.-Rev. Fair preached the anniversary- services at Cetnsville on Sunday. • His pulpit here was taken by Rev. Collins of Cainsville.--Rev. Baker, formerly of this circuit, owing to ill health had to give up his appoint- ment at Port Lampton recently. He visited here last week, and has now gone to his home at Carlingford. -A debate took place last night between Elltriville and Bethany Leagues at Bethany church. Denxe,--drhe death occurred at the Vietoria Hospital, London, on Monday morning of J aeob W., another of the sons ot the late John Wiakenweder. This is tbe fifeh deatb, inside of eight weeks. A grief-stricken mother and several children, one of whom is Ar- thur, who is now recovering from the fever, survive. Jacob, who was a Mend man, was taken to London so as to receive care that it was impossi- ble under the circumstanue to give hint at his borne. It ,seenes that the oetbreale of fever has been definitely traced to the water used for drinking parposes. The surviving members of. the family have no counilaint to make about the nursing and medical atten- tion ttiven the deceased. The remains were brooght to Deshtrood, Es.-eter, and more violent than he has yet been. on Tuesday and conveyed to the Gosh- en line -cemetery, where they were laid to rest in the family, plot with those who had recently passed on be- fore. May be who causes the wound apply the healing balm. KiPPen Mrs. W N. Oresswell, who has been quite ill lately, is, we are pleased: to state, recoverings-James McConnell, after a pleasant visit here of several weeks, left last week for, his home et; Fillmore, Sask. Miss Agnes elate:Ion- nell accompanied hitne-Geo. McKay and wife of Philadelphia, former resi- dents of Tackersmith. are renewing aequaintances in this vicinity. They leave shortly for the Old Country where they will spend the winter. - Rev. B. D. Spence of Toronto preached a very stiremg temperattee seance in the Methodist church ou Sunday. - Mrs. John MeNevett has retnened to London tater a tete, days' visit here. - We regret to learn that:John Strong, who was sent front here to the London Asylum some weeks ago, is not im- proving as his friends could wish. At first there was quite a perceptible change tor the better,. so motel so that, WhnnEece.--The R. a chareh, here. it was hoped he would eectote wholly re- again presented a pretty scene on cover, but of late he has been a-orse Tnesda.y, when Miss joeephine, the estimable daughter of David Merit, be mate the happy bride of Edward Bed- ard, son of Simon Bedard, Sr., all of the SanbleLine. Rey. Fr. Loiselle of- ficiated in his usual. happy manner. The bride and her maid, Miss itlary Merotsvere claarmingly attired in hand- some wedding robes. The groom was enpporbed bee Philip Bedard. Mr. and A Surprise in Bisculb Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty biecuits. - When you went to surprise yoursel6 give your appetite a treat with Mooney s Perfection Creatn Sodas Drysdale T. NichoIson's many friends will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his bed with a severe attack of typhoid fever. We hope his recovery may. be speedy and permanent -The services in the Union cheetah are well attended and much interest is being manifested. Weddings ere beet:ening quite numer- ous in our vicinity and even the stern- est bachelors have been moved to com- passion and. they are now beginning to apprepiate the unspeakable toys of the domestic fireside. -Geo. Denotuy has returned from a very pleasant visit to Holmesville friends, --Chas. Cleave of Killarney, Man., and son of Samuel Cleave of the Satableline, was recently married to a popular young lady of the above place. Congratulations Charles. -Messrs. E. Bedard and H. Mero have severed their counectiop with tbe firm of Snowden Bros., a.nd are now enjoying a few holidays. - E. R Horner 15 00 an extended visit iptiaLocezdon, Bad Axe, Mich., and ether AtOray Mr. Potter, residitat with his &ough- t a ter, Mrs. Chas, Thompson, is confined to his bed tbrongh elay nis recevery speedye-john Snowden has the brick and other material ott the ground for makma Improvements me,e_ • Henson aril base taken up their rese- tn his b"-Wmand tare hive. it t Stirason's faroa and the sin - D, Oen telon received one thousand mereed to Parkhill e they. leo turkeys Thatadaye-Mr. Hunt of Lon- reelditie. we are sort_ to e thtdd ovate wieh of all is that their married don was in town Mon lay lookin,g 4tf- gnod otetOpin - la Me may be orte lceng season of hal:Ti- t wesa atappl^ ter tlae interests of his foundryt-Mi. lease fee their new hoeolea_erest steaa, esa,ed Aye ete- o orogen campbell of St.. SCL.LW;11 Visited at the' Zurich home oeher aerate Mrs. Welter Mtel during the Lamm Screitlan ers. atter a .riertag. V.307_1'..ube iStay : Paakiaill, has trete:awed home. We as Wilson, school teacher, accompanied by Miss Ellis, spent Sunday at the for- mer's home in Seaforth.--Mea,eiclerev- io and son, Walter, of London visited friends here reeently.-Iter. Shenett sa.thvine, ts vest:hog =repels Ao! pleasza to hove here nettle tes Agezn.—; town -Mr. Penick has terattly Ina. B., staeleteerameta .a-yeett eaf rebeetteem Ines. Anent PanSt, Whe: has been ill, %en the menale-W. Vanhorn, after SpZ21.8.71W1, the SallianTer on P. Lamontes fammolteft a few =days ago with his proved the :appearanoe of lets house by gieing it a covet poiret. -.Mee Eyeing', many friends will be plawd. to know '. that she is zee -meeting frente the agents the argument of the critic. The pupils, ° P , et, „et_ - leaelmzriatt 7,778S arn -eked/tee-day mares.. especially in higher grades, are allow. went ed the °Linton znehittehreeneeree ak eene heneethe ivetoorei Mies .F.La edigete daugheer ,a_e G.. aid to spend the nighte dtteing the number tram here 41.1,tehtied etteteee =•oottete tettnarmg goo Trriar.i Did Bat.. altach,d_Rac. , !BY ePc./ or Or. • - week in varioas amusements which dtf the late mtedttomindrhe 41t Brdteee kete The ontelookitorent ext-enfiedgeittd taish,daet,,,,Bot,momott ismaks, distreot their tninds front schoolwork,. net Stnedelh-Mr- ao/TatteJlEfe. oa,,,aaae Toe eeme a-aeo es .?troiged, a Porter Winter Tem Opens Jan. 2 CENTRAL 1 /././ STBATFORD, ONT. This School is recognized tote one of the leading Commercial Schools ut America. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers. The most recent application we received for A teacher offered $1400 per annum. We believe we are running one of the most emeresstve and up4o•date business train. fug schools AA the Province. The demand upon us for office help is several times the supply. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. `1•••••••••••••• Undoubtedly the hest letened on the continent, Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great &chi- biticms, especially Cenceeo 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of A possible hundred, much bigher then any other Porter in the United States' or Canada, WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) , -as her./ anerextzartg ha jr1StrriatTre, ' sad loss of sleep ineapotiates them for dPet-`tme .1"'' .10 t MI"' 712'?"51161r °a b226. ' ; ihiSBUtaeet 1: 'th.rg the 'sixth nommand-, noted \cork during school hour I n55. -Less Williams and Ice. Dir -i istein Of Zarich, VMS izr taArll Soaday. . , ler! Meets home in Durnmeetetto-Heenge Greenway Sohn Tarter and sisters, Tessie and Ida, Who have spent the snuntaer. in Gland Bend To -Pat. -Miss Stroeder and niebet Miss: Aulht ar eenenatiug 'visit at the ford and Mts. Feer,„ and Rev- Mead A-reter a 'ale/matt tsers with die of Bretz; weee here dthededhe-e ,sicter Miss Mos- lantesdwittehee even "gaga ete tate Mrs- ATheet 321e81:4 sod u) 26er ag'rde5d12h'I'l'h smith witirahas. Hartle% has atreepe- Miss once, have returned from their, teteeet-eneoe Retie-86BM litasaetuatned ,es ttts•naduar posetano with Emotes.; the Northwest, returoed home ,Satette vane Claciton.-liess Grayinel afRtetteraitteopeoirnrafaw days teeth _mot& Durand, near Dcsadate stow clayt -W. T.. Ulens went to Toroato. Bad Axe. Mich-, in the g,a2e^5t ted her Ides. D. Eznams: mas, -reneutty P. Learrontes farm.-kessre.' last week with his emit Gordon, to :Leer, Mrs. Popee-iter. Inierr.iat‘teeeri was , menament operageh set Idult Janie& Thiel autl lirthis Hadeheandte to fiend= Ssdettetdev and Sende-7-1 don hoeteterl and wee neinteeed no mote leact.whneted from late atutther camps , -at Soneh River. That sort of life =does mot aeem to agree with the boys. - Miss aredieStewart 'of West MeGieliv- anty lea visitor at tete home of her atone, liars. lieeCorenick.-Mr. and Mrs. Samoel Rennie have returned from Saskatchewan avbere they have :heett aiding on their :fem. Their san- eitatlawaMe. Witekeraweder. win look place hint in the Cat:Urea Hoe-mml for trait twee t a lame hack. -Mr. Miss Serresen centeenes very tete deice -toe_ etoteereemene mtexeraleoteh and Mrs, etinethews of Dentield vinited tectorly.-Ea. Axt spent Seenday with alga iteu-et ler aeotweey maw ;he Tete the lattelts sieter, Mrs. W. T. Mena I hes tesmUy at Zaz-Theteale large reezente_et,„ Baeoele ta-ao in Laetatee last week, -The axiom; -Totem tree en- conatities of grain coming in daily,. Tottesea-s col oatateeteso_oteetee Al inn tertaiument of the Boston Methodist, Rev. Ben. R. Spent:a &Toronto emu- Beoateteealaye who neat eteeehon •topleas- ohurch, will he held Xmas. night.- ital. the Pres pulpit ant. azit onanotabee entena Mee. R. W. Itnesell arid son, 'who were ay at 11a. ea., te.nd the Methodist eatet otaea._41, szoith, been; visiting at J. G. Russell's 111 Parkhill , pulpit et 7 plot- At the elose cf. dies( ao taep tte tree &tee ecnateataan Inonee a 'th h th W \Vagina evening sertece a union 3.13.X.. ralteettiMg' Satneday.-Apeento se-7.-.eLtt Vas at London, rettaroed home Sete/dep. wzrs beta in the leherthytelian. ehneschtbretag al toe '4 u' peeetanevr ea_ eeea at the -Charles thotloote returned etiontlay at which Mr. Spetate explained the I have Wenneete tetheateeretettpteeet ler7agnegtel„detaa traz.e.hehao-Ut.s, ou acres from rim Northwest. -dames Eagteenn , provisiona of the hooeleGatee-oe taw neeyoungopte e 3111:La' edJanieteromeSweaeentraber reiht. The is very and under the eae Dreto . the adhiragy for its enforcement hr annaaor life. We etereh nommer now leas a. hundred acres.- Ceeet tied Wilson. -Mr. and Mrs. A. a1 The mime gentleman addressed a mites Regaeser, ated woo Nr=11 reauted etaaai chlie Bawl and veire are now home Wilson of Aurente.111., left there Sat- ' meeting ket tleelletlendisteitoreh Man- ', danaelete'r of Elette37 Tweddee_____,Pded ""tidada,!E factin Dee West and itestheir intention urday for Californue, for the benefit of day evening., i c`f the weeleruf 'rill be d'''''Irddaidde to spe-nd. th 'rete-inairtin)g days in On er column. , our cereeponittant, jail tart°. rii3 : liarph Iey with the hor,,t a friesasin- w..—hmg.- appy ceople every laappene., They; Seven ineh of snow fell here n w. -Ek ,,,,,,_,,a,„ at 0oo,,,ett_351, Di,- -,.,„ suudIty. night. -Aaron Sherritt is out hes relented from Bette Point seed %PSI the sick list. -Mr. Hell of London was _end the wittier bersh_oarat ,,,,,,,,ea et_ , aeed last week. 'Lettering $81113 or better here during the tes. rale/ watts Grand i through this -section tallying red clover 'mamma of fowl. stizaerpart•poraH the better's health. They Intend to spend the win tee therh-Wilson & 0o. are buying all kinds of oulery fret wthitab they ere paying wets Cough This is one reason why Ayers '1 Cherry Pectoral is der valua-i 1)10 itt tituptia.u. It stops bo Ivor ear or useless ou ttt it does tuore: diurnal:1o. 1. quiets th veiotbehai h lAsk You docto bout thls am.oucAttipe tht iteetimeatate- t"Stain tor over hiaty neaten* • per bushel for ii. -Mrs. C. Love. whe. Bend is elate a ford etri,Jaacer, oar, bee been spending some time with her enterprilag mtvzbald Louis alei daughter at Brewster, returned home shi rtSaturday.-The Aoction Sale of Mr. P ,obert Stone held on Tuesday of last eek was votes successfolas expected. Th e weather being unfavorable there Accelentern-d-ejacoh Deiebert while sleteetisag a horse 4, daps ago receiv- ed a eatteate scdp wetted which required several stetelates close. -Sam. Mc - ere, is 7te.DOcering from the ef- teat:sot Ws Tenant, aseciiient. While mattiog straw with a straw cutter on the. farm of Jobe/ 1deBride, Blind Line two to,,,,„ totekaae cm wed, be had owesion to elimb a ladder in vaneaarete_we ttoer gartlei ether to fa the, blower pipe which bad 01 esea here about ktetn ape -me -I became teattee. In some manner the weba es ewer tee pmeetaoe cal tedder elitppee and be was precipitated heti Waguerts farm cra the Inth can.1to thd ground- FeetteeethlY he eseeln wee not 11. veryiterge attendance, ton- The wrioe paid was 4000.___eata. &pee ed winh only a .few bruises. seeeentlY bidding wee It little slow- has efeeeoptene, a patatient to oeraaea- licesunzaa=The home of Mr, and Ali the stock was uot disposed ofe urt. Brotte ttte paietay ilea arrived hem, Mast Att,gase Flaxberd was on Wed- t.48%,7toeStillt:6,ano ti%1111% aorb:rbole8tsal3ifogc arai widresidewitiehordanghteeenntes.', neednY the stelae of a pretty event . to St. Josepla after a, few dead' viatte Elinebetlet was nnetteled Micheel the a nunodation of ins stock last, Sto-P. Matavel bas ea:teemed when then, popular datcs ughter, Mass 'fettled eerete attud""t'eed!ult with W. Deweehs.-Ed. Dissbse, edelditoger. A lenge complexly of rela- , d'Ireetbot! tr,Ftd,,,,t(',„tejtl,'"okeirog ttdV„letuo,Steeet while out hunting ehe other day cepa dreg =Id frlernis were preseut and, -`1""1.1c",J v"A` tored a Urge WOO. -,Sms. Gehl 'bee 'been vieittitessed the ceremony -which was bush building te seadide.-The kitchen ; Pengehtned by Hoy. B. Schoelke. After tea Mr.litheitatiesoottagetsheirar, TAXA- the triae.aed gtoona had been heartily ad forward by Hermon Te ad- t enottrattedated the goests aseetobled 10 iuvhes1 dition to Mr- Amosstore is also rapid. the specieue 41inivg rioette where a very ' n"eing aettarteeetete, when &neje., eappetitizing tea was served. net the it veal ado, gineony try tbe eteraresette hride weentell remembered we tevioced he pleat. 034 be mare tetenaeratette for the large ente costly array of gifts. he proptielor. -The Smiley reehool Tte the hettp.Y noople we extend. OOP Methodist claateh riU held their beet wishes and may their future be IHE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliautent 1855) Head Office, - - Montreal Capital Paid. tip. • • • • • • • • -$3,000,000 Reserved Fuuct-- • • • .. • . • .. $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA — EXETER -BRANCH °moo HOURS 10 a. in. to Sp. m. SATURDAYS, 105. m to 1 p. m, .A GENSRAL BANBING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer $ Sale Notes cashed. or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all poiats in the Dot:Diplom Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange, _ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed a Saying Bank Department' posits of $i and upwards received. interest com- pounded -halt -yearly and added to principal June $0th and December Slat. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dioason & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Centralia Dering Sendey night several o mewll andfeMonday vetting hada very 'whitey tiee The snow abovel lertgade ed out ita ftellinthe teed ntanee nenj. e heti a tired feeling wizeu they got., a ugh. Nett aattne the...merry eingte, ; Christmas euterhein went, oti Dee. .1$, ernerned wath trapptnees and prosper eshighbelle ,for the first time thie ; while the Peestieletieripeople Will hold her. n. We et uet it may remain as it ; their 'Zoete. 'Tree teetteadanettieae ore es. tee hoeituates more hootaing.-Plif. the evenieig f ot,t..21.1.• Ger•dpraggarra Sedotelstai: Res-. Gen nelet Retro avianofleaetee tenadayed at the t eta thing, peepatrred eurl teed time fee tLettete recently presented with er hand - of Sad EtAttatOrtt-Iltiss Mae ex. al&-eldrank tkriri e,1.5VOMPtrate $0010° fur,' Oriot Alan thheettrentitine dr el meal itittfiS *At be Piet/red! end X. Sultrs Ter eddt'Zedieh sehtee. 1St. Patrick's efortch of which he is the t ebe is renoveritig fetute few days herr booting last 'week, inettoze Around About Us Parkhill: 'Mies Helen Robertsou has been re-engaged to teach Lochaber school for 1907 ata salary of $450, an increase of $125 dyer the pvevious year. Parkhill: Robt. Dundee McLoed, only son of the late Simon McLeod. was on Tuesday marriedat Toronto to Miss Ethel Plinsoll, daughter of R. IT, King of Toronto, Seitforth: Charles Shaw, chief en- gineer of the steamer Jones, wrecked en Georgian Bay wit h the loss of all hands. was an old Seaforth boy. Clinton: James McOlay, baker, formerly of town, who tome months ego went out to Revelstroke, B. C. has some east as far as Killarney, Man., wbere he has bought bakery and res- taurant- Parkhill: * Frank Hill, brother-in-law ofMre. tua ag ery, 0 DL, thopped dead on Nov. 21st. Mrs. Hill Will be remembered by the people of Parkhill as Miss Lizzie Thompson, florraelly of Pavkhill. Gaderieh: Thomas G. Kerr left for Southern California recently. The employees of the Big Mill presented hint wIth a beautifal suit case and a halving the old town. gold watch, chain and locket, before The Itos Taylor Co., Ltd FINTE4 300,000 feet SAW LOGS All Kinds of Timber For which we will pay Highest Cash Prices Call and see us before cuttings the lop for lengths and prices. Getderieb: E. Tromanha user of Tro- manhane-er Bros., who have about plated the his elevator here, left yeeterday morning for Minneapolis. t Prior to leaving he was presented with a grad mounted umbrella. Clinton: The 19 -months -old son and the 7-year-o1d daughter of Louis Thrower, died last week from an at- tack of pneumonia. a.nd diabetes res- pectively. This is the fourth death in this family within a short time. Parkhill: jos, Punifrey, who bas I een at, Hanley, Sask., for several months, retorned home Saturdey. Mr. Pumfrey happened with an accid- ent while in the west breaking his arta at the socket and is unable to work. Parkhill: Waiter Robson, formerly of town hut now of West Unity, Ohio, where he has been for some years, has lately been elected President of the Eureka Herb Company, one of the suc- cessful na cidaine companies of that State. A Man Who Drinks Hard - needs " if he wants to keep his health. Beer, whisky, wine -all alcoholic beverages -- irritate the kidneys. Pain. in the back, headaches, brick dust de- posits ha the urine -prove that the kidneys are seriously in. !leaned. THE OCNTLE KIDNEY PILL sbrengthena and invigorates the Itidneye, heals the inflammation, deem t'he trine, „and takes away the paitt. "Bu -3u'1 l not a cure for the drink habit, but " nit -Joh docs protect the steady drinker:against kicluty disease. All . druggists have " leu -no " or la -111 get theta for yott. Viz DIAFON cHrtiticm. co. won't° wmosolt. off, Exeter, Ont. MIME SHEER Rio PLOWS SPREADERS We have just received a number' of fine Spreaders —The Successor --which does its work in fine style, This is recognized to be the best on the market PLOWS We handle Perrin Plows and have jut received a carload of walking, rid- binfing tahnisdig.ealillagb1Pel°fiwrms T1101111TOR BAKER Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin Plow Companies Exeter Ontario Olittent Mrs, Alitoe left Thursday for Lloydrninester, Sask., where she will bave obarge af an hotel in that town -owned by Mr. Sohn, Bell, former- ly of Olinton. : Pit ?kb Carrie1\1 o o re w fe of Hugh Dooallison, dioa at 'Hamilton, Nov. 21, at the age of e5 yeara. De. , Pffiftet0t1 Was a teenier resident of Park. hill.