HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-10-11, Page 7DEEDS OF ROYAL PEOPLE AMOK IeND QUI�ENS HAVE PERFORM- ED 1i;EIt010 ACTS. ting of Portugal it si.aes a Wayfarer-- Ins QuCt:n Has Saved Many Lives, De Alfonso's recent courageous act stopping a runaway horse in the Rua 4a Magdalena, Lisbon, reminds one that this is not by any means the first time a Royal personage has gallantly risked his own life to save that of one of his subjects. It is not many years since, when driv- ing in bis capital, the King of Portugal saw a burly highwayman in the act ,of robbing and knifing a wayfarer. l3efore the ra$oal had time to escape the King •had jumped from his carriage, struck him to the ground with his slick; and pinned him there while his coachman and footman secured his hands and feel. On another occasion King Carlos, who is a magnificent swimmer; jumped into the River ' Alcantara, rescued a drowning •man just as be was sinking for the last time and brought him -safe - Ty, ashore; and, again, when he was wit- nessing a bullfight, he leaped into the ring and AT THE RISK OF HIS LIFE distracted the attention of a fierce bull just as lie was about to gearp a fallen toreador. Not less brave is King Carlos's beauti- ful eautiful Queen, who has probably saved more lives than any other Royal lady in Europe. One she plunged into the Tagus and, battling with the strong current, rescued two children from drowning ; and ' ona more recent occasion she saved a fisherman who was drowning in a rough sea off Cascaes—a feat which nearly cost her her own life, and in recognition of which the Kaiser pre- sented her with the German medal for saving life. Curiously ea ugh it was near the same spot that Carlos himself was rescued when a. boy. Near the fortress of Cas- caes, on $lie Atlantic coast, is a chasm, known as Hell's Mouth, in which the waters of the Atlantic form seething whirlpools. Just beyond the chasm the young Carlos and his brother were bathing one day when they were caught by a wave which would certainly have swept them into the chasm had it not been for the presence of mind and dar- ing of Queen Maria Pia, their mother, who rushed into the sea and saved her sons from destruction. ANOTHER ROYAL LIFE-SAVER is King Oscar of Sweden, a man of enormous strength and absolutely fear- less. His Majesty was walking in the 'streets of Stockholm one day when he saw a couple of runaway horses, at- tached to a carriage an which were a dy and her daughter, racing madly in Wmdirection. The coachman had lost all • control of the Maddened animals and. a terrible catastrophe seemed in- evitable. As the horses drew near the King "walked .towards them and, with a leap, flung himself at their heads, seized the reins. and, after being .drag- ged some distance, brought them, trembling and subdued, to a standstill. For this deed of heroism he received the medal of the French Humane Society. The late King of Denmark performed a similar heroic act, to which there was an amusing sequel, by stopping a- run- away cab -horse in the suburbs of Copen- hagen. When the cabman realized that the danger was passed he turned to lits rescuer and said, "I don't know who you are. sir ; but I shall be proud to rive you home for nothing." "Thank you, my friend," was the smiling answer; "I think I .had rather walk." Twice at least the Dowager. Empress, of Russia saved her husband's life. Once, it is said, she saw A- STRANGE JEWEL -CASE on the Emperor's dressing -table, and, oil picking it •up, found that it was un- accountably heavy. Her suspicion was arroused, and carrying. it into her own room she placed it in 'a basin of water and sent for the Prefect of Police. An examination .of the case proved that( it was a most ingenious infernal machine of terrible power. One evening when entering her hus- band's study the Empress heard a slight • noise which she ` could, not explain. With remarkable presence of mind she asked the Emperor to come with her to the nursery to say "good night" to the shildren, and as he left the room. she • locked the door. She communicated her suspicions to the Captain of the Palace Guard; the room was entered, sand it was discovered that the lurking assassin had inade his escape through the win- e dow. It was to the presence of mind and to the brawny arm of Prince George of Greeds'that the present Czar undoubted- ty owed his life fifteen yeans ago, The Czarevilch (as he then was) was riding In a jinricksha at Kyoto, in Japan, when a fanatical native policeman attacked him furiously with a ,sword. The Czerc- vitch jumped down and tried to escape, but his asseilaf►t pursued him, and was oil the point of dispatching him when Prince 'George, who had rushed to his rescue, •felled the would-be assassin with a crushing bloW of his stick.' • AFTER TEN YEARS. Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterbor- ough, says: "For over ten years .I suf- fered constantly with Piles, first Itching alien Bleeding pain almost unbearable; lite a burden, 'fried everything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Reid. 1 had taken but a few doses when 1 began. to notice an improvement. Now 1 am completely cured." A $1,000 guarantee with every bdx of Hem-Roid. $1 Ali • dealers, or The Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. • She—"Why .are .artists always so :aregulate, elan their' paintings?", : Ile --"To indicate which" pis the top and • which Is .the bottom of the atgture." Mae% erwe4r Beeps your body warm, yet lets your skin breathe --knit, not woven,-- —it fits, does PEN- ANGLE Underwear. Guaranteed Against Shrinkage 1413 Pad,. Iforf Trade-markedin red. In a variety of styles, fabrics and prices, for Women, men and children, a n d guaranteed. 1 ARMY'S RELIGION. Secretary of War ilaldane's Effort to *eke it Creedless. sii•. Heide ,, the British Secretary if War, is malting an effort to introduce into the army the principle of "unde- namina.tional religion," of which so much has been heard in connection with the debates on the Educational Bill. The plan which Mr. Haldane has pre- pareaewith this object was detailed by him recently in opening the extensions recently made to the Soldiers' and Sail- ors' Home in Eccleston street, Pimlico. In a'refereiice to. the undenomination- al character of the work of the home, he said he agreed in thinking that men did not wish to be dragooned into any particular creed. "We have, chaplains both in tfie Army and . Navy," he continued, "but those chaplains are attached to parti- cular • denominations. With the Chap- lain -General to the Forces I have been trying to devise a new elementtiin War Office organization which may enable these representatives of varied creeds to recognize the breadth and reality of the common foundatign of the work of al, religions on which they meet. "We have determined -we passed a proposition the qther day—to form, as part of the regular organization of the army, a committee which shall look at the spiritual interests of the Army on a broad and comprehensive footing, on which all the churches shall be repre- sented, and on which distinguished lay- men who take, as I take. a strong view of the meaning and reality of these things of which I have spoken "hall come also.' - "The Chaplain -General will preside over the committee- Lord Roberts has agreed to join it, and I am going to issue inVitations to some of my friends here and others that the churches gen- erally may be brought together en the committee. "This is an expertmena. WE hall see what comes of it, but I have deep con- fidence in that broad, common reality which underlies this view of things, and which aims simply at making things "better for the 'soldier and sailor.' i BLOOD TROUBLES. Cured Through the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Matte. Thousands of women suffer from headaches, backaches, dizziness, langu- or and nervousness. Few realize that their misery all comes • from the bad stale of their blood. They take one thing for their head, and another for their stomach; a third for their nerves. And yet ally the while it is simply their blood that is the cause of all their trou- ble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all theseand other blood troubles because they actually make new rich, red. blood. Mrs. 1. H. McArthur, St Thom- as, Ont., says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done me a world of good.' For about eighteen months I was a constant sufferer. I was terribly run down and the least exertion left me fagged out. I slept badly at night and: this further weakened ire, and finally I had to give up housekeeping and . go boarding as I was quite unable to do any housework. I took doctor's , Medi - eine but, it was of lithe or no ,benefit. One day a neighbor told me how much benefit she had derived from Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and advised me to try them. I sent and got, three boxes, and by the time I had used themi could feel a change for the better. Then I got four boxes more, and before they were all gone my health was fully re- stored. To see me now one would not think I had ever been sick for a day, „and I can honestly say I owe my re- newed health to Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great- est cure there is- for the weakness and backaches and sideaches of anaemia; all the distress of indigestion; all the pains and aches of rheumatism, .snit) ti - ca arid neuralgia, and the weakness and i11 health that follows any disturb- ance ofregularity in the blood supply. Sold by all medicine. dealers,or by mail at 50.c a box or six boxes•for $2.50 front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. ---�— TO ATTAIN OLD AGE: General Rooth Gives Several Pithy Precepts for Guidance. Seven pithy precepts for the attain- Ynent of old age were given recently by General' Booth, of the Salvation Army; in explanation of his surprising. activity_ and vigor at the age of seventy- eight. He said:-- "Gat as little as possible. The aver- age than eats too much. Instead of nourishing his body he overtaxes it, =malting his stomach to digest more forst than it hes capacity for. "Drink plenty of water in ; preference to adtiiteratld' concoctions. Water is a Wholesome nourishment, "Take exercise. It is just as foolish to develop the mind and : hot the body as it is to develop the body and not the Mind. Perform some manual la- bor; digf wall,, .chop . wood, or, if you elm •talk with your Whole body, why, them' talk; but do it with all you,' aright, "Have a system, but do not be a sieve to thesystern. If my hour to rise AS 8 a.m., and at .that time I haven't had sullleient rest, 1 take longer time. "Do not all your life with a lot of silly and sordid pleasures, so that when you come to die you will find that you have not really lived. "Abstain from indul ��enoes which overtax the body, and inure not only yourself, but the generation's that come after you "Have a purpose in life that pre- dominates above all else, that is ben- eficent to those about you, and not Io your own greenly self alone. If there is one thing for which I am glad, it is that I have found a purpose which in- volves not me alone, but all humanity." 20 TONS Or MANNA. Drop From Heaven in Turkestan to Great Awe of Villagers. Samples of red manna, of which over twenty tons have just fallen frons the skies in Turkestan, to the superstitious awe of the natives, reached the London. Daily Mirror recently. A Constantinople correspondent who sent a parcel of this remarkable sub- stance, states that the manna fell in a district almost bare of trees, and that it was cngeL..l' y colleted by the poverty- stricken o verty-stricken villagers, who ground it into flour and made cakes of 1t. ignorant of its perfectly natural origin, they re- garded it as a gift from heaven. As a matter of fact, manna is the re- sult of the burrowing of 'a certain worm in trees. It is a regular article of com- merce in the east, the manna ash tree being cultivated in Sicily. But the manila that has just created so profound an impression In Turke- stan is not quite the same.. A high authority on Biblical natural history in- formed the Daily Mirror that the sped - mens were the; work of a worm that only produces the substance under certain climatic conditions, which only obtain about once in every fifteen years. These worm -casts, when dry, are very light, and in the present case they were pro- bably caught up by a whirlwind and carried away to a great distance. The falling of a dense shower of these edible casts would naturally be re. garded by the natives as a wonder. "It is possible that the Israelites ex- perienced this* while wandering in the desert, and although the cause was per- fectly natural to them it was in effect a me po it n i r si io Provide**. I direct N R epos ,n their behalf," The word "manna" means in Hebrew "I know not." In Turkestan the word has a similar meaning. In Australia manna is obtained from a eucalyptus tree. It was formerly used medicinally in children's ailments. SOME OF THE COLONEL'S SAYINGS IN "THE BALANCE 'OF POWER" "Things• go by opposites. Ef .ye do things fer other people yell respect yourself; ef ye do things fer yerself, other peopie'll respect you." "One i3' those men thet wants ye to like him more'n most anybody else, but is alluz afraid Chet the other feller'll dis- like him of ye do." "Dein' yer best ain't any good on earth ef it don't git ye whar ye want to go." "Ef ye git hot under the collar, take 'it off." "Makes ye think o' some texts in the 13ible : `He thet loses most wins,' an', 'Make yerself poor an' ye shall be rich,' an' sech like. Seems like when ye read 'em: thet it's only a step from paradox to Paradise." "Artistic temp'rament 1 Lord, I hev thet ev'ry mornin' in beds" "Don't get grouchy ef things don't come your way. Ef ye're grouchy ye can't blame 'em." "So infernally -nice to avfybody 'thea ye hev to throw up a ceht to make up yer mind whether ye're his best friend or' his worst enemy.". - "The great American beatitude is: 'Blessed are the slick, fer they shall in- herit the earth.'" "Women • talk jist like most lnjins fight. When they And a"point they want to attack they creep up to within one hundred yards of it on one side; then they do the same on the other side; then they try the right and the left; and then most.. likely they. give a warwhoop, an' go runnin' • off without ever attackin' the point they wuz aimin' at at all." "I've alluz figgered thet a woman's mind ain't gray, matter. It's a bunch o' rainbows with colors thet run. They're made to think crossways." "Ye can trust most, ev'ry woman's heart but ye can't trust any woman's tongue." "Women are miens. One reason why men like 'em. I reckon, is because they're irritatin' kind o' puzzles, like 'Pigs in the Clover.' Ye carrel one part o' their characters an' think ye've gotit hob- bled so it can't git away. Then ye start to drive in another, an' 'fore ye know it, out jumps the first one, an' ye've got to begin all over °gin." PEOPLE WHO ',ha IN NESTS. Probably the lowest type .of .man is found among the bushmen of Australia,' They are so primitive that they have no idea of building even the most rudimen- tary form of hut or. shelter. Travellers from this part of the world tell won- derful stories•of the hest -building people who inhabit the wilds, They find whole families of them nesting in the thiokets like our ground . birds, though their nests are not constructed so carefully and artistically aS those of our feathered friends. OVA'S EVIDENCE. joie —This African explorer, whose experiences are being published in some et the papers says that parrots are de- licious eating.' 1 always thought they were very tough. Eva --He .refers to wild parrots. 1t's their association with ,nen that makes most parrots tough. PUT IT ALL OVER HIM. Bewley (at 11,80 p.m.) --"Yes, my 'hair is gelling quite thin. is there anything y ott Corr` d advise me to put,' on. it, Mlss Mss Smart (stilling ' a yawn) -"You Fright put your het on it, l%lr. Barely,,' TM*�RT SORE? cares cola ERSILY? Procure from your druggist DR. *SLOC.UM'S LT5F' k CCC �• .,: EXPECTORANT pears the Throat and Lungs, heals and allays Inflammation, cures Coughs, ' Colds, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, °roup, by removing the cause. Nothing better for Children. Price toe. and 2$e. It bottle. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Necessities }Alike on the farm and' in tie town these Pour'Ryrie articles come nearer to being necessities than luxuries t THERMOMETERS—Our full and reliable line ranges in price from 50c. to $2.50. FIELD GLASSES—Our high-power Ryrie Special," with 12 Lenses in Aluminum Mountings will be delivered to you for .$12.50, charges prepaid. BAROMETERS—These may be had at from $5.0Q to $50.00, Our Barometer Book is yours for the • asking, POCKET COMPASSES — Tested ones—$1.00 to $3.50. Taro¢ as a fiesta: card and we will send youfree of charge our large illus. trated catalogue. kit Iuntar.Ont. SUFFICIEiST. "What does your papa give you for being such a good boy, Tommy?" asked the visitor. "Ile don't give raid nothul' for been' good," answered the little fellow, "but what he gives me when I'm bad is a plenty." A Sure Cure for Headache. Bilious headache, to which women are more subject than men, becomes so acute in some subjects that they are utterly prostrated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant and distressing effort to free the stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy alternative, and in neutraliz- ing the effects of the intruding bile re- lieves the pressure of the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. 'I HEN SHE KNEW HIM. "When did you become acquainted with your husband?" ` "The first time I asked him for mon- ey after we were married." To Those of Sedentary Occupation,— Men who• follow sedentary occupations, 'which deprive 'them of fresh air and exercise, .are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The former will find- in Parmelee's Vegetable •Pills - a restorative without question the most efficacious on the _market. They are easily procurable, easily taken, act ex- peditiously, and they are surprisingly cheap considering their •excellence. NOVEL RAILWAY TRAIN. At the close of a banquet given by the 'Maharajah of Gwalior to the Prince of Wales, a centrepiece in the form of a temple and decorated with electric lamps and flowers was hoisted to the ceiling by pulleys, and revealed a per- fect model railway on the table under- neath. The locomotive and train were 81t. long, and carried decanters, cigars, cigarettes and matches. The train was started• by closing an electrical circuit. As long as this was closed by a spring the train moved, but the lifting of a de- canter or box of cigars resting on the spring allowed the spring to act, thus breaking the circuit and stopping the train, CURIOUS CAUSE Or BUSK FIRES. 'The remarkable • discovery has been made that many of the recent great bush fires in New South Wales and Vic- toria were caused by the phosphorus paste used to kill rabbits. The paste is laid down by the ton in all the rabbit - infested districts. As soon as the mix- ture dries it catches fire under the heat of the sun's rays and starts disastrous conflegrations. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from .$2,85 to .$5.10. per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy Brian can fay the "OSIIAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest °company of the kind under the British' flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.. making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGH, Etc. METAL SIDING, In imitation of brick or stone.. • METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.. Write for Catalogue No, 1411 and free samples 01 "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. gofltreat, eoe:.Ottawa, Oat I Torollo, Qat. 921-8 W Olaf StI423 Sussex st. 11 Odborne at _ 3EI Sit Mi•X.r3E:1a Vaocoa, ver B.Q. cis Panders,. London ow. e9 Dundas et. W(aai a9, man,. p 76 Lombard st. Write your NcarectOffiee.—IIEAD°nad"aaAND WORdis—OSHAWA, Oat 40 ACRES PRW9 LMNEAT salaaram Near Neudorf, Saskatchewan, A. great bargain. 312 per acre. Close to two railroads. Branch line of Grand Trunk Pacific surveyed almost through the property. BOX 21, 73 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, T3110140. In some parts of Hungary serfdom of the old Russian type still prevails. The peasant'is obliged to work fifty days each, year for his landlord without pay, the time to be chosen by the lat- ter, who Is almost sure to choose the sessan when theoor man can least afford to work for nothing.. This sys- tem led to an insurrection in 1S08.. Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. Pears which are perfectly round in shape are the most valuable; next in order come the pear-shaped, and, last- ly, the egg-shaped. THE HUNT 01" 1310 GAME. The northern part of the Province of Ontario is the mecca for the sportsman and hunter.. Deer and moose abound in the several districts that are reach- ed by the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem including "Muskoka," "Lake • f Bays," "Maganetawan River," "LakeNip- is..ing," "French River," "Temagarni," "Georgian Bay," and several points en the Ottawa Division between Scotia Jct. and Algonquin Park. Last year nearly 12,000 deer and 300 moose were taken out of this territory and from reports received this year, the supply Is as great as ever. All hunting dis- tricts easy of access. Full particulars in "Haunts of Fish and Game," an il- lustrated publication giving all informa- tion, game laws, etc., sent free, on ap- plication to G. T: Bell, General Pas- senger Agent, Montreal. • A cyclone is a singular storm, or sys- tem of winds, varying from fifty to five hundred miles in diameter, revolving round .a centre that may advance forty mites in an hour. No one need fear cholera or any sum- mer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all Joosens of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy• and natural:action. action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- ceming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. PROFESSIONAL TOOTH -STAINER. The trade of tooth -stainer, followed in Eastern Asia, is as old a calling as any. The natives prefer black teeth to the whiter kind, and •the tooth -stainer, with a little box of brushes and 'coloring matter, calls on his customers and. Mains their teeth. The process is not unlike that of blacking a boot,. for a fine polish is given to the teeth. The pigment used is quite harmless, The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the ,children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. COLORS FOR CONSUMPTIVES. The value of light as en agent in mir- ing diseases is becoming increasingly recognized. The latest development of the idea is the asseation of a medical man• that the clothes worn by con- sumptives should be of a color which will allow the light to penetrate the body. White materiels, it is found, are the best for this purpose, and consump- tives are consequently advised to clothe themselves In snowy rainient, either of linen, velvet,. cotton. or Meth. silk, however, is barred, Next In curative value comes blue, but it is far inferior to while. Materials •of black, red. yea low, or green are said to be useless', as they prevent the passage of the germi- cidal rays. Ile -"Do. you think it would he fool - isle of me to marry a girl who was my inferior inlelleotualiy. She—"More than foolish --impassible." Nell---"Lnvea tiorsir'temail to naive le Oh Maude, She is thinner by twenty pnunls than ;she Freed to hex." Belle —"She hiss loved and lost, ehl N''tl. Fruit Growers, Attention Having no commission to pay, andselling for cash, '1 ho Eastern Townships Nurseries are thus able to oiler you Standard Apple Trees 4 toe feel high, grown here, hardyautt thrifty stook for Fall and Spring delivery,..for $15.00 per hundred. LOUIS GERVAIS Prop., .f aurenceviile,Que FOR SALE. Over two thousand farms In Ontario, Send for our Lista Western Real Estate Exchange Limited, London, Ont." '° LAMP OIL ECONOMY Sarnia USE sE Prime OIL Whale No real need la buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHT TBREE 01 FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE— Queen THY A . City 011 Lamp For Sale by Dealers BE/WTiF% LICHT THE • % l3 IN CITY tt OIL iu., To BETWEEN NEIGHBORS, Mrs, Ffrstfloor — I called to speak about your daughter's playing. 1-- 1,Irs. Secondlloor — Now, loot: here; She'll play just es loud, as she likes. See? "That's what 1 wish to say. 'You see, I'm going t0 give Willie a whipping, and I':don't want everybody to hear him yelling." Death Conies to All,—taut it need not some prematurely if proper precautions are taken. "Air ounce of prevention is Worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil not only allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung tenpin. s.. resulting from colds and coughs. 'Try it and be con- vinced,. Mamie—"I believe in womrin's rights." Gertie—"Then y au think every woman .should have' a' voter Mamie --"No; but 1 • think every woman should have a voter," Mrs. Nexidoor — "I suppose your itaughter is happily married?" Mrs. Naggsby-•--'Indeed she is. Why her husband's actually afraid to open his mouth in' her presence." For Family Colds A reliable cough and cold cure thong be always in the -house ready for use the moment the first symptoms appear. It is always caster. cheaper and hettee to check a cold in the very beginning. It is safer, too. Shiloh'° Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, has been tested for thirty-three years, ami tens of thousands of borealis' Canada and the United States to«clay ars never without it. A dealer write.: "Shiloh', Co t: n Cur ;iv/Rivet doubt the bea remedy fo ,5h, sot Cotds en the mead, Once urea, my enamel' tali laty'no otter.—L., Elsey, Nattegawey..Ont: ' If it were anything but the best • would Ibis be so? Try it to your own family. II it dee* net cute you got back all it cote you. We tithe alt the dirtnccs. Neither you not your dealer ,cart lose. Iret thsst lair ? 25c, is the pries!. • All desks to medicine sell gos ISSUE i' O, 40,--000