HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-27, Page 7•
(Utter -vacate
pr,'blished every Thursday Morning. ,at the Office
11ifAIN-S'T'REET, -- E3fETER.
one Dollarr per annum if paid in advance, $1,80
If not so paid,
1.541.-rr ort mend. Mzei,tip oats 4.3p4 .cer,•
Nopaper discontinued until allarrsarages aro paid.
Advertisements without specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
inserted. for long periods. Evert description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &o., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Roller Mill
A real good time to bile, our fatuous
White Star Flour
is note. Made from the very finest of
wheat -acknowledged to be the best
in America—The Mills, the Millers;
and the Milling Process till thoroughly
adapted for obtaining the highest re-
sults.—For strength, richness, whole-
ness and appetizing flavor it is with-
out equal; makes more bread easier
and better than any other—gives solid
satisfaction to consumer and producer
--Buy it and you will please yourself
and your good wife as well,—House-
wives all over the county emdorse our
claims. We solicit your patronage.
JoseEidt, Dashwood
During -The
Warm Weather
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Pianos and Organs
Oar Goods are of the best quality,
and we will he satisfied with the
Prices and terms that -will suit the
mostexacting. • ,
In Sewing Machines we can cer•
., tainly suit you.
Al fine line of high grade station-
ery cheap.
Boys' Suits
Suits to Suit Everybody.
We pave
just received a large
-`line of ready-to-wear suits,
which we intend to sell at rock-
, bottom prices. All the latest
-- cuts and the best of goods. •
Come And see and you
will be sure
to buy.
General Merchant
Wheat . ..
Barley,.., ..
Potatoes, per bag.......".
fay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family:
Flour, low grade per cwt
70 70
30 40
30 31
60 65
65 70
6 50 7 00
2 00
120 120
Livehogs, per cwt. , .... 6 15
Shorts per ton . 10 00 20'00
Bran per ton.....,.:, 10 00 16 00
Dried Apples,,.,,..,. 6 6 -
Cook's Witton Root Compound.
Tho groat UTonle, onle, and
only effectual Monthip
ilRegulatoron 'which women Dart
doponcl, Sola in three de roes
of strength -1- o. 1,'81; No. 2,
10 degreas stronger $3; No. 3,
is box.
a trasas' 6 t
for s aoi 1
n d lets or bald b all L�rg ,
Prepaid on receipt, of price.
iVpamphlet. Address
ss :
ODIC A0N1" ONT. /orter1 iVindaor
lite Advocate tb end oS yOne 290
The A.clvoaate Yo cord of Yeeir20x.,
That hi. addressing Mrs. Pinkham you
Elie confiding your private ills to a woman.
—a woman whose experience with wo-
men's diseases covers twenty-five years.
The present Mrs. Pinkham is the
daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, and
'formerly years under her direction, and since
her decease, her advice has been freely given
to sick women.
Many women suffer in silence and drift along from
bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to
have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty
impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the
questions a aa
1'probably 1
y examtn tl
ona of even their
family physician, It is unnecessary. Without money
or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge
from actual experience is great,
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation:
Women suffering from any form of female weak-
ness are invited to promptly communicate with
Mrs. Pinkharn at Lynn, Mase. All letters are
received, opened, read and answered by women
only. A woman can freely talk of her private
illness to a woman ; thus has been established
the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkhatn
and the women of America which has never
been broken. Out of the vast volume of
experience which she has to draw from,
it is more than possible that she has
gained the very knowledge that will help
your case. She asks nothing in return
except your good -will, and her advice has
relieved thousands. Surely any woman,
my testimonial, that others may know their
value and what you have done for nae.
rich or poor, is very foolish if she does
not take advantage of this generous offer
of assistance.—Lydia E. Pinkham Medi-
cine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Following we we publish two letters
from a' woman who accepted this
invitation. Note the result.
First letter.
Dear Mrs. rin:kh am
"For eight years I have suffered something
terrible every month. The pains are ex-
cruciating and I can hardly stand them.
My doctor says I have a severe female
trouble, and I must go through an oper-
ation if I want to get well. I do not want
to submit toit if I can possibly help it.
Please tell me what to do: I liope' you can
relieve me." Mrs. Mary Dim/rock, 59th.
and E. Capitol Sts., Washington, D. C.
Second letter
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"After "After following carefully your advice,
and taking Lydia I. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, I am very anxious to send you
"As you know, I wrote you that my
doctor said I must have an' operation -or I
could not live. I then wrote you, telling
you my ailments. I followed your advice
and ant entirely well. I can walk miles
without an ache or a pain, and I owe my
life to you and to Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound. I wish every suffering
woman would read this testimonial and
realise thevalue vat a of writing
to you and
your reutedy,".:Mrs.Mary Dimmick, 59th
and E. Capitol Streets, Washington, D.C.
When a medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many women
whose testimony is so unquestionable,
you cannot well say, without trying it,
"I do not believe it will help me." If
you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound at once, and write Mie. Pinkbam,
Lynn, Mass., for special advice—it is free
and always helpful.
For Every Room in the Home
We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures.
E ask you to come to this store for furniture because
we believe you will get the kind' you want. The
stock includes all those pieces that appeal to good
taste on account of their design, finish, character
and richness. We can'show newest ideas and the
most popular furniture for the home, that can be
found any place, town or city.
OPERA BLOOK, Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I
Dr. Ovens
If you require Glasses for the relief of Failing
]aEyesig ht, quint, Dizziness, Billiousness, Etc.,, do
not fail
��to }c�o�nsullt 1:)r,, Ovens, at l
C O < .1.�1 E DIAL H O' EL,
on Friday, Oct. 5th
Daafness and ,..Catarrh Treated.
Lucan: E. A. Preston, who for the
past three years has been teller at the
Standard Bank here, left la;t week for
Consecon, where he has been trans-
1V1cq*illivray council
Council met pursuant to adjourn
hent in Town Rall, McGillivray, Sept.
8r All members present. Minutes of
last meeting read, -approved of and
signed, Accounts were paid to the to-
tal iimount of $187,65. By Lain No. 0
was read a third tirne and passed, fix-
ing the rates as follows: For township
purposes 2mills; county purposes 18-10
mills; general school tart 2 mills, and
the other amounts t>.s required by the
different sections. Adjournment to
firstMonday in October.
J. D, Drummond Clerk.
'.Chore is more Catarrh In thissection of the coup
try than all ether diseases put together, and until
the last few years was supposed 'tobo'inourable. Per
agreat many years doctors pronounced it a local dis-
ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant-
ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. S&fence has proven catarrh to be a
ecnstituttonah disease and therefore requires condi.
tutional treatment. Ifa11's'Catarrh
Cure,. nianutae
tirebyJ. Cheney& Toledo,Ohio,is the
only constitutional cure on the market. It is taker
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful,
It nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any
erso in raan to cure. Send for circulars And testi.
Address:IG J. OItENEY Bt CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by »n ggiets, hi coats,
'rake hall's family pills tor eonbtipatlon.
Wood.'S Phoophoaine,
The Great Englisra Bernedy.
Tones and in vigoratesthe whole
nervous swell, makes now
Blood in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Dcbility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des-
pondency, Sexnal Weakness,EmisCion., Sper-
matorrhasa, and Erects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price $1 per box,sisforgg5. One willplease six
will curd, Sold by all druggists or mallett in
pltain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet
maidecdJree. Trt6 00 Medicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) TerontOs Pot
A Famous School
This School is recognised to he one ni the best
Commercial Viols In the Novices, oily ro,uyrs
are thornukh and up-to•dntt We give a practical
trainingoncl assist our graduates to. good positons:
It is impossible for us to satisfy the demand made us
for *Moe. help. Those interested in their own wel-
fare should write for our free catalogue,
lurch Fair Continued.
barley, W, Raeder; Iii Gies; 2 -rowed
har•ley, A.Bsnnie; white Oats, ID Gies,
0 Oolorky, A Ronnie; col, grain, G
Olausins, \V Battler, W Raeder; small
peas, G Clausis, 0 Tz'uernner; clover
seed, A. Foster,PSoltwalrrl. W l3attlet
timothy seed, B S Philips, L. Raeder,
W Battler.
.Judge—Jas; 1Vloore,
Butter in tub, J Brown, W Smith,
13 Raeder; table butter, W Battler, W
Smith, D Sereras; home-made cheese,
J Geiger; honey in porn b, J Harberer;
"'home-made bread, G Olausins,TBerry;
extracted honey,W Smith J Harberer;
maple syrup, G OlausinsjDecker; col.
honey, J Harberer.
J udgee--J J Merner, R J Drysdale.
ABPLEs.--Collection apples, E Gies,
Snowden Bros, D Haugh; fall apples,
E. Gies, Dan Haugh; winter apples, E
Gies, E Broderick, D Haugh; King of
Tompkins, E. Raeder, G Schroeder;
Snow apple, J Brown, J Hey, jr,;
Northern S y, F Willert, P Schwalm;Baldwins, 0Treumner, S Jacobi; R. I.
Greenings, J Hey, jr., H. Raeder; Can-
ada Red; E Raeder, T Hey, jr., Ribston
Pippin, E Glee, W Battler; Golden
Russets, H Rneder, S Jacobi;Ben Davis,
D Haugh, L Raeder; Swaas; W Smith;
Wagner, W Raeder, 0 Truernner;
Mann, H Raeder, 0 Truemner; Maiden
Blush, S Jacobi, J Harberer; Blenheim
Phippen, S Jacobi, G Schoellig; 'Pe-
waaukee, L Raeder, DHaugh;Colverta,
F 'Nipent, G Schroeder; Gloria Mundi,
G Schroeder, H Raeder; Twenty Ounce
Pippen, B 5 Philips; P Schwalrn; Tal -
man Sweet, L Raeder, H Raeder.
" Fall and winter pears, J Harberer,
W Battler; Bartlett, Snowden Bros.,
T Johnston; Flemish Beauty, G Schroe-
der, J Decker; Clapp's Favorite, J Har-
berer; peaches, G Schroeder, E Rae-
der; prunes, Snowden Bros.; red crab
apple, S Jacobi, F Willert; yellow crab
apple, H Raeder, E Broderick; grapes,
W Battler, 3 Harberer; col. grapes, J
Harberer, G Schroeder; plate of plums,
T Johnston, 0 Oolosky; col. plums, J
Brown; canned fruit, E Raeder, John
Judge—D Cantelon.
Early or late potatoes, G Schroeder,
G Seboellig. E Iia etcher; white or Ele-
phant, G Schroeder, J. Decker, W
Smith; Colorado Red, G Schroeder, W
Smith; Michigan Blue, G Schroeder,W
Smith, W Battler; Rural New Yorkers,
A Geiger, A Foster, W Battler; any
variety, G Schroeder, A Rennie, W
Smith; col. potatoes, S 7 'Smith, G
Schroeder W
Battler; White joint, G
Schroeder, W Battler; Empire Shiite,
G . Schroeder, A Rennie, W Battler;
white beans, W B Battler, Geo Olen -
sins; any variety beans, Jno Geiger, P
Deichert; yellow corn, Snowden Bros.,
Ezra. Kaercher; sweet corn, A Geiger,
H Well; red onions, E Kaercher, G
Scbroede,'; yellow onions, W Battler;
dutch setts, P Schwalin, E Kaercher;
white field carrots, W Smitb,GSchroe-
der; red field carrots. W Battler; red
garden carrots, G Shoellig, T. John-
ston; Swede turnips, 3 Decker, W
Smith: white turnips, L Raeder; globe
rnangolds, "G Schroeder, W -Battler;
long mangolds, G Gram, G Schroeder,
yellow mangolds, 13. Neeb, L Raeder;
Oxford cabbage, J Hey, H Neeb: Dutch
cabbage, W Battler, 3 Hey; Spanish
radishes, B S Philips, W Battler; white
radish and rooted beets, W Battler;
cauliflower, W Battler, - P Schwalm;
pumpkins, W Battler, J Hey jr.; mam-
moth pumpkin, 0 Fritz, G Schroeder;
celery, R R Johnston, T Johnston;
squash, H Raeder; blond beets. W Bat-
tler, H Well; watermelons, 0 Colosky,
G Schroeder; muskmelons, G Schroe-
der, A Foster; red tomatoes, W Smith,
W Battler; yellow tomatoes and black
sweet corn, W Battler, T. Johnston;
citrons, H Raeder.
Embroidered tea cloth, J Cochrane,
L Prang; embroidered tray cloth, and
centre piece, Mrs. Bluett; embroidered
doylies, Dr. Campbell H. Raeder; em-
broidered side board scarf, Mrs.Bluett,
0 Fritz; embroidered sofa cushion, T
Johnston; R&M an embroidery, Jewel
embroidery, embroidery on flannel and
Point lace collar, Mrs. Bluett; feather
stitchiug and Battenburg doylies, T
Johnston; Col. embroidery, Mrs. Blu-
ett, J Decker; Batten burg centre piece,
Dr. Campbell, Miss Campbell; Batten-
hurg tray cloth, Dr. Campbell, Ezra
Bitttenhurg tea cosy, Dr. Campbell;
Teneriffe lace centre piece, C Fritz, T.
Johnston; netting, T Johnston, Mrs.
Bluett, drawn work, H, Well, Miss
Campbell; collection drawn work, T
Johnston, Miss Campbell; etching, T
Johnston, .T Cochrane; Bulgarian em-
broidery, Mrs. Bluett; pillow shams, E
Itaercher, J Decker; sofa cushion, Miss
Campbell, T Johnston; fancy apron,
E Kaercher, Mrs. Bluett; Mount Mel -
ick centre` piece, 0 Fritz; crochet leen-
dry bag, .1 Geiger, J 0 Forrest; cotton
crochet lace, T Johnston; toilet, mats,
T Brown, J G Forrest; table mats, Dr.
Campbell, 3 G Forrest; tatting, Chas.
Fritz, T. Johnston; knitted lace cur
tains, H. Neeb; woolen 'quilt, I3 Ben-
der; wool coverlet, 1?..Bender, T John-
ston; log cabin quilt, silk, Mrs Bluett;
Log cabin quilt, cotton, H Raeder, J
Decker, cotton quilt, T Johnston, G
Holtzman; silk quilt, crazy cotton quilt
crazy wool quilt, and hand made em-
broidery, TJohnston; crazy silk quilt,
T Johnston, J Cochrane; counterpane
tufted, W Battler, J Decker; counter-
pane knitted, Diss Campbell, 3 Geiger;
counterpane crochet, Annie Carlisle.
EL Well: etching, G Holtzman, D SA -
rants; crochet cape, G Holtzman, G
Schroeder; rag carpet, 11 Well; wool
ma t, L Walppe��r, E .1 aercher; rag ma t,
TJohnston,Miss Campbell; wool yarn,
W Raeder, H Neete crochet tidy, Mrs.
Bluett, T Johnston; knitted tidy, 1=1
Neeh, WRaeder; Afgban; T Johnston,
B Neely; cotton stockings, T3ohnston..
1I Well; heed sewing, Mes Bluett, 3
Cochrane; wool stockings, W Battlrr,
D S.rraras; wool mitts, VV Battler; \'V
Raeder; centre piece, crewel '.work; L
Prang; heed rest, Miss Campbell; quill
sawed on ground work, J Decker," 1:1
Judges—L Ward, Mrs, 1Vtu. Fritz,
Mrs. B, Buchanan,
Painting in oil, figure, and crayon
work; J G Forrest; pencil drawing and
painting'on silk, J Cochrane, J Forrest,
painting in oil, landseape, 3 Forrest,.
P Schwalm; oil or watercolor flowers,-
lower's,len and ink sketch, J Forrest, Mrs,
BInat; penmanship, D Sararas; paint-
ing on felt, J Forrest, 7. Johnston,
pointing on plaster paris,3 Cochrane;
T Johnston,
The price of half a pound of Bed Idose Tea is
small—very small, but it will show you how
much tea value, tea quality and flavor is con-
tained iu, this "Good Tea"
"is 1s g.00
Prices --25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60 as, per lb, in lead packets
Col. flowers, R R Johnston; Maple
Leaf, T Johnston, W Battler; cut flow-
ers, T Johnston, E Zeller; Geranietnrs,
W Battler; Cacti, T Johnston, J For
rest; Calla Lilies, T Johnston; Pansies,
G Schroeder; Feebias, J Forrest.
Judge—Jas. Weekes
I crumble tke marble palace,
I cut cif men in their prime;
The monarchs of the forest
Fall before the scythe of Time.
But ,ny most destructive efforts
of snow, and heat and cold,
Have noeffect on " Wire Edge "—
It lasts for years untold.
P iterson's "Wire Edge"
Ready Roofing
costs less than ordinary shingles and lasts a
lifetime. It is rain, snow and fire proof insures
dry, comfortable quarters for live stock and
poultry—and makes the ideal roof for homes,
barns, chicken houses, etc.`
Sample and booklet free. Write for them.
hardware dealers everywhere have
•,:xa ,.x - '� PATERSON'5 '`WIRE EOGs"or
will procure it for you.
Paterson Mfg Co. Limited
orf eat and
is only another way of saying °' Ambition. We all are
ambitious—we all want to reach the top, but if the first
few rung -s in the ladder of success are missing, it's pretty
hard to get a foothold, isn't it ?
Begin right and attend the FOREST CITY BUSINESS &
SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed
in business life. The rungs are all in our ladder, and when
you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation.
Business arid Shorthand work our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it's free.
School term : September till June, inclusive.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. V. M. C. A. Bldg., London.
,my. div .,w ♦,-., .,, •.
Managed Like an Engine.
One-third of a housekeeper's life is spent in her kitchen.
One-half the labor of housekeeping is at the cook stove.
Your range can double or halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping.
A poor range adds worry as well as work, and worry multiplies the
housekeeper's care.
Get a range that reduces the Work and eliminates the worry.
The Pandora Range is as easily and accurately managed as an
engine—it responds tothe touch as quickly andcertainly as the huge
engine obeys the hand of the engineer.
The Pandora Range saves worry, and because worry kills, it prolongs
life. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Write for booklet.
Loaduh'e Toronto Montreal, Winnipeg, Voncouv r. St. Johnr" N,U,
t. Hawkins '.416, ion, Sole A, eat .