HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-27, Page 4Cracker
There is
all the cliff-
erence in
the world
eating bis,
cuits a n d
biscuit eat-
ing. O n e
may eat a biscuit and not t tost
it, but when you think of "bis-
cuit eating you think instantly of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely a n d d i s t i n ret l y
superior to any other make.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
.rt r
Ale and P O
Only medal foe Ale in • Canada.
y t'xtis :n5t_ a.
Capital 1'aid Dip $3,000,000
Reserved Fula....... , ... - $3,000,000
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1555)
Head Office Montreal
OFFICE HOURS 10 a m- to 3 p, m, •
SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to t p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied On application.
- DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United.
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
.ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men' at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.'
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest cnx'rent rate of in terestellowed
g p posits of $1 and' upwards received. Interest corn -
pounded haaif-yearly and added to principal June 30th
and December 81st -
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion 'Government.
Those= & C,t11LING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDOIT, Manager,
�(�i '�y1 (j� gjy� Accident'
}���/�1 �{� 1 hits! Mr, Clark le about to remove to ZURIGH
�".,.`' V ,^id ',"°`�J ^'_ dV l;a !tillivemeasi•
nessthere: ONDOYE FAIR
tier!psora to take charge of his fethers
This village notch regrets Ala and Mrs,
a Clark's leaving our nutlet, tied the less
to the churei here wbere they were
Aro- You Prepared y
Every'househeld should be prepared
-for emergencies anti have ready for
else a good liniment.
Winer's Liniment
is a household necessity,, Used extern-
ally for all aches and pains and to safe
and reliable medicine for internal use.
Highly Recommended.
Bells on its Merits..
25 cts. a Bottle.
Prepared by W. S. COLE, 'Pilin, 33.
Cole's!r Central Drip' Store
Exeter, Ontario
xitex, cicat ,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
Usborne Council,.
Council met pursuant to =adjourn
anent on Sept.L A11 present. Min-
utes of last meeting were read and ap-
lroved. By law No.S, authorizing the
evying of the following rates was read
a third time and finally pe -sed: -
County rate, 11-5 rnills;Township rate,
2 3.5 mills; General school rate, 1 1-5
mills. The amounts needed by the
'Trustees of the variousScbool Sections,
over and above the general rate, to be
levied by special rates on the different
.sections, entered on the Collectors
Moll and collected with the other rates.
,Accounts as follows were passed, and
-orders issued in paytuent:-Elimv%lle
Drain-contrctor,- 3800; General, -
S0.38; Council adjourned to Oct. 7, at
$1 o'clock. -F. Morley, clerk.
The Advocate to east of year. 20c
Two lady evangelists, of what par-
ticular persuasion we don't know,
closed a series of meetings here this
week and are now holding forth at
Woodham. Their success here does
not appear to be very marked. -Coun-
cillor Raycraft has been slaking great
improvements on our streets in the
way of shaping, draining and grayer
:ding; he also impratied the crossings.
The work was much needed. -Rev. D.
"Gunn of Clinton conducted Harvest
Home services in the English rib arch
here on Sunday. The churob, which
was beantifutly decorated, was filled
both morning and evening. The ser-
vices were impressive and profitable.
LEiVING.-F. W. Clark, our popu-
lar and highly esteemed harnessrnanker,.
is about to leave Granton, after matey
of seven years. In that time he built
up a splendid business and is trusted
.sand respected by everyone that knew
Pude, `thin,
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it—Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
This fa the firstquestion your doctor `could
ask: "Are your bowels regular ?a' He knows
that doily action of tb'e bowels is absolutely
essential to recovery. Keep your liver active
and year bowels regular • by taking laxative
doses of Ayer's Pills.
Node by T.O, 4Ye2
Also mauulsctnrra of
We have no secrets e
e s I We publish
for u:
tho h m as of ell our medloine&
el■aaa�s"�• •®a.1.1aa l�ol
t AgawamW
11111_f iii
\1011011111011� I 5. The Deaton Fence BSS long since gassed
the, ,
capon manta once. Onro, you get a plllon
Yemen you aro e:MI Ind, and well wcut mora. Illus.
tratod Catalogue free -111,o agents wanted.
YJ1REFENCE 'CO., 1.14rTG ti. I)
� - .► � w. �■t..rr r{ Qtr
W. J. Neaman, Agent.
Highest Price paid for Crain
RIC. al ELtoON
,(Successor to Josepb Cobbledieh)
honored members tend to the choir
where Mrs. Clark has so long taken a
pro alirleut part, seems almost irrepar-
able. They are respected and appre-
ciated for tieir sterling honesty anal.
uprightness, tbe qualities that always
wear hest. We are pleased to know
that 1:1r, (Nark's brother, Wilbur, will
succeed hila in the business here and
the people of Granton and vicinity ex-
tend to him a hearty welcome.
Several of our citizens attended the
"World's Fair" at Zuriob on Thursday.
Miss Dora Wenzel of Detroit is here
visiting her parents .-Irat Brown "and
August Kuhn -attended church service
at Zurich on Sunday evening. -Wm.
Sambrook, wifeand fancily .were in.
London oyer Sunday. -Misses Ohrissy
and Della Brown are visiting relatives
in Obesley.--Thos. Trevethick bas fitt-
tt-ed up a temporary work shop in the
old blaoksrnith shop, north of Olark's
corner until his new building is ready
for use. -The trustees of the.Evaangeli-
caal church intend bavine the church
tower repaired this week. It is quite
tan undertaking as the scaffolding will
have to be built from the ground up. -
Miss Stella Andrews has returned
from a pleasant visit with friends in
Toronto. -The flax mill finished the
summer threshing last week. ,,:The
flak gangs are busy picking up thellax
and storing it in the barns for the fall
and winter threshing. -Bert Clark is
painting the new addition of August
Hill's hates, -Harry Wind, wife and
family returned to Detroit Tuesday,
after visiting their parents here dur-
ing_ the past month. -Miss Almina
Yaeger is learning the dressmaking
with Miss Clara Fahner.-You ngBros.
are busy finishing the interior of their
new workshop, They have itlined in-
side with metallic sidings and when
the work room is finished it will have
an tip -to -date appearance. -Our citi-
zens are getting in their coal. The
fall weather is: conning on rapidly and
he is a wise man who gets his supply
of fuel on hand. -We are pleased to
state that Mrs. John Mcisaae, who was
obliged to,go to St. Joseph Hospital,
'London, is recovering. Her many..:
friends hope she will soon be alright.
The masons are busy plastering the
new school. -Conrad Kuhn is visiting
bis brother in Sebewaing, Mich. -H,
Either, M.P.P., is in Mt. Clemens,
taking treatment for his rheumatism,
at the mineral baths, -Next Sunday
special anniversary services will be
held iu the Methodist church. In the
morning Rev. Geo. Brown of Tornnto
will prraeh and in the evening Rev.
Fear of Exeter will occupy the pulpit.
On lJnudaay evening a special prugratn
will be rendered. Special thank offer-
ing collections will be taken at each
The Advocate to end of year 20c
Rev. Bloodsworth of Ailsa Craig
had charge of the Thanksgiving eery
ices in .St. Jarues' CIiorcb on Sunday.
The. churoh was beautifully decorated
with fruits and iiowers and both serv-
ices were very largely attended. --We
are pleased to note that Geo. Simpson
is gaining strength daily and is expect-
ed to be up and around again in a
short time, -Several of our village
people took in Ailsa Craig Fair Tues-
day. -Miss Simpson of Centralia spent
Sunday here. -Miss iiss Cameron and Miss
Carter of Lucas- spent Sunday witb
Miss Lizzie Carter. - Miss L. Charles of
Belmo..t. is visiting here. -A number
of Telephone Hien are in the village do-
ing repatirs and putting in a new line
to London. -Rev. O. Simpson return-
ed Tnesda to his homein Novas.-
ov s
y a..
Mr. Walter Hodgins has taken a
trip to New Ontario. -John Hodgins
(stout) who has been confined to the
house througb illness is able to be out
again. -Miss Della Balaton of London
spent Sunday at her hotuehere, -Mrs.
O. H. Stinchcome of London spent
Monday with her mother, Mrs. Clark..
-Mr. J. McRane and wife spent Sun"-
daay in Exeter. -Mr. and Mrs. Stinson
of Ripley spent a fewdays wi th friends
here. -Miss Marie Mcllhargey, accom-
panied by her three nieces from Ham-
ilton. arrived borne Saturday. Marie
returned to Hamilton Sunday but the
children intend remaining for a few
days. -Word was received here Tues-
day of the sad death of Scarab, rel-
ict of the late Henry Miller., formerly
of McGillivray, who died in London,
aged 56 years. The remains will he
brought here this morning (Thursday)
fur interment at Neil's. cewetery, the
funeral taking place from the depot.-
Mr. Kestle of Bryanston spent Tries -
day with his sou Fratrk.
Beaters iter
�aS Btrlt, N>c.-The hares and out. -
buildings of Ed. Mara abouta mile
north of here were totally destroyed
by fire about 2:30 o'clook Monday. The
origin of the fire is !mystery. Thresh-
ing was in progress at the time, and
the engine was located at the west side
,af the bnildings, a strong wind was,
blowing from the east, but it is pos-
• rale that a spark from the engine
found its way to one of the outbuild-
ings, When tbe fire was discovered it
wasmaking headway in a brlilding on
the southeast corner of the,barns, and
it burned with •such r aapidity that the
men on the strawstack and in the
heves had but little,time to reach a
place of safety. A new separator and
Waiver belonging to John T. Simpson,
,chat was emducting. the threshing,
watt destt'oyed, the fire being so fierce
that the machine could not be remov-
ed. M. Alara's loss will be `heavy.
About ,1000 bushels of oats and the
yield 1'raian eight acres of barley were
: 10,ri'rned, togetber with implements
curl buildings. Irrstirence $2000.
Mrs. Robert English and Freddie re -
['treed borne from Port Huron last
Ir terlay.-The Women's Institute will
meet et Mrs. H. 'Wishert's,Jr., at 2:80
i. tn. °et, fids. The subjects to he dia.
areireei are School. and House(11t using. Everybody come peppered
to take part in the discussion. Ail the
ladies are tvelcorne.-aft, Henry Shenk
t' Pat'khill is out here this week look-
,Iat+ .after .be reshinglirng of his bongo.
fir•. John Beinger is doing the wtn'k,
- One Postrkiastete W..l. Wilson, has
.a 51)•acrefaarm to sell or rent on easy
severe,.-••-MaY, EIt>nry Blinker of ..NIot•ey.
d'is11ed friends' in this vicinity lastSat-
Made EspecialiY for Easy and
Successful Ho111e Dyeing
The Diamond Dyes are the only dyes
made especially for easy and successful
horde dyeing. They recolor faded
feathers, plumes, scarfs, ties, -blouses,
jackets, silk sashes, dresses, skirts,
stockings and other articles of wearing
It is easy to dye a , faded garment-
small or large --with DIAMOND DYES
as it Ts to wash it with soap, and the
colors are forever fast in washing or
sunlight. Bright end economical wo-
men save many donees each year by
the nee of DIAMOND DYES wbich
wake old things look as good as new.
Users of packalge dyes will please
bear in mind that vile and; worthless
imitations of DIAMOND DYES are
sold by some the dealers. Every time
yeti purchase dyes be sure you ask for
"DIAMOND." Refuse all other slakes
if yon would avoid trouble and loss of
money.. Write to Wells & Richardson
Oce, Limited, 200 Mountain St., Mont-
real, P. Q., for New Direction .Book,
Diamond Dye Cook Book and Illustrat-
ed Booklet, entitled "Diamond Dye
Longjohns' Winter and Summer
Sports:" sent free to any address:
Miss Tillie Melrose bas returned to
Bader!,, after a pleasant visit here..
-Miss Louise. Worm is b,ome from
Chicago on a. visit. -Mrs. Lexi Ham-
acher., who has.been quite i11, is slight-
ly improved. -Miss Anna Rummel and
mother who have been ill, are on the
mend. -Fled Hess, Sr., has sold his
land east of the village, the west half
to Jacob Howard, and the east part
to Mr. Howard son, Henry. We
understand that the latter inteuds er-
ecting a neat dwelling on his proper-
ty and will lcoupy it as soon as com-
pleted, -Arthur Well of Loudon is
home on a few weeks' visit. -Mrs.
Lang, and daughter, of. Philadelphia,
is visiting relatives and friends here.
-Mrs.Kranskopf of. near Dublin is at-
tending at the bedside of her .father,
Mr. N. Foster, sr., who is ill. -Miss
Pearl Wertz is on a month's visit to
Toronto. -Henry Faust has returned
to Caro, Mich. -Mrs. Sterling, wbo has
been housekeeper for John Parks,
Stanley, for the past three years, left
for her home at Blenheim, on Wednes-
day. -J. Deichert, Jr., is nursing a sore
band these days, the result of ti rope;
attached to a heifer; slipping swiftly
through it.
Dna:Tnis.-The death occurred an
Sunday morning of-NancyEllenbaunn,
beloved Wife of D. S. Faust, at the age
of 041 years, 4 months and 10 days.
She was taken ill about -two months
ago, and allthat loving and sympath-
etic hands could do was done for her,
but the disease could not be checked.
She was oftentitees in verygreat pain,
but she bore it all in Christian- forti-
tude. Sbe was afaithful rneinher of the
Evangelical church. Besides her. sor-
rowing husband, she leaves to mourn
two sone and two daughters and her
aged mother, Mrs. Eilenbaum, ot,Gav-
al.ier•, N.D.,and a number.of sisters: and
brothers. The funeral services were
heli on Tuesday, interment taking
place in the Bronson Line cemetery. -
The borne of Mr. Chas. Stelck, near"
Hillsgreen,was cast into deep gloom
on Friday hist, when tbe :spit'Jt Of -his
beloved wife took flight. The deceased
had been i11 for only three weeks, and
althongh the best medical aid was_ob-
tained and she was given the most
careful attendance, it proved of no'
avail. She had reached the age of 54
years. She leaves to mourn her loss
herhnsba'nd,-and two sons, Robert F.
ofEd her andArne,' Edmonton, Alberta, A1nt at
home. The funeral was held on Sun-
day interment taking place in the Bay-
field cewetery.
Pest -Card
S. .
It's the cost of Du ju-three cents-
we ask you to think of to -day.
Three cents a -day !• Mighty small
doctor -bill ! '
Three cents a -day cures irritated,
clogged, neglected kidneys, when you
use Bu-ju, the gentle, perfect kidney
Three cents a -day may save you from
a serious operation.
The cost of three post -cards is not
going to prevent you from using Bu-ju.
Is it?
Get a sample next time you pass
this store.
Grand Benin
Mr.. Geo. Herrman who owns a deer
park here lost rt thee a few weeks ago
by its being frightened by a dog rind
j•uinpiug over e seven -foot wire feuce.
The deer wee advertised and shortly
afterwards Mr, Hearnan was notified.
that the animal was seen in the neigh-
borhood of Zurich.
A. few days later
the deer was seen at Arkorit. and Tues-
day Mr. Heatnun was notified thatit
had returned to Grand Bend and had
jumped the fence and was once again
in the park with its relates. The animal
bad eluded its pursuers for nearly a
week and hard covered over 100 tulles
on its trip.
The hotel deal of Mr. Bleckell to Mr.
Fitzpatrick of London has fallen that,
the barter having bought the Grip
House et Seeforth. Mr. Blarakall bas
now soldut to John Bine
v of Lucan,
who takes possession on Oct. 1.
The merl:•iage took place in Hibbert
on Sept. 20th of one of the township's
popular young men, Mr. Henry Hog -
mirth, to Miss Mary Ann Sirrrnn:;,
dttnghtee of Mrs, J. Simons, of Mir-,
her't. The ceremony was performed its
the presence, of it le,r'r;e nnnaher' of the
contracting parties' relatives t4nd.
friends at the horse of the bride',
mother by Rev, • Fletcher • of Theme: -
Rand Church. The young temple will
remake their home in.l-ifhbert.
Mrs. J. V. Millson is visiting firs.
G. Vttnda'rbuig at �Crrndsor.-M1'
Oar:t Short of Crediton spent Sund iv
with her uncle, Jabez Millson.--A few
of oar young folks attended 'T xeter,.
Pati" last week. -Church numb is talk-
ed of very strongly notie in fact Beth
rel church boa been bought and is to be
moved this wt'ek to the V, being the
lirlitndaev line between TTshortie and
The 42nd Annual Exhibition !ender
the auspices of the Hey 13r•aaneh Agri
eultnrni Suoiety was leek/. in Zurich on
Wednesday and Thursday last, and
was ettencjed with excellent success.
The weather Thursday was ideal le
point of•comfurt; the sky being cloud-
ed • over. cut oil a hot sun. A slight
shower in the afternoon threatened to
spoil the day but it did not last long.
There was an excellent showing of
horses, and the judging being done by
the Provincial Judge, H. G. Reed, of
Georgetown,' the greatest of satisfaao
tion prevailed, The cattle. and sheep
were well represented while the hogs
were slim, the only class being filled
was the Yorkshire. All other depart-
ments may be considered well repre-
sented, particularly the indoor depart -
The races as usual cane in for con-
siderable interest and. resulted: -
2 year old colt race, 1st, Noah Sairar-
us, Zurich; 2nd; Sam Hey,Dashwood;
3rd, John Hey, Zurich.
Farmers race, lst, Geo. Schreader,
Dashwood; 2nd, Wm. Witzel, Khiva,
The gate receipts annoutad.to $303,.
about $50 more than last year, while
the gross receipts amounted to about
Following are the prize winners: -
Draught --Brand snare, J & B Snaillie;
ford, G Wren, J & B Smillie, E Geis;
yr -old, G Ooleutan; 2 -year-old, E Troy-
er, Jno Oolwill, G Coleman; 3 -yr -old,
W McAllister, G McAllister.; team,
Sitrlon. Hunter. •
Agricultural -Brood mare, J & B
Smillie, G Wren, EGies; foal, J Col-
will, P Deichert, John McAllister; 2 -
year -old, L 11 V4 illert, H Kraft, Geo.
Gisenbach; 3 -year old, S . Hunter, D
Schnell, R McAllister; team, E Gies.
General Purpose -Brood mare, P
Deichert, Jos' Foster, G Eisenbach;foal,
A Masseau, G Eisenbach, W Smith;
2 yr -old, L Walper, El Kraft, S Hey,
Sr.; 8 -year-old, 1) Schnell, W Smith,
F Willett; team,) Decker; buggy horse,
11 Roeder, S Beaver.
Carriage -Brood mare, J Preeter,
A Rennie, D Schnell; foal, J Preeter,
D Schnell, 'E Raeder,.1-year'• old, $
Schnell, W Smith; 2 -year-old, G Cole-
man, Jas Hagen, W Smith; 8 -year-old,
S Hunter, L Willert,W S Ruby; team,
G Welker, J Ireland, J Colwill; hnggy
horse, J Hannon, P Lamont, R J Tay-
Roadsters -Brood mare, J Foster, J
Geiger; foal, E Esseler, J Geiger, Jos..
Foster; 1 -year-old, W Witzr>1, J" Hey,
jr,; 2 -year-old, J Decker,`E Broderick,
5 Hey.; 3-year-old,J Decker, D Schnell,
W Witzel; teem, Hagen Bros.; W T
Tr'rtelnner, 3 Becker; Boggy burse, J
McNaughton; Jan Sparrow, R D Bell;
Iady driver, 3 McNaughton, J Decker,
R D Bell. Speeial by Leo Foster for
five best colts sired by Young Indian
Chief, A Mosseau:, G Eisenbock, W
Smith, Jos Foster 4 and n.
Judge -H G Reid, Georgetown, Pro-
vincial Judge. 2
Dut•harn-Milch cow, E Raeder, 1
and 2; 2 -year-old reifer, J Chambers 1
and 2; yearling heifer, E Knipp, E
Raeder, J Oh'twher•s; bull call, W Mc.
Allister, P Deichert; beifer calf, E
litnpp, W McAllister-, la Rieder.
Other than Tborobred Durham. -
Milch cow, J Pfaff, E Raeder,E Klopp;
heifer calf, D Haugh, lend 2, E Rae-
der; 2 -year-old heifer, 3 Klopp, W Me -
Allister, D Haugh; yearling heifer, Hr
Klopp, E Raeder, W McAllister.; 2 -yr -
old steer, 3 Chambers, W McAllister
2 and 3; yearling .steer, E Raeder 1, 2
and 8; Jersey cow, W H Hoffman;
steer calf, E Klopp, H Beagle E Klopp,
Judge -H. Smith,
ntr - h
Wool -Aged A ed rani and yearling
ram, G Peuhale; ea es and rem lannle
G Penbale 1 and 2; yearling ewes aaad,
ewe lam], G. Penhale, Jaacoh.Haberer;
Fllle Wnnl.
Aged- ed ram,
ewr,s ewes and ewe lambs, A. Duncan;
yerar•ling ram and ram l,mb,A Duncan
l and 2; fat sheep,G Peuhaile,A Duncau.
S'uekshire-Aged boar, Ohas Harvey,.
J England; aged sow and ..spring "sow,
0 Harvey 1 anti 2; year-old hoar and.
year-old sow,C Harvey.
Judge -I Ar•rnstr•ong.
11.,niburg, Black Spanish, Durkine,
White Leghorus, Pekin . Dueks and
Geese, W B Battler; Wvaudottes, G
Ola veins, W Battler; Red Caps, W Bat-
tler, W Smith; Brown Langhans, G
Clausin 1 and 2; Rhode Island Reds. G
Olousin, W B Battler; Rouen Ducks,
Turkeys and Toulouse Geese, Geo
Clatitins. 2
Judges. -Jacob Se rates, W H 'Wen-
ml�tiurA � 1E
•CTL1 S.
Collection shoes, Chas Fritz, P Ben-
ders; piano, H Well.
White fall wheat, .A Rennie, Dan
Haugh, A Faster; red fall wheat, 1:
Gies, 0 Clausinee- Colosky; spring
wheat, F Rumel, 0 Truemner; 0-ror ed
Continued on Page Five.
Nothing Relieved
His Kidneys
Until He 'Tried
MARKHAM, Ont., Dec. 1, 1003
14' I had suffered foe seven years"
with kidney trouble. Could
scarcely walk and was unable
to attend- to my farm, Saw
"•Bu Ju " advertised, and .after
taking the first few' pills, felt
tnuh relieved. After taking
half a box, was able to do a
full day's work. I know oiie
box of "Bu -Ju" saved me.
$400 doctor bills.
It costs only 3 c a day: to take "leu 7'u"
-tile kidney pill that xcever' fails,
All druggists have " flu jet "' or will
get them for you.
,.• eapeteareasa
For twenty -jive years we have devoted our lives to the treatment of
diseases peculiar to men. Our records show that during that time We
have actually cured thousands. We believe thisshould be sufficient
proof to most any man that as physicians we must be successful. Not
a dollar need be paid for medicines or treatment if you fail to get cured.
We cure on bank guaranty.. Get honest treatment. When you write or
come to us you will be dealt with in a strictly professional manner.
ing front lost vitality or weakness from any cause, come to us and we
will cure you. Men who are nervous, mental, physical and sexual bank-
rupts, the result of errors or excesses; producing weakness, despondency,
failing memory, etc„ should come t0 us at once, and we will stop that
drain upon your system and restore strength, vitality and nerve power.
Our experience and thorough knowledge of every electrical and thera-
peutic agent known, to the medical world enables us to effect cures after
others fail.
ting. No pain or detention from business. Before you submit to the
cutting operation, investigate our painless and positive curing method,
Our New Method Treatment for Blood and Skin Diseases will cure ail
llsng out of the
bone pains,eruptionstions and
symptoms of all these complaintsCome and be cured by our scientific
treatment. Patients that we treated twenty years ago have never suf-
fered a relapse. If you have KIDNEY, BLADDER or URETHRAL TROU-
ease, come to us for scientific and reliable treatment. `
Our offices are complete with the latest and best electrical and medi-
cal appliances and all remedies that are known to the medical world for
the cure 6f these diseases.
It unable to pall, write for QUESTION MANIC for Iio31•E Tr EAT-
's1E+ NT. ESTABLISHED 25 "}'EARS. Consultation Free. Books Free on
Diseases of Men or Women.
D. RS.
148 Shelby Street, Detroit, F Cale
Oflrce Hours, a a. m. to 8 p. aa. Sundays, 10 to 12 m. and 2 to 4 p.
We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
—The Successor --which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
We'handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this •reliable firm. •
Agent for the Sylvester and
Pettit Plow Companies
E ce tG r Ontario
i 1!
P t• j Q n�
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
andall Building 11atei'ials.
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand,
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs ofevery description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.
cheerfully �,1'G e11,
The Ross Taylor Co Lid
Exeter, Ont,
Mar ria L� n:•e ll ce , e
issued at the
A,DVOOA la. Ei' O "t 1C