Exeter Advocate, 1906-9-20, Page 6W. S. IIOWEY Among the young men identified with the business interests of Exeter one of the foremost is W. S. Howey who conducts a first-class drug store, .keeping everything in the lines of drugs, perfumery and proprietary medicines. Mr. Howey makes a spec- ialty of medical prescriptions and family recipes. In the lines of per- funrery and toilet articles he al a less .-an sccptiuuasly fine" ni:ock of every- thing usually found in an up-to-date drugstore. Mr. Howey is a graduate optician and keeps a well selected stock of spectacles. Eyesight tested free, so when your sight is bothering you do. hot neglect it but consult the optician at. once.. As a townsman he is re- spected by all. W. W. TAMAN I's an up-to-date merchant tailor and he has established a lucrative local and outside trade. As a cutter Mr. Taman stands at the head of his pro- fession. His stock of tweeds and wor- steds is of the very latest designs and you can never make any mistake in or- dering a suit there, and in addition to this there is no place where you can get better values, or better satisfac- tion in asuit. So that when you wish to he considered well dressed you should see his superb stock and the high grade class of goods he turns out. His prices are away down to rock bot- tom. This is tbe spot you were look- ing for if you wish aped values and proper styles. Mr. Taman also enjoys a good trade in Manitoba as well as in various parts of Ontario. As a citi- zen Mr. Taman is one of our most high- ly esteemed and public-spirited, W, J. STATHAM Prominent amoung the business men here we must not neglect to mention W. J. Statham, who is a first-class baker and confectioner, who has built lip a very successful trade by close at- tention to business and by always sup- plying thebestline of bread and pastry. Everythingin the line of confectionery and fruitkept in stock. Ice Cream par- lors in connection and an extra large dish. If you have not tried Mr. Stat - ham's fine bread and pastry you should do so. It cannot be beaten. Asa busi- ness man he is alive and progressive. METROPOLITAN HOTEL This Hotel, which is situate on the corner of the Station Road and Main street, is now run by 0. Wendland, formerly of Rostock, Perth Co. This hotel enjoys considerable of the trade of the North End and also that which comes in from the north, Mr. Wend - land is, we believe, a good hotelman. d H, SPAOKMAN Carries at large and well selected stook of hardware, both beayy and shelf, cuttlery, etc., and be has a stea- dy, everyday,all-the-year-round track that is hard to beat. Pair dealing, right prices and a large stock in a great nae asare apoonnt for Mr. Spaek- naan's splendid trade. Here you are. always assured of ra•oeiving full Valise to . l tines of goody • he lhandles. Mr. Spackman has ;tl.ways enjoyed the trust and confidence of those with whom be has done bossiness, He also does repairing of all lines of tinware• eavetrougbing put up and all work guaranteed. If you are doing any building you should see his prices be- fore you buy. All his goods are bougbt right and he sells right. Mr. Spackman is Warden of the County, and is one of Exeter's best known and influential citizens. A. J. FORD Is a butcher here whose aim has al- ways been to supply his customers with the best in every line of fresh, mired and salt meats, as well as poul- try in season. And as be is an exper- ienced buyer his customers are always aware that they can depend upon ob- taining the best class of meats. Hon- est and courteous treatment, coupled with the hest meats has been the means of building up his splendid trade. A share of your patronage solicited. Try him and our word for it you will be satisfied, W. G. BISSETT Conducts a, first-class livery at this point and keeps a well -selected stock of horses as well as a good line of rigs. When you want a` rig for an after- noon drive, for a wedding party, or a picnic he will be pleased if you give him a call. Commercial driving a specialty. Mr. Bissett has this sea- son added a number of new rigs of the latest styles, so as to give his patrons the greatest of ease aud comfort when driving. He has been in the livery business for over thirty years, and he has without doubt one of tbe best liv- eries in this part of the country. A. E. PYM In our review of Exeter we must not neglect A. E. Pym, the practical and: scientific blacksmith, who has built up a splendid trade since establishing in business here. He is an Al mechanic, second to none. When yon want your horses shod properly or when you de- sire any repairing done cheap and prompt, do not fail to give A. E. Pym a call. He also makes new rigs to or- der and in this line of business he en- joys good patronage. His new work is guaranteed first-class in every • way. Mr. Pym is well and favorable known; Surrounding Villages. In this short review we have also touched on some of the business inter- ests of the surrounding villages. While we may have missed some the read- ers will find that we have given a fairly accurate list of the basiness men and their businesses. Those villages contain some live and up-to-date professicnal and tradesmen and their stow es and business places are spots where one can find ,all the articles needful in everyday life. Fine churches= and schools -are desireable characteristics of these smaller places as well as of Exeter; and they are presided oyer by earnest and progressive citizens. Around aboutall those places is an agricultural country second to none in the world and it is need- less to mention that in this whole district "Prosperity" has set its seal on all the people. Crediton. C. WOLFE Conducts a first-class livery here, therebeing very few hetter in the prov- ince; when you want the hest rigs and good drivers, give him a call. He will use you right. THE SOVEREIGN BANK Does a general banking business. Money loaned on farmer's and stock- men's notes. Drafts issued to all parts ofthe world. In the savings branch department sums of $1 and upwards are received and interest is compounded four times a year. Current rates of interest allowed. Mr. A. E. Kuhn is pro manager. SAMUEL BROWN At Brown's general store you get a choice stock of ladies mantles, just ar- rived; as well as a fine line of furs for the fall and winter trade. In fall dress ggoods, special inducements are offered. In ordered and ready-made clothing, they make a specialty. In millinery he carriesan extensive stockandMrs, Link will have charge of this department again this fall. He solicits the public patronage. In Hardware he also carries a good stock. Mr. Brown is also an ex- tensive buyer of all kinds of seeds, Alsace, clover and timothy. A good supply of choice timothy for fall seed- ing. Farmers wanting good seed shond give hint a call. CENTRAL HOTEL Mr. August Hill is the proprietor of this popular hostelry anal he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. He is add- ing an addition to the mar of the bar which will give hint much more room. He has line sheds and a splendid barn. Every attention shown you. O. BEAVER Is a prominent and well knowngrocet and furniture dealerhere. In the former branch isawell selected stock. In furni- ture he carries everythin g urni- turehecarrieseverything comprehend- edinafirst classfurniture st,ore. When wanting good values in either lines of goods give him a calf. „CHAS. ZWICKER Conducts an extensiye general store here and 'keeps an up to date stock of staple and fancy dress goods, ladies whiteware, millinery, seeds, groceries, eta,11eeis a thorough practical business man,antl by selling at afair margin has built up'h; good trade. In millinery he carries an extensive stock. Miss Calvin whti hadfeharge last year will be pres- entt this',season. In ready made clothing he handles the well known Sanford make ofillamilton. He is also an eaten- slate buyer ofcloverseed, timothy seed, grains and all ki nds of farm prod uce.in seeds.he&njoys a good export trade to Nitrous United States, as well as to the inl;incipa,l, Canadian markets J._ H. HOLTZMAN Is a first-class merchant tailor here, keeping an up to date stock of every- thing in thelineofclothing, furnishing, etc.jHecarries serges,iCanadian,Scotch Irish and English tweeds. Mr. Holtz- man does all his own cutting, standing atthehead of his profession as such. All his snits give the greatest degree of satisfaction. ROYAL HOTEL Mr. Iohn McIsaac conducts this hotel and be keeps_ a good bouse, as good as any in this part of the country, and he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. A good table is set and you the hest of wet goods. Good stables in connection. Drop in wben in Crediton. W, A. FINKBEINER Rains a grocery here and has been in business about a year, during which time be bas established a .good trade. He deals in groceries, cannedgood s,con- fectionery, fruits, andscbool books and stationery. Ice Cream parlors in con- necetion. Garden seeds.. Good price paid for produce. Mr Finkbeiner is one of Crediton's most esteemed citizens. B. BROWN Keeps an up to date stock of boots' and shoes. A stock as large as any in the county, and of the only best Cana- dian makes. If you arelookihgforgood values in any lines of hoots and shoes, give him a call. Repairing of all kinds done reasonably. JAMES LAWSON Keeps a, well selected stock of high grade jewelry and he is in the enjoy- ment of a good trade. He carries every. thing in the jewelry line as well as optical goods. Watch, cl ock an d j ewel ry repairingaspecialty, Wbenlookiugfor finest values in any line of goods give him a call. ALBERT MORLOOR Is a first-class blacksmith here, who cures all defects of horses feet caused byimproper shoeing. New work a spec- ialty, las well as machinery repairing, for which.pnrpose he has recently in- stalled a lathe. Give him a call if you want good work, WM. H. WENZEL Is a practical woodworker here and he is agoodone, there being none better Repairing of woodwork, painting etc. very reasonable in price and satisfac- tory in- all cases. Give him a trial when you wish any new work or repairing done. YOUNG BROS. Conduct it well stocked hardware' store here, and are in the enjoyment of a good trade in stoves, hardware, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. The prices are right and their trade continues increasing, Repairing of all kinds of tinware done;, eavetrou}t;hing supplied in the shortest( RENRY Ef LJ3EII You s'hould'not llenlent tg hayeinsur- ance on your business, your residence.. Firesnreak out very unexpectedly' and your business le swept out of existence, Shrewd business nien and farmers. guard against anything like this. MM. Eilber represents Soule of the gilt edge: companies in the world, wherel then pay their obligations promptly. Con veyaneing done as well. Dashwood. 13 PILKEY Is a baker and confectioner here and he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. His bread and cakes have made.for him a good name hereabout. Confectionery and fruits of all kinds in season. As a townsman Mr. Pilkey is well known And esteemed. ALEX. ZIMMER hashed a lengthy experience asa black- smith. and he cannot he excelled for first -chess work, As a borse-shoer he is second to none, understanding as he does the manyailments of a horses foot add knowing how to overcome therm by shoeing properly. Repairing of all kinds done reasonably and satisfactor- ily. • WM. ZIMMER Manufactures anything in the line of buggies, wagons, cutters, sleighs, and does painting and repairing of every description. He assures the public of good results all the tirne. Give biro a call when needing anything in his line. J. KELLERMAN Conducts one of the leading genera stores in this part of the country, and he keeds staple goods. fancy "goods, hoots and shoes, groceries, crockery, glassware, hardware, etc. the very "best; of everything. He sells reasonable and, enjoys a splendid trade. For honest and; upright dealingand giving good values he excels, and he is very popular with all classes, COMMERCIAL HOUSE There are few country hotels that equal thisone, either in point of appear- ance or in the splendid manner in which itis conducted. Mr. W. Zimmer' is the proprietor of this well equipped. hotel, and his son Heiman the manag- er. A good table is set and there is every convenience for Commercial; men. WM. S HRUM Opened up with a high grade stock of general merchandise here about a year ago, and he certainly has built ups a good trade in that time. He is. cer- tainly a hustler. He deals in dry goods boots and shoes, gents furnishings, groperies, etc. A first-class stock, well selected and well arranged and at right prices. People here know that they earl obtain the bestgoods and at prices that has made this store a worthy, com- petitor with the city stores. The amount ofenergy andenterpriseshown by Mr. Shrum augurs welt for a still. further increased patronage. See the bargains be is continually offering the the public and examinehs well select- ed stock. Bargainsawait= you there. Mr. Shrum as a business man and asa townsman is highly esteemed and is popular. DASHWOOD PLANING MILL CO. • LIMITED. Another progressive manufacturing concern here is the Dashwood Planing Mill Oo'y, Limited, of which Mr. J. E. Hoffman is manager. They have a fine building, equipped with the most modern machinery for turning out quickly everything in the lines of sashes, doors and mouldings.. Estim- ates for buildings of alt kinds furnish- ed on the shortest notice, and con- tracts taken for all classes of. work. They also build carriages, wagons, cutters, sleighs, etc., and do painting of all kinds of vehicles. It may: he to 'your interest as a contractor to see them before placing your order for material. H. GUENTHER Is the man who drives the stage from Dashwood to Exeter and to Grand Bend. During the summer months particularly be does a heavy business in the carrying of passengers and bag- gage to and from the summer resort at Grand Bend. No man could be more accommodating than Mr. Guenther in. his dealings with the public. He has at Dashwood a first-class livery and keeps nothing but the best of horses and rigs as those who have been his pat- rons are always willing to affirm and never fail, when occasion requires, to go back to his livery, barn for a turn- out. P. FASSOLD Is ,a thoroughly skilled mechanic, and he has achieved a splendidreputa= tion for curing all defects of horses' feet, caused by improper shoeing. Mr. k'assold also:does all sorts of repairing of wagons, machinery, etc. His trade is certainly increasing. When you want to be Assured. getting the best elf satisfaction in new work, repairs or horseshoeing do not fail to give Mr, 1' assold a call. P. McISAAO Conducts a first-class furniture store and keeps an exceptionally fine stock of high grade goods. There iianothing in this line that is worth keeping that he has not in his store, from the com- plete up-to-date parlor and bedroom suite to the smallest article. He knows. flow to buy goods and thus is always reasonable in his charges: Undertak- ing done in all its branches, Mr. *- Isaac has been in the business for sev eral years and always gives the best of satisfaction. He is one of Dash woods most progressive citizens. JOHNK. GOETZ Another industry here is the saw mill and lumber yards of John K. Goetz, Where thousands of feet of lune -'i Tier is turned out every year. He has been its the business some years ana has by good work increased his hush, ness until now he enjoys one of the best trades in this part of the country. He aims at pleasing his patrons and deal !roe SOVE .I TQIV' I3AN'Ii` Has a branch agency here and does general banking business. Me. . do Snell of Exeter is the bank , manage here and Mr. O, E. Ehnes pro menage E. WELDLN If there is one class of machines that star'lfs high in the estimation the public it is the McCormick binde and agricultural machinery tb give the greatest degree of ' sati faction. When once introduced it i always an easy matter to duplicate o dens. He handles machinery of u kinds as well as the celebrated Pere yid plough, the Fleury and Wilks son plow. He also sells the .Chatha wagon find he intends adding buggie He also handles repairs for all the m chinery he keeps J. A. WAMBOLD Keeps agood stock of confectioner fraits and canned goods, and he is ;r the enjoyment of a good trade. H also has ice cream parlors in connec tion and his trade in this bine has als reached good proportions. He als conducts a first-class barber shop i connection' with his other business Give hire a call. ED. NADIGER Is a young man in business here having succeeded to his fatber's busi ness some two years ago. He runs harness shop and keeps a well selects stock of single and donble harness (al hand made) and horsemen's supplies o all kinds. He has attained at splendi reputation, in but short time, as first-class mechanic. • For durabilit and finish his harness can not be sur passed. Repairing of all kind's done, EZRA TIEMAN Is a butcher but, who has built u a good trade by paying strict attent` ion to business, and who:is an 'expels= ienced buyer of stock. He always aims at supplying his customer with the best in every line of fresh and salt meats, dried meats, sausage, etc.; and he is very obliging to all classes. Branch shop at Grand Bend. JOHN VOELKER Handles everything in the line of agricultural machinery, and he can be depended upon for good values and first-class machinery. All his machin- ery is from the best manufactories and he always bas good values. Give him a call when you want the best in any, line of machinery. GEORGE EDIGHOFFER Keeps a well selected stock of boots and shoes and his trade is steadily in- creasing. He haasdles everything in the lines of the best footwear of Ca- nadian makes for men, women and children and the prices at Which he sells are most reasonable. He carries. a good stock all the time. Repairing done very reasonable. Centralia. HANLAN & O'BRIEN Conduct afirst class general store ,here. and they. by dealing :in _the .beat and being honest and conscientious in their business, have worked up a good trade. Their aim has always been to satisfy their patrons, to give good values all the time. Their stock is one of the best here and their trade well establish, ed. both are energetic business men. Post office i n connection; Central office, Bell Telephone Co. THOMAS WILLIS There is no industry in the country to -day of more importance to the far- mer, nor one that brings bit in 'more ;ready cash during the summer season than that of a creamery. Mr. Willis its the proprietor of the Shamrock Creamery in the village of Centralia and he has worked up a very large ;business. Year byyear bis business is not only steadily increasing, but is going ahead by leaps and bounds. What are the reasons for this? One is that he is a young, progressive, pushing business man, another is that he treats all his patrons in a fair and 'courteous manner; and a third is that he does good work, such that there is a continued demand for the butter that he manufacturers. Much of his butter is shipped to the Old Country and is there considered to 'be first- class. The number of his patrons this year is very large and bis place of bust - mess is certainly a busy spoL His wage account ampunts to no small natter each year. As a citizen he is ttnnuch respected. DUFFERIN HOUSE - One of the oldest and beat tavern hotel men in this part of the province is Wm. J. Moffatt, who has been in the business line for over25 years,running the old Royal up to tats months ago; -When he purchased the other hotel. He bas moved the old building along side oftthie one and when it is all repaired and fixed up, he will have a hotel second to none. Mr. Moffatt makes a first-class landlord,being popular with all classes. THOMAS ELSTON Rens a saw mill here as well asman- ufacturing headings for barrels. His trade is a good one. He keeps a good stock of lumber, so that farmers doing any;tuilding should give him a call. He is tagood citizen and highly esteem- Grand Bend. JOSEPH DISJARDINE ' Is'a, first-class blacksmith here, who bas a lengthy experience in the bind - 'less, and who is acknowledged to be a iiimerior workman. In horseshoeing particularly he excels. Repairing of all kind done reasonable and satisfac- tory. BRENNER HOUSE When you run across a first class hotel Such as this, and as fine an hotel Man as its present proprietor, William rltz, you get a combination that is hardto beat. The Brenner House is an ideal hotel and theearl: ''n y y i areas- ing tradeenjoyed by Mr. Fritz 18 the beat evidence ence that he is conducting the house in a manner, to leave no ing fairly with then.. "Builders and room'for criticism. A good table is set and in the liar youget tla'e hest of others deairatlg lumber eli��p,at• all *aE: goads rnl;'' well asswats, Mr`ri . t' notice, times should give ham a call. ^1p.always ou' hand to welcome +yott. " z a Kiva• ar Ii;HIVA HOTEL. r. This wail=appointed and well con- ducted hotel•is presided over by our old friends ‘"Barney" Cunnin barn, Flsl„ K . ,y who has coadt}cted the place for: a number ol»rears. He makes a first- of �' a classlandroi'd' and everybody has a at good word to say of Ithiva's well kept s. hotel. Mr. Cunningham to exceeding• s ly popular with the public, r- 11 i n; s a' }*, d d n y Fall Term Opens Sept N 4th CENTRAL // Al , �,. it 1 /� d ,�' ... S; aniTroRD, ONT. Those in ere fed in $u ins le write for our lame catMognese The 8theIsr¢e tun beet Commercial and shorthand School in wester Ontario. We give a practical trainingand assts ton {;raduatee to reeponetbie positone. Many of the lead mg business colleges employ our graduates as teach ere. write now for a tree oatalogue, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals ,�, . Shipka• H. WING Conducts the leading general store here and he is in The enjoyment of one ofsthe, largest trades in these parts, in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, gents' furnishings, groceries, bard - ware, etc, He is a careful and. prudent: e buyer and he secures the befit line, of ; goods in the market. He is' never nn- u dersold and you never get a better o class of goods anywhere than Mr,' ; Wing offers for sale. +,Phe, . epe thing 1 that bas made H. Wing's store a great shopping centre is the cheapness at• which goods are sold. When. looking for reasonable goods and reasonable prices try hew. " JOHN RATZ Has established a good nanre. far himself as a thorough business man. Mr. Ratz runs an extensive' saw milt here and he turns out large quantities of lumber each year, which be Bells' very reasonable. Farmers doing buss- nese would do well to see his stock be- fore buying. Be also sells slabs, hath. hard and soft for wood. He also has a lot of dry hard wood for sale and in. ' tends getting out about 100' cords of green hardwood this winter. '' The Know How' Is a valuable part of out business. It is the best of foundations—it is lastino' t+ We know how to repau Watches, Jewelry,ate. We know what is required to fix it. If your watch is not running just as it should, , bring it in for examination, It costs nothing to know if it is in o>?der. If it requires q fixing we can do it. The "KnowingHow" has been the means of giving us the right to say we are leaders in our line. - Try us when you wish to buy something in our line. v M A R C H A N D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO FALL FAIRS: Zurich •. 19-20 Sea forth " 19-20 Ailsa Craig " 24-25 Parkhill ' '� 28-27' KirktMarys Oct 4-5 s Stoves and Ianges. We can safely say that the finest and best line of Stoves and Ranges, and those that will give the best satisfaction, are to be found .in our store. Surely you could . select one to your liking from the following makers: Gurney & Tilden's "Souvenirs" Bowes Jamieson's ccGarland,' r. Western Fd. . Co's "Hurons", Mofiat's "Nationals" Call and examine our lines before buying. Pumps, Sinks, Bath Tubs, Iron Piping, Eta. Hoaman's Hardware & Stove Store. SUITABLE F For Every Roomin the Home• . We have a beautiful selection of the Come and get our prices, all marked latest designs. in plain figures. because want. The appeal to good character ideas and the that can be and Undertaker. WE ask you to come to this store for furniture we believe you will get the kind you stock includes all those pieces that taste on account of their design,.finish, and richness. We can show newest most popular furniture,fot the home, found any place, town or city. JAS. BEVERLEY, • OPERA BLOCK. Leading Furpiture Dealer le N HARVESTERS' ,..‹ .i% �C. EXCURSIONS TO THE �+R . NORTH-WEST SEPT.1.0 GOING 11. S to return until NO V.12, 1r00 e SEPT. la, ghod to return until NOV. 20, 1006 RETURN FARES 1141011, YOU* NEA,tEST S'T'ATION t Winnipeg• . .00 - 1. lirfl >terktin >]35,OD North Rattlaferd t;8l.M ,Sotuie 2360 Regina` • 36.76 Macleod - • 40.10 ;. /raoMn • . 11.65 Mosso Jatr - . 30.00 ' Calgary • . 40.50 I ele dh • . 84.20 •itrtt,burg - 35,46 Red Deer • . 41.50 groats . . 14.60 ' Saskatoon • • 31.25 Stettler Miran . 4x.50 earM 85.01 Prince Albert • 38,00 ldmontol7 '4 Walt. ratio to Other potato, Tat and 1011 aaar .tai a , ,. �%.. D at'Air ie- _ fa furter Crareilatta !� ,t, Agent, or to t" v ate M+r(t 1.. • ,0,