HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-20, Page 5e PECIAL TRADE TiVENTIETII YEAR. SUPPLEMENT' OF Advoca EXETER, ONTARIO, TI3URSDAY, • SEPTEMBER 20, 1906. SANDERS & C'.rREaECH Enterprising Exeter, e an Man of for Trail � a The Hustlers• Y of Business. u Men Principal the The and Surrounding A Brief Sketch of Town w g Villages es •from a Business Standpoint. g Exeter is a Splendid Place for Manufacturers to Locate. Its A copy of this Trade Edition will be found at Bradstreet's New York, and Dunn's Commercial Agenea Toronto and New York. • In to -day's issue of the ADVOCATE we present our readers with a business nien's edition of the paper containing a fairly accurate summary of the diver, sifted business interests of the place.. It"wi l be seen at a glance that the.busi ness men here are alive and progressive, and that anything tending to pro- mote the towns interests merits their co operation, and support. Exeter isa,-picturesque place and it certainly is one of the busiest marts of `cornwerce.in this western country. The fall fair here is very largely attend- ed, and a top notches, and it has done much to advertise Exeter. There are splendid schools here, and in the record far work Exeter's School is not out- classed by any. As an evidence of this many of Exeter's boys and girls are to -day filling many positions of trust and responsibility, both in this country and the neighboring republic. There are four churches here, two Methodists, Episcopalian and Presby- tent in, with earnest arid zealous pastors adeeinisteriugs to the spiritual wants of their various congregations. • As a desirable 'site for manufacturers to locate, there is no more desirable spot. And the town is prepared to deal liberally with those desiring a suitable location for any manufactory that will assist Exeter. It is a. matter of surprise to many outsiders who visit the town in the busy season to find what a hive of industry it is. Its splendid public library, church- es, its fine school, splendid hotels andexcellent business places; and integrity of its business men. their sound financial standing and enviable record for fairness go a long way to make Exeter one of the best business centres in this part of the country. It is with the best wishes for the future growth and success of the town the AbvocATic presents to its readers this Trade Edition. R. MURPHY • Is the agent here for the celebrated Massey -Harris Implements, which within -it a doubt are among •the finest lines of agricultural Machinery made in Oanada of any other conn try. All their binders and other machinery are madefromthe hest seasoned lumber and the finest of iron and steel; by thoroughly conrpetent and experienc- ed mechanics. This must naturally give thein an enhanced conunercial value. ” Farmers and others would do well to note the fact when snaking. their purchases of binders or farm ma- chinery of any kind. Their works at Toronto and Brantford are the largest of the kind in the world- • He also handles wagene end buggies—in short everything used on a farui, and keeps repairs for all his machinery. Give him a call when you want the best re- sults and values. As a townsman he is well known and esteemed. J. A. STEWART Is acknowledged by all to be one of Exeter's best business men. He con- ducts a• general store where everything that is the best in the dry' goods. gro- cery and clothing lines, etc., is kept. Being a careful buyer he makes it a point to -buy only first-class goods that he knows will sell readily in Exeter. All the staple goods are from the best houses and for fair price and quality cannot be beaten. In groceries it is nothing but fresh goods. Since the first establishment of this business some eighteen years ago the trade has been steadily increasing, consequently 111r. Stewart has been obliged from time to time to enlarge Isis premises to afford room for the large stook he finds it necessary to keep. The past few months workmen have been engaged building a large extension to the rear of the southern part of his store. This has now been completed and, is filled with a first-class line of ready-made clothing. The store now is one of the most .up-to-date in all its appoint - silents. The line of clothing kept at this store is from the bees houses in Canada; all the latest stylesand pat- terns. In gents' furnishings he un- doubtedly carries one of the finest stocks evershown here; new in !style and excellent in quality. This store has two special lines of shoes that are of first quality, "The Bing" and "The Ahren. In the line of gents' hats you will find here one of the best thatcros- ,ses the ocean. "The King Hat" is a dandy. As a business' man Mr, Ste- wart -has few equals, being progressive and energetic and commands the re- spect of ail both as a''business man and a citizen. Mr. Stewart buys only for cash and can thus give the customer the benefit, THE JERSEY CREAMERY Another prominent business man. here that we Wrest not neglect to men= tion is Reeve A. Q. Bobier. who con ducts an extensive creamery here and who is in the enjoyment ofagood pat- ronage. Mr. llobier has conducted the creamery for the past ten years and he has during that time paid out thous - .ands of .dollars to fariners for milk. Ile ships all his butter to the oastern markets. Mr.:Bobier, is also lin Osten- sive buyer of hogs and his shipments run up into, thousands of dollars each ehr and each seesnn adds v to his for. Errer'seatsons lausiuess. And in even. y case Mr. Dobler has already given ever., cent that, was coming to sellers t. and there are none who know it better than the farmers, who realize and know that they have always received every cent that was coming to them. Mr, .Bobier is a pnblic•spiritedcitizen, whom every good and honest man in Exeter and vicinity holds in the. highest esteem. ROWE.& ATKINSON CARLING BROS. laces one the i business Isof leading n b s a g places Reliable.' .„ here, known as "The Old Rell'a I A. firm that has been in business since 1862, and they have certainly seen many firms come and go in that time. Darling Bros. conduct a first-class gen- eral store, and have one of the heat. trades in this section of the country. In dress goods, full lines of staple and fancy goods are kept in stock, just as fine lines as can be bought in the fash- ionable centres such as Montreal or Toronto, and much more reasonable; Their expenses are smaller and they give their customers the benefit in greatly reduced prices, They are show- ing at present beautiful lines of fall and winter dress goods, and an up-to- date line of Her Ladyship tailor-made skirts, that have no equal. • Just at present they are making some great reductions in women's' apparel, gents' furnishings, boots, shoes, etc. In gro- ceries they have a very fine stock of the best of fine fresh goods. This is the store where you can invariably de - peed ' upon getting bargains at all Utiles, Produce taken in exchange for goods. Both members of this firm are among Exeter's most esteemed ,citi- zens. DR. A. R. KINSMAN -Is affirst-class dentist here, who is in the enjoyment of a good business. Dr. Kinsman's office is fitted up with all the most modern appliances for the painless extraction of teeth. Dr. Kins- mam was horn and educated here, and was with his father in business until the elders decease, when he succeeded to the business. Dr. Kinsman is a thorough, practical and experienced dentist. Course of study has resulted advantageously to the public. W. H. LEVETT This firm is in possession of one of the finest businesses in this county—a furniture and undertaking business. They carry a'fine stock of everything in the furniture line—parlor and bed- room spites, fancy chairs, sideboards, dining tables, etc. All their stock is thoroughly up-to-date and hasbeen selected with great care. There is no- thing finer in any store in the cities. Whea circ are thinking.a,f"gettinir rid-, of the old furniture that has seen see - vice so long you should see their very elaborate stock. There you get the very class of furniture you were look- fng for, and at prices that have made this house a worthy competitor of the city shops. All their goods have been bought with a due regard to style, quality and price. so that this is a good place to buy •furniture. Em- balming and undertaking in all their branches. Funerals attended in any part of the county and taken in full charge. CENTRAL HOTEL Among the many commercial houses we must not neglect the Central Hotel, at. Exeter, of which Mr. W.T. Acheson is proprietor. The Central is an ideal commercial hotel, where every accom- modation is provided : for commercial men, the house being up-to-date in every particular. It is well lighted, well heated, and has splendid guest chambers. The house has been thor oughlyrenovated from top to bottom and nothing has been left undone that should be done to snake it first- class in all its appointments. . In the - din ingroom he;diningroona ai good table is set, it being supplied with the best the land affords while attentive waiters anticipate your wants. In the sitting rooms you are assured of the best wet goods aswell as domestic and imported cigars, while Mr. John. Mellott,' the genial clerk, is always found to be courteous and attentive to.guests. Mr. Acheson has conducted the Central for about twelve years and has, with- out flattering him in the least, one of the best appointed houses in the Pro- vince, where travellers are always made to feel at home. Mr. Acheson crakes it a point to leave nothing to he desired by the public. As a landlord he is a thoroughly capable one,person ally superintending every detail in. connection with the. management of the house. He is esteemed by the publicas an up-to=date hotelman. The house from a sanitary point' of view is unexcelled. Bus to and from all the trains: • Good stabling in connection and an attentive hostler. You are in- vited to stay at the Central when in Exeter. THE ROSS TAYLOR CO., LIMI'!'ED ve planing .nillinEx- eter, These mills are fitted up with 'all : the most modern machinery for execiit ing orders in' the shortest notice. Sash as flooring, siding, sashes, doors, andin fact building material of all kinds. This Company is always prepared to deal with you on the most reasonable terms and you don't have CO' wait long for your orders, A splendid stock of lumber, laths, shingles, posts, ere.,- al- ways kept on hand. 1:+'aur•[nett and .oth- ers;doing any building would do well to see the stock and get an estimate on your building material from this euni- pony before placing your order. They also torn out cisterns and water tanks. They pay the very top-notch prices for sawlogs. Custornsawing done. They turn outorders forironses as far as Tor- onto, Stratford. and St. Thomas. .This season alone they have orders for fern- ishing.several }souses in Stratford com- plete, and a Jewish Synagogue in Tor- onto. Among the prominent business places here special mention should be made of W. H. Levett, produce mer- chant and coal dealer. Mr. Levett en- joys a very extensive business in this line, shipping on a large scale to the', Old Country as well as to Canadian and United States cities. Thousands of dollars are paid out annually tothe farmers in this immediate vicinity for butter and eggs, which are here pre- pared for export and shipment to the cities. His business shows a steady increase each year, which is due to getting the best batter in the market and to landing eggs and butter at their destination in good shape. Mr. Levett also buys poultry in season and'I runs an apple evaporator during, the fall months.. He is an extensive deal er- fo f,rrriace and 'o(V ve Coal,' suppryrbg many of the citizens here. If you have not laid in your supply of coal do so now, before the price goes up, As a citizen Mr. Levett is one of Exeter's most progressive and public spirited.; JONES & CLARK Is another business firm that mast not be overlooked in our review of the business interests. They keep ati gen- eral store in the old Barnwell & Pick- ard stand, „This firm is practically a new one in town, although for years they carried on a most successful gen- eral store business at Winchelsea. The present firm took over the business from Mr. E. J. Spackman on January lst, 1906, Having previouslyhad a wide experience in wholesale dry goods they are in close touch with the buy- ing centres srnd are thus able to pur- chase many lines from first hands and to give customers the benefit. There are some very strong features in con- nection with this •store. The ready. made clothing line is one of thein. In this department they handle the cele- brated W. E. Sanford clothing, the value of which everybody who wears that kind of clothing knows full well. Then there is the boot and shoe line which is one of the finest in the district Tbis•firm thinks that there is no line of shoes too good for their trade, con- sequently they keep a full stock of all grades and sizes. The ladies' wear de- partment is a particularly strong feat- ure, the stock of ready-made skirts, wrappers, shirtwaists,. jackets, under- ware,eta, with the millinery, being a good one. The groceries are always fresh and clean. Mr. Jones, the busi- ness head of this firm is a gentleman in every way. He has an uunsually large grasp of business details and keeps the business up-to-date in all its lines. He is a public spirited citizen and the firm is worthy of the support of its many patrons. JOHN GRIGG Another old established business here is that of John Grigg, who con- ducts a first-classhook and stationery store, where everything may be had along these lines et very reasonable prices. Mr. Grigg's stock is a very fine one and ie purely a wholesale one as far as stationery is concerned. Ha also carries a very fine stock of Christ- mas goods from New York, which is invariably cemposed of the leading novelties obtainable there. ' 'JAMES MURRAY COMPANY One of Exeter's well-known citizens• is James Murray, bead of the above nitimed company. He has a moulding' department, machine and pattern shop inconnection with his works. This foundry is well equippedwith modern machinery and appliances for the re- pairing of all kinds of mill machinery, agricultural implements, etc. Special attention is given to the repairing of machinery of rill kinds, which is execut- ed in aprompt and satisfactory manner. .4. lumber of good rnachanics are era - toyed to whom good wages are paid. When :wanting anything in the hue of repairing, castings, or fittings, try the James Murray rotrndry Co., Exeter. Mr. Murray as a townsman is always willing to help along the towns best in terests, SNELL & ROWE One of the most progressive business firms here is 010 of Snell & Rowe,e , who are engaged as general merchants, having been in business for the past three and a half years, during which time they have established a good trade. Messrs. Snell & Rowe keep one of the best selected stocks of general merchandise ever shown here. In dry goods they show the best staple as well as high grade dress goods of the newest patterns and designs. In ready- to-wear clothing they carry a very ex- tensive stock, which for quality and price cannot be duplicated here. In boats and shoes they also have a good range. In groceries a good large stock. of fine fresh goods, canned goods. fruits, etc.' Their long experience at the business, their intimate knowledge of the people, their correct business methods, and always giving good val- ues is what has, tended to build up their very successful trade. Here you are always assured of good values all the time. Good valves and honest treatment are their mottoes. EXETER ROLLER MILLS Identified with the yusiness interests of the town is the large roller mills owned by Messrs. Harvey Bros. The mills are supplied with all the most modern milling machinery, full roller process. These mills are capable of manufacturing the finest products of modern milling and have a capacity of 200 barrels per day.. By honest deal- ings with the public they have increas ed. their local and foreign trade at the mill to a very great extent,until to -day they are exporting flour to the Old Country in very large' quantities, be-; sides enjoying a good trade in the Province as well as the local trade... The mills are without a doubt as fine as any in Western Ontario, with an elevator of 25,000 bushels capacity. Three brands of flour are manufactur- ed by this firm; these are the "Star", "White Seal" and "Welcome." The "Star" is made from blended. Manitoba and Ontario wheat, and is known as a family flour; the "White Seal" is made from Manitoba wheat alone and is largely used by bakers wbo claim there is no better; while the "Welcome" is manufactured from fall wheat. These three brands of flour cover the de- mands of all classes and leave nothing to be desired. Their flour has achieved an enviable name wherever introduc- ed. Mill feed of all kinds supplied to farmers who can always depend upon receiving the best values. As towns- men the members of this firm are held inhigh esteem. WEBKES BROS. One of the oldest and best establish- ed business places here is that of Weekes Bros., who conduct one of the finest monument and .tombstone busi- nesses in Western Ontario, as a glance at the very fine class of work exhib- ited in their show room will. prove. See their splendidcatalogue of designs. Weekes Bros. designed the monument sent over from Canada to the Paris Ex hi bition, receiving one bronzeandsilver medal; their work also received honors at the Glasgow exhibition, They also took honors at the Provincial exhibiton at Toronto a few years ago, and at the Western Fair. When youare thinking of erecting a monument or tombstone to a departedfriend try Weekes Bros., Exeter. Their trade now covers this entire western, country. DR. G. F. ROULSTON A dentist and thorough mechanic whose course of study has•put him up- to-date. He is an expert in crown and bridgework, gold and other fillings; and when extraction is necessary hie knowledge of anesthetics is .success= fully employed to relieve pain. Dr. Roulston succeeded to a large practice' which is steadily increasing. His pat- rons are pleased with the work he has done for them. W. S. COLE Mr. Cole- is a druggist here keeping a well selected stockof drugs, propreitory medicines as wellas perfumery and the very best lines of toilet articles,, face powders and ebony ware. His trade is one of the best here owing to the fact that he obtains the very best in every line of goods he deals in. He makes a specialty of dispensing medical prescrip- tions and family receipts. which are in- variably accurately compounded. In the lines of high class perfumery he car- ries an elaborate stock of all the choic- est makes. If your systemic run down during the hot weather get one of his tonics to build it up. Ask for Cole's baking powder. • It is pure. Sells for 25cents a pound and gives good satis- faction. A. MARCHAND There are few jewellers in this, part of the country that carry the very fine stock of jewelry that Mr. Marchand does, and he devotes his entire time. t and attention to his one business. And in this way he assures the public of the best results. Mr. Marchand is a good buyer and he selects his goods with the: very greatest of care. Con- sequently he only has in stock the very best lihes, including watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware and ebony ware. It is a thoroughly up-to-date stook of all the newest ideas in the jewelry line. In repairing of watches, clocks and jewelry he is a specialist, and all work along these lines entrusted to hire is stirs to receive prompt attention. If you are looking for seasonable and ser- viceable goods at all times you 'should not fail to give Mr. Marchand, the live and . progressiYe jeweller of Exeter a u r Marchand itis built i . in the call. }p one year he has been in business here, a splendid trade by courteous treat- ment and giving satisfaction at all times. Telephone Exchange in con- nection. COMMERCIAL HOTEL This well-known and well appointed hotel, passed which into the hands of Wm. Barrows a year ego last May, is acknowledged by the public generally to be one of the best commercial hous- es in the county, in fact secondto none anywhere. It has been the aim of Mr. Barrows,. the genial'proprietor, si nce starting in business here to improve the house from time to time and noth- ing has been left undone that should be done to make the Commercial first- class in alls`Its appointments. Mr. Bar - moms has renovated the house from top to bottom; has added new furniture, new carpets, etc,, until to -day he has a hotel furnished second to none. Everything about the house makes one feel at home. In the dining room you are always assured of the best money can buy. Good wet goods and the best domestic and imported cigars. Good sample rooms in connection. Excellent stabling. As a hotelman Mr. Barrows is popular with all classes and his popularity increases with his trade. Yon are invited to call and will be made welcome here. SOVEREIGN BANK That the development of Canada has been very rapid in the past few years hardly any one will deny. In every branch of trade it has been the same' cry of progress and prosperity. That in an era of unexampled prosperity like this, we have certain financial in- stitutions that are making an extra effort to secure the lion's share of the business, is not unstating the case. That is the way to get business. Go after it. The Sovereign Bank with a due regard to the eternal fitness of things, has opened out some seventy branches in Canada in the past four years, and that they are securing their share of the trade goes without say- ing. In this immediate neighborhood they have some nine branches and they are certainly doing the business. Where it used to be that you could not get into a bank to do business af- ter• three p.m., and never in the even- ing, the Sovereign Bank changed the order of things entirely and to -day you can not only do business any time of the day after ten or evening, but you can obtain money there without any cast-iron note. Farmers, stockmen and others may obtain money on their own notes without any red tape or de- lay. A general banking business trans- acted. Farmers sale notes collected. Drafts issued to all parts of the world. In the saving branch department sums of $1 and upwards are received and the highest rates of interest allowed. Interest paid four times a year on sav- ings accounts. By prudent and ag- gressive management the Sovereign Bank is fast winning a place in the front rank of our leading financial in- stitutions. Mr. Joseph. Snell is the manager of the Exeter branch. F. J. KNIGHT Another prominent and influential business man here that we must not overlook in our review of the business men of Exeter is F. J. Knight, who conducts a first-class grocery, as well as a wine and liquor store. Every- thing in the class of high grade gro- ceries, wines and liquors kept in stock as well as domestic and imported ales, porter, etc. Wines and liquors for medicinal purposes a specialty. Mr. Knight is in the enjoyment of a good patronage throughtout this immedi- ate vicinity in groceries, wines and liquors, and in fact throughout this en- tire part of the county. He deals only in the best. Mr. Knight, as a towns- man, is well and favorable known and highly esteemed. S. MARTIN & SON Music hath charms to sooth the sav- age beast; it has an elevating tenden- cy and any home where there ismusic in plenty, you usually find everything going right; not that music alone has such an influence, but those generally speaking that are musically inclined exert an influence for good, And no matter what a girl or boy's education maybe it is only half finished unless he or she takes up music. S. Martin & Son are dealers in organs and pianos, sewing machines, small stringed in- struments as well as stationery. In pianos and organs they handle the cel- ebrated Heintzman, the New Scale, Williams, Dominion and Berlin. The New Williams, New Raymond and Singer Sewing Machines which are without a doubt the best machines manufactured. So when you are think- ing of getting rid of your organ and want to secure a new piano try_ them. Or if you want a first-class sewing ma- chine try them. Everything they han- dle is of the best and they are prepared to deal liberally with any one desiring to secure a first-class musical instru- ment or a sewing machine. MANSION HOUSE Among the diversified hotelmen of the county we must not neglect to mention Jaynes Shaddock, the well- known and popular proprietor of the Mansion House, who has been running this hotel for the past four years and. who has during that time established a good paying business. Mr. Shad - dock is an old and thoroughly exper ienced hotel man, who,during his pro- prietorship of the Mansion House, has built up a splendid trade. The house. is rill that a first-class dollar -a -day house should be and you are always assured of the best the land affords in. the dining rooms while in the tsar yotr get the best wines, liquors and cigars. The house is in every way conducted in a manner to meet the expectations of all who patronize it. • Good stab- ling in connection. Mr. Shaddock snakes a most nenable landlord, as he is deservedly po pu�lar with the travel- When in Exeter on Wli n t ling public, Y should give. the Mansion Monaca call. W. J. RRAMAN Is the proprietor of a first•class ha rd warestore ai thss of t.and hekeeps a carefully selected stock of heavy and shelf hardware, lamps, silverware, cut- lery, wire fencing, paints, oils, varnish- es, coal and cement. And as he sells very reasonable he is in a position to supply his customers with a hi in r ugly,anything these lines at, rock bottom prices. In the lines of house furnishings such as graniteware, stoves, etc he carries a' splendid stock. His prices are always right and he can always he depended upon for bargains at all times. Repair- ing of tinware of all kinds; eavetrongh- ing put up in the shortest notice. Give him a call when wanting anything along these lines, Mr. Neaman is one of Exeter's most esteemed and valued citizens. MOLSON'S BANK, The chartered banks are the medium through which the wheels of commerce keep revolving. The Molsous Bank is one of the oldest financial institutions in Canada having been incorporated in 1855, having branches in all the leading points in Canada, The Mol - sons Bank has a capital paid up of $3,000,000 and a reserve fund of $3,000,- 000. There are forty-eight branches in the Dominion. A general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits at currentrates of interest. Special attention. given to collecting. Advances wade on farmers sale notes. Drafts issued to all parts of the world. Advances made to .farmers and stock dealers at lowest rates. Iu the Sav- ings branch department sums of $1 and upwards received and highest rates of interest allowed. The Board of management of the Molsons Bank, is composed of prominent capitalists whose names are synonymous with in- tegrity and whose interests are allied with the growth and development of Canada. There is no financial insti- tution in this country that enjoys greater confidence, or whose local man- agement is more prudent. Mr. N. D. Hurdon is the manager here, having resided here for over twenty years•and he is well and favorably known to business men and the farming com- nurnity. PETER FRAYNE One of the oldest established and most practical harness makers in this part of the country is P. Frayne. Throughout this entire section of the country his hand -made harness has achieved a splendid name for durabil- ity and for finish, and it is the unani- mous verdict that Mr. Frayne's har- ness is unexcelled. He invariably aims. at selling the very hest, and in this way gives the public good values all the time. A full stock of horsemen's supplies of all kinds kept in stock. Single and double harness as well as trunks and valises. Repairing of all kinds done reasonable in price and sat- isfactory as to results. When you want the best give Mr. Frayne a •call. He is one of Exeter's most influential citizens. JOSEPH SENIOR Conducts one of the finest photo- graph galleries in Ontario, which is no. flattery to hini, as it is acknowledged by all to be one of the best anywhere, While.Mr. Senior bas achieved an en- viable name for himself as an artist in that line. The beauty of Mr. Senior's work is that it is all high grade. He has that faculty of bringing out the different complexions in group work, that is the ambition of all photogra- phers, with clearness and precision. When you wish a photo of yourself, a lady friend, or the old folks at home give him a call. He will be sure to give the greatest degree of satisfaction. He makes- a specialty of large work which he executes in a perfect, scientific manner. When you have your next photo taken, in Mr. Senior's beautiful display of photos examine the class of work he executes and you will not hesitate to leave your order there. T. HAWKINS & SON. Among the diversified business in- terests of the town mention must be made of T. Hawkins & Son, who con- ducts a first-class hardware storekeep- ing everything in the lines of heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, ranges, wire fencing, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. In builders' hardware they carry an exceptionally fine stock of every- thing in these lines. If you contemp- late doing any building it may be to your interest to consult them and as- certain their prices. They carry a line of beltnig, brass goods, etc., and do all sorts of plumbing, furnace work and gas fitting in a prompt and satis- factory manner and very reasonable in price. They always aim at pleasing their customers. They are agents for the McOlary celebrated Pandora range that has no equal in this country. They are also agents for the McOlary that, •t s fufurnaces, it issaid, tree about one half the amount of fuel of any other furnace manufactured. When ,you want hardware at tockbottorn prices, a stove, range or furnace put in,' give T.1-lawkin s & Son a chance to figure on it. They claim to save you money in your investment. As townsmen: they are men universally esteemed, E. A. FOLLICK Conducts a leading bakery, eonfec• tionery and restaurant here; In con- fectionery he carries the very best lines` of high grade goods of all kinds. Fruits in season and ice cream parlors in connection, Soda water fountain and coal and refreshing drinks served. Oysters in season and served in any style. Ile also serves hot drinks and does a good trade in this in the fall and winter. When you want the best results give Mr. rollick a tall,. (Continued on next page.)