HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-20, Page 2e Owners! .. ;r se
Mails and baggage and closes the water-
tight doors, while even titre siren is slrb
feet to rte control.
And the decorative setting of WI these.
luxuries is superb, Smokeroanis tj,nd.
drawing -rooms are garnished . and lip -
holstered like West End rnansiolps; fazee.
MIS artists have designed and executed.
the mural adornments; the magnificent
sitting and sleeping-roorns, music -
reams and saloons are furnished with
Louis XV suites, Sheraton couches and'
tapestried Wails, There is *110,000,000
worth of comfort andssplendor on near-
ly every liner afloat. And the Hamburg -
nlburg-American, liner, envious of the Lusitan-
ia, .has promised to "go one better" than
all this! •
A dare, Speedy, tad Positive Cars.
The safest, Rest BLISTER ever used. Taker
SuLploce of.all Itnaiuent1 TOT mild TIT saycre aottou.
faSto0Vesall Hunches or Biorutebes from laorsos.
_RY9ry bottea impost-04
is warranted, to give saar tisfactioitn
!rice *01..50 per bottle, Sold by druggists, or sent
Dy aspreae, olaar„es plaid, With fall directions for
AO nee. Send for descriptive ofeulars
,Tha T.tuwreraoa.lS'riToronto.s
and uuimprorod lands, in the Pen hold tail,
heat district ; from eight to ttrenty dollars per
re; correspondence solicited. A. J. S'l'}i0.NO,
etlllold, Alberta.
Ve make a specialty of Farm Lands in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Atbertes.
Special bargains on the new G. T. P.
(Ely. in the greatest wheat country in the
12 Merchants Bank Building,
Winnipeg, Man.
, 1-I O I4 E
Fort, pars so roe a..,14 bare
Langbx Iota in Dearer far 1100
oa which .mw ataad .tonaw�iah
(rind SIAM a year real.
Daces baa a ropw .f
*1,. repars
'u atLppLoan
on}i,ary midi/we lot, is diuricta Stas*? r•p••-
Lad bring fro.. MO to £2.000 .aai.
Washington ington Heights
,.- T .. bight* sad mrt .;,,},ty'widitbo u Oo. .:s
f.rniahS.t a pe,4ea vier, of Nail leak .na the
Roar'fountain. for a Nat.. of TS miles.
gwrlo,iiag,Wa,bicgtoe P.A. An ideal vat.
Lots 25125 Feet for $100
30 CASfi , u PDX %cunt
di'ftktsa a.,.... bees,. - pe ..areae...
s avast. or .. i hi a.. 120RxzY'(.0
air. r yr..a...d ',dors
:. "y. Y.
,.bar .aa�,.ram.e.
, i. O.... .aa f n,a..w...e
Qa:, i w . time 44....aaa4 aor=ta,., DaM
>d51 .o0 Saar. a.t.,t So ... esa e..., lam,.
10 Co...71)4a:4 u 'Donn, C.}..4.
!f >m Yea n.aa..w n aO ia t.ww..nti r
Quality in Spoons,
,vis and -forks
HIGHEST quality and Iowest
price are combined in Plated
Silverware from Diamond Hairs own
peeial attention is called to the
following prices for heavy quality
in a richly plain pattern that reminds
one of old-time family sterling ware.
Tea Spoons - $3.00 doz.
Dessert Forks or
Spoons - .•
Dessert Knives - 4.50 doz.
5.00 doz.
We send upentreguesf free of charge
our large illustrated catalogue.
Rya &Ltd
Parties desirous of purchasing
farm lands in Western Canada
are invited to communicate with
the undersigned, who have for
42.09000 ACRES
r Lars
in all parts of Alberta.
$9 TO $112 PER ACRE
R3 per acre at time of purchase
ant: the balance spread over
nine years if desired.
Special railway rates to pur-
Correspondence solicited.
Op 111, Cr &
M Sl
q d
P. 0, Box 1,694.
Vessel Must be Oipantic, Indeed, and
Well .Equipped to Outclass
Present Service.
Yet another bid for the blue riband
of the Atlantic! Hardly has the colossal
Cunarcler Lusitania left the slips than
the ilarnburg-American line 'announces
its determination to take up the chal-
lenge for supremacy. Not satisfied with
Weir mammoth Amerika and Kaiserin
Auguste Vieto'ria, the Germans are to
build a vessel which will exceed in size
and speed the Lusitania, at the present
the fastest, largest, and heaviest steam-
ship in the world, says the London Ex-
The Lusitania and Mauritania, sister
ships, each have a gross tonnage of
38,200, as against the Kaiserin's 25,000.
The next Hamburg -American must,
therefore, very greatly exceed the Kais-
crin in size and weight. She must be
aver 787 feet long and 88 feet broad.
tier speed will have to be over 25 knots,
her horsepower above 800,000, and she
must carry at least 3,200 passengers and
800 cre'iv.
A quarter of a century ago an expert
in the Engineers declared an ocean
speed of 25 miles an hour an impossi-
bility. But the Lusitania will steam
29% miles, and the forthcoming Ham -
.burg -American well over 80. Another
quarter of acentury and ocean speed
may have increased another 50 per cent.
Later experts have made amazing Lore -
casts. In the last thit'd of a. century
the tonnage of Atlantic liners increased
flvefold; if, therefore, their capacity
were to increase in like ratio during the
next third of a century, the largest
steamer in the year 1940 would be near-
ly 70,000 tons. Her corresponding di-
mensions would be: Length, 1,000 feet;
breadth, extreme, at upper deck, 120
feet; depth, 75 feet. The Lusitania's
length is 787 feat, breadth 88 feet, depth
60 feet.
This, however, is merely the modest
prognostication of a practical shipbuild-
er. H. G. Wells, dreamer and roman-
cer, might picture whole cities afloat by
We are told that the next Hamburg-
American will go one better 'in. the mat-
ter of luxury as well as size. She is to
be equipped with Turkish baths, and a
swimming tank for the use of passen-
But she will have to be a very
derful creation indeed if she is to excel
existing liners in luxury of accommo-
1 dation. Shipowners vie eagerly with;
each other in providing accessories to
passengers' comfort, as a survey of their
recent announcements will show.
Handsomely fitted gymnasia are the
latest allurements. The Hamburg -Am-
ericans have them, of course, so have
the B.M.S.P. Aragon and the North Ger-
man liner Prinz Eitel Friedrich. The
gym on the last-named is 25 feet long,
12i feet wide and fifteen feet high. It
contains.. aneelligeccu 0' S YLi5El e3e"ckri-
i cal health machines.
is a feature of the C.P.R. company's
Empress of Ireland. An incitation beach
composed of Clyde sand is constructed'
en the upper deck and here juvenile
passengers may shovel and build sand
castles all day long. The vessel also
has a nursery, well stocked with toys.
Ocean libraries have not been too well
stocked heretofore and the companies
are beginning to give better considera-
tion to this department. The Cunard
line has just undertaken to provide pas-
sengers with first-rate service of books,
the volumes being renewed after each
voyage in order to include the newest
and most important works of the day.
The catering system is being revised
in a somewhat remarkable way. On
the newest Hamburg -Americans
are now served ala carte. Passengers
may take tickets to include the custo-
mary dining -saloon meals, or they may
],c liberty with the 1 e rt
y of using the res-
taurant when and as they please.
The Amerila's a la carte restaurant
is on the sixth deck, and its accommo-
dates 120 persons. This is in addition
tr the main dining -room, where 400 per-
sons may take the usual table d'liote
service. The Kaiserin's a lacarte res-
taurant, adapted for 140 people, is the
largest afloat.
Bathing facilities on Atlantic liners
have been considerably improved of
late. The Kai.serin has well -furnished
suites of apartments connecting with
private hath and toilet -rooms, while
many single rooms have their own
baths. The Amerika has luxurious elec-
tric and hydropathic baths, attended by
professional masseurs. On the Car -
mania even the steerage has its own
needle and shower baths.
aboard the I(aiserin is the palm -court
and garden, a delightful lounge where
afternoon tea is served and where the
surroundings all tenet to realize the at-
mosphere of a palmarium in a London
The invention of evireless telegraphy
f., revolutionizing the amenities of ocean
travel. A Marconi installation
most up-to-date type is a feature of the
Amerika and the Cunard boats publish
n "Marconi daily newspaper." Liners
converse with each other by wireless
many miles apart in mid-Atlantic, antl
keep in touch with the share from 'Liv-
erpool to Sandy klook, receiving daily
all the current news from hoih shores.
Thus the fear of disaster is lessened, for
assistance may be silrnmoned from con-
sideratble distances, while the facfiilies
for social and business intercourse are
immeasurably increased.
Electricity, indeed, has worked won-
ders in the development of the ocean
greyhound. Lifeboats are now raised
and lowered by eleciirlc-power; electric
motors heave the sounding line, hoist
the passenger lifts, and drive all the
auxiliary machinery in the stoI`holds,
bakery, galley, pantry and refrigerate
ing-rooms, ilectricity lights and Yenta
Wei the ship, works the searchlights.
and signalingapparatus, conveys stores,
Millions of the Insects Put Englishmen.
to Rout.
At Sandwich, England, what is de-
scribed as resembling a black thunder-
cloud advanced out 'of a fog which
overhung the sea on. a regent afternoon,.
and crossing the sand hills spread over
the town and then descended. The
cloud proved to consist of millions of
winged ants. Pedestrians covered their
heads with handkerchiefs and fled pre-
cipitately into shops and houses. while
thousonds of the insects covered horses
and vehicles in the street. The River
Stour was covered with a thick black
layer. Later the visitation continued
toward Beal and Ramsgate.
London is suffering from a plague of
mosquitoes and from iialesclen in the
north to Wimbledon in the .south there
are complaints of their ravages: Phy-
sicians 'n all parts have been consulted
by persons sunering from septic poison-
oisoning caused by bites. •
South Kensington's residents .. who
have. suffered severely suggested that.
the pest had been imported in gases
arriving at the museum from various
parts of the globe, but entomolygists
discredit the theory. According to one
authority, there are twenty-five known
species of the family which can live in
the British climate and some have the
disagreeable characteristics of the for-
eign mosquito. •
Every, mother dreads that period in
her baby's life known as teething time.
The little gums are swollen, inflamed
and tender; the child suffers greatly,
and is so cross and irritable that the
whole household is on. edge. All this
is changed in homes where 13aby's Own
Tablets are used. This medicine allays
the inflammation, softens the swollen,
tender gums, brings the teeth through
painlessly. In proof Mrs. W. C. McCay,
Denbigh, Ont., says: "I have found
Baby's Own Tablets a splendid medi-
cine at teething time. My baby was
very sick at that tate, was cross, rest
less and had no appetite. • After giv-
ing her the Tablets there was a marked
improvement, and in the course of a
few days she was not like the same
child. The Tablets are just the medi-
cine to help little ones over the trying
teething time." You can get Baby's
Own Tablets from any druggist or by
mail at 25 cents a box by writing The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
To be Retold in Letters of an Engineer
of the Fleet.
Letters written to his wife in diary
form by a M. Politvsky, Chief Engineer
of Admiral Rojestvensky's .fleet, are
about to be published through ari Eng-
lish. translation with a London imprint.
The letters dealing with the Russian at-
tack upon the defenseless Hull fisher-
men on the morning of October 22, 1904,
throw such a strong light upon the corn -
mission's report on . the Dogger Bank
outrage that it is not strange that M.
Politovsky, who finally met his death.
in the battle of Tsushima, was not call-
ed upon to testify.
The report states that at 1 o'clock in
the morning a x< suspicious .vessel was
observed from the Suvaroff, which bore.
every 'appearance of being a torpedo
boat. Of this incident M, Politvsky
"A small fishing vessel was tossing
helplessly on the seal We saw her quite
distinctly, the black and red of her sides,
her single funnel and the bridge, but
nobody was on deck; panic-stricken, all
had probably taken refuge below. The
unhappy vessel had been the target for
the concentrated fire of our guns. I
matched our shells explode. * The
whole world will now ring with this
shameful outrage."
Concerning the fate of the Russian
vessel Aurora he wrote:—
"A terrible incident has just been re-
ported from the. Aurora; her hull has
been pierced- above water line in four
different places, her funnels are riddled,
the chaplain is 'severely • and her com-
mander slightly wounded. The Aurora
had evidently drawn the fire of our
squadron. In company with the Don-
snoy. she was tar, away in the distance,
our order of advance being in division
of six. In the confusion of the firing
somebody evidently mistook"her for a
Tapanese ship, and brought the six-inch
guns to bear on ter—she was at a. great
M. Politaysky added that "permission
has been asked to make for the nearest
port to convey flim (the :chaplain; lo a
h s ttal .blit the' acheiral
tl has refused
p s
$5,000 b*n,WARD will
paid to any
person who proves. that
Sunlight Soap coutaltlsatly
injurious chemicals or any
form of aduitOration.
is equally good with hard or soft water.
If you. use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you thrill get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old fashioned way:
As Sunlightcontains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics and daintysilks andlaces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Laver Brother. Limited, Toronto
Tour money refunded
by the dealer From whatp you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any
cause for complaint.
Baby camels are great pets in South!
Africa, and are nursed and tended and
even carried about by their attendants.
During the first few months they weigh
no more than an ordinary dog.
Race horses must have every luxury,
if the hest they are capable of is to be
got outof there. Their stalls are really.
rooms, at .least four tunes the size of an
ordinary stall, so that the equine occu-
pont has plenty of space for rolling on a
bed of straw three or four feet in depth,
which is renewed with fresh material
every day or two. Each stall is provided
with a door or wire net, to exclude flies,
and disinfectants areuse to prevent the
breeding of those Insects in the drop-
pings of the animal, It should be mer-
(toned, by the 'way, that the owner
usually • pays ten per cent. of alt his
rvinnings to the trainert
alttny a man's good fortune is due to
the wi:1T power of a deceased relative.
If attacked with cholera or summer
complaint of any kind send at once for
a bottle .of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial and use it according to direc-
tions. It acts with .wonderful rapidity
in subduing that dreadful disease that
weakens thestrongest elan and that
destroys the young and delicate. Triose
who have • used this cholera medicine
say ft acts promptly and never falls to
effect:a thorough crane.
Music is said to have charms to soothe
the savage breast. but some music is
calculated to render the peaceful breast
The delicious flavor of "SAI..AI)A"Tea
is due largely to the care used in the
cultivation and preparation and to the
fact that it is packed in sealed lead
packages which prevent it coming in
contact with articles that would affect
its flavor.
"I thought May Gidday was going to
marry old Gotrox."
"She was, but she has broken the en-
"What for"
"When she accepted him he told her
she had put new life into him."
Suffer no More. --There are thou-
sands who live miserable lives because
dyspepsia dulls the faculties and she
dows existence with the cloud of de-
pression. One way to dispel the va-
pors that beset the victims of this dis-
order is to order them a course of Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills, which are
among the best vegetable pills known,
being easy to take and are most eflica-
cioua in their action. A trial of them
will prove this.
-nerve iuIUnr wlll'aD' iS wot•Se," mut-
tered young Blunderheels at the ,swell
reception, retreating .to a corner and
wiping his perspii•i:ig brow; "hut I be-
lieve I would rather be run over by a
train than step on. one."
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is beet when used in the Sunlight way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
"So you want to marry mydaugh-
ter?". remarked the old gentleman. "I
certainly do," replied the youth. "Well,
what are your prospects?" persisted the
old gentleman. "My dear sir," replied
the• youth, "the prospects of any fellow
who marries the daughter of a man art
rich and- influential as you are ought to
be splendid."
In Fields Far Off.—Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
trio Oil is known in Australia, South
and Central America as well as In Cat-l-
atlads arid the United States and its con-
sumption increases each year. It teas
made its own way, and' all that needs
to be done ia; to keep its name before
the public. Everyone knows that it is
to be had at any store, for all mer-
chants keep it.
"Does your wife take an interest :n
current politics?" asked the earnest
woman. "No," replied Mr. Farman,
"she don't. But if it's currant jelly or
currant pie, why, I believe she could
.tell you more things about 'em than
you ever dreamt of."
Every wheel on a Pullman car is made
of paper. The body of the wheel is a
block of paper about four inches chick.
Around' thisis a rim of steel measuring
from two to throe inches. It is this steel
rim, of course, which domes in contact
with the rails. The sides are covered
with circular iron plates, bolted on.
"The last time you were sentenced
what were you guilty of?"
"Well, yet Honor, 1 was sent up for
horse stealin', but dal ain't„,wot I' was
guilty : 01."
"What then?"
"Judge, g. I'm almost ashamed ter con-
fess 11; but I was guilty of Kirin' a
lawyer ter defend me."
" OS ■AWA'
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices vary'ng from $2.85 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the OSHAWA' shingles. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest °company of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SiDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSIIAWA" Shingles.
Write to -day.
'TWIG 3E1 3MX9Ia.E3►.30, 'ia 3.23£1',
roalrQai, we.l oilawa, Om. Tomo, Oat. loaOaa, Oai. W111111134, Mon. Vaacouucr,8.G.
et. 11Oolboruest 69 Duudaset. 70 Lombard 615 Ponderst.ars. I
321-8 W Craig St.423 Sussex �
Write your Nearest Oftico.—IIEAI OFFICE IND WORKS —OsIIAWA, Ont
More Safe
TH 1 Nw °j..
and Sure
Than an Investment in
Toronto Real Estate.
$34,000—FOR INVESTMENT—Block of new solid brick
-Lrntrs'vs-romroi---s 0-3.oarn'-ioase.tA pay over zo per cent. net: most cen-
trally situated on quiet residential street. As owner has other houses
,nd.r construction these are offered at a bargain.
S. FRANK WILSON, Owner, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
h Western Canada
Two cornering
Sauctions, selects
ed lands in
Saskatchewan, only 8 ,piles from two railways, C.P.E...b 0,T.J,'.
Strung soil, 00 per cont. plough land, spring oreek, no sloughs.
About 40 milds N.S. of Indian dead. Pace 8i0.50 per sere.
Write for leap and full particulars.
R. PARSONS, of Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.
"Things are not as they used to be,"
said the man of melancholy reminis-
"No," answered Mr. Dustin Stax. re-
gretfilly. "The time was when great
wealth. wouldget a man out of trouble.
w u
Now it gets him into it." f
Pale, sickly children should use
Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator.
Worms are one of the principal causes
of. suffering in . children and should be
expelled from the system.
Icebergs frequently stand more than
'200 feet above the surface of the sea, but
for every cubic foot above the surface
there are eight cubic feet below.
After Wasting Fevers hasten recovery to
health by the use of "I!errovim.,' It is the beat
tonic. It builds, strengthens and gives new
vitality. Try it, it will slake you feel stron3.
She (cuttingly): "There is no doubt
about it—marriage does improve a
man's politeness." He (surprised):'
"How so?" She (blandly): "Well, you
frequently get up and offer me a chair
now. Before we were married you never
gave me more than half a one."
Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific for
the removal of corns and warts. We
have never heard of its failing to re-
move even the worst kir d.
The Japanese House of Representatives
consists of 300 members, elected by bal-
lot each member receivingsalary.
House of Peers consists of members of
the 'Royal Family, prances and marqu-
esses. counts, viscounts, and barons,
elected ns representatives of the several
orders, and persons elected for seven
•years by and from the fifteen higl:ost
taxpayers in each city and prefecture.
The Sams of India, a heterodox sect
or Hindus, are considered to be the
champion fasters of the world.They fast
as part of their religion, and amongst
thele fasts fs of thirty, forty, and fifty
days at a time are considered nothing
out of the way, but only as stn ordinary
part of their worship.
Meld: "Wan ov thir dozen eggs is no.
use. Will ye please change ft?" Coun-
terman: "Certainly, miss. Whore is it?"
Med, On the shtep of the shop dure---lt
shlipped' as I wont out
"Have you been through algebra, Miss
Highschool?" "M'yes, I think so ; but
it was.at night, so we didn't see nisch
of the town!"
They .Wake the Torpid Energies. —
Machinery not properly _supervised and
heft to run itself, very soon shores fault
in its working. It is the same with the
digestive organs. Unregulated from time
to time they are likely to become torpid
and throw the whoin system out of
gear. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills were
made to meet such cases. They restore
to. the full the flagging faculties. and
bring into order all parts of the me-
An aurist was so remarkably clever
that, having exercised his skill in a
very deaf lady indeed, who had Leen
hitherto insensible to the nearest and
loudest noises, She had the happtncss
next day of hearing from her husband
in South Australia..
Tiny tubercles on tho skin of scrofulous pea
•pple produce the htleens disease called lup,ta
Weaver's Cerate, used in time, will save the skin
from destination. Apply to all affected parte.
Cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup.
.Wife : "I caught Bridget starling the
fire this morning with porafin, John."
Husband : "Ilow much do wo owe
her ?" Wife : "Four months' wages."
Husband : "Well, let her go on with the
Here is Sotiang that
News to Many aDiscouraged One.
"For several 'years
1 have been troubled
with gas around my
heart, shortness of
breath, my food slid
not digest property.
II turned sour in uiy
st mulch, calking -Ole
great distress oflcn
William It. Beed, too, I had disagree-
able attacks of belch-
elching gas ` and heartburn, and severe
pains across the small of my back.
u '
I tried Dr. I.eonhi rdts Anti -Pill
from the very Ctrst found relief. Anti.
Pill has indeed cared me."
This is the voluntary statement of
Wm. H. Reed, of 165 Queen St., King-
ston, Ont.
Ail dealers or The Wilson s'ttle CAI., _.
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
T N U [SSW) N0. 37--$