HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-20, Page 1Phone 25.- Advocate When yon want A.NY- THING that an ureto-date printing office can do. Let. eststyles, newest types, prompt work, right price, Lang Distance Phone. TWENTIETH YEAR. Real Estate Change Made ;for you oil reason- able terms. We have Ill equallar.t facilities to rent,,, sell or buy either farm or village property, Try it, /SANDERS 45 CXf.EEC EXETER, ONTARIO, . THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 20, 1906. SANDERS & CREEP BUSIN . , BANKING The Sovereign Bank of Canada's up-to-date methods facilitate the despatch of business for linen of affairs. No red tape. ,Proper degree of Conservatism combined With enterprise trade for soundness and satisfactory banking service. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. SAVINGS DLeARTMA.NYS THg DANK THAT PAYS 1NrinteaT 4 VMS* A Y.Ari ' At ALL SIANGNtS 1 JOS. SNDLL Manager at r�ete1 Crediton, 'andDashw Dashwood, 1 i'•srF.k %a.,' a -. ..:*..p.. . The Old Reliable WHERE... - aid Cain get his wife has puzzled Bible students for ages. We don't know. We do know where You. Can Get the Best Line of Goods to be had anywhere. Full value for the money is our motto. Any one who knows the value of money will call and examine our goods and see the big bargains we are offering. Well! Well!! The new good are still coming. We have just receiv- ed a large line of - REA'DY-TO-WEAR CLOTH1PJC in Mens', Youths' arid Boys' Tweed Suits. Now some of these lines we are going to clear at a bargain. Dome in and have a look. Suits marked in plain figures. "Cloths to please the lads and prices to please the dads." Gents' Furnishings a Specialty Have a fine assortment of .TIES, SHIRTS and HATS. The latest and nobbiest. "My its chilly these evenings! Say! wife, won't you go to 'The Old Reliable' and get me some of those Elastic -ribbed un- derwear. They handle the Penangle in light, medium and heavy weights. Highest price paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. ProfesslonaI Card's. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Oarling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DB. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST, eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Medical AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER . College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence; East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Legal. T110KSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLIDI- ', tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. 3 offcitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. CARLING, B.A., - L, 13.. Dresses MONEY TO LOAN. w We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est. GLADMAN'& STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main st., Exeter On LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorourhness Farm for Sale Lot 11, Con. 2, Biddulph, property of the late Pat- rick Carey; a splendid farm. The London and Wes- tern Trusts Company, Limited.. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be reoeived, by the Village Cleric, Jos. Senior, for the building of a house at the cemetery. Plans and'specifications can be seen at the the Clerk's office, Tenders will be opened hnd,irt.24,1906.dQ. yS, LOT. FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate on Main, street, north of the plaining mill. This ie a splendid property, well located, and should make an excellent building site. Will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Mallett, Exeter FOR SALE One of the best farms on London Rd, north of Ex- eter, containing 100 aores; 90 acres of which under cultivation, 10 aores first-class hardwood bush. This farm is a thoroughly up•to-date one, tine brick houses large hank barns, all in good repair; well watered, well drained and well fenced, good orchard, and is situated in one of the very hest farming communities in the Province of Ontario, and convenient to both Exeter and Hensall Markets, Terris are easy. For further particulars- apply to Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Barristers, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE William Brown...._ ..- Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of Musicians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Ohurch,Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont. Sale Registers. FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 -Farm Stock and implements, the property of Arthur Sanders, Lot 21, Con. 3, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jas. Stanley, anat. A first-class farm, Lot 0, Con. 3, Usborne, contain- ing 100notes, with g ggeed anter draining. On the 1eremites are a good trona house 20x30, kitehen 12x 8; frame barn 38x50; hank barn 30%52; granary 2ix 24, all in gond repalr;1 sere of orchard. The Tarin Is 804 miles fromExeter, with aschool en the lot and a church opposite, Price 37000, half in cash and bal- e ioe en mortgage, er other eonditiens to suit ptlr. chaser. Apply to Matthew Kellaud, Centralia, ot'to. Relied Kellum', Exeter. ,►_' il:: Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South Huron. Notice is here- by giyen that James Hannan, of the Township of Stephen, has made application for permission to transfer his township tavern license for the premises, in the Township of Stephen, known as the Shipka Hotel, to Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend, and that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners, to be held at Com- mercial Hotel, in the Village of Hensall, on the 29th day of Sept., 1900, at the hour of 10 ani. All persons interested will govern themselyes ac • cordingly, John Torrance, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton, this 8th day of Sept., 1900. Auction Sale -OF- FARM STOCK ' & IMPLEMENTS The undersigned will sell by public anction, on LOT 21, CONCESSION. 15, STEPHEN -oN- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1906. at 1 o'clock, p.m., the foliowingproperty, viz: 1 general purpose mare, ll -yr -old, supposed to be in foul to Rakerfield; 1 gelding, 3 -yr -old by Old Indi- an Chief;1 gelding, 2 -yr -old, by Albion; 1 filly, 1 -yr - old; 1 colt, 1 -yr -old by Brinker Sprague; 1 filly, 3 months old; 1 thoroughbred cow in calf, 1 thorough- bred heifercalf, 5 cows in calf; 2 2 -yr -old steers, 5 yearlings, 2 heifers, 2 -yr -old, supposed to be in calf; 4 spring calves, 2 brood sows in pig, 2 yearling Iambs, Leicesters; a number of hens, Massey -Harris binder, Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft. cut; hayrake, combined drill, Cockshutt riding plow, walking plow, iron har- rows, scuffler, top carriage,.cart, 2 wagons, 1 pair sleighs, Noxon Disc, fanning' mill, straw' cutter, Maple Leaf grinder; weigh scales, capacity 1000 lbs; turnippulper 2 set double harness, neckyokes, whifetrees, chains of all kinds, hoes, shovels, rakes, cream separator, emery stone, and numerous other articles. Positively all will be sold without reserye as the proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS: -Sums of 55 and under, rash; over that amount 6 month8' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 3 per cent, orf for cash mi credit amounts. E. BOSSENBERRY, Auct, WM. EHLERS, Prop. THREE - TIMES as many students were enroll- ed at mix. opening this year as last year, The cause is, that all our graduates receive .ex- cellent situations in leading Catistdian and American cities. _, W�y hgha�n Business College is it live in institution: Itdoes' things. Catalogue for the asking. GEO. sk'Ol'I'ON •Priacipai. The eter Boune'I not1i r Successful Fair The Council met on the loth, All present. Minutes read and approved, he (matter of street watering assess- Attend aii a Far Exceeds Previous merit was taken np and it was moved by Jas, Creech, seconded by A. E. Yearn-Uireetors Well Pleased With Re - 'Puke that the rate he 12c. pec' foot, sults-Exhibits Class Up Well and Excel Notices were to be immediately served Penner Years In Many Respects -Gross and Court of Revision - held on Sep- Receipts Over $1000 -Venetian Band tenaber 24, at 7.80 p.m. -Carried. The. following accounts were ordered to be A Meritorious Attraction, paid: C. B. Snell, electric lighting, $103.60; Wm. Jacobi, drawing fire en- The Stephen &UsborneAgricultural gine,$2; H. Parsons, four weeks street Society, in conjunction with the South , ., gas Huron Agricultural Society, and all aliwateringne, $9.59;$42; BuellQueen �C RoweCity, lininOitCog; $3.t3U. those interested in the two societies Geo: Oudmore, labor, $4; Thos. Creech, can rejoice over the very successful re- ]ober, $7; W. J, Bissett, salary, $32; sults of the fair held here on Monday and Tuesday last, being arecord break - John John cord, salary, $27; Jos. Senior, 6 lr- mos. salary, $62. 50; Jos. Senior as Re-. er of anything heretofore held 'Hader turning officer, $7; S. Sanders, tele- sial at' auspices, There could have grams, 51e; Jos. Oobbledick, cement, been no' two opinions regarding the $1.121 Creech -Heiman -that the Reeve weather; it being tine and very warm. andTreasurer be empowered to borrow The crowd that . passed through the $500 if needed. Creech -Heiman- turnstile numbered well into the thous - that the Reeve obtain advice on the ands, being probably the largest crowd matter of collecting a transient fee that leas ever assembled on the from Mr. Broderick. A busy half grounds. hostwas spent fixing rate of taxation The special attraction this year was finally agreed on the Venetian Band. This refined'or- for the year. It was motion of Messrs. Creech and Treble ganization is composed of musicians of that the rate be 21 mills on the dollar. the highest sense of the term and lov- Debenture indebtedness accounts fora ei's of music enjoyed a rare treat. miller, the school for 5 mills, the Their selections, including many pop- county 2 mills, apd the town 10 mills. .ular• airs, as well as difficult pieces, The three former are uucontroliable ere rendered with excellent effect, the and thisyear they demand an extra hr;rrnany being exquisite. mill, • owing to the trustees asking for The gate receipts amounted to near $200 more than East year and the ly $700,' while the total gross receipts county asking for $300 more. 'They reaehei over $1000. account for 1 mill extra, while the pay- . The indoor display was especially ing of double the usual amount on the good. The ladies had succeeded in Town Hall accounts for the other. furnishing nice things andtheir hand Reeve Bobierietated that the insurance 'work was aanapicunus on all sides, awhir© the hall contained many Wei - adjuster was here and the company would pay the claim re house at came-ness displays of a striking character. tery in full, $700. The council ajonrn- The showing of horses was exceed- ed to Sept. 24th. ingly good, probably the best ever a shown in Exeter, at least the concen- FALL MILLINERY OPENINGS sulna he nitledep htnient the cattle department all classes, save the Polled Angus class, which ex - During the week the millinery es- isted only in blame were well repre- tablishments of town have been hold- .sen ted. ing their fall millinery openings.Many fine sheep and swine were to The be seen, an. Geo. Penhale's winnings display of hats is as usual very beautf in Lincolns again this year being con- ful, brilliant in colors, varied in size spicously numerous. and shape, with trimmings of many The poultry exhibit was again very kinds. In size we find the large Gains large and of a high order of merit. borough for dress wear, the small, long The roots, vegetables and fruit were turbine effects, ready-to-wearsend sai- numerous and large and of an excel- lors predominating, while the medium lent numerous y: size is not lost sight of. Any sized hat Considerable fun was had out of is, well within the fashion. In shapes bronco rat of• three heats in which there are the "Vesta, Tilly" with wide there were three entries. They won regular rim and high crown, the sinal ler sailor, the "Beatrice"with SMel in the following aider: -J. Piper on crown and wide turned up ria►, and Snell &B awe's grey, S. Elliott on Dr. "Hood." In colors there is the white: Rawsay' ., hay; F. Bawden on Wes. hat with black trimmings and the Heywoo,d•s brown. W. R. Elliott was black with white trimmings; also navy, 3 .The Entertainment in the evening ..•.a.�c-�... .,. .. •. , a ,.-.� reside greens, brown, old rose, plum-: Lulu Po-tter Ricb, was of a high order In trimmings black and white are con- and to the lovers of music proved a spicuons, while there'is agreat variety treat rarely enjoyed. The aggregation of wings, quills, coque and peacock feathers, ostrich; ribbons in Dresdenembraces artists of marvellous talent, and their various selections were list - fancy stripes and plaids; of flowers, par- ened to with great interest and pleas- ocularly i efor oth roses of all colors; Erre. The selections by Miss Lula Pot - and marine for bandeau trimmings' ter Rich were admirably rendered. The variety in the models of hats is be Possessing as she does a pa,rtictilerly such a range that every face may charming and well-rounded voice of suited to a becoming hat. A promin- remarkable sweetness and volume ent feature is the drooping effect in she was a favorite. The attendance both brim and trimmings. The ban- was ood, deau plays an important part, while Following are the prize winners:- the brims of the large hats are, as a rule, straight and regular, with little inclination to turns and twists. Where General Purpose -Brood mare, Wm. a large hat has an up turning brim it Morlock, R Birch 2 and 3; foal, R Birch is invariably of a regular character. The small hat is sometimes more ir- 1 and 2; 3 -year-old, W Hyde, W Ma- guire 2 and 3; 2 -year-old, Jno High, H regular in outline. Kraft, teaW'D, unsford; 1 -year-old, John Exeter has four first-class millinery mJ. Decker, R Hunter, T E establishments and in each of.them Handford. one finds the same general character- Agricultural -Brood mare, W Dixon istics, varied according to the individ- & Son; W Wren, R Birch, foal, R uality of the ladies in charge. One Birch, Dixon & Son, J. Oolwill; 3 -year particularly pleasing hat at Miss Mor- old, Simon Hunter. Dickson & Son, lock's was of small size, narrow brim Rich Yellow; 2 -year-old, J E Cheery, gently upturned and covered with Craven Bros., T Hern; 1 -year-old, T folded velvet, a Glengarry crown civ- Passmore; team, J J .Hogarth, W T ered with folded silk, trimmed very Elliott,. W Patrick; Sweepstakes, -W high on left side with a bow of black Elder, taffeta ribbon, buckle and wings, and Heavy Draught -Brood mare, W knots of ribbon on the bandeau.- Bernick 1 and 2, J Rowcliffe; foal W At J. A. Stewart's, where Miss San- Wren J Rowcliffe, W Kernick; 3 -year ders is the head milliner; was seen a old, T Shapton, W Wren, Dixon & Son; pretty, large hat of plum douche vel- 2 -year-old, W Bawden; A Turnbull, W vet, covered plain, with a slight bell H Passmore; 1 -year old, J Horton, R crown and trimmed with a wreath of Birch, W Bawden; team, S Hunter, roses and foliage. On the left side W Kernick, Dixon & Son; sweepstakes, were two plumes with a knot of vel- vet on a high bandeau. -At Snell & S Hunter. H Taylor,Parkhill; Wm Rowe's where Miss Steinbach is in Fawcett, Mitchell; Wm Rae, St. Pant charge we found a pretty Peter Pan Hackneys. -2 -year-old, W Coates; 1 - shape, similiar to a Glengarry, long d ' turban year-old, `W Morlock. HORSES crown wide brim turns up in ur en Roadsters -Brood mare, W Coates, fashion, voveand with dark greed foal, A Bissett. G Rowcliffe, W Coates; panne velvet, and trimmed with ie plaid r -old W Witzel,D Schnell, B R Jones Clans and blue be White Hi gins; 2 -year-old, Rennie, J Jones & Clark's where Miss White is g Del - in charge was seen a handsome large bridge, J Decker; 1 -year-old, A Reid, soft crowned hat,with a narrow point-. R Birch; team, W Buchanan, TLRod- ed oblong. brim. It was covered with gel's, Hagen Bros.; roadster, 3 Mc- black silk applique, and trimmed with Naughton, P M Chesney, J Sparrow; two black semi lumes faIlin' over the lady driver, J Decker, Dew Bros., W hair, and two large bows of black satin Buchanan; Sweepstakes, W Wetzel: ribbon at the back of the crown. Carriage -Brood mare, E Obristle, • H. Elworthy, D Schnell; foal E Chris- The work train goingnorth Satur- tie, U Schnell, H Elworthy; 3 -year-old, day ran over and killed a man Warned S Hunter, R Birch, D L Bentley; 2- year-old, Paul Madge, Nelson Watson. Sarre. Appleby at honesbot'o. R N Rowe; 1 -year-old, W Elliott, T. eme Russell, D Schnell; team, J Oolwill; Approaches single horse, W Buctianfan, J E Creery, N cher a stakes Sale Bill Season roc. J. Hannan, Sweepstakes, J P. --�, fortb• Jas. ; S Hunter, Judges Robt. Wilson, Seaforth , Oar friends, the farmers, will some McFarlane, Falkirk; Peter McGregor, of them soon be selling their farms, Brucefleld. farm stock, implements, etc. When CATTLE, they do so they want a"good sale." y H Sm%th The beat wa to get it is to have ThorobredShor'thorn-Cr w, , , • 'i T noised' and 3; 2 -year-old heifer, 11 your bills printed here and the sale advertised in Smith 1,' 2, H. Crich; 1- year-old heifer, 11 Smith, 1 2; Sr. heifer calf, II Smith, The Exetergeter Advocate H Ci ich 2 and 3; Sr. bull cull, i3 Smith , II Crich: Jr. heifer calf, H Smith, I Thatoes to near] everyhome in Johns; H Crich; Jr, bull calf, 11 Smith, the co mmUnity. nearly wisthing is 11 Crich, H. Crich, H. Smith;' Sweep - to put the whole sale in the paper. stakes, H Smith. It will do more good than the bills Grades -Cow, T Shapton 1 and 2, as the articles are read at leisure' , r Russell; 2 -year-old heifer, RR Elston, in the home not hurriedly as you 1) Haugh, W Russell; 1 year-old heifer ass along the rood. We also give klr T Shapton; heif- y g g J H.awkitu 8 Rueter, p , you a short free notice under "Sale ' „er calf, Gl Moir 1 and 2, .S Hunter; Register. Sweepstakes, Rich Elston Get Oath `Terms. They are Very HeatOttabte 3.�-year-old heifer, T Prior 1 and 2,. hei- fer calf, T Brock, hull calf, T Brock 1. tandL. Butchers Cattle -2 -year-old steer, J Hawkins 1 and 2, W Westeott; 1•year- old steer, T Sheraton, 8 Hunter' 2 and 3; steer calf, 11 Smith, S llunter�,• feat cow, T Shapton, J Hawkins; export steer, 3 Hawkins 1, 2 sand 3, group calves, 11 Calab, 1•I Smith. S BEEP Soathdowns-Aged ram, ram lamb and pen, McIntosh Bros.; ewe, shear - ling ewe, ewe lamb, McIntosh Bros. 1 and 2. S1lropshiredowns-Aged ram, ram lam and pen, A Duncan; shearling rem, ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, A. Dun- can 1 and 2. Lincolns -Aged ram ewe, shearling ewe, (x Penhale 1 and 2; shearling ram, ram lamb, ewe lamb, pen, G Penhale, P. Madge. R .B I took 1 13ell 111 prizes in Leicester sheep. Feat sheep --Fat ewe, A Duncan, G. Pen bale. Judge -Wm. Cooper, PIGS Yorkshire -Boar, Chas Harvey; year- old boar, year-old sow, 0 Harvey, R Birch; 1906 boar, R Birch, 0 Harvey; two-year-old sow, R Birch, 0 Harvey 2 and 3; 1906 sow, R Birch 1 and 2. Berkshire -1906 boar, David Doug- las; 1906 sow, R Birch. Tamworth -Boar, year-old boar, 1906 boar, D Douglas; 2.year-old sow, year- old sow and 1906 sow, D Douglas 1, 2. Pigs for packing, and Diploma pen, D Douglas, 0 Harvey, R. Birch. Judge -T Prior. POULTRY. Silver Penciled Wyandottes-G Hey- wood 1 and 2;' chicks, E Heywood, G Heywood; Light Brehntas, G W Ir- win, Tom Carling, Jr.; chicks, Carling Bros.• Dark Brahmas, G Irwin 1 and 2; Barred PyIrnouth Rocks and chicks, Carling Bros. A Bissett; White Ply- mouth Rocks and chicks, G Irwin, A, Reith; Buff Rocks and chicks, D Row- cliffe 1 and 2; Buff 0ocbins and chicks, and Langsbans and chicks, G Irwin; Black Cochins, A Reith; chicks, G Ir- win; White Oochins, A Reith; Silver Grey Dorkins and chicks, G Irwin 1 and 2; Black Breasted Red Game, G Irwin, T. Carling, Jr., any variety game, Black Red Game, G Irwin; Ban - terns, G Irwin, A Reitb, chicks, A Reith; any variety Bantam, W Carter; chicks, W Carter 1 and 2; Silver Span- gled Hamburg chicks, W Carter; Gol- den Spangled Hamburgs and chicks, W Garter; Silver Penciled Hamburg; W Garter 1 .and 2; Golden Pencilled Hamburg,. W Garter 1 and 2 chicks, W Carter; Black Hamburg, W Carter 1 and 2; Houdans, A Reith, W Carter; chocks, A Reith; Orphington. B Mea- kins W Oartee; chicks, B .Meakin. 1 2; chick IfiDoie as; eietrl�i't*reel-ow d Leghorns, A Reith 1 and' 2; chicks, A Reith, E Heywood; Black Leghorn chicks, W Carter; Buff Leghorns, W J Hem 1 and ;Black Jarvis chicks, G Irwin; Andalustans, T Brock; Black Spanish, A Reith 1 and 2; Black Mi - norms, Jos Senior; chicks, A Reith, J Senior; White Minorcas chicks, A Reith; Silver Laced Wyandottes, W Carter; chicks, W -J Hern, E Heywood; Partridge Wyandotte chicks, E Hey- wood 1, 2; White Wyandotte chicks, 5 Powell 1 and 2; Golden Wyandottes, B Meakins, D Rowtcliffe; chicks, D Rowtcliffe, E Heywood; Buff Wyan- dottes, W Oarter; chicks, W Carter, E Heywood; Black Wyandotte chicks - E Heywood; Rhode Island Reds, Bean Bros.; chicks, Bean Bros., 1 and 2; Bronze Turkeys, W Bowden, A Bis- sett; chicks W Bowden 1 and 2; Tou- louse Geese and chicks, D. Douglas; Bremen Geese and chicks, W Garter; any variety Geese, A Bissett; Pekin Ducks, G Irwin, D Douglas; chicks, G Irwin, A Reid; Rouen Ducks, W Car- ter; chicks, W Carter, W Bowden; any variety ducks, A Bissett, T Brock; chicks, T Brock, A Bissett; Pigeons, T Brock; Belgian Rabbits, Bean Bros, 1 and 2; young, Chas. Dayman; any va- riety rabbits A Reith; Guinea Fowl chicks, A Bissett. IMPLEMENTS • Bobsleighs, E Treble 1 and 2; Iron beam plow and wheelbarrow, James Murray 1 and 2; Wooden pump, A Cottle 1 and 2. . GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, white, 6 -rowed barley, 2 -rowed barley, large oats, common oats, timothy seed, grain in ear, spelts, large peas, J K Wise, M Brethour; fall wheat red, spring wheat, black oats, fax seed, snail peas, M Brethour, J K Wise; white beans, Robt Sanders, M Brethour; clover seed, M Brethour; en- silage corn, J Allison, J Rowe. Judge, Wm. Harding. • HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS ArPLrs.-Collection apples, winter apples, Frank Triebner, Dau Haugh; fall apples, H Kraft, F Triebner; Bald- wins, Pewaukee. F Triebner, R Yel- low; King of Tompkins, A Bissett, Cr. Walker; Northern Spy. Jas Jeckell, F Triebner: R. I. Greenings, E Roeder, G A K McLeod;•Ribston Pippin, F Triebner, S Sanders; Golden Russets, Il Haugh, R Yellow; Roxboro Russets, J Sweet, F Triebnee; Westfield Seek- no -further, E Roeder, H Kraft; Wheal - thy, A McPherson, F• Triebner; Ben Davis, A Neil, A. Bissett; Wagner, L Roeder, R Sanders; Gravenstein, H E Huston; Duchess of Oldenburg, R San- ders, Mrs .1 White: Cabashee, J Sweet A: Neil, Cayuga Red Streak or Twenty Ounce,.1 Sweet, G Walker; _ arrtuse or Snow Apple, 11 Yellow, S Sanders; Col - vette, G A. K McLeod, G Schroeder; Mann, .1 Hawkins, (i} Walker; B helm Orange,' T Sbapton & Son, F Triebner; Maiden Blush, A Bissett F Triebner; Alexander, J Snell, T Brock, sr.; crab apple red H Reynolds G Wal- ker; crab apple yellow, E Roeder, A Bissett, PIIARs-Flemish Beauty, J T Bag- shaw, Duchess of Angoulinet.1 G Sten- bury, tan- b ar , L Day' sr.' Buerre Clairgeau, ;A.. McPherson; C apps Favorite. Ho - Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, R Yellow; Seckel, 5 8aude:i; 13aflri'ed' Anjou, T Carling. Oariing Bros, PEACHES Crawford, E Roe.. der, Mrs. Woeletrd; `any variety, Geo Schroeder, A Neil. PLUMS- Purple, Carling Bros, J T Morgan; Lombards, T Brook Sr., T. Carling; Pond's Seedling ETre- ble, German Prune, W R Elliott, Car- ling Bros. GnAPies-Niagara, G Easterbrook, Darling Bros.; Concord, Pealing Bros,, A McPher'san; Deleware, Rev. Martin, Fred Hogarth; RogersNo.15, Agawan, Carling Bros„ N D Hurdon; Rogers No. 4 Wilder, G A K MoLeod, Rev,.. Martin, MISCELLANEOUS Col. canned fruit, J Decker, Miss H' Brethour, E Roeder; col. canned vege- tables, Miss Brethour; col. home-made wines,Mrs, r Jas Tom, m, Miss I3. Wise; col. honey, honey in jar, A McPherson. Judge -D. French. VEGETABLES. Savoy Potatoes, T Brock, .Sr., Em` pire State, G Schroeder, T Brock, Sr.; Carmen No. 1 G A K McLeod; Rural New Yorkers, G Schroeder', J Hep- burn, any variety, A Neil, J Smell; winter cabbage, T Shapton, A Bissett;,: full cabbage, G Anderson; blood beets, G Anderson, Jas Sweet; globe beets, G Anderson, R Quante; sugar beets, F. Triebner, L Dey, Sr.; long mangolds, C Birney, Wm Kernick, Jas Gould; globe mangolds, C Birney, L Day, sr., L Day, jr.; intermediates, GScbr'oeder' W Kernick, F Roeder; early horn car- rots, L Day, sr., L Day, jr., Nantes carrots, J' Sweet, John Cottee; long orange or red carrots, J Cottle, Thos.. Srnale; field carrots, G Schroeder, L. Day, sr..• sweet corn, Wm Bowden„ Mrs. J Tom; Indian corn, J Rae, M Brethour; water'melons, G Easter - brook, D Haugh; musk melons, G< Schroeder, F Bo arth; Swede turnips,.. W Kernick, G A. K McLeod, J Sweet any variety turnips, L Day, sr., L Rae- der, J Gill; pumpkins, E Raeder, R. Quance; cauliflower, G Anderson 1 and. 2; red onions, 0 Birney, S Sanders;. white or yellow onions, 0 Birney, 3 Cottle; tomatoes, Rev. Martin, J Mur- ray; celery, J Cottle, G. Anderson; cit- rons, 0 Stanlake,T Shapton; parsnips,. Miss M Brethour; Hubbard squash, G Anderson, F Hogarth; table squash,. S Sanders, L Day, sr.; col. vegetables,.. G Anderson, J Gill. Special- Mam- moth squash, 0 Birney. Judge -Amos Doupe. DAIRY PRODUCTS 5 lbs butter, Mrs. Triebner, J Jeck- ell, J Horton, R Rg dd; 10 lbs. butter, H Reynolds, J Horton, J Decker, R. Kydd; po+rnd rolls or• prints, Mrs, Triehner, W Fisher, R Kydd, J T More gale; Special, Rich Yellow, J Horton, J T Morgan; Creamery butter, A Q Flannel, all wool, and all wool, home- made blankets, Miss H Wise;. home- made horse blankets, Miss H Brethour;, cotton weep,H Brethour, Miss Wise; sewing machine, organ, 5 Martin; par- lor furniture, bedroom furniture, up- holstry, Rowe & Atkinson; factory blankets, assorted tweeds, col. boots and shoes, general store goods, tailor's goods and furnishings, millinery, gro- ceries, J A Stewart, single and double barness, P. Frayne; cured ham, Mrs.. (Dr. Sweet, Mrs. J Tom; dairy salt, Exeter Salt Co.; carpenter work, Ross & Taylor; stuffed birds, A McPherson, Judge -J. G. Jones. FINE ARTS Painting in oil landscape, J Senior, . Mrs. 3. White; painting in oil, figure,. Mrs. White, N. Wood; painting in oil, fruit or flowers, Mrs. White, Rev. Fear: water color, landscape, N D Hurdon I and 2; water color, figure, -F Weekes,. - Continued on page Four. BIRTHS GmL-At Grand Bend, Sept 7, to Mr.and Mrs. John • Gill, a son. WELair-In Hensall, on Sept. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Welsh, a daughter. BAALANTv5E-In Usborne, Sept: 10, to Er. and Mrs. James Ballantyne, a daughter. Montoox-In Crediton, Sept. 11, to Mr. and Mrsi John Morlock, a son. MofR-Atllurondale, Sept. 11,toMr, and Mrs. Geo,. Moir, a daughter. W NEa--In Stephen, Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm ,. Winer, a daughter. MARRIAGES. RnseRm,-McNIco1-At theManse, Thames Road, on - Sept. 12,by n-Sept.12,by Rev. Fletcher, Cecil Russell, to Miss Bella, third daughter of the late David MaNicoL FRAYSS-REID-In Hensall, on Sept. 12, by Rev. S.L. Towle, Garnet J. Frayne, of Usborne, to Mise Anna Reid of Exeter. CLARK -WILSON -In London, on Sept. 12, W. D. Clarke of Exeter, to Miss Vivian May Wilson of London. SEnt-HAnmesc-At the home of the bride's mother,. on Sept. 11, by Rev. Seliueike, Edward Seim to, Miss Tena Hartung, both of Zurich. ScnULTz-NADtoE1-At the parsonage, Zurich, on•. Sept. 10, by Rev. Schuelke, Wm. Schulte, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., to Miss Mary Nadigar,. Dashwood. SANDEEs-1i5smLs-At the parsonage, Hensall, on Sept. 18, by Rev. Toll, Harley C. Sanders to Mise Lillian Kastle, daughter of Thos. Kestle of Stephen DEATHS h alvina Dan - .merle i Dann - (say, Set 10,A I Kixo-In Creditors, p cey, beloved wife of Albet King, aged 42 years, 8 months, 16 days. `v.aPLAKE--At Farquhar,Sept14,Rhoda Marie,daugh- ter of John West ake, aged 8 years, `0 months, 8, days. DARtiNo-In Teesewater, Sept. 11, James Darling, aged 70 years, 4 months. HAn 1xSS--dn Exeter, Sept. 7, George Edward, son of 31rr. and Mrs. John Harness, aged 5 months,l2 days. PAneois-Xn Centralia,, Sept. 7, John Parsons, 'aged 77 years, s menthe; 27dlays. Ho&AN-At Mt. Carmel, Sept. 0, Michaei Megan,. aged 78 years, PFAFF-To Hensall, Sept: 7,' John Henry Laverne, soil. of Mr, and Mrs. John Henry Pfaff, aged 13 months. PATTEN --At Shipka, Sept. 4, Mrs. It, Patten, aged A7 years. SfAnuLEn-Tn Crediton, Cept,10, Christina, beloved wife of Rev. John Staeblor, aged 77 year5,6 montbe Mid 37 days. Joints -At Ellaville Sept; 9, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, aged 8 menthe. Amer -le menden en .nopt. 18, Minnie V., wife 0 Ches. Abbott, aged 20 years. Ift0 rr-In Crediton on Sept. 14, .Agnea Catherine, r y , , ,. wife of John Klumpp,sr.,aged 71years,22daye. ' l F t F Ha blcCora'retc-At Khiva, 011 Sept. 17, TMs, Angus Moi yearse -0ow T Prior T • Brack y 2- ar -old -heifer, T Prior,'1 Armstrong; gartb; Sheldon, Dr; Atttos; Bartlett, , Cannock, at ripe old age. r • • 1 .'1