HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-6, Page 6CEST AND HIS TEACflINIkS He Performed Mirael. es to Convince Man 9k That He Was God as Well as Man No important lawsuit Is ever decided without competent witnesses to the facts in the case, from which the court minces up its verdict, Positive knowledge only is required; no hearsay evidence will do. Bence our Saviour when on earth did a multitude of miracles entirely be- yond the power of mere men to per- form, to convince them that Fle was God as well as roan. Ile then said to His apostles when Ile left His work in their hands as His re-. presentatives, "Ye are my. witnesses," go teach all nations, and lo, 1 ani with you to the end of the ages ; heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, ete. This was good news to a race that needed all these things to convince thein that Jesus was no myth, hut was still to be with them in power, in the persons of His apostles, so that the worst of men -physically and moraine - could be healed of their maladies through their agency. It always has been a universal condi- tion that some men have demanded to see facts that were supernatural before they would receive them. THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST was the most stupendous miracle of all the ages, and all his disciples, though told by their master that IIe 'would rise from the dead, would not believe until they saw Him alive, and even then Thomas sold he would not believe it until ho had proved it by thrusting his hand into the wound made by the sol- dier's spear in His side; but the only needed the invitation from Jesus, aft°r seeing Him, to thrust that doubting hand into that ghastly wound and ex- claim, "My Lord and my God," and then Jesus said to him, "Thou hast be- lieved because thou hast seen me; blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." So we who believe in a risen Christ, and could not see Him in the flesh, have His personal blessing, conferred on us while IIe was in the flesh, and in His own words. Yet, strange to say, the most of those who to -day determine not to believe in Christ, and all those who saw Bion after His resurrection, are men of mental ability and a .liberal education, and therefore are more of a hindrance to the Christian religion than the patrons rf the saloon and its invariable compan- ions in the crime of leading innocent men and women away from "the way, the truth and the life." It always has been so. We read in Luke xi. -(read it all) - "Then drew near unto him all the pub- licans and sinners for to bear Ilim, and the Pharisees and scribes murmured. saying, This man reeeivetlh publicans and sinners and .eeteth with then." Then, after His death, for 300 years, the witnesses for Jesus continued to work miracles of healing and for 200 years THE DEAD WERE RAISED" This we learn not alone from Chris- tian but secular history, from such writers as Gibbon and, other standard historians, and if we believe them as to secular history written by then for our information, why not when they write of Christians working miracles by divine power through fasting and prayer? Let us remcmbcr that fasting, in as largest sense, means correct and not Intemperate living. Christ said to Pilate "My kingdom es not of this world"; that is; not Casale ism, which Pilate represented. itis kingdom is to rule over mind and heart in our dealings with God and man and thus make us witnesses. for Himself, Now, if the most educated and intens gent men in this enlightened age (as they clainh to be) deny that miracles ever existed and were the corner -stone of the church and the ]handmaid of pre- sent day • civilization, haw can such qualifications take the place of divine power in action to benefit men physical- ly es well as morally and mentally? This is a question we are bound to answer if we deny the necessity if supernatural agencies to lead men to accept the Bible and Christ as real •fac- tors in what we now see in men and nations all around us. Young Ulan, you have no need to read Gibbon and other secular authors to accept Christ and Itis Leachings. Take a look at THE CHURCH STEEPLES, hospitals and other benevolent build- ings erected through Christi oe loudee and influences, for theyspeak than the most eloquent discussions of what past ages have done for men. ;t we have the time to study these after getting ourselves ready for life's duties in the things that are "necessary," no one will ask for an injunction to pre- vent it. However, as in Solomon's time, when books had to be written by hand, "of making many books there is no end," hence the necessity and wisdom of studying of to -days millions only those that will help to make lull -sized men • f us and not those which are written to discredit the Christ and His Bible as active agents in civilizing men and nations. *****-4004•31.g*** �yte .�, *� I ping pan with any gravy which' is left. �C�i�lvlr�ri Pul into one teaspoonful of butler and •i a little chopped parsley. Let this gravy IIS , boil up and serve with the fish. Car. rots when well mashed and well done ® improve the gravy. i flavor of the u Onion soup. -Boil six youngrbut fully J LSA f grown onions in two waters, turning #, ,* j *; ' ` : : %h , off the first al the end of ten minutes' boil, and replacing with fresh liot water. There 'should be a quart of the second water. When the onions are tender, add a cupful of dry, fine bread crumbs and cook gently for five minutes more. Pour the contents of the bottle into a colander and rub the onions and crumbs through it. into the liquid inthe . bowl below. Return all to the fire, simmer for a minute, and stir into the soup a "roux," made by heating to a bubbling cream a great spoonful of but- ter with one of flour in a frying pan. Have ready heated in another saucepan a cup of milk in which you have drop- ped a pinch of soda. Take the boiling soup from the fire, stir in the hot milk, and pour into a heated tureen. Pass Parmesan cheese with it. DOMESTIC RECIPES. To Reheat a Roast of Beef. The fol- lowing way to reheat a roast of beef is given by a European cook. By it the roast will he, to all appearances and flavor, a first service, unless it has been marred by the marks of a carving knife: Wrap the roast in tough, butter- ed paper and put it in the oven. Let it stay until it is thoroughly heated, but do not allow it to cook. Reheat the gravy and serve beside the meal in a hot gravy boat. Cucumber and Potato Salad. -Peel and cut one good sized cucumber into small dice, cover with salted water, and set on ice for one hour. Dice five potatoes -cold 'boiled -sprinkle with one salt - spoonful of salt and one teaspoonful of minced onion. Dra[n the cucumber, add it to the potato, pour over them one cup- ful of salad dressing, and let it stand one-half hour to one hour on ice. Compote de Melon. -Prepare a thick syrup out of one pound of sugar, the juice of five lemons, and one pint at raspberry juice. Peel and quarter two Bound cantelopes, slew in syrup until tender, take out, and arrange in your compote dish, and strain the remaining syrup. .When cold serve in each quar- ter cantalope some lesion ice. Cantalope Blanc Mange. -Peel and slew two large cantalopes in one quart of water until soft. Press pulp through a sieve in a bowl, add the juice of six oranges, one-quarter pound sugar, two ounces gelatin -previously dissolved in a little hot water -set the. bowl in crack- ed ice, beat the mixture with an egg- beater until it becomes almost snow white, then take your jelly mold and pour mixture in and set on ice until quite firm. Egg Fricassee with Cheese. -- from thick slices white broad, two cg;s, salt - spoonful of sail, dash of pepper. two tablespoonfuls: milk; beat thoroughly; dip the bread in this mixture and .saute till brown on both sides. Have one-half cup grated dairy cheese, one-half.' cup chipped fried ham„ one cup cream; caolc slowly; add a dash of salt and pepper (cayenne), one saltspoonful mustard. Turn over toast and serve. Potato Puff. --•Into a quart of finely mashed and seasoned potato beat .the stilliy ben ten Whites of two eggs. Tern into baking dish and brown lightly. Fried Green Tomato. -Cut hard green tomatoes into thick slices. rip each slice, in crumbs. beaten egg (well' sea- soned), and crumbs again. Fry slowly In butter till tender, and serve, The flavor touch reeetnblos fried oysters. ,Pish.-Salmon trout is a delicious fish, andone, of the best ways of cooking theta is the following, Place in a drip- ping pan with just sufficient water to keep it 'rem burning. Rub the. fish well with butter before putting in (he` oven mud bake slowly, basting carefttlly. When done take it front the oven and pour one cup of cream --previously heat- ed to prevent curdling -info the drip - HOUSEHOLD HINTS. A little kerosene on a sponge.or cloth will clean the outside of your windows in freezing weather; polish them well, with a clean, dry cloth 'after. To keep sweet potatoes wrap each in paper, and hang in bags in a rather warm place. Allow no moisture. It is a good plan to burn pine tar oc- casionally in a sick room, as it is an excellent disinfectant, and it also in- duces sleep. A small quantity of borax added the cold starch in starching shirts, col. lars, cuffs and pillow shams, will give them additional stiffness. \Vhen making custards allow them to cool a. little before adding flavoring, for in this way a smaller quantity will be required. Fly catchers may he made as follows.. Boil linseed oil with a tulle resin till it forms a viscid, stringy poste when cold. Spread upon a thick string by means of a brush. When •cleonfng windows add a. little kerosene to the water; this will prevent the flies setting and saves labor, as the windows will not require to be cleaned so often in the summer: To . remove mildew. from linen, rub over the marks with a piece of raw to- mato, scatter salt over it and lay in the' sun. Repeat the process for two on three times if necessary. Wooden bedsteads should be wiped at this time of year with spirits of naph- tha, paraffin, or turpentine, and .allowed to air for several hours before the mat- tress is put back. A good ]hot oven can only be procur. ed If [he fluor are properly cleaned and ail clinkers removed.. An oven that is in daily use requires to be scrubbed out and the fines cleaned at least twice a week. Do not wring the flannel skirt in the laundry, hut Wrap Hein a cloth and put IL through the mangle, and when half dry put the', skirt into a fresh cloth, carefuliy folded, and mangled till all moisture is pressed out. To freshen a stale loaf is mine easy.• Just dip the loaf into cold water for a second only and place 11 in a hot oven for five or ten minutes to dry.' A loaf treated like this, tllaugh it bo a week old, will be as good as it neve, To make'. an excellent grate polish, boil two ounees of best blackleacl with half a pint of beer and a piece of yellow soap the size of a walnut. When cold, place in a bottle and. keep tightly cork- ed. Use this sparingly, and polish vig- orously with a nice clean brush. A child's day sleep is often spoiled by the way in which the little one is put to bed. First of all the shoes should be taken off and if at all tight the socks too. Then make sure that every part c f Rio dress Is quite loose, and that there are no strings or bands to cramp the sleeper. There is no doubt that a child sleeps better with many of his gat'tnonts taken off, and then lightly eovered with tt shawl or thin. blanket. THESUND�y . SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 9. Lesson XI. Jesus Entcirs Jerusalem in Triumph. Golden Text: Malt. 21. 9. T1IE LESSON. WORD STUDIES. Note. -The Text of the Revised Ver- sion is usedas a basis for these Word Studies. Jesus at Bethany. -The narrative of Matthew at this. point in the story of the closing events of the We of Jesus does not follow the exact chronological order. For this we must turn to the narrative of John. John • alone records in the correct place the anointing el Jesus by Mary at Bethany. We are to think of Jesus as arriving at Bethany front,Jericho on the vening preceding the Sabbath, six days before the pass- over. here he spent. the Sabbath in the circle of his friends continuing his jour- ney to Jerusalem and malting his tri- umphal entry into the capital city on the day following the Sabbath. Luke in his narrative inserts the parable of the Pounds immediately after 'his account of the healing of the blind man at Jer- icho ; and it is Luke again who alone mentions the incident of Christ's weep- ing over Jerusalem. Verse 1. They -That is. Jesus and his disciples together .with a larger com- pany with whom they journeyed. Nigh unto Jerusalem-Fron, Bethany where the Sabbath had been spent. Unto Bethphage-Mark here reads "unto Bethphage and Bethany at the ?,fount of Olives," omitting mention of the stay at Bethany. Luke reads "nigh to Bethphage and Bethany at the mount caned the Mount of Olives." Bethany was about two mi._s south-east of Jerusalem. The location of Bethphage is not known, but it is supposed to have been west of Bethany and between that place and Jerusalem. 2. The village That is, •Bethphage. An ass tied, and a colt with her= - Mark and Luke mention only the colt on which Jesus afterward rode into Jerusalem. The ass is a very common beast of burden among the rich and poor in the Orient even to-doy. It is also used for riding very extensively. 3. The Lord hath need of them -The fact that this simple explanation would be sufficient to satisfy the owner of the animals seems to indicate that he was a friend, if not a secret disciple of Jesus. Of such, doubtless, there were many in Jerusalem and vicinity at this time. Such also was Nicodemus. 4. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet --Matthew who is writing for a Jewish circle f readers. is very careful to point out -in each case the fulfillment of Messianic where such fulfillment is act or word involved. esus IIe seems bent on proving to the Jews, who looked for the coming of a Mes- siah and were familiar with the pro- phecies relating to his coming, that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed that Mes- siah, the promised Saviour and King of the Jews. 5. The prophecy quoted in this verse is taken from Zech. 0. 0, which reacts "Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion ; lily king cometh unto thee: he is just. and having salvation; lowly, and rid- ing upon an ass, even ,upon a colt the foal of an ass." . 7. Their garments -The loose, flowing outer garments worn by men and women. • He sat thereon -On the colt. The wording of Mark is very explicit : "Arid they bring the colt unto Jesus, and cast on him their garments; and he sat upon him." The wording o[ Matthew's narra- tive at this point is slightly tunbiguous. We must remember that the colt on which Jesus rode was one on wench be- fore no man had ever ridden. In other and, it had not yet been broken though possibly full grown, .was. still permitted to be with its mother. Hence it was natural, if nbt absolutely essen- tial that the mother of the colt Le brought also, since in company with its mother doubtless the animal, yes more gentle and mord easily controlled than would otherwise have been the case. 8. Spread them in the way -A demon- stration of popular enthusiasm and de- votion equal to that of the triumphal entry of n Roman conqueror into the imperial oily. Onlrehe official recogni- tion of the ecclesiastical authorities at Jerusalem, which were at -the same time the municipal authorities, was lacking. As Icing Jesus enters the capital city, and as king he must be rejected by the highest authorities of the lowish nation. 0. ilosttnna--•tleh. Hoshianh-na, tnean- ing lilcrally save now; or save, 1 pray. The syllable na is a particle of entreaty added to imperatives. The Hebrew word ]s used in its original meaning in Psalm 118. 25, which reads, "Save now, we beseech,. thee, 0 Jehovah; 0 Jeho- vah, we beseech tutee, send new pros,- perity." This verse from Psoim'11.8 was ane sung by those who partieipated in the solemn procession around the altar at the feast of tabernacles and on other festal occasions: It is in recognition of Jesus as . the Messiah that the multitude 1'tempted here address to hint the strains of their most joyous festival.. He that eenletll-111 Hebrew a single word, heap. 'and a recognized Mes- sianic title. After permitting himself to be thus greeted and escorted in triumph into the city as tike long -expected Mes- siah, It was, Ilulnenly speaking, not possible for Jesus to esoape persecution and punishment at the bands of the ecclesiastical authorities who rejected his claims, So long as they refused to accept him as the Messiah there was be- tween him and therm a chasm which could not be bridged; and the sad lra- gedy which soon followed, viewed from Me human standpoint, was but the natural outcome and result of the tri- umphal entry. 10. All the city was stirred -Careful reading of the different gospel narra- tives will bring out clearly the fact that the expectation of the common people at this tinge was at its height, and that the enthusiastic reception which Jesus received at Jerusalem wits but a culmi- nating outburst of popular feeling. Tho request of Salome in behalf of her two sons, James and Jolhn; the dispute among the ten as to who was to be the greatest in the kingdom; the insistent cry of the blind man at Jericho; the excited question of the crowds in the city, and the triumphal entry itself were but different signs of this same feeling of expectancy and of popular devotion to the prophet from Nazareth,. 11. This is the prophet, Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee -As the prophet and Leacher from Nazareth of Galilee Jesus had become best known and loved by the common people. 12. Them that sold and bought in the temple=Tile outer courts of the temple were converted into a marketplace where sacrificial animals could be pur- chased by worshipers coming from a distance. Money -changers -Offerings of money. were required to be paid in temple coins, while in ordinary business Roman' coinage was used. The money- changers .01 the temple were Hien who, for a small fee, supplied the required temple coins in exchange for other money. • 13. Den of robbers --A designation im- plying that the merchants and money- chtuigcrs exacted more than, was right from those who did business with them in the temple courts. 15. Moved with indignation -Al his calm acceptance of Messianic honors. 17. Lodged there -Probably at the home of Lazarus. FALL FAIRS. Aiberfoylo ..............................Qct. 2 � Alliston ...... ............ Oct. 4 and 5 Almonte Sept, 18, 19 and 20 Alexandria . .......... ......... ... Sept. 11, 12 Alvinston ........... ... Oct. 2, 3 Ailsa Craig .,.......... ........ Sept. 24, :25 Ameliasburg Oct 5, 6 Amherstburg 2. 3 Anoaster .,. .......................Oct.•Sept. 26, 26 Arthur..,.... Sept. 18, 19 Ashworth Sept 19 Aylmer .......... . ........... Sept. 3 to 7 Barrie ........................ Sept. 24, 25, 26 Bayfield Oct. 2, 3 Bancroft ... ............ Sept. 18, 19 Beaverton ............. . ... Oct. 2, 3 Belleville .............. Sept. 12, 13 Beeton ......... •••••••••••• Oct. 9, 10 Berlin Sept 15 Boachburg ...................... Oot. 3, 4, 5 Berwick ................... Sept. 10, 11 Binbrook . Oct. >l. 9 Blyth Sept. 18, 19 Blenheim Oct. 3, 4 Bolton......, .. .............. .... . Oct. 1, 2 Bobcaygeon ................... Sept. 27, 28 Bothwell's Corners .........,,. Sept. 20, 21 Bowmanville .......... Sept. 27, 28 Bradford Oct. 16, 17 Oct. 5 Braeebridge Sept. 27, 28 Bruce Mines ........... ............ Sept 26 Brigden , 3 Brockville ...................... Sept. Oct.12, 13 Burford',.., . ... ,.... Oct. 2, 3 Burk's Faits ......... ........... Sept. 20, 21 Burlington .......................... Sept. 27 Cassclton ... Oct. 2, 3 Campbellville Sept. 28 Cayuga ...,,, Sept. 25, 26 Carp Oct. 3 Castleman............ .......... Sept. 18 Campbollford ................. . Sept. 26, 27 Caledonia ........................ Oct. 11, 12 caledon .... . Oct. 4, 5 Central Canada, Ottawa .... Sept. 8 to 16 Chatsworth ........ Sept. 18, 19 Cbatham .................... Sept. 25, 26, 27 Chesley Sept 18 19 Chicago International .,,...., Dec. 1 to 8 Clarksburg . ....................... Oet. 2, 3 CooksvilIe Oet 3 Coe Rill ............................. Sept. 21 Cobourg . Sept. 24, 25 Comber . .... .......... Sept. 28, 29 Cour tlanet Oct. 4 Ooboconk .... . Oct. 2 Cornwall ....... ....... Sept. 6, 7, 8 Cookstown ....... ............. ..... Oct. 2, 3 Coldwater Oct 3, 4 Colborne . Oct. 1, 2 Collingwood Sept. 25, 26 Cobden . Sept_ 25 Delta Sent. • 25, 26 Delaware .............................. Oct. 3 Demorestvill.e Oct. 12, 13 Dorchester Station ............... Oct. 3 Dresden ............................ Oct, 4, 5 Drumbo Sept. 25, 26 Drayton .................. .. Oct. 2, 3 Dunnville Sept. 18, 19 Dungannon , Oct 4, 5 p Durham Sept. 19, 20 Dundas Oct. 6, 6 Dunchurch Oct. 5 Dundalk .......................... Oct. 11, 12- Eganville Sept: 18 Elmvale ..... ................. Oct, 8, 9, 10 Elmira • Sept.: 26, 27 Elora .................. ....... Sept. 20, 21 Embro .. Oct 4 Emsdale Septa 25 Eno .........' Sept. 18, 19 Erin................... ''Oct 18, 19 EssenSept. 25, 26, 27 Exeter Sept. 17, 18 Fergus . Sept. 25, 26 Feversham ............ ............ Oct '3, 4 Fenelon Fails Oet. 2, 3 Fenwick ....................r, Oct 11 Florence Oct. 8, 9 Flesherton ..................,.,. Sept. 27, 28 Fordwich Oet. 6 Fort Erie . Oat. 4, 5 Galt : , Oct.' 5, 6 Georgetown ... ........... Oct. 2, 3 Gooderham :................ Oct. 4 Gore Bay. Oct. 4, 5 Goderich Sept. 26, 27 Georgina, N. Gwillimbury and Sutton Union Sept28, 29 Glencoe ..... .,.... Sept. 26, 26 Gravenhurst . , . Sept. 25, 26 Grand Valley ,,....., Oct. 16, 17 Guelph Sept. 11, 12, 13 llarriston ... - Sept. 27, 2.8 .Jlarrowemith ....... ..... .... . Sept, 13, 14 Hanover Sept, 27, 28 Halifax ........................ Sept. 12 to 21 Barrow Oct. 9, 10 Haltburton •.,....., ,.., Sept. 27 Highgate ........... . .. . ...... Oct. 5, 6 Holstein ....,..•............... Oct, 2 Homer , Oct. 8, 9 Huntsville. ....... . Sept. 25, 26 Ilderton ............. .., Sept 28 Ingersoll ..... ... ........... Oct 9, 10 Inverary . .. Sept 13 Jarvis •., •............... Oct. 4, 6 Heene, 3 ept. ...............................Oct.17, 18 Xontblo Sept, 27, 1Cinmount Sept. ' 10, Kiritton , ., . , Pet. 4, 'ineardine Kilaythe ". .,,.. Oct Sept., Lansdowne Sept.26ulpt, Lambeth ,.., .., Oct, Langten..... . ... Oet InAmiable " „ . Oct, Lindsay ... Sept. 20, 21, Listowel . ,. . ,...... Sept. 25, Little Current Sept, Lion's Read • . .. • , Oot. 2, Lombardy........... • • • • Sept. London (Western) „"..,".,••, Sept, 8 to Lueknow Oct. 2, Lyndhurst .,,..,. Sept, 20, Mariposa, Sept. 27, M,arkdalo ....... .., Oat, 2, )laaville . Sept. 20 Markham Oct 3, 4, Marshville Oot. 6, Matto wa ........................Sept. 26. Manitowaning ,... Oct, 2, 14faenetawan Oct 4, Madoa ....•....................... Sept. 13, Moberly ... Oct. 3, Mar/nom .. .... , . Sept 25, Merlin , Oct. 1, McDonald's Corners Sept. Moaford Sept, 27, Metcalfe .............•......,.. Sept. 19, Merriokville Sept. 13, Milverton , , ...... . Sept. 27. Millbrook .. Oct. 4, Midland .,. Sept. 27; Milton ... Oct. 11, Mitchell ,...... ,...., ,...... Sept. 18, Dliddleville Oct. ¥ildmav Sept. 24, Mount Brydges .... '... Oot. Mount Forest Sept, 18, Mohr's Corners Sept. 24. Mount Hope ...........................Oct. Murfilo . ,. Napanee Newmarket Nettatadt Newboro' New Hamburg 11 19 5 28 13 3 22 29. 3 29 16 3 28 3 21 5. 6 27 3 6 14 4 26 28 28 20 14 28 5 28 12 19 5 62 5 19 25 8 Sept. 27 Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 18, 19, 20 Sept. 20. 21 Oct. 1, 2, 3 20 21 10 6 25 20 28 5 2 Sept 19, New Liskeard ...................Sept. 20, Newington Sept 18, Netherby ........ ,.... . Oct. Now Westminster ......... ,Oct, 2 to Niagara -on -the -Lake ..... Sept. Norwood ............ . Oct. 9, North Bay ...... .................. Sept. Oakwood Sept. 27, Ohsweken Oct. 3, 4, Onondaga Oct. Orono Sept. 17, Orangeville......,. ......... ., Sept. 27,. Orillia Rept: 26, 27 Oshawa .......... ............ Sept 28' Otterville Oct. 5, Owen Sound ........ Sept. 12, 13, Paisley , Sept. 25, Pakenham Sept. 17, Paris Sept. 27, Parkhill ... Sept. 26, Parry Sound ............... Sept. 26, 27,. Palmerston •, Sept. 20, Perth , ....... Sept. 12, 13, Petrolea Sept. 20, Peterboro' „ Sept. 25, Piston Sept. 26, Pinkerton Port Arthur Port Hope 18 28 28 26 6 14 18 28 27 28 21 14 21 26 27 Sept. 21 Sept. 3 to 7 Port Elgin .......:..., Sept. 27,' Powassan ........................... Oct. 3, Priceville ...................Oct. 4, Prescott .. ..... .............. Sept. 18, 19, Port Carling Sept, Rainham Centre ., Sept. Ramona................................Oet. Renfrew I{ept. 26, 27, Richard's Landing.......... Ricoville ............... ..... . Sept. Ripley ........... Sept. 25, Richmond Sept. 24, 25, Rockton .........,. ,:. Oct. 9, Rosseau Sept. Rockwood ....................... ... Oct. 4, Rocklyn Oct. Russell Sept. Sault Ste. Marie...... • ,:. Oct. 2, Sarnia. ,... .... .. Sept. 24, 25, Scarboro Ju.notion ,,... ,.., Sept,. Sob omberg „ Oct 11, Seaforth.................... Sept. 20, ShannonvilleSept Shelburne Sept. 25, Sherbrooke, Que. . Sept. 2 to Shedden............................. Sept. Simcoe Sept. 25, 26, South River . Sept. 26. South Mountain ... Sept. 13, Springfield ............... Sept. 20, p g 1 Sprucedale Sept. ... ... Sept. St. Mary's ..... ... .. S p 26, Stoney Creek ............. Sept. 27, Strathroy .................... Sept. 17, 18. Stratford . Sept. 20, Sturgeon Falls Sept. 20. Stirling Sept. 27, St. Thomas . . .............. Sept. Straffordville .. Sept. Sunderland ...........,Sept. 18, Sutton • Sept.' 27. Sandridge Oct. Syracuse, N. Y. Sept. 10 to Tara.. Oct 2, Tavistock ...................... Sept. 17, Teeswater ........... ........... Oct. 3, Thessalon Sept. Tiverton ... Thedford Thorudale Thamesville ct. Oct. Oct. Oct, 2, Thorold ... ........... Oct. 1, Tillsonburg Oct, 2, Toronto .................Aug. 26 to Sept. Tweed Udora Utterscn Underwood 28 4 5 20 26 20 28 28 28 26 26 10 25 5 5 26 3 26 26 12 21 29 26 9 26 27 27 14 21 27 27 28 i9 21 2t 28 18 19 19 28 3 16 3 18 4 28 3 2 3 2 3 11 net. 4 Oct. 10 Oct. 2, 3 Oct. 8, 9 V:oikleek Hill Sept. 13, 14, Verner................... Sept. 3, Victoria Road Sept. Walkerton Sept. 19, Wallaoeburg , Wat:eord . • Sept. Oct.27, Wales . Sept. 10. Warkworth ......., ..... Oct 4, Waterford' ............................ Oct. Wallacetown Sept. 27, Waterdown Oct. Walsh .. Sept. Weston Oct Welland ....,. Oct, 2 Wellesley • Wellandport Wheatley Wingham Winchester • . Sept. 6, Wiarton .......................: Sept. 25, Williamstown ...... Sept. 26, Woodstock ......... . ...... Sept. 19, 20, Woodbridge Oct. 17, Woodville ......................Sept. 13, Wyoming Oct 8, Zurich .... ....... ,Sept. 19, ......... ......... Sept. 13, 155 19 20 3 28 11 6 4 28 2 29 6 3 14 Oct. 8, 9 Oct. 10,,,11 Sept. 27, 20 7 26 27 21 18 14 9 20 LATEST iN SUBMARINES. Boat Can Make Momentary Appear- ances at Full Speed. The greatest secrecy is maintained in Germany concerning the ca.pabiliiies and results of the trials o1 the sub- marines which were launched at Kiel for the German • navy a few days ago. It transpires, however, that the boat is fitted with mechanism invented'by the Marquis De Quevilla.y, by means rd which ]t can come to the surface and be made to disappear again at will while *ming at full. speed. The captaiinof the ,submarine can thus, in all security, make his observa- tions during the brief moment that his vessel is on the water level, while the enemy has no time to train his guns Onit. IRISH_ HONEYMOON. "1 hear th' Widdy O'Flynn has mar- ried Martin Mahoney at 'lasht," said Mr. O'Tunder. "Yis," replied ••Mr. O'Toole. "They wor married lasht Choosday," "An' phwere are they now?'". Shure, Katie told me this marnin' thot they hov gone away for their Ma- -honeymoon!" .......... . When a man gets .a chance to dispose of his troth* he always heaps up the measure. , F"r<-�c�k"k�ic'���'�Y'�ir�'�'�i •I���l+'�#�it�3�+ ▪ Fashion • Hints. i 1" ' , "'i": i4'9c'oi 4- irk e;elefeefle 44 GLIMPSES OF AUTUMN FASHIONS. Judging from the early models in waist lines, French and Scotch plaids . will enjoy unusual popularity as ma- terials for the separate waists this coin- ing felt and wintei' , The vogue of ex- quisitely plaided fine ginglia.nls and silks of the summer months is no doubt responsible for the appearance of many. strikingly beautiful plaid flannels and, silks as materials for waists and whol. r dresses. Ot. t s the dresses we will see c b a limited number brought out by the smartest dresstiiakers. The beautiful colorings of the Camp- bell plaid lead in brilliancy of tone in these new materiois. Waists of this elan plaid cut in tlhe straight or bias need little embellishment except by way of belt and collar adjuncts, usually sup- plied in plain red or black materials,. Some few of these flannels have groups of tucks placed on each side of the front plait, as all of these waists fasten In front. The buttons are very effective covered with the plaided material. and set in black or.ett steel rims. • Long sleeves are the rule, with simple • cuffs turned back froth the haiid In Gibson style, or plain, straight affairs, held together with jewelled or enamelled ouIP links. The dainty little silk jumper made of plain black, blue, brown or scarlet taffetas, is a new and charming waist model. 1t has some claim to practica- bility, for these jumpers were designed for wear over sheer mull or lace, waists, when coats would be too warm for comfort or the lingerie waist too sheer. Some degree of elaboration isallowed these little taffeta comforts, but it must be restricted to the use of self -colored bits of Richelieu plantings or tiny ruffles of taffeta aplierl to the edges of sleeves and neck openings. - Embroidered French knots done with extra heavy silk nor -twist a1'e also gooa form, and can he executed by any clever girl during her spare minutes at home,. A FEW GIBSON SHOULDER PLAITS add to the breadth of the shoulder line. This last idea is an especially noticeable style point upon this season's blouses. Plain belts of kid or silk, to match the color of the jumper material, are preferable to the use of the wider prin- cess or shirred girdles, for the reason that the long -waisted effect of the blouse is somewhat shortened on account of its. low cut neck. The use of a wide girdle would tend to destroy the remaining length of waistline, with the result that the beauty of the little overblouse would be entirely spoiled, "Dressy illy waist as thy purse will allow" is a rule . lie -indicates the dawn of smart trimmed separate blouses. Some few attractive models of crepe cls chines and taffetas were exhibited at•11 - end of the spring season, attracting�iL t small attention from feminine wearers, but causing great joy and comfort to 011 the Heart of the manufacturer. Just now black and while nets, either plain or dotted, made up over China silk foundations, are shown in the shops, and meet a ready demand. The black waists are attractive when made of plain net, trimmed with groups of graded width tucks, and black Val- enciennes lace inserted yokes, with the body of the blouse attached to the yoko by means of sbirrings. Four or five rows of, these little shirrings are gen- erally used, for lace blouses must be made with a greacl deal of fullness over the bust and shirrings seem to be the only attractive way of controlling this fullness. crepe de chine and coleen pop- lin waists are fitted to very broad girdles, both waist and girdle fastening in the back. Sleeves are longer upon these models. ''They finish in one in- stance below the elbow with ropes of black ch'eniile cord that arc drawn through black Irish lace insertions. The cord ends fastening the sleeves have weighted black tassels about two inches long to finish them. Their bobbing is rather fascinating, especially if the forearm of the wearer he a pretty, well- turned white one. The crepe de chines are , washable, the embroideries used upon the yokes and executed in wash silks also WHITE WAISTS we shall have with us always, and whether they ,-copy in their modelling. the tucks of ilia` black nets, the embroi- deries of the jumper, or'the plain simple tailored' lines of the flannel, they will p(resenitj ;equal attractiveness under all conditions. 'White nets showing bolero jacket effects. gained by the skillful adjust- ment of lace edgedfrills, are a new fall waist offering. Lace inserted yokes with clusters of tiny pinencics depend- ing from the yokes are a part of the bolero waists 1n • some examples' appli- cations of linen flowers appear to' ne embossed upon the little net bolero - gulped capes, so skillfully is their join- ing accomplished. A while waist, made of dotted Chan Lilly is as frilly with cascaded ruffles of Valenciennes lace as one's heart would wish. The high .collar- tnd, by the way, the higher you build your choker collar the mere modish yob will b was made of white guipure lace inser- tion, topped with three rows of \%ail. enciennes lace, and with quite a a eb hulled Valenciennes, edge topping the whole. A eravated effect upon the seine ands waist was obtained by the use of fof soft, white liberty satin ribbonf brought from the back to the front c the waist, and knottilig ,at the 1)11'41111e,l The two curved ribbon ends -fliers were ne loos were controlled by n heavy white g •hite guipure medallion sewn flat to 'the net foundation. When tIe-lazy man comes home to supper the lilies to tell his wife how hard be has worked. an day.