HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-6, Page 4resetsessweeseeteeeresetsseersee
Flour, Butter, Eggs and Time
key using inferior baking, powders. Uee
Cole's Baking Ponder
Itis Mitre and always reliable.
Once Used, Always in Favor
Cole's .. Baking - Powder
The kind that never fails to please.
a 0
25 Cents a Pound
—AT -----
Cole's, Central Drug Store
Exeter, Ontario
xeter gA,,buttcatel.
Sanders a Creech. Props.
Jno. Millet of Rochester, New York,
is spending ttesl days his brother,
Devtd, of this place anal with his sister,
Mrs, Johnston, of 1{nktote-Mr. and
Wheeler returned hl'uie cru Satitrdaae
eveniu , after .spending two weeks
with friends in S.eeforth. M. Wheeler
was unable to wrack owing to having
scratched his bond on a. horse's hoof
while shoeing it, but we ace pleased to
. l
d to his
notice that he is ableat
teed to n ren
duties .gain, --Miss Maud Orr of Lon-
don spent aafew days this week visiting
her friend, Miss Edna. Grodbolt.--
Sit•. Wtn, Creery has disposed of Ills
flue 100 -acre faros to Jim. Fletcher.
The former has not decided what he
will do but if he oau find a desiseble
partner he may in the mete future em-
bark in the mercantile husiness. He
is A Chau of principle and judging from
his success as 5. fernier we have no
doubt of his making a successful best-
ness noon. -School was closed On La-
bor Day and D.14IcDougall and Milton
(!lark drove to St. Marys to take a day
of rest. -Alfie Camel attended the To-
routo Exhibition this week.
Eli niville
Tho Advocate to end of year 25c
Robt. Rowcliffe and family of Exe-
ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Pym. -Those from here who are
spending this week at Toronto A.xhi-
bition are: Mr. and Mrs. Wtn, 0 ultis,
.Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews, Se., and J.
Wright and wife. -R. Skinner and
-wife spent a few weeks with friends in
Xepple.-Quite a number attended the
ice cream social at Zinn on Monday
evening and report a good time. -The
services on Sunday were conducted by
Bev. Ashton of Bothwell, a former
Junior pastor. Rev. Fair took the
services at Bothwell.
For Every Home
Diamonds for every Oanadian home
are not the gems which the wealthy
alone eau purchase; they are those in-
valuable gems known as DIAMOND
DYES which have been for twenty-
five years tree money savers for the
:women of Canada.
DIAMOND DYES wherever used,
"have proved their superiority over all
other package dyes in richness, itall-
aless and durability of colors.
Certain speculators, jealous of the
popularity of DIAMOND DYES, are
putting up adulterated and crude dyes
to imitate DIAMOND DYES. These
common and cheaply prepared dyes
produce blotchy and mnddycolors and
- ruin good materials.
When you have dresses,skirts, blous-
es, jackets, capes, stockings and other
articles of wearing apparel to recolor,
use the DIAMOND DYES only, and
you will have results which will fill
your heart with joy. DIAMOND
'DYES make old things look like new.
Always ask your dealer for the DIA-
MOND LYES and refuse any other
make that may be offered to you. The
,common dyes are sold by merchants
simply for the sake of big profits. Nese
Diamond Dye Dye Direction Bno1, Dia-
• mond Dye Cook Book and Illustrated
Booklet, entitled "Diamond Dyes
Longjohns' Winter and Summer
Sports" sent FREE to any lady who
Bends her address to Wells & Riehard-
ard Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street,
Miss Mabel I. Gilfillan is spending a
•uuonth in Toronto visiting. -Melville
Hoskin, after a week's stay here, re
turned to Exeter. -Mr. Down of Exe-
ter occupied the pulpit in the Metho-
dist church here nn Sundays -David
seilflllan maimed to his studies at the
Stratford Business College. --After a
;pleasant stays Harvey .Leigh has re-
turned. to Toronto. •--During the recent
:storm lightning Strunk the rcasidPu
some bsic•k
• a tearing 5 ae
YJf Mr. t,lrnr h, , ,
some. shingles :and some plaster. Lila
il the family escaped rd ii7
r .-:1ss
Sarah E. Donpe has returned from St.
Thomas,she being a delegate from this
ur --.Sal-
I.O.F. High Co t.
uttn the l.0
o r
stn and Kirkton baseball teams played
an interesting game of hall Saturdry
night, resulting in favor of the former
by two runs. -Chas. Reen is on the
;sick list.
Claudebt ye,
The death took place. on September
Sed of Mabel, eldest daughter of Wm.
Brownlee, Con. 5, Biddulph, at the
youthful age of 21. years. The funeral
was held on Wednesday, the remains
being interred at St. James Cemetery,.
QClandeboye,-Miss Sadie Neil of Brant-
ford spent a few days here. -Mrs.
Hodgins and Miss Della Raritan of
London spent Sunday here. We un-
derstand Mrs. Hodgins intends leav-
ing shortly fur her new home in the
North West, where she will joiu her
husband, who is carrying on ,a black-
smith shop. -Mr. Uriah Ounningbam
of Stratheona, Alta., son of Mr. eVne
Canning -ham of tbis place, has bought
A hotel in Maunville, Alta., and takes
possession Sept. 10. We wish him
every success .in his undertaking. -
Pringle Morley, after spending several
days here, returned to his home in
Cleveland. -Mrs. Herb. George of Put -
mete who has been visiting her moth-
er, Mrs. Hodgins, and also attending
the wedding of her brother, Ward, re-
tnrnedhomeWeduesday ev'g.-Arthur
011ete of Stoney Point returned home
Friday, after spending they vacation
here. -Ed. Simpson and T. Kestle
spent Saturday in London. -J. Snell
of Exeter was in the village Saturday
buying horses.
You can trust a Medicine,
tested 60 years! Sixty years
of expericncc, think Of that 1
experience with Ayer's Sar-
saparilla l the original •Sarna-
parilla the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
But ever, this grand old medicine Cannot do.
its 'hast work If the Trier is 3Meetly6 and the
bovrelo eonseapated. Voir tis *wast voeafbie 1•e•
a nits, yea sit Mild take 1a:Cative dose of aa:5 or's
Pills while laking the Sarataparilla..
ams room
yeiiti A°11ecfjge"
We hues no flute ets I We publish
the foriutilub arks eut>Jateubthee,
The Mtvoattto to eitct ort your iso
141iss Leila Beetles, who has been en-
gaged as clerk itl; Gordon Bloomfield's
sture for sours tithe, tete resigned her
position and on Sunday left for her
home in Thedferd.-Witt.Simpson and
sun attended Town a) F3i1[' this week,
--A uumber from here attended the
ball glome at Levin oe Monday be-
tsweert the Irish Nine Mid a prated
team from the Stratford City League.
The former, as usual, were victorious.
-Mrs Tiros, Gray and son of London
are here on a visit Mr. Gray spent
the holidays here. --Ansley Neil of
London visted here over Labor Day. -
Robb. Clark inteuds moving in a fere
days in Moses Simpson's house, recent-
ly vacated by demes Sitnpson, George
Bloomfield, who recently returned
from. Fort s%1Tilliatu owing to illness,
has proved his family here and will oc-
cupy the house vacated by Mr. Clark.
Wm, Cornish, who has been residing
in Marshall Miller's house for some
time, has rented the firm of the late
James Sanders, 3rd con„ Stephen, tiud
will move thereon about Oct. est. -
John Bloomfield, formerly manager of
the Mooresville store and latterly with
A. Beattie & Oo., Thedford, who re-
cently accepted a position as traveller,
bas given up his latter job and aoeept-
ed a position in Park's store, Liman.
Meals -Wm. the many mart l-
ages that have taken piece in our vi-
cinity few happy participants will have
more universally the good wishes of
our citizens for their future happiness
and prosperity than the young folks
who were united in marriage on Toes -
day. The contracting parties were
Mr. Gordon Bloomfield, oor popular
young merchant, and Miss Edith Fras-
er, only daughter of Mr. Wm. Fraser.
The young people drove to Lucen and
at the .parsonage Rev.Holnies tied the
knot. The bride was neatly end be-
comingly attired in a beautiful. navy
blue suit with bat to match and was
unattended, The young people left
ore the afternoon train for a trip to
Niagara Falls and Toronto. They
arrived home this week and are now
settled down to the sterner realities of
life at the rear of the store, where the
bride is at home to her many friends.
Your correspondent joins with the
host of well wishers, and may their
future be filled with sunshine.
WEDDING.—Ln et Wednesday, Aug.
29th, the home of Mr. Ben. Uaskett
was the scene of a very pretty event,
when his only daughter, Miss Laura,
was united in bonds of matrimony to
Mr. Ward Hodgins. At high -noon,
the bride, Ieaning on the arta of her
father, took her place on the balcony,
which was decorated with flowers and
ferns, when the interesting ceremony
which made them as one was pro-
nounce(' by Rev. Thomas, assisted by
Rev. McQuillan of Blenheim, former
rector of this place. The bride and
groom were unattended. The bride
looked. charming in a beautiful white
silk attire and wore the customary
veil, draped with orange blossotns and
carrying a btnquet of bridal roses.
'Congratulations over the guests to the
number of aboutseventy-five sat down
to a sumptuous dinner. Dinner being
over tbe happy couple, accompanied
by a large number of the guests, drove
to Liman station, where they took the
train, amid showers of rice and good
wishes, for atrip to Toronto, Niagara
and other points. The groom's gift to
the bride was a beautiful crescent
brooch. They arrived home Tuesday
and base taken up their abode on the
groom': fine farm, east of here. We
extend •.err best wishes for a happy life
to Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins.
Grand Bend
The Advocate to end of Year 25c.
Mrs. Miller of Dashwood spent a few
days with Mrs. L. Raveilelast week.
Messrs. R. at,d Ii. Hamilton were in
Toronto a few days last week buying
an engine for their boat to replace the
old one. -Mrs. Delbert Mollard arrived
home Friday after spending the past
two months with her parents at Ayl-
mer. --A. bus toad from here drove over
to Zuricb on Monday afternoon to at-
tend tbe sports held .there. -.Mr. and
Mrs. Standeyen of St. Marys speut a
few days here last week.-Bobt. Ham-
ilton, who has been on the sick list, is
able to be ,out again.- -A. Kennedy
left recently for Blue Point to work,
-Rev. 3. F. and Mrs. Sutcliffe com-
pleted the season's campaign here on
Sunday week. Geo. Son•thcott of Lon-
don did much to enliven the singing
and the campers have joined heartily
with the church congregation in mak-
ing the services a success. Service was
held in the Methodist church on
da .- wee lit tled , daughter arrived at
the hone of Matted
\i s.ReubenS
hins the otler day. -Sid 3os5cnbetrS
has been suffering the pest few days
from blood poisoning. 'While choting
around he ran a sliver in his finger
with the above result, -Our summer
visitors are gradually becoming less..
In a week or so the cottages will all be
empty. --`'bedding bells are ranging. --
T. W. H'awkshaw, wife and de:ighter,
who have been rusticating here for
the pest two months, left last .week
for their home in Lonion. The for. •
leer is much improved in health. -
Dr. H. M. Cowen of London is spend-
ing a
pend-inga few days here for the benefit of
his health, he having spent the past
two weeks in St. Joseph's HospitaL-
Bruce Bossenberry is now comfortably
settled it his new quarters at Bruce-
field. He is a smart, active young
business man, and Will well maintain
the excellent reputation that that pop-
niar hostelry has so dung enjoyed.--
Mrs. landit
Ir.. .:i.nowesferrety
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Blowes
have returned :to Mitchell after a,
mon flee stay here. -W. J. Norfolk of
Step teard.who was CAM ping here some
weeks, hat who was obliged to return
h•sine owing to serious illness, passed
way at, the Stratford General Bos-
pitaal, on Ang. 8th: -Mrs. Bengongh
of Punt Reedit, after a pleasant visit
her„ returned to her home Mondae.--
Miss Hattie Follick, svho has been
spending the summer here, left tor her
home in Easter, Seturdajr.--1 . I3os-
senberry spent a, few days in Zurich
last wt•e le -Death eaath visited the home of
Lir. and Mrs. Louis Ravell Saturriay
:•st and .removed from its midst, their
inrant dangh ter, Winnifred, After an
illness of two weeks frown cholera in -
Nieto tn.It is also oar duty to record
the death of the three-veeeke-old son
of Me. and Mrs. Henry Teidear an of
Sarnia, ivb.:l died here on A.ugrast2fth.
The Advocate to end of year 25c
Wm. Hogarth and wife have return-
ed from a several months' trip to the
coast. They also visited many princi-
Lal American and Canadian cities.-
loyd Hudson, who bad the misfor-
tune to fall and fracture his arm a few
days ago, is getting along as well as
can be expected. -Mrs. M. J. Hurley
of La Lananea, Mexico, isa visitor at
the bome of her father,Bernard Thom-
son. -7. E. 1'ilacicall bas disposed of his
hotel here to a Mr. Fitzpatrick of Lon-
don. The former intends going to
Winnipeg where be has an interest in
an hotel. -Mr. McArthur and family,
and 0. A. and F. C. McDonell with
their families have returned from their
outing at the Bend. -Dr. Sellery has
rented T. Robertson's dwelling. -Jas.
Sparks has had his housenea:tly paint-
ed and otherwise improved: -H. Vas-
ey and wife have returned to Stiffen
after a pleasant visit here. -Mrs. F.
G. . unghlnt has returned from her-
ervisit to Blyth and Auburn. -The Hen-
sel), Observer staff were holidaying last
week. The editor and his son were
visiting; on tbe Mono Road and else-
where. -J. W. Ortwein and wife have
returned from Detroit -where they were
attending the funeral of a grandson. -
Geo. Joynt's and W. Stoneman's new
residences are being rapidly pushed
forward. -Grant Caldwell bas return-
ed from the West. -John Elder, near
here, has bis cider trill ready for oper-
ation. -Miss Annie Pappleand neph-
ew are spending a few days in Toron-
to. -T. J. :Berry bas purchased the
well-known horse, "Southport" from
E. D. Bell of Lundesboro.-W. Moore
has returned to St. Paul, Minn., after
a visit to his home bene. -Mr. Gordon
Manns has returned from his trip to
the West. -Mr. Johnston bas return-
ed to his home in St. Louis, nfteru vis-
it here.-Rebert Dalrymple's many,
friends are sorry to learn that he is
not enjoying the best of health. -G.
N. McTaggart of this village has engag-
ed in partnership with D. Hay of Kip -
pen in the coal business and has erect-
ed a storehouse at Flippen, -A. corres-
pondent from Sesaforth says: "Joseph
Pinkney, who has been employed in
the Beli Engine Works, has leased W.
J. Miller's blacksmith sbop at, Hensali
and on Wednesday will take pos-
session. Mr. Pinkney is a, steady, in-
dustrions young amara, and a first-class
mechanic. We ciao heartily
mend hini tbe +„ i people e cf Hen-
and vicinity. They are fortunate
in securing such a good citizen and we
bespeak fur hire a, good sbare of the
business in his line in Hensel” We
welcome the young man to our midst
and wishhimevery
Subscribe for The ADVOCATE—only
25c. to end of 1900.
lets ;s .
ust the
For a "bite a bed•time,a'
what could be better than a
glass of' milk and
Cream Sodas
Canada's , finest crackers,
from Canada's finest bakery,
Crisp, invitinh,. delicious, In
the air -tight boxes, that keep
them In faultless
Your grocer
e,e _ has ••r a' • •.
Miss Mary McGregor, accompanied
by other friends, of Detroit, Mich., is
visiting her uncle, John McGregor. -
0. M. Wilson and wife of Sarnia are I
spent -Rug the holidays with friends in'
this vicinity. -P. Gooding, who has
been working in Cobalt, returned borne
last week owing to illness. -Mrs. R.
English and Fredie left Saturday to
visit her sister in Port Huron. -Mrs.
McIntosh and two children, Pearl and
Russell, who have been visiting in this
vicinity for several weeks, returned to
their home Saturday; -Mrs. Thomas
Stewardson, who has been visiting her
cousins in Lake Odesso, Mich., for sev-
eraI weeks, returned home Tuesday. --
Miss Ellen Keho of Detroit visited her
sister, Mrs. A. Gooding, for several
days last week, returning home Tues
day. -W. J. Wilson' &'Oo. are offering
extra values in teens' shirts and pants
and boys overalls; Meus'all wool socks
15e. a pair.
Get the Advocate, 25c. to end of year
J. A. McNaughton of London spent
Sunday with C. H. Duplin. -Mrs. An-
derson still continues to improve. -
Mrs. Edwards, who has been, spending
a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Deplete has returned to Lucan.-On
Thursday the Centralia Crescents jour-
neyed to Exeter and played the Exe-
ter Juniors a game of baseball and
were defeated by that team, the score
horng 1S-5, Exeter winning C iS game
gave each team one game a apiece. In
order to break the tie to decide whicb
team was hest the third game was
played at Exeter on Labor Day at
which, the Crescents proved themselves
wieners by defeating the Exeter boys
by a score of 17-12.-A. few notes on the
game: R. Bloomfield pitched a fine
genie for our boys; "Dais" handled 1st
base in his same old way; H, Mitchell,
for a youngster, can certainty stop the
hot ones behind the bat.
For Labor Day aanie at Exeter see
under "Baseball."
Many Women' have
Kidney Trwyible
and don't know it They at-
tribute their ill -health to weak-
ness." Dragging pains in the
hips, backache, nervousness,
tiredness, headaches -are more
often caused by sick kidneys.
If your kidneys are not well,
the other delicate organs are
disturbed and inflamed, bringing
on the horrors of female weak-
ness and the serious troubles
often attending pregnancy.
cares these cases of "Female
because Weakness" ca. se
they curs
the Kidaaeys, They, promptly
restore theKidneys to
allay inflammation, take away*
the pains, and make the deli-
cate organs well and strong.
is or direct an
t druggists, 'receipt of price, roe.
SEPTEMBER 7 to 15.
GGREAThecas,se you can take adSantaga., of the sale and
the Western Fair at the same time.
GREAT as to the variety of goods shown.
GREAT as to beaney and duality
GREAT becaanse the prices ave leaver than you have yet
GREAT AS lo security, all purchases being made under
binding guarantee.
hi order that von net.y know that this is e gemene sale we
rater yc,u to the following bargaies:
Mena' ilredituu sized gold -fillet! x:rt'e, ,puri feee, warranted
20 ytatr•s, with genuine Waltham 100' e aterrt. Our price
dtlrte the sale.
g `'Id filled twitting watch,
Ladies' medium 14 keret, g (, ,
hstndsolile1y 03,e:raved. warranted 25 ,rear s, with g30uli,e
Waltham works, Our price during the sale..........;ii8.00,
Other prices furnished upon Application by mail,
John S. Barnard,
170 Dundas st., London, Ont.
Undoubtedly the best wowed on
the continesat, Proved to be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially CuicAGO 3893,
whereit received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th,
/11C, -be .
Those interested in Business Collen•e work should
write for our large catalogue. This is the largest and
best Commercial and Shorthand School in Western
Ontario. We give a iaractical'trainingand oasis Cour
graduates to responsible positons. Many of thelead-
ing business colleges employ our graduates as teach-
ens.. Write DOW fora free catalogue.
- AT-
Exeter, Centralia & Clandeboye
Highest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Oobbledick)
i\ a
We know the diseases and weaknesses of men like an open book.
We have boon caring them for 20 years. We have given our lives to
it, and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality
are today living monuments to the skill, knowledge and success of
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. We never hold out false hopes, we never
undertake a case we cannot cure. We have made so thorough a study
of all the diseases of men -of Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisons,
Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Bladder, Urinary and Kidney
Diseases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, and have cured so many
thousands of cases that if there is a cure for YOUR disease you
will find it here. When ere undertake a case there is no such thing
as failure. We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge,
skill and experience are at your service. We will explain to you
How and Why We Can Cure You; why the diseases of men require
the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists. We do not require to
experiment with your case as we know from experience in treating
thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Don't
be discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks, Fakirs,
Electric Belts, Free Trials, etc. You must get cured -and Doctors
alone can cure you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood
the test for 25 years -why should it fail in your ease. Should your
case prove incurable you need not pay us a dollar. We refer you to
any Bank in this city as to our financial standing. If you cannot call
write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. Consultation Free.
Booklets sent Free.
(Incorporated Acta Parliament uss)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital 4p $3,000,OJO
,esarved Eund • • • • • . • • • •X8,000,00@
(Incorporated by of Parliament 1555)
- Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
E,aeserved 'u.d...... • ....... $3,000,000
OFFICE IIOURS 10 a. M. to 3 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to i p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all paints in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bnunbt and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest razes and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts
Receipts{issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Sail g Bank Department, pounsitsded
oh $1 only und ands received. principal
co b
r 'li ounded ]calf• earl •and added to rhici sl Juae 30th
?y and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter fon the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLI G, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
-..c:.:ti- .'_1'.''.s.K s«' -L•. atldfc.T. `I_ ^3i^a•. 2 ,.•^`.liS.tQ•n
,,n •n =a :. u -saes
sae , mss,
11011901.00.010,00YARVOI $•••••110,
We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
-=The Successor— which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the. best on the market,
We handle Perrin Plows
anti have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
111101iliTON BAKER
Agent far the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Companies
iea uarlEls
Lumber, Shinn les,Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
----Water TaTn ks
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
- logs of every description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
The :.o o Co. Ltd
Ross Taylor o
Exeter, Ont.
a,rriage L1oenses
/ ssuod h