HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-9-6, Page 1ADVERTISERS Remember that through the ADVO- CATE yon reach more people than through any otiler channel, Folorryi Village 4•44 0or any other property sold, bong ht orexchainged for you atreasonable commission. Apply- SANDERS c CRki)ECk3, TsW 1 TIiITIL YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1906. SANDEits & tilrl sEat *AVS%cet b owomp TS rev a i�nfV slid+ 4 'MM[. A YEAR A7 41.1. ORPt40-' . sassiossesom To Facilitate Your Business Is Our Concern. The Sovereign Bank 4I` Canada rests on Me solid foundation of sattf factory , banking $. Every facility known to Modern our Banking is a the disposal o} our patrons. Advice on Investment Securities, Letters of Credit, Collection, Drafts, Money Orders, Telegraphic and Cable Transfers to all parts of Me world. American and Foreign Exchange. Highest ' current rates allowed on Savings Deposits, The Sovereign Bank of Canada. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and. Dashwood, The Old Reliable A Bright Penny,..r..-- Will please a child, but you would not think of giving a man a penny. The idea, then, of offering a man or woman A Penley Bribe to draw their custom Yet that is just what is offered when a REPUTED dollar article is marked 99 cents. A Penny Bait is a Small Thing To go a -fishing for custom with (but how many will bite)=too small for a large firm and quite too small for us. Our motto is $1.00's worth for $1:00, and we live up to it, And we are not going tolower our standard a cent's worth. We give.a premium in the quality of our goods that's worth more than a cent's worth of chewing gum. Pall and Winter Dress Goods',10111r.•.... We have just received in stock a choice -line; ranging in price 20, 40, 50, 75, 1.00, L25 and 1.50, nobby goods. Up-to-date line in Her Ladyship tailor made skirts, which have no equal in the trade. Come. early before they are all picked over. Highest price paid for Produce -Butter 18, Eggs 16 CABLING BROS. HARVESTERS' EXCURSIONS TO THE NORTH-WEST GOING SEPT. 11, good to return until NOV.12. 1906 SEPT. 25, good to return until NOV.26, 1906 RETURN FARES FROM Winnipeg • • $32.00 Souris • • 33.50 Brandon • • 33.65 Moosomin • • 34.20 Arcola • • 34.50 Estevan - - 35.00 YOUR NEAREST STATION: Yorkton - Regina • Moose Jaw • Strassburg- - Saskatoon - - Prince Albert - 335.00 35.75 36.00 98.25 37.26 38,00 North Battleford Macleod - Calgary - Red Deer • Stettler Edmonton f • • $39,00 40.00 40.60 41.50 42.60 l or rate. to other points, booklet and lull particulars, see nearest Canadian Pacific Agent. or write C. B. FOSTER. D.P.A.. C.P.R., 71 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. Professional Cards. LOT FOR SALE. 4 The undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S. on: Main street, north of the pleining mill. This is a splendid property, well located, and, should make an excellent building site. Will be sold reasonable. DENTIST For particulars applyto mfrs, Fanny Mallen, Exeter Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. abiAlt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D, S., D. D. So Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST, eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Medical F. MALLOY, M. 13. (Tor. Univ.') MEMBER A• F • College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former house Surgeon Toronto Western hospital, Snocessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of oillce,'Exeter, Ontario. Legal. DiICESON & CAILLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI- i tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Hank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, Onium, 13.4,, L, H. DreasoN Baseball The Tumors of Centralia and Exeter played a game here on the morning of Labor Day, the result being 17 to 11 in favor of the visitors, In the afternoon of Labor Day two games of ball were played on the re- ereation ground. The first commenced at 2 p.rn. and was between two local teams with Sanders and .Knight, and Carling and Sonthcott as the pitcher and ca.telier, respectively. The nine. innings were playedand the game ended in favor of the Carling -South, cott teens by a score 14-6. Oeutralia wound up Exeter's little ball of yarn in a game which com- menced at 4 o'clock. The visitors were hard hitters and pounded Tom Carling all over the ground in the first innings, securing no less than twelve runs. During the next six innings with Car- ling and Creech in the box Centralia only made three runs, but the last two were merry-go-rounds, when they se- cured five or six rims, respectively, off Oreeoh and Sanders. This made Cen- tralia's total score 26, while Exeter only secured 6. Dorman pitched good hall although he was hit often. He. had the best of support behind .bins and few errors were made in the field by the pitchers. Exeter did not score until the sixth innings when McCon- nell passed over the plate and he and Hobbs did the same in the eighth, while three were made in the ninth. The line up. Exeter: Bellwood, Creech, McCon- nell, Hobbs, Heitman, Bissett, Carling, Sanders, Knight. Centralia: Mitchell, F. Bloomfield, Sando, Fl, Dorman, Boyle, Hodgins, R. Dorman, Hennessey, R. Bloomfield. FARM FOR SALE A. first-class farm, Lot 0, Con. 3, Ushorne, contain- ing100 acres, with good under draining. On the premises area good frame house 20x30, kitchen 12x 18; franc barn 33x50; bank barn 30x62; granary 21x 24, all in good repair;1 acre of orchard. The farm is 3i miles from Exeter, with a school on the lot and a church opposite. Price, 1000, 'half in cash and bal- ance on mortgage, or other conditions to suit pur- chaser. Apply to Matthew Reiland, Centralia, or to RobertKolland, Exeter. 1t,FoliEY TO LOAN. 1' iYWe have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm arta village properties at low rates of inter- sst. GLADMAN & STANBUILY, *Barristers, Solioitors,Main at., Exeter On LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist. Church. Teacher -Plano, Organ, Voice, klennsony, Modern methods. Thorourrhness FOR SALE One of the het farms on London lid., nortl, of Ex- eter, containing 100 acres;90acres of which undor oultivatlen, 10 acres first-class hardwood bush. This farm is a thoroughly np•to.dato ono, fine brick house largo ban icbarna, all in goad repair; wen watered, web drained and well fciieed, good orchard, ,and is situated in ane of tho very best farming oomnaunities of On ario and convenien to bot Province t n t if intbolro c , Exeter and ITe.nsalt markets. Terms are eery. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Dickson Carling, Barristers, Exeter, Ont. Bed andrButter Education. Business houses have, the past year nettle T,EN TIMES as many demands upon us for young ladies and gentlemen who are thorough- ly grounded in business principles, as we have bad students to send, Clinton Business College "Affiliated with`Wingham Business College."' Opens Sept, 3rd Drop a postal for information to. CEO. SI'OTTON �+ Pxificlpal. Ansa Craig: Mr. and Mrs. Chat Muria hac'N the sympathy of the`tr many friends in the sad bereavement they have been caned upon to bear in the loss of their infant daughter Nellie at the age n£ two months and ten days after a lingering illness. The Lucan Irish. Nine won a double- header Labor Day from Stratford,. pulling a victory in the afternoon with a score of 5 to 3 against them at tho beginning of the ninth.. It required eleven innings to decide this game. Scores: morning game, Lucas 7, Strat- ford 5; afternoon game, Lucan 0,Strat- ford 5. Three games of baseball were played at Fullerton on Labor Day between Fullerton, Mitchell and Kirkton, and the honors went to Fullerton.. All the games were played in the afternoon in the presence of a good crowd. The scores were: Fullerton 20, Mitchell 1; Fullarton 8, Kirkton 3; Kirkton 15, Mitchell 8. Crediton fielding was done by the Stars, In the afternoon' the Loudon boys put a left-hander in the box, who to a cer- tain extent tortured our boys and they won Ont, 8.4. There is no doubt but that the high wind assisted in both amen to make the large score. The recti ton Stars are a flue lot of players considering that everyone of thein re- sides in the village and they are all hard working merit nevertheless they are prepared at all tinges to 'butt up against any team in this western sec- tion. Crediton clairris that they can. iu a series of games beat any club in any village or town in the County of Huron, players resident in such town or village. The married risen of Cred- iton would like to meet the married naen of Exeter or 1Iensall in a game some day. -At the shooting thatch a good time was spent and some good scores were made. Liscrume-The Rev. F. O. Berger of Greed Rapids, Mich., gave a lecture in the Evangelical church Tuesday even- ing on his recent visit to Palestine and the Orient, with side glimpses at Mad- eira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens Constantinople, Asia Minor, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland and France. He is a handsome looking lecturer and just as good a lecturer as he looks. Ali present appeared to he pleased and should he ever return he will be well received. The Advocate to end of year 25c Dr. Roulston, Dentist of Exeter, de- sires to announce that on September 14th and each succeeding Friday even- ing he will visit Crediten (Holtzman's Block) and be prepared to do all man- ner of dental work. The trustees of the Methodist church have had a cement walk constructed from the street to the church. Peter Bawden of Exeter made an excellent job of it. -Miss Evelyn .Kerr is on a visit to Wiarton friends, -We are sor- ry to state that Mrs. Albert King's condition continues very low, -The masons have started to lathe the in- terior of the school. -Miss Olive Turn- er returned to her home in Goderich Saturday evening after a pleasant vis- it with friends in the village. -,Albert Morlock has his gasoline engine work- ing in great style. It certainly makes things hum when going and will be found very useful in his blacksmith business. --Dan. Oestreicher has the concrete foundation for his verandah almost completed. -Mrs. Valentine Rata and son of Parkhill were in the village last, week, the guests of Mrs. 0. Zwicker.-Mr. and Mrs. Steinhaufer of Batavia, N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fahner on Thursday. -Art. Zwicker and Otte Brown attended To- ronto Fair during Labor Day excur- sion. -G. W. Gilmore returned to To- rontoSaterday after visiting friends in the village the past two weeks.- Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Wood, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood, Jr., spent Labor Day holidays with Mrs. John Kerr. They also visited at Centralia. -August Kuhn, Ira Brown and Herb 'Bilber left Saturday morning for a two weeks' vacation. They will at- tend Toronto Fair for a few days and from there will take boat for Montreal and Quebec. Have a good time boys! -Bristol Essery has been transferred to the Sovereign,Bank„ Exeter, for a few weeks. -The following, taken from the Goderich Star, refers to the Indian who was remanded for trial at Goderich some time ago: "Isaac. 'S''oung, the Indian, who last week elected to be tried by a jury, after- wards asked to he allowed to be tried without jury, and pleaded guilty to stealingthe trunk full of clothes from a dwelling. He was before Isis Honor Judge Doyle for sentence. His solici- tor, G. F. Blair; made a plea for a light sentence, claiming that it was whis- key hiskey that caused his client to commit the offences. His Honor addressed the prisoner at some length, telling him that the excuse, "bad whiskey" will not save him from the penitentiary should he be brought: before him again. The Judge sentenced Young to four months with hard labor in the county jail, and informed him that the reason he did not send him to the Central Prison with hard labor for along term was because of no room in that in- stitution for any more inmates at the present time. LAson DAY -Two games of baseball were played bore on Monday, The Soinervilles of London, who bold the trophy in that city, broke even with our boys, The London boys are a fine lot of jolly good players, always in the game and ready to take any advantage or risk to snake a run. The forenoon game was played with a very strong wind from the north, making the play difflcult; nevertheless our Stars Wnn the gone, 10.6. Reuel -1d Snell played a good gttfne and stuns remarkable o Pa or Next Week. Special Trade Edition on 20th. In accordance with the usual custom of weekly papers The ADvoo,.T31 staff will holiday next week and no paper will he issued. The Special Trade Edi- tion will be published on Sept. 20th, instead of the 13th,as at first intended. Correspondents will kindly send their news in early for the following week. The office will be open as usual for the doing of Job Work and the transac- tion, of business. Dashwood The Advocate is 25c. to end of year On account of illness Bev, L. K. Eidt was unable to attend to his work oil Sunday, In the morning, however, the class leader took charge of the meeting and in the evening the Y.P. A. held their regular ;meeting. We hope Mr. Eidt may soon be around as usual, as do also his entire congrega- tion by whom he is dearly beloved-- Several eloved-Several of our people went to Credi- ton Tuesday evening and took inthe lecture Palestine and the Orient" by l.;.ev. Burger, of the Michigan Con- ference. They were delighted with the speaker. -Monday being Labor Day was observed as a holiday by our resi- dents, mast of whotu went over to Zurich to attend the sports. -Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey went to Thedford Satur- day, returning Monday. -0. H. San- ders of the Exeter Advocate was in the village. It was our misfortnne not to see our old friend, Which we are always pleased to do, hence we missed his cheery smile and warm-hearted handshake. Look us up the next time you come 0. H. -The Misses Nesper of Buffalo, who have been visiting among relatives here, returned to their home last week, as did also Mr. and Mrs, Slakeuhaufe.-Arthur Kellerman, who has been attending the Y.P.A. Con- vention at Rodney, returned home Monday evening. He will report the doiugs of the convention next Sunday evening. -H. Willert got in a carload of lambs on. Monday which he shipped to Toronto Tuesday from the Exeter station. While in Toronto hewill take in the exhibition. Mrs. Willert ac- companied him. May they have an enjoyable time. -Some clothes line thieves have been at work in the vil- lage again. Its too bad to think we have such low -lived, miserable sneaks in our midst and we hope that some time they may be caught red-handed in the act and get full benefit of the British law. Such treatment ;might put an end to nefarious work. -Mrs. Henry Wind of Detroit is visiting friends in and around Dashwood this week. -Albert W eltin left Monday to take a course in the Stratford Business College. We wish Albert success. - Miss Dorothy Truemner left Monday for Exeter to attend the High School, That she may be successful is our sin- cere wish. -John Fried spent Sunday with bis sister Mrs. Jacob Kellerman. The Misses Minnie and Catherine Fink- beiner who• had been visiting at the home of Rev. J. C. Morlock, Milverton returned home Friday evening. They report a most pleasant time at the hone of our old friend and pastor; in- deed it could not be otherwise as we believe Rev, Morlock and his dear faaa- ily never learned how to treat anyone other than with the kindest hospital- ity. To visit at their hone you could not feel unwelcome if you tried. You would get what is good enough for a king and you would feel tiiat you were in the best of company, in fact you would almost forget the world had any sorrows or troubles. Mr. Morinck was tit one time pastor of this charge and while here endeared himself to all who arenowhere. Be had his difficulties while here bet not because of any fault of his. The trouble is now gone and if the Rev. gentleman were here now we believe it would be to hien the most pleasant time of his life. lie is afluent speaker. one of the foremost in the country to -day, irrespective of denom- ination and we are glad to know that his worth as a Minister of the gospel. is fully appreciated, not only by his own people at Milverton but by the community at large. We hope for out old friend a still greater measure of success. DIcAT>ai.- Word has been received here of the death of Mrs; Louis Simon,. which sad event occurred Satatrlay, Sept. let, et the home of her dauirhter in Elmira. Mrs. Simon bad reached the good age of 70 years and some more he. Deceased resided in our lage for some years, but a few months SUITABLE FURNITURE For Every Room. in tie Home We have a beautiful selection .of the latest designs.. Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures. nroctsismammur- WE ask you to enure to this store for furniture because we believe yon will get the kind you want. The stock includes all those pieces that appeal to good taste on account of their design, finish, character and richness. hness. We Can show newest ideas and .west d the most popular furniture for the home, that can be Mond any place, town or city. JAS. BEVERLEY/ OPERA BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. ago she, with her husband, went to Elmira to reside with their daughter. While here she formed' many friends who are indeed sorry to learn of her death. The funeral took place Mon- day to the Elmira cemetery. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved hus- band and three daughters. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Richard Gidley of Bayfield seas home for the holiday. Miss Maud Hodgins of London is visiting at her home here. Miss H. Holla.way of Clinton is the guest of Miss Vera Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum are at tending the Toronto Fair this week. Mr. Wm, Creech has been off work for a few days, owing to a wire nail running into .his foot. Miss Zimmerman who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Hawkins, returned to her home in Toronto`Saturday. Mr. 3. 3. Knight, who has been holi- daying in Yorkton,Sask., and in other western points, arrived home Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Snell were in Elmira this week attending the fuser. al of the latter's mother, Mrs. Louis Simon. Mrs. E Christie, after several weeks' yisit with her daughter,: Mrs. R. R. Rogers in Chicago, returned home on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Kunz ts•obliged to limp a little those days owing to a mix up in which he was engaged at the Labor Day Races at Zurich when driving his horse: Miss Martha Carling returned to her studies at Brantford on Wednesday. Miss Winnie Carling went to Toronto the same day to take up her musical studies. Dr. and Mrs. Amos arrived home Saturday from Muskoka, Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw and daughter,. Miss Jean, who have been visiting in London; returned to town last week and have moved with their household. etfecrs into the house recently pur- chased from Mrs, Harry Gidley on Vic- toria street. Mr. Northcott has moved: into one of Mr. T. B. Martin's residenc- es on Sanders street. MARRIAGES. BLOOMFIELD--FRASER-At the parson- age, Liman, by Rev. Holmes; on Aug. 28, Gordon Bloomfield, to Miss Edith,. only daughter of Wm. Fraser, both; of Mooresville. BRENNER-TAyLoE--At the home of the bride's parents, nn Sept. 5, Mor- ris Brenner of Grand Bend, to Miss Pearl, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Brewster, DEATHS FISHER -In Clinton, on Aug. 31, Wm.. Fisher, sr., (formerly of Exeter), aged 82 years, 7 months, 25 days. Txnnnataser-In Stephen, on Aug. 29, Alfred, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tiedemaaa, Sarnia, aged 3 weeks, RA.vELLE--In Grand Bend, on Sept. 1, Winnifred, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ravelle, aged 3. months. Smear -In Elmira, on Sept 1, Mrs. L, Simon, formerly of Dashwood, in her 80th year. BROWNLEE-".'n Biddnlpb, on Sept. 3, Mabel, eldest daughter of Win. Brownlee, aged 21 years. The South Huron Fall Show AT EXETER lion. & Tues., Sept. 17 & 18. A. Big Specialty is the Musical Event Vidor's Veneian :and Comprising from 40 to 50 Players. This is one of the Strongest and Best Musical Combinations on the C1on- tinent and has been secured at a.great expense by the Society to play on the grounds during the afternoon of Tuesday and to give an Entertainment in the Opera House in the evening. The many other interesting features of the Annual Fair at Exeter are too well known to need any comment. The Show of Live Stock beats any- thing outside of Toronto and London. The other articles shown are of great variety, large quantity and excellent quality. Stoves and Ranges. We can safely say that the finest and best line of Stoves and Ranges, and those that will give the best satisfaction, are to be found in our store. Surely you could select one to your liking from the following makers Gurney & T ,lden s "Souvenirs" Bowes Jamieson's "Garland" Western Fd_ . CoD "Hurons" Hurons Moffat's "Nationals" and examine our : lines before buying, Call Y, �' Pumps, Sinks, Bath Tubs, Piping, Iron 1 Etc. Human's Hardware 86 Stove Store.