HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-8-9, Page 6IX LOVE "TTI ROYALTY
Correspondeinee Very Rarely; 'leaches
Them, But is Dealt 'With by
Private Secretaries.
It would . seem for some reason !loyal
personages the more liable than, any
other notabilities to excite the love peep
skin in. the hearts of utter strangers,
if one 'may judge by the amount of
correspondence of an amorous nature
which pours into Royal palaces from
unknown writers, an immense number
of weak-minded people iiilagine them-
selves to be ardently in hove with Roy-
alty. Happily for the sanity of Kings,
Princes, and Princesses, such corres-
pondence never, or only very rarely,
reaches those to whom it is addressed;
but is dealt with by private secretaries
and their assistants as mere ebullition
of sentimental lunacy and consigned
to the flames,
But a. shall portion of these love -let.
fers from irresponsible strangers 1
per cent., perhaps—receives a great
amount of attention than might be i
agined; and some of the writers of su
letters give an infinitude of -trouble a
annoyance to those Court officials whose
duty it is to protect Royalty from pos-
tal peers.
In other words, it is notalways pos-
sible to treat the love -letters with sil-
ent pity or contempt, as it sometimes
happens that the writers are
as to constitute a real danger to the
Royal personages to whom they ha
given their wayward hearts. Su
writers have before now perished
their unwarrantable attentions during
Whole periods of years, and finally be-
come so violent in their language as to
. necessitate steps being taken to obviate
the possibility of their veiled or overt
threats being carried into effect.
In such cases as these the services of
the tactful and experienced, detectives
who devote their whole time to safe-
guarding Royalty are requistioned. But
although these matters are dealt with
by the police, they never become known
to the general public, for prosecutions
do not eventuate, the foreign strange •s
generally being persuaded to
atoria, or are put under restraint :,y
friends. So that, indeed, it frequently
happens that the Royal personages who
have been bombarded with amorous
epistles for many months hear nothing
whatever of the matter.
Some years ago, the Prince of Wale
then the Duke of York, was pursue
wherever he went by letters from a
English lady living in Berne. The fir
few letters, being of the usual typ
were simply ignored, but after a time tl
lady began importuning His Roy
Iligirness to make an appointment wits
her, and to threaten that if he failed t
do so she would conte to London an
force herself into his presence.
It then became necessary to act in th
matter, and a detective journeyed t
Berne to see what could be done. Th
lady proved to be a single person o
ntiddie age, in comfortable circumstan
es, living in an hotel, and, apparently
Sunlight Soap is
Fetter than other Soaps
but is best when used an the
Sunlight way. Buy S u n ti g ht
Soap and follow directions
heir in astonishing numbers long atter
his return to ' Gernrairy, and there is
still, "ft is Said, some love-lorn lassos 'in
the States who write to',him occasion-
ally to `remind him o! rnittginary ones-
ions when he plighted his troth. to them,
In the sante way has
been bombarded for years past, and
many of the epistles sent to him have
emanated from. wealthy' women who
heave labored under the notion that
their riches might counter -balance their
general unsuitability as wives for reign-
ing monarchs. It is understood that the
method of dealing with such correspon-
dence at Madrid is to simply return the
letters in plain envelopes, without coni-
anent 01' remark, which is severe for so
courteous a nation as the Spanish,
Very many love -letters sent to the
Princesses are written by senooTboys,
er The Princess of Wales received a great
nr- deal of attention of this description at
eh one time, and no doubt, contrary to
nu the rule many of the epistles reached
her by sheer merit of their amusing
character. One of the Princess's youth-
ful lovers used to seize up on every pos-
sible occasion, 0
such as her birthday,
Christmas, and St. Valentine's Day 10
send her small gifts„ which were always
accompanied by letters, and wnich were
invariably acknowledged. The an-
nouncement of "Princess May's" en-
gagement was'a heavy blow to this
ve young man—as, indeed, it roust have
ch been to many others—for he wrote im-
in ploring that the engagement should be
cancelled, and urging the reason that
he would be leaving school in six!
months' time to enter his fathers efface,
sa that he hoped soon to bemaking
enough money to marry on. One would!
imagine, from his attitude, that even of -1
ter the lapse of six months he would.
hate aemtirvcl sitfl1 hent cvnrTdl'^ n �^ t
be anything but a peril in a business
office.—London Tit -Bits.
oa dysentry, y 1y, cholera infan(um
and stomach troubles are alarmingly
frequent during the hot weather months.
Too often these troubles become acute
and a precious little life is lost after
only a few hours illness. During the
hot weather season every wise mother
5, should keep a box of Baby's Own Tab -
d lets in the house to check these ills if
n they tonne suddenly. Better still, an
st occasional dose of this medicine will
e, keep the stomach and bowels clean and
le.. prevent these dangerous ailments com-
et ; Ing. Mrs. John Lancaster, North Por -
1 tal, Sask., says: "My baby was attael:al
0 with diarrhoea and severe vomiting. r
d at once gave Baby's Own Tablets and
next day she was. as well as 'ever. I
o find the Tablets are the only medicine
0 a little one needs." Sold by all medicine
e dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bot
I from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
c" Brockville, Ont.
as sane as the officer who went to see
her. But directly he touched on the sub-
ject of her letters her irresponsibility
became manifest; she even declared that
the Prince had
and argued that his marriage to the
Princess did not preclude hint contract-
ing a morganatic union. She consent-
ed, however, to desist from attempting
to see IIis Royal Highness or writing
further letters for a time, and, the deiee-
tive returned to London with the object
0f consulting her brother, a north-coun-
• try solicitor. •
But the infatuated lady must have
had her suspicions, for she was seen
in London two days later. Promptly .i
watch was placed over her and her bro-
ther sent for. Before the latter's arrival,
• however, she succeeded in eluding the
oflieer an watch, and, calling at Marl
borough House, only to learn that the
Prince was not in town, went to Sand-
ringlaam. It happened, though, that His
Royal 'Highness was staying in Scot-
land. at the time, and on returning rd
London from Norfolk, with the apparent
intention of going north, she found her
brother, a Court official, and a couple
of doctors waiting her return to her Ito -
tel. The upshot of it was she was car-
t -Wed insane and placed in a private
asylum by her brother.
In the days of his youth Ding Edward
used to have love -letters sent to him
by the score, many emanating from
Continental ladies. And it may here be
remarked that Princes invoke far more
love -letters from women than Princesses
de from men. About nee year 1860 a
lady, the widow of a French consul.
conceived a most unwelcome passion
for the then heir to the British throne,
to. whom she had been introduced on
some formal occasion.
all breathing most fervent affection,
were received from her, and for a long
lime it seemed impossible to put a slop
to the annoyance. Eventually, however,
it corrected itself; she appeared` to re-
cover her mental balance, and the cor-
respondence ceased suddenly. A year
or two later she consoled herself by tak-
ing a second husband,
Since he reached a marriageable age,
particularly before his marriage, the
Crown Prince of Germany wes Subject-
ed to the some annoying nonsense, Am.
erican actresses seeming peculiarly sus-
ceptible to his charms, Shortly alter
his visit to the United Stales It became.
known to the Press that no fewer than
seven charming and well-known actress
es wrere retiliarly veritig to him, each
With the idea of indrteing him to "name
the day." As their names were di5
ht it
l might
dosed t, be auyhert(rl that, they
were engineering cheap advertisements
for tizeresclves in the true American
fashion, but this some of (hem 0uthori
tativoly denied; and, of course, there is
no questioning the word of a charming
young Indy. The feet remains that love
letters, many of themcontaining offers
o' lsttggesttnns of marriage, e, streamed
across the Atlantic upon the, Kaiser's
"'Tis strange," quoth the tramp, as
he trudged through the rain,
Heaving a heavy sigh,
"That I can thus get so confounded wet
And still be so awfully dry."
On Common Ground by Sydney H.
Preston is a book of which one can
speak wil.h unstinted praise. It is not
often that one finds oneself longing to
get back any book, but one has this
sense lion with regard to this volume.
It is a book difficult to drop from the
first moment it is taken in hand and
one to which -the reader returns with
real delight. It is partly, one must ad -
]nit, because there is much fascination
in the subject, but it is also because the
•'narrative is so simple, lucid, satisfying:
The book is full of pure, spontaneous,
hearty- humor, with no trace of coarse-
ness or boisterousness. ,1 very page
is unpretentious, lively, racy. It is the
most pleasant book of its kind we have
seen for many a day.
Mr. Preston is a Canadian, almost a
Torontonian, living as he does near
Oakville. "On Common Ground" is t is
second lengthy work. His first book,
"The Abandoned Farmer," received high
praise from all sources. Canadians
should be proud of this successful Can-
adian author. )loth these books -are
published by the Copp, Clarke Company,
Father (sternly) So you've failed again
in your examination. Ilow do you ex-
plain that?
Son—Because they went and asked me
just the same questions as before. •
Mr. Bilicine (looking up from (be paper)
---"The eminent physician, Dr. fir. eaihead
says there is no exercise so conducive
to health in woman as ordinary house-
work." Mrs. BiIkins—"Hubs: I'll 'bet
he's rflarried'
A • Milk Rath end How It is to . be
The latest recipe for the familiar treat-
ment of the complexion by bathing in
milk comes Froin Paris. 11 usys Haat
the face and neck should- first be 001'8 -
fully cloned with pieces of waddtag
'soaked with a mixture of olive oil and
cognac or olive all •and eau de cologne
and the shill then dried and the iniac
Natlt applied. Let the milk dry`on the
face and then rub with thin slices of a
raw potato or a Cucumber,
Women sometimes find that the milts
seems to burn the face at first, but they
mast persevere and the good effects will
soon be perceived. The treatment must
be regular and oonlinued for a long time
if good results are wanted:
The external milk treatment ought, to
be accompanied by certain internal ap-
plications, including many 'glasses of
pure milk during the clay and a large
glass of hot water on going to bed, and
another on getting up. Take little meat;.
plenty of salad, but no wine, no tea and
no cake,
The following is part df an article
written by Alexander Dallos in "Busi-
ness and Finance," a most reliable New
York financial journal It gives some
idea of what the people of the United
States think of the Canadian Cobalt
"The ores of Cobalt are justly claim-
ed to be the richest in the world and
c nslsts mainly .of Silver and Cobalt,
with arsenic, nickel and, oecasfonally,
gold. Think of shipping 100 ear loads
of ore averaging over $300,000 per car.
and all this ore taken from a depth of
not over 50 feel! Selected car lots have
gone as liigh as $60,000 to $129,000 per
car and the average ore runs from $1,-
000 to $8,000 per ton. Geologists, ex-
perts and mining men generally were
loath to accept Cobalt as a permanency,
but to -day no elms of men are more
enthusiastic, for It is now proven that
the deeper the shafts are sunk, the
richer the ore becomes."
Captain Harris, a man of world wide
experience as a mining engineer, says:
"1f you had asked one what 1 thought
of Cobalt a year ago, I Would have told
you that it was altogether beyond pre-
cedent that such enormously rich
values as we fines here at Cobalt could
last to any depth. To -day every indica-
tion from the entire section points to
the strong• rr
probability of�,,,eneraAy in-
creasing values in depthethroughout the
field. I came here very much of a pes-
simist, but to -day I am an optiinist—
made so by close observation of actual
conditions. Cobalt will last for years
and ]hake many fortunes."
Up to the present time, all the proven
properties are located in Coleman
Township, and, though the work has
been carried on in the crudest ewoy,
many millions of ore Have already
been shipped and large 'dividends have
been paid, hi some cases as high as
200 per cent. To the investor, the Co-
balt Mining Camp should prove parti-
cularly interesting for, so far, no nine
has been sunk to a depth of 30 feet
without finding shipping ore, and the
Alining Laws of Ontario are so strict
that no "wildcat" schemes can flourish
there. •
The honor of being the oldest post-
master in England is claimed by Mr.
William Scott, Carlton-in-LindriCk,
Notts, who is eighty-three years of
age. IIe was appointed in 1859, and at
that time was also the village . school-
master. For twenty-seven years he
held both positions, but resigned that
of schoolmaster twenty years ago.
Though eighlythree he can still read
without the aid of spectacles, and en-
joys the best of health.
Useful at All Thnes.—In winter or in.
summer "Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will
cope with 'and overcome any irregulari-
ties of the digestive organs, which
change of diet, change of residence, c r
variation of .temperature may bring
about. They should be always kept at
hand, and once their beneficial action
becomes known, no one will be with-
out them. There is nothing nausea -tingle)
their structure, and the most delicate
can use them confidently.
"Yes, when,.Dubley tells an Irish story.
there's no mistaking it."
"You know it's Irish right away, eh?"
"Yes, indeed, he says 'I3e jabbers' af-
ter every sentence."
Do not give up to despair, you who suffer.
from obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Annoint
the sore spots with weaver's Corate and purify
the blood with. Weaver's Syrup. All druggists
coon them.
Friend -"Does your husband like anti-
Wife—"'Welt, he pretends to admire my
old hats and dresses whenever I 'want
new ones."
A Soothing 011.—To throw o!1 •upon
the troubled waters mums to subdue Co
calmness the most boisterous sea . To
apply Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric 011 t0 the
troubled body when it is racked with
pain means speedy suhjugation of the
most refractory elements. It cures
pain, heals bruises, 'takes the fire from
burns, and 08 a general 'hoirselloid,
medicine is useful in many ailments. 11
is 'Worth much.
The spider -web gown may soon be a
reality, for the threads of Nlousands of
spiders are being carefully gaehered, un-
wound, and woven into shimmering silk-
en fabrics. On the island of Aiacle4nes-
car this Ocid idustry is carried, on tin-
der the dl.reet management of the Gov
crnoor, who leas been appointed by the
Prench authorities manager of what ie
perhaps the strangest ltletory in the
world. Here spider toll day and night
and die from overwork and from ignor-
ance on the part of the attendants.
Therein lies the chief diuimrlty. The
spider seemsperfectly willing to 80in
out in the mango groves of its native
land, hitt it grows sulky when trans
relented to thepecially-pt'r'pared (,nits
in the silk -spinning factory r, of Made.
i1Tii1et Free i s
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing. ,
Read circular in every package, .or write us for Prenaiurn List.
.A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you needand use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Canaada
This new, modern, up-to-date hotel
was opened for the reception of guests
in. 1901. It is situated in the centre cf
-the finest summer resort region in
America, known as the Muskoka Lakes,
within easy reach of the principal points
in Canada and the United States. The
interior of the hotel is planned to the
best advantage for comfort, and con-
venience, special attention being given.
to vetilation and sanitary arrangements.
Its spacious suites, with handsome
bathrooms attached, are especially adap-
ted to -either large or small families.
Cuisine and service are the best. Open
for guests about middle of June. For
further particulars, 'descriptive matter
and all information write J. D. McDon-
ald, Union Station, Toronto,' Ont.
No; Madam, the shingles do not at-,
tack one on the roof of the mouth.
Some persons have periodical attacks
of Canadian cholera, dysentery ar diar-
rhoea; and have • to use great precau=
tions to avoid the disease, Change
water, cooking, and green fruitris sure
to bring on .the attacks. To such per-
sons we would recommend Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as being
the best medicine -In the market for all
summer complaints. If a few drops
he . . symptoms
are taken in water when tsy i oms
are noticed no further trouble will be
Unless a man is capable of inventing
excuses, lis should remain a bachelor.
Puts You on Your Peet and keopsyon there
That's what "Ferrovim" does for all these re.
covering from wasting diseases. It is the best
tonic in existence. It stimulates, nourishes and
builds up the system.
The following letter, received by the
editor of a paper. may be of special in-
terest to our readers.
"My wife had a Tame cat that dyd.
For the enrichment of the soil I had the
Carpis deposited under the roots of a
Gooseberry Bush. (The Frute being up
to then of the smooth kind.) But the
next Seson's Frute after that Cat was
berried, the Gooseberries was all
r Remarkable, h
Hairy and mo a t e
Catapilers of the Same Bush was All of
said Hairy description."
"Well, well," exclaimed the first sum
mer girl, "where did the engagement
ring come from?"
"From Biffany's, of course," replied
the other.
"01 I don't mean that, Who is the
man who gave it to you?"
"0! Why-er-really, I've forgottel
his last name. I just call hint Shorty.'
Mother Graves'' Worm Exterminate
has no equal for destroying worms In
children and adults. dee that you ge
the genuine when purchasing.
ity ,fir.
. ..14 74;
O h
a ,$�O ,�!' Wl
Steel Shingles.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices vary ng from $2.85 to $5.10
per hundred square, feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov-
ering' on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSIIAWA" shingles. A
hammier and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest cccmpany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SiDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 144B and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles.
Write' to -day.
Pf4onlreal, ode. ollawa, ,oaf ioroalo, 0pl. loadoa, cal. Ilaaipeg, lag.1 taICoauer,B.C.
767Craig Sussex61 Ponder st.
C ai St. 423 st. 11Colborne st Dundas st 78 I.cmbard e 6 P >•
C b 89 D as t
Write your Nearest Office. -HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Ont
,E��►a �+,��,r� Tyro aornerin
mist s®n U , nada cocoons, eelocA
ed lands in
Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.R. as 0.T.P.
Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs
About 40 silos N,IE. of Indian Iload. Price $10.60 per acre.
Write for ,nap and fall particulars.
R. PARSONS. pt Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.
Three hundred times het.
ter than sticky paper.
Sold by all Druggists and General Stores
and by mail.
"Bessie, how many sisters has your
r new playmate?"
"Sire has one, mamma. She; tried to
t hoax me by saying she had two half-
sisters, but she didn't know that I have
studied .Inactions."
A debt -collecting agency which is run MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED
as a part of the regular public postal
system is the newest "improvement" of
and Ilow IIe Was Released.
Kingston Man,,, Tells How He Suffered'
the post -offices of Austria.• Despite the
novelty of the enterprise. the plan has
worked admirably, so that thousands
of dollars are collected annually by the
postmen throughout the Austrian em-
pire., The system is very simple. Sup-
pose a tradesman he Vienna has an
.account due from a customer in, say,
such a distant town as Budapest,
which he wishes to collect. Distance
does not matter in the least. He merely
sends the hill to the post -office in the
capital, whence it is at once trans-
mitted to the post -office et Budapest.
There the postman presents tl to the
debtor, collects the cash, and remits it
to 'the Vienna post -office, whence it is
delivered to the tradesman by post-
man. - In the event of payment being
refused, which, of course, sometimes
happens, the creditor is promptly ap-
prised of the fact and valuable time is
thus frequently saved.
Thos. Sabin of Egiington, says: "1
have removed ten corns from my feet
with Holloway's Corn Cure.". Reader,
go thou and do likewise.
"Blusher is the most basinful man I
ever knew." "How on earth, then, did
he come to get married ?" "He was too
bashfui to refuse."
Sunlight Soap is better than other soapy
bat is beet when used in the Sunlight Way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
"You don't even dress me decently,"
she cried. "I'm going home to papa."
"All right,;" replied leeten t,, ""You
might say to him also that I need a
new suit myself."
A Cure for'Fever and Ague,—Parme,
ice's Vegetable Pills are compounded
tor use in any climate and they will be
found to preserve their powers in any
latitude: In fever and ague they ad.
upon the secretions acid neutralize the
poison which; has found its way info
the blood, They correct the Impilr (!les
which find entrance into the system
fl g soil as a drinking
preventive tevereer oe food ovoidal.
gases"... hers arc avofdc.l, , T N U
"For years a mar-
tyr," is how Chas II.
Powell; of 105 Rag-
aolan Street, Kingston,
begins his story. "A.
martyr to chronic
constipation, but now
I am free from it
and all through the
use of Dr. Leon -
Chas. II. Powell
itardt,s Ansi-Pill.
"I was induced to try Anti -Pill. by
reading the testimony of some one who
hacl been cured of constipation by it. 1
bad suffered for eighteen years and had
talten tons of stuff recommended es
cures but which made me worse rather.
than better. Doctors told me there was
no cure for me. Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-
'cured me." .
All Dealel's or The Wilson -Fyfe Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls,' Ont. 602
A Vacation in
Where it's always Cool
and the air fresh
and pure
Is whaf You Need
Tho Low Roiand'rrip Ratan
Denver, `Colorado Springs
and Pueblo this
offer an opportunity to go there
and back for slightly over
the eost al a one-
Way ticket.
Inquire of
J. 0, GOODSELL, T. P. A.e
144 ,Janos 1luilding,
Toronto; Canada.
r. iii C!JOA'TE, G. A,,
11 Fort Street,
Detroit, - - Mich.
ISSCJIi NO. 31--06
BEARINGS, limited,
Manufacturers of tho
Henerson Benriiiu
785 Kish St. West, Toronto
Work wanted 'for Potter & John-
ston machines, and Brown &
Sharpe grinding machines. Prices
low. Any kind of light machine
built to order.
New York Excursion
Round Trip from Buffalo, $9,00
good for fifteen days going
August is the vacation month. New
York's greatest pleasure resort—
the $3.000,000- Electric City by the
sea, tuna Park. Two weeks where
the ocean breezes blow will add
two years to your life.
All information regarding this
excursion apply to A. Leadlay, 75
Yonge St., Toronto ('phone, M. 3547)
or F. P. Fox, D. P. A., 289 Main •
St. Buffalo, N. Y.
._�,�_ . OntarioCo'tservatoryOf
G Palatial buildings, beautiful
GE grounds, helpful social and
religious influences, and the
best facilitios for the study .of
Literature, Music, Art, Elocution, Commercial
and Domestic Science, Large pipe organ, con-
cert grand pianos, ;and the most complete
modern equipment in over' (Copartmant.
"Undoubtedly the best of its kind in
Canada." -Lord Aberdeen.
-WILL Rii-9 PEN SEPT, 10.
Sold for calendar to
Ilene r. 3, IIARI3, I'h. D., Prino1pal
Horse Owners! se
A Sank, honey, awl ?saltire Cees
The safest. Best ULTST1Lrli ever need. Takes
tie preen of all itlfinent8 for Mild or avrere'Settle.
Remotes all Ranchos or 0ten,ishee from Horsed
111VI.[N.ING.JrmpbasbretobeerbCescar brbeetle
V bottle sold Is warranted to give satlstaction
Pries 31.50 Or bottle, Bo)d by drugielnte, Or sent
by express. charges bald, with tell .Uroetlou i for
its Use. send for deberlrtlyo circulars.
Tab T.awrenee.'WI1aheni Cn..Tor'untn. tttiik