HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-8-9, Page 4ieedsandne One
enietif canwellout do with -
a scientific skin food, highly recoil -
mended for
uubu rn, Tan,
Freckles and
Redness of the Skin.
Indispensable in Warm Weather
Its:cooliug, soothing and healing
properties make ft unsurpassed as
a toilet lotion.
Ask for Melissa Balm
Nothing can be more satisfactory.
In 25c. Bottles.
Prepared by W. S. COLE, Phna, B.
Exeter, Ontario
z.eter Abiaocate,
Sanders & Creech_ Props.
Stephen Coiuieil
Stephen Council met at the Town
"hall, Crediton, on Monday, Ang. 6th,
At 11 P.M. All present. Mia.utes of
Wrevious meeting read and :Adopted.
ebb -Anderson -that the clerk mail
getters to all persons using Traction
Engines on highways in the Township
that unless they comply with the law
in crossing culverts and bridges, they
will be held responsible for all damage
,none. 'Carried. Anderson -Webb -
that By-law No.10 of 1906, to levy the
several rates for the year 1906, being
read the third time be passed and sign-
ed by Reeve and Clerk. Carried.
Fin kbeiner-'yearly-that By-law No.
9 of 1906 being a By-law to amend By-
law No. 8 of 1906, being read the the
third time be passed and signed by
Reeve and Clerk. Carried. Ander-
son -Webb -that Gottlob Brown be
..appointed Collector of taxes for 1906 at
his former salary and that before
commencing his duties he shalt deposit
the usual bond with the Clerk. Car-
ried. The following orders were pass-
ed: -R. S. Code, restaking Mud Creek
Drain, $14; Do., and others, surveys,
$116.89; R. Handford, gravel contract.
$86; Do.. Com. B. road, $10; Ed. Ryan;
glom., $8.25; R. Davey, do., $2.50; H;
Purdy. do., $2.75; R. Webb, do., $4.50;
D. Mcisaac, do., $41 J.Keys, do., $11.25;
T. Glavin, do., $3; J. Hays, do., $1.85,
F. Treihner, pt, gravel contract, $50,
D. McIsaac and others, contracts, $29;
▪ Pollock, do., $68.75; W. H. Lewis,
grading, $15.08; C. Kienzle, do., $73.60;
Sundry persons, do., $31.50; .Jno. Wild
rep. bridge, $5; J. Ziler, do., $2.25; S.
Morrison, do., $2.50; L. Willert, con-
crete tile, $5.50; J. Gower, rep. ditch,
.$2.25; .W. Anderson, rep. Bauble bridge
. 6,05; G. Hepburn, rep. 4th con., $8;
J . Wein, work on 3rd side .road, $20;
-J. G. Wein, rep. culverts $11; J. Quer-
vin, contracts, 0. R., $90.25; Do., open-
ing O'Rourke's pit $8; J. Lawson, part
-contract M. 0. drain, $500, Council
.adjourned to meet Sept. 3, at 1 p.m.
H. Either, Clerk.
Michael Tobin a Kingston peniten-
Cary convict committed suicide.
l, Centralia harvest is fast drawing to a
close,-Tbe foundation of the old Roy
ill Hotel has been corn eenced.-This
Miss McLeod of London are guests of
Mrs. Hodgins.
SeaforthlMan Drowned.
London, Aug. 7.-Robt. Peters, gro-
oer's clerk of this city was drowned
while bathing at Port Stanley yester
•day afternoon. He, in company with
-another young man, had gone to Port
-to spend tbe day and had been enjoy-
- ng himself in the water for some time
when his companion noticed him
:struggling in the water. He irnmedi-
atediy went to his reseue and succeed -
.ed in nearly bringing the drowning
wan to the shore when a big wave
• washed him away from him and Pet-
ears has not been seen since. Peters
vivaria. good swimmer but it is tbo'rgbt
-that be bad been in the water so long
that he .bad become exhansted. He
was 21 years of age, of very quiet dis-
position and a favorite among all who
knew bine. He was born in Seaforth
.and lived there until six years ago
when he came to this city and resided
with his aunt, Mrs. Daws. His par-
ents are dead and he is survived by one
sister who resides in Seaforth.
One of our enterprising farmers of
the 14th'tcencession ►s hound not to be
outdone by his neighbors in the way
of completing his duties and in order
to top the list can be seen "digging in"
about three o'clock every morning. --
The Rev. Dr, Turnbull. of Toronto,
who has been visiting his sister, Mrs.
John Gilfillen "Woodside Farm," for
the last two weeks, will occupy the
pulpit in the Kirkton and Thames
Road Presbyterian church next Sun-
1drs. Robert Clarke returned Thurs-
day from a visit in Detroit. -Mr. 3. T.
Simpson has commenced the season's
threshing.- Mrs. Flannery Cunning-
ham had a camber of fine turkeys kill-
ed by the train one day last week.-
We are pleased to be able to report
that George Bloomfield of Fort Wil-
liam, is recovering from his very se-
vere illness.. We understand he in-
tends coming home to his father's at.
Mooresville, as soon as be is strong
enough to make the journey. •
PRETTY WEDDING. -Another of onr
young ladies was last week claimed as
a bride. We refer to the marriage of
Henry -
Miss Edith P. Clark to Robert
of the Bell Telephone Com-
pany, Loudon. The interesting event
took place a a .t the Talbot Street Bap-
tist church, London,and the ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Dr. J. J.
Ross. The young people were uniat-
teuded. Mr. ancr Mrs. Hawley will re-
side in London,and to them we extend
our heartiest wishes for a long and
happy married life.
Archibald McKellaan's many friends
will be sorry to learn of the accident
which befel him a few weeks ago.
While working around a horse the an-
imal kicked him breaking his leg above
the ankle. -The little 2 -year-old child
of Mrs. Norris was badly bitten by a
dog on Sunday. The mother with her
child were spending -a few hours at the
home of a neighbor, when the little one
strayed out in the yard. Shortly af-
ter Mrs. Norris stepped outside and
was horrified to find theta dog was at-
tacking it. The child's head and face
was horribly scratched and chewed,
and when discovered the little one was
unconscious.' A Hensall doctorwas at
once despatched for who attended to
the babe's injuries. Although in a pre-
carious condition the doctor hopes to
save its life. Much sympathy is ex-
pressed for Mr. and Mrs. Norris as only
a few weeks ago an older child was
killed in a runaway accident.
The recent showers has tuade the
feernei' happy and vegetation has
again started -Mr, L+ph. Horn is all
smiles these days, .his wife heaving pre-
sented him with a fine, baby boy.
Congratulationse-Mr. W. Harrison of
Toronto and deeghter, Miss Eva, have
returned home after a pleasant visit at
#t. 7'ayloi s. -Miss May Pearson of
London is visiting it N. Taylor's.-
Miss Myrta Rent of Liman is visiting
Effie' Taylor. -Misses Ida, and Perla
Bern have returned home after a
week's vacation. -<-Miss Mary Hein is
very low,
McGillivray Council
Council niet pursuant to adjourn-
inept in Town Hall, McGillivray, Aug.
6. Present, J. Robinson,Reeve; W.T.
Clens, J. Gibson, 3. Poore, and. W.
Mawson, Councillors. Minutes ef•last
meeting read, approvedof and signed.
Accounts,amounting to $1121.75 were
ordered to be paid. Gibson -Poore -
that the Reeve and clerk be appointed
to attend the:appeal against the Coon-
ty Equalization at London on. Oct. 22,
as per request of County Judge. Carri-
ed, Council adjourned to meet in the
Town Hall on the first Monday in
September at 1 p, m.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
Br ueefield
Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson left
Tuesday morning for Montreal to visit
the latter's relatives, -Miss . Bertha
Mack of Exeter is spending a a few days
with Miss Mary Laing. -Duncan Mc-
Tavish who left here recently for Cal-
etitisy,has started a livery and dray bas-
.iness, with Robt. Beatty as ,partner.-:
Miss Jennie Isabel McBeth of this
place was among the successful stu-
dents who passed their exams. at the
Toronto Conservatory of Music. We
congratulate our young friend on her
success.- Miss Maggie Campbell and
Master George intend leaving shortly
for the West.-Jaanies Boyce and L.
McConnell started .up their new ma-
chine last week. -Mrs, James Aiken-
head continues -to improve.
Mr. W. S,Chisholern manager of the
Merchants Bank. at Acton, formerly
manager here, gave our burg a flying
visit one day last week. Be has many
warm friends here who were glad to
see him. -Ed. Bertrand; wife and
daughter, Helena, have returned to.
Detroit after a pleasant visit here with
friends.-Mrs.Kerr and Miss Wiggins
have returned from Grand Bend after
a few weeks outing at that famous
summer resort. -The Misses Siebert of
Plattsville are visiting their cousin
Miss Mildred Brown. -Moses Foist left
for Pigeon, Mich., for a few weeks vis-
it with his brothers. -Mrs. Jas. Hodg-
ins is visiting in Detroit. -Miss Mary
Ii. Brown left an Friday for China
where she will labor as a missionary:
Her many friends join in wishing her
a safe voyage to the distant land and
trust that she will be successful in her
earnest undertaking. -The Misses Til-
lie and Millie Bertrand and Ben Bert-
rand of Detroit are visiting their
mother, Mrs. Sarah Bertrand.-Wni.
Brown has returned home of ter visiting
friends in Milverton and Ohesley.-
Rev. J. G. Litt and brother ofBebring-
viIle were in the village Friday renew-
mg acquaintances. -Wm. H. Wenzel
was in London Saturday on business.-
Mrs, Lydia Hoffman and family and
Willie Brown of Toronto and Dan
Wein of Detroit are spending a few
days in our midst visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sweitzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Erb, Mrs. Harry Rapley of
Finlay, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
L. Lewis of South River are camping
at Grand Bend. -Bert Clarke is paint-
ing the Presbyterian church at Grand
Bend this week. -Adolph Mellin of
New York is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Brown. -The Krug Bros.
f Lhes-
ley were in the village Wednesday
with their autornobile.-Rev. Geo.
Brown of Eruscliffe occupied the pulpit
in the Evangelical chutch last Sunday
morning, He preached a very elo-
ct Hill of De-
sermon. -Miss Kate
troit, is visiting her brother Mr. Aug-
ust Hill. -John Eilber of iJbly is visit-
ing his relatives in our village. -The
Centralia boys played our Juniors a
game of baseball on Monday evening,
but, were obliged to ge home defeated
again by a score of 10-3 in our favor. -
Al s Clara Heist is spendingendia a
few days
with friends in Berlin this week. -Mrs.
Chas.Kibler left here ' Detroit Mon-
day after a pleasant visit with friends
hare. -The Directors meeting of the
Hay Tp. Farmers Itxsurance Co. was
held here last Saturday. An assess-
ment of 6 per cent. was decided upon
to pay for future losses. -August Hill,
Wire. Englend, Eli Lawson, Mr. and
it r •, Z.vicker and others attended the
,\}as itiic Excursion to Sarnia and De-
troit on Friday. -Mr. Jones of St.
'I'henrrts, father of our popular music
teacher, Lloyd Jones, was in the vill-
age a few days hest week. --Isaac Young
en Indian, while under the influence
of liquor entered the residence of Mr.
Petrick Flanangan on Monday night
sand' stole several articles of clothing
belonging to Mrs. O'Leary of Detroit,
wh., b visiting Mrs. Flannagan. Young
was brought beforeSquia•es Voting and
ilitezel ora Tuesday and wife sent to
Goderich gaol to stand his trial, -
While working on the roof of Wesley
Jon ea' new barn last, week, Fred Young
was overcome by the heat. Be is able
to be ground again although not fully
vecoyered from the shock. -A. load of
boys spent Sunday afternoon and ev-
ening at Gravid Bend. -Mr. and Mrs.
4an,,Browo have reburied hone after
)i pi:Neel:et visit in SebeWaing, Mich,
1Vl y Hair is
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Ayer's Hair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair. But first of all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save what you have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
Tho best kind of a teatiraokltaI-
"acrid ..for over sixty yeare."
Ayer Do., 2,Yii tn, Mabe,
*ado y s. aA .
A td »ta>7l.itoOtlrrEae6 of
q niLL5v P
j / c ectt; f:.
' / NLRB tth
Ray Council
Hay Council met in the Town. Hnll,
Zurich, on Wednesday, August. All
members were present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
The following rates were struck for
1906: County, $4332.60, rate '1 9-16;
General School, $, 1 9-10. The
Township Rate was struck at 1 5.10
mills; Zurich Police Village rate at 4
mills and the several sums for school
purposes in accordance with - the re-
quisitions of the several school hoards
in the township. Tnis year the old
Hay Swamp Drain Assessments will
be reduced 12%, the Zurich Drain north
10% and the East and West Branch
south 20%. This is the last year that
assessments will be made for theabove
drains. A motion was also passed dis-
claimingliability re costs in arbitra-
tion in the S.S. No. 8 matter, as the
County Council granted the •right to
arbitrate.when the petition • was not
legally presented to the council of
Hay. Accounts to the amount of
$517.91 were parsed and chequesiesued
for same. Council will rueet'again on
Tuesday, Sept. 4th at 2 p.m.
F. Hess:Clerk.
Grand Bend.
Miss Ads: Briniacombe, Mrs. Y Cow-
en, Miss Downing and Miss Johns of
London. Miss -'M, Walters, GIendaale,
are spending a few days here. -Hamil-
ton Bros. are busy hauling stone from
Stoney Point to 611 in the dock. -Mr.
Athol Marshall, son of Jos. H. Mar-
shall, ex-M.P.. of London Township,
after a few months' stay here for the
benefit of his health returned home
have been a bad accident was prevent-
ed at Port Frank last Thursday. ` Lit -
Charles Egan, son of ex -Mayor Egan,
got beyond bis depth while bathing
and sa.nk twice, when Tom Wolfe
the 12 -year-old son of Fred Wolfe of
Petrolea noticed him from the shore.
He ran in and dived after him just as
be had gone down for the third time
and swam with him to shore; which
was not far, but the Witter at this
point was over both boys' heads. Chas.
who is only 8 years, cannot swim and
undoubted ewes his life to young Toni's
presence of mind.
better f .o r
ing more
than a
rrieal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's fines;
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney,
baker . in the Mooney way.
Say ` Mooney 's'to your grocer.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meisaao 'and
daughter Ethalda and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hoffman and daughter. Myrta; spent
Sunday at Bayfield.-Mr.',and Mrs.
J. Hoffman and two daughters. spent
Sunday and Monday at Goderich.-
Mr. Abe Shettler of the West is visit-
ing old friends here. -J. Warn holt and J.
are taking in the Old Boys re-
union at. Berlin this week, --Mr. Wm.
Kleinstiver•.aceompanied by his friend,
is visiting his sister, Mrs Ed. Edighof-
dighof-fer at Bad Axe, Mich. -Mr. and and Mts.
Edighoffer are at Berlin this yeeek.
di er of Detroit is visit-
May •Na a tr
ing at herhome here. -Flax pulling is
about over. -The brick work of Mr.
J. Goetz's home is nearly finished. -
Mr. Ehnes of the Sovereign Bank staff
here has gone to take Mr. Scott's place
in Exeter for a few weeks and O•Gray-
biel of the Exeter bank has been
ed v -
ed hnre to take Mr. Ebnes'placefora
few weeks. -After a pleasant' visit
here Mrs. John Weed and Miss Chris.
Stire, have returned to Detroit. -Mrs.
J. Eidt and son spent a few days in
St. Marys during the week. -John
ve i from
Eckstfne is recovering na r the
of his recent accident, -Miss M. Rout-
ledge is on a visit to Berlin friends. -
Miss Etta Ruby has returned from her
visit to London. -The: Lutheran con-
gregation here extended a cell to Rev.
G. '1'hurn of Mitchell, which hes been
accepted. The Rev. gentleman: will
move here in a few weeks. --Mrs, A.
Bentley is confined to her bed through
illness. -J. Dick of Sea forth was iii
town Sunday. --A gun club has been
organized here with the following
rnerubers: Pres., Lewis- Klienstiver;
Sec'y-Treas., Heyman Zimmer.- Miss-
es I ovade and Lille Hartman are on as
visit to Berle friends. -Miss Lillie
Stire enterteined a. number of her
young friends to rt birthday party on
Monday evening. She t
Ec i
ved a nn-
ber of pretty gifts. -N. Flanter',who.
arrived here recently from Ger''many
with his family are now residents of
our village,
A strange wormier committed str'cir'e
sit %Vaterclown under peculiar circnn;s
We hear a faint tinkle of wedding
bells. -Miss Jessie McEwen of Aylmer
is home on a 'visit. -Miss Constance
Carroll of Embro is a visitor at the
hone of her aunt, Mrs. James Suther-
land. -The Misses Richardson of Lon-
don are holidaying at their home here.
-Miss Edith Scott is visiting her sis-
ter in Woodstock, -Mrs. A. Scott and
Miss Melinda Ortwein have returned
from. their visit to Detroit. -Little Vio-
let Whitesides, who has been ill, is
convalescing. -Miss Hazel Tait of Lon-
don ,is here on a visit. -Truman Lake
and wife of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan,
are here on a visit. The latter is well
known here, she being Miss Maggie
White, daughter of the late George
White and her many friends are pleas-
ed to welcome her after an illness of
eight years. -The Misses Thompson
are on a few weeks' visit to friends hi
Parkdale.-Miss Sturgeon, who was
stricken 'with paralysis a few days ago
is sligntly improving. -Mr. and Mrs.
J. Weismiller is spending this week
at the Bend. -John Welsh has return-
ed from London Hospital and although
he has to navigate with the aid of
crutches, be is getting along nicely. -
Monday was observed as Civic Holi-
day, the day passing off very quietly.
-Miss A.Petty was an Exeter Monday.
The Misses Mina and . Edna Avery of
Kent Oou.nty and Miss Emma Cohoe
of Woodstock were pleasant visitors
at the parsonage during the week.
Miss K. Brown, who has been spend-
ing two months with Mrs.J.Bonthron,
has returned. -Mord McPherson and
sister, Miss Elia, have returned from
their visit to Lucknow.-Flax pulling.
is now a thing of the past in this vicin-
ity.--Mrs.(Rev.) Cook and children are
visiting in Wallaceburg.-W- Wilson
is attending the Old Boys reunion at
Listowel. -J. Case, wife and children
of Toronto were visitors here during
the week. -The tre.stees of the Meth-
odist church have purchased the lot
adjoining the church property, and
intend •erecting a fine new cement
Henry Greb and family left Wednes-
day for Stratford, prior to leaving for
their home in Nebraska. -John Gals -
ter who met with an accident recent-
ly is recovering from its effects. Be
was chopping wood when the ax came
in contact with his foot cutting a deep
cut. --Wm. I3ess'and wife of Pontiac,.
Mich., were visitors in our midst dur-
ing the week. --Mrs. Ellenhaum left
Wednesday for North Dakote on as vis-
it. -Mrs. Adolphus Webeber of Ro-
chester. Mich., are here on :a. visit.-
W. Bunter of the Sovereign Bank staff
is holidaying at.Exeter.-Abe Snetler
of Gretna, Man., was here last week.-
Miss McLean of Chatham is on a. few
weeks' visit to friends here. -Mr. and
Mrs. Sang. Rennie left last week for a
trip to Rosthern. Mich. -Mr. and Mrs.
Logie and the Misses Minnie and Mina
Doan returned Wednesday from a trip
through the Thousand Inlands.-Mrs.
Mary Demuth of Port Arthur and W,
S. Hamacher of Oxford were ber
a last
week attending the Ailment of the Late
R. Hamacher. -Mrs. Strickles and
children of Detroit are spending a few
days at the home of H. Grete-Miss
Mahel Wentzel of Crediton spent a few
s a the bonne of her aunt,r
da tMrs.
Eilber.-The many friends of Mrs. D.
S. Faust will be pleased to learn of her
recovery from her illness. -W. J. Hall,
blacksmith, has purchased the house
and lot owned by Mrs. Sarah Agnew,
at Blake. -W. Clark of Hamilton was.
a guest of C. Fritz rccently.-Rev. Mr.
Hinde has been appointed rector of tbe
Church of England at Varna. --A few
cloys owhile the wife of Harry Za
d H fe
ohe ago
Line, Stanley, was walk-
ing.through the swamp near her home,
she• noticed an odd looking object
ora n the round. She tug-
sticking t f g rag-
ged at it and when finally bought to
the surfaceit proved to be the antlers
of a large moose, the anirnal,no doubt,
in the long ago, having lain down at
this spot and died from woundsreceiv-
ed ft•oni the Indians or in an encounter
with another noose or other wild ani-
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they Cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the ear. There is only, ono way to euro
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafnessis caused by an inflamed Condition of the
mucous lining of the Fustachlan Tube, When this
tube is inflamed you have arumbling sound or im-
aerfootliearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf -
noes le the result. and unless the inflammation can he
taken out and this Wise restored to its normal condi-
t"nr,hCari x will be destroyed forever; n`
ne cases
out of ten are caused by Catartli, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the humane surfaces.
We Will Aire One ifundted Dollars Mr any case of
iSeafne.s(caused hg catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Ball's Catarrh Cure. fiend for Circulars free.
P, J. CiII NES & Co., rotate, 0.
FOR --
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ale in Canada.
B oys' Suits
Sults to Suit Everybody,
We have.
just received a large
line of ready-to-wear suits,
which we intend to sell at rock -
bottom prices. • All the latest
cuts and the best of goods.
Oorue and see and yon
will be sure
to buy.
General Merchant
HIEN, you become disbeart-
1 ened when you feel the symp-
toms of Nervous Debility and
decline stealing upon you.
You haven't the nerve or am-
bition you used to have. You
feel you are not the man you
ought to be. You feel like
giving' up in despair. You get
nervous and weak, have little
ambition, pain in the back
•over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tired mornings,
ilrefer to be alone, distrustful,
variable appetite, looseness of
hair, poor circulation — you
have Nervous Debility. Our
New Method Treatment is your
refuge. It will strengthen all
weak organs, vitalize the ner-
vous system, purify the blood
and restore yore to a manly
Pay When Cured.
READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope Are you in-
tending to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have
you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What
it has done for others it will do for your CONSSILTATION FREE,
No matter who. has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of
Charge. Charges reasonatibie. BOOKS FREE -"The Golden Monitor"
(illustrated), on Diseases of Merl- Sealed Book on "Diseases of
Women" Free.
E'STABLISIIED 25 YEARS -NO CURE --NO PAT. No pledicine rent
C. 0, D. No names on hoses or envelopes. Everything confidential.
question list and cost • oR treatment FREE,.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit., Mich.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament ISM)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid UJ'p • • - $3,000,000
Reserved Fraud— • • • • • • • • • . $3,000,000
OFFICE ItorURS 10 a, m- to Sp, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied en application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and 'United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates And on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
SavingBank Department', posits of $1 and upwards received. •Interest Com•
pounded half•yearly and added to principal June 30th
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Deeinene &r CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
I b08E PflERDEft
01111 PLOWS _
We have just received a
number of,fine Spreaders
-The Successor—which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized' to be
the best on the market;
We handle Perrin Mows
and have just received :a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
-- • Water Tanks—
Finished orsa Knock n
ock d
always on hand,
Highest price paid for Saw -
cgs ofevery description.
cr` a,p
Custom,'sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
ThCo.o Taylor The R Ta to ,
Exeter, Ont.
orr L
Agent fr.r the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Companies Issued, at the
gull llv I)rurrglatt, 7f C. y r e .
Take Rail' li''aarilv`vilts toe constipation. Eteter " Ont aria