HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-8-9, Page 1ADVERTISERS
Remember that
through the Anvo-
oATE you ,Cobh more
people than through
any other channel..
Farm V illa�e
$or atay
other property sold,
bought Or exchanged
for you at reasonable
commission. Apply-
SANiegns & CREECH.
Savin made ` Easy
Al QA De i!*..,Ma sex
1111 WANK vwAr
pars leraaasr
A♦ au.,
Spenrliag has ever been an easier
matter than saving --'but less wise.
We offer exceptional inducements and
facilities to help you to save.
MOO opens an account in our
savings department.
Interest paid 4 tinges a year.
'Th.e Sovereign Banti
of Canada.
Put yourlin. a .,phce you eau get it
when you Willie
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter- Crediton, and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
THE OLD RELIABLE, established in business in the year 1862; is
still in business, although 'many have been the changes since then.
We may say there isn't one in business that was in at that time Grit
ourselves. We still hold the fort for uprightness and sgnere dealing.
This week we are offering big bargains in all lines of
SUMMER GrOODS..�.1.1.-
In those fancy White Blouses, thatwe had such a driod season
in,to clear the balance out we are offering 'them aat very low
prices: $1.25 for $1; $1,50 for $1.25; $2.255 for $L75; and $3 for $2.50.
Choice lot of Linen Towels, 20c. for 15e.
Dress goods that we will sell cheap to clear.
Will allow 20% discount, in order to make room for our fall goods.
We also have a lot of Boots and' Shoes for Men, Women and Children that•v: e
will give 25% discount to clear them out.
Highest price paid for Produce—Butter 18; Eggs IQ
h ItiWA1
To Manitoba and Saskatchewan
1906 for th• asadriltlonal for the return ileket,
2 going trip 8 ander conddtions fru blow.
---G- O Z Pt CIF a A T 333 El—
Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including
Alain line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell
Junction and. Toronto on North Bay Section.
From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and
Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and
Midland Divisions. •
ono way second class tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only.
Representative farmers, appointed by -Manitoba and 8arekatohewan Governments, will meet
laborers on arrival at Winnipeg
Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed.
A certificate is furnished when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed'
by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from
that point for a second class tioket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18.Op, prior to
Nov, 1st, I906,•
Tickets will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at halt fare to children.
Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborer,' trains.
For full particulars see nearest 0.P.R. tioket agent, or
• write C. B. Foster, D . P.A., 0,P, R., Toronto.•
JUG. 17
IUG. 22
Profeseronal Cards.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. C. D.S. of, Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. '
OFFICE: Over Diokson'& flarling's Law Ofitce,' In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors,
DR. A. B. KINSMAN, L. D. 5., D. D. s..
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
1 OrgAnist of the THOU Memorial Church, Exeter,
Professional Diplome Royal Inc. Society of Musicians,
rntrland, wishes to announce that he will commence
, classes Inc tuiton in Piano, Organ and Harmony in
Exeter and district, the first week in September.
Parti..alas on applinntion to
I °` Insure Against Wind.
The Iluron Weather Insurance Co., with head-
' quarters at Zurich, has been started and as I have
been appointed agent for the Township of Stephen,
I am now prepared to receive risks.
J.G. WEIN, Crediton.
eeth extracted without any pain, or arty bad effects
Office in Fanson's Block, hest side .Main street,
AF. MALLOY M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBEIt
. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Vernier Muse Surgeon Toronto Western I•Iospital.
Successor to Dr, J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
first street north of office, 'Exeter, Ontario.
• i.egal.
1.1 tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc,
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. R. (IARIAN, I1.A., L. IL DralLS1N
re have alarge amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low ratan of. inter- A first -eines farm, Lot 6, Con. 3, Ushorne, contain:
est. ingi00acres, with good andel draining. On the
GLAPMAN & STANBURY, premises are a good frame house 20x31), kitchen 12x
Barristers Solioitors,biain et., Exeter On 181 fennte flare 8840; bank barn 30xfi2; granary 21x
' 24, all in good repair; l acre of orchard. The farm
is Mentes from Exeter, with a school on the lot and
LLOYD P. JONES, achurch opposite. Price $7000,half incash and bal.
anise on mortgage, or other conditions to suit pur-
Organist and Choir blaster of Mitchell Methodist dieser. 'Apply to Matthew Reiland, Centralia, or to
Church. Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Robert 11elland, Exeter.
Modern methods. Thorouahnos8
Teachers Wanted
Female teacher for Junior Room, S.S. No. 6, Us -
borne. Light room, Apply stating salary, etc.
Unties to commence Aug. 20.
Wes. ger,. ood, Sac'y, Winchelsea, 7'.O., Ont,
For School Section No, 2, Stephen one and a quar-
terrrdles south of Crediton; female, holding first or
second class professional certificate. Duties to corn.
mence Aug. 20, Apply stating salary.
t� FOR SALE. fieo'Ay, CTredyyi€on; Ont
The 'undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate
on Main street, north of the pinining mill: This is a
splendid property, well located, and should make an
excellent building site. Will he sold reasonable.
For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Mallett, Exeter
ritOne of the host farms on London Bd., north of Ex.
"titer containing. DSO aeres;litl acres of which tinder
cultivation, 10 acrea'drat•class'hardwood b, This
farm is a thoroughly up•to-elate ode, rine hrtck hawse
lentobankborne, all in good repair; well watered,
w l drained end well reflood, good orchard, anti is
noted in one of the very best farming communities
in the Provineeof Ontario, and aonvenierft to both
Exeter and flenail smarkets. Terms are env. For
f�y' ther particulars apply to Messrs, Dickson &
Carting, Barristers, Exeter, ,Ont.
employment. gond Wages.
D. t3. PE11 RIN •R CO. LTD„
The infant daughter of W. Mori itt,
Tha:nliesfo d, Was drowned in a till) of
Mr. R. Wilcox is holidaying at Bort
Mr. L R. Carling returned Tuesday
from a visit in Detroit.
Mr. A. C. Warring is holidaying at.
bis home in St. Marys.
Miss Flossie Jeckell spenta few days
in London last week,
Miss Edna Dow is visiting relatives
and friends in Detroit,
' Mra, Richard Elworthy is visiting
friends in Hensel).
Miss Bawden returned on Monday
from her trip to England, accompani-
ed by a lady friend. • '
Miss Martha Heaman of, London is
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Cottle 'and
other friends daring the weep,
Miss Maude McAvoy of Kincardine
is visiting relatives in .town.
Mr.Cbas.Dennisof Toronto is spend-
ing a few holidays at his home here.
Mr. D. Wynn and sister, Mrs, Lee
spent Wednesday with friends in
Miss Charlott Dearing of Kingsville,
arrived Monday and will visit frzende
fora time.
Rev. Wm. Martin and son, J. A., of
Toronto, are visiting in. Mount Forest,
this week.
14Ir. E.W. Horne,manager Sovereign
Bank, Stratford, visited friends in
town over Sunday. •.
Mrs. Burke, who has been on a three
Weeks' visit to Lillydale, NX.., return-
ed here on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howe of Toronto are
visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Jeck-
ell, London Road North.
Mr. W. Hunter of the Sovereign
Bank staff, Zurich, is spending his hol-
idays at his home here,
Miss Maud Sharon after a week's vis-
it with Mrs. Spackman returned to her
home in Ottawa Monday.
The. Misses 'Muir have returned to
their home in Gowanda after a plees-
ant visit with relatives here.
Messrs. ;Taman, Levett, Blatchford
and Snell are attending the Bowling
Tournament at Goderich this week.
Miss Ada Brimacombe has returned.
to London after a three weeks' visit
with friends at Exeter and Elimville.
Miss Leda Isaac of Liman is spend-
ing a few days at. the home of her
gr•sndmothe", Mrs. Wm. Dearing', Sr.
"Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snell, after a
few days' visit with Mrs. Albert Ford,
returned Tuesday to their home in.
London, accompanied by Miss Gladys
Miss Bertha Mack left Tuesday
morning to spend a couple of weeks
with her consin, Miss Mary Laing,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight of St.
Thomas and Miss C. Knight' of town
are visiting their brother Fred -at York -
ton, Sask.
Mr. John Spackman left Monday to
visit friends at St. Thomas, while Mrs.
Spackman will spend a short time at
Grand Bend.
Miss,,Underwood of Port Austin,
Mich., after a three weeks' visit with
her sister, Mrs. Barrows, left for Lon-
don Thursday.
Master Carl Proctor of Belgrave
spent a few days last week with Mas-
ter Willie Birney. The latter is now
uolidaying at Belgrave. -
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Snell after a
couple weeks' visit with the former's
mother, returned to their home in
Lansing, Mich., Monday,
Mrs. S. G. Tetlock, of Sarnia and
Mrs. Meakios and daughter of London
arrived here Monday and will visit
their sister, Mrs. Baskerville.
Road South on Thursday last.
Mr. Barton Hooper, of Buffalo,N. i'.,
arrived here Saturday to visit among
friends. Miss Hooper, bis sister, also
of Buffalo, is expected shortly.
Wm. J. Smith after a two weeks va-
cation at home, London Road South.
left Friday to resume his duties with
The Emerson Shoe Co,, Detroit, 14lich.
Mr. Geo. Heaman, who bas been in
the West for some time returned borne
Saturday night. 'Mrs. Beaman will
continue to visit in the West for some
Mr. John Lee of St. Marys, Mr. J.0.
Lee, Mr. G. W. Lee and son Harold
and Mr.Fred Graham of Toronto spent
Sunday guests of Mr. D. and the Miss-
es Wynn.
Mr. F. Hill of Toronto spent Sunday
here. His wife, who is spending a few
days in this neighborhood, accompan-
ied him as far as London where she is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Prodgers.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters of
Cleveland arrived Wednesday even-
ing evening of last week to visit the
former's parents. Mr. And Mrs. James
Walters.. They left Tuesday for To-
Mr. W. John. Encampment Repre-
sentative, and Messrs. J. G. Stanbury
and R. N. Creech, Subordinate Repre-
sentatives to the Grand Lodge of Odd -
fellows, are tbis week in Peterboro at-
tending the meeting of that body.
Mr. John Farmer, who has been in
different parts of the West, including
Saskatoon, where his land is..locate
returned home on Saturday. Mr.
Farmer had a delightful trip sud is in
high praise of the West and its pros-
Mr. S. Hardy, after a three weeks'
visit in the West returned home Mon-
day night. Mr. Hardy speaks favor-
ably of the propects of that great
country hut says it is not without its
-drawbacks such as are met hi every
other country.
Percy Hooper of London spent a few
days with his parents here during the
- Miss Grieve and Miss Lindsay of
Parkhill are guests of the Misses Els-
Miss Winona Howard returned Mon-
day from a visit at Brantford and Port
Huron.. •
Mrs. E. Christie left Thursday last
for Chicago Where she will visit her
daughter, Mrs. R. R. Rogers for a few
Mr. J. T. Westhott, wife and daugb-
ter, Mrs. Barris and W. Westcott and
Mr. Geo. Cudmore and daughter, Miss
Clan, , attended tbe funeral of the late
Wm. Westcott at Seafortb, Wednes-
Mit,: D. Ilartleib left Tuesday to at -
teed the shooting tournatnentin Ham-
ilton this week.
Mr, Chas. Barrett after a pleasant
visit among friendss here has returned
to bis home in Sarnia.
Mrs. John McInnes left Tuesday for
Mill Stream, N.B., where she intends
remaining for some time.
Mrs,Xanrrntin, and sister, Mrs, Ad-
dle E'aerett, of Brantford are visiting
friends and relatives in Usbnrne.
NESS Na+ed lKernick of South River
who has 1'Ceti vih tit€; the .Misses rola
is this week visiting in Blyth.
MI's, A. Evans of London is here vis-
iting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Vcble. Mr'. Evans also spent Sunday
Mr,Moncur and family and 141rs,(De.)
Cowan of London ere oic.apying Rock-
ey'a Cottage (Parkhill Palk), Grand
Messrs. Hilton, Chesley and Aldwin
Evans of London accompanied by a
lady friend were in town ove.• Sunday,
having made the trip in an automobile.
Vire. ;Bagshaw of karkdatile, Mr. and
Mrs, S. Semple, Fullerton, and Mrs.
Win, BagshawofCannington tare vis-
ntors at te home of Mr, and Mrs. W.
Mrs. P. Gowans who has been visit-
ing at:Wingham since leaving here,
will sail from Kincardine Saturday by
the King: Edward boat for tbe Soo
where she will join her husband and
make her future home.
Masonic Excursion,
Fatigued, bat thoroughly happy were
thelExeterite's and those who returned
earlyFridty morning from the Excelr-
sion to Sarnia which left Thursday
morning, Those in attendance de.
e.lave it one of the best outings of its
kind. Splendid weather was exper-
ienced throughout the trip and every
person in attendance seemed to enjoy
themselves thoroughly. On reaching
Sarnia thegreater part of the. Crowd
took the street car to Lake Huron
Park which is located about two miles
from Sarnia on the curse of the Huron
shore just as the Great lake narrows
into the St- Clair River, This is in-
deed an ideal spot. The wide sandy
shore slopes up to the bluff beyond
which extend rolling grassy spaces and
Woods,whilecottages and campers'
tents and a hotel fringe the bluff, the
whole comprising a place of beauty
and excellent surroudings, At about
4;50 the magnificent Steamer Teshmoo
of the White Star Line, conveyed a
targe number of the exoursionietsdown
the St. ;Clair River as far as Algonac
an -others on bo Detroit. At Atgonac
the Tashnroo was met by the Grey-
hound: where the greater number of
excursionists, transferred and returned
to Seu•nia: Not soon will this enjoy-
able part of the program be forgotten;
the beautiful scenery which here
abounds was a revelation to those who
had not hitherto witnessed it. The
special train left Sarnia about eleven
o'clock and arrived at Exeter about 2.a
Open Air Meeting,
In response to a circular issued by
Reeve Bobier a large crowd gathered
at the Town Park on Friday night
for the purpose of hearing matters dis-
cussed pertaining to the canning fac-
tory, prior to taking the vote on the
By-law the following day. Being the
regular evening for the open air Band
concert needless to say the ladies were
well represented. After the Band had
discoursed several beautiful and lively
airs, the Reeve took possession of the
band stand and in a few well chosen
remarks announced the object of the
greeting. The first to speak was Mr.
S. M. Sanders, who engaged the at-
tention of bis hearers most interesting-
ly on the lines of various industries,
particularly that of canning and urged
most strongly the support of the By.
law. Mr. T. B. Carling then spoke in
the most favorable terms of the indus-
try and hoped to see the By -Law car-
ried by a handsome majority and in
his concluding remarks appealed
strongly to the lady voters to "come
out and vote like men."
Mr. Davis Gardiner, an expert pro-
cesser and practical canning factory
man of Kingston was then called. Mr.
Gardiner went into the early history
of the industry and explained in inter-
esting detail the progres that had been
made down to the present time. He
also explained the benefits and advan-
tages of such an institution and from
what he had seen thought there was
no more favorable locality in the Do-
minion of Canada for au institution of
this kind than right in Exeter, leaving
a very favorable impression on all bis
hearers. The Band then continued
their music and on the whole the
gathering was delighted with the eve-
ning's program.
.Bir index.
Mrs. Wne.Heaman of Datsliwood and
Mrs, Thos. Beaman of Exeter were
visitors at the home of Mr. N. Corbett
a few days last week.—Mr. Thos. Rea -
man was a visitor here Sunday.—Mrs.
W. G. Murray and son and daughter
are visiting at Mr. N. Corbett's.
Threshing is the order of the day and
'farmers report a good yield of wheat.
Mr. and Mr's.Barney. Mulligan of Dub-
lin were visiting friends around here
during the week.—Miss Katie Currie
was visiting friends in Parkhill for a
few days last week. --Mrs. Daniel Col-
lins of Detroit is visiting Mende in the
neighborhood. --Patrick Sullivan re-
ceived the sad news of the death of his.
nephew at Dunnesre, Mr, Sullivan has.
gone to attend t1,,funeral—William
McCann pnrehatied a driving horse
from B. MCKinny.--Chas. Holt and
Miss Minnie Ifinney Were visitingat
R. Wee', Exeter, an Sunday.—erry
Canipbell sports a. fine new buggy.—
Some of our Sports were camping at
Mnnle Grove over Sunday and report
a big' time,
The By-law Carried 1
337 Vote for the By-law
27 Against
The property owners of Exeter, rea-
lizing ;their duty ars citizens, spoke
with no uncertainsound in favor of
industries on Saturday last in support-
ing so liberally the lay -law to loan the
Exeter Canning and Preserving Com-
pany $10,000 toassist them in their op-
erations. There is music in the air.
It is the niusi.c of business. For by
this vote the property owners have
manifested a true expression of their
duty as citizens, a decided favoritism
for industries and gives the manufact-
urer an encouraging impetus that will
doubtless have a decided effect of im-
proving our condition as a town as
well as stimulating our prestige and
showing to the outside world that we
are a people of push and energy. By
this vote manufacturers are surer of
encouragement than ever before, and
it is manufacturers we want. Manu-
acturers of textile fabrics, of im-
plements, of furniture and house-
hold goods and of the many little odds
and ends to meet the multifarious
wants of domestic consumption and
for foreign exportation. We have the
country, we have the town; capital is
abundant, bank rates are favorable
property is offered at reasonable •figures
and these and other inducements can
he held out to manufactnrers else-
where to come hither and join with us
in our upbirilding and prosperity.
The outside world will soon see that
we are thoroughly aroused to this new
condition of affairs and there is snap,
vim and energy left us. We should
advance undaunted to that ultimate
condition of excellence when every
particle of raw material exported and
every pound imported shall be con-
verted into manufactured goods. Ex-
eter then, we say. roust not confine
nor content themselves with what has
been worked out of the soil by the
hard licks of industry, the sweat of
labor. The development of industries
is not as some people think and say,
a means of making higher taxes,but is
on the contrary the means of lowering
them; snakes an extension of trade, a
utilization of neglected forces, and a
swift and sure growth of our town.
Those most interested in the pro-
posed industry worked faithfully and
well from the time the polls opened in
the morning nntil they closed at night
and as a res -nit a large vote was polled.
Many from outside, points coming in
to exercise their franchise in favor of
the By-law. That so few voted a-
gainst thevetteiretere is indeed a. .matter
of congratulation for the town's in..
telligence and goes to show that the
property owners have a true concept-
ion of the town's needs. Following is
the votes polled in each polling subdi-
Ward 1
/ 2
.4 3
For Against
77 • 8
70 4
70 10
120 5
337 27
Majority for By-law 310
f♦al M
• Harpley
A heavy rain Tuesday morning put
a check to the harvesting which is
pretty well advanced as many are cut-
ting their oats. Another week of fav-
orable weather many will have finish-
ed.—Mr. G. Sutton who has been un-
well for some time past consulted the
a doctor on Monday.— Mr. and Mrs.
Ellison Hodgins of OIandeboye were
visitors at Mr. J. B. Hoegins.—Mr.Jas.
Oronan met with an accident one day
last week. While driving with his
wife and three children in some way
the lines become entangled and the
horse becoming unmanageable backed
into the ditch,upsettiugthe occupants.
Mr. Cronan and the three children
were only slightly injured, but Mrs.
Cronan did not fare so well. She was
severly hurt and has been confined to
her bed since, but under the care of
Dr. Caw, we hope to see her around
again before long. -Miss V. May Hod-
gins bas secured the position as
teacher in S. S. No. 10, Stephen, for
the term ending 1906. We are glad
the trustees were able to secure theser-
vices of so efficient and experienced a
teacher as Miss Hodgins has proved
herself to be.—Mr. J. Love attended
the sale of imported Olydsdale fillies
held by Messrs. McMillian, Cudmore
The following Is a partial list of the farms en-
gaging our graduate stenographers within the
past few days,
W, 3, Gage & Co, 'reroute.
Barrister'vanstone, Wingham
Clottam Seed Co., London
;barks Eleetrio Co., Detroit
Monarch Typewriter Co„ Toronto
Clinton Business College
"Affiliated with Wingham Business
Opens Sept. -3rd
Drop a postal for information to
GEO. S'OTTON - Principal.
and Archibald in Seaforth on Tuesday
of last week and purchased one of the
lot of twenty-six. They were agood
lot, the ane bringing the highest price
was a two year old which was sold for
$60, ---Mr', and Mrs. J,B. Hodgins visit-
ed Mr.Mansel Hodgins of Mount Care
mel hist week.
Paul, the 9 -year-old son of Mr. and.
Mrs, Fred Panzenbagen, of Sarnia,.
was drowned in Black River, near the
Elmwood street bridge, at noon Sat-
County Constable Preastly of Ailsa
Graig called on W. J. Wilson, J.P.
iast week for authority to follow a man
in Huron County, who committed a
crime in Middlesex County, --Adolph
Mellin, United States Government In-
spector of cloth for Army of New York
City, is spending his holidays with bis
brother, Wm. --Miss Cora Stewardson
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Win. Curtis.
-Jas. Brophey visited his sister, Mrs,
Atkinson at Exeter last week.—Misses
Millie and Mable Foster were pleasant.
ly surprised by a visit from their cous-
ins the Misses Smith of Manitoba who
are spending the holidays with friends
in Ontario.—The Quarterly Official
Board of Grand Bend church last week.
granted Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe two or
three weeks holidays, to he taken in
September. They also passed a strong
resolution against the keeping open so
many places for the sale of liquor in
the township of Stephen.—John Turn.
er, Win. McGregor and several other
yonng men are arranging, to go West
on August 14, on the harvest excur-
sion.• --piaster Howard Hill of Moray
is spending his holid,ryeavith itis aunt,
Mrs. Wallis.—Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Mason
visited their uncle and other friends
near Hayfield last week.—Mr. and Mrs.
Lawson called on friends here Monday.
—This is the land that flows with milk
and honey. See W. J. Wilson & Co.
for cheese and honey.
Zii r,rxa—In Dashwood. on August 3,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wne.Zimmer, a son.
SMALLACOMB$.—In Hensall on July 80,
to Mr. and Mrs. F. SmalIacombe, a,
SAldWELL—In Highgate, on August 1,
to Mr. ann Mrs. Reginald Samwell,
formerly of Exeter, a daughter.
WEST—REEVES—At the James Street
Parsonage, on Aug. 2nd, by Rev. A.
Going, Mr. Sydney West, to Miss
Lizzie Reeves, both late of England..
BRowtr—Satire,—At the home of the
bride's mother, on Aug. 4, by Rev.
Janes, David Brown of Myrtle, Man.,
to Miss Carrie, daughter of Mrs.
Isaac Smith, St. Marys.
HAwr.EY-OLARK—In London, on Aug.
4, by Rev. Ross, Robt. Henry Haw-
ley of London, to Miss Edith P.
Clarke of Clandeboye.
WADE—LANGSTROTH--At the home of
the bride's parents, on Aug. 1, by
Rev. berry, Geo. E. Wade, of Strat-
ford, to Miss Julia, daughter of Isaac
Langstroth of Seafortb.
FoumMAN—At Granton, on Aug.' 1,
Mrs. Jessie Foreman,in her 87th year.
WESTCOTT.—In Seaforth,on August 6,.
William Westcott, aged 51 years, 6
months, 23 days, '
Gold Medal, 650 feet to the pound
Silver Slheaf, 600 u
Ply Special, 500
Our 'Prices are away down and our
is, the best.
Heaman's Hardware 84 Stove Store