HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-8-2, Page 5The Ideal Beverage
'A PA,,I. Aar,
palatable, full of
the virtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further,
�„., Oxetev abuoratt,
published every Thursday Siorning at the OMee
One Dollar per annum if paid in advance; $1.$O
if not so paid.
.E dtsrartS�irig lamter-r can. 23..3p pace..
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid
Advertisements without specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
Inserted for long periods. Evert desoription of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &o., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Property for Sale.
A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near
Saropta; one hundred acres, 85 acres seeded, frame
house and good stable, good water, etc.,
Another 100acro farm for sale, in the township of
Ueborne,south of Elimville,conyenient tosohool,weil
drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house,
barn, stable and grainary.
' Apply to
Roller Mill
A real good time to buy our famous
White Star Flour
is now. Made from the very finest of
wheat -acknowledged to be the best
in America—The Mills, the Millers,
and the Milling Process all thoroughly
adapted for obtaining the highest re-
sults.—For strength, richness, whole-
ness and appetizing flavor it is with-
out equal; makes more bread easier
and better than any other—gives solid
satisfaction to consumer and producer
—Buy it and you will please yourself
and your good wife as well.—House-
wives all over the county emdorse our
claims. We solicit your patronage.
Stratford and Perth County
Saturday, August 4th.—Opening Day, Arrival of Special Trains—
Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening.
Sunday, August Sth—Old Boys' Sunday—Old Boy Preachers in City
Pulpits -Sacred Band Concerts.
Monday, August 6th—Reception Day—Ar i a1 of Special al Trains,
Baseball Games, Parades, Performance at Park, Fireworks.
Tuesday, August 7t1i—Athletic Day.—Aquatic and Land Sports-
Trotting and Pacing Race -10 Mile Road Race—Baseball
Games—Social and At -Home.
Wednesday. August 13th—Military Day.—Manoeuvers by 21st and
28th Regiments—Sports in Park—Band Concerts.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 9, 10, 11.—See the
Great Old Boys' Carnival -8 Days of Fun and Frolic.
Don't Rail to see the Electrical Illuminations. Greatest put on in the West.
Fireworks—A Most Dazzling Display. Paracles.—Thousands of Old Boys. Bands -48th High-
landers, Changer's (Detroit), and Many Others. Sports—Open to all with Big Prizes. Balloons—
Thrilling Day and Night Ascensions, Spectacles—Nelson's Great Victory at Copenhagen, de-
picted in Moving Fire Tableau. Soldiers -21st Essex Refit. in Manoeuvres. Hardy—World's
Greatest Wire Artiste Carnival -5 Acres of Fine Tent Shows, Clowns—A Score of the Funniest-
Soneethiug Doing Every Hour All Week. Something to Please Old and Young
SINGLE FARE—Railway Rates on Certificate Plan.
W J. Ferguson, Mayor, Pres.; J. D. McCrimmon, Vice -Pres.; F.A. Cops, Sec'y.
Jos.Eidt, Dashwood
,50,000 LBS.
At Exeter and Centralia
and Clandeboye
Jos. Cobbledick
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
�oniy safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength—No. 1, 21; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, ' 03; No. 3,
for special oases, 115 per box.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : TN
During The
Warm Weather
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Pianos and Organs
Our Goods are of the best quality,
and we will be satisfied with the
Prices and terms that will suit the
most exacting.
In Sewing Machines we can cer-
tainey suit you.
A fine line of high grade station-
ery cheap.
iWheat 70 72
Barley 42 45
Oats ........ 33 34
Peas . 65 70
Potatoes, per bag - .. 1 00 1 10
Hay, per ton 6 50 7 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 25
Floor, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 25
Butter . 18
Eggs 16
Livebogs, per cwt.. 227 70
Shorts per ton22 00
Bran per ton 17 00 17 00
Dried Apples 6 6
extern Fair
The Exhibition That Make
Fall Fairs Famous.
An ideal occasion for a family outing.
Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect
control. The most wonderful invention of the age.
Royal Venetian Band,, the most celebrated European musical
organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts daily.
Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing
the great Carnival of Venice.
Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls.
{For information write W. J. REID, President.
A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
SEPT. 7-15, 1906.
John Marriott has returned to bis
home in Hamiota, Man.—Wm. Sin-
clair, jr., has rented Robt. St. John's
farm for a term of years.—Berry pick-
ing is the order of the day and a great
lot have been picked as they are good
this year. The berry patches seem to
be free to the public, as the owners
would sooner have them picked than
be Jost.—Miss Gladys Copeland has
returned from her visit to St. Marys.
—Rev. Bartlett and fancily are camp-
ing at the Bend.—The remains of the
late Thomas Hopkins were laid to rest
in the Kirkton cemetery a few days
ago. His son, George, and twodaugh-
ter•s of Scranton, Penn., were here at-
tending the funeral.—The bay in this
vicinity is well saved this year, and al-
though we have beard some complaints
the crop is pretty good. The fall wheat
is a good crop also; it is shelling con-
siderable which is a sign of a good
crop.—John Copeland of St. Marys
spent a couple of days here last week.
Worthy A Good Word.
We seldom recommend any remedy.
But because a great many people tell
us Bu -Ju, the Gentle Kidney Pill, gives
astonishing relief from Kidney Trouble
and Rheumatism, we make an exception.
Bu-ju seems unusually worthy. We
know the formula. It is most beneficial
and could not possibly produce a "drug
If you have the slightest mistrust of
your kidneys, the experience of others
warrants your trying Bu -Ju.
Money will be refunded to anyone
not satisfied.
Wood's Thol;lphodiao,
The Great English Bernal'.
Tones and invigorates tho whole
nervous syoten1, makes neW
lood in old. Veins. (sures Nerv-
ous ,Debilityy, Mental and Brain Worry/, Des-
pondency, ,Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper-
matorrhesa, and Effects of'Abuse or .Excesses.
Price $1 per lox, six for$5. Ono will please six
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plainpkgg. on receipt of prfoo. New pamphlet
mailed free. Tho WOW fulodicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
Satisfied with. y out short, s
scrag gay half P Or would you hate lit O r longer, richer, thicker 1 Then, feed it
with Hall's "Vegetable Siciliaii'Hair
Renewer. 'There's solid coinibrt in
Y handsome hair. set it ! Be happy I
air. roFor the vrhlekers anti moustache Wo Make
Tt�UCIaNGTIAM S I)TE:, It colors. h rich bro,$n
or y Y soft black. R. P.ifaI,T,&.CO.,Naahtla.1 8i.
..._. _.. ... _..
A most peculiar coincidence happen-
ed on the farm of Jno Thompson, 7th
con., during the electrical storm the
other day, when a shock of wheat was
struck by lightning and burned.—Will
Amos of Exeter is here visiting his
uncle.—John D. Stewart held an auc-
tion sale on Wednesday.—Fred Slip-
per of Chicago was visiting friends
here recently.—Miss Pearl Harris has
returned from Parkhill.—Miss McCann
of Dorchester is spending a few days
with Miss Rose Pierce.—Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Brown, of Bodie, Cal., were vis-
itors in this vicinity last week.—The
Misses Pierce are home from Toronto
on a visit.—Miss Edith and Hamilton
Corbett are spending a few days at
our most popular summer resort the
"Twin Maples." They are entertain-
ing the , Misses Mildred and Eva
Corbett of Sarnia and Miss Olive of
Parkhill. -During the past few days
we had the pleasure of congratulating
several of our boys and girls who have
passed their Entrance Exams., also
Mr. Reid, their teacher, who taught so
efficiently that four out of five who
tried, passed, the successful ones being,
Pearl Pierce, Josie Weir, Alma Sutton
and Lloyd Lewis. Mr. Reid has re-
signed his position, 1t order to take a
university course- Jas. Mahon will be
his successor and comes highly recom-
mended.—The following is a list of the
pupils who pasesd in different sections
of McGillivray. No. 7—Theda Dorman
431, James McGreary 427, Harmon
Morton 415, Arthur Drummond 390.
No. 8—Bartley McIntyre 460, Mabel
Harmer 397, Edna Robinson 390. No.
10—Evelyn McEwen 425, Sadie Hardy
403, Lizzing Glendenning 403. No. 11
Alex. McKay 444. No. 12.—Maud
Bennington 428. No. 13—Edward
Breen 410.
There are truths which. are not foo
all Hien, nor for all time - -
s. Voltaire.
A. dux for toil, an hour for sport, but
for a friend a life Is too short.,-itimeg.
Mrs. Browne -0 at Iovely wed-
ding presents 1 Such beautiful silver-
ware and such rare china 4 Wasn't it
nice to get Bauch presents ?
Mrs, Greene—Yes, it was ; but we
are now beginning to pay for them on
the installment plan.
Mrs. Browne—Pay for them ? On
the installment plan ? Why, Mrs.
Greene, what do you mean ?
Mrs. Greene—Why, the young pco-
ple who gave us wedding presents are
getting married, and we have to send
them wedding presents.—iippincottis,
The Western Fair.
The Western Fair, London, promises
this year to be a great success. Ent-
ries are coming in fast and space is be-
ing allotted, The attraction committee
have provided a programme of amuse-
ment and entertainnleot far exceeding
anything ever attempted by the Assoc-
iation, C. W. Williams of Newark,
New Jersey,will make daily ascensions
in his airship "America," The Royal
Venetian Band, one of the greatest
musical organizations of the day have
been engaged at great expense for the
entire exhibition, "The Norins,"high
divers, Japanese acrobats, slack wire
performers, The Police Burglars, trick
house performers,The Red Raven Cad-
ets and many others will all appear be-
fore the grand stand daily, Piof.
Hand's magnificent Electrical and Py-
rotechnical display of the, "Carnival of
Venice" every evening. Remember
the dates, Sept.7th to 15th. For prize
list and information write the Sec'y,
Western Fair Office, London, Ontario.
Old Boys at Stratford.
The Reunion of Stratford and Perth
County Old Boys, which is to be held
at Stratford from August 4th to llth,
promises to be one of the most success-
ful events of the kind ever put on in
Ontario. For months past energetic
committees have been at work laying
plans for the affair and it is now assur-
ed that thousands of visitors will
throng the Classic City during the
week commencing August 4. Features
in connection with the Reunion will be
the electrical decoration of the city,
the immense Old Boys' Carnival,cover-
ing five acres of crowded tent shows,
the splendid fireworks display, the
long programme of sports which ex-
tends over three days, and in connect-
ion with which liberal prizes are offer-
ed, the miles' long parade on Monday,
August 6th, the visit of the 21st Essex
Fusiliers from Windsor on Wednesday,
August 8th, the presence of Hardy,
the greatest high wire artist in the
world, balloon ascensions, baseball
games,fun and frolic of all kinds. The
city will be given over to merriment
and it is certain that for the person
who is looking for a good time. Strat-
ford is the place to which to go. There
are single fare rates on all railways in
Ontario. Write the Secretary, Box
731, for a programme or see the adver-
tisements and bills.
A National Necessity.
The growing interdependence of the
Provinces of this Dominion must be
apparent to all. The product of one
is a necesssty for another. Not alone
are the eyes of the Eastern Provinces,
but those of every country in the
world, directed to the almost phe-
nomenal wheat producing qualities
of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-
berta. ' Every hamlet, concession and
side line in Ontario has contributed to
the settlement of these fertile west-
ern Provinces. The crops, according
to the Governmental reports for this
season, if safely harvested and gar-
nered, will far surpass previous years
in quality and quantity.
It is estimated 20,000 farm laborers
will he required from the older pro-
vinces in assisting in the harvest of
their wealth. The sons of the West
are now urgently appealing to the
parental and patriotic instincts of the
farmers of the East to send every
strong, able-bodied man they can to
aid them in this work of national im-
The Canadian Pacific Railway has
made the wonderful growth of the
West possible. Iu the saving of the
wheat and other crops, the interest
of Canada and the Canadian Pacific
are identical. The latter is Canada's
National Highway. It has announced
that on August 14th, 17th and 22nd, it
will transport from different territor-
ies in the East farm laborers to the
Canadian Northwest at the nominally
low rate of $12; 1b fact, this National
Highway is offering an inducement to
European farm laborers by making an
exceptionally low rate over its Atlantic
steamship service in connection with
its railway lines. It now remains for
the Ontario fanner to show bis pride
in the growth of his nation by co-oper-
ating with the Canadian Pacific in
sending every available able-bodied
man he can to the West.
Around About Us.
Mitchell: Walter Steavitt was ar-
rested Friday evening charged with
stealing a pair of shears and a razor
from Pollakowsky's barber shop. He
is now locked up in Stratford jail.
St. Marys: Dr. Walter Ferguson of
Georgetown has purchased the resid-
ence of Mr. Geo. Hayes, corner Well-
ington and Jones sts. and will remove
to St. Marys shortly. Dr. Ferguson is
a native of Downie.
Seaforth: The remains of the late
Wm. Broadfoot were brought here
last week. He left here twenty years
ago for the West. His death occurred
in the Banff hospital and was due to
an attack of typhoid fever.
Mitchell: Nerman Dore, • son of J.
Dore, has been appointed chief clerk
in the G.T.R. yard master's office,
Hamilton. Will Dore will take charge
of the Mitchell station until his father's
return from his. European trip.
St. Marys: A, Ross Love left Mon-
day for Manitoulin Island, for two
weeks' visit. On his return he will
sail for.Seotland,from Montreal on the
Allan Line S. S. Sicilian, for a year's
study with masters of the Old Land.
Ailsa Craig: An interesting mar-
riage took place in Thedford on Tues-
day. The contracting parties were
Hugh J. Craig, telegraph operator at
Dunnville, and second son of D. Craig,
of this village, and Miss Pearl Parkin-
son of Thedford.
Clinton: Mr, J.Torrance, eldest son
Inspector Torrance, left on Tuesday
for Girvin, Sask., to accept a situation
as teacher. For the past few years he
has had c,iarge 02 a school io the town-
ship of Usborne and has the reputation
of being an excellent teacher.
Piirkhill: The barns of John Chis-
ohn, just south of here, were destroy-
ed by lightning Sunday, along with 50
tons of hay and some live stock. Jas.
Patton lost a fine cow by lightning.
The storm was severe the lightning
vivid and the rain poured down in tor-
The price of half a pound of Red Rose Tea is
small ---very small, but it will show you how
much tea value, tea quality and flavor is con-
ontained in this rr Good Tea
"is good tea"
Prices -25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60 Cts, per lb. in lead packets
St. Marys: On Tuesday Mrs. P.
Hardy,passed away after a brief illness
of typhoid fever. Deceased was in her
83rd year, and one of the oldest and
most esteemed residents of St, Marys,
St. Marys: Miss E. E. Conlin B. A.,
who was re -appointed to the staff of
the Collegiate Institute at an increase
in salary of $50, bas accepted the posi-
tion of Modern Language Specialist at
Niagara Falls.
Parkhill: Melvin Whitingleft Mon-
day for the West where he ill enter
the Mission field at Birch Hills, Sask.
On Sunday evening he was presented
by the Centenary Epworth League
with a handsome bible and a beauti-
fully worded address as a slight token
of the appreciation of his many friends
St. Marys: Wednesday,25th,
at St. Joseph's church Stratford, Miss
Lon Walsh"and Ed. Ronan, formerly
of this place, were united in theholy
bonds of matrimony. The bride was
assisted by hersister,Miss Lilly Walsh,
while the best man was Dr. Ronan, of
Detroit, brother of the groom. Little
Josephine Verney made a charming
flower girl.
Hibbert: Nelson Mahaffy returned
from Ninga, Man., with his bride and
settled on the 4th con. and a few even-
ings later was welcomed by a surprise
party of about 60, who gathered at his
home. R. Wilson of Staffa made the
presentation. which was a beautiful
couch and two easy chairs, and he also
gave a splendid address. Mr. Mahaffy
made a suitable reply.
Parkhill: John Fountain has been
successful in his efforts to secure a pat-
ent on his exhaust condenser in the
United States, the patent being issued
on July 6th. V. Ratz. M.P., has taken
a half interest with Mr. Fountain in
new venture and they will immediate-
ly go to the other side and make ar-
rangements for the establishment of a
factory for the manufacture of the
St. Marys: The Ontario House
changed bands last week, John A.
Spearin of the Central Hotel, purchas-
ing the property and effects from G.
McLean. Mr. Spearin has disposed of
his present interest to George Norris,
who will take over the Central Hotel
on September lst and conduct it until
May 1, 1907, when the license expires
and the building will he taken over by
the G. Carter,Son & Co. Ltd., for store
and warehouse.
A Friend
Told Me About
Hundreds of people, who have
been cured of Kidney 1"rouble
by Ba Ju, were first induced
to try this wonderful retnedy
by friends who had them-
selves been cured. The sales
of Bn-Ju are daily increasing,
because everyone who takes
them is benefitted --and these
in turn, tell others. So the
good news is spread.
Here is what a Picton man says
about Bu-Jtt r
"I have used D,rju with sleet
benefit to myself, and ebeerf.liy
recommend to all who, I think, are
buffering from Kidney Troubles
and Rheumatism.
tbiak /lulu the best r.a1edy
Tours sincerely,
Wscoso ,'out • • Naw Yate
Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th,
' Those interested in Business College work should
write for our large catalogue. This is the largest and
best Commercial > refal and Shorthand School in Western
Ontario. We give a practical training and assis tour
graduates to responsible positone Many of the lead-
ing business colleges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. Write now for a free catalogue.
Prin cipals.
i t�/.tl.sa:...1.e711n.1l.
1�1>•��i iiiiriai.1.hiis ,
►�..,•,� ::::O:N
IMGESTAENC.POINT S. TDllon HETAY FenceIsbuilton the common -,ones pn.1, No. 4 strand
pounfi, eailnF 3GH CARBON, colli ltw ire 1iunIllus
listed Catologuo tree—live scants wnntc+i.
1A W'1 a+' 111 55 , 5i '-
W. J. Heaman,A gent.
Kodaks, Cameras & Supplies
(Chemically Pure)
for the
MAIL 01102115
W. A.
Richmond St.
Opp. City Hall
London, Ont
For an engagement ring a
diamond is by all odds the
nicest and best you can gi ve.
It is always worth as much
as the day you buy it, be-
cause diamonds are steadily
going up in price. '1 hen
it gives the wearer that f e-
fined appearance which you
We have some very fine rings
on hand and you will do
well to see them. We got
them before the recent rise
in price.
We are quite up-to-date in all
other lines that are kept in
a first-class Jewellry Store.
The Jeweller
YOU TO g` ,;1{
It is the one roof that i
s sat,affected by t � II .
heat an,d cold It never leaks—never hardens I d 1 I
or cracks—is rain, snow and fire-proof—and i
lasts a lifetime. Cheaper than shingles.
You will want it for every building
o -.
after you know howthoroughly 1
satisfactory it is.
l► Our free booklet gives lots of
information about it. Write for
a copy and free sample of the
best roofing in the world.
Hardware dealers eveywhere sell
Paterson's " Wire Edge " or will get
it for you,
Noakes' and Urania