HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-7-26, Page 4Watoli baby's Digestion
If there tyre any signs that the
present food does not agree, try
another. We have all the e ,good
kinds and we are careful to keep
AJ.:\l D FOR
colic, cramps, teething trembles
peevishness Se sleeplessness, use the
Cole Carmillative
Perfectly harmless, as it contains
no opiate or narcotic. It will also
prevent that exceedingly trouble-
some affection of the membrane of
the month, arising from acidity,
known as "White Mouth."
Prepared by W. S. COLE, Phil's. B.
Where every baby necessity is kept in
stock. 'Suprema' is the baby's talcum
Sanders & Creech, Propn.
A By -Law for borrowing the stun of
$10,000 and to issue debentures
therefor and to authorize the levy-
ing of R special rate for the pay-
ment of the debentures and inter-
est, for the purpose of loaning the
said sum to The Exeter Canning
and Preserving Company,Lilnited,
to aid such Company in establish-
ing and operating a Canning Fac-
tory in said Village of Exeter.
] said Municipal )nl
0. That it shall be la1Yfu1 for the s n i ] . t
r , of ri a
e� •t 1 1 tho id
) 1 It e P Gt P a
-'o • > • bn c f tlir it f k. Ek
t iperata ,
um of 510,000 to be rated ander this lly-Law to'1Ii
Exeter Vanning and eserNina' Company, i+rnnted,.,
for the purpose of aulutg thrum 10 establish and toper •
rete a Canning 1 aetory, in Meseta village et Exeter,
oa the terms nncl eoruPtions •sot forth tt'tnd contained
written contract or agreement, made and enter- I
ed into botweert i ho said Mdeipal Ooriforatiou and
the said company, bearing 'Late the Ninth day of
July, 1000, said loan to be secerred by alirstrn0ttrage
in favor of said Corporation upon the land, building,
machinery and plant of said Company mid to be re-
payable in fifteen years from the First day of August,.
1907, In ten equal annual installments of 31000 each,
without interest, the first of amid i 111811118015 tobe
paid on first flay of Augnst,1913, and subsequent in-
stallments annually thereafter, until the whole of the
said st= of 0,000 shall be fully paid, but such loan
to the said Company Shall not be made until the
said Company shall have purchased, the land as a
sit for the said factor , built and fully completed
the said far, toi�r and installed therein thee lx'oper and
necessary machinery, at a cost of not less than $12,000,,
in the manner stated ]u the said agreement and until
the said Compauy shall have effected and treusferred
to the said corporation an insurance upon the build-
ing, plant, machinery, equipment and stock of the
said Company to the full insurable value thereof,
such insurance to he beldbv' the Corporation as col-
lateral security, with thesard mortgage fortherepay-
meat of the send roan, nor until the whole of the
capital stook at the saki Company, viz: --826,000 shall
have been subscribed and the three (leaders thereof
paid up, and the said Company shall have complied
with the other terms and conditions of the said
7, That it shall be lawful for the Municipal Coun-
cil, of the said Corporation, to fix the Assessment of
the Company's lands, buildings and plant at $5000,
for a terns of ten years, to be for the fixings of all
rates save school rates.
WHEREAS the ratepayers of the Municipality of
the Village of Exeter, at a public meeting, resolved
that the above By -Law should be submitted to a vote
and if carried that the said sum of $10,000 be raised
on the debentures 01 the said Village as hereinafter
r id d and loaned to the said Company,
p ov
e h a on the
terms and conditions set forth and contained in a
preliminary agreement entered into by and between
Municipal Council of the said Village and the
provisional directors of the said Company.
AND WHEREAS it desirable to issue the said
debentures at one time and to make the principal of
the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the
period of fifteen years, being the currency of the said
debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective
•amounts that the aggregate amounts payable in each
year shall be as nearly as possible in principal and in-
terest equal to the amount so payable in each of the
other fourteen years of the said period as detailed in
clause 4 of this By -Law.
AND WHEREAS the total amount required by
.the Municipal Act to be raised annually by special
rate for paying the said debt and interest as herein -
.after provided is 5131.10.
AND WHERE 9 he whole rateable property of
the said Village according to the last revised Assess-
ment Roll is 5549,049.
AND WHEREAS the existing debenture debt of
• the said Village of Exeter is as follows:.
55216.21 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 6, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1803.
3400 borrowed under the authority of By -Law No,
9, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1897. (Fire
5558.40 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 17, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1899.
(Local Improvement)
31250.00 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
• No. 7, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1901.
(Fire Protection)
51194.18 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No, 5, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1901.
.; ,(Looal Improvement)
51665.47 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 9, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1903.
(Local Improvement)
61720.54 -borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No.6, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1905.
(Local Improvement)
• And there is nothing in arrears for principal or
.AND WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint the
time, places and o0icerstor taking the votes of duly
qualified voters upon this By -Law.
CiP al Council of the Village of Exeter:
1. That for the purposes aforesaid it shall be law-
ful for the Reeve and Council of the said Municipal-
ity to raise by way of loan from any person or per-
sons, company or companies, body or bodies corpor-
ate, who may be willing to advance the same on the
credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a
not exceedingaggregate sum of money in the ggreg $10,000,
the amount of the debt intended to be created by
..this By -Law.
2. That the Reeve and Council of the said Munici-
pality be and are hereby empowered, authorized and
required to make and issue in due form of law deben-
tures of the said Village to the amount of 510.000,
• ((Ten Thousand Dollars) 01 sums of not less than One
Hundred Dollars each, each of which debentures
. shall be issued on the First day of August, 1907, and
shall be dated on the dal eofthe issue thereof and the
said debentures shall be payable in equal amounts on
the 15 day of December in each year, during the said
'fifteen yeare next succeeding the said 1510 day of
„ December, 1007, such amounts being made up of the
aggregate sum due each year on account of principal
and interest as shown by Clause 4 hereof.
3. The said debentures shall hear interest at the
rate of four and one-half per oentum per annum, pay-
able yearly at the office of the Treasurer of the sold
4. During the currency of the said debentures
there shall be raised annually by special rate on all
the rateable property., of the said Village of Exeter,
the sum of 5931.10 for the purpose of paging the
amount due in each of the years for principal and.
interest in respect of the said debt as follows:
Years Principal Interest Total
1 5481 10 5450 00 5931 10
2 502 80 428 30 931. 10
3 526 42
4 540 04 406 BS
6 573'77
4 699 6s
7 654 76
10 747 0 684 22
118 780 04
114 862.05
367 as
831 61
804 63
276 34
210 09 nil 10
180 02 931 10
150 30 931 10
116 10: 931 10
801 13 80 07 0013 10
510000 0 53006 50 513,000 50
6. Each of the said debentures 511511 he signed by
:the Reeve of the said Municipality, or by.aenl0 ether'
Sarson authorized l,•y Ey-Law to 4ugn the same and
by the Treasurer of the said Municipality, and the
, Mork shall attxoh thereto the Cor orate seal of the
-8211d 60anicil)ality.And the, said debentures Shall he
payable at the office of the Vaunter in the Said vi!.,
age of Exeter,
031 10
901 10
931 10
0'31 10
031 10
931 10
8, That the motleys received by the said Corpora-
tion from the said Company oke account and in re-
payment of such loan shall forthwith after the receipt
thereof, be deposited to a special account in .some
Chartered Bank, and that the moneys standing at
the credit of such special account, or a sufficient
part thereof, at the thne of setbli0g the total annual.
rate and making up the Collector's Roll, for any year
of the sairl debenture terns, shall be appliedin or to-
wards payment of the amount falling due in suoh
year/or principal and interest on account of the de-
bentures, issued under the authority of this By -Law
and that the amount to be raised in such year shall
be reduced to the extent of the stun so applied, and
that any surplus remaining at the end of the said de-
benture teen, after the payment of the said deben-
tures, shall be carried to the credit of the said Muni-
e£pality and applied towards the payment of any
other liability of the said Municipality, which :the
law nnay authorize the Municipality to pay.
9. That this By -Law shell take effect and course
Onto operation if carried by the votes of the eleetprs,
on the day of the final passing thereof.
10, That the votes of the duly, qualified electors
shall be taken on Saturday, the 4th day of August,
1000, between the hours of nine am., and Syn p,m•,
at the several places hereinafter mentioned, by the
officers whose names are hereinafter mentioned: In
polling sub -division No• 1 at Silas Haudford's residence,
Main st•, by R. N. Creech, Deputy Returning Officer,
and Jarues Creech, Sr., Poll Clerk; in pollinng sub -di-
vision 1.7o. 2, at eekes Bros.' shop, Main st•, by Jas.
Weekes, Deputy Returning nicer'
and W. D. Weekes,
Pon Clerk; in pollingsub-division No. 8, at Joseph
Cobbledick'soffice, Corner of Main and Wellington
streets, by Joseph eputy Returning Officer,
and L. D. Vincent, Poll Davis,Clerk; in Polling sub -division
No. 4, at the Town Hall, by H. E. Huston, Deputy
Returning Officer, and John J. White, Poll Clerk,
and that Joseph Senior, Clerk of the said Municipal-
ity, shall be the Returning Officer, to whom the re-
turns of voting shall be wade by the said Deputy Re-
turning Officers.
11. That the Reeve of the said Municipal Corpora-
tion shall attend at the Council Room, bn the Town
Hall, on Monday, 'the 30bh day of July, 1900, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of appoint-
ing persons to attend at the variouspollingsub-divis-
ions and places aforesaid, and the summing up of
votes respectively, on behalf of persons interested in
promoting or opposing the passage of this By -Law,
12. That the Clerk of the said Municipality shall
attend at the Council Chamber, in the Town Hall,
on Monday, the 6th day of August, 1906, at thehour
of twelve, noon, and shall then and there sum up
the votes given for and against the said By -Law and
grant the requisite certificates.
Datedat the Town Hall, Exeter, this tenth day of
July, 1908.
The above is a true copy of a proposed By -Law,
which has been taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the Council of the Munici-
pality of the Village of Exeter, (in the event of the
assent of the electors being obtained thereto)- after
one month from the first publication thereof, m the
Exeter Times and Exeter Advocate Newspapers, the
said By -Law to be'published inthe said newspapers
ane0 a week,fo>:three successna
mencing on thtwelfth day of July, 1908: ad
the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will
be taken on the said By -Law on the day, and at the
hours and places therm fixed; And further take no-
tice that any one desiring to apply to have this By -
Law or any part thereof quashed must wake his ap-
plication for that purpose to the High Court of Jus-
tice, within three months next after the third' pub-
lication of this notice in the said newspapers, or he
will be too late to be heard in that behalf.
Dated at Exeter, this tenth day of July, 1906.
Synopsis of AgreementMen-
tioned in the By -Law.
It is agreed between the parties:
1. That a Canning and Preserving Factory shall
be bu It the Village of Exeter, County of Huron.
2,That loan shall not be advanced to Company
unil Company has been incorporated, has acquired
land, built and equipped their factory, and has
said factory in operation, as a going concern and
has spent not less then 512,000 thereon, and free
from incumbrance.
The Corporation agrees to do the following:
1. To submit By -Law to ratepayers, authorizing
raising and loaning Company the sum 00510,000 and
fixing assessment of Company at 55000 for ten years.
2. If By -Law carries, to loan Company the sum
of 510,000 for fifteen years without interest, and to
fix assessment of Company at 85000 for ten years.
The Company agrees to do the following:
1. To repay the said loan in 15 years from the
date of the advance thereof, without interest, in
10 equal annual instalments of 51000, the first of
such installments to be paid at the end of the 8th
year of the said 15 -year term, and subsequent pay-
ments yearly thereafter until the whole 510,000 is
fully paid.
2. To secure the repayment of the said loan by
first mortgage upon the land, plant and equipment
of the said Company.
3. To insure theplant, equipment and assign in-
surance to corporation to further secure loan.
4. To satisfy the Corporation that the whole cap-
ital stock of the Company, yiz: $25,000 has been sub-
scribed and three-quarters of the same paid up.
5. Not bo sell, alienate or encumber without con-
sent, in writing, of the Corporation.
8. To do an annual business of at lead 6000
s 88 as
unlessp rev
entad from doingbyso failure of fruit
and vegetable eget bre crop, but of this latter the Corpora-
tion is to be sole judge.
Usborne Council,
Council met July 7th. All the mem-
were present. The minutes of the last
meeting and also of the Court of Re-
vision were read and approved. Ac-
counts as follows were passed and ord-
ers issued in payment:Elimville Drain,
$315; Washburn Drain, $780: General,
$111.35. Council then adjourned to
meet August 4th at two o'clock.
F. Morley, Clerk.
(- eenway
W. J. and A. C. Wilson of Aurora,
I11., :and• W. A. Wilson of London and
their wives visited friends at Grand
Bend and Bayfield last week they
drove tip the lake shore and report as
baying a very enjoyable time. Mr.
Wilskkrl's eons left here on Saturday
for W. ea.'s home in London. A, C. is
to visit friends in Toronto and at the
O.A.O., Guelph. -A. M. Wilson has
bought the A. Glendenning farm in
this village and sold the bush half to
Joseph Foster, A. M, is going to build
st neW cement block house and expects
to have it completed before the new
year.--J.t mss I. McPherson has bought
another l actes from W. J. Wilson.
This with the other land he owns will
in•rkehim very comfortable.—J. L.
Foster was badly hurt by a kick from
.rue of his horses the other day, fie
went to the pasture to catch them and
just as he iafd his hand on the beast it
ttimed .knd kicked. Dr, Caw was tel-
ephoned felt and drove out in twenty
termites and attended to the man's in-
�klrie's, 'His many friends hope to see
rim rtrnnnd again soon.- Otir• tale
obtained seeund prize ftyr their banner
kit alio •ell t, l.tl1120.-On. acf.o n_
So r i e
af e silinmee suhcol being held
at Grand bend there will be no service
in Boston Methodist church meat Sab-
bath. All are invited to attend the
services in the grove at the Bend, -W.
r s
WI soil � C eraisers
laundry soap this week.
Miss Wiggins of G derlC1> for
ae er of our school, iti Airs.
to ch o lc , is vial ng 1_
W. W. Kerr this week. -Mrs. Penrice
of Lieury is on a few weeks' visit to
her daughters near here. --Several of
our young people held a picnic at the
Bend on Monday. All report a pleas-
ant time, -Miss Colvin has gone to her
home in Brussels. -Mr. and Mrs. :Ed,
Bertrand and daughter, Thelma, of
Detroit are the guests of Mrs. Sarah
Bertrand. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Wood-
all have returned to Detroit after a
pleasant visit here. -Miss Susie Saul -
ter of Parkhill, who taught one of the
rooms of our school a year ago, has
been reengaged by the trustees for the
coming year, During the past year
she has been attending Normal in To-
ronto and was successful in passing
the recent exams, with honors. -Rev.,
J. A. Smith, wife and son, Albert, of
Berlin are the guests,of Mrs. Barbara
Oestreicher.-Russel Andrews is on a
few weeks' stay at Russeldale.-Mrs.
J. Young has returned from .London,
-Several of our young peopleattend-
ed the Ohildi'en's Day Festival in Dash-
wood last Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Blnett and family are visiting
friends in Forest for a few weeks,—The
Sovereign Bank building is being re-
painted. Bert Clarke has the job. -
John Wind and Matthew Winer have
had cement sidewalks laid from their
place of residence to the new walks. -
Liman boys came here on Friday even-
ing with the intention of beating our
buys in a game of baseball. Come
again. The game stood 9-1 in our fa-
yor.--Next Sunday evening a special
farewell service will he given in the
Evangelical church. Miss Mary E.
Braun, one of the members of the
church, willleave the following week
for China, where she will labor as a
missionaay. The Y.P.A. will take
charge of the meeting. Invitations
have been given to the Alliances of
Zurich and Dashwood. The program
will be given in both languages. -The
masons are expected to finish the
brickwork of the new school this week.
- Henry Eilber, M.P.P., and brother,
Ben, of Ubly, Mich., are in the Tema-
gami District for a few days fishing. -
Airs. Christian Kibler of Oavalier,N.D.
and her niece Miss Emma Beaver of
Morriston are visiting friends in the
village. -The majority of our farmers
have their wheat cut. The crop isn't
as good as expected. The mild winter
and very little snow affected the grain.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hallman (nee Miss Liz-
zie Ratz) of Berlin were in the village
on Tuesday the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Zwicker.-Berry picking is the
order of the day, The berry pickers
have been very busy of late. -Rev. E.
H. Bean took part in the program at
the Children's Day Festival in Dash-
wood on Suuday afternoon.
WoNPniza.-The Ottawa Citizen of
July 14 contains a well-written essay
on the subject, "The Women of Can-
ada," by Miss Ethel Farrow, a lute
teacher in our public school, and #a
daughter of Robert Farrow, chief ac-
countant in the Customs Department
at Ottawa. The essay won the prize
offered by Mrs, George Hay in connec-
tion with the Presbyterian Young
Ladies' College. The prize was a ben-
tiful gold locket suitably engraved.
Mr. Sykes of the Collegiate Institute,
was the judge, "and," says the Citizen
"he bad a difficult task to perform,' as
some six or seven essays were very
cleverly written, and it was only after
careful consideration that he awarded
the honors to Miss Farrow. If the
others were as good as Miss Farrow's
they must certainly have been meri-
torious, as her paper shows an extens-
ive range of reading and a thorough
acquaiutance with what the women of
Canada are doing in the various ave-
nues of activity."
and unexpected death took place at
her home here on Friday morning
last of Arabella Grace Westcott, he -
loved wife of Geo. H. Bedford of this
village and eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John . T. Westcott of Exeter.
Deceased was a comparatively young
woman, having only reached the age
of 30 years, 5 months and 20 days,
and was highly respected by all who
had the pleasure ofher acquaintance.
She had been ill only a few days and
death was due to paralysis of the bow-
els. An operation was performed
Thursday morning but it was of no
avail. Besides the •husband a little
daughter, Gretta, survives, both of
whom have the sympathy of their
ina,ny friends in their bereavement.
Deceased also leaves a father,mother,
several brothers and a sister. The
funeral took place on Sunday after-
noon to the Exeter cemetery where
the remains were interred under the
auspicesicesof the Crediton Lodge a of Mac-
of which deceased was a mem-
ber. The Rev. Andrews officiated,
The funeral was very largely at-
tended, showing the good feeling .to-
ward the deceased and the sympathy
felt for the bereaved ones.
J. L. Curtin left Tuesday night for
Okk•Lake, Man.,•wherebe will spend
some months. -Austin Duplan has re-
turned from his visit to Exeter: -The
Misses Andrews are at the Bend camp-
ing. -The Misses Mary and Hazel Hep-
burn of Toronto are visitors at the
home of the former. -Harvey Hicks
left Wednesday of last week to take a
position as bookkeeper at Oak Lake,
Man. Success' Harvey. -Mrs. C. Bir-
ney and Mrs. N. McAvoy of Exeter
spent Wednesday with Mrs. O. Du -
plan. -Jas. Q Tarry left Sunday on a
visit to Toronto. -J. A. 'Coughlin ship-
ped eleven loads of cattle to the Old
Country during the week. -A number
from here will take in the Masonic
Fxoursion to Sarnia next week.—Mrs.
F. Bush and Master Kenneth of To-
ronto are visiting at the home of J.
Hepburn.- Who says W. R. Elliott is
•not a judge of horse flesh ? I -le who
thinks so would have been convinced
that he was decidedly wrong bad he
seen the load of work horses shipped
try Mei Elliott from Centralia: this
week.. They were certainly the best
load of horses shipped from Centralia.
this yertr.--••The light refreshing �•sho '
er•s which felt 1443t week Wiit revive the
gau'deits and grass.
Alre,(Rev.) Co k ofiid
a few days at the house of E. Rennie
dosing the week.- Mr, Mood, who leas
been visiting his mother in Stanley,,
who is ill, and also friends here, left as
ago for
his home near
0, Cook hits her cousin,
Miss Harris, of Wroxeter, with her at
present. -Hiss McEwen and her little
nephesv of Ottawa are here on a visit..
-i•a visit t o
IlRusehas gone on 8 t
1 a
friends in the West. --J. 13, McArthur
has returned from Toronto where he
attended the Masonic Gra.nd Lodge. -
Mrs. Mary J. Harris of Exeter is a
a t Mrs.
afhrdan r
itor t e e be
a the ham c ,
R. Dalrymple. -Jos, Hodgson has had
his residence repainted. -Rev. and Mrs..
AUL Smith and children are spending
a few'. weeks in Lucan.--Miss Edith
McEwen, daughter of Wm. Ewen, has
successfully passed her Normal school
examination and is thus entitled to
teach as long as she desires. -Miss
Edith Stoneman. and Mrs. T. Kelly are
camping at the Bend. -Miss Marjory
is on a month's visit to Toronto. -Mr.
Attie of North Bay is the new clerk at
the Sovereign Bank here,—Ed, Linder -
field is steadily improving from the ef-
fects of his late operation. -Harvey
Scott of the G.T.E. staff, has returned
•from Clifford. He has been ill but is
now better.—Miss Marjorie Tait of
London is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Neelands.—E. J. Molyneaux, who for
some trine bas been convalescing' at
his home in Hibbert, left last week on
an extended trip' through the North-
west Provinces. -Mrs. Robert Patter-
son and son, James, left last week for
Calgary, where they intend remaining
some months. -Miss Margaret Jordon
of Parkhill is visiting friends in Hen
salt rind vicinity. -Mrs. A. Short and
Miss Melinda Ortwein have gone to
Detroit to spend a few weeks with
their brother, Alonzo. -Miss Loretta
Griffin, separate school teacher at Hib-
bert, has gone to Kintail to spend her
holidays. -:D. A. Oantelon, produce
merchant, left last week for a trip to
Manitoba.. He intends spending a
couple of weeks there, and hi the mean-
time his brother, who is , in the same
business in Clinton, will have an eye
on his business here. Mrs. Can-
telon and child will visit at Clarks-
burg during his absence. -Alex. Mur-
dock and daughter, Alexis, and Faye
McDonald were in Detroit last week.
-Mrs. Johnston of St. Louis is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. Hunt. -The many
friends of Jas. Johnston will he pleased
to learn that he is steadily improving
and that good hopes of his complete
recovery are entertained. He still suf-
fers considerable pain. --Chas, Mustard.
of Brucefield occupied the pulpit. of
Carmel church on Sunday. His ser -
mous were interesting and instructive.
-Miss Stacey. of Toronto is here on a
visit. -Mrs. Wilson Woods and child-
ren of London are spending a few days
town. -A. J. Pybus, a former resi-
dent of this neighborhood, but who
has been living in Winnipeg for some
years past is one of the fortunate ones.
About six years ago be purchased sen
enteen acres of land, about four miles
out of Winnipeg, paying for it less
than $3,000. A few days ago he sold
it for $10,000. During the time Mr.
Pybus has held the land he has made
good money out of it a as a market gar-
den. Hehas agro position od in con-
nection with the C.P.R.. in Winnipeg.
LEG-BRo.NEN.—Mr. Patterson, bridge
boulder of St. Marys, got one leg brok-
en in two places between the knee and
hip on Monday afternoon while work-
ing at the bridge here. A timber,
which they were putting in place, slip-
ped and fell on his leg. The Kirkton
doctor was absent and he was driven
ten miles to St. Marys before the in-
jury could be attended to.
On Thursday last the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Preeter was brighten-
ed by the appearance of a. baby boy.
Both mother and child are doing nice-
ly. We extend congratulations. -Mr.'
Ed. Beaver of.Exeter spent Sunday at
his home here. -Mr. Henry Callfas
made a business trip to Clinton on
Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. 0. Finkbeiner
of Shipka spent Sunday with friends
in the village. -Mr. and Mrs. Abel of
Detroit are at present visiting the lat-
ter's.rnother, Mrs. Mclsaac, of this
village. -The Sanitary Inspector made
his trip around the village on Monday.
-Themasons have already started the
bri.kavork on Mr. Goetz's new dwell-
ing. When completed it will be one
of the finest in the village. -The
threshermen are getting their mach-
ines in readiness for the approaching
'season, and soon the hum of the old
machine will again be beard in our
midst. -Sunday last being Children's
Day in the Evangelical Church here
was much appreciated by the little
folks. A grand sermony the much
respected pastor, Rev. L. K. Eidt, in
the morning opened the day's pro-
ceedings. In the afternoon and even-
ing good programs were rendered by
the children of the school which were
and Mrs.
very much appreciated. -Mr.
v y >in
M. Fenn and children drove over from
Parkhill last week. Mrs. Fenn and
children are remaining for a few days.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th.
Those interested in Business College work should
write for our lance catalogne. This is the largest and
best Commercial and Shorthand School in Western
Ontario. We give a practical training a• d assist our
graduates to responsible positons. Many of the load-
ing business colleges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. Write now for a fres catalogne.
t ..,,rhos ,nei`
II fliNamosail
i®� Au►®,niir r�
���,��-�®� r LLoN.
POINT S. The Dillon nlNc:E•sTAY Fence ie built
to fast•. Every wire is heavily galvanized and Elio
atrs8tte nib all 111tH stn ted nud lite.). 1t ilio)
no ><aaeyaa,ae, Illustrated batafo55,, free -Ilse'
agent, ,r5hted..
Ci11a1\f Aw'AI i llf
►1 Lr]! 11 +oat 1ki a et
`.ea,ni-a>ti, Agent ,
The 1 r.
all the difF,
erence in
the world
oaring bis,
cuits and
biscuit eat-
ing. One
may eat a biscuit and not taste
it, but when you think of bis-
cuit eating you think instantly of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream, Sodds
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely and d i st i n dt l y
superior to any other make.
Say "Mooney s" to your grocer.
NOW is the time to secure a
in Ladies' W a i s t Pattern's
with embroidered fronts—all
the latest designs and different
colors. 25 different patterns
to select from. Also a full
line of ready-to-wear waists in
silk, luster, lawns, peke and
General Merchant
Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a
DISEASES. If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before
it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks
before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble, palpitation of the heart, bashful,excitable dreams, sediment in urine,
poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired morn
pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks, careworn expression,
logs, restless nights, changeable moods, nerve weakness, premature de-
cay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.?
We Cure Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility,: Kidney
and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. If unable to call, write for
Question Blank for Home Treatment.
,-....•,•.."Pint;-..,•.r: , .
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid Up
reserved Puna......... . $3,000,000
OFFICE FLOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m, to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
1 posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest oom-
SaYin Bank De artment, pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th
p and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
We have just received a
carload of Page Wire
Fence, 6 to 9 wires high,
for 33c. and up per rod.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload �f walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent for the Sylvester and'
Perrin Piow Companies'
Exeter - Ontario
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash; Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
- Water Tanks
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for
togs ofevery description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to..
Estimates cheerfullyb
The Rags Taylor Co., Ltd
Exeter, Ont:
rr Licenses
Marriage e � ce ses
Issued at the