HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-7-26, Page 3FW M ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NI:W'a" BY MAIL 1!ROM IRELAND S SHORES.. ir"innesehlrigs in the Emerald Isle o1 Interest to Irish Canadians. Tho Dublin City Council has decided Mat in future all the correspondence of the corporation and its several offices should be addressed in Irish. Moderation seems to be the chief characteristic of the Irish burglar. in County Kilkenny one of lie fraternity broke into a )louse. Ile took a £5 note and left then. Epizootic iymphangitts is devastating the stables of the South of Ireland, and bas stopped hunting for the time. It was introduced into the country by the horses of a battery from South Africa. The remains of the Rev, James S. Green, rector of Donagllmore and Morella,, who died recently, were re- moved from his residence at Wood- lands, Killygorcion, for interment in the burying ground of Morelian church.. The funeral cortege was one of the largest witnessed for many years. Captain the Earl of Wicklow, who has resigned his commission in the Second Life Guards, is one of the represents- tive peers of Ireland. He succeeded to the title, at the age of 14, on the death of his father in 1891, and entered the Life Guards in 1898. Sir Donald Currie. who last year gave £20,000 to Queen's College, Belfast, has written to President Hamilton, of the college, from Venice, offering £2,000 to the Royal Academy, Belfast, for the fotmdation of scholarships, and also X1,000 to the Royal Academical Institu- tion, Belfast, at witch he received his early training, FINE GHOST STORY, This Irishmen Has No Doubt About the Matter.. The London Daily Express has been publishing letters on the question. of Spiritualism and the reality of giloslly visitations.. The most remar'lcablo of the 1c11 The 1 serie,so following, ill which is ]low 41r g, Express leads lis readers to believe was sent recently .and published in good faith :--- Sir,--May I relate my own daily ex- perience, which has become not only a matter of satisfaction, but a pleasant duty ? I am a housekeeper in an old mansion in Ireland.. I had served my master faithfully for forty-two years, when he died after a few days' illness. He left in his will directions that his old house should be let every season to tourists, and the yearly income devoted to the local cottage hospital. The morning after my master's funeral I went into Isis private sitting - room to pull up the blinds, when I found him sitting in his accustomed chair., reading his paper, as I bad found,. him every day for over forty years. For one moment I forgot, and said "Good -morning, sir"; then I ran in ter- ror from the room, but, not before he turned a look of surprise and sorrow on me. A little later I went back, and found his spirit had disappeared, but I could not forget the sadnessof the look he cast at me as I ran away. The next morning I determined to be brave, and went in. The master was sitting there. I said "Good -morning, sir," pulled up the blinds, and left the room. Every morning since I have found him there, and it is now eighteen months since his death. The families who rent the house have oftened questioned me about the tall old gentleman whom they sometimes meet in the passage, and I always say that it is a friend of the old master's, who felt his death very deeply, and likes to come back. One or two young gentlemen who had heard that there was a ghost came dur- ing the fishing season last year, "I never have any luck," one of then said to me. "I shall never see the ghost." Just before they left he came to my room. "Well," he said, "you see I was right. I have not seen a ghost of a. ghost; only a gloomy old man—some friend 1f the servants, I suppose—who shuffles along the stone corridor." I did not say that the "gloomy old man" was the ghost he was hoping to see. E. S. Dublin. The corpse of a young man, Wm. Martin, aged 23, the son of a farmer, was found at Carrickfergus, about eight miles from Belfast, in ono of the streams running into Copeland Reser- voir, and forming part of the Belfast water supply.; The body was lying face downwards in about a foot of water, and bore. a number of severe wounds. He was the finest athlete in the whole district, and a. man of immense phy- sique. At Carrickfergus, two days later, Wm. Hart, a young man, sur- rendered to the police. He said he and Martin had Sought together. Wm. O'Neill, of Annaghmore, dealer, was found drowned in the canal, Coal- island. He has been absent from home for the past fortnight, but it was be- lieved he was in Scotland. The death took place with great sud- denness of Mr. Hugh Templeton, for the last twenty-eight years manager of Messrs. George McFarland & Co.'s mills at Carrigans. Mr. Templeton was about sixty-three years of age. The condition of the police force in Belfast has been engaging the atten- tion of Mr. Bryce and his colleagues for some weeks, and there appears to be some reason to . believe that a very grave view is taken of the recent chan ges. The body of the wife of Mr. W. H. McConnell was found in the River Tennon, near to the home of deceased at Ramellon, County Donegal. Up to the present the matter is a mystery, and the greatest sympathy is expressed for deceased's relatives, who are well known and respected in the district. 4 HOT WEATHER • AILMENTS. At the first sign of illness during the hot weather, give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours the trouble .may be• beyond cure. Baby's Own Tablets is :the best medicine in the world to prevent summer complaints if given occasionally ; to well children. The prudent mother will not wait. till trouble''comes—she will keep her chil- dren well through an occasional dose of this medicine. Mrs. Edward Clark, McGregor, Ont., says : "My little girl suffered from colic and bowel troubles but Baby's Own Tablets speedily cured her." And the mother has the guaran- tee of a government analyst that these 'Tablets contain no opiate or harmful 'drug. Sold by all medicine dealers or • by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Beep the tablets hi the house. OLDEST BREED OF DOGS. Egyptian Gazelle Hound, • a Wedding Present to Queen of Spain. A beautiful Egyptian gazelle hound 4Slughi) was among the wedding gifts of the young Queen of Spain. The dog, which is a lovely pale cream color and named Sadden, was the gift of the Hon. Florence Amherst, who is a sister of Lady William Cecil, who has been in waiting on the Queen of Spain in Ma- drid. These desert hounds are among the latest of society's pets, says the London Tribune, and bid fair to outrun in popu- larity even .the aristocratic Borzoi, which is thenearest in character to the East- ern greyhound, and is probably derived from him. The Slughis are perhaps the oldest treed in the world, not even excepting the historic spaniel of the palace of Pe- kin. 'their form was sculptured on acme .4 the earliest of Egyptian mural tableterie and some monuments preserve of various a s of favorite hounds ten me h k in bs. TIie pedigrees of noble hounds notable for their speed in the chase are current to -day, having been traditionally band- ed down among . sheiks of Bedouin tribes of the deserts of Egypt and Arabia as from the days of Saladin, one of whose hounds was •named ,aada.n, while Persian nobles claim that strains that they own are older than either, and that the breed first originated in Persia, The color of the Singh; is that of thio. desert over which he chases the gozcllt and varies as do the sands, frons a ;amber deep • fawn to the palest cream, Whitt is almost white. 'The greyhound. dormis most 4flstinctly preserved in the outline of the Slughi. SUMMER ACCIDENTS. They Are Not Planned and Foreordained By the Creator. Siunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy S u n l i g h t Soap and follow directions Sunlight Soap AN IDEAL SUMMER. HOME. Nearly everyone who goes away in the summer has heard of "Minnfcogall- &•shone" on the world-famous Georgian Bay. It Inc a very interesting history and the Indians have woven some weird legends around the place. It was formerly the, summer home of a wealthy American, and on his death was bought by Colonel Cantley, a retired English army officer,who has made it an ideal summer home for many for- tunate guests. There has always been. anair of refinement and good taste about "Nlinnicog" which is to be found in very few Canadian summer resorts. For this reason the place has attracted ,from the beginning the very best class of people; not necessarily people of wealth, however, as the prices have al- ways been exceedingly moderate con- sidering the excellent accommodation and table. In the fall the Georgian Bay is peculiarly beautiful, and at that season of the year Minnicog is delightful. The island is wonderfully endowed by na- ture, and when the leaves have Changed color and h the cool clear atmosphere of fall, the place is at its best. It has grown so popular during sthe,past few years that the summer months always find every room booked far in advance despite the numerous new . cottages owned by' the sane management and the additions made to the imposing old house which was originally on the island. The summer guests have plenty of gaiety and amusement with fishing, boating, bathing and dancing in the pretty octagonal music room, which is a separate and distinct build- ing away from the main house or cot- tages. For those, however, who prefer a very quiet holiday and the most •peace- ful enjoyment of the natural beauties of this lovely spot, the fall months at Minnicog will afford the greatest plea- sure. It has often been said that, this hotel is transformed in the fall with the smaller number of very congenial guests into a real country house party, and one's comfort and enjoyment are so carefully looked after as to leave no- thing to be desired. Very good par- tridge shooting may be had close at hand and the fishing is even better at this season than in the summer. In fact, anyone contemplating a holiday could not do better than to include in their plans a visit to this delightful place in the fall. If it were possible to make a com- plete list of all the casualties of a whole vacation season—say from the first of July to the first of October—the show- ing would be so alarming as to shock careful parents and to call into exis- tence a host of reform societies. The fact that summer accidents are reported as they occur, singly and in widely separated places, accounts in large measure for the slight and transitory impression they make on the public mind. The old meaning of the word acci- dent, as something that "just happens," and could not have been prevented, still clings to it. Most of those who read these words may hold that view of it, and some of them are almost certain to find out by experience, before the sum- mer is over, whether it is true or not. The purpose of this article is to change their niinds. Acidents do not "just. happen," nor is any one justified in calling them "dis- pensations of Providence," planned and foreordained by the Creator for some good but inscrutable purpose. Acci- dents are due to definite, material and usually preventable causes. The Crea- tor does not deliberately decree that a certain canoe shall glide out from under a certain man and drown him, but He does establish immutable laws which the canoe obeys, and which She canoeist also must obey, if he would live. On sea or land, in yacht, automobile, mountain camp or on foot, the immiti- gable laws hold good. Those who ob- serve them go free, those who disobey are punished. The need for care, for caution, for common sense is more ur- gent in the summer than at other times' only because it is then that a larger number of persons are engaged, for purposes of recreation, in doing things which are new to thein, the laws of which they have not learned. Study the rules of the game, then obey them. SICK BULLETINS. When one is sick in Holland, instead of subjecting the family to calls and telephone inquiries, visitors read a. bul- letin which is prepared every day and hung by the doorbell. When it is 'a "stork" case, beside the bulletin an- nouncing mother and baby's health is hung a red pincushion if the new arriv- al is a boy; when a little girl is the wel- come guest the cushion is a white ane. These pincushions are handed down from generation to generation and in wealthy households are made from bits of priceless lace and rare embroideries.. "Ian Maclaren" was the preacher in a Belfast church. on a recent Sunday. The edifice was crowded. COSTLY CONVERSATION.. It fell to the lot of a young man who. "ranched" in a Western State to journey for the purpose of closing a cattle deal, to a central country capital, where, in- vesting in a new bicycle on the strength of the profits, he proceeded to test its merits after the manner of his kind by furiously scorching down one of the main thoroughfares, n r jnth out,hfares, and ended by over- throwing and damaging an old negro, who, being deaf, did not hear either tafs boll or his wild whoop of warning,: He was forthwith arrested and haled before the local tribunal, where his de- fiant behavior and equally vigorous speech promptly resulted in his being. fined 85 and asked if he had anything more to say. "No," he replied, "ePpa that I wish I bad crushed the nigger outright." "That observation, said the dignitary on the bench,, "will, I opinionate, cost you another two dollars. Hey yew any further remarks to offer?" "Conservation," rejoined the Western- er, whose temper was not improved by this latter manifestation of justice, "ap- pears to run pretty high in this one -hors old court of yours." "Yow airnow," responded the angry justice, "guilty of contempt and air fined another five dollars. Wish to or- ate some more?" "Nary orate," quoth the cow -puncher. READY FORBUSINE SS. "Mr. Jones, I want your daughter. She is worth her weight in gold." "Wa-al, Tigger her out an' gimme a cheque. I kin use th' money." AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. According to advertisements all sum- mer resorts are alike. They are the best ever—but if fishing is better anywhere else than it is in "Georgian Bay" we do not know where it is. There is a greater variety of fish in this water than anywhere else, and they are always hungry. No one ever counted the fish in the Georgian Bay , but those that have been caught there have been counted and eaten, and if you read the Govern- ment reports on fisheries, you know that Georgian Bay supplies more fish ,than any other equal body of water in the world. The only place you can afford to fish is where the fish are numerous, big and delicious in flavor, and that place is Georgian Bay -so the fishermen say. Suppose you send for booklet, issued by Grand Trunk Rail- way System free, telling about the home of the bass, pickerel, pike and the noble trout family. Address J. D, McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. "You say your wife can't throw straight?" "Yes." "Then bow did she come to bit you?" "I dodged 1" Something More Than a Purgative.— To purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, , enters into their composition. Housewife (to tramp)—"But surely you night ago?" • "Yes, 'tidy; I thought p'r'aps you'd like to know i am able to get about again." Like time volcanoes of disease, the eruptions of eczema pour outdischarges.Bad blood causes the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver's Corals, and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison from the blood. BUTTERFLIES FOR WATER. Real butterflies spreadtheir lovely wings in the clear wavelets of the blue Mediterranean. Their scientific name is Pteropoda, or wing -footed. The coln- monest is perhaps the "boat butterfly:" His body seems formed round a tiny brownish kernel, the size of a grain of wheat, and iscovered with a shell soft as gristle and almost transparent; his wings are large, round, and clear as glass—so clear that before they can be examined they must be put in a saucer of water against a black ground. The shell is so loose that a mere touch sepa- rates it from the body.. All the sea butterflies have on their tongues rows of strong -pointed hooks. They are all flesh eaters. It is wonderful to watch through ' the transparent shell and al- most equally transparent body the mo- tions of the heart. These butterflies lay eggs, just like the land ones, and, like the land ones, are fond of warmth and light. FITNESS OF THINGS. "They are very parlieullti in that es- tablishment, I believe." "So particular that they press e11 their mourning suits with sad bops. One of the greatest blessings to par- ents is Mother Graves' Worm Extermi- nator. 1t effectually expels worms and gives health in a marvellous manner to the little one, George—Rather than remain single, would you mary the biggest fool on. earth?" Clara—"Oh, George, this is so sudden l" A flatter of importance to ail those who are run down and debilitated is the fact that "Bern:num"is the best tonic ever compounded. •It gives strength and builds up the system. Patience—"That long-haired man with the diamonds, at the piano, I just heard started life as a poor musician." Pat- rice—"Well, he's that yet." Cholera morbus, cramps and kindred complaints annually make their appear- ance at the same time as the hot wea- ther, eather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remark- able manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. "My son," said old Precept, "don't take to writing poetry. When I was young like you I was smitten with a beautiful creature, and wrote her a poem I never saw her again." Sunlight Soap le better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.. Paddy : "Where will I get the express for Dublin?" Stationmaster t, "Yell catch it all over ye if ye don't get off the line mighty quick!" Only those who have had experience can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them off —pain night and day; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. PROWLERS OF PARIS. A wild scene with burglars and their sympathizers was recently witnessed in Paris near the Place Voltaire. Two burglars had been caught in a house, but escaped by brutally assaulting the inmates. In the streets they were join- ed by straggling night prowlers until their numbers swelled to about 30, be- tween whom the police, assisted by sev- eral soldiers, there was a running fight several times renewed before the two burglars could be secured. Had it not been for the opportune arrival of the soldiers the police would have been out. numbered and the thieves would have escaped. As it was, one or two of them had their uniforms ripped to tatters. Passer-By—"Is that your pork down there on the road, guv'nor?! Farmer— "Pork!. What d'ye mean? There's a pig o' nine out there." Passer-by—"Ab, but there's a motor -car just been by." A Tonic for the Debilitated.—Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly but thoroughly on the secretions of the body are a valuable tonic, stimulating the lagging organs to healthful action and restoring them to full vigor. They can be taken in graduated doses and so used that they can be discontinued at any time without return to the ailments which they were used to allay. , EX ECTED TOO MUCH. A small boy went to a mills shop to purchase some milk, and the proprie- tress, handing back the coin offered her, remarked, "Johnny, take that quar- ter back to your mother and tell her from me that 1 don't like its ring." Johnny, with an impertinent grin,'re- plied, "Didn't expect it to be a church bell, did you?" Your Mefley� by the drier from whom you hay Sun- light Soap U you. End any cause for complaint. r r Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. $5,000. reward will be paid teeny person who proves that 8nnlghtposp contains -any injurious chemicals or any form el adulteration. Equally good with hard or soft water Dive Brotlseea Limited. Toronto. sd A TORONTO MAN TRIES Something New and is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. liir. M. N. Dafoe, 29 Colborne St., Toronto, says : "1 have been a sufferer from Dys- pepsia or years. f years. I have been treated by doctors and have taken many medi- cines with only temporary relief. Since using Dr. Leonhardt's Antir Pill I can eat any thing the same as when a boy. I find Mr. M. 1V. Dafoe. they regulate both stomach and bowels. My old time vigor has returned, so that my spirits aro buoyant and temper nor- mal. 1 give all credit to this wonderful remedy --Dr, Leoftbardt's Anti -Pill." All dealers or The Wllson•Fyle Co., Limited, NiagaraAvifls, Auk ail '" Keeping Everlastingly at it Brings Succsse." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 75. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a time, and is guaranteed true and, straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and•. London and can ship ordinary requirrmenls the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, ¥oalreal, Qua.Ottawa, Qat Toronto, Mil. Eo1 n, OM. MINN, Moa. Ilon ouier,B.G. 787 Craig St. 1428 Sussex et. 11 Colborne at. es Dumias•st.1 76 Lombard at, 615 lender st Write your ;Nearest Office. --READ OF:FIClE A'DTD WORBS-0511AWA, Got Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build ing Materials under the British Flag. LAN in Western Canada soWcioio15,s elacfi ed lands tit Saskatchewan, only 8 ratios from two railways, c.r.n. & GI,T,P.I Strong soil, 80 per cent. plough lend, ,prim&, areal:, no elan About 40 miles N.B. of Indsan Seal. Price $10.50 per Write for map and full particulars, K. PARSONS. yi Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada,, Wilson' s FLY P °'t' DS ONE PACKET PIAS ACTUALLY IiILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. Union Pacific Bulletin JULY 1906. To Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon- tana and return, low rates in effect daily to September 15, to many 0. S.L. and 0. R. & N. points. To California, Portland and Puget Sound: Low excursion rates daily to September 15, applying via variable routes, limit October 31. To California and Return: One fare for the round-trip. Tickets on sale Sep- tember 3 to 14. To Colorado and Return: Daily to September 30, slightly over one fare for round trip. Still lower rates July -10 to 16 and September 19 to 22, inclusive. To Ogden and Salt Lake City Very low round-trip rates daily to September 30. Inquire of— t. 0. Goodsell, T. P. A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Can. F. B. Choate, G. A, 11 Fort St., Detroit, Mich. CYNICAL. Miss Passe -T have had many chances to marry. Only a short time ago a man told me or h Miss Pert--Didislove. he also tell you the name of the lady? "'Tis well to 1 vagoni thing," saidld Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Knowwell, when they met in the street. "Why,where have you been for a week back?" "Oh, just down to the store for a bottle of Dr. Thomas' .electric Oil," and Mrs. Surface, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she Contracted a weak back there was ano- ther customer for Eolectric 011. LINGERING DEATH. Weary Wrags•-"Muclder, I've conte home ter diet" Weary Mother --"Ye have, have ye? An' ye want for tnlm about, 15 years 10 do it, like yer father did? No, yer dont, You go off to the neat village an'' de yer dyin'." LEAR6' BY MAIL TO s. ©umtIl cmcl astimsis, tan ,tins, etc. Mount your own door, elk and moose head,. Big profits, finer recreation* Easily cud quip ly learned. Pbonsen"le of andante in Canada. We teach by Mall and Guarantee Success, Terms reasonable. Write /o-drly for our tine catalog FREE. Tho U.W. 3o17eol of Taxidermy, 64 Let. Cnota, U.0 THE 0 COO Ct [Id go= Cu standard Publication for Cement and Concrete users. Covers entire Canadian field. 15e. Copy; 81 a year. Sample copy free. Address, 78 Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Cobalt Mines MLD SECUIUTIElS GeMPANY Dealers in High Grade Mines, Mineral' Claims and Mining Stocks. Bonds, Sey amities, Real Estate, etc. We know o a good Stock to buy at the present tune. Write quick for particulars. P. 0. BOX 249, COBALT, ONT. orse OOn1BAT LT'S Caustic B alsam A Sae, Speedy. •d Puttee The safest, Best BLISTER ever used. Tates the place of etl liniments, for mild or severe action. Removes all Banebos or Blemiebee from Horses and Cattib, SUE'ERSS DES ALL CAVTEILE OR a1RXNti..bnpur,ibieto prpducescer or blemish Every bottle sold le warranted to give eatisfactlorr Price 51.50 per bottle, Sold by drug¢tsts. 01.095 by eaprew charged Paid, with fns directions foe Re nee. Send for de6ertpttve circulars. The Lawronee•Wiiliarnx Co. Taranto. shit. DOMINION HENDERSON BEARI N GS% limited. Manufacturers of the iinersonRiT�B nils ENGINEER 3, TOOLMAKERS, titGN'CLA S hMAC$IMU$TS, T85 King St. Vtestr tororito Work wanted IkeiV is titer & John- ston 1naehines, and Brown & Sharpe grinding llnacht'rius. Prices. iowv. Any find of light machine built to order. T N lt1 . 1,'..3.91;74 NO. Allnellialr o - �• T nY s. �.,... ab.aLu xrVte.StiI _ . a. w .I 41: i 4 • ,• Rea r d ,,,GF2 A'C R . MFORT „ -.use 40 dr ._..Y .._� LtvtR e 4 Fetarr►neu. r A$1120 PERFECT1YPURtGENUtPiEA re a ear lee sous aw,i U nuter5to+1 AGUE (itaTiOil A(.l.DEAL glees, TrIO awpcoaauwa.nv roll« w AVTr,08$ZeO To WORN peace pat: M0NiY AOW.L..6.1 ,yrMTfo34Ofl carT."wp.uw "V u,+tOudsNtn.u4l TO ANYONE FtaO{KG CAY'St: FOR COMPtArrti. Your Mefley� by the drier from whom you hay Sun- light Soap U you. End any cause for complaint. r r Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. $5,000. reward will be paid teeny person who proves that 8nnlghtposp contains -any injurious chemicals or any form el adulteration. Equally good with hard or soft water Dive Brotlseea Limited. Toronto. sd A TORONTO MAN TRIES Something New and is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. liir. M. N. Dafoe, 29 Colborne St., Toronto, says : "1 have been a sufferer from Dys- pepsia or years. f years. I have been treated by doctors and have taken many medi- cines with only temporary relief. Since using Dr. Leonhardt's Antir Pill I can eat any thing the same as when a boy. I find Mr. M. 1V. Dafoe. they regulate both stomach and bowels. My old time vigor has returned, so that my spirits aro buoyant and temper nor- mal. 1 give all credit to this wonderful remedy --Dr, Leoftbardt's Anti -Pill." All dealers or The Wllson•Fyle Co., Limited, NiagaraAvifls, Auk ail '" Keeping Everlastingly at it Brings Succsse." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 75. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a time, and is guaranteed true and, straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and•. London and can ship ordinary requirrmenls the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, ¥oalreal, Qua.Ottawa, Qat Toronto, Mil. Eo1 n, OM. MINN, Moa. Ilon ouier,B.G. 787 Craig St. 1428 Sussex et. 11 Colborne at. es Dumias•st.1 76 Lombard at, 615 lender st Write your ;Nearest Office. --READ OF:FIClE A'DTD WORBS-0511AWA, Got Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build ing Materials under the British Flag. LAN in Western Canada soWcioio15,s elacfi ed lands tit Saskatchewan, only 8 ratios from two railways, c.r.n. & GI,T,P.I Strong soil, 80 per cent. plough lend, ,prim&, areal:, no elan About 40 miles N.B. of Indsan Seal. Price $10.50 per Write for map and full particulars, K. PARSONS. yi Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada,, Wilson' s FLY P °'t' DS ONE PACKET PIAS ACTUALLY IiILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. Union Pacific Bulletin JULY 1906. To Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon- tana and return, low rates in effect daily to September 15, to many 0. S.L. and 0. R. & N. points. To California, Portland and Puget Sound: Low excursion rates daily to September 15, applying via variable routes, limit October 31. To California and Return: One fare for the round-trip. Tickets on sale Sep- tember 3 to 14. To Colorado and Return: Daily to September 30, slightly over one fare for round trip. Still lower rates July -10 to 16 and September 19 to 22, inclusive. To Ogden and Salt Lake City Very low round-trip rates daily to September 30. Inquire of— t. 0. Goodsell, T. P. A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Can. F. B. Choate, G. A, 11 Fort St., Detroit, Mich. CYNICAL. Miss Passe -T have had many chances to marry. Only a short time ago a man told me or h Miss Pert--Didislove. he also tell you the name of the lady? "'Tis well to 1 vagoni thing," saidld Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Knowwell, when they met in the street. "Why,where have you been for a week back?" "Oh, just down to the store for a bottle of Dr. Thomas' .electric Oil," and Mrs. Surface, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she Contracted a weak back there was ano- ther customer for Eolectric 011. LINGERING DEATH. Weary Wrags•-"Muclder, I've conte home ter diet" Weary Mother --"Ye have, have ye? An' ye want for tnlm about, 15 years 10 do it, like yer father did? No, yer dont, You go off to the neat village an'' de yer dyin'." LEAR6' BY MAIL TO s. ©umtIl cmcl astimsis, tan ,tins, etc. Mount your own door, elk and moose head,. Big profits, finer recreation* Easily cud quip ly learned. Pbonsen"le of andante in Canada. We teach by Mall and Guarantee Success, Terms reasonable. Write /o-drly for our tine catalog FREE. Tho U.W. 3o17eol of Taxidermy, 64 Let. Cnota, U.0 THE 0 COO Ct [Id go= Cu standard Publication for Cement and Concrete users. Covers entire Canadian field. 15e. Copy; 81 a year. Sample copy free. Address, 78 Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Cobalt Mines MLD SECUIUTIElS GeMPANY Dealers in High Grade Mines, Mineral' Claims and Mining Stocks. Bonds, Sey amities, Real Estate, etc. We know o a good Stock to buy at the present tune. Write quick for particulars. P. 0. BOX 249, COBALT, ONT. orse OOn1BAT LT'S Caustic B alsam A Sae, Speedy. •d Puttee The safest, Best BLISTER ever used. Tates the place of etl liniments, for mild or severe action. Removes all Banebos or Blemiebee from Horses and Cattib, SUE'ERSS DES ALL CAVTEILE OR a1RXNti..bnpur,ibieto prpducescer or blemish Every bottle sold le warranted to give eatisfactlorr Price 51.50 per bottle, Sold by drug¢tsts. 01.095 by eaprew charged Paid, with fns directions foe Re nee. Send for de6ertpttve circulars. The Lawronee•Wiiliarnx Co. Taranto. shit. DOMINION HENDERSON BEARI N GS% limited. Manufacturers of the iinersonRiT�B nils ENGINEER 3, TOOLMAKERS, titGN'CLA S hMAC$IMU$TS, T85 King St. Vtestr tororito Work wanted IkeiV is titer & John- ston 1naehines, and Brown & Sharpe grinding llnacht'rius. Prices. iowv. Any find of light machine built to order. T N lt1 . 1,'..3.91;74 NO.