HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-7-26, Page 1ADVERTISERS Remember that through the ADVO- oA,TIC yon reach more people than through any other channel. TWENTIETH YEAR.. EXETER, ONTARIO, T1TUR,SDAY, JULY 26, 1906. Why Vote for the Sy -law? VX7111.1.44 47 -- BANKIN • The Sovereign Bank of Canada's facilitate the despatch of business for red tape. up-to-date methods men of affairs. No �C A proper degree of combined CAVING• D PAMTMINTO �C`onservatis_m�r wi/tk enterprise make for soundness and satisfactory banking service. he Sovereign Bank • TNe DANK THAT PATe INTIMA., TIM14YQAM .. of Canada. AT ALL eMANONIO, JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood, The old Reliable .___ _ . THE OLD RELIABLE„established in business in the year 1862, • is still in business, although many have been the changes since then. We may say there isn't one in business that was in at that time but • ourselves. We still hold the fort for uprightness and square dealing. This week we are offering big bargains in all lines of SUMMER GOODS......— In those fancy White Blouses, that we had such a good season in, to clear the balance out we are offering them at very low prices: $1.25 for $1; $1.50 for $1.25; $2.25 for $1.75; and $3 for $2.50. Choice lot of Linen Towels, 20e. for 15c. Dress goods that we will seII cheap to clear. READY-MADE CLOTHING Will allow 20% discount, in order to make room for our fall goods. ? We also have a lot ofBoots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children that we will give 25% discount to clear them out. Highest price paid for Produce—Butter 18, Eggs 16 ARLING BROS.. ‘.11 I , Y• nufILWAY c• �•C.Nyq.". 19®B si AUO.14 Stations Toronto. AUG. 17 Main line Junction AUG, 22 From all Kingston, Midland One way second class Representative farmers, laborers on arrival Free transportation A certificate is furnished by farmer, ehowing that point for Nov. 1st, 1906. Tickets will be issued.to Tickets are good only To Manitoba for tho going trip, —GOI24CI south of, but not including Toronto to Sarnia and Toronto on North points Toronto and north of Toronto Divisions. tickets will be sold appointed by Manitoba at Winnipeg will be furnished at when each ticketis that laborer has a second class ticket women aswell as on special Farm Laborers' For iparticularster C A ti...a.v •,..era: HERS and Saskatchewan 1 0 additional for the return tlek.t, under conditions as below. DATIS— main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including • and stations north, except north of Cardwell Bay Section. and east to and including Sharbot Lake and and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and to Winnipeg only. • and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed. .. purchased, and this certificate, when executed worked thirty days or more, will be honored from back to starting point in Ontario, at $15.00. prior to to men but will not be issued at half fare to children. trains. , nearest R.,,Trn CF.°agent, orwr L'rofesSkOna1 Cart s. Insure Against Wind. _ DR„ G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S. The Huron Weather Insurance Co., with hend- DENTIST . quarters at Zurich, has been started and as I have been appointed agent for the Township of Stephen, Member of the R. 0. D. S. of Ontario and Honor I am now prepared to receive ri (s Wills, Crediton. Graduate of Toronto University. Office, in OFFICE: Over Dickson & Oarliug's Law Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. • • Teachers Wanted calDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST, For School Section No. 3, Stephen, 1'i miles west of Exeter, holding' first-class certificate -male pre. ferred. Duties to commence Aug. 20. Apply to W. IL Dearing, Exeter, Ont eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Faason's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. -- Female teacher for Junior Room, S.S. No. 6, Us borne. Light .room. Apply stating salary, etc Duties to commence Aug. 20. Medical �F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Wniv.) MEMBER • College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Wes. Heywood, Seo'y, Winchelsea, P.O., Ont For School Section No. 2, Stephen, one and a guar ter miles south of Crediton, female, holding first a second class professional certificate. Dutiee to corn mence Aug. 20. Apply stating salary. Isaac Hilt, Secy, Crediton, Ont Legal. rvoicSOA* & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI• LL tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. D 7� f�/� NOTICE TO CREDI1 V111C4.. Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, plain street, Exeter, 1. R. C xaiNe, B.A., L, H. DtoxsoN In the matter of the estate of Patric Carey, late of the Township o Biddulph,in the County of Middle sex, farmer, deceased.- MONEY TO LOAN. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revise, Statutes of Ontario,1807Chapter 120, that all credi — we have go amount of private funds to loan a lar On farm and village properties at low rates of inter- eet. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main st.. Exeter On tors and others having claims against the estate the said Patrick Carey,. who died on or about th 21st day of June, 1006, are requested on or befor The 9th Day of August, 190( LLOYD P, JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist Church. Teacher -Plano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorounhness. to send Vilest prepaid or deliver to the undersigns administrators, of the estate of the said decease �icel�toner'full particulars �ofdt ie r addresses ande p atiptions, the thereipaoanul and oftheirnature of t1 • SALE O Ono of the,best farms on London Rd., north of E. containing 100 sores; 00 acres of which under cultivation, 10 acres first.clnsshardwood bush. This farm is a thoroughly up-to-date one, tine brlek house large hank barng, ail in good repair; well watered, well, diahsed anrl• well fenced, good orchard, and is t b i.far'•'I^rtooiiimunftits securities, if any held by them, And further take notice that after such last men tioned date the Administrators will proceed to distri ute the assets of the deceased, amongst the parti, entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which notice shall then have been given, and th the Administrators will noble liable for the a86C or any part thereof to any person or. persons of Who claim notice shall not have been received by thorn $h. Limo ofeachdistribution. 0 TDIII ADVOOATO. H. Sr Entrance Examinations. A few reasons for voting for the Canning Factory By -Law: In the first place the present council was elected to try to get some indus- ries to help the growth of the town. They have worked hard and have had several propositions before them; but with this exception, none of them had sufficient backing to warrant the Council putting the matter before the people, In the present case there is ample security as the By -Law and Agreenren t states.The Company must have $25,000 as capital before they. re ceive the proposed loan, which the said loan will increase to $35,000 which the town will haveas security for their $10,000. • In the next place the financial posi- tion of the town is prepared for it, and should the By -Law pass the town will never feel the paying of the expense on the loan. The reason. why this is so is: During a number of years past. the town bas been paying $325 a year interest on the Town Hall debentures and $500 a year as a sinking fund. The Cuencil this year has paid off that debt. It is true they have had to bor. row some money to do it, but before any payment of interest, will come ,to be paid on the proposed loan that will he clean wiped out. Now, taking. that $825 together with the $100 taxes the Company will pssy there will be no extra taxes to be raised other than what have been raised during the past years; and in six years time the Com- pany starts paying $1000 per year. which will put us in.the saute position. as if it were past, and we will have a large and thriving industry besides. This is the first time that any By - Law has heed brought before the peo- pie to help any industry. Should it be defeated it will practically stop any future Council from attempting any new enterprise. Think the matter over for yourselves. What I have written is absolutely true, Kindly help the town along, and yourselves at the sante time, by voting for the By Law. Thanking you, etc., A. E. Fuke, Councillor. f of e ro Won• by a Ticket An Exeter maiden had of lovers a twain But which one she'd marry to her was not plain, But she thought out a plan -here one fellow could go To a land that is wanting in ice and in scow. To each of them a letter she'd write • And ask them to meet her the very next night; She wrote.tl enl, they came and she aeon did decide Which one was tohave her for his bonny bride. She said, "Tom and Richard form), own dear sake alimony the one that to Sarnia will take Precious me on excursion on •August the second."' Now Tom on such plan had already reckoned. So out of his pockethepulled tickets two. And said, "Dearest Sallie, them's for me and for you; Now if you will go the next day we will marry, For I see no good reason much longer to tarry." And poor little Richard seeing he was outdone Put on Ms good bat and away he did run. MORAL. Now all you young maidens who want a good time, Follow up the advice which I give in this rhyme. Just chose the good fellow, who to you will say "Come with me and the Masons to Sar-ni-a. 81.35 for adults.and 70e. for children will buy a ticket for the Masonic Ex- cursion to Sarnia, Aug. 2. a s- e C LOT FOR SALE. Below are the, names of successful ceraldittes that wrote on the recent Entrenee Examinations at various centres in Huron 00uuty. In order to pas candidate must have made 40 per .aent.of the marks on each snbjeot, and 00 per cent, on the total. The ob- tain honor's, 75 per cent, of the total number of marks must have been made. A hard giving the .marks awarded has heen seat to each pupil, and the certifioates will be issued before the re- opening of the school. The undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate on Main street, north of the plainin :MIL This is a splendid property, well located, and should make an excellent building site. W111 be sold reasonable. For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Mallett, Exeter FARM FOR SALE A first-class farm, Lot 6, Con. 3, Ushorne, contain- ing 100 ncres, with good under draining. On the premises are a good frame house 20x30, ]dtchen 12x 18; frame barn 38x50; bank barn 36x52; granary 21x 24, all in good repair; 1 acre of orchard. The farm is 3;.f miles from Exeter, with si�chool on the lot and a church opposite. Price 8 000, Balt in cash and bal- ance on mortgage, or other conditions to suit par. chaser. .Apply to Matthew Reiland, Centralia, or to Robert Reiland, Exeter. 100 WANTS) TO WORK IN BISOIIIT AND CANDY DEPART- IMMEDIATELY MENTS. Steady employment. good wages. D. S. PERRIN & 00, LTD., LONDON, ONT. rp- Ca, of at to ec at sitUDOGe In one of t is very sa intim 1'rovindeof Ontario, and convenient to both The London' and' Western TrustsOo, Limited', Exeter and T(ensall markets. 'Terms are .easy. Tor . lay W. Macbiannid, of Lagan, further particulars apply to Messrs:, bicicsotr & • 'EhcirSollcttor heroin. Carling, Barristers, Exeter, Ont. Dated this 1001 day of July '1900. Ada Stockhouse, 392. No. 11 -Nettie McLean 435, Alex Shiell 420, Clarence Well 300. No. 13 -Thos. `Taylor 442, 0.0 Scott 482, Della McDowell 421. WEST W MVANOSH. No. 3 -Sarah Smyth 446. No. 4 - Archie Aitchison 452, Roy Aitchison. 401, Colina Clark 474, John Miller 449, Jeanie Webb 424, No. 7 -Mark Arin:- strong 406. No, 15 -Norman Thomp- son 392. No. 17 -Spray Bailie 425, Lulu Dnnkeld 394, Wm Nivins 461. Sep. Sehool-Bridgie Cummins 485, Lena Leddy 455. ZURICH. Roy Faust 413, Erwin Greb 444. WEST HURON The highest marks obtained in each subject are as follows: Reading -Lila Oarrieron 47 Writing -Ila Allen, Frank McKenzie 45.. Spelling -Many obtained full. marks, Literr�uture-Henrietta McGrory 90. Arithmetic -Roy Morrison 100. Gralinbuar-Jessie Kerr 95. Geography -Gordon McNevin,Stewart Mallough 90. Composition -Nellie McArthur 90. Total -dna Webb 543. ASHFIELD • No;. 2 --Stella Deane 393, Anne Joye 428, Henrietta McGrory 505, Anne Sul - Evan S97. No. 3-01ive McMurchy 390. No. 5 -Ada Gardner 448. No. 6 -Mary Jones 424, Pearl McKenzie 403. No. '7 Alex Barnby 443, Everett Henderson 453. No, 8 -Ethel Case 429, Chas Fow- ler 397, Stewart Mallough 405, Alma Robinson 410, Beulah Walkom 405, No. -0 -Laura Fitzgerald 495, George Treleaven 390. No. 10 -Wm Reed 392. No, 12 -Lorne McLennan 396, Robert Pritchat d 401. No. 13 -Everett Henry 439.„.No. 15 -Alex McKay 393. No. 16 -Maria. Durnin 417. HAYFIELD Henry Cameron 390, Cleave Erwin 4.09,: Mara Galpin 445. OREDITON Charles Finkheiner 390, Erwin Fah- ner 429, Pearl V. Geiser 487, Olarissa Hill 390, Howard Meadd 503, Sylvester Wuerth 390, Edith M Hill 456. COLBORNE. Union No. 1—Leonard Mcll wain 394. No. 3 -Richard Levy 437, Gladys Levy 437. No.4-Mary Hill 404. No., 6 -Harold Maedel 404, Lena Wilson 435. • No. 8 -Elsie Bean 396, Leila Fre- gau 892. No. 9 -Blanche Shaw 896. EXETER • Garvey Acheson 410; Willie Amos 502, Owen Atkinson 427, .Edwin Bar- rows 409, Willie Birney 419, Gladys Bissett 446: Clarence Bobier 390 Willie Bradt 4.56, Roland Brintoell 390, Louis E L"a.r 489. Herbert Gardiner 435, Alonzo Heywood 503. Ruth Hooper 460, Jessie Manson 405, Ida Marchand 498, Clifford McAvoy 501, Alma Mc- Pherson 436, Ella O'Brien 420, Allen Pickard •.454, Olarence Pickard 494, Lillian Snell 479, Victor. Sweet 444. Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List 1906 Municipality of the Township of. Stephen, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the enid Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality. to be entitled to vote in the said municipality atElections.for Memhere of the Legis- lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and the said list was first posted up at my office, at Crediton, on the ninth day of July, A, D., 1000, and remains there for inspection. ;lectors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions, or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Crediton, July 0th. 1006. HENRY EMBER, • Township Clerk GODERIOH Model School. -Ila Allen 478, Cora Blair 438, Roscoe Beckett 448, Lila Cameron 469, Ernest Colborne 472, Pearl Duff 407, Reggie Dunlop 414, Earl Elliott 434, Viola Johnston 439, Jessie Kerr 495, Allan Marshall 435, Geo. Marquis 430, Ohas McArthur 391, Lottie McCreath 398, Murray McDon- ald 440; Gordon MoNevin 466, Fred Parsons 445, Rose de Peudry 463, Beat- rice Pridham 532, Josie Saunders 398, Jack Swartz 448, Geo. Thurlow 393, Frank Townsend 400, Lillie Robinson 436. Separate School. -Mary Griffin 450, Alvin Hurgitt 538, Leslie Webb 533, Edna A. Webb 543. GODERIOH TOWNSHIP No. 2 -Nellie Henderson 426, Nina Walters 435, Janie Yuill 477. No. 5 - Ruby Potter 463. No. 6-Robt Bichan 463, Myrtle Johnston 390, Eva Wilson 439. Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List -1906 Municipality of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron. HI4NSALL Emily Dunn 403, Marjory Hopper 485, James Murray 391, James M Mc- Arthur 393. EAST HURON SEAFORTH. HONORS --Russel B'st, Frank Doch erty, I til Hinchley, F R Larkin, B McGinnis, Robert Peck, Orland Smi- ley, Bessie Grieve, Ethel Kerr, Katie Kerr, Vida McDonald, Helen McDon- ald, cDonald, Jessie Robb, Gretta •Ross, F A Thompson, A M Turner. PASS. -W Aberhart, W Archibald, W A Curtin, P Doyle, C Forbes, 'W Gibson, H Horton, W A Jordan, I Jordon, W F Lowrie, I Morrison, M Malay, R 0 McKay, R O'Rourke, R Roach, A Reid, F Smith, Staple- ton. H Stephenson, I , Somers, R G Willis, L Atkinson, ill Barbour, M Bell, A Bruxee, S E Caldwell, Ella Ohesney, B Crich, L 0 Dietz, NS Gov- enlock, L Harurnett, B G Jones, E R Jordan. 51 J Lowrie, E McClure, P Ross,A D Scott, 51 J'Seott,M Stewart, H M Taylor, M J Walker, M Watson. CLINTON HONORS. -Scan Ohidley, Courtice, W Doherty, G Elliott. K Hest, H Fair, 51 Holmes, 0 Kerr, B McTaggart, H O'Neill, I O'Neil!, D Ross. I Scott, F Tisdall, D Taylor. PASS. -G Archer, 0 H Anderson, 0 Bedard, L Beaton, S Carling, G Chant, S Copp, I Oriole L Crich, G Crick B Draper, T Elliott. A Findlay, H Gra- ham, P Huller, T Hibbert, E Rill, W Heywood, D Holloway, E Jordan, I Knox, M Livermore, E Lawson, I Landsborough, L McTavish,B McIver, 0 McCartney, 0 Millar, E O'Brien, 0 Potter, N Robson, A Trick, M Trewar- tha•, H Wise, 0 E Wise, M Torrance, Bert Wiltse. HAY. No. 2 -Ethel 0 Case 398. No. 3 -Bes- sie Cochrane 390. No. 14 -Eliza Mul- holland 452, Nellie McArthur 449, Jes- sie McArthur 407, Sarah Petty 450. Separate School --Isaac Ducharme 423, Thesee Laporte 392. STEPHEN No. 1 -Gladys Essery 404, Czar Wil- son 390, Frank Mitchell 300. No. fi- lature Sims 417. No. 3 -Fred Beaver 392. No. 4 -Wilbur Morlock 431. No. 6 -Bennie McCann 418. No. 7 -Ezra Fahner 890. No. 8 -Russell Patterson 391. No.16-Waldo Hartleib 391, Nor- man Kellerman 409, Leonard Keller- man 409, Maida Routledge 493, Pearl Willert 451, Beatrice Graybeil 390. STANLEY NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8' and 0 of "The voters' List Act" the copies requited by the said section toboso transmitted or delivered of who list macre pursuant to said act,. of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality. to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality et Elections tor members of the Legisla• tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was fret posted up at my office at Male street, Stetter, on the 14th day of July of 1006, and remains therefor inspection, Rlectors.are called upon to examine -the saki List, and if any omission or other errors awn found therein to tolce immediate proceedings to have the' Said errors oorrceted nacOrdpfii{r to tail JOSEPH S1LNTOTO,• 01ei4c of the said Municipality. 3ate:1 this 14th day of July, 1006. No. 3-Ernerson Heard 459, George Johnson 392, Ella Peck 423, Maggie Peck 492, Harvey Reid 446. No. 4. - Violet Stevens 423, Edna Sterling 390. • No. 9. Roy Oapling392, John Arm- strong 416, .Mary Edigheffer 413, Thos. Myers 405. No. l0 -Walter Moffatt 460. No. 14 -Jean Grassick 496, Etta Jarrett 428, Norman Jones 431. TUCKERS.M LTH. No. 1 --Jessie Buchanan 414. USBORNE No. 1 -Edna White 395. No. 2 - Thomas Hodgen 392, Jennie Monteith 411, Almer Stewart 392, Wesley Stone 403. No. 3 -Mildred Copeland 395, Gilbert Duncan 433, Earl Gardiner 430, Williatu Roach 439. No. 5-11erbert Bissett 421, No. 6 -Newton Clark 410, Laura Godbolt 421, Lille Heywood 452. No. 7 -Loftus Bern 402, Arnold. Tay- 1” ayfor 390- 'VARNA Pearl Dunkin 519, Lillie Johnston 535, Roy Morrison 540, Ritchie Mc- Naughton 509, Winnie McNanght"n k7 7Allan McKenzie 474 , Prank Mc- Kenzie Kenzie I.. • 520. - EAST WAWANOS}I. No.6-Feir1 Wightannn 441, Olara Bamford 509, Ewnla Campbell 486, The Exeter Council,— War Village die or ally other property sold, bought or exchanged for you et reasonable commission. Apply-. iS1lagnonS & CItI;non. waraageenta*A! SANDERS & CREECH CLINTON Business College (Affiliated with Wiagharn Business College) OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd in McKay Block. Three Courses---- - Preparatory, Shorthand and Type-. writing, Commercial,, GEO. SPOTTON, Prin.. The council met in the Toa n Hall on Monday, July 23rd. 9.11 the mem- bers were present. The minutes of the last meeting were readand a .p- proved. A'letter was read from the County Clerk, W. Lane of Goderich, regarding i. •chargeable the County Rate for 1906, ch ge e against the municipality of Exeter. which amounts to $968.76. The following accounts were passed: Connor Bros., account to June 23rd, 511,05; Jas.Connor, salary as Librarian, $25; Thos. Hatter, labor, $3.43; Ted. Jones, do, $10.12; Sid. Sanders, do, $15.75; Walter Westcott, do, $15.00; Thos.Crews, do, $2.85; Harry Parsons, street watering, $21; Queen City Oil 00., gasoline, $10.06. T. Kay, refund of fines paid to Attorney,$6; Advocate Printing Company, acct, to July lst., $30.75;Municipal World supplies,$5.14. -Passed on motion of W. J. Neaman and A. E. Fuke. Messrs. R. N. Taylor, Esli Heywood and E. 5, Christie visited the council asking a grant of $125 for the band for the year. Heaman-Creech-that a grant of $100 be given to the band, being the usual amount given, the band to give the usual entertainments, half payable now,balauce when required. -Carried. Treble-Heanlan-that Mr. Chas. Christie he appointed a member of the local Board of Health in place of Mr. D. McInnis, who has absented himself, -Carried. The by-law regarding the impound- ing of hnrses,cattle, etc. and the fining of owners of same was read the second and third times and finally passed. The following cemetery accounts were ordered to be paid: James Willis, labor, $25.50; W. M. Rayburn, plants, $15. Clandeboye, W. R. Williams of this place has beeh appointed Science Master of the St. Marys Collegiate Institute at a sal- ary of $900.-A prominent farmer stat- ed the other day that the fall wheat was ready for the binder, abouta week ahead of last year. He said that in some sections it was being cut ahead of the bay, owing to the very back- ward season for the latter, and the ex- ceedingly warm weather for the wheat, -Geo. Simpson who was badly injur- ed a few days ago by falling from a bidder, is getting along as well as can he expected. -The remains of the late George Hodgins were laid to rest in St. James' cemetery on Wednesday. Farmers and otbers out of town will bear in mind that Thursday, Aug- ust 2nd is Exeter's Civic Holiday. Mrs. Won. Stewart and daughters, Mise Mary and Ida, of Gore.st., are visiting relatives in Sentralia.Crediton and Exeter. -Stratford Herald. Grand Bend Geo. Trott, photographer, is doing a rushing business. -S, Gravelle of Thed- ford spent a few days here during the week. -Masons are busy with Richard Hamilton's new house. -Mr. Dent has given his cottage a coat of paint. Mr. Ward of London has also had his cot- tage,renovated.-After an absence of two months in the West, Mrs. S. A. Oarriere has returned home. -Wm. Leavitt has fully recovered from the effects of his recent accident. -J..1. Quarry of Ann Arbor, Mich., is spend- ing his holidays here. - Haying is abont over and the farmers are now turning their attention to the fall wheat. -Fred Paul and wife'of Strat- ford and Fred Wessman and wife of Mitchell are spending the week here. -W. Norfolk who came here a short time aRu from Stratford for the bene flt of his health. was takeii worse on Saturday, and Dr. Rankin of Stratford was sent for, who is now attending flim. BIRTHS FORD. --In Hay, on July 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ford, a daughter. HUSTON.-At Maternity Hospital, Cal- g,gary, on July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Huston, a daughter. HAcxel:y.-In Stephen, on July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hackney, a son. - MARRIAGES. CASE -STEPHENSON.-In St. Marys,on July llth, by Rey. Grant, Nelson G. Case, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Marian Jane Stephenson, ofSt,Marys. OEHN-00BBLEDICR-At Ailsa Craig, on July 18, by Rev. Baker, Allan F. Oehn, of Shakespeare, to Essie A., third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Oobbledick, of Ailsa Craig. BAIRN-Lot£a-At Clinton, on July 17, by Rev. Stewart, Wm. J. Baird, M.A., of Nelson, B.O., to Miss Mary Christina, only daughter of W. R. Lough, of Clinton. DEATHS LEMING. Near Cromarty, on July 18, Thos. Leming, aged 78 years. HODGINs-In Lucan, on July 23, Geo. Hodgins. aged 80 years, ANDERSON -At Kirkton, on July 15, Mrs. Frank Anderson, aged 76 years. HOPICINS-In Woodham. on July 18, Thomas Hopkins, aged 77 years, 10 months, 10 days. BEDFORD.-Iu Crediton, on July 20th, Arabella Grace Westcott, wife of Geo. H. Bedford, aged 30 years, 5 months, 20 days. REDUCED PRICES IN BINDER TWINE Gold Medal, 650 feet to the pound Silver Sheaf, 600 . Ply Special, 500 0 it awaydown and ourOur Prices are 15L TMOUTH M AKE the best. is Human's Hardwire &'Siove Store, d 4