HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-7-19, Page 2ALMOST HOPELESS, Vie Condition of Thousands of Pale, Anaemic Girls. "Almost hopeless is the best way to describe the condition I was ill about a year ago," says Miss Menne hail Athol, N. S. "My gradually giving way until I reached t ce*dation when I feared I'was sinking as Qa sheet, my blood apparently having SWEATED ALIENS.REVOLT VolT chronic invalidism, iewhio turned to water. I ]rad .no appetite, suf• feral from headaches and dizziness, the least exertion wouhd leave me breath- less, and it appeared that 1 was going intra a. decline, I had sten Dr. Wil- , ed Wil - tiaras' Pink Pills. highly recommend by the newspapers, and I decided t$ 'give them a trial. It was a fortunate decis- ion, his when I came to t day for me ion, as the pills have not only restored my health, but have actually made me -stronger than ever I aood color, andas before. I now a good appetite,g new energy, and I am satisfied that I Q\ve all this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I cheerfullyrecommend to other pale, feeble, ailingirls." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills quickly cured Miss Mannett, simply because they which the new, rich, red bloo d enables the system to throw off disease, and brings robust health and cheerful- iness to pale anaemic sufferers. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure bloodlessness lust as surely as food cures hunger, and Co new blood which the pills make traces the nerves and tones and 'strengthens every organ and every part of the body. That is why these pills strike straight at the root of such com- mon diseases as headaches, sideaches, and backaches, kidney trouble, indiges- their arrival in London. tion, neuralgia. rheumatism, St. Vitus In the Jungle, London's clothes are dance, paralysis, and the troubles from made by these half-starved Russian which women and growing girls suffer Jews+ who hitherto have had to take in silence. It has been proved in thou- whatever pittance their "master sweat - sands of cases that Dr. Williams' Pink ers'+ have been wring to give them. Pillscure after doctors and all other FARCICAL INSPECTION. medicines have failed. But you must get the genuine pills with the full nameTwenty thousand tailors, men and , "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pee- women, make clothes in the East End -der conditions which are often sick - Sunlight Soap is better than other; Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Baty Sunlight Soap and follow directions POTTED MEAT NOT PRESEIVVED. Manufacturers' Association and Sani- tary Inspector So Report, The .following extracts Irani reports of the National Manufacturers' Associa- U ll t O spell and Inspector itfsdi'.ickStlllitary lfr- d� specter of the City of Chicago refute the INSIDE LOOK AT THE LONDON JUNGLE. Ball Starved Itusstan lews Drag Out • an Existence 'Ln�it.i Rad Conditions. London, like Chicago, has discovered its jungle. The revolt of the East End tailors against the inhuman conditions ,,., of their existence has suddenly revealed a state of things of which few people were aware and which none can consider withoutafeeling approaching I ash in 6 horror. London's jungle }fes in the heart of \Vlitteohe.pel and Bethnal. Green, whez'e thousands of aliens—who hate the name —live in grinding poverty. At present they are to be seen in thousands in the East End streets—hungry-looking men, whose life -blood has been drunk by the tigerish sweating system which seizes them for its victims the moment they land from Russia, and alien keeps then in its grip for ten or twenty years after pie" on the wrapper around each box.. Some of them work .in rooms package which is hermetical} sealed. .All medicine dealers sal} these pills or which are far too small, iii -ventilated, Sanitary Inspector Hedrick submitted you can get them by mail at 50 cents or unventilated, many of them being to Commissioner Whalen his analysts rsis s box or .pix box's for 52.50 hr address - garrets in the home of the master sweat- of conditions in the Libby. McNeill & Ing The Dr. Williams'Medicine Co„ er. Libby plant. He found "with reference $rockvilie, Ont. They are supposed to be safeguarded to general conditions, that the floors. by workshop inspectors. Almost aBy halls. stairs, tables. etc,. Are kept clean" East End tailor will tell you that "in- and "that the entire. department -view - ENGLISH VINEYARDS. spection" is often a farce, and that some ed from our standpoint•-- was in a sol- isfaclory c'ondition. All workrooms arr sensational charges made against the canned meat packers: Our investigation of the Canned and Potted Meat part of the packing indus- try .showed that the methods used make the use of preservatives Unnecessary, and indicated that no preservatives or artificial coloring is now used by the Canned Meat packer. The meat .is first partially cooked in large kettles, then the fat and bone is trimmed off and the meat pacltdd into tins, The al. s then withdrawn with 11 vacuum pmnps and the cans sealed in vacuum. Next they are put into. large cookers, where the cooking process is finished, In the packing of some pro- ducts it is necessary that the cans be reopened es- cape, andthe steam allowed to p o cape, the vent hole being immediately resealed while the gods are hot, so as to retain the vacuum. The entire process is quite similar to that used bythe family . cook when put- ting up fruits and vegetables, except that meats are sealed in tin cans in- stead of being put in glass ars. We found that the solder in making the cans and in sealing ,them is all placed on the outside of the can and does not come in pontact with the contents. We were informed that much of the cause for complaint in canned meats was because of the mistaken idea that the goods would keep in. perfect condi- tion after they had been opened. This would be the fact if they were preserv- ed with chemicals, but as they are only keptin condition because of being seal- ed in vacuum tins they spoil just, as readily as fresh meals do after they have been opened and exposed to the air. but will keep indefinitely if the can is not punctured. It is also a well- known scientific fact that decaying meat generates a gas which will explode any workshops escape inspection for long Their Cultivation Was Almost Entirely , periods, and always know when the in - Confined to the Monks. speotor is coming. The ancient cultivation of the vine in "We began this strike with a fund of .t £3 92x. 9d.," one of the leaders told a England appears to haveentkeen aliuva London Express representative the other "But wethe ruinsrely oftheir tmonasterihe es prove, as day' an work frlom enow ight izlhowto iheiarvemorning eflyllhnilkmen >`are just as • dishonest as light, and have good ventilation." DETECTED. "Farmers," announced the fair visitor had a shrewd eye for the most sheltered , Wk c and fertile spots in the land. They, too,': until ten at night on a herring and a were the only people who in the feudal bit of bread, we can strike on nothing." ages had leisure or inclination for such(' LIVES ARE INHUMAN. nice work as vine -growing. 1 "We are called aliens, but we want When Henry the Eighth suppressed i to live as well as English workmen, the religous houses the monks became' and get as good wages, so that it shall iugiffves and vagabonds, and the Eng- i not be said we undercut them," said lish vineyards ran to waste untended., another. "What can we do but strike? Another reason for the disappearance : Our lives now are inhuman. of the industry from England is to be found in the fact that during the Middle, "From morning until late at night we speedy in their action, but serve no per- found the prohibitivecttaxes . t os i an, have to slave for our slave -masters or manent good. Their use produces in- Agesp else starve. We must have bread ar a cipient chills, and if persisted in they all foreign products made the wines of herring, even if we cannot get meat. injure the stomach. Nor do they act up - the Continent almost unbuyable luxuries: IIow can we get it, except by tailoring? on the intestines in a beneficial way. and therefore the English had to he We are here for good or ill, and we must Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all content with the inferior produce of , live." purposes in this respect, and have no their own vines. ' What are the places like where Lon, superior. As these duties were decreased the' don's clothes are made? As a rule they superior wines of more favored countries an, the ordinary small dwelling -houses gradually drove the English out of the in the back streets of Whitechapel or market. More than one attempt has Bethnal Green. rn a small upper room, been made to revive open-air vine -grow- where a single English carpenter would ing in England, and a few years ago refuse to work, have a dozen wretched wine not unlike a thin champagne was Jewish tailors are herded together for made from the yield of a vineyard near fourteen. sixteen. sometimes twenty Cardiff; but the uncertainty of the Brit- hours at a stretch. ish climate seems to be an effectual bar' TRE0.TED LIKE DOGS. lc such experiments developing into a regular industry. Every dodge . is resorted to by the i sweaters to evade the Workshops Acts. anyease el. Piles. They destroy the forms on which, in This statement is made without SAVE E THE BABIES. view of their victims, they fill up the any hours of night work, which they are qualifications. • Mother, an favestment of 25 crutinow supposed to record. They fill up in It is in the form of a tablet. may save your baby's life. Colic:, diar- pencil the corresponding sheets hung It is the only pile remedy used inter-. thousands ofrhoea and thlittie ora nes during the hot ff up in the workshop, and erase the record n Itis impossible to cure an establishi�d weather months. A box of Baby's Own as soon as the workers have gone. They case of Piles with ointments, supposi• watch for the inspectors and hide some "How do you make that out?" asked; the host. "Why, 1 saw your hired man this morning water every one of the cows before he milked them." They Are Not Violent in Action. — Some persons, when they wish to cleanse the, stomach, resort to Epsom and other purgative salts. These are He : "Miss de Jones--Clara—I never loved anyone but you. Will you be my wife?" She : "But I've been told that you proposed to fol!r 'other girls within a month." He: "True, darling ; but I did it merely for practice, so that I wouldn't blunder in proposing to you." A BROAD STATEMENT. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid will cure Tablets cost but 25 cents and tnere is of their workpeople in bedrooms or cel - security and safety in this medicine, i p t tars or outhouses when a visit from the Give an occasional Tablet to the well inspector is feared. Any sign of revolt child and you will keep it well. Give l on the part of the workmen is punished them to the child if trouble Domes swift with dismissal. It is a general com- ly and see the ease and comfort this plaint that the "master sweaters" treat medicine brings. And you have the their workpeople like dogs. guarantee of a government analyst) Most of the tailors who make London's that this medicine contains no poison - clothes live fn crowded back streets, in ous opiate. Mrs. R. Metlin, Halifax, ; a couple of rooms. Their rent is probably N. S.. says:—"Baby's Own Tablets are, 8s. Their income is little more than Al a valuable medicine for stomach and i a week. They have generally four or bowel troubles." Sold by all medicine l five children. They live chiefly on dealers er by mail at 25 cents a box herrings. Most people have a rough from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., idea of the squalid life of Whitechapel. ,BrockviIje, Ont. Keep the Tablets in but few realize that in the midst of this the house. life are made the clothes which half Landon wears. According to the men, the most rapa- cious tiger in this Jungle is the Govern- ment. The Post Office is said to cause the worst sweating of all, ROUGH ON THE INSURANCE MAN. "The toughest experience 1 ever had in my life," said the agent of a life in- surance society recently, "was with an Iron manufacturer in the Midlands. "I had been informed that he was a hard customer. but a wealthy man, and one who had carelessly neglected to provide himself with insurance, and so I resolved to tackle him. "Upon entering his office and explain- ing the nature of my business, I was surprised at his greeting. It was friend- ly, even cordial. 'Life insurance,' said he. 'Well, now. that's a subject that interests me. Come *with me to the workshops ; I've got to go there, and you can tell me all about the superiority of your company over the others.' "Then he took up his hat and bade me follow him. As we went out of the office I noticed. a smile on the faces of the clerks, and, though I didn't understand it, 1 smiled in return, for I thought possibly they knew my errand a'nd were congratulating ane on my success. ,f laproprietor walked hurriedly, 1v, and 1 after him, until at last lie flung open a door, ft was the machine shop, The din was terrible. A thousand ham - Mere, I think, were all at work beating iron at once. Involuntarily I put toy hands to my ears. "Looking at my than, I saw his lips move, and lowering my hands 1 just Managed to catch his words..shou,iga above the deafening racket, 'Now, tell me all about it !' "Ile ereited sardonically as het said this, and I could .have murdered him. It was impossible to hear a word dis- tinct; y, and :;o I went right out. It tette e man trick." STANLEY AND TIME BANANA, Sir Henry Stanley was a firm believ- e; in the banana. He went so far as to advise that its consumption would cure rheumatism, gout, and all liver af- fections. When lying at the point of deathfrom gastritis a light gruel of banana flour mixed with milk was the only toed he, could retain and digest. The secret of the banana as a health and strength -producing food lies in its high percentage of proteids and the great number of its calorics, respective- ly 20 and 30L71. It, is a perfectly bal., anced ration if sliced for breakfast and served with milk and sugar. tories, injections or outward appliances. A $1,000 guarantee with every onalc• age of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road. $1.00, all dealers, or The Wilson -F/13 Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Aunt : "Now, Charles, you must be a very good boy. You have a nice new brother: Aren't you pleased?" Charles "Oh, I don't know. It's always the way ; just as I'm getting on in the world competition begins." Lingering, stubborn old sores are erased from the m. i ecomple ed wis Carole. tllie i Weood work of aver's Syrup. Biggs—"I had no idea old Graspit was a philanthropist until I saw trim ciroulat int; a petition yesterday for the purpose of raising money to, enable a• poor wid- ow to pay, her rent.." Diggs—"Oh, Grasspit's all right. 1 -le owns the house the poor widow lives in." THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but had he hunted in the "'Temagami" region he would have been a mightier one,. Nimrod hunted •for glory, but Ternagamians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe cf birch bark long ego, were our greatest benefactors. The children of these In- dians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, and if you .go to Tema- gami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp in summer along the Ternagami lakes are able to do two• years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Y Grand Trunk Railway System. For in- formation and beautiful descriptive publication sent free apply to 1. D. Mc- Donald, Union Station, T'oronto., Ont, Ether •Gotrox : "Oh, . Vladimir, they say you are a fortune-hunter, and are only marrying me for my wealth. Tell Me it is not true.". Lord Dedbreke "Why, my dearest, I would marry yell if you were penniless" Ethel Gotrex : "Prove ltris, -my own Vladimir, and i halt be 11151611114y Happy." Lord I)ed- broke : "Settle the whole of your vast tcrtilne upon me, leave yourself desti- tute, and I will wed you „in the trace of ibe whole world." $5,000 REWARD will bo paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration, unii r' z �. ht oat;; is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common . soaps dcstroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed • with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint, Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto 1x7 Daughter—"In a time of trial what is our great support and comfort?" I•Ier Father (an eminent K.C.)—"A soft-heart- ed oft-hearted jury that you can get round, and a soft-headed judge whom you can bam- boozle." For the Overworked.—What are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A'disordered liver is one cause and a prime one. A disordered liver means a disordered stomach, a disordered sto- mach means a disturbance of the nerv- ous system. This brings the whole body into subjection and the victim feels sick all over. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are a recognized remedy in. this state and relief will follow their use. "The boss asked pre what made me look so tired," said Gatley, the cleric, "and I told him I was up early this .morning:" "Huh 1" snorted the book- keeper. "You never got up early in your life." "I didn't say that I got up. I said I was up." • Children who are Pale and peevish want some- thing that. will make good rich blood ; there is mains to equal "Ferrovim" for this purpose. Mothers, bemire to get a bottle. SILVER BATHS. At the Czar's palace of Tzarskoe Selo, the nurseries provided for the care of children consist of eleven rooms. One feature is described by Miss Egar, the children's governess, as follows: "In the bathroom is a stationary bath of solid silver, used for the bigger children. There is a shall silver bath for the use of whatever baby reigns. Each child's name is engraved upon it, so it forms a historical record. It was apparently bought for Nicholas I., and bears his name and those of his family. We al- so find the names of Alexander II. and of Marie, afterward Duchess of Edin- burgh. The hist name added was that of Alexis, the little baby who was born in August, 1904." "Hello, Bilkins, who are you work- ing for, now?" "Same people -- a wife and five children." � ,,, Clot GOdi ic i 'I Keeping Qverlesttngty at it Brings Success." • L% : 5. PEDLAR S CORRUGATED IKON is made on a 30,000 Th, press (the , only ono in Canada) one corrugation at a Lane, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. to and. Torun 1 Montreal, t Ottawa, o stock inOshawa,, Wo starry a 8fi0 I n c h London can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch, corrugations in sheets any length •up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galva+frizect- This. class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Eactoity, Mill and Warehouse • Buildings and is water and wind proof.. ' i r Corrupted Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. tmerwa.e, �m >o....., THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Moalroal, ;due. Nowa, OM Torn, oil won, a .Winnipeg, Mail. VaacatMMor;B,C. 787 Craig St. 1 423 Sussex st, 11 Colborne st 80 Dundas et70 Lombard st, 616 Fonder at. Write your Nearest Office.-•ILEAD OFFICE AND WORKS--OSHAWA, Ont Largest, makers of Sheet Metal Build ing Materials under the British Flag. 1 In Western Canada Two eornarinj sections, saloon ed lands is Saskatchewan, only 8 milds from two railways, C.P.R. A O.T.P. Strong soil, 90 per cont. plough land, sluing orr.ek, no sloughs, About 40 miles N.E. of Indsau Head. Price *10.50 peso am* Write for map and full particulars R. PARSONS. as Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. WIIAT GERMANY EATS. New Food Tariff Makes Nation Depend More on Dog. '"Two sorts of animals for slaughter- ing purposes, namely, horses and dogs, have never until now reached so large a consumption as in the fourth quarter of 1905." This is a startling sentence from an article in the Badische Landes -Zeitung, of Mannheim, discussing the effect of the new German tariffs on foodstuffs. The rates of increase, too, are start- ling. The number of slaughtered hol;ues rose from 44,659 in the first quarter of 1904 to 52,584 in the first quarter of 1905. "According to the official records," concludes the article, 'there were 2,- 405 dogs slaughtered during the fourth quarter of 1905. Here are reckoned only the common species of dogs, which, under official inspection, were compelled to give up their lives and allow them- selves to be eaten. Hence it will be seen that our nation's food depends more and more on the dog." No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial ready for use. It corrects all loose- ness of the bowels promptly and caus- es a healthy and natural action. This is a' medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming . the most popular medicine for cholera,dysentery, etc., in n th e market. A railway engine usually travels about 1,000,000 miles before it is worn out. "Web, Captain, how were you pleased with the lady?" Wll'o speak frankly, 1 was somewhat disappointed." "Trow so?" "They said she was intellectual, but I talked with her half an hour, and she did -not' open her mouth once." "You are mistaken there, -Captain; she yawn- ed six or eight times." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Groves' Worm Exter.piinator de- religes Worms and gives rest to the sufferer, It Only ,Casts 25 cents to try It and be Convinced: f tut the coat goad i't make the Norm=-•., not even a coat of ter and feathers. IMMO. Hap Mildew Maas •tater naps, bat le best when used to the iianligbt Wei. Say thtepitlatielip sad talllotw dinnittaott. A lady writes: "I was enabled to re- move the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have Lire same ex- perience. Who was the fellow who went around with a lantern looking for an honest nun?" "I don't know; but if he were to try it to -day somebody would steal his lantern!" AIways a Good Friend. In health and happiness we need no driends, but when pain and prostration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, for when the 011 is in the pain is out. Jt has brought relief to thousands who without it would be in- deed friendless. Teacher -"Johnny, can you telI me anythingyou have to be thankful for in taw pasear" Johnny (without hesi- tation) — "Yessir." Teacher — "Well, Johnny, what is it?" Johnny—"Why, when you broke your arm-you'couldn't cane us for two Months." Wilson's FLY PADS Three hundred times bet, ter than sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYiNO ABOUT Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. DOMINION • HENDERSON BEARINGS, Limited. Manufacturers of the N�ItlCf30� RdICf BC�fl�9 ENGINEERS, TOOLMAKERS, HIGH-CLASS MACHINISTS, 785 King Ste West, Toronto Work wanted for Potton & John- ston machines, and a aakllanme rown iRrite& Sharpe Srindint low, Any I dud of )light D *Chine Aunt to order. • Food Products All are selected meats, prepared for your table in a kitchen as clean as your own. Ready to serve any time—fit to serve anywhere. Alt are economical—and all are good. Whether your taste be for Boneless Chicken, Veal. Loaf, Ox Tongue, Potted Ham, Dried Beef, there is no way you can gratify h so well as by asking for Libby's. Try Libby's delicious cooked Ox Tongue for sandwiches or sliced cold Booklet free, "How to Mnke Good Things to Eat.' • Write Libby, McNeill & Libby. Chicago. -` Y : ALBERTA AGENCIES. LIMITED. ALFRED I.LLAYNE JONES, President. ST. CLAIit BLACKN, r r, Secretary. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Farms and city property for sale. Correspondence solicited. EDf1ONTON, ALBERTA, COBALT. COBALT STOCKS—the right kind—offer im- mense opportunities for large and immediate profits. For the past few months high-grade ore has been piling tip at the mines, shipments being withheld pending the completion of the new smelter. This has resulted in many stocks being quoted by those not understanding conditions at' a price far below their real value. Shipments; aro now commencing, and groat returns, ,tot toj speak of advances in stock market prices, are assured. Many ground -floor opportunities exist; now, but the market is daily becoming morel active and NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. My booklet (including Govt. report) and weekly news letter furnish full and up-to-date information. They are free. H, C. BARBER, Mines Stocks Syndicates 45 Adelaide St. E., 'Toronto, and Cobalt. FOR LAMP OIL ECONOMY Sarnia USE Prime 011 No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHT—THREE OR FOUR GAS. JETS IN ONE— Queen TRY A CitOILY BEAUTIFUL Lamp For Sale. by Dealers THE QUEEN CITY OIL Ca., TolrAonto°, Forty ye.n. fe,rou null Ove 8, ht tote in D..rec (oe 0100 pn which .aw,ta.l ,tae , which I.nnf 0i3,Od1 a ye.r .,.t. Darer hu . popul.u.. of 200.000. P. fire ms e6e plftien w.71 rash e6e hdf-mya;lUon ma Ord;Mry widened ion in direricte stoney papu- l.ted 6r;nf from 02x0 to 02.000 tech. WNEW A DOInON E AEC LAYING OUT A A Heigh ;'`aailington ts The a:f6e.t SRI moo tif6tlytidditIan :nDe.veH Jarsishote perteet vin, of We Peak awl t61 ,.'Seely J•pp.nt.iu for sdi.ta.a ,,' 7S mita igAktprif.ften Park. A. ;dad .pot, ,12$x125 Feet for $100 DSR MONTH q ' ,t: 9l :: nd • f' lwird rLisrwd..•viol: D,it..: tm."A wd Nws whit I ea. Lett bi.i l.if. tHS CEIflURY LOAN AND ratio Go. �.0�y • ,, " Dom*.Cdt.nii Nirk,t" p. r M+y to .. U a D.. rd.wrier a. ISSUE N O. 28--46