HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-7-19, Page 1ADVERTISERS Remember that through the ADVO- CATE you. reach more people than through any other channel. Parra Villzr,ge or any other property sold, bought or exchanged for you at reasonable commission, Apply - SANDERS 8 011ELrCkI, TWENTIETH TEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, TH-IURSDAY,. JULY 19, 1906. SANDERS & CREECH EIMIOAV)t44* NTNeNTO THAT INVOSIIIV • 4 TIMES A YEAR To Fa.ciItittate Your Business Is Our Concern. The Sovereign Bank of Canada rests on the said foundation of satisfactory banking service. Every facility known to Modern Commercial Banking is a the disposal of our patrons. Advice on Investment Securities, Letters of Credit, Collection, Drafts, Money • Orders, Telegraphic and Cable Transfers to all pares of the world. American and Foreign Exchange. Highest current rates allowed on. ,Savings Deposits. AT *AL .11 RA NO N Ca The Sovereign Bank oI Canada. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Orediton, and Dashwood, 1 The Old Reliable THE OLD RELIABLE, established in business in the year 1362, is still in business, although many have been the changes since then. We may say there isn't one in business that was in at that time bit ourselves. We still hold the fort for uprightness and square dealing. This week we are offering big bargains in all lines of SUMMER GOODS....... - In those fancy White Blouses, that we had such a good season in, to clear the balance out we are offering them at very low prices: $1.25 for $1; $1.50 for $1.25; $2.25 for $1.75; and $3 for $2.50. Choice lot of Linen Towels, 20e. for 15c. Dress goods that we will sell cheap to clear. READY-MADE CLOTHING Will allow 20% discount, in order to make room for our fall goods. We also have alot of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children that we will give 25% discount to clear them out. Highest price paid for Produce—Butter 18, Eggs 16 CARLING BRO-S. Haying Will Soon Be Here Look to you haying tools, and see if your are ready. for that very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you any tools you may need, such as Hand Forks, Etc., and we especially emphasize HAY PORK ROPE We are showing the b 3st quality of British Manilla Rope. The price is 15c. per lb. 5 per cent. off for cash. Binder Twine: Don't neglect to leave your order early for Binder Twine, We have "3 tons of the celebrated Plymouth twines for sale — no other is quite so good —prices guaranteed. COWARD & CLARKE Winchelsea 'Professional Cards.. DR. G. F. ROULSTON,L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson &•Carling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.' Boner graduate of Toronto Univerlsty. ' DENTIST. • eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Of04'e in Fansbn's • B1oak, west side Main street, Exeter. - Medical AF. MALLOY, M. 13.. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER. . College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. . Fortner House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Itoilins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Laigal.. TDIO1tSON' & CARLING, BARRISTERS, -SOLIDI• 11JJ tors, Notaries, Conveyancers,. Commissioners. i Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. CARIAN°; B.A.,• L, II. Tana MONEY ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and' village properties at low rates of inter- est. MADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main et.,, Exeter; On LLOYD I'1. JONES Organist and Choir Master, of Mitchell Methodist C'+ureh. Teacher---t'iano, Organ, Voice, 1-arinony. Modern methods. Thoroughness GIRLS To• WOttI iN 1:00GIRLS BISCUIT Al D CANDY DEPA.111... I tM13 DTATELY M +N'£S. Steady employment. gond *agog. D, S. PERRIN k CO, LTD., LONDON, ONT, Insure Against Wind. The IIuron Weather Insurance Co., with head - quarter's at Zurich, has been started and as I have been appointed tgent for the Township of Stephen, I am now prepared to receive risks. J. O. Wain, Crediton. Teachers W a n t e To teach S.S, No. 5, Usborne, 11ly miles east of Exeter. Personal application and a male teaoher preferred. Apply to Joshua Heywood, Sec-Treas, Exeter, P.O. For School Section No. 8, Stephen, 1.14, miles west of Exeter, holding first-class certificate—male pre- ferred. Duties to commence Aug. 20. Apply to W. I1. Dearing, Exeter, Ont. Female teacher for Junior Room, S.S. No. 0, us - borne. Light room. Apply stating salary, etc. Duties to commence Aug. 20. Wes. Hoywood, Sec'y, Winchelsea, P.O., Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Patrick Carey, late of the Township of Biddulph,in the County of Middle- sex, farther, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontarto.1807, Chapter 120, that all orecli tore and others havingclaims against the estate of the said Patrick Carey, who died on or about the 21st day of June, 1900, are requested on or before The 9th Day of August, .1906 ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr, and Mrs. Gladman returned from their holidaytrip Friday evening. . Mr. Russell Frayyne after a holiday here returned to Brantford Saturday. Mrs.Buchanan of Jarvis is the guest of relatives at Exeter and Grand Bend. Miss Elle O'Brien left Saturday on a visit to friends in Falkirk and 'other points. Miss Janet Brown and Miss B. Rook left Thursday for a week's holiday in Detroit. Mr. Eifner of the London Free Press gave the ADVOCATE a pleasant call Monday. Mr. Oliver Graybiel has retm.4ned to. his duties at the Sovereign Bauk, after a holiday. Miss Tillie Balkwill returned Tues- day evening to Hamilton, after a visit of two weeks, Major Layborn of London was here on Monday inspecting the armory of No, 6 Company. Miss Maud Johns is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Trott, Beamsville, for a month. Miss Jackson, dressmaker, left Mon- day for a two months' visit at -Mr. B.S. Lang's, Toronto. Miss Mabel Gleed, after a two weeks' visit with friends here, returned to London Saturday. Mr•.aad Mrs. Geo. Heitman left Mon- day evening for Manitoba where .they will spend some weeks. Miss Bertha Mack left Saturday for Brucefield, to spend a week ,with her cousin, Miss Mary Laing. - Miss Lou Piper, who has -been in Cleveland and London for some months returned home last week. Mr. John Thompson, who has been spending the sumruer near London, is visiting here for a few days. Mr. E. J. Eacrett returned. Thursday from Goderich, where he spent month studying French for Matriculation. Masters Austin Duplan of Centralia Mid Norman Stonehouse of Belgrave are the gnests of Master Willie Birney. Miss Florence Wickham of Brant- ford and Miss Lina Hodgins .of Lucan• are the guests of the Misses Cobble dick. Messrs. L. H. Dickson, D. D. G.M.,and W. J. Heiman, W. M. are attending Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto this week. •Miss Lois Birney left Friday evening for Belgrave where. she will spend a few weeks with her grandwother,Mrs, Stonehouse. Mr. J. G. Staubury'left Friday ever F;, for two weeks' holidays with his broth: er-in-law, Dr. Eastwood, at Point Au Bari!, Muskoka. The fhmilies'of Messrs. S. Rowe, S. M, Sanders, Thos. Harvey, T. B. Carl- ing, W. Beaman and J. A. Stewart went to Grand Bend to camp this week. Messrs. L. H. Dickson and 0. H. Sanders were in. Sarnia Saturday,com- pleting arrangements for the big Ma- sonic Excursion on August 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 0ohbledick at- tended the wedding oft their grand- daughter, Mins Essie, daughter of Mr. David Oohbledick, at Ailsa Craig on Wednesday. to send by poet prepaid or deliver to the undersigned administrators, of the estate of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and des- criptions, the full nortioulare of their claims, the statement of thereaccounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by there. And further take notice that after such last men- tioned date the Administrators will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and than the Administrators wilt not be liable for the assets many part thereof to any person or persons of whose olefin notice shall not have been received by them at the time at snob distribution. The London and Western Trusts Go. l initted. • By W. Maeplarmid 'of Lucan, Their Solicitor herein. Dated Milk 10th day of July 1009. LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate on Main street, north of theplaining mill. This Is a splendid property, well located, and should make an excellent btulding site. Will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Mallett, Exeter FARM FOR SALE A first-class farm, Lot 0, Con. 8, Usborne, contain- ing 100 acres, with good under draining. On the premises are a good frame house 20x80, kitchen 12x 18; frame barn•38x50; bank barn 30x52; granary 21x 24, all in good repair;1 acre of orchard. The farm is 8L miles from Exeter, with a school on the lot and a church opposite. Priee$700D, half in cash and bal- ance on mortgage, or other conditions to suit pur. chaser. Apply to Matthew Kelland, Centralia, or to Robert ffelland, Exeter. FOR SALE One of the hest farms on the London, north of Ex- eter, containing 100 acres;00 acres of which under cultivation, 10 acres first-class hardwood bush. This farm is a thoroughly up-to-date one. fine brick house large hank barns, alt in good repair; well watered, well drained and well fenced, good orchard, and is situated in one of the very hest farming communities in the Province of Ontario, and convenient to both' Exeter and I•Iensall markets Terms are easy. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Barristers, Exeter, Ont.. • Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List 1906 Municipality of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Aot, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made Oi'&uant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality atElections for Members of the Legis- ative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and the said list was first posted up at my office, at Orediton, on the ninth day of July, A, D., 1000, and remains there for inspection. Electors ore called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions, or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Crediton, July 9th, 1000. HENRY EILBER, Township Clerk Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List 1906 Municipality of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron, Mies .Rope Sutton of Detroit is home on a visit, Mrs. Parker, and her son, Fred, of Manitoba; Mrs, rlintoff and two. sons, and Mrs,.Dodsworth were the guests at the ho'ine of Mr'.Jno. Snell,Usborne, Oyer Sunday. - Victor 'Sanders and Will. Knight were in Laindon and St.Thowas Thurs- day itnd Friday. The former left Tues- day. for Whalen, after completing his studies at the high School here. Mr. D McInnis returned last week from au extended trip through the Northwest. He is much interested in that pant of the cointty and reports the best of prospects for a bumper crop. Mrs. Wm. Rawkshaw and daughter, Miss Jean, arrived Saturday morning from London where they had been since their return from the West. They have not yet decided where they, will reside. (were furnished by Treble & Baker of Exeter and it is needless to say that everybody had an enjoyable time.— Mrs.FeDuttonFenton Brown of D and Celia Francis of London are at present visiting friends in our neighborhood. Dashwood For hay: forks and slings go to John Charlton, Exeter. Miss Susie Rader, after a sojourn of six years in Detroit, has returned to town and will spend the summer at the home of her parents.—Louis J. Kraft recently purchased a building ,lot at Grand Bend, near the river, the price being 5100 for one-eighth of an acre.—Mrs, Pfeffer of Milverton is vis- isting awing relatives here at present. --Mrs. Weller of Ilion, N. a'., is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Haugh.—Miss Til- lie Kiblerand sister, Mrs. Mortz, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman sev- eral days last week:—Miss Ethel Kel- lerman,who has been attendiug school at Sarnia, has -returned home for the vacation. -Next Sunday will be a gala day for the children of the Evangelical Sunday School. A grand. program will he rendered by the children.—Sev- eral of oin' people attended the child- ren's day festival at Orediton an Sun- day last and were greatly pleased with the day's proceedings.—Mr, J. Reid of Lienry and Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenn and i`amily of Parkhill were in the village on Sunday last.—Miss Heideman of Exeter Is spending a few a few days with her uncle, Mr. Daniel Shaffer.— Miss Amelia Witzel, accompanied by her sister; Mrs,Burns, spent the week at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel - Callfes and daughter of Kansas sPent a few days hest week visiting friends in and around Dashwood.. —A meeting of the directors of the Huron Weather Insurance Oo. was held in the village on Monday last.—Mr. E.M. Brokenehi=-•e•b'as been appointed Issuer of Marri ere Licenses in the place of Mr. Sn .`f.eltnd, who resigned the position when he moved to Stratford. Miss Annie Burke left Monday for Lon- don to be in attendance at the marriage of her nephew, Mr. Fred Burke, who was to be married on Tuesday morning. —Miss Effie Wiilert has returned to her home here. MARI1.IED.—The following has refer- ence to a former young man, who re- sided about tcvo miles south of here, and who was highly esteemed by all who knew hint: "St. Peter's Cathed- ral was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday morning, when Mr. Fred D. Burk, of Newark, N.J„ and Miss Teresa, daughter of Bailiff Hevey, of London, were united in marriage, by Rev. Father 'Aylward, rector of the cathedral. The bride,who was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk over taffeta, and carried a large bouquet of bridal roses, was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Margaret, who wore a dress of crepe de chene and carried piuk car- nations, After the ceremony the cou- ple retired to the bride's home where breakfast was served to a large num- ber of guests. The presents werenum- erous and very beautiful, there being many tokens of goodwill from friends in Winnipeg, St. Pani, Saskatoon and many other far distant places. The happy couple left the same evening for Detroit, Toledo, Columbia and then to Newark where they will reside." Fred'a many friends here join in wishing him- self and estimable bride a long and happy married life. WEDDING.—Dashwood once more contributes to the happiness of anoth- er home in aneigbboring town. We refer to the event which took place on Tuesday at the home of Mr. Fred Goss - man, when bis daughter. Miss Katie, gave her heart and hand to Mr. John H. Collingwood of Exeter. At three o'clock the interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. Eidt and was wit- nessed only by the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The bride, who was handsomely attired in white silk, was attended by her sister, Miss, Rickey. At the conclusion of the cer- mony the gnests sat down to it dainty luncheon, after which all spent a very enjoyable time in various kinds of amusement. The gifts formed a mag- nificent array, being articles of beauty wed value. Mt'. and Mrs. Coiling. wocd left the same evening for Exeter where they' will make their future home. The best wishes of all accom- pany thein and may their future be one of happiness and prosperity. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted os delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of ,,"The voters' List Act" the copies re tilted by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revisccl,Assseement Roll of the said Municipality tc be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the1.eglaia- tive Assembly and ab Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Main street, Exeter, on the 14th day 01 lnly of 1090, and remains 'there for inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the said omission her' are found List, and if anyor of errors therein, to, take Inmiealate proceedings to have the said etrorscorrected according to law. JOSEPH SENIOR., Clerk of the said llfunicipality, tided this lath day bfJuly. food, Creditor Mrs. Jas. Cockweil spent Saturday among friends in London, flax pull- ing started this week. Messrs. Wuerth, Heist & Co. have about 50 Indians from Munceytown helping to pull the flax.—Mrs. Schnaw, who has been vis- iting friends in this vicinity for some time, has returned to her home in Ber- lin,—Miss Susie Saulter of Parkhill vis- ited friends in town Saturday and Sunday,—A picnie, consisting of the Brown family in this village was held at Grand Bend 011 Tuesday. All had a very pleasant day and enjoyed. them- selves iunniensely.—Sam Oallfas and wife, of Iowa, former residents of this neighborhood, are renewing old ac- gnaintanees.--Mrs. Matthew Winer is visiting friends in Winchelsea.—Our cement walks are finished and are in- deed well made.—Olaucle Biuett left for Forest Monday on a visit.—The first story of the new school is com- pleted. From all appearances it will be a grand buildiug when completed. —Robert Walker and Wes Kerr have returned from the northwest. They had a fine trip and think the West is the place to go.—Jno. Sweitzer was in Muncey last week engaging the Indi- ans to pull flax in this vicinity.—We are pleased to state that the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Foist is recovering from its serious illness.- Out tailor, Jacob Holtzman met with a painful accident Friday. He was in the act of pressing a cork into a bottle when the glass broke and cut his hand severely. —Mrs. Jas. Hodgins attended the funeral of her niece, the late Mrs. Garner, at London last week.—We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Jno. McIsaac is rapidly regaining her former health. —Our local Orangemen attended the glorious 12th celebration at Seafortb on Thursday. -Mrs. Harry Beaver and little son, Vernon, bare returned home. after a pleasant visit with friends in UbIy, Elkton and Kilwanagh, Mich.— Miss Susie Kuhn is on the sick list. Aver many friends wish her a speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs. Sana Brown left for Sebewaing on Wednesday, to visit relatives.— Wesley Jones bad al barn raising on Satnrday.—Mr.. and Mrs. Lougmaid of Detroit, who are camping at, the Bend; spent Sunday in the village the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael EIirtzRI.—Mr•. and Mrs. \Vni. Delbridge of Wincbelsea visited at Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Winer on Sunaay. -Mr.. and Mrs. John Wind returned from Detroit Monday, after a please nt visit with relatives. They were ac- rompanied by Mrs. Henry Vcrind ands danghter, and their little grandson;' Eimer, Mistele, who will visit in the: village for a few weeks.—Rev. George Brown of Ohesley and son. Ezra, man- ager of the Bain Wagon 0o.of Wood stock, spent a few days in the village' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlofi Brown.—Mrs. Geo. Bedford is very 111 and under the care of the doctor. Her many friends wish her a speedy and complete recovery.—Miss Bean, of Berlin is a visitor at the Evangelical parsonage. -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Either and daughter, Ruth, and nephew, Ro- land of Ubly, Mich., are visiting rela- tives in thevillage.—The Misses Brown and Mercier of London are guests of Miss Annie Yearley.—August Hoist left for Edmonton Monday, where he will Spend a few days.—Mrs. Shelton of Detroit is visiting her brother, Mr. Thomas Trevethick.—Mr. and Mrs. Kunz of Exeter were the guests of Mrs. Dora Link on Sunday.—Mrs. V. Ratz and daughter, Miss Adelaine, of Parkhill were in the .village Tuesday. --Mrs. Remmer and daughter, Miss Leah, spent the past week in town.— The Misses Kraft, Finkbsiner and Goetz of Dashwood were pleasant vis- itors inour midst Sunday.—George Bedford has been in Oentralia the past week with his moving tackle, moving Wm. Moffatt's frame hotel.—Post: master Brown has had his dwelling re - pain ted.—Walter Clark, Dan Sweitzer and Jno. Finkbeiner bave had private cement walks laid by Jno. Foster, the latter part of the week.—The automo- bile from Exeter which was loaded with sports to see the ball game on Friday, broke down about two miles east of town and the boys had to walk to see the game. About nine o'clock the machine entered the town and took the boys home again. Sorne are inclined to think that good horses and rigs are the more reliable after all. CLINTOW Business College (Affiliated with v,'ingham Business College) OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd in McKay Block. Three Courses— Preparatory, Shorthand and Type- writing, Commercial. GEO. SPOTTON, Prin. BASEBALL.- Last Friday evening - Clinton team played our "Stars' aname of baseball but they were de- feated by a score of 0-8. Our boys played tr. splendid game throughout. —A swift game will be played, on the Recreation grounds. to -morrow (Fri- day) between our Stars and a Lucas. team. Game called at 5:30. Admis- • sion, ladies 5c.. gentlemen 10c. Let evei ybody attend its this will be art interesting game. CRILDR,EN's DAY,—The.au n ual child— ren's day festival which was held ire the Evangelical church last Sunday was a grand success although the - weather was very hot the church was . crowded to the doors. In the after- noon, several anthems were rendered by the choir, - Rev, and bars. Beales. sang a beautiful duett, addresses were delivered by Rev. Eidt of Dashwood. and Rev. •Gisbler of Zurich. The ad- dresses were object lessons for the- young and proved very interesting. In the evening a beautiful cantata en- titled "The Shining Way" was given. by .members of the Sunday SChoole The cantata throughout was well rend— eped, th e children doing their part well,. DEATH OF IsAAO HILL. --This weep. sees another pioneer resident of the' township of Stephen laid to rest. We - refer to Mr. Isaac Hill, who __ ppasse- ' away at the home of his son, William Hill, west of the village, on Monday last at the advanced age of 81 years.. The deceased had been sick compara- tively only a short time from general debility and breaking up of the system, Mr. Hill was native of England and came to Canada when very poring, be- ing among the very earliest pioneer,.. Being possessed of a particularly vig-• ,orocfs and robust constitution he con-• .tribnted more than the average share of converting the virgin timbered ods into this now beautiful country. e'leaves to'inourn his demise a fam- rr'y of three sons and five daughters— William, Issac and James; Mrs. James Clarke, Mrs, Newton Baker and Mrs. George Chambers of Stephen, Mrs. John Chambers of Arden, Man.,. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, also of the West. The funeral took place Wednesday tot the Exeter cemetery. Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. Mann of Oshawa re- turned to their home on Wednesday of last week, after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler.—On Wednesday of last week the sad news of the death of Mrs, Ridley of Gray- son, Sask., formerly Miss Olivia Clem- ente, was received. The sympathy of the entire neighborhood is extended to Mrs. Clements and family in this Choir hour of trial... -Patterson & Co. of St. Marys are busily engaged build.. ing a cement bridge on the road be- tween Winchelsea and the Rutter Factory.—On Saturday of last -reek a number of young people and their friends picnicked at Grand Bend, The day was hot but the lake was perfec- tion there being scltrcely wore than a ripple upon the water at any tinge. Boating and bathing Webe the prinrip- ai nenusenienti'. The conveyances • MARRIAGES. COLLINGwOOD—GossnfaN—At the res- idence of the bride's parents, on July 18, by Rev. Eidt, John H. Colling- wood, third son of Wm. CollingwoodE. of Exeter, to Miss Katie; daoghter. of Fred Gossman, of Dashwood. BuJt e—HievEr—In London, on July 17, by Rev. Father Aylward, Fred 11 Burk, of Newark, Ohio, formerly of Dash wood, to Miss Teresa, daugh- ter of James W. Hevey of London.. MCLEAN — LUETON — In Creelman, . Sask., on July 11, by the Rev. A. H. Hoare, Mr. Allen McLean to Missy Jessie Luxton, third daughter of Mr. Fred. Luxton of Osborne -both of.' Fillmore, Sask. DEATHS McCUI3.Dr.—In Usborne, on.July liths. Jennie Edith, daughter of Archibald and Catherine Jane McCurdy; aged 19 years, 10 months and 5 days.. , • HILL.—In Stephen, near. Orediton,.one. July 16th, Isaac Hill, aged. 81 year's.. - Subscribe for the Advocate -40 cents - to the end of the year. REDUCED PRICES IN BINDER TWINE Gold Medal, 650 feet to the pound Silver. Sheaf, 600 Ply Special, 500 11 11 to u Our Prices are away down and our 'LYMoUTH M LKE is the best. Heaman's Hardware 84 Stove Store.