HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-6-21, Page 7WEAK KIDNEYS.
Reatorcd to Strenept by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Bad blood is the cause of weak kid-
neys. Theimpurities of the blood Glob
the kidneys so that they` are unable to
perform their work of separating the
waste matter from the blood—the bad
Iron' good. The symptoms el diseased
kidneys are numerout. The dull sunk-
en eye, the coated tongue, the back-
ache, weak shaky knees, sallow, swot
len face all show what is wrong. This
disease must not be neglected. very
day delayed in finding' a cure is a day
nearer "13right's disease"—that trouble
is incurable, J)o not waste time and
money on a medicine which acts only
on the kidneys. It may relieve, but
it cannot cure you. The trouble to be
permanently cured. must be treated
through the blood. Good blood snakes
healthy kidneys. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills actually make new, rich blood—
that's why they cure when other medi-
cines fail. Thousands owe good health
—some life itself—to this medicine.
Among them is Roy Davidson, who re-
sides with his uncle, Mr. C, 13, Mac-
lean, near Brockville, Ont. Mr. Mac-
lean says: "My nephew, Roy, had weak
kidneys, About a year ago he took the
measles and this left him in a bad state.
His kidneys were so weak that they
were incapable of performing their func
tions. He suffered from backache,
weakness and restlessness. For a
time he had to leave school. Our fam-
ily doctor was unable to help him.. In
fact he told me that Roy might never
get better; that the disease would pr"o-
hably grow worse. I then procured a
supply of Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills. 1
had already used the Pills myself with
great benefit and felt confident they
would euro Roy. He began taking them,
and continued their use until he had
taken a half dozen boxes, which fully
cured him. He is now stronger and
better than he ever was and neither
study nor work about the farm seem
to fatigue him. I believe Dr. Williams'
,Pink .Pills saved him from a life of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do just one
thing—but they do that thoroughtly.
They actugily make 'new; rich, red
blood, which feeds and strengthens
every nerve and organ in the body.
That is why this medicine cures such
common ailments as anaemia, general
weakness, headaches and backaches, in-
ndigestion, palpitation of the heart, rheu-
matism, neuralgia, and the ailments
m ce the lives of so many women
and young girls miserable. Don'te take
something else which the dealer may
say is "just as good." If you can't get
the genuine Pills from your dealer send
to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., and get them by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50.
Great Distress Exists Among Agricul-
tural Laborers.
The distress among the agricultural
laborers is taxing in many parts of
Portugal, the resources of the local
authorities, especially in the wine dis-
tricts of the north, where the crisis
seems to be most acute. So keen ap-
pears to be the distress that the subject
has been laid before the Parliament.
According to the local press in these
'districts, whose products in prosperous
.'times are a chief source of the country's
wealth, many of the vineyard owners
have in their cellars the harvests of two
years' grape growth, which they ,are un-
able to sell, except at a huge sacrifice,
and, not 'being able to obtain the cash
on which they counted for help from
bankers and others to tide over bad
times, they have resolved this year to
discontinue in many vineyards the hoe-
ing and other indispensable labor. This
has led to the non -employment of some
thousands of hands who could other-
wise have counted upon employment.
Hunger and misery, it is said, are
seen everywhere, and the poor, .starving
wretches are spreading themselves over
the country, to the detriment of others
of the' working class whose lot is but
little better, and resorting to pilfering
and begging to satisfy their needs. In-
stances are said by the press to have
occurred where some men who were,
considered well-to-dd yeomen have
solved for themselves the question of
financial difficulties by resorting to sui-
Some few years ago a regular fever
of vineyard making spread over the
northern half of the country and over-
production has been the result, which
wise Portuguese heads foresaw and
avoided, but their warnings were not
Baby's Own Tablets is not for babies
only. It is a • medicine for children of
all ages. Itis gently laxative and com-
forting. It cures indigestion, all forms
of stomach troubles, constipation, einn-
pie fevers, diarrhoea and snakes teeth-
ing painless. There's a smile in every
'dose. Mrs. Henry Mater, London, Ont.
says:—"Having used Baby's Own Tab-
lets 1 can say with sincerity that I know
nothing as good for simple fevers, sta-
men and bowel troubles. My baby
has thrived splendidly clime I began
giving her the Tablets." You can get
Baby's Own Tablets from any Medicine
dealer or by mail at 25 cents a box by
writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
?Into the car stepped a hearty woman
with a basket of dish, 'which she held
placidly, as she sat, between her knees.
The young Man by her side edged away
and drew the shirts of bis frock coat
around him.
"Daresay you'd bather have a gentle,
man satire side o' you ?" said the wo-
man, pleasantly.
"Yes, I would," said the young man.
"Same 'ere!" sighed the woman,
In Paris a company has contracted
with the municipal authorities for all
the foliage to be derived from the trees.
cf the public squares, gardens, streets,
asci woods within the limits of the city.
T'hase 'eaves are to be compressed un-
hif;h pressure, and will then be cent,
elnieted into fuck which, it le claimed,
will have a for greater celoidflc c'I(tpaeity
than tical, or airy other fuel known.
11119E -AND -SEEK 'f"t%E 1L.'I4GL1:
An Vnarreed Traveller's Adventure
With an Artery Elephant,.
Grown -4 person'• often enjoy a re-
turn to the sports of youth, but when the
hider lea man and the seeker an angry
elephant, the pestirae consists of some-
thing more than fun. An account of
such a game is contained in Mr. King
Stores "First Voyage to Southern Seas,"
and the adventure is the author's own,
Dago and I were working our way to
where three elephants lay, when sud-
denly the native exclaimed :
"Sahib, look dere! look dere 1 Ele-
phant comet"
I looked round, and saw a huge crea-
ture at full charge through 'the long
grass, head high, ears cocked, tell
'straight out, and uttering unearthly
screams. It was impossible for me to
escape through the thick grass, which
hindered the elephant no more than
cobwebs. 1 foolishly had not loaded my
gun after the last shot, so only one bar-
rel was ready: I thought my lest mo-
ment had come.
On came the beast at a greater speed
than I had thought possible for . an. ele-
phant. His trunk was raised, so I
could not hope to hit his forehead. When
he was within three teat of me I fired
full in his face, and sprang 'to one side..
Lime a flash of Iiglttning he hit me with
his powerful trunk:, and hurled me like
a golf ball for about twelve yards.
Fortunately, I struck in the long. grass,
and although my thigh was hurt severe-
ly, 1 was not stunned.
I scareely dared stir, but ventured to
turn lay head enough to look up. I
could see where the elephant was by the
movement in the grass, which he was
beating in evident search of me. I lay
as snit as death; it was my only hope
of not being discovered..
Nearer and nearer camethe thrashing,
and presently a long black trunk waved
over the very spot where I was lying.
Back and forth: it went, to left and
right; it it so much as grazed me my
fate would have been sealed. ]3ut my
shot had evidently blinded the beast and
destroyed his power of scent.
Round and round he walked, roaring
in. fury. The circle of his search grew
larger. I dared to draw a long breath,.
but not to move. Fartherand farther
sounded the footfalls.
Suddenly I heard three rapid shots and
a heavy fall. In great pain from my
thigh, I managed to get on to my feet,
and then shouted at the top of my lungs.
Dago carne rushing up in great joy, for
he had thought I was killed. The dead
elephant proved to be e. monster,
These cases, which are made of .polish-
ed oak, contain a, number of instru-
ments that no farmer, dairyman c r
stock owner can afford to be without.
Every one of these instruments when
needed are needed at the moment. Just
one case of Milk Fever saved will many
times pay the cost of the entire outfit. rt
seems strange that this very important
outfit has not before now been made
up. To us it seems one of the most
portant improver/tents to the dairy farms
ever devised.
Not only does it contain the Milk
Fever outfit for Air Treatment recom-
mended by the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, but it also has a
complete assortment of cattle syringes,
trecars for bloat', lead probes, milking
tubes, test dilaters, teat bistouries, teat
opener, thermometer and bandages. It
is made by George P. Pilling & Son,
Philadelphia, who will gladly. send any
of their readers a description of the
An Irish drill -sergeant was instructing
some recruits in the mysteries of march-
ing inovemenls, and found great diffi-
culty in getting a countryman of his to
halt when the conirnand was given.
After explaining and illustrating sev-
eral times, he approached the recruit,
sized him up silently for a couple of
minutes, then demanded his name.
"Fitzgerald, sor," was the reply.
"Did you ever drive a donkey, Fitz?"
"Yes, sor,"
• "What did you say when you wished
him to stop?"
"Whoa 1"
The sergeant turned away, and im-
mediately put his squad in motion.
After they had advanced a dozen yards
or so he bawled out at the top of his
voice, "Squad, halt ! Whoa, Fitzger-
ald 1"
"'Tis butt a man," remarked the belt'
ligerent goat, as he saw the solitary
traveller draw near.
The Most impressive part of the mar-
riage ceremony had arrived, Big 'tom
Briggs had, i reply to the fatat Mies -
Bon, answered "01 will," in a tone which
slowed there was no doubt about it et
all, So far as he was concerned.
But although the minister was pleased
to note the .evident heartiness of the
bridegroom, ho wae. a trifle .discos-
carted when, qe. putting a like question.
to the lady, Tom once more. thundered
"Oi will,"
The clergyman took it that there was
a slight misunderstanding, and repeat-
ed the question.
Oi will'," again said Tom.
"Pardon me," said the minister gen-
tly, "the lady must reply."
"Oh, that be all right, master," grin-
ned the groom: "She be very deaf, so
01 be answering for her."
A prolific cause of Piles is the nee of''
cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent;
nature, whichis always followed by a
reaction on account of the resinous, drying .
properties they contain,
There are other causes, bat no matter
what the cause or what the kind of Piles.'
Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid can be 'relied!
upon to cure—to stay oared.
it's an internal remedy that removes'
the oausee of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or;
Suppurating Piles.
A guarantee goes with each package con-
taini.ng a month's treatment.
It can be. obtained for $1.00 at drug�ggists',
or The Wil;on-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagaral
calls, Qat. 6
Tramp (outside the gate) : "Does your
dog bile? Mrs, aateptonwish (on the
porch) : "Yes, he does ; and—oh, please
don't come int We are so particular
about what we feed him on!"
In Nature's Storehouse There are
Cures. ---Medical experiments have shown
conclusively that there are medicinal
virtues in even ordinary plants grow-
ing up around us which give them a
value that cannot be estimated. It Is
held by some that Nature provides a
cure for every disease which neglect
and ignorance have visited upon man.
However, this may be, it is well known
that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, distilled
from roots and herbs, are a sovereign
remedy in curing all disorders of the
Bacon: "Did you ever get anything
on the instalment system?" Egbert:
"Yes , Ig my
o t
holiS ahthatway.
a .
First, I got my wife, then her father and
mother, and now I'm getting her bro-
thers and sisters!"
Success to Life is dependent upon good health.
you are out of sorts, ill or feeble, take
Ferrovtrn." It's the best toric, 41 bottles.
111 medicine dealers.
Cashleigh t "A dog is a man's best
friend, because he never forsakes him."
Harduppe : "That's right. A man can-
not borrow money from a dog."
There are a number of varieties cf
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will re-
move any of them. Call on your drug-
gist and get a bottle at once.
Rachel : "Here is your ring, Solomon.
I can never marry .you, for I love ano-
ther. Solomon : "Vere iss de man you
tot? Vot iss his name?" Rachel :
"Goodness, Solomon ! You won't kill
him?" Solomon : "No ; 1 vill sell him
der ring sheep."
It will Prolong Life.—De Sota, the
Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of
Florida, whither he went for the pur-
pose of discovering the legendary "Foun-
tain of perpetual youth," said to exist
ie that thenunknown country. While
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 will not per-
petuate youth, it will remove the bodily
pains which make the young old be-
fore their time and harass the aged in-
to untimely graves.
Miss Oldham awake in the middle of
the night and found a burglar ransack-
ing her trunk. She did not scream, but,
looking him squarely in the eye, she
pointed to the door and said : "Leave
me at once, sir 1" "Oh, that's all right,
madam," said the burglar, as he backed
toward the door; "I had no intention of
taking you."
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
Jae : "If a girl declines an offer of
marriage and becomes a. spinster, she
is apt to regret it." She : "Yes ; and if
she marries she is apt to regret it—so
what can a poor, girl do?"
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is prepared from drugs known to the
profession as thoroughly reliable for
the cure of cholera, dysentery, diar-
rhoea, griping pains and summer com-
plaints. It has been used successfully
by medical practitioners for a number
of years with gratifying results. if
suffering from any summer complaint it
is just the medicine that will cure you.
Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents.
A division in the British House of
Commons now consumes twenty minutes
The mode of taking divisions by the
members walking through "Aye" and
'No" lobbies and having their names re-
corded has been described by the Primo
Minister as "cumbrous, tedious, and in-
convenient," and he has promised' to
have the subject considered.. in Ger-
many voting usually takes place by
members standing up or silting down
in the Chamber end being counted by
the tellers. In Austria voting -papers are
used. When a question is submitted '0
the ballot each member is ,called up to
the table, and he pieces in an urn a
paper marked "yes" or "no." This
system --which is followed in Hungary-
takes up as much time as walking
through the lobbies. In the French
Chamber of Deputies each member has,
a supply of voting -papers on Which
his name is printed, white for "aye" and
blue for "no," and when a ballot is
taken urns are carried round by ush-
ers, into whteh each deputy drops it
blue or a white tiekot,
Willie : "Pa, what was the name of
that Russian general you read about
Pa : "What do you want to know
for ?"
Willie : "f like to see Four whiskers
ES,SUE NO. 24-01 wriggle alien you say it."
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way,
To appreciate the simplicity and ease of
washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight
way you should follow directions.
After rubbing on the soap, roll up each
.y7— piece, immerse in the water, and go away.
t os..
will d , 1' sixtyes.
1 . o itswork in thirty to minutes.
Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed
in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing.
Equally good with hard or soft water.
!.ever Brothers Limited, roronte rg�
"Does the divorce question interest
you?" asked Mr. Quizzit.
"No," said Miss Flygh. "I haven't got
that far. Ws the marriage question that
keeps me guessing."
Do not delay in gettingrelief for the
little fonts. Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
xterminator is a pleasant and sure cure.
If you love your child why do you let.
it suffer when a remedy is so near at
"What would you do, Henry, if bur-
glars got into the house?" asked a lady
of her husband. "Do ?" replied the man:
"Just what they told me 1 I've never had
my own way in this house yet 1"
There Is no more obstinate skin trouble than
Salt %hheum. It sometimes lingers for years, but
Weaver's Carats makes short work of it. Also,
tako weaver's Syrup to insure permanent cure.
Young Boren (in the parlor)"Tom-
my, does your sister know I am here?"
Tornrny—"I think so. She told mamma
this morning she had a presentiment
that trouble was coming."
A Cure for Costiveness.—Costiveness
comes from the refusal of the excretory
organs to perform their duties regular -
Is from contributing causes usually
disordered digestion. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills, prepared on scientific prin-
ciples, are so compounded that certain
ingredients in them pass through the
stomach and act upon the bowels so as
to remove their torpor and arouse them
to proper action. Many thousands are
prepared to bear testimony to their
power in this respect.
Famous Paris Tailor States That Knee
Breeches Will be Worn.
"Men should not wear trousers,"says
Mr. Redfern, the famous Parisian ladies'
tailor, in giving his views on the sub-
ject of men's attire.
Accoeciing to Mr. Redfern, trousers
are either too long, and have to be
turned uo, or are too light and have
to be jerked up when the wearer sits
down, which is anything but a graceful
gesture. He declares that knee breeches
with leggins for out of doors, would be
the most becoming things in which men
could encase their lower extremities.
According to Mr, Redfern, stiff col -
tars and cuffs are not only uncomfor-
table, but ugly. Frills at the wrist and
a soft turn -over collar would be much
more graceful. His ideas is that coats
with spreading tails, something like the
modern frock coat, but much more
ample, would be an ideal garment for
men, and this should be, if not entirely
made of silk, at least lined throughout
with it. Fancy waistcoats should be
worn at all times. They liven up a
man's appearance.
Lastly, says Mr. Redfern, high and
stiff hats should be replaced by soft
felt with wide brims, the 'reader the
Pretty Parisiennes are setting super-
stition at defiance. The favorite feather
of the moment is the peacock plane,
which has always been, considered very
unlucky. •
Hitherto no Frenchman would ever
permit a woman for whom he oared to
wear yellow flowers, because it is con-
sidered in France that a woman who
wears yellow flowers will be unfaithful
to her love. But this spring buttercups,
yellow tulips, dandelions, cowslips, etc.,
appear in nodding bunches on most
of the smart little morning hats,
Opals are also coming into favor,
Some of the daintiest white gowns with
little square deoolletes seen at the fash-
ionable restaurants, are warn with
strings of opals about the throat, or
adorned with opal buttons.
A remarkable lilt, collected for the
first time, shows that American wo-
men have, within a few years, gained
twenty-three titles by marriages into
English families, twenty-six German
tines, fourteen French, seventeen Itali-
an, and six Russian. It is further esti-
mated that 100 American heiresses have
gone to Europe in dowries no less than
$150,000,000, at an average of $037,500
each. In Great Britain the American
alvei of British husbands help to control
about 2,000,000 acres of land.
" Keeping Everlastingly at It Brings Success."
, ,usts
PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a'3G,000 1st. press (the only
one in Canada) one corrugation at a tame, and is guaranteed true and
straight to size.
We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and
London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received.
Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2'/, inch corrugations in sheets any length up
to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized.
This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing. Barns, Factory,
SIMI and Warehouse 'Buildings and is water and wind proof.
Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers end Galvanized Nails carried in stock.
Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices.
kantreai, cue. Dom, One ion, Dat. Ilan, On(, �'p, lin. Vangouver,B.0.
76 m t 616 Penderst,
453 eases at. 11 lbornest 69 Dundas st. I o bard e
7[h7 Craig St.S Co
Write your Nearest Ofiiee.—READ OFFICE AND WORKS.—OSHAWA, Ont
Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build ing Materials under the British Flag.
In Western Gamna tieffi
ed Lands is
Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.R. & Q.T.P.
Strong soil, 90 per cost. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs
About 40 miles N.Z. of Indian Plead. Pace ilo.b0 per sere.
Write for map and full particulars.
R. PARSONS, pi Wellesley Street, Toronto, Caned&.
enable you to enjoy your meals without
having to spend half your time between
them over a hot cook -stove.
All the cooking is done in Liibby's
kitchen—a kitchen as dean and neat as
your own, and there's nothing for you
to do but enjoy the result.
Liibby's Products are selected meats,
cooked by cooks who know how, and
only the good parts packed.
For a quick and delicious lunch eny
time, in doors or out, try Lalaby's Mel-
rose Pate—with Libby's Camp Sauce.
Booklet free, "How to Male
Good Things to Eat." Write
Libby, McNeill amt Libby, Chicago
Sold by all Druggists and General Stores
and by mail.
mn "•.•i 4 "'�' Sucreuad ra Alk clear%
• 144FAfip�y (i�.iruvi.
t. jhearetendCheapest
.+ ',yet. Cnnees,5kifeheethr-A
SEW pelt fi a'.asuE Ana GET 022 Panes sfs`Kir (3*Yeil,
Over two thousand farms for sale In
Ontario. Send for bur list. Also a Iarge
number of splendid business properties
for sale. Western 'Real Estate Exchange
Limited, London, Ont.
Tho "ynnrTAS" GALVANIC orr4
has cured thousands of
people suffering from
Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Nervousness, Impurities
of the blood, and has a
beneficial effect on the
whole body. We are
makiz,g a special trial
offer to readers of this paper. Send stamp for
testimonials and our trial offer to
The 'Veritas' import Co.,
Dept, 23, 219 Bleary street, Montreal
200 den Wanted at One
In various parts of the Dominion, as
whole or spare time agents, to sell a
high grade stock of hardy and well -
grown trees and plants. Go-ahead and
energetic men can make avery profit-
able business of selling this stock, which
is . well known. Liberal terms and a
complete outfit. Commission paid we,els-
ly. Apply at once to j
Iieiderleigh Nurseries,
'Winona, Ontario.
Established_overa quarter of a century.
yT t. is
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Belling-
ham, Everette, Vancouver, Vic-
toria and New Westminster.
One Fare or $62.50
For the round trip
Tickets on sale June 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 1006, Final return limit .
60 days from date of sale.
The Short Ling to Portland.
Inquire of
J. 0. GOODSELL, T. P. A.,
14 Janes Building, Toronto, Can.
k . 13. CHOATE, G. A.,
11 Fort Street, Detroit, Mich.
Ni/irJrE TiiAD
Kw IkL
t7'itY�; , .;.
at e
_hise tw
Pilling instruments are just the thing for dairymen and farmers, By 1' Q O
their use you can care your own cows and save the (Aponte of a voter).- `-
iiarlan—no special skill required.
Pilling 3filk Neer Outfit for ant treatment, a d 'os. Taote with full directions, taro per sot.
method that mares St% of cases treated, recon- .Pat 3farksr, ,We. Gape Worm 5r z`actor, 2Ge.
tlnded by the United Mtatta Agricultural /Mort. Fr r .dieing Kfe, 10e. Capon bock 'Once.
ant, Wit's full directions, s3.00. Calk 2'rosdr for Agents vrente"d.
Moat, 11.60. rent Aetouel, '1.60. . oa,ul mkt
Cpeasr. '766. talent Cohn se's Pi ri(li61 &S 'P`Son '
6Ittor .Meek Pubes, tee,
Patent Coin Saver 464 Arta gm. Phlladlo'R"ii1
f PitoTOD,eget01002