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1Eat is Result?
If you use PARIS GREEN, H:EL-
Other GERMICIDES of unknown
duality, your time and money - has.
been fruitlessly wasted.
If von buy your INSECT KILLER
At Goles_Drug Store
a7OU can depend upon the quality,
.Ni'l'e sell only Berger's English -always
Guaranteed pure and fresh.
.:4.rouud"from the unopened buds of
the Persian Chamomile.
V&We pay for the best and get it
and it will pay you to get the same.
Costs no more than the unreliable
.Exeter, — Ontario
Where Quality is Everything,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
':TllURSDAY, JUNE 21, '06
Letter from Prince Albert,
You remember (1 bet you don't) that
I am erillhooley, an Irish. Indian born
centuries ago, of whom Dooley is a re-
cent incarnation. The race must be
degenerating, for Dooley is not as cute,.
selfish or calculating as I was in the
long ago. Never nand about Saska-
toon. Dooley left there last week and
1 cattle along. Dooley's interest is al-
ways in the living present.
Prince Albert is a study for the gods,
On the south bank of the great North
Saskatchewan, with a 100 foot drive
round the ourvings of the great river,
its River street facing the drive and
river, lined for a mile with business
houses, a plateau one-quarter to one-
half mile, and then a hill surrounding,
on which ;ire built the old time nabob's
residences. Bat to -day, right at the
foot of the hill, beneath their noses,
are two railway stations and yards,
with their puffing smoke and nuisance.
Picturesque as fabled Greece, unique
as Quebec iu its quaintness and pops-
ley,tion, with an empire to the north of
the river contributary to it, the town
to -day is assuming an enviable posi-
tion. If a. man were fortunate enough
to have come here in March Last and
bought $5000 worth of property to -day
he could sell for at least $25,000, and
yet it is not particularly a boom; no.
Edmonton at' Saskatoon inflation,
Every citizen in business here is com-
paratively rieh; quiet, slow, sure peo-
ple, not a reaple or stir for 21 years.
More property has changed hands in
the last six weeks than in 20 years
60,000,000 feet of lumber will be cut
right here this summer; population
5000; three banks, all in their own
buildings which are fine structures;
hospital; combined railway, traffic and
foot bridge expected to cross the river
this season; Oanadian Northern last
week began regular trains to and from
Winnipeg; daily train on 0. P, R. All
night electric light service; and the
town is now putting in a sewerage
and water system.
The half-breed is a great. factor in
life here -woodman and river -driver,
farmer, squatter, worker; general fac-
totum is the breed. The female breed,
constantly parading in all costumes
from rags to scarlet and cloth of pur-
ple and gold, in countenance from re-
pulsion to fairly good looking, in color
from black to creole, is always in evid-
ence. The male breed (as the pale face
always calls them) in mocassins in
June, red sash, long black hair, pipe
in mouth, is still more in evidence.
The male breeds all drink, all smoke,
and all swear. As Dooley is compelled
to live in a. tavern he sees and hears a
lot of it. The breeds mostly have pos-
session of the hotel bars, and drink
and carouse most of the day and a
great part of the night; all appear to
have money and -to spend it like dukes
-in firewater. The races are distinct.
Breeds are inoffensive and don't quar-
rel with themselves or pale -faces.
They are not thieves; wander in and
out of hotels with valuable property
in bedrooms and doors open. Nobody
minds them and nothing is missed.
An old Indian chief stands this mo-
ment on the river bank -stoical -as a
stone man -with the wrinkles of gen-
erations on his old face, a red hand-
kerchief around his head, a dirty blan-
ket about his body and long boots on
his feet, peering across the river to the
great Northland, on his face an ex-
pression of infinite regret that would
make a stone image weep.
Would that Dooley was a kodak
fiend to pick up scenes and persons
that in the time to come will exist
only in the imagination. Would that
he had Joe Senior at his elbow for a
day or two.
But words fail to describe it all. Let
it pass with the dead and gone scenes
and peoples of the long ago.
Prince Albert, June 12.
Mrs. Louis Staubus and Miss .itch-
• nee of Pigeon, Mich.. are here visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Wurtz.-The cor-
ner stone of Crediton's new school will
be laid on Monday evening next.-
. Tom Klumpp has made arrangements
to run a barber shop at the Bend on
Saturdays during the summer. Tom
is a good head and we wish him every
:success. -Miss Ada Siebert of Platts-
ville is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Samuel
Brown,this week. -The trustees of the
Evangelical church are constructing a
cement walk at the parsonage. -Miss
.'Lydia Finkheiner has returned from a
•.Pleasant visit with friends in Exeter.
• -The Evangelical Sunday school will
-picnic at Grand"Bend Park to -morrow
Friday.) Everybody go and have a
good time. -We are pleased to state
-that Mrs. Mclsaac, who was taken to
St. Joseph Hospital, London, sone
time ago, is rapidly recovering her
. good health. -The fishermen with his
horn is heard quite often in our burg
of late. The fish are of good size• and
quality and they have no trouble in
isposing of their stock. -Miss May
:Coughlin entertained several of her
Sriends at her home on Monday even-
:. ing. Miss Coughlin makes a charming
young hostess and the young people
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. -Sev-
eral of our farmers took in the Farm-
ers Institute excursion to Guelph on
Friday. They returned home feeling
elated with their day's outing. -On
Tuesday es -ening the Centralia boys
name back and played our lads a game
of baseball. The score was 10-3 in fa-
vor of our boys. Bert Clark was the
umpire and acted his part well. -The
•• Orediton football boys drove to Hen-
sail Tuesday evening and succeeded in
defeating the team of that village by
a score of 1 -0. -The concrete walks are
completed west of the corner. The
crossings are being laid this week and
• work will be commenced east of Trick's
dwelling the latter part of the week.
Our town will soon be able to boast of
streets second to none in the county.
•--Our Band favored the citizens with
some fine music on Tuesday evening.
'Well done, boys, do it again. -What's
.the matter with the street light? Tues-
day night it was relighted after a rest
of three months. It is of great benefit
• these dark evenings to the late home-
oomers, especially Sunday evenings.
A large number attended the anni-
versary services at Zion on Sunday.
"_ The preaching of Rev. Holmes of Lu-
aan was listened to with rapt atten-
tion. -Miss Mabel Fair left Monday
:for London where she will take up a
Bourse in nursing at Victoria Hospital.
• -Those who attended the entertain-
naent at Winchelsea on Tuesday even-
ing, given in Brown's hall by the
young people of that place, in aid of
the new public school library, pro
:Pounce it a success.-Robt. Hinds left
"Wednesday for the Old Peoples' Home
at Clinton. -Wilson Hawkins had the
misfortune of having his nose broken
en Tuesday while working with a pal-
' ley in the barn.
the Song'..
of the Hair
There are four verses. Verse 1.
Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling
hair. Verse 2, Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes the hair grow. t
Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. Verse 4.
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the
scalp healthy, and keeps it so.
It is a regular hair -food this
is the real secret of its won-
derful success.
Voirtakinodvoef asxmwnairasl._"
h,Tade byy.r. O. dyer' no., Lowell, Mail
Also•tanufaotbrOrs.bZ '
Alex. Anderson of Detroit, who has
been visiting friends in this. Vicinity,
returned home Tuesday,- -Mise Edith
Arthur spent Sunday at Salem, the
guest of Mrs. 0ragn.-The Ladies' Aid'
of the Audetsou 111ethudist church is
leaving a,strawberry festival on James
Walks' lawn, Townliue, on the even-
ing of June 27. A game of baseball
will be played after which tea will be
served from 6 to 3. -Air. Robert spent
a few days in Sarnia last week. -
A. friendly game of baseball was
played here Saturday evening between
the boys of the 2nd of McGillivray and
the local team, the former winning by
a score of 11 to 6. W. Maguire's um-
piring was most satisfactory. -A
strawberry festival will take place at
Nursery church Friday evening, June
22.-J. Bloomfield and family visited
here Sunday. -What takes our boys
to Centralia Sunday eyenings? Must
be some attraction. -The Ladies of
Christ church, McGillivray, intend
holding a strawberry festival Wednes-
day evening, June 27. There will be
an enjoyable time.
Seyeral in town have been having
oenhent sidewalks pint down in front of
their premises, thus improving the ap-
pearance of the village and alsoen-
handling the.valne of their property,
We hope to be able to report more. of
the good work in future. Those put-
ting down walks aro Messrs. E. Col -
will, 13. Mills, Geo. Baynbaun and
Hanlon & O'Brien. -Andrew Hicks has
purchased the Oobleigh property, pay-
ing therefor $800.-A number from
this locality attended the excursion to
Guelph on. Friday. -Thos. Oliver has
put a; cement wall under his barn. -
Richard Simpson is renovating his
property and improving its appear-
ance, -John Parsons continues very
ill and the end may be expected at any
time. -We understand that Wm. Mof-
fatt will` shortly move his present
place of business down to the Dufferin
ITouse property. -The Orystal Oity
(Man.) Courier of last week says: "Miss
Abbott of Centralia, Ont., arrived on
Friday and is spending a short time
visiting her sister, Mrs, Essery."=Mr.
Luthur Hicks is on a trip to Moosejaw.
-Cedric Hicks is home from Toronto.
Mrs. James Handford is on a visit to
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Forest at To-
ronto. -Leo Coughlin is on a visit to
his brother, Dan., at Calgary, Man.-
Master Clifford Salton of Charing
Orsss is a visitor at the home of his
sister, Mrs. E, Oolwill.
Dominion Day belongs to Centralia.
For many years most successful festi-
vals have taken place here and this
year will be no exception. July 2nd
is to be a big day of sports of all kinds
on the parsonage grounds. Straw-
berries will be here in abundance. The
Crediton band will furnish music. Be
sure you are among the number pres-
ent. The Imperial Male Quartette of
Loudon will assist at the concert in the
evening. Everything will be interest-
The entertainment given here in
Brown's hall Tuesday evening in the
interests of the Pubic School Library
was attended with unqualified success.
The hall was filled to its utmost capac-
ity and the program was well received.
The singing of Will McLeod of Sea -
forth brought forth roars of applause,
ss bile the singing of Miss Anna Mar-
tin was of a high order and was de-
lightfully. received by her hearers.
The two amateur plays, entitled
"Striking.Oil" and "That Rascal Pat"
were special features of the , program,
and those taking part deserve credit
for the excellent manner in which they
portrayed the different characters.
Both plays proved interesting and
amusing. The proceeds amounted to
$60, thus showing the deep interest of
those in the section towards the school
Mitchell: A very pretty home wed -
:leg took plane on Jhne 13th, at the
hew • et' Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kirk at-
i-ick,.Guelpb, when her daughter,Miss
Fre ncis Jeannette, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Sherman Ranson, V. S.,
Porccasts for Jftue.
A teglrlar storm period runs from.
the 23rd to the 27th, with high proba-
bilities that little if any cessation of
disturbances will come between this
and the period immediately preceding
it. As this may_be; from about Satur-
day the 23rd, to Wednesday the 27th,
we will set down as a period ofeneral
if not violent and dangerous diiisturb-
., rices. Such under all conditions exist-
ir.g, except possibly the Mars influence,
would be the case, If heavy storms of
rain, wind and thunder do not appear
et this time peculiar and phenomenal
results will convulse and perturb the
elementsof eat at and slcy.
Just arrived a big package of Jap
auese China -just the thing for wed
ding presents-Chariton'sFair, Exeter
MONEY Losx.-Between the home
of the undersigned, 24 miles North of
Dashwood, and Mr. J. Schroeder's 2i
miles West of Dashwood, a puree con-
taining a sum of money. Finder will
be suitably rewarded by leaving same
at Dashwood Post Office or with
Miss Jessie Baker, who has been
working at Seaforth for some time,
returned home Saturday evening. -
The annual Childrens' Day In connec-
tion with the Evangelical church here
will be held July 15. A committee has
been selected to look after the prepar-
ing of a program and no doubt some-
thing good will be rendered on that
occasion. -J. K. Goetz was in Gode-
rich last week in the capacity of a jur-
or. -Geo. Edighoffer, wife and family
were visiting at the former's sister at
Fullarton's Corners on Sunday. -The
delegates to the recent Sunday school
convention, held at New Hamburg,
gave their reports on Sunday at the
close of the school and from what they
said we glean that the convention was
one of great interest and instruction.
-Yesterday (Wednesday) was observ-
ed as Civic Holiday. The public school
together with a large number of
friends picnicked at Grand Bend.-
Rev. R. Eifert, late pastor of the Ln-
theran congregation here, left for his
new field of labor on Saturday. His
fanailywill follow in a few weeks.-
Arthur Kellerman, student at the
North Western College in Napierril.le,
returned home Friday to spend his va-
cation. -E. P. Paulin had his house-
hold effects moved to Goderich on. Fri-
riday.-Mrs. Louis Simon was taken to
her daughter's horse at Elmira: on
Thursday. Mr. Simon' accompanied
her. -Mrs. Sandercock of Manitoba is
visiting her sisters and other friends
in this locality. -Mrs. C. Miller spent
several days last week at the home of
her daughter on the Goshen Line, near
Zurich. -Jonah Sims and wife called
on Mrs. E.M. Brokenshire ou Sunday.
-Wm. Ehlers has purchaeed a three-
quarter interest in the grist mill here.
He gets possession in the fall.-Tbe
Misses Lily and Theo. Hartlieb and
Miss Sparks attended the Teachers'
Convention at Guelph Friday. -Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman and Miss
Laura Goetz took in the excursion to
the Model farm at Guelph on Friday.
- God fried lvadiger has given bis house
a fresh coat of paint which adds great-
ly to its appearance.
Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas are crisp squares
of wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are as easily digested
by the child and invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana-
dian wheat
anadianwheat flour,in a form
that delights the appetite.
Always fresh and crisp in
the moisture -proof packages.
At all grocers in 1 and
3 pound packages.
Jacob Geiser returned horse from
Cayuga this week. -Lewis Schroeder
has gone to Kirkton where he has ac-
cepted tt position. -Miss Sadie Robin-
son of Detroit is visiting at the home
of Mrs. McPbee.-Will Mason and
Chas. Baumgarten of Woodham Sun-
day ed with friends here. -The thunder
storm which passed over our village
on Friday evening injured Lewis
Schroeder's dwelling, knocking the
chimney all. to pieces. The children
were in the house but were uninjured.
-Miss Mary McDonald of Khivetspent
a few days at the home of Dougal Mc-
Isaaclastweek.-A very enjoyable time
was spent at Grand Bend Friday, it
being our Civic Holiday. -Thos. Ryan
of Chicago, formerly of Mt. Carmel,
has taken unto himself a wife, the
young lady of his choice being Miss
Margaret Fitzgerald, of Chicago. The
interesting event took place in Chica-
go on Tuesday week and the young
couple are now spending part of .their
honeymoon with friends in this local-
ity. -Toto has many friends in these
parts who will extend to himself and
bride their heartiest wishes for a long
and happy married life.
Clinton: While operating a planer
at the organ factory James Reid had
his band terribly crushed which ne-
cessitated him laying off work for sev-
eral weeks.
Nothing Relieved
His Kidneys
Until He Tried
MABxEAM, Ont, Dec. 1, Igo3
" I had suffered for seven years
with kidney trouble. Could
scarcely walk and was unable
to attend to my farm. Saw
" Bu Ju " advertised, and after
taking the first few pills, felt
much relieved. After taking
half a box, was able to do a
full day's work. I know one
box of 'Bu -Ju" saved me
$40.00 doctor bilis. .
It costs only 3c a day to take "Bu Jo"
-the kidney pill that never fails.
All druggists have " Bu Ju " or will
get them for you.
Wood's Phosphotiiae;
The Great English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new
lood in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des-
Samtal Weakness, Emissions, Sper-
or hhcea, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price 81 per box, sisfor 5. One will please six
will cure. Sold by all �ggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of prate. Neto pamphlet
,nailed)ree. The Wood Medicine Co.
(formerly 'Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
lle Dalioo Fllrilhtllre Store
To understand that we have now in our ware -
rooms one of the largest and best assorted stocks
of Furniture, ever shown to the people in this
section. We have ail the latest goods and hav-
ing bought them at close figures we will sell at
Window Shades
We havea splendid stock of these in latest styles
and varied patterns.
Sewing Ma Chines.
We httve•tht' egenoy for the Williams Sewing
Machines,g to be the best.
arhnowleci ed
Baby Carriages, Etc.
Do you want a baby -carriage, go-cart, tr little wagon for your boy? We
have them and you can get no better. •
We have'Everything i douse Furniture—
.Curtain Poles: and Tt'tnamings of all leads.
Easbc ad
The Ideal Beverage
(t.O N DON )
palatable, full ,of
the virtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
P'. McIS i.A.0
Aesriaillawanwlatal.motes ea
Our classes are Much larger than they were a year
ago. The public have learned that this is the best
place in the Province to obtain a Commercial Educe
tion or Shorthand Training, Students are entering
each week. All graduates get good positions.
Write now for catalogue.
VIllytio- imp
rrrr ,{ww
--��� MMM:1Ml•�ri ill (,
l� III:
1� .. �=r=i„es iiw�
fr »„w LLON
POINT 4. The Dillon 1115(41 • BTAY Fenca le
wire on the eome strength
plan. Eauh No, a strand
wire hoe a tensile etreuth of twenlythree hundred
pounds,—nil IUGR -0A10305. rolled wire, illus
Crated 0atalovue fres—lire a;ents ,vnntod.
W a,rpl_�• a .I *I t
W. J. Heaman, Agent.
Confined to Kis Home for Weeks.
' Ae.
"Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits 171 youth brougns
on a double varicocele. When I worked hard the aching would
become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time.
My family physician told me an operation was my only hope -
but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out
all they wanted was any money. I commenced to look upon au
doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me
adv sed me off to
consult Drs, and Kennedy 1 ands Kergan,ndastiohnen d
taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square
,and skillful. Be wrote them and got the New Method Treat -
anent for me. My proems was somewhat slow and during the
ISrst month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However,
h. 3S;,I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded
e ;• : is with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week in e. machine
! :S -shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never lose a
a . aly. I wish all sufferers knew of your vau bl C ea meat. .
BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap
the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system
will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
symptoms—our NEW METHOD positively cures all blood diseases forever.
down your systteem. You AGED-MEN.-Imprudent
the symptoms stealing os verr later you. eMentally, phbroken
and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will you heed the
danger signals?
Are you a victim? 'Have you lost'hope? Are you intending
READER do marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weak -
It w11: dortore3 Method S Treatment
you. What No matter iwhohas
hassntreated others
write (I
or an
honest inions Fre o2enharge. BOOKS FREE—"The Golden Moni-
names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and
cost of treatment FREE for Home Treatment.
Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
KA K.,::K.. K, K tt
. ,>:a - s . _k ss ..,,,. -
If(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1355)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital 'aid tip $3,000,000
(reserved. Fund•.• • • • . ....... $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Fernier s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stuck Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department, posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest 30th
pounded half -yearly andd added to principal June 30th
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
01(0 PLOWS s
We have just received a
carload of Page Wire
Fence, 6 to 9 wires high,
for 33c. and up per rod.
This is recognized tobe
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing andgang plows made
by this reliable firm.
T11011111 011 BAKER
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Companies
E Neter Ontario
He aUiiarters
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
Water Tanks
Finished or in Knock down,.
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs of every description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
The Ross Taylor Co. Ltd
Exeter, Ont.
Marriage Licensee
Issued at the.