HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-6-14, Page 5TIIE ezet.er ft/orat.e, published every Thursday Morning at the Oftlee. MAIN -STREET, .- EXETER. -By the--- ADVOOATE PUBLISHING OOMPANT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid In advance, $1,50. if not so paid. ILdzrertinin.g Rat®s ol1 Apprises. tS.osi No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of JOE PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, stoney orders, &c., for advertising, subscriptions, eto., to be made payable to Sanders It Creech, PROPRIETORS Property for Sale. A fine pasture tannin the Township of Hay, near Sarepta; one hundred acres, 86 acres seeded, frame house and good stable, good water, etc., Another 100 acre farm for sale, in the township of Usborne,south of Elimville,00uyenient to school,well drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainary, Apply to SANDERS & Ci os', Exeter. Dashwood Roller Mill ' A real good time to buy our famous White Star Flour is now. Made from the very finest of wheat -acknowledged to be the hest in America -The Mills, the Millers, and the Milling Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults. -For strength, richness, whole- ness and appetizing flavor it is with- out equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other -gives solid satisfaction to consumer and producer -Buy it and yon will please yourself and your good wife as well. -House- wives all over the county endorse our claims. We solicit your patronage. Jos.Eidt, Dashwood WOOL WANTED 0,„ 50,000 LBS., At Exeter and Centralia and Clandeboye Elevators Jos. Cobbledick Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and- only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger $3; No. 3, for special cases, 15 por box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE GOOKMEDIOINICo.,TORONTO,ONT. (formerly Windor) the firilole 10 Bug FOR THE HOME. Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good High Grade PIANO or ORGAN Emery member of the family willful- ly appreciate it. We carry these instruments in the highest grade and our prices and terms are of the most liberal kind for the Purchaser, Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the market for beauty and durability. Call and see us; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. S.'MARTIN&SON EXETER MARKETS, CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 75 7 Barley...,.,...,.. 40 4' Oats • .. 34 3a Peas .. 65 70 Potatoes, per bag , 1 00 1 1 Hay, per ton 6 50 7 00 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Butter 1 Eggs 16 Livehogs, per stat 7 05 Shorts per ton .... 20 00 20 00 Bran per ton.. 18 00 Dried, Apples......... , .. 6 2 20 18 0° 6 WORKINO WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier, --Interesting State gents by a Young Lady in Quebec and One in Beauport, Que ' i Rilf 4 li 4'114 Roh1 .All women work ; so;noyin their homes, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stoles, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never -ceasing treadmill, earning their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws ; all suffer alike from the salve phy- sical disturbance, and the nature of their duties i nms'1 cases,y , quickly them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displacements or perhaps irregula- rity or suppression, causing backache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. They especially require an invigorat- ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per- form her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derange- ment of the female organism. Mlle. Alma hobitaille, of 7S rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que., tells women how to avoid such suffering she writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham "Overwork and long hours at the office together with a neglected ccld, brought on a very serious female trouble until iinally I was unable to go to work. I then thought of a friend Who had taken Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the same condition that mine was, and straightway sent but E)r a bottle I finished that and took two more before I really began to improve, but after that hey recovery was very rapid, and I was soon well and able to go back to work again. I certainly think your medicine for sick WO - mull worthy of praise, and am indeed glad to indorse it." Miss Clara Beaubier of Beauport, Quebec, writes : Dear Mrs, Pinkham :- "Por several years I have suffered with female . ) t , le trou 1e y 1 h hasbser a serious drain on my vitality, sapping niy. strength and causing severe headaches, bearing -down pains and a general worn-out feeling, until .1 really had no desire to live. I tried many medicines but dfd not get ppermanent relief until I tools Lydia E. Pinkpan''s Vegetable Compound. in two months I was very mush better and stronger, and in fear months I was well, no more disagreeable discharge, no more pain. So I have every reason to praise the Vegetable Compound, and I consider it without equal for the ills of women. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearing• down pains, disordered stomachs moodi• nese, dislike of friends and society -all symptoms of the one cause -will be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suffer- ings to a woman, and receive helpful. advice free of cost. Address Mrs. Pink - ham, Lynn, Mass. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham and for twenty-five years she has, under her direction and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge Lydia E. Piinkhaiv's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fails 1906 1 EIGHTH ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERICU --DETROIT THE BIG- NEW STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND OF THE WHITE STAR LINE WILL LEAVE DETROIT, MONDAY, JUNE 18TH, 8:00 A.M. ARRIVE 1N GODERICH 5:00 P.M. FROM GODERICH FOR DETROIT LEAVE TUESDAY, 8:30 A.M., JUNE 19TIi- (CANADA TIRE) STOPPING OMIT AT FORT HURON, ARRIVE AT DETROIT 4:00 P.M. TWO DAYS IN DETROIT RETURNING LEAVE DETROIT (CENTRAL TIME) THURSDAY, JUNE 21ST, 1:00 P. M. PORT HURON 5:30 P. M. SHARP ARRIVE AT GODERICH 9:30 P. M. LEAVE GODERIOII ON LAST TRIP FOR DETROIT, FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND, AT 8:30 A. Al. (CANADA TIRE) Round -Trip Fare, either way, with hand baggage $1.00 One way with trunk, $1.00. A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford the morning of June 19, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin.Seaforth,Olinton and Holmesville, and arrive in Goderich 8:15 a.m. GODERICII BAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION AT GODERIC H, EIGHT O'CLOCK MONDAY EVENING, 25 CENTS A 60 cent Dinner will be served in the beautiful dining room for this Excursion. Other meals A is Carte. A good lunch can be had et the lunch counter. From Winghauh, 6:40 a.m.; Blyth, Ete„ the morning train, June 19th, connects at Clinton, 7:40 a.m, with Special Train for Goderich. THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES GODERIOH 11:00 P.M FOR CLINTON AND WAY STATIONS TO WINGHAM AND STRATFORD ON ARRIVAL OF STEAMER. Zurich F. Hess, Sr., was in Berlin last week as a delegate to the Lutheran Con- ference.-Miss,Lydia Faust has re- turned from Hamburg, where she was attending the S.S. convention. -Miss Ernestine Treumner has returned to Detroit. -The annual entrance exams. will he held here on June 27, 23 and 29. Geo. W. Shore of Varna will preside. Geo. S. Howard will preside at Hensall this year. -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Merner of the Bronson line mourn the loss of their little daughter, at the age of five weeks. We extend our sympathy to Justified by Merit. As you know, it is an uncommon proceeding on our part to so emphatic- ally endorse any remedy as we have endorsed Bu -Ju. But the more we know of it, the more earnest we are. All we say is, Bu -Ju can help anyone suffering from kidney trouble, as no other remedy can. It works for itself -shows more plainly than words its real use to all who seek a cure. If it is not just as represented, you can have your money back. Fifty cents a box. W. S. HO WEY, DRUGGIST. C the blood spoils s the temper. Keep your liver active �Pills for crossness? Certainly. They remove the cause the ossness vanishes. A sluggish liver poisons and your bowels regular. Have a clear brain, a brave • heartya hopeful outlook. Onto! Ayer's Pills at bedtime. 1,� Al lv egctaoo t SugWe ar-coated,. Sold for 60 yearn. tba'lertlihllN of ill i+irr ueikliliy Lowell stoic ,1J,.wYOW..YIMl,.�11 he bereaved parents. -Samuel Ranniet has returned from his trip to Manito- ba. He was accompanied by hisdaugh- ter, Mrs. Stelck, of Dauphin, Man., who will visit here for a time. -Mrs. Abel Schilbe, who was quite ill last week, has nearly recoyered.-Ed. Kalbfleisch has gone to Saskatoon.- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Flaberer are on at visit to Tavistock, Merlin and Brant- ford. -A number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Mary Stelck, 14th con., and gave her an agreeable surprise. A few evenings ago she attained her 57th birthday and her children and a few friends present- ed her with an address and a hand- some couch. Mrs. Stelck was taken entirely by surprise and thanked the donors for thoir kindness and assisted in making the evening enjoyable and pleasant. -Theodore -.Heideman was arrested by Constable Bossenberry on Friday. S. Ronnie & Son's premises were entered the night pprevious and a stun of money taken from the till. Heidetnan was suspected and after his arrest pleaded guilty before Magistrate Grob and the money was returned to the owned, The prisoner was com- mitted to jail on Saturday. MARRIED, -The home of Thomas Johnson, sr., Blake, was on Wednesday thronged with about fifty friends and relatives who had gathered to witness the marriage of his estimable daugh- ter, ttliss Sarah, to Mr. Israel Linder - held. The bride was handsorxisly attir- ed in white and was unattended. She wags made the recipient of many bean - Will and costly presents, as a slight token of the esteem in which she is held. Mr. and Mrs. Linderield have taken up their residence in London. We extend to them Our heartiest Con gratulations, School Reports, The following is the May report of S. 5. No, 5, Usborne. Names in or- der of merit. The subjects examined were arithmetic, grammar and draw- ing Sr. IV. -H, Bissett, Win. Sillery, E. Ford, L. Rivers, G, Heywood N. Perkins. Jr. IV, -Zoe Sillery M. Moo- die. U. Dayulaln, 11. Bissett, J. Riley, M. Kydcl, V. IIeywood,Elva Ford. Jr.. III.-1Ir, Bernick, V. Hodgson, I.Riv- ens, 13, Ford, E. AfoFalis, V. Moodie, Sr. 11.-R. Siller•y, Ed. Hillery, E. Fish - R. Kestle, A. Ford, G. Johns, N. Johns, -P. Gowans, Teacher. Following is the report of S.S. No.. 0, Usboh•ne,for the month of May. Names in circler of merit. V. -V. Washburn, A. Heywood, W. Elford. Sr, IV. --L. Godbolt, 0. Heywood, L. Heywood. Intermediate IV. -N. Heywood, V. Berryhill, L. Godbiolt. Jr. IV. -Roy Fair, M. Cornish, E. Washburn. Jr. Roorn.-Sr, III, -E. Bloomfield, M. Talbot, J. Creery, L. Godbolt, .7r. III. -E. Heywood, A. Clarke, J. Camp- bell. Jr. II. -1I. Bloomfield, ,., Creery, Pt. IL -I. Creery, R. Goulding, B. Bloomfield. Sr. Pt. IL -D, Cornish, H. Cornish, Jr, Pt, I.- I. Heywood, L. Cornish. L, Johns, D. McDougall l Teachers W. Howard SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the report of the Sr, and Jr. Depart- ments of S.S. No. 1, Stephen, for the month of May Sr, V. -W. Hodgins, H. Duplan, E. Windsor, Sam. McCoy, W. Sams. IV. -G. Essery, ill,:Hep- :Hep- burn, A. Robinson, Jos. White, F. Mitchell, N. McCurdy, C. Wilson, G. Wilson, L. Robinson, G.• Hogarth. M. Elliott. Sr. IV. -H, Hicks, A. Duplan, E. Sims, M. Elston, J. Dempsey. Jr. IV. -R. Wallis, T all[s, I. Essery,M. Callfas M. Eaynham, J. Hogar. Sr. III. - E. Baker, B. Anderson E. Wilson, F. Davey, E. Callfas, H. Windsor, Edna Davey, Roy Callfas, H. 'White, E._ Welsh, N. Hearnan. Minnie Botterill, teacher. Jr. Department. -Jr. III.- A. White 1232, Elva Brooks 997, F. Essery 925, L. England757, F. Fairhall 693, Willie Alexander 491. Sr. II, -E, Neil 1188, R. McCurdy 1133, M. England 1126, V. Hogarth 1078, E. Callfas 931, 0. Motz 024, M. Heist 919, V. Motz 887, W. Ba- ker 863, M. Callfas 826, W. Culbert. Jr. 1I. -M. Neaman 1289, E. Bowden 1031, H. Nei11009. M. Elliott 1003, R. Wallis 996, E. Alexander 345, E. Cul- bert. Sr. Pt. I. -I. McCnrdy,.4. Hack- ney, Geo. Hackney. Jr, Pt. II. -D. Brooks, A. Robinson, E. Wilson, D. Hackney. Pt. I. -V. Davis, H, Elston, L. Baynham, V. Neil, G. Culbert, I. Taylor, V. Wilson. Maude Porter. teacher. T.limville Fer hay forks and slings go to John Cha •lton, Exeter. Quite a large number attended the anniversary services and picnic at Freewill on Sunday and Tuesday. All report the usual good time. The ser- vices on Sunday were conducted by Rev. C. W. Baker, B•D., formerly jun- ior pastor of this circuit. -Rev. A. Barker, B.D., formerly junior pastor of this circuit, is expected to preach the Sunday School anniversary ser- vices in our church on July lst.-Mrs. John Wright spent this week at Whal- en. -Rev. Baker and sister spent, the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Coul- tis. Rev. Baker was ordained at the recent Conference at Windsor,:and we are glad to hear of his success in his examination work, he having obtained the degrees of B.D. He has charge of the Port Lambton circuit this year. Hay PRETTY WEDDING. -Hay once more COD tributes to the happiness of anoth- er home. 'We refer to the marriage of Miss Jean, eldest daughter of Robert McArthur, of the 2nd con., who on Wednesday gave her heart and hand to Peter Manson, of Blake. The young people drove to Hensall on the above day and at high noon the ceremony was performed at Carmel church, Rev. McL. Smith officiating. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk and was led to the alter by her father, while Miss Addie Bell rendered the wedding march. At the conclusion of the wedding march the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's par- ents, where a reception was held. Af- ter congratulations had been extended the company sat down to a sumptu- ous repast. The remainder of the af- ternoon was pleasantly spent in social chat and various amusements. The wedding presents were a striking tes- timony to the high esteem in which the bride is held, many of them being of decided value and great beauty. We trust their marriage may be a joy- ous and prosperous one. Hensall Miss Bella Sparks is home from Lon- don. -Jas. Chesney has fully recover- ed from his recent illness. -J. E. Mc. Donald last week returned from Buffa- alo,-D. Urquhart has moved the flax mill and plant he recently purchased at Astwood. -After a six weeks' visit at the home of Mrs. Billings, Miss Barron has returned to London. - Lorne and Jack Hudson have returned to Marlette, Mich.. after attending the golden wedding of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hudson. The event was celebrated on Monday week and the worthy couple was presented with a purse of gold, a couch, chair and other handsome souvenirs. May they long he spared to enjoy these gifts is the wish of their many friends. -A. R. Jarrott's little girl who sustained a bad cut on the nose a few days ago, will soon be all right again. -Mrs. W. Oolwill, who has been a resident of this village for the past twenty years. left with her daughter, Miss Ethel, for Regina, Sask. We wish them every happiness.in their new hone, -John Short, who has spent many years in Hensall and vicinity, has gone toCred- iton where he will reside with his son. -Clarence, the little son of Manager Billings of the Molsons Bank, bad the misfortune to have the top taken off his thumb, by getting it caught in 0 hewn mower. The little fellow is get- ting along as well its can be expected, -.Sohn Welsh is recovering from .the effects of his recent accident. While fixing the wire on the electric light pole at the old laundry building the pale broke and he went over with it, He alighted on his feet but was so se- verely shaken stip that In. had to hi carried horse. The cords of his legs were badly etrsltiued and his :tinkle rained, How Red Rose Tea is Grown EA is a native plant of Northern India. Trans- planted to Ceylon it lost much of its strength and richness, but gained in fragrance and delle Icy, That is why Ceylon tea is nut a strong tea. That is• why I blend Indian and Ceylon teas together -that is how the strength and richness, fragrance and delicacy of Red Rose Tea are secured -that is why Red Rose Tea has that " rich fruity flavor." ti .ter; is flood Tea Tai v H,, St. ,loin., N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg 11121=treAlMIR-ZMOW=; ,� `02061112101/121•114Mia Hay Council Mawson, Councillors. Minutes of last Hay Council met as a Court of y The0 Re- vision vision on Monde following ap- peals were dismissed: Mrs. G. Hess, H. Deters. D. Daters, D. Pfaff, 0. Red- mond; Win. Howard change made; Maxim and Philip Denomie change macre; M. Gardiner and John Rowe be assessed on Lot 4, Con. 5, and Si Lot 5, 0.n. 5, be assessed to W. Dunsford for $1200, and El Lot 8, S. B., he as- sessed to Charlotte Box; C. Zirk, Lot 20, L.R. E., change made; H. Lipphardt part Lot 21, Con. 10, Zurich, change made; R. Hamilton, Dashwood, assess- ment on buildings reduced to $1200 and business assessment reduced to $700, and the name be changed to Dashwood Planing Mill Co.; Win. O'Brien dog struck off; Nelson Masse, re Sep. School No. 11, not sustained. The as sessment roll as revised was confirmed by the council. The Court then ad- journed and the Council was formed for transacting business. The Reeve and Treasurer were authorized by the Council to borrow $1000 to meet cur- rent expenses. The Police Village of Zurich was granted $155 in lieu of pro- portion of the township rate and lic- enses. A number of accounts were passed. The Council adjourned to Tuseday, July 2, at 2 p.m. - F. Hess, Sr., Clerk. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall, McGillivray, June 4. Present. J. Robinson, Reeve; W.T. Clens, J: Gibson, J. Poore, and W. meeting read, approved of and signed. Ulens-Mawson-that whereas $1.71 has been returned as arrears of taxes on Lot 11, Aux Sauble Concession, said returns having occurred by an error on roll and are uneollertable-. Be it,therefore resolved that the County Treasurer be, and is hereby instructed to strike said •arrea.rs of taxes from the Law Book. -Carried, Mawson-Ulens- that By Law No. 7 of 1906, recinding By -Law No. 1. of 1900 and designating roads to be ianpr overt under By Law No. 580 of the County- of ountyof 1liddlesex,as read a first and second time be now read a third time and pass- ed. -Carried. A large number of ac- counts were ordered to be paid. Conn- ell adjourned to meet in the Town Hall on the last Monday in June at 1 pan. J. D. Drummond, Clerk. 11511. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of'smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should. never be used except on prescriptions from repute• bie physicians, as the damage they will do is ten -fold• to the good you can passible derive from thelia Hall's Catarrh Cure, ,manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous' surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you g -t the genuine, It is taken Inter- nally and madein Toledo`, Ohio, by F. J. CH mot CO. Testimonials free. Sold by all Druggists, Price 75c. per bottle - Take Hall's Family Pills for consti:ration, ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns, Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, etc., have fireproof roofs? Paterson's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof and waterproof -and practically wearproof. It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime. 'We will send you a free sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere handle Paterson's "Wire Edge" or can get it for you. Insist on having it. PATERSON MFG. CO. LIMITED MONTREAL. wwo TORONTO oNVIMMMt 4' tiON R O DER OFC `‘ �1 //G EMINI-, down You can shake a " Sunshine " getting furnace without covered with ashes and dust -has a dust flue through which all the dust and ashes escape when you shake down the fire. This heater is so easily regulated and operated, and so clean, that it makes the entire household, bright and genial. Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free, • Wthiys LOI,mOl1T, ToBaNTo, MONTREAL, wrisu I1'Ee, VANC10UV i'kt, ST. 70BN.ANM7Ta7COI3. T Hawkins & Son, Sole Agents.