HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-24, Page 4?sese`+ edge eraisseete.... z. _».
Foot }.ase
—Mvs. " ?'m. Buchanan is :attending
Ithe 1 ',F.M.S. convention at %Vinui-
peg, she being a delegate from this
place. Before returning she Will visit
her daughter in Carberry and other
relatives in that section, --The partuer-
shi{p existing between John Macarthnr
Guaranteed Absolute- and Harry Arnold, bankers, has been
dissolved,—T, Welsh intends erecting
ly Pure and Certain a handsome residence on the lot he re -
recently purchased, adjoining W.
Oelwilfs, Owen Geiger purchased the
Cure other house an the property.—Dr, A.
B. Smillie, son of Mrs, B. Smillie, has
passed his examination at the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons, in
London, Eng,. and has received his
degree of M.R.O,S,
Sore, tired, sweating, swollen feet.
it controls undne perspiration,
3reeps the feet cool and comfort-
able, and thus affords a pronapt
:relief for tired and blistered feet.
armless and Effective Reedy
for that hot, burning sensation, so
often troublesome in the warm
leas no superior. Price lac, a box,
Prepared by W. S. OOI.iE, PhanB.
.,01reter Abrof.cafe
Sanders ea Creech, Props.
Lightitittg Kilts
Thirteen mourners were killed at a
grave side in Austria by lightniug ou
Friday. Twenty others were severely
Mr. Nelson Kestle of Sharon was the
:unfortunate loser of two valuable milch
:cows on Thursday last. While pastur-
ring in the field both were struck by
- lightning and instantly killed.
Lorne Wickerson, aged 24, one mile
from Byron, Middlesex county, was
milled by lightning on Friday at 1
.-o'clock. He and two brothers sought
refuge in a barn. All three were
knocked down. One was only slightly
Injured, another seriously injured and
the third killed at once.
News of the Week.
Cobalt received a bad shaking up on
:E'riday by an explosion of dynamite.
-No lives were lost but about 25 build
'dugs were wrecked.
.Four known dead, a score or more
...persons missing, hundreds of families
omeless, several million dollars worth
,of property burned, four towns wiped
<out, a dozen more partly burned, five
counties partly devastated. and 100
.square miles of territory fire -swept is
the result of a forest fire in Northern
Just arrived a big package of Jap-
anese Ohina—•just tbe tbtug for wed-
ding presents—Cbarlton's Fair, Exeter,
Miss Maggie Handford, who has
been engaged as milliner at the Eaton
Store, Toronto, is home spending a
few weeks holidays.—The sale of Mr.
Janl.es Wilson's real estate and house-
hold effects was well attended on Wed-
nesday of last week and good prices
were realized. The house property
was purchased by John \'V'ilemi of Mc-
Gillivray, the price paid being $500.
Mr.Gill of Exeter wielded the hammer.
-Miss Lina Hodgins of Bier is the
guest of 1\liss Alfie Hicks of Stephen. --
The Epworth. League of Crediton
Methodist church drove over from
that village on Monday evening and
very pleasingly entertained the league
here to a program of choice selections.
After the program had been rendered
a luncheon was served in the basement
of the church.—The rain and warm
Weather Thursday brought out an
abundance of blossoms on plum, pear,
cherry and apple trees, and if there
should be no severe June frosts, the
indications are for a large fruit crop in
this district,—Messrs. Hanlon and
O'Brien are remodelling, :enlarging
and otherwise improving their store
property. The north side of the pre-
mises is to be rebuilt made suitable for
a hardware department while the rear
end of the store will uhdergo a general
renovation. When completed the
premises will put on a much improved
appearance,and the interior will afford
much better aecomodation to both
customers and proprietors.=—Win.San-
do is also having his property improv-
ed and renovated and the house has
been brightened by a fresh coat of
paint.—Mr. Frank Hicks is visiting in
London. --A team belonging to Mr.
Wm. Treble of Exeter attached to a
heavy wagon caused considerable ex-
citement in town one day last week by
running away. Luckily not much
damage was done.—For some time
considerable agitation has been rife
aver the erection of a proposed new
school for the village. There seems to
be considerable selfishness displayed
by some of the interested parties and
while that exists no good will result
and nothing will be accomplished.
Application was made to the Stephen
Council to take action, but not being
within their powers the matter could
not be dealt with, We understand
that application has since been made
to the county and that the matter will
now be adjusted by arbitration. It. is
to be hoped the difficulty will now be
overcome. •
Goderich, May 22.—An action for
‘ bigamy opened here this morninfi be-
J;fore his Honor Judge Holt, defendant
being Jasper Brindley, of Goderich
:township. Brindley was married on
..April 14, 1897, to a Goderich girl, Miss
Rosa Card, who for some time .past
,"Inas hen living in Detroit, where she
-:.secured a divorce from Brindley last
..Jahuary,on the grounds of cruel treat-
; anent on the part of her husband.
:'Brindley has since married again, his
,r second bride being Florence Emily P1-
. -cot, also of Goderich. The marriage
"'took place in Detroit last month,
"Brindley failing to secure a license in
• '-Goderich. The point of the proscution
• :Is that a divorce granted in Detroit
• does not hold good when one of the
.,parties is a resident of Canada.
Garden Seeds -3 packages 'for 5
-r:oents at Charlton's Fair, Exeter.
Mrs. Hood, who has been seriously
::"ill for some time, is slightly improved,
• ':;",but is still very weak.—Mrs.. John Mc-
., Arthur
c-.,.Arthur spent a few days in London
,during the week.—John, George and
Wm.Welsh leave this week for New
Liskard.—Walter Linderfield has
k:-urned to Londonnafter a few days' via-
laere.—Miss Mary Mack of Exeter was
. Vfiss Flossie Foss' guest over Sunday.
--Gid Hobkirk is putting in a cement
"floor in his stable.—Thos. Kelly, who
Chas been engaged at Zurich for a time,
'has accepted a position with McDonell
-1Bros., and bas moved into Miss 'Eva
"Warring's residence.—F. Blatchford
:has successfully passed his first year's
-'ezatns. at the Ontario Dental College.
For hay forks and slings go to John
Charlton, Exeter.
Mr. Norman G. M edge, Them es Road,
a graduate of St. Marys Collegiate In-
stitute, who is attending the School of
Practical Science, has passed his first
year in analytical and applied chemis-
dor the
To succeed these clays you
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
':hho ohi]rlren eattr+ottlosAlbb'hnve korfri ,earth
Uuiesd the botveis aro n proper con stoat, C'ot•
r'ect pay eonsti :tion by givtn small ratX ttvo
dosesef,kyer'sPills.Altveg iecic,sixgat-aoatod.
inid.AdyA?. ri Ayro0r.,eLoroe
, M,u.
eet2Y RCfORAL.
WB list'o no secrets' 'W Iaubll.ti
the fbrinulite of all our unddidiumq. ,,
'We are pleased to bees that Miss
Nettie Deacon is recovering from her
recent Illness, --Miss Louie Charles of
Belmont spent Sunday and Monday in
the village.—Wier. George Carter, has
disposed of his driving horse to Mr.T.
Baker of Exeter.—Mrs. James Carter
of London is spending a few days, in
the village calling ou old friends.—
Mrs, Neil still continues very low and
is not expected to recover.—Mr. Olsik
has opened up a machine shop `in the
village, representing theNoxonn Manu-
facturing Oo. He also has a nunrber
of buggies for sale.—Mrs. Allison and
children of London are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Ellison Hodgins,—Mrs.
A. Taylor of Parkhill is visiting her
mother, Mrs. R. Hodgins. -Mr. and
Mrs, Hardy of Denfield called on their
friends bete Stuiday.•-Quite €number
from here intend taking in the sports
at Exeter and the races at Parkhill on
the 24th,—Mr. Eli Bice bus purchased
a new rubber tire baggy from A. Clark.
—The wedding of Miss Mabel Hodgins
to Mr. M. McFalls took place in St.
James church on Wednesday, May 23,
at 2 o'clock. They intend residing in
Lucan, where Mr, McFalls is sledging
at the Western Hotel.
J. Brenner, who has accepted a posi-
tion in a furniture factory atStrat
ford, last week moyed his family there.
We are sorry to lose these good citi-
zens, but wish then every happiness
and prosperity in their new home.—
The infant Child of Mr. and burs. D.
Tiernan is very ill with inflammation
of the lungs, We trust the -little one
may soon recover.—Jos. Wambold is
busy these days hanging paper. Joe
is becotning an expert at the business.
—Mrs. (Rev.) Clements and daughter
left last week for Berlin. Rev, and
Mrs. Clements will remain there for
a time.—It is reported that Dashwood
is soon to lose another of its fair sex
who is going to make another home
happy,—Rev. L. K. Eidt is now about
settled in his new home. Thus far- he
seems to be giving entire satisfaction
to his congregation.—Henry Ehlers is
havinga stable built on the rear t of
his lot, Dan Shaffer has the contract.
—Rev. R. Eifert, pastor of the Luther-
an congregation here for tbe .Past
To His
Pleased Customers
The wise grocer studies
his customers—knows their
likes and dislikes --knows
that his best trade want
i''iooney's Perfection
Crew Sodas
Helets them know that
he has their favorite biscuits
—and sees that they are not
asked, to buy something "just
as good," which is NOT
as good.
Grocers who want to please their
patrons always have Mooney s Per-
fection Cream Sodas. In their.
hygienic packager—sir-tight
and moisture -proof
Miss Lottie Gagster has gone to the
Bend for the sunlrner.—After a few
weeks' visit at their homes here the
Misses Lizzie Trueurner and Anna Zim-
merman last week returned to De-
troit.—V. Appel has been assisting at
the Hensall branch of the Sovereign
Bank for the past few days, owing to.
tbe illness of Earl Browning. --Some of
our sports intend taking in the sports
at Parkhill on 24th.—Thos. Kelly, who
bas been engaged with A. Charles-
worth it Son as tinsmith, has gone to
nineteen years, has accepted a e ell to Hensall, where be has aocepted a simi-
Floradale and will preach his farewell lar position. with McDonell Bros. We
sermon on Sunday, June 10th. ;We are indeed sorry to part with Mr. and
are sorry to see Mr. Eifert leave here
as be is a good minister and has labor-
ed earnestly and well for the church
of his choice andhas- Owe) s looked
well after his people. His place here
will be hard to -fill.
E. A. BusIlJEss MEETING. -The an-
nual business meeting; of the Evangeli-
cal Association was held Monday night
at which the following officers were
elected: Geo. Kellerman, trustee for
a period of three years; J. K. Goetz, health until some weeks before her
trustee fur one year to fill the vacancy death. She has resided with her daugh-
caused by the removal of Jos. Snell to . ter. Mrs. Gertrude Hess, for some
Exeter; Adam Birk, Treasurer; E. M. years, coming here from. Da'=hwood.
Brokenshire, Secretary of tbe Finan- She ansa member of the Evangelical
Bial Board. The Treasurer's. report church and was a true Christian wo-
showed a clear sheet with the promise man. Two daughters and two sons
of some more help from some -members survive her, besides a large number of
yet. This is ars things should be and other relatives. Thefuneral took place
with a little push and energy on the ou Monday.
part, of the Financial Board It can he!
so every year. Of course the Board'
can't do much unless the people genre
to their assistance with their money
which for the most part they did this
year, some having done nobly while
others could and should have done a
little more.
Mrs. Kelly as they have always proved
good citizens.—Mrs. Quigley of Blake,
who has been quite poorly,• is slightly
DEATH.—An old and highly respect-
ed resident of this place passed away
on Friday in the person of Anna Wolfe
relict of the late Henry Voelker. De-
ceased bad reached the advanced age
of 91 years and 2 months, and although
well up in years she enjoyed good
OBITVAw .—This week it is our sad
duty to record the death of Anna Eliz-
abeth Truenaner, beloved wife of Mr.
John Willert, which sad event oc-
curred on Friday about noon, at her
late residence, one and a half miles
west of the village. Deceased was a
sufferer from some internal trouble
and at times had to endure untold
agonies, but during her illness she was
never heard to complain, but rather
was submissive to her Father's will.
Tbe hest medical skill and careful nurs-.
ing was procnred for her with tbe hope
that she would soon recover, hut Prov-
dente willed it otherwise and on 'the
above day our dear friend fell asleep
in Jesus. Mrs. Willert, who was in
her 63rd year, was twice married, her
first husband, Mr. Tiernan, having
"gone on before" many years ago. By
him she leaves a family of five, three
sons and two daughters. Several years
ago she was married to her now bereft
husband. This union was blessed by a;
family of three, two sons and one
daughter. She was a true helpmate
to her husbands, and a model mother
to her family, and always preferred
the joys of horne to the attractions of
the outside world. Her friends she
numbered as many and by her dentise
we lose a true citizen and neighbor.'
The funeral took place on Sunday to
the Lutherian church cemetery and
was followed by a large concourse of
sorrowing friends. The bereaved hus-
band and fancily have the sympathy
of the entire community in this their
severe trial, and we commend them to
Him who rules the universe and doetb
all things for the best.
MARRIAGE.—The marriage occurred
at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
John Ogden, Whalen, on Wednesday,
May 16th, of Mr. J. B. Armitage of
Lucan, to Miss Mary Ogden. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Racy of
Kirkton in the presence of a. number
of the relatives and friends of the in-
terested parties. The best wishes of
their many friends is extended to them.
has removedfrom our midst another
of Usborne's pioneer settlers, and a
man noted for his strict integrity, no-
ble character and those excellent qual-
ties which tend to the uplifting of the
human race. We refer to the demise
of Mr. Robert Creery, who passed
peacefully away at his home in the
township of Usborne, Lot 12, conces-
sion 10, on Wednesday evening, last
week. For the past few years Mr.
Creery has been in a rather feeble
state of health, suffering from no par-
ticular disease, simply a weakening of
the physical condition and the infirmi-
ties incident to old age, but be enjoyed
alibis faculties up
to the last,
the end came peacefullyandithoua struggle. Decease
horn on the towuland of Athgaiton,.
Ulster, Ireland, on August 12th. 1819,
consequently was in the 87th year of
Leavingthe land of his birth
bis age.
oie theg16th day f May,1843,he arrived
et Cornwall, some seven weeks later.
From there he went to the township
of Eequesing.County of Halton, where
in the year 1852, he -married Mary Nix-
on. In 1853 deceased moyed with his
family to tbe township of Usborne,
settling on the above named lot where
he lived continuously up to the time of
his death. Mr'.Creery was of a reserv-
ed and unobtrusive nature, but was a
niaan of keen perceptions and intelli-
gence, never, aspiring to public posi-
tions other than those affecting his
own locality. In the year 1842 he was
elected as Councillor for the townshi
and iu 1863 as Deputy Reeve, which
°ffle,- he continued to fill for fifteen
year s. His efficient services as a
rni w1a'r of that board showed that he
bed ,a true estimate` of his duty as a
izen, displaying the qualities of use-
fuineas and excellence. He was a
thorough farmer in every respect and
by hie skill and well'directed efforts
sueeeeded in accumulating consider
talili,tfthisworld'sgoods. A true roan,
x-taurnch friend, an earnest and con-
elet1'nt christian, Ur. Creery Carries
with bite to the grave the record of ia.
life well lived and of duty faithfully
perfrarutred. There survives a grown-
rp farnily ofseven--four sons and
three de Lighters —John of Alvinston
4l'illiarn, Robert and Josiab. Usborne,
Mrs, Berry, St. Marys; Eliza Jane and
Levin:at home. Itis aged partner in
Life piealeoettsed hitt about fourteen
years. The funeral took place to the'
Kirkton cemetery on Ssturday end
iva very luI'gely attended.
Many a Woman is
Taking Headache
who onghttobe taking Bu-ju.
The kidneys are making the
head ache. they are not doing
their work properly not
purifying the blood—not ridd-
ing the system of poisons.
These impurities stagnate the
blood—irritate the nerves—
and bring the headaches that
so many women suffer with.
takes away the headaches
because they take away the
poisons in the kidneys. They
act directly on these vital
organs, strengthen and heal,
reduce the inflammation -and
stop the headaches because
. they remove every trace of
'Kidney Trouble. At drtiggistb.
Weimar, Our. • • NEW Yam
Wood.'s Phosphodias;.
The Great English.E e»Ielrr
Tones and invigoratesthewhole
nervous system', makes new
loodin old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debit'l, Mental and Brain Worry, Den,
pondcncv Sexual Weakness Emissions, Spee
matorrhaaa, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price i1 per box, sixfor$5. One will please rix
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed
Plain pkg. on receipt of price. New
ew pane
maZedjree. Tha'WOOa MOdisine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont,
c Dasllwuud Furiliture Shire
To understand that we have now' in our ware-
rooms one of the largest and best assorted stocks
of Furniture ever shown to the people in this
section. We have all the lastest goods and hav-
ing bought them at close figures we will sell at
Window Shades
'vVe have'aa splendid stock of these in latest styles
and vaaiied patterns.
Sewing Machines
We have the agency for the Williams Sewing
Machines, acknowledged to be the best.
Baby Carriages, Etc. ,
Do you want a baby -carriage, go-cart, or little wagon for your boy?
have them and you can get tin better.
We have Everything in,,lloi1se Furniture—
Curtain Pales and Trimmings` ofall kinds..
Brewed from see
AS Pt FOR tested bops, 'choice
barley malt and
pure spring water,
with, the utmost
care. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to erasure proper
handling. That is
why Labatt's Ale
is equal to the fin-
est, surpassed by
none, though it
costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods.
ROi'40QN )
India Pale Ale
r ashwood
l► ' -gym '
1 .19.
3rsoi r , ■w'
jia rir i r.I.ggr, l =% FENCE
POINT O. Tho Atlien $INOE.STAT Fence la to
your stook what inaranca Into your family. It
pprotociotI 61 andofteneoyu.costofvetorLrary.
niustrnte 1 Optaloguo Irre-ltvo igsnts wanted.
((// a>,Ins•ILr rir_aft t It IL r
WV RE ♦ firA 1<C ,7 \t171 LIMITER,
-W. J. Heaman, Agent.
2 Days In Detroit
1 lINEN, you become disheart-
ened when youfeel the symp-
toms 'of Nervous Debility and.
decline stealing upon you.
You havan't the nerve or am-
bition you used to have. Son
feel you are not the man you
ought to be. You fael like
giving up in despair, you get
nervous and weak,, have little
ambition, pain in the back
over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tired mornings,
prefer to be alone, distrustful,
variable appetite, looseness of
hair, poor circulation — you
lrnve Ncr',mus Debility, Our
New Method Treatment Is your
refuge. It will strengthen all
weak organs, vitalise the ner-
vous system, purify tha blood
and restore you, to a manly
conditio n..ty
,.. , _._-, ..-,.o„mea:.-, . x-...10,: Pay tivher ' - ' ' Y. oihv
d C A D ED Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are
you in-
READER tending to -marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have
i o has do re fort others New it will dot1forod Treatment
No matter who has treated you, write for.an ]honest opinion free of
Charge. Charges reasonable. BOO' FREE—"Thr Golden Monitor"
(illustrated). on Diseases of Men. Sealed Book on "Diseases of
Women" Free.
ESTABLISHED 2i YEARS—NO CURE., -NO F.Y. No 1£edirios• sent
C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything eonatlential.
Question list and cost of treatment FRCS.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit., Mich.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1355)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capita -1. Paid Vp $3,000,000
Preserved ..............$3,000,000,000
OM^F'IOE ROtJllS 10 a. m. to 8 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
• posits of Si and upwards received. Interest oom-
Saving Bank Department. pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th
and December 81st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON83 CA1tLINt1, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON,. Manager.
We have just received a
carload of Page Wire
Fence, 6 to 9 wires high,'
for 33e, and up per rod.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market,
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walling, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm,
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin Flow Companies
Lumber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
--- Water Tanks
Finished or in Knock down,
always on band.
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs of every description.
ustoro, sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given:
a Ion Oo,Ltd,
Exeter, Ont.
Issued at the