HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-24, Page 1PERSONAL. 1 Remember that through the ADvo'-•' OATH yorx reach more people than through any other channel. i NINETEENTH YEAR. EXETER,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1906. Farm 'ill or n Other property sold. bought or exchanged for yoll at reasonaible commission, Apply- SeeeemilaS SG OameC e. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's Security Savings SOVEREIGN Stands for Security and Stability You are sure of BOTH and much MORE in 1 Sovereign.. Bank of Canada1 wi deposit of $11.00 opens a SAVINGS A aaOUKT upon lich interest is .paid four times a year. DO IT NOW " Put your-, money in a place where you can get it when you want it: JOS, SHELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood, The Old Reliable We carry one of the finest, up-to-date stocks of READY---TO--WEAR CLOTHING` in thetown, both in Men's, Boys' and Youths'. The quality and styles the latest, and as cheap as the cheapest. Just re- ceived a consignment of these goods to-day.;Come and inspect them and convince yourself that what we say we do. Another thing we would say not two or three pricesfor the one article. Our stock of new and natty TIES, FANCY SHIRTS, in soft and hard fronts, are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. We carry a full line of Dress Goods in all the leading cloths, Venetian, Broad- cloth, Tweeds, Eolieanes, Crepe de Chene, Corde de Sol, Cashmeres and Lustros in all the leading shades. 1 That we have in stock Silk and Lawn Waists that have no equal as -to price, styleand grzality. U1 T FORGET Yon cannotbelp'-buy. Prices very reasonable. D We still carry the celebrated "Astoria" Shoe. Highest price paid'for Produce, CARLING BROS. B e Loyal: The 24th of May comes but once a year— Celebrate it. Our store will Abe closed all day. Haying Will Soon Be Here Look to you haying tools, and see if your are ready _ for that very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you any tools you may need, such as Hand Forks, Etc., and we especially emphasize HAY FORK ROPE We are showing the lowst quality of British Manilla Rope. The price is 15c. per lb. . 5 per cent, off for cash. Binder Twine: Don't neglect to leave your order early for Binder Twine. We have 3 tons of the celebrated Plymouth twines for sale—none other is quite so good —prices guar anteed. COWARD & BLOOMFIELD Winchelsea iProreSSional Cards. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. p D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE; Over Dickson & Carling'e Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy DENTIST. without any or anybad effects h extracted t Teenpain, Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Medical Pasture Farm to Rent. The undersigned is offering to rent that desirable 100 acre farm in the Township of Stephen, being lot 18, eon. 18, for pasture purposes, There is an abund- , once of water on the place and lain every way well suited for pasturing stook. Terms very reasonable. Apply to Miss Annie Burke, Dashwood. F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor, Univ.) MEMBER • College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. • Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. ;Legal. D1JICIiSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI• tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Moncy to Loan at lowest rates of interest. 0f11ces, Main street, Exeter; . 1 R. CARLING!, B.A., L, H, Dioitsto VIONEy TO LOAN. We have a.large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est. MADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, So]icitors,l1fain st., Exeter Oh Money To Loan. Township of Stephen. i have private funds to loan on farm and village properties at lowest rates of interest. ERNEST ELLIOT Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision for Office opposite Central Hotel, ]ilain•st„ Exeter the.esessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, Will hold its first meeting for the present year in the LLOYD P. JONESTOWN ITALY, CR IDITOI.V, ON SATURDAY, MAY 260 at 10 R. DI, Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist HENRYEILBF Church, Teacher Pinno, Organ, 'vole°, Harmony,. R, Modern methods, Thorourhness Crediton, May 8th,1906, Township Clerk. For Sale or Rent. 14 story residence in, good repair, and 1 acre land, Good fruit trees and the best of water. Will sell cheap. Apply to S. IRELAND, Dashwood. WANTED: by Chicago wholesale i esale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory, Salary 620 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position•permanent. No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self•addressed enveloped. SUI'ERINTENDENT,139 Lake St., Chicago, I1]. For Sale. That well drained, well improyed and truly up-to- date farm, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex, conta Hing 100 acres of land. Situated on the premises are a good 2 storey brick house, bank barn 00x40, cement hog pen, wind mill and good young orchard. This is, truly a most desir- able property, well supplied with water, convenient to school and churches and one of the mostimproyed farms in the County of Middlesex, For further par- ticulars apply to PATRICI( WIIELII%AN, DICKSON & CARLING, Whalen P, 0. Barristere Etc., Exeter. Court ' of Revision. FOR THE 1 The District Meeting. The annual meeting of the Exeter District of the Methodist church was held in the Main Street church last Wednesday and Thursday, May 10 and 17, The meeting opened sit 10 a.m., the Rev. A. H. Going, B.A., Chairman of the District, in the chair. After the usual devotional exercises Rev. Leon- ard Bartlett was elected. Secretary of the meeting and Rev. F. J. Sutcliffe, assistant Secretary. The 'first day's session was devoted exclusively to business referring to 'ministers alone. All the ministers on the district were present, except Rev. J. Veale of Kirk - ton, who is ill of pneumonia. Rev. 0. C. Cousins was elected to audit the schedules and Revds. Dr. 'Medd and S. J. Allen were appointed to Resolution Committee, There are but two proba- tioners rob 8tioners on the district, Wro. A. Wal- den and David Wren, both attending Victoria College at Toronto. Certifi- cates of standing were presented- by each of these and it was recommended that they be preinitted to return to college to pursue the B.D., and B.A. courses, respectively. After a careful review of the work of the year the meeting adjourned tomeet with the representative laymen 'from the, cir- cuit the following morning. Wednesday morning at the general Session all the members, lay and cleri- cal, were present,anrl the usual review of the work from the business stand- point was proceeded with. The re- ports of the work on the district was encouraging, there being a substantial increase in missionary .contributions -and the other funds of the church. A small increase was also recorded in the membership of the church. The Rev. 0. 0. Cousins and J. 0. Stoneman were elected to represent the District on the statistical committee at the corning Conference, and the Rev. Wan, Godwin was elected to the stationing committee. Two very important me- morials were brought -in by the , corn- uiittee on resolutions and forwarded bv, the meeting to the coming general Conference, the one on the advisabil- ity of having all baptized children of Christian parents entered in the re- cords of the church as members; the other had reference to the mode of electing the District President of the Epworth League, recommending that it be done by nomination and ballot. Resolution was also passed eowpli- mentieg the Chairman on the manner in which he conducted the business of the district during the year and the fairness with which he presided over the meeting; also to the trustees and members of the Main Street church forthe use of the beautiful educe and the entertainment afforded the 'niem- ber's of the district. Messrs. T.B. Car- ling and H. E. Hneston go to Confer- ence from Exeter. The meeting ad- journed with the benediction by Rev. A. McKibben of Ailsa Craig. The date for the West and. South Huron Farmers' Institute excursion to the Model Farm, .(euelph, has been fixed for Friday, June 15; East Huron, Saturday, June 23. and North and South Perth, Thursday, June 28. Sale Registers. SATURDAY JUNE 2.—Household effects, the property of C. SATURDAY, William St., Exeter. Sale at one o'clock, John Gill, suet. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, on Tuesday, the 6th day of June at 3 o'clock p.m. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerkbefore this date. W. LAuz Clerk, Dated Jan. loth, 1006. Court of Revision. Public notice is hereby" given that the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter for the present year will hold its first meeting at the TOWN HALL EXETER o;s MONDAY, MAY 2Sth, AT 7.30 P, M. JOS. SENIOR, Exeter, May 7th, 1906. Village Clerk. Notice to Creditors Under R.S.O. 1807, Chapter 129, all persons hay ing claims against the estate of Thomas Glenn, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 16th day of February, 1906,• are required to send the same to R. R. GLENN, LUMLEY, P.O., ONT. Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or before the' 15TH DAY OF JUNE • NEXT, and in default thereof the Executor will not be rs- sponsihle to any person whose claim he shall not have received at that date, H. J. D. Cooke,. Solicitor for Executor, Dated at Hensall this slstday of May, 1006. Annual Meeting S. South Huron n Farmers Institute The annual meeting of the South Huron 'Farmers' Institute will be held in MILLER'S HALL, HENSALL, on MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 1906, at one thirty o'clock. The following order of business will be transacted: Reports of President, Executive Committee and Auditors, suggestions of points at which to hold regular and supplementary meetings, election of Directors and Auditors for ensuing year, etc. A tjudging Ohms demonstration will. be conducted at hree oclock by Mr. H. S. Arkell, Il. 8, A., 0. A. 0. Guelph. A cordial invitation is extended to all; young men eepecinliy. An excursion w1311 be held to the Model Vann at Guelph, June Isth 1006. Seed meeting will be held at Crediton, June 2nd. See email bills for particulars of excursion and seed nrecting, . ,INORTON, R. GARDINER, President. Secretary, Tried; Again but Tried in Vain/ 0000 more the Exeter and Crediton basetetll teen's met in battle royal on the`xecreationi grounds at Crediton on Friday evening last. Many times dur- ing the pita few'yeenrs have these two teams 1Ronie together but always with tlio ,shine result to a greater or : lesser degrees, that is, a victory for the Ored- iton 1bnts, On Friday the victory was to the t nee of 10--2. The Orediton team is cemposed this year of nearly the same players as last year. Ecu' and Snell are pitcher and cateber,r'espectively, and they are bard to none,, while they receive support from the basemen and fielders which is :of thefight sort. Considerable of the seccess of this team is attributable to the feet that have been able to "hi lii. trgether for years. They know their eositions, practise them and play thein well, besides being able to rely on. eaeh c.tber, • The Exeter team on the contrary is greatly changed inits individual play- er every year. Only two or three of the old players sticking together from e e r year to 3 a , consequently, although many good individual plays are made, the team work is not up to the mark. The boys are plucky, however, and al- though they have repeatedly failed to trim our friends from Crediton, they are still bent on achieving that result. Many good games have resulted from this friendly rivalry that exists be- tween .the two places and we look to see many more. The best of feeling exists, and this is the proper spirit in which to carry on the sport. The team that went to Crediton on Friday Was composed of members of the Exeter team and linemen of the teleph negang working in town. The visitol'e wejr'r~ unfortunate in having their reeler, Torn Carling, injured before the game commenced (particu- lars of which are given in a local col- umn.) Torn is developing into a first- class pitcher. and with a little more experience will be able to " put 'ern wherehe wants 'em." A. large number of spectators wit- nessed the :game, which consisted of seven innings, with the home team an innings to spare. It was free from the slightest approach to a wrangle and the umpire, R. N. Creech, is congratu- lating himself that the first game of the season passed off so smoothly and that be had no occasion to dodge a ball. a bat or a brick -bat from either spectetorar player, friend or foe. Features of the game: A remark- ably fine one -hand catchof a long fly by Powell, followed by a pretty, long- distprncet:irow to first, all the :time stanYiir,``eee a pool of water, .several incbes,deep.-Snell made a beautiful catch of a long foul. -Crediton made most of the runs in two innings. -Few bn.tsmen walked on balls. ONCE AGAIN. On Tuesday evening last (since the above was in type, we may say) the Crediton and Exeter basehalltea ms met again, this time on theExeter grounds, and the result was a rather signal defeat for the home team, the score being 16-1. There were few changes in the players on the teams. A. good crowd of spectators was present. The Exeter bolewere rather up in the air on their fielding and throwing, while Crediton played a good game. Claude Bluett gave satisfaction as umpire. Crediton Mrs. Albert Sweitzer and son, Karl, have returned from their visit to Lon- don. -Mrs. Albert Morlock, Miss Marie Morlock and Mrs. Dan Sweitzer spent the 24th in London. -Mrs. Mellin is having her dwelling repainted.- Sev-eral from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John SVillert at Dash woad on Sunday. -Robert Heylock, wife and family of London are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Wein for a few days. Mr. Heylock is in charge of the chemical engine of the Central Fire Hall in the city and is here on his va- cation. -Mrs. John McIsaac still con- tinues';to improve, -Wes. Finkheiner spent Sunday with "friends" in Dash- wood. --res. Chas. Zwicker has return- ed from k visit to her parents in Park- hill. -Mrs. Lingleback, Mrs. Zimmer- man and Mrs. Manz of Tavistock were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oestreicher on Sunday. -Oscar Wolfe is recovering from his recent illness. We noticed in the Free Pree of May 23rd, that while preaching in Zion Evangelical church, Berlin, Sunday evening, Rev, G. D. Damm suddenly lost his voice. Geeing able to speak only in a whisper, he was forced to stop and the congregation was dis- missed. Rev. Damm was the late be- loved pastor of the Evangelical church here and the many friends here trust that he hae,ere this,recovered his voice. -The R. T. D. C. are to meet at the home of the Misses, Kuhn, May 28th. An interesting tirne is expected.-Jno. Schroeder and Jos. Banes are placing foundations under their barns. -Dan. Kilpatrick has accepted a position with Geo. Holtzman as carpenter. -"Billy" 'Weston was in our burg Monday night selling medicine and left Tuesday sev- eral dollars richer, -Mrs. Eli Sweet and little daughter left a few days ago for Island Lake, Sask., where Mr, Sweet is conducting a general store. We wish the family every happiness and prosperity in their new home. The Epworth League of the Methodist church visited the Centralia League on Monday evening. A program was rendered by the visiting society, after which lunch was served. All t'eport having hada very pleasant time, -The Lady Maccabees of Crediton, who are canvassing i for names for their signa- ture quilt, are meeting with greatsuc- cess. When the quilt is completed it will be sold and the pf"oceeds go to- wards buying a hall. We wish the ladies continued success. FOOTBALL. --.Exeter end Crediton footballteatns met on the recreation grounds on Thursday evening last. The ground was wet and muddy, with. ,DR. OVENS If you require Glasses for the relief of Failing Eye- sight, Squint, Dizziness, Bil- liousness, Etc., do not fail to consult Dr. Ovens, at Commercial Hotel, -ON- FRIDAY, JUNE Ist1 Deafifess orad Catarrh Treated. here and there a pool of water, as a consequence of the heavy rain of that morning, and the game was, therefore, not as good as it might have been. When a skirmish took place in a wat- er pool it was very interesting to the spectators but not so pleasant for the players. The Exeter boys wexe heav- ier than the Crediton boys and this fact helped to make the score fav- orable to the visitors, although the margin was not wide. The final score stood Exeter 2; Crediton 0. BASEBALL, -On Friday evening the Exeter team, composed mostly of tele- phone boys,carne hack here to play our boys, "The Stars," a swift game of baseball. They were obliged to return borne sadder and wiser men, having been defeated by a score of 10-2.. Just before the game commenced, Tom Carling,- Jr„ of the visiting team was struck in the face and had his nose badly broken. His many friends here hope he will suffer no ill effects. The return game was played in Exeter on Tuesday evening when Crediton won out by a score 16-1. (For a fuller ac- count ofgames see report in another column.) Granton We are son ry to learn that Rev. G. M. Kilty is seriously ill at his home here. That he may be speedily re- stored to good health will be the wish of all who know him. His mother is at present staying at the rectory.- Miss Florence Lankin, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, has passed the examination of her final year. We congratulate Miss Lenkin on her success. Shipka Ned Sheffer of Hensall is working on the Hannon building. - Miss Josie Flannagan of Orediton, who has been at Mrs. Sam, Sweitzer's home sewing during the past week, returned home Tuesday, -The rock well diggers who dug a well for Mr. Jerry Brophey moved to Mr. Mike Finkbeiner's last Tuesday. -J. D. Hannon's store is still under the carpenters' hands. -Mr. and Mrs. John Geiser of Crediton were visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Wing the past week. Caiyes for Sale. George Chapman of Atwood will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Sat- urday, June god, at 12 o'clock, with a load of good, well-bred calves for sale. Mr.aud Mrs. C. Lin edenfelt Sund eyed with friends in Zurich. Miss Garry of Mitchell is the guest of the Misses Kinsman. Mrs. Inksater and little daughter re- turned to Paris on Monday. Mr.John Thompson of Falkirk spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. Adolphus Evans is the guest of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Treble. Mrs, Yager, after a week's visit in Clandeboye, returned home last week. Miss Nettie Walters of Toronto is spending.a few NV eeks' holidays at her home heee. Miss Olive Irene Hooper this week graduated from Victoria Hospital, London, and received her diploma. Miss Orme of Lucan also graduated. • Mrs, S. Adare of Parkhill is visiting. Mrs. R. Remmer. Miss B. Steinbaoh visited friends in Seaforth over Sunday. Miss Gertie Sheere is spending Vic- toria Day in Brantford. Mr. W.T. Acheson and son, Garvey, were in London Saturday. Mr. James Smith is home from De- troi t,afflicred with some facial trouble., Airs. W. G. Bissett spent Tuesday and Weduesday with friends in Lon- don. Mrs. Wright of Exeter North has re- turned from some months' visit 1tee. Flint, Mich. Miss Effie Tyler of Bryanston is aw visitor at the home of her aunt, Mrs,.. Henry Rlrmohr. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins went to Lon-• don Tuesday on matters in connection; with the church. Mr. John T. Westcott has returnee&' from Galt where be has been lathing- for the past month. Mr, James Wanless returned to Du- luth on Thursday last. Mrs. Wanlessr. will remain for a few weeks. Mrs. H. J. Glanville of London is vis- iting her is_.itingher mother, Mrs. Sweet, on.Hur- on street for a few days. Mrs. Young of Wingham and Mrs.. Gowan of St. Marys are visiting Mr,.._ and Mrs. P. Gowan, Usborne.. Mrs. Prodgers of London arrive Wednesday morning and is the vest. of her brother, A. J. Ford. Mrs. Albert Johnston of Dungannon arrived here Saturday to see her fath- er, Mr.C. Perkins, who is seriously ill - Mrs, G. A. Ramsden, aeaompaniedw by her daughter, of Geo1'getown, he visiting iter feather, Mr,"Thos. Russell.. • Mr'.. and Mrs. John Oreery of Alvin-.- ston were here this week attending the • funeral of the former's father in Us - borne. Mrs, Ed. Tomlinson of London spent. several days of the past week visiting leer father, Mr. Robert Frayne. Mr. Tomlinson also spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs.John Spackman attend- ed the funeral of the late Chas.Gilbert at TaIbotville, on Friday last. Deceas- ed was a brother-in-law of Mr. Speck- man. BIRTHS KUNz.-In Exeter, Wednesday, May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kunz, De - daughter. Mc0on tecae AtSt. Joseph's Hospital, London, on May 17, to Mr. and Mrs.. Zacb. McCormick, Lucan, a daughter,. MARRIAGES. TUDOR-ELLIOTT-In Bayfield on May- 15, ay15, by Rev. Stead man, Edward Tudor - of Verna, to Miss Susie, youngest daughter of Gabriel Elliott, Goderich township. MCFAILs-HODGINs-At Sb. James - church, Clandeboye, on May 23rd, Mr. M. McFalls of Lucan, to Miss Mabel Hodgins, of Clandeboye. DEATHS CRERRY,-In Usborne, on May 16, Rob- ert Creery, aged 86 years, 9 monthse and 4 days. WILLERT-In Dashwood, on May 18,. Anna Elizabeth Truemner, wife of John Willert, in her 63rdy ear. VoELxER--At Zurich, on May 11, Anna•. Wolfe, relict of the late Henry Voei-• ker, aged 91 years, 2 months. MALLOY-In Brucefield, oo May 18,.. Thos. Malloy. If It's a Good Thing, Heaman Has It Samson Brand Portland Cement Unequalled, for Walks, Walls, Floors, Etc.' Our prices are right. Ready Mixed Paints All sizes of tins in stock at 15c 25e 40c 45o 80e and -90c. Floor Lac Chijap Floor Lac for beautifying old and new floors 40c and 75e tins Lawn Mowers Examine and get our prices on Lawn Mowers We have them from $3 to $8 eeman's Hardware & Stove Store,