HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-10, Page 7Pte, LISTLESS G1iltLS. Can Duty Obtain IIIegltli Through. New, Rich. Pure Blood Made he or. Williams' Pink Pills.. Growing girls—girls in their teens— must have rich, pure blood. Healthy womanhood depends upon the vital change from girlhood to maturity. Ev- ery wozxran should most oarefully wat le her daughter's health at this Cri- tical period. If a. girl at this period has ieadaehes, if she is pale, thin and lan- guid, it shows that her slender blood supply is being overtaxed, She will always be ailing and may slip into a hopeless decline or carteurnption if her blood is not bullt up at once with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The rich, red blood which these pills make bring health and strength to every organ, and make dull, listless, languid girls, bright, rosy-cheeked, active and strong, Miss Maggie Donahue, Erinsviile, Ont., says: "Before'I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was badly run down, and it seemed as though my blood had turned to water, I was very pale, suffered from headaches and palpitation of the heart, and often 1 would pass sleepless nights. I found nothing to help me until I began .the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these have fully restored me and I can truthfully say I never enjoyed better health than I am now doing." When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills re- place bad blood with good blood they strike sreight at ,the root of all coim- I'tlon ailments like anaemia, decline, Indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, skin eruptions, erysipelas, neuralgia, Si. Vitus dance, paralysis, rheumatism, the d n to s special ailments ofo�vin �' g girls and 'women. Be surd you get the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple," printed on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine ,dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A GOLD -SEEKER. A Cheery Man Encountered on the Way to the Klondike. The craze to "get somewhere where gold is" leads adventurous men into all sorts of dangers. The author of "The Trail of the Gold -Seekers" tells of some of the men encountered on the overland journey to the Klondike. One man who had been out of provisions for days had been living on squirrel and such other small garne as he could capture and roast along his way. But he was still cheerful. Ise was hairy and ragged, but neat, and his face showed a certain delicacy of physique. IIe broke off suddenly in the midst of his story to exclaim, with great energy: "I'm going to find the gold up here or lay my bones on the bills!" In the midst of these intense phrases he whistled gaily, or broke off to attend to his cooking. He told with pride and joy of his hard experiences, and said, • "Isn't it lucky I caught you right here?" and seemed willing to talk all night. In the morning I went over to the camp -fire to see if he were still with us. He was sitting in. his scanty bed before the fire, mending his trousers. "I've just got to put a patch on right now, or my knee'il be clear through," he explained. He had a neat little• kit of materials, and everything was in order. "Say," he went on, "looks like I ought to rustle enough grub out of all these outfits to last me into Glenora, don't it?" We "came down" gracefully because we could not, withstand such prattle. The blacksmith turned in some beans, the boys from Manchester divided their scanty store of flour and bacon, I brought seine salt, some sugar and some oatmeal, and as the small man put it away he chirped like a cricket. He ac- cepted our aid as a matter of course. No p`i3rfectly reasonable man would ever take such frightful chances as this absurd person set his face to without fear. He "bit the trail" with a hearty joy that promised well. His cheery, smile and unshrinking "cheek" carried him through a journey that appalled Old packers with tents of "grub," and good horses. STURDY BABIES. In every home where Baby's Own Tablets are used you will find rosy, sturdy, good-natured babies because these Tablets cleanse the stomach and bowels, aid digestion, and thus bring perfect health.- Ask any mother who has used the Tablets and she will tell you there is no other medicine so good. Mrs. ' James Hall, Beach Hill, N. S., says : "My baby was troubled with in- digestion, was cross and peevish and rapidly losing flesh. I got Baby's Own Tablets and less than a box cured him and hehas ever since enjoyed good health and is growing splendidly.' Mothers should remember that this med- icine is absolutely safe and can be given to the weakest, tenderest baby, or to the sturdy well -grown boy or girl with equally good effect. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PHONOGRAPH POST -CARDS. To enable people 'to send their voices to their friends through the mails is the ambition of three French inventors, who have united their ingenuity in the pro- clion of wax -like material celled " onorine," which may be spread upon a post -card. Spoken messages may he impressed upon the prepared cards by placing them in a ph.onogra.phic ' ap- paratus, into which the sender speaks, and the reccfver of such a card has only to put it throughea receiving phono- graph in order to Iletin; the voice of .his friend as in a 'telephone. RHEUMATIZ 011 GOUT. No shatter what your station is Hard luck'11 seek you out; rhe poor dim gets the rheumatiz, The rich man Os the gout,. "What interested Trio most m my hrav arts," said Renper:lc', "was the mummy tit a queen 1 sow an Egypt." "Wonder - flu — oh?" asked his friend, "Ye% it's wonderful how they en111(1 make a Wo - an dry up and stay that way." LONG MEMORY OF AN ELEPHANT.. Went Through Tricks Whlcit ]tie Ilad Performed for 'Twenty-three Years.. Ba41, ofifty-year-old elephant, MO- W -My purchased by the Hippodrome, at New York, urihositatingly went through t, series s,1 tricks the other day which she had not performed in twenty-three years, "This," says the press agent, "was a test of pachydermic 'memory. which corroborates all that tradition and history assumes." The lest was brougl t about by an argument be- tween Peter Barlow, an elephant train- er, and Dr. Martin J. Potter, a veterin- ary surgeon, which led to a wager of $500. Basil was one of the first elephants brought to America by P. T, Barnum. She was the charge of "Bob" Fryer in the Barnum circus. At that time Peter Barlow was only a boy bare -back rider, but a fast friendship grew up between him and Basil, so that she "executed all the boy's instructions with obedi- ence and zeal," In 1880 there came a sad parting, for Basil was purchased by, Fryer for his own circus in Australia. Two years later Fryer died, and poor Basil was sold from one master to another, and did drudge work to which she was lit- tle accustomed. She was so big and strong that she had to pull wagons out of the mud when other beasts failed. John H. Starin bought Basil from Ringling Brothers, and she was installed on Glen Island. Thompson & Dundy then bought her for the Hippodrome. The moment she saw Peter Barlow, though the hadn't seen him for twenty- three years, she began to trumpet loud- ly and "flap her pendulous ears with gleeful vigor." , Thee meeting ng was af- fecting. Peter Barlow said that he would bet Basil would do over, the old tricks she used to do for him. Dr. Potter ;smiled increduously, and there followed a het of $500 in more or less real money. The other day the feat of "pachydermic memory" was performed, Bazil going through her old tricks "with unvary- ing Accuracy and punctuality," though she hadn't practised them in twenty- three long years. 4 AN EX -MAYOR GIVES UNSTINTED PRAISE "DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE THE VERY BEST MEDICINE I EVER USED FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE. Mr. Robert Sheppard, Ex -Mayor of Gan- anoque, Ont., Testifies to the Merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Gananoque, Ont., April 80.—(Special.) —"I suffered off and on for over four years . from kidney trouble," writes Mr. Sheppard, of this place, "and though I tried many remedies and was under a doctor a long while I got no better. I had Bright's Disease slightly, Lumbago, pains in my loins and at times all over my body. My skin was dry, hard and burning, I could not sleep, the least ex- ertion made me perspire fearfully and my blood was so bad I broke out in boils all over the neck and back., I was in this state when I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills and in an 'incredi- bly short space of time the boils dis- appeared, I recovered my health and now I am quite cured." MEDALS FOR HEROES. King Edward Awards Medals for Gal- . lent Acts. The King ' has awarded the Albert Medal of the first class to Mr. Leslie Urquhart, British Vice -Consul at Baku, for conspicuous bravery in saving the lives of four British workmen last Sep- tember on- the occasion of the riots in the Russian oilfields. -The Englishmen were sourrounded by insurgents in an insolated position. When news of their peril reached Mr. Urquhart he, accompanied by two Cossacks and several Tartars, started to relieve the beleaguered mens No one in the British colony expected 1,e would live to return. Mr. Urquhart's ccurageouS and spontaneous action was awarded with success. He got through, although he was fired on from time to time, and found the four Eng- lishmen in a serious condition, especial- ly on account of water. After feeding them he persuaded them to go with him in carts. • Immediately after- wards the buildings were carried by storm, and everyone found therein was rut to death. The King has also conferred the Al- i'ert Medal of the second class on Mr. Patrick Cullinan, an inspector of the Great Southern and Western Railway Company in Ireland. A woman fell In front of an approaching train at Ennis Station. Although the train was only 15 yards off, Inspector Cullina.n jump& en the track and succeeded in dragging the woman, to safety. WOMEN PREACHERS. The wolflen preachers and ministers of religion have increased throughout the United States during the lase decade in the ratio of 300 per cent. In 1890 the wolrien clergy-"rnen" of America licensed to preach and marry couples numbered only' 14443, whereas there are now 3,378. Salt Rheum Cured Quick. -- Dr. Ag- new's Ointment cures Salt Rheum and all itching or burning skiff diseases in a clay., One application gives almost instant relief. For Itching, Blind, or Bleeding Pi]es It stands without a peer. Cures in three to six nights. 35 Cents. 151 THE ROCK OF REFUGE. In Hawaii, one of the Sandwich Islands, , there •is n. spot called the Rock of Refuge. It a erirnitlal reaches ,this retic uneaptured he is. safe so long as he remains there. USrlally his family sup- ply la.kln with food until he is able to make liis escape, but he'is rt,krfer allowed to return i,o his own Wille. TOP-LiNB11. "What are your favorite books?" asi:, e,? the literary person. "Really," allswerod Mrs. Shoploigh, "1 can't name thein all offhand,. but my husband's pocketbook heads the list. It Retains the Old and Makes Now Friends. —Time was when Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil had but a small field of distribution, but now its territory , is widespread, Those who first recogniz- ed its curative qualities still value it as a specific, and while it retains its .tld friends it is ever malting new. It is certain that whoever once uses it will not he without it, THE BEST EVER. Savey — Do you think that dog has good blood in him? Davy — You beti He tools 'a piece out of me oncel1 TING WORST 7(iND After Piles have existed for a• long time and passed through different stages, the suffering is intense—pain, aching, throbbing, tumors form, filled to bursting with black blood. Symptoms indicating other troubles 'may appear to a thoroughly Pile•siek person. This is when Dr. Leonhardt'e Hem *Roid, the only absolute Pile cure, brings the results that has made its false. <, It will cure the moot stubborn ease in existence and a bonded guarantee to that. effect goes with each package. Hone-Roid is to be had for $1.00 at the.. drug store, or from The Wilson -Pyle Com- pany,.Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 3 SHORT. "I hear some scientists are going to try to makethenorth air- ship. with an Do they intend to stay long?'.. "Oh, no. They're only going to make a flying trip," Man and Wife in Distress. Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: "My wife and I were both troubled with dis- tressing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since the day we first used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Its action was in- stantaneous, giving the most grateful relief within ten minutes after first ap- plication.." 50 cents. -153 -• LOST AND FOUND. "They say conversation as a 'fine art' is lost." "Possibly!" said the insurance man. 'But I've found that it's pretty good. 'business!'" MARE THIS DISTINCTION ; A purely local disease of the skin, like barber's itch, is cared by Weaver's lCerate alone. But where the blood is loaded with impurity, such as Salt Rheum, Weaver's Syrup also would be used - Fortune telling is always fortunate fol the fortune teller. ' Corns cause intolerable _pain. IIollo- tcay's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. NOT SO BAD. Jack The girl. I am engaged to may not be as good as gold, but Tom (interrupting) — But. what? Jack — She's good for a couple of corner lots in the business centre of town. otmlfgfat Wasp is Letter Tux Other srape, bat is best when used in the Sunlight way, Buy Sunlight Soap and fellow directions. T00 MUCH FOR HIM. Fuzzy :F.red How did Plodding Pete git writer's cramp? Dismal Dave — He tried ter keep a list uv all de folks wot offer'd him work. Be There a Will Wisdom Points the Way. — The sick man pines for relief, but he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means bottles of drugs never consumed. He has not the resolution to load his stomach with compounds which smell villainously and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention to Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, which, as a specific for in- digestion and disorders of the digest- tive organs, have no equal. THE FULL SET:" She — "Weren't you perfectly de- lighted when baby cut his first tooth?° He — "Yes. I thought maybe he'd quit yelling then.. But 1 found there were thirty-one more to follow." "My Woman, is it tiie Kidneys?" — Investigation in half the disorders pe- culiar to women would prove faulty kidneys the seat of the trouble. If you're troubled with that tired, drag- ging feeling, have an almost constant heaviness, maybe shale pains in the head, put South American. Kidney Cure scught friend, and it never fails. -150 soiught friend, and it never fails. -150 ANSWERED. Little Willie — Say, pa, what is an infant industry? Pa — It is usually a trust, my son, that grabs everything in sight, . just like a baby does. A Clear Healthy Skin Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blem- ish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action of the liver and kidneys. in correcting this Unhealthy action and restoring the or- gans to their normal condition, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the .blood, and the blotches anti eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. JAPS WANT LONGER LEGS. Japanese scientists attribute the super- ior stature of the Englistl-speaking races to their heat eating habits, and the Emperor is reported to be considering a scheme to put the nation on a meat diet to make his subjects grow taller. A native physician' of Tokio, who was educated in England, is advocating the general use of the bicycle to achieve the same purpose, In his opinion the bi- cycle is the moat successful body builder and muscle developer the English people possess. He envies the English length of limb. He recemends that young Jape, of both sexes, be taught early in youth to ride the bicycle.. A full moon Is nacre attractive than a tot man, $5;000 tel p dRD awn; y" person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration, S'nlight $,rap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. ` Lever Brother, Limited, Toronto raj Z,IGHZ'N SNG- Pressed Brick Machine BEST AND SIMPLEST ON THE MARKET On Kris Its OW Ss" P 011" 1', dr q �rfw:irl lj We also manufacture Pea Harvesters and Bunchers, Manure Loaders, Hay, Grain and Stock, Rocks Washing Machines, wagon boxes, scrapers, wheelbarrows. Write for catalogue. WETTLAUFER BROS. & SONS. STRATFORD, ONT. ONLY WAY. 'Meeker— My wife and 1 never quar- rel, She does as she pleases end 1 do, too ' Bleeker — I see — as she pleases. Meeker -= Or t nurse. I'rr. 111. t Ir•rrking foi trouble. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase n bottle andgive it a trial. GERMS IN DUST. Lecturing before a London audience on the importance of, house cleaning an English scientist asserted that as much as can be placed on a pin point Voids no fewer than 3,000 colonies of living germs. The majority of these locks the door to the heart of human- ity. STEEL EILINCS Two thousand designs suitable . for all classes 01 Work mole as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls; ALso: special designs for Douses, Kit- ehens, Dining -Rooms, etc, Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Rouses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made ;to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply, OUR CATALOGUE, NO. 44 C, DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. WRITE. FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE. Tp DAX. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MONTREAL, QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. I TORONTO, ONT. LONDON, ONY, 767 Craig Et- 423 Sussex' it t1 Ootbe ne St Se Olinda, St, WINNIPEG, , NE .a Sr 1I! VANCOUVER, NAL 78 Lombards*. Opiates, 7 818 Ponder Ot. Bead OftIce and Works, Oshawa, Ont., Canada LANDS In Western Canada o la Saskatchewan only8 miles n from two railways, C.P.I. Strong , 8per Dent. plough land, sprint crook, no 'loughs. About SO miles N.B. of Indian Head. Price 410.60 per acrd Write for map mad fall particulars. R. PARSONS, pi Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. MAKE the FARM PAY A Fairbanks -Morse 2 H. P. lack -of -all -Trades GASOLINE ENGINE will saw wood as fast as two mon can herniae it. It also pumps water, halls corn, grinds feed, makes butter, runs cream separator, In tactfur- niahes power for all farm purposes. have Dna Every farmer should Out out this complete advertisement and send it to TriE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, LTD. 444 a JAMES STREET, Please gond me (without charge) particulars about Jack -of -all -Trades, Engine for farm use. Imay wants ..... ..._.._ .._...H.P, Name Engine for Address Prov, ..0-s Rheumatism Cured. Why do ousuffer—Starr'sMagicRheumatism Cure will relieve the worst cases of acute, chronic; or inflammatory rheumatism in 24 hours. Every bottle has a positive guarantee to cure. Hundreds of marvelous cares have been made in all parts of Canada. 11 your druggist cannot give you Starts, take no other, send direct to us. 41,00 per bottle. Osborne Remedy eri., 176 Tongs St ,Toronto, Ont FARM FOR S IJ S00 acre farm, 8 miles from Indian Head, Sask. Good buildings,550 acres cul - Ur aced, 430 in crop, over 150 more to cul- tivate, good pasture, fire wood. $21,000, half cash. Yielded 13,000 bushels last year. Several unimproved pieces ad- joining available homesteads. J. M.' Thomson, Real Estate, Indian Head, Sask. DIDN'T APPEAL TO HER. Fred —: I told Miss de &adds I was willing to die for her. But it was no use. Jack - What did she say? Fred — She said she couldn't think of marrying a dead one. Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the vic- tims before they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in get- ting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. 1. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. Proof of the political puddill.q lies in the plum distribution. Miserable Folks could trace Both state of mind and body to 'some one or other form of stomach disorder. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablet is a "vest pocket" remedy that nature provides end that medical science has proved a wonder in preventing and curing sto- mach ailments. If you've a symptom or distress in your stomach test the Pineapple cure. 35 cents. -152 Only a doctor of long experience can look doleful when an epidemic is brewing. WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who aro run down anaemic, pale listless? 'Forrovim," the bes, tonic. It builds, makes strong, it gives new life. There are many tonics but only one "Frerovim. SAFE OCCUPATION. Bridget, the pretty young maid -of -all - work, confided to her mistress when taking service that she had lately become engaged to be harried. She stated, however, that she and Tim would have to wait two years, and in the mean- time she wished to be earning money, When Tim made his first call . one evening the family remarked that they had never known so quiet a man. The sound of Bridget's voice rose now and then from the kitchen, but Tim's words were apparently few and far between. "Tim is not much of a talker, is he, Bridget?" said the mistress of the house the next morning. e'I should scarcely have known [here was anyone with you last evening." "He'll talk mole when we've been en- gaged a while longer, I'm thinking, ma'am," said little Bridget. "1-te's too bashful yet to do anything but eat, ma'am, when he's wid met" OVERSIGHT. "Was .your wife angry when you got home so late last night?" "Angry? Why, my boy, the dear wo- man Melted vie with' fiowersi" "Rut how did you get that black eye?" "Well, you See, she neglected to take the flowers out of , the pots before she threw them," Keep your troubles to yourself;, when you tell them you aro taking up the time of the man who is wafting to tell his, OLD VIRGINIA FARMS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. LARGEST LIST FOR SALE IM THE STATE CASSELMAN a CO., RICIIhiCND, VIRGINIA. E1RBUTrra URDU Get; T NOECW ib -- .Sueens.,a': !o P.el,nvC,xv Cv BestandCh fest l'he Esestandtheopest -470y4 Can0e5,51tiits jeoed eS SENO FOR ATALOGUEAND GEIONPRICESBERSE 9il'Ds„ A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION—COSTING JUST A LiTTLE TROUBLE. If you will devote only your SPARE TIM sending us names of farmers and feeders and help introduce ARABIAN STOOK AND POULTRY FOOD TABLETS A Common -Sense Stock Food at a Common -Sense Price of ONE CENT A POUND RITE_^^ 41.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Send us a trial order and ask for booklet No. 13 giving full particulars about 100 Free Premiums offered. THE BESAW CHEMICAL CO., SCHOFIELD BLDG., CI,EFIILAND, O. A 1 BARRED Rocks exclusively. Our winnings at Guelph: First pul-1 tet, special for best pullet and special•' for best female. At Detroit: First pul- let, second cockerel, second cock, and special for best shaped male. Mating list free on application. Eggs from 3E per setting up. Jno. Pringle, Proprie- tor, London, Ont. Agents Wanted. We want reliable men to represent us in every town in Ontario, for the sale of Cobalt Mining Shares Any person can sell these shares. Hustlers can make big money. Write without delay. THE S. S. NESBITT COMPANY, Promoters, Brokers and Fiscal Agents Confederation Life Building, Toronto. atimmeramiestramrs Teacher — "Tommy, when was Rome built?" Tommy "In the night." Tea- cher — "How came you to make such a mistake?" Tommy — "You said yester- day Rome wasn't built in a day." For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, has been before the public, and this, together with the fact that its sales have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the merit of Shiloh as a cure for Coughs, Co?.ds, and all diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not be without it. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle is sold with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh as Cured thousands of the most obstinate casco of Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it cure you. 'Last winter 1 coughed for ee months aol 'bought 1 was going tS into Consumption. 1 took all eats of medicines but nothing did me any stood until used Shiloh', Consumption Cure. Four Lottie, cured me, This winter 1 had a very bad cold war not able to opeak, my tuns Were sore on the side and back. Six bottles of Shiloh made ria, well again. l have given it to several eoplc, and every one of them have been Cured.- D. Joseph, St. Hyacinthe. Qua" dos 11IL011 25c. with guarantee at all druggists. %NU ISSUE NO. itt- 48