Exeter Advocate, 1906-5-10, Page 1ADVERTISERS Rerileinber that through the Aiivo- CATE you reach more people than through. any other channel, Wang(' arw, trx' any other property sold, bought or exehanged for you et reasonable cc nn scion, ,Apply - SANDERS & Olt Ec , NINETEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY",, MAY 10, 1906. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's l INSURANCE The very best kind of Insurance -i. e, provision for the Future as well as the Present is a Savings Bank Account in The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Interest paid. 4 times a year. $1.00 will open an account. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Orediton, and Dashwood, The Old Reliable Store We have the Goods that will please you. Why not give us a trial ? We havejust received our White Lawn Waists, beautifully em- broidered; in fact. they are without .exception the finest we have ever shown. Also embroidered waist fronts. Look at our window display to be convinced that we have the nicest in town. Lace and Fancy Collars, Belts in Gold and Silver, also a fine dis- play of wash belts. Don't Forget -4 ems That we carry the •' Astoria Shoe, which has no equal in the trade. See them before making your purchases. Just a new lot to hand in the latest styles. Groceries, Crockery, Tinware -Full Assortment A First-class milliner in connection with the Store. at 6:30 after May Store will. close 1st. OARLING BROS. The Exeter Council. A special meeting of the council was held Friday evening, May 4th. All the members were present. Min1ites of the last meeting read and confirmed. Several letters were read regarding the establishment of a knitting tacto* and the matter ways discussed at some lengths, The council instructed the clerk to write one erne offering them a free building and 10 years exemption from tuxes. The clerk was also in- structed to write another firm giving him certain ,.desired information re- garding factory and inducements. The citizens living on Mainstreet from the South Boundary, to the Meese petitionedto have the street watered.. Fuke-Treble-that the petition be granted and that the tenders be apen- Tenders were receivedAlfrorn Thos. Houlden a,t $tl per week and from IL Parsons at 510,511 per week- Oreech-Heaman-thattbetender of H. Parsons being the lower be accept- ed and that his duties commence on May 11th, Heaman-Treble-that the Court of Revision of assessment roll be• held on Monday May 28. at 7,30 p. et. The following aaeconnts were paid; Wen. Chowen, street watering $2,00; C. B. Snell :electric lighting $100.67; Wm. Davis, caretaker Fire Hall North End, $10,00; Bell Telephone Oo. $1.95. Iglerestirlg Mews This is the most interesting news itm we can furnish yon. It always saves you money and probably that is what most of us are most inter- ested in. if you want a good, strong, stylish Screen -Door. We are showing the latest at lowest prices, all Oak finish at 90c, $1:20, 1:40, 1:65. on MEN'S CLOTHING last week was a decid- ed success. We will continue the same special inducements until Saturday Night of this week. To every man that buys an Ordered Suit from us during the next two weeks we will make a present of any Hat he may choose from our stock. This offer good until Saturday night, May 19. Last week we sold boxes and boxes of Raisins. Remember the price 5 lbs. for 25c. We will continue this price until Saturday night, May 12. Not more than 25c worth to any one customer at a time. Eggs 14 cents a dozen all this week. Butter 17 cents a pound. all this week. „ V OA WRD & BLOOMFIELD .. Winchelsea See Us Our S p. ecial Sale Professional Cards. �^� R. ROULSTON, Dentist. Successor to 1! 9nderson. Graduate of the R. C. .D. S. Ontario and of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR, A. R, KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Pasture Farm to Rent. The undersigned is offering to rent that desirable 100 acre farm in the Township of Stephen, being lot 18, con. 13, for pasture purposes. There is an abund- ance of water on the place and is in every way well suited for pasturing stock. Terms very reasonable. Apply to bliss Annie Burke, Dashwood. For Sale or Rent. honor graduate of Toronto. Univeristy. 14.. story- residence in good repair, and 2,4 acre land, DENTIST. Good fruit trees and the best of water. Will sell cheap. Apply to„S...IRELAND, Dashwood. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effeots Office in t`anson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Medical AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEM13ER . College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Fortier ffouse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. 1. A. Rollins. Residence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. ,Legal. WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this • county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed enveloped. SUPERINTENDENT, 132 Lake St.,, Chicago, For Sale. DICKSON . & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI• That well drained, well improved and truly up -to- fora Notaries, Conveyancers, Cnmmisaioners• date farm, being composed of hot Na. 11, in the ith i lul ih in the County of'Middlesex, coati ping 100 acres of land. ono" to Loan at lowest rates of interest. I Situated on the premises are a good 2 storey brick M Y house,bank barn 00x40,cement hog pen, wind mill OfUces, Main street, Lento., 1 and god young orchardThis is truly a most destr- I. 11. ammo, B.A., t, IL D:cxSoC able property, well supplied with water. convenient to school and churches and one of the mostintproyed farms in the County of Middlesex. Tot• furthe"1• par- tinulars apply to PATRICK WIIELIHAN, MONSON & CA1ILING, Whalen P, 0. Barristers Etc„ Exeter. Solicitors tor-401a0ns hank, concession in the Township 1 , of B cit MONEY TO LOAN. AIL We have a large amount of private funds to loan o n farm and Village properties at low rates of inter- est; GLAt1MAN 8i; STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main Bt.. Exeter On Money To Loan. I have private funds to loan on lane and viitage properties at lowest rates of interest, ERNEST ELLIOT Office opposite Central Hotel, Maitl•st,, Exeter LLOYD P, JONES Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist Church. TeAcber--Piarts, Organ, Voice, harmony. Modern methods. Thoroughness Court of Revision. FOR THE Township of Stephen. The Power Question. The Ontario Government is now con- sidering a power bill introduced by Hon, Adam Beck, aiming at the solu- tion of the power question. Ontario is to buy the power and sell it at the lowest possible cost. The bill hags re- ceived the strenuous sanction and sup- nort of Premier. Whitney and, his col- leagues. It creates a Hydeo-Electric Commis- sion, consisting of three persons, one of whom is to be a member of the Cab- inet. This commission is the centre of the Government's solution of the pow- er problem. On application it will furnish plans, specifications and estimates to muni- eip ti corporations,: but neither the pro- vince nor the commission will he liable to any corporation for mistakes. - Tbe Government, through the cum - mission, nnderttakes to build trensnlis- sion lines, for which the municipalities pay: (a) .. Cost of power at the Falls. (h) Interest at 4 p -e cent. on money Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the 'Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting for,the prevent year ui the TOWN HALL, CREDITUN, ON SATURDAY, MAY 26, at 10 at. m. HE;;NRY EIi.l3lalt, Cvediton, May Sib, 1200. To)vnahip Clerk, ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. A. E, i3radwin, editor of the ,Blyth Standard, has accepted a posi- tion on the business staff of Toronto Saturday Night. A. E. is a capable newspaper man and we congratulate him on the appointment. For the present he will continue topublish the Standard. Mr, John Esserywas. elected Insure anceageutfor Usborneand Biddulph at the meeting of the Directors of the Usborne and elibbert Fire Insurance Co.. which was held at Fnlquhar ou Monday. The election became neces- sary owing to the death of the late Alexander Duncan. There were nine- teen applicants. .Oliver Harris was elected agent for the eastern town- ships. • Next Wednesday evening, May 10th, the Epworth League of the Main street church intend giving an inter estieg program in the church. The following ministers are expected to assist: Rev. Dr. Medd, Rev. L. Bart- lett and Rev. H. W. McTavish, Rey. 5. S. Allen and J. E. Holmes will as- sist in the musical part of the pro- Agramme. Solos will be given by Miss nlv Johns, Miss Huston and other local talent. A silver collection will be taken at the door. Mae 3, 0', Spackman, crriting from Munich, Bavaria, ' Germary, asks the following question:-"Oan you give me any authentic information through the Advocate re picture card postal rates between Canada and Germany if part of address side is used for cor- respondence." 'Answer. There seems to be tuarate given in the Canadian postal regulations regarding such cards passing between Canada and Germ- any. The only regulation laid down in the postal regulations covering such cards is as follows: -Cards which have the hack covered by a picture, and one half of the front to the left of the address space reserved for written comnnmications, are admitted as past 'cards when addressed to places in Cau- adaas the United States, Mexico, (treat Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy and Tunis. • The rate for Canada, lbleiaico, and the United States one cent, maid for the other countries two cents. committee 'Meeting. A meeting of the Directors and com- bined CGrumittees having charge• of the 24th of May demonstration will meet at the Commercial House,Exeter, on Saturday next, May 12th, when matters of importance in connection with the celebration will be discussed. All interested are requested to be paid by the commission for plants. present. (c) 'Annual sum sufficient to ietireteteeh aseesa eJa"•aweeavata'al aN'6'd'Sa'0"5.• the secnrities in thirty years. 1"., • 11-t . 3 T (d) Cost of .operatio. • .1,7eal a } . No measure so far-reaching in its possibilities for good to the people of eievacageseseeetase.evageareekeileseaseee Mr. Percival of London visited Mr. W. S. Cole over Sunday. this province as a whole bas in many a day been laid before the Legislature, for the bill really goes much farther than the scheme it involves for the bringing of power to the turning of factory wheels. the lighting of streets and houses and the operation of rail- roads, The Canning Industry. Mr. Dunn, manager of the Strathroy Canning Company was here on Tues- day, having been sent by the Presi- dent of the Canning Association to try and dissuade the people of Exeter from establishing a factory here. That evening he met a number of the citizens in Messrs. Dickson & Carling's office. During the meeting he admit- ted that this was a good place for a canniog factory for certain lines of goods, hut recommended that we hold off for a season and that in all proba- bility the association would assist in establishing, one here next year. How- ever the provisional directors of a company have been elected and the visit of Mr. Dunn has encouraged rather than discouraged them. The directors are Messrs. Jos. Snell. man- ager of the Sovereign Bank, L. H. Dickson, F. W. Gletdman, Thos. Har- vey, and H. E. Huston. They have power to add to their number. It is proposed to promote the company at once. The capital asked is $25,000 consisting of 1,000 shares at $25 a share, in what will be called The Exe- ter Canning and Preserving Co. Some $7,000 has already been snbscribed and the directors are ready to take the names of others who will take shares. The first meeting of the directors will be held this week. Ta.limville Seeding now over, fencing is in full force, while with the housewife it is the busy housecleaning time. -La Grippe and pneumonia are on their rounds in this vicinity. -Mr. Guhr moved his household` effects to Exeter last week. -Our bachelor's hall is un- dergoing repairs. A new roof has been added which improves its appearance very ranch. -Mrs. Walters of Goderich who has been visiting her sister here, Mrs. W. Bern, for a couple of weeks has returned houie.-The showers of the past few days have been heartily welcomed, as the fall wheat is looking rattber slim, owing to the dry, frosty weather. -The Epworth League et their annual meeting an Tuesday ev- ening elected officers for the ensuing year :ts follows: Pres., J. Wright; 1st Vice Pres., Ches. Johns; 2nd Vice, Miss Lizzie Johns; 3rd Vice, Mrs. J. Wright; 4th Vice, Miss Mary Herdman; Trees., Wm, Johns; Secy, Miss Linda.$iiunter; Organizers, Misses May Hawkins and Bertha Cooper. A good report was given of the past yeer's proceedings, The League voted $13 toward the For- ward Movement, leaving a nice .bal- ance in the new Treasurer's care, Sale Registers. f psbvlisnA), May 10, -Dwelling and household etfecte the troperty ref Jousts Wilson, Centralia. Sale at TWO i'e ook, John 0111, Auetfcneer, VICTORIA DAY' DEIVIONS BRAT ION AT EXETER Complete arrangements have now been made by which the people of Exeter and surrounding villages and country will be given a big clays amusement on the anniversary of the birthday of our late beloved Sovereign, QueenVi.ctoria, THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1906 Under the Auspices of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society. Mr. Frank Delbriige of Milverton spent Sunday in town. Mr. Wm. Sillery of Seaforthwas in town part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Adair of Forest, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Margaret Strang left on Satur- day to visit friends in Mount Forest. Miss Mabel Flintoff was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Snell, during the week. Mrs. Loadman of London is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Ed. Treble. Mrs. T. H. McCallum visited her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Willis, in Lon- don this week. Mrs. Andrew Bell and Mrs. J. Bell, Jr., of Kippen, visited Mrs. David Mack on Saturday. Mrs. Inksater and child of Paris are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Welsh, William street. Mr. L. H. Dickson was in St. Marys and Parkhill on official duty as D.D. G. M. of the Masonic Order Monday and and Tuesday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harton returned from a visit to Mr. Harton's brothers at Kerwood, on Tuesday. Miss Bertha Mack visited at the home of Mr, Alex. Munn's near Hen - still Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wm. Davis of Exeter North has gone to London to work with Mr. John Evans, brick laying. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mantle visited on Monfttay and Tuesday with the latter's cousin, Mrs.Rohb, in Stratford. Miss Pearl Rollins left Monday for London where she intends spending a few days before leaving for the West. Mrs. " White of Windsor, who has been visiting Mrs. John White for some weeks,has returned to her home. Mrs. Neil Bellwood returned Satur- day from Stratford where she bad been in attendance upon her sister, Mrs. H. Kelly., Mr. and Mrs. James Wanless and little daughter, Roth, arrived Tuesday evening on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. Reedy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurdon of Fort William are the guests of the former's uncle, Mr. N. D. Hurdon, and Mrs. Hurdon. Mr. Arthur D, Davis of Stougember, near Taunton, Somersetshire, Eng., arrived here last week. He will reside in Canada in the future. Mr. David Elewiett, wife and son, wave gone to Regina, Sask., to reside. Mr. Hewlett has beetil,working with Mr. H, Smith, Lake Road, for some- time. Mrs. M. Gardiner left on Tuesday morning on a trip to the West. While there she will visit her brothers in Virden and Balder and also spend sometime in Regina. Rev. C. W. Sanders of Lucknow, spent Thursday at his borne here. lie returned Friday accompanied by Mas- ter Tommy Sanders, who will spend a few weeks at the above place. Mrs. Thos. Daman, accompanied by her Tittle son, George, left Tuesday evening for Whitewood, Sask., where she will join her husband and make their future home. The best wishes' of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Day - teen accompanied there to their neiv home. A Whole Day's Sport Liberal Prizes Given Morning-Calithumpian and Trades Procession, - Afternoon ----Horse Races, Bali Games, Athletic Sports. Evening -Concert of Choice ;Talent in the Opera House Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Step- hen, met in the Town Hall, Orediton, on Monday, May 7, at 1 p.ni. All pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Anderson -Yearley - that the tinder of Jos, Lawson for the construction of the Mud Creek Drain and its extensions be accepted and that as contract be prepared and executed for the due performance of the work. Carried. Anderson- Finkhetner-that the Assessment Roll of 1900, as filed with the Clerk, be accepted and that the assessor, Mr. Guinan, he paid the 50 in of $80. -Carried. Finkbeiner- Webb-that the Court of Revision for the appeals against the Assessment Roll of this township be held in the Town Hall, Orediton, Saturday, May 26, at 10 a.m.-Carried. Finkheiner- Yearley -That Peter Mc -Isaac he paid $25 for the burial of Mrs. Edmund Wilson. -Carried, Anderson-Fink- heftier- that the Tp. Treasurer pay to the respective parties in the Tp. of Stephen the sums aflewed to them in By -Law No. 7 of 1906 for allowance on drains, and to the Treasurer of Tp. of McGillivray the sum in total for the parties in that township as compensa- tion far damages to their respective lots.-Cerried. Resolved that grovel contracts to let in Town Hall on May 26, at 1 p.m. The following ordx re were passed: 0. Prouty, ;a•atnity, 525; C. Kinzie, A. Mollard and others,grad- ing, $74.50; W. 'White, rep. Essery's bridge. $2,50; R. J. Lovell & On., books, $3.00; J. Roeszler, rep. 'ear. bridge, $1; Alexander & Cable, Mud Creek deb, and printing, 54; A. Webb, tile across road, $1; S. Disjardine, rep.bridge con. 18, 50c.; F. Allister, filling in. wasboat, $1,50; J. Flynn, rep. Mud Creek bridge $1.25; R. Gower, do., .$1; T. Keys. work on. 0;R., $4.25; G. Walker, rep, Lon- don road, $2; J. Sims rep. culvert, 50c; J. Motz, do., $13.50; W. Redden, brick bats and teaming, 59; A. Hooper, lum- ber and stone, $29.75; P. Melsaac, ex- penses, re burial Mrs. E. Wilson, $25; J. Guinan, Assessor, $80; Good Roads Machinery Co., repairs and exp., 521.30. Council adjourned till Saturday, May 20, at 10 a.m.-H. Eilber, Clerk. Anderson Mrs. Goode of Motherwell is the guest of her dauaghter, Mrs. H. Cam- eron. --Elgin Wight of St. Marys spent Sunday under the parental roof. -0 wine- to the illness of oar pastor, Rev. Mr. Veale, service WAS conduct- ed last Sunday by Mr. L. Wicket of London. Services will he conducted next Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Holmes of Fullarton.-Miss Alice Mur- ray of Kirktcn spent Sunday at her home here. --Percy Hewitt spent Sun- day visiting friends at Sunshine.- Miss Mary Leadstone of St. Marys- spent Sunday the guest of her sister, Mrs. Milton Steveu.-Thomas Hyde is engaged with Mr. Keith, Mitchel road, for the summer months. Clandeb Mrs. Abbott of Thamesville is visit ing triends here. --Mrs. Charles of Bel- mont spent a few days here during the week. --J. L. Harrison of Forest spent a few days in the village, -Frank Kes- i tie spent a few days in Bryanston re ceutly. -We are pleased to state that Mr. W. Cunningham has recovered from his recent illness. On Wednes- day of last week Miss Ellen Deacon was :seized 'with' a second stroke of paralysis and there is Iittle hope of her recovery. -Geo. Simpson of Parkhill is visiting friends in the village. -Rev. Waller of London preached a very in- teresting sermon. on Missionary work in St. James' church Sunday after- noon, -Several from here drove over to Lucan Sunday and had tbepleasure of hearing Rev. Perkins of Exeter preach a Missionary sermon in Holy Trinity church. -Mrs. Sinclair is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Pittman. -Ed. Simpson has purchased a fine driving horse from T. E. Handford of Exeter. Saintsbary HOUSE FELL OVER. -An accident that might have been attended with serious results and loss of life occurred on the farm of Mr. Thos. Dickens, Oon. 4, Osborne, Saturday last. Mr. Dick- ens and his two sons, Wm. and Alf., Mr. Ern. Davis and another man were engaged in raising the house and had succeeded in jacking it up severalfeet, when in some manner it took a slide and fell to the ground, all the men be- ing underneath. Fortunately it hap- pened thatthere was sufficient tim- ber and material under the building to prevent it from crushing the lives oat of the men but all had a narrow shave. As it was Wm. Dickens was rather painfully bruised and as aresultisnow confined to his bed. Alf. received a severe gash in the head while the other nien :..caped unhurt. Their escape, however, was miraculous. BIRTHS HIRTZEL-In Stephen, on May 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel, twins - son and daughter. MARRIAGES. Bocri- Tsoin'soN-At the. home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Winegarden, on April 25, by Rev. Couzens, Henry E. Bach of Iowa, to Miss Annie Thompson, of McGillivray. GABEL-GABEL-At the manse, Park- hill, on April 30, by Rev. Graham; Emerson Gabel of Dashwood, to Miss Alvina Gabel of South East - hope, Perth Co. DEATHS MARTINS In St. Marys, on April 30, David A. Martin, age 48 years. TEAHEN-In St. Marys, on April 30, Annie L. Teahen, aged 11 months. JOHNSON. -In Parkhill, on Tuesday morning, May lst, 1906, Ida, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Johnson, aged 21 years. LAMS. -At Parkhill, on Wednesday, May 2ud, 1906, Mr. H. Levis, aged 65 years and 9 months. if It's a food Thing, Heaman Has It Samson Brand Portland Oerent Unequalled for Walks, walls, Floors, Etc, Our prices are right. Ready ad:... Mixed Paints All sizes of tins in stock at 15e 25c 40c 450 80e and 90c. Floor Lac for beautifying Chljap Floor Lace g old and new floors y ,, 40c and 750 tins Lawn Mowers Examine and get our prices on Lawn Mowers We have them. from 83 to $8 eaman's Hardware & Stove Store. V 1;r'il'