HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-3, Page 8LOCAL DOINGS, The dry earth closet by-law went in- to effect in Clinton on Tuesday, May 1; " t� Miss Jeckeil's room at the sobool I N � was vacant on Monday owing to her illness. Say, we got in some swell Spring Suitings last week. They are right up to the mo- ment, Coats are two inches loner than last year, and the lapels are so much broader and deeper that youcan'thelp but notice them. The vests are cut with five buttons. The pants are just a little pegtoppy. They are beauties alright for $15, $18 and $20, and no matter where you go you can't find anything that will fit as nicely as they do. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Ask to see the ""Chinese Lincoe," 3 for 250. The finest flowering bulb known. Foot Ease, a sure cure for sore, tend- er, sweating and swollen feet. 25 cts. a box at Cole's Drug Store. 5c and 10c for two special lines of W=all Paper at Stewart's. "Woman's Institute. The Woman's Institute will hold their regular meeting in Senior's Hall, on Friday, May 4, at 3 o'clock. Miss Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y EGGS For listchin¢°i Of the Single Comb Leghorn variety of excellent winter laying qualities and mated with two prize trimming cockrels at the South Heron Poultry shows of 1904 and 1905. 50 cents per setting. S. Andrew, Elimville. A lovely lot of new Grey Dress Goods 75c and. 51 per yard, just opened at Stewart's. House to Rent. A good two-story frame house in good repair on Siincoe street. Apply to D. Hartleib or James Parsons. Dr. B. F. Butler the noted eye speci- alist. of London will be at the Central Rotel, Exeter, on the following Mon- days, May 21st, June 18th, July Kith. Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Stewart is showing the prettiest 108 piece dinner set in town. "Cannily Roses," white ground decorated with small pink rose wreaths and gold -traced, the price is only 513.50. • For Sale or Rent. One and one-half story residence in good repair, and one-quarter acre of land- Good fruit trees and the best of water. Will sell cheap. Apply to Giidman Stenbury. Jr. Ovens Eoriiiu¢: Dr. Ovens, London, .Bye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, May Its, Hours 2•p.m. to 8 p.m. C=lasses pro- perly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Next visit Friday June8th. Forecasts for May. A Reactionary Storm Period falls from the:2nd to the 5th; is prolonged oyer, the 4th by the Moon's passage over celestial equator on the 5th. A very warm wave for the season, sus- tained until atter storms of rain, wind and thunder about the 4th and 5th, will pass from west to east at this time. Careful observers of clouds and other indications, especially with the aid of a good barometer, may safely tell whether gathering storms will be violent or moderate. Change to rising barometer and cooler behind these stories will be of short duration. A regular stortn period, central on the 9th, covers the 7th to 12th. By the 8th low barometer and much warmer will be advancing from the west, at- tended by very decided storms. From 9th to 12th a series of storms will sweep most parts of the country,progressive- ly from west to east. Rapid change to high barometers, westerly gales and much cooler will follow this series of storms, and frost will visit many cent- ral to northern sections from the 10th and 14th. NEW CLOTHS _-_-_—FOR SPRING SUITS In Canadian and Import- ed Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots and Berges A meeting to organize _ a baseball. club will be held at the Town Hall, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.. Mr. Albert Luxton, son of Mr. Fred, Luxton of Usborne, hes entered the office of the Sovereign Bank as junior. The Egmondville Brewing Co. has supplied their traveller, Mr. Robert McFalls of town, with a fine neva wag- on. Mr. Richard Delbridge and family have now got settled in their home on Carling street, having moved in from Usborne. Mr. John Harrison who has been clerking at the Commerical House, has resigned his position and left for Ailsa Craig Tuesday. Mr. Jos. Latnbrook is preparing to move into the house vacated by Mrs. A, Sheere, whose household effects have been moved to Brantford. Patten and Perry, the Jerry from Kerry Co.* will be in Gidley's Opera House on May 16th, 1906. There will be a street parade at noon. This is a good show. A heavy thunder and lightning storm with a considerable rainfall pas- sed over this district early Sunday morning. The day, however, was warm and bright. Lieutenant W. J. Heaman and Ser. - Major Hector are now open for the taking of names of persons willing to go as volunteers in No. 6 (Exeter) Com- pany to the camp at London. Friends of Mrs. B. Nord, nee Annie Brooks, will sympathize with her and her husband in Chicago in the loss by death of their little daughter, Berdie, aged 5 years. The little one died on April 22nd. Mr. Wm. Kay has purchased a half interest in "Masterpiece" No. 11,822, the Clydesdale stallion that won the sweepstake blanket at Brucefield at the recent show. He is now twined by Messrs. Berry and Kay. King Edward VII. is the uncle of the emperor of Germany, will soon be uncle of the queen of Spain, is already the uncle of the crown prince of Rou- mania, the czarina, the crown princess of Sweden, and is the father of the queen of Norway. Dr. Geo. F. Roulston, who recently purchased the dental practice of Dr. Anderson, arrived here last week and has now taken over the business in the old stand. The doctor comes well recommended and will undoubted be given a share of the practice of the community. See his card .in another column. A barn raising took place on the farm of Mr. Thos. Case, Con. 2, Hay, on Tuesday of last week. The old barn was put up fifty years ago and now it is being rebuilt. The baro is 64x56 feet. A notable feature was the preseuce of two old time residents who had assisted at the first raising. They were Mr. Geo. Hawkins, Sr., and Mr. Chris. Eacrett. • Rev, Dyson Hague, M.A., rector of the Memorial church, London, will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Trivitt Memor- ial church on Sunday next, both morn- ing and evening. Rev. Hague is ad- mitted to be one of the leading preach- ers of the gnglish`church, consequent- ly the congregation xray consider themselves favored in ha; Ing this privilege of hearing him, max::..gist rates Bobler.Fee .. crier and ICa.y Made up in the latest style to your 6 e Call and see how well I can do for you. .Everyt'liny hi Mens' Smart Wear. W. JOHNS %foghad Tailor; Ex ter, Ontario of Satuedey sentenced Wm.Rogers to „eirty days in jail or $5 and costs, for vagrancy and using foul language. Not being able to pay he went to jail. —A Mr. Jones, a resident of the North End, also got rather abusive and used language other than proper. When Constable W. J. Bissett ordered hirn to desist be refused, and he was forth- with brought before the magistrates who fined him $1 and costs. Mr. Alex. Dyer, village assessor, made his returns of the assessment of Exe- ter to the clerk on Monday. From the roll we learn that the population is 1578, the number of males between 21 and 60 is 317, the number of children between 5 and 21 is 389, and between 5 and 16 is 283. The total assessment is 5552,246; the business assessment is $49,238, income assessment is $2,930, and the taxable real properity assess- ment is $500,078. There are 1051 and3. 10 acres of assessed land. The number of canines -is 110. Mr. N. D. Hurdon has received a letter from Mr. Belcher, late of the, Molsons Bank, stating that his home in Alameda, Cal., was badly shattered by the recent earthquake. Alameda is about 8 miles from San Francisco. Mr. Belcher's father was in San Fran- cisco at the time of the quake and some three days afterward no news bad been received of him. The writer stated that the suffering of the thous- ands of people was intense --he had not thought that such suffering exist- ed in the world. Large crowds of people from many rniles around attended the big sale of household effects of Dr.Rollius on Sat- urday last. H. Brown swung the ham- iner in a thoroughly competent style. Everything was sold with the excep- tions of the house and lot, and the piano, the reserve bi is not being reach- ed in these cases. The (rand Bend cottage sold for $305. Since the sale the house has been sold to Mr. An- drew Gibson of Usborne, the purchase price being $1200. We understand Mr. L. Beatty, machine agent, will occupy the pioperty at least for a time. The late George Rooke was twice married. his first wife being Percilla Jones, sister of Messrs, J. G., Henry, Thaddeus and William Jones. The children who survive ate from this union.. The surviving widow was Mrs. J. Morley, o rl eye nee Miss Harrison, as hues already been stated, The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery. The number. who had gathered to pay Their last re- spects tri the departed one -was very large,showingthe high esteem in which the deceased was held in the commun- ity, The heautifirl ceremony of the 1, 0, 0. F. was perfoerned at the grave while Rev. Andrews of Centralia. held the service of the cltrireh at both the home and the grave. Mre, Horny, Main street, is ill et her home, Some 161 Hotels Kaye lost their lie- enses in Ontario,commencingMaylst. Mr. Gus, Coughlin shipped a carload of export cattle to Montreal from here Tu, 1V1resd. W. T. Acheson has purchased a handsome driver from M. 1.1. Yellow, paying therefor $200. Mr, Wm, Duck of Port Elgin hes taken a position with Mr. Marsha-nd, commencing duties last week. When Mr. Bissett was about to move the old laundry building ori Wednesday the lower part gave way and it toppled over. Miss May Knight, who has been ill of pneumonia for two weeks, has suf- ficiently recovered as to be able to re- sume her studies at school. Miss Taylor, who has been in the London Hospital for some weeks, ar- rived home on. Saturday. She is still• quite weak, but is—improving. Mr. Geo. H. Bissett who left here a few weeks ago for Winnipeg is now in Morden, Man., conducting a branch hardware store for a Winnipeg firm.. Some twenty-five members of Exe- ter Lodge, I. O. 0. F., went to Blytli last (Wednesday) evening to assist in instituting an I. O. 0. 1?. lodge in that village. Messrs, Bawilen & McDonell this week disposed of two more of their en- tire horses, one to a gentleman in Dut- ton and the other to an Atwood gen- tleman. We are pleased to see:that our aged friend, Mr. Wm; Grigg, is again able to be out around taking his usual walk._ His step is feeble, however, but his friends trust renewed strength will come with the warmer weather. Mr. John Horney of Usborne is very sick, from what is supposed to be blood -poisoning. Mr. Homey had a valuable horse take sickrecently,dying last week, and he, in caring•for the ani- mal, is supposed to have contracted his illness. Mr. Thomas Elston and Mrs. Lucy Higgins were united in marriage on April 24th in London by Rev. Holmes. After a trip they returned to town on Friday evening and have taken up their residence on Main street. Their many friends will wish them every happiness, Mr. Wm. White, Rodgerville, met with a painful and unfortunate acci- dent on Monday last, which might easily have resulted seriously. He was about to unhitch the team from the roller, the hind part of which was heavily loaded, and as the horses step- ped forward and the tongue left the neckyokeit flew back with terrible force, striking Mr. White in the fore- head, inflicting a large ,.scalp wound and rendered him unconscious for some time. Medical aid was immedi- ately procured and be is now progres- sing nicely. Wanted, A good smart girl to learn vest mak- ing. Apply to W. Johns, An Editor's Soliliquy. A North Dakota editor unburdens himself thusly: "The politician is my shephead, I shall not want for any- thing during the campaign. He leadeth me into the saloon for my vote's sake. He fiileth my pocket with good cigars and my beer glass runneth over. He enquireth concerning my family. even unto the fourth generation. Yea,even though I walk through the mud and the rain to vote for him and shout my- self hoarse at this election,he straight- way forgetteth rue. Although I meet him at his own house, he knoweth me not. Surely, the wool has been pulled river my eyes all the days of my life." Adjourned Vestry Meeting. The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church was held in the School Hall on Monday evening, with the Rector, Rev. R. J. M, Perkins in the chair.- The auditors, Mesars. N. D. Hurdon, and C. H. Sanrers present- ed their report which proved to be most satisfactory in every detail. The total receipts amounted to $1620.76,' with an expenditure of $1592.41, leav: Ing a balance of $28.35. The report of the Ladies' Guild was most gratifying, it being one of the banner years in the history of the society, their receipts amounting to $350.46. Repairs to the amount of $55 had been made to -the furnace in the rectory, $200 of the mortgage on the rectory and $35 inter- est on same had been paid off during the year, all of which credit is due the ladies for their untiring efforts and zeal The report of the other auxilir- ies all show healthy progress. sesweseinftweeeemovimireeireu PERSONAL. eatseoseaeteakesseasatioassaasee Mr. Harold Bissett is visiting in Delhi and Norwich. Mrs. T. Elston left Tuesday to visit a few days in Forest. Miss Leonard of Parkhill is the 1, guest of Miss Ethel Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Hawkshaw visit- ed in town a few days this week. Mr. Joseph Davis is in London to meet a cousin from the Old Land. Mr. Ed. 13ossenberry of Zurich . gave the Advocate a friendly call on Thurs- day. Mrs. 0, Birney, after a two weeks' stay at Belgrave, returned home last week. Mr. A. J. Rollins of Byron was here Satnrduy visiting his brother, Dr. Rollins. Mr. A. Sheere left Saturday for Brantford where he will make his fu- ture home. Mrs. John Pinoornbe of Usborne left Tuesday to visit friends in North Branch, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.(; rva.nagil havereturned to Detroit, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A, Cottle. Miss Clara Davis has gone to Brant- ford to spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Dyer. 'Revds. Mat tin and Fletcher left. Monday to attend the Syr tueet lig of the Presbyterian chute Mrs. Bell, who has been r siding in Exeter North, reeved this week to London, where she will make ler fu. tore home: Dr. 1). A. and ltites, And son left Monday on an extendrel trip through the West, Dr. Anderson and Wife of Mitchell will join them. The t ' will he one of u. prospeetintx and pl sure seeking t,ature and Will last for sonti> months, Their, triende in town eogret their departure, but wiah theta eser;v wucet:W. Messrs, TX. Handford and L' , Hicks of Pasqua, who has. been here cornhin- ing business with pleasure, left Satur- day to atur-day,to attend the big horse sale in Obis cago, 111. Miss E. J. Cunningham, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Yager, was called home Tuesday owing to the 111- uess of her father, She was accom- panied by Mrs. Yager, Mrs, Wm. Trott of Beamsville, Mrs. J, H, Baker of Rochester, N. Y. and Mr. Jobe Walters of Goderich were here attending the funeral of the ladies' brother the late George Rooke. Mrs. Jaynes Ford, Stephen,who has been in Toronto for sortie weeks, ar- rived home last week She was accorn- pained by her daughter, Mrs.FredHill, who has jest recovered from an illness. Mr. E. J. Spackman of Toronto was shaking hands with old friends in town on Tuesday, He with a party of friends left Toronto Wednesday for Calgary and other western points on a trip, Of Interest to Teachers. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ADVOCATE;— Owing to the unavoidable circum- stances the date of issuing the pro- gram for the.,West Huron Teacher's Association may be delayed and as many are anxious to know the date of the next Teachers' Institute, it has been definitely decided for .W. H. T. A. to go on the Farmers' Excursion, June 15th, with privilege of returning next day. E. 11, T. A. may go the same day or for the greater conveni- ence of teachers in the north, with East Bruce Farmers. If the latter plan is chosen then East Huron teach- ers will be gladly welcomed by W. 11. T. A, on that date. - Yours Truly, W. H. Johnston, Sec. W. 11. T. A. (East Huron papers copy please) School Reports, The following is the April report of S. S. No. 5, Usborne. Names in or- der of merit. The subjects examined were drawing, writing, spelling and arithmetic. Those marked thus * were absent during one or more of the ex- aminations. Sr. IV.—H. Bissett, N. Perkins, L. Rivers, Wm. Sillery E. Ford, *G. Heywood. Jr. IV.—H. Dayman, H. Bissett, Zoe Sillery, M. Moodie. *M. Kydd, *J. Riley, *V. Hey- wood: III.—W. Kernick, Elva Ford, I. Rivers, E. McFalls, B. Ford, V.Hodg- son, V. Moodie, Sr. II.—H. Sillery, E. Fisher, Ed. Sillery, R. Kestle, A. Ford, G. Johns, *N. Johns, P. Gowans, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 5. McGillivray,for the month of April. V.—R. Coughlin 440, J. O'Leary 50, T. O'Leary. IV.—F. Lewis 1024, V. Short 849, A. Scott 760, T. Kilmer 676, A. Coughlin 441. III.—P. Coughlin 587, A. Lightfoot 555, J. Coughlin 508, L. Sholdice 372, E. Hodgins 160, Wm. Maguire. IL—A. Hodgins 938, L. Cook 795, H. Hodgins739, M. Lightfoot 722, W. O'Leary 597, A. Sboldice 539, W. Tilbury 174. Pt. II.—G. Lewis 1858, M. Morley 1748, C. Coughlin 929, C. Jones 874, V. Hamilton 731, F. Kilmer 525, H. O'Leary, M. Hodgins. Sr. Pt. I.— E. Lewis 1841, 0, Scott 1201, N. Short 1161, S. Jones 831, M. Dauncey 771, T. Dauncey 458. Jr. Part I. -Wm. Hod- gins 644, R. Hodgins541, C. Lightfoot. A Class—R. Hamilton, V. Dauncey, E. Morley. E. Morgau, W. Cook, H. O'Leary.—Alvina Wilson, Teacher. Harveys' Star :Flour 1 Is the ideal Family Flour --good for Bread or Biscuits. It is superior to 'flour made from all Manitoba Wheat, so we are told by many of our'custom- ers, and so we think ourselves. The prices is less too—$2.25 per cwt. We also manufacture and sell PURE MANITOBA FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR PRINCESS .(Choice Pastry) WHEATI.ET CRACKED WHEAT Special prices for feed. ' HARVEY BROS- EXETER ONTARIO idLez," sQs26caticAtIt aQc$ ,15,adJ DOES YOUR BLOOD NEED IRON The use of a good iron tonic is al- ways indicated if you feel a con- tinuel sense of weakness; especial - 1y if sew twee Hied bye pallid, blood- less crniipiexiou. Beef, iron and Wine bus the blued - building virtue, iron, reinforr'ed by the nutritive elements of beef, and sti nWitted by the add' tion of pure old sherry wine. You cannot take it without bee -riming. tit once eonscieus of t•e- newed sttengtlr and energy. Ws Ss IIOIEY,fn4a • J P �Cbeniist an Oolrs'ran.EXETER, Phone 50, SEEDS We have a full stock of John A. Bruce & Co, Gov- erment tested seeds. Cali and examine before you. purchase elsewhere, FENCE We are agent for the American Hinge joint fence which will withstand sudden and severe pressure from contact withanimals or otherwise, without bending the stays, the fence springing back to place the instant pressure is removed. Call and see our samples and our prices. PAINTS We have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in all colors and shades, which covers the earth, Call and get a paint card. T. HAWKINS & SON. Bid Reuctious 111, Fu�'oi1u�'c. We will offer our entire stock of Furniture, comprising Kitchen, Dining Room, Bed Room, Drawing Room, and Hall Furniture also many odd pieces and. Rockers, at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we offer. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK EARLY CLOSING Commencing MAX lst this store will close sharp at 6:30 every day except Wednesdays & Saturdays Housekeepers Wanted To come and see our stock of wall paper, All the leading shades and swell designs are here. Whether parlor, dining - room, bedroom or kitchen is to be repapered you will have no difficulty in selecting from our present assortment. Prices 5c. to 35c per Roll. Damask Draperies Suitable for curtains, lounge. covey - lugs lags and drapes, 'Newest shades in Roman stripes and floral designs. Price 50c. per yard. ArtMlsj . ins Dainty Pale, Blue, Pink, and Mauve patterns lu j on cream and white grounds; Cream scrim, plain and striped: White Muslins in cream spot and bow knot designs; also White Muslins, frilled, ready for, use. Fancy Sateens and Cretonne sA new and well as- sorted stock with which you are sure to be pleased is to be found here. Also double -fold reversible crteonnes for door drapes. Prices 12 1-2 to 25c a yard. JONES & CLARK. Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing, I G.. ARGAINS 9n Iack and Colored Lustres Correct for Summer Wear. dark and Colored Lusires 44 inches wide. Very bright finish. Colors: Cardinal, Brown, Blue and Grey. Worth in regular away 50c. ;r« rd. Our great bargain price 38c. C his 2: ,c ra will close at 6:30 after May 1st, 'NELL & ROW1 '- Y