Exeter Advocate, 1906-5-3, Page 5Till{ published every Thursday Morning at the Oillee MA•INsSTREET, -. EXETER, ---13y the----.-- AD.VQQATE PUBLISH I NG. COMPANY TE111.1$ OF 5' 1BSORIOTION. One 1>oliar per annum If paid in ndvanoe, Sago if not so paid. 8,41.'%car+ •zi.t•g *3400 oxo, No paper discontinued until all arrearage: are paid, Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements Inserted for long periods. Every desoription of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &c„ for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable. to Sanders & Creech, PROPRIETORS Property for Sale. A One pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near Sarepta; one hundred acres, 85 acres seeded, frame house and good stable, good water, etc., Another 100 acre farm for sale, in the township of trsborne,south of Elim ville,00nyenient to sohool,well drained, small orobard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and granary. Apply to SANDERS & OIt1l1ECH, Exeter. Dashwood Roller Mill Areal good time to buy our famous White Star Flour is now. Made from the very finest of. wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills, the Millers, and the Milling Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults.—For strength, richness, whole- ness -and appetizing flavor it is with- out equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other—gives solid satisfaction to consumer and producer -aBiiy it and you will please yourself and your good wife as well.—Honse- wives allover the county emdorse our claims. We solicit your patronage. Jos.Eidt, Dashwood NOW IN STOCK, Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop Centralia At Exeter and Elevators Prices: Satisfactory.. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. Jos. Cobbledick Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safo effectual' Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength—No. 1, $1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3, for special cases, Nb per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet..Address : TNi COOK MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (forme•ilWind ori Tfte Nolo l0 Bug FOR THE HOME. Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good high Grade . PIANO or ORGAN Every member of the family willful- ly appreciate it. .We carry these instruments in the highest grade and our prices and terms are of the most liberal kind for the Purchaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the snavket for beauty and durability. Call and see ea; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. S. MANTiN &SON EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 75 " Barley, 40 . , Oats..,................... 34 Peas 65 Potatoes, per bag . 1 00 Hay, per ton 6 50 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, levy grade per cwt 1 20 Butter, Eggs. . . Lfvehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton. . 20 00 Bran per ton... .. 18 00 Dried Apples....... 6 E SKnC OE ME LIFE OF LYDIA. E. PINKIIMI And a True Story of Haw the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How the `Panic of '73" Caused fit to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. This remarkable woman, whose maiden name was Estes, was born in Lynn, Mass., February 9th, 1819, com- ing from a good old Quaker family,. For some years she taught school, and became known as a woman of an alert • A dri and investigating mind, an earnest seeker after knowledge, and above all, possessed of a wonderfully sympathetic nature. In .1843 .sho married Isaac Pinkham, a builder and real estate operator, and their early married life _ was marked by prosperity and happiness. They had four children, three sons and'a daughter. In those good old fashioned days it was common for mothers to make their own home medicines from roots and herbs, nature's own remedies --calling in a physician only in specially urgent cases. By tradition and experience, many of them gained a wonderful knowledge of the curative properties of the various roots and herbs. Mrs. Pinkham took a great interest in the. study of roots and herbs, their char- acteristics and power over disease. She maintained that just as nature so bounti- fully provides in the harvest -fields and orchards vegetable foods of all kinds; so, if we but take the pains to find them, in the roots and herbs of the field there are remedies expressly designed to cure the various is ll and weaknesses of the body, and it was her pleasure to search these out, and prepare simple and effec- tive medicines for her own family and friends. Chief of these was a rare combination of the choicest medicinal roots and herbs found best adapted for the cure of .the ills and weaknesses peculiar to the female sex, and Lydia E. Pinkham's friends and neighbors 'learned that her compound relieved and cured and it became quite popular among them. All this so far was done freely, without money and without price as a labor of love. But in 1873 the financial crisis struck Lynn. Its length and severity were too much for the large real estate interests of the. Bukhara family, as this class of business suffered most from fearful de- pression, so when the Centennial year dawned it found their property swept away. Some other source of income had to be found. At this point Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was made known to the world: The three sons and the daughter, with their mother, combined forces to restore the family fortune, They argued that the medicine which was so good for their woman friends and neighbors was equally good for the women of the whole world. The Pinkhams had no money, and. little credit. Their first laboratory was the kitchen, where roots and .herbs were steeped on the stove, gradually filling a gross of bottles. Then came the question of selling it, for always before theyhad given it away freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets getting forth the merits of the medicine, now called, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed by the Pinkham sons in Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties of themedicine L.dl c.in e were, a great eat exte nt self -advertising, for whoever used it re- commended it to others, and the demand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts the family had saved enough money to commence newspaper advertising and from that time the growth and success of the enter- prise were assured, until to -day Lydia E. Pinkhara and her Vegetable Compound have become household words every- where, and many tons of roots and herbs are used annually in its manufacture. Lydia E. Pinkham herself did not live to see the great success of this work. She passed to her reward years ago, but not till she had provided means for continu- ing her work as effectively as she could have done it herself. During her long and eventful experi- ence she was ever methodical in her work and she was always careful to pre- serve a record of every case that came to her attention, The case of every sick woman who applied to her for advice— and there ' were thousands—received careful study and the details, including ding symptoms, treatment and results were recorded for future reference and to -day these records, together with hundreds of thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and repre- sent a vast collaboration of information regarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any library in the world. With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pink - ham. She was carefully instructed in all her hard-won knowledge, and for years she assisted her in her vast corres- pondence. To her hands naturally fell the direc- tion of thework when its originator passed away. For nearly twenty-five years she hascontinued it, and nothing in the work shows when the first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped her pen, and the present Mrs. Pinkham, now the mother of a large family, took it up. With woman asistants, someas capable as her- self, the present Mrs. Pinkham continues this great work, and probably from the office of no other person have so many women been advised how to regain health. Sick women, this advice is "Yours for Health" freely given if you only write to ask for it. 'Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound: made from simple roots and herbs; the one great medicine for women's ailments, and the fitting monument to the noble woman whose name it bears. Some Good Stock To Breed From. JARDINER NO. 47,511 Is an imported Pereheron, black in color, good style and action; excellent pedigree and gnera.nteed a sure foal getter; stands 17 hands high. Monday, leaves bis own stable, Zur- lob, and proceed to Harry Hayter'ssfor night. Tnesday, to Sa.nr Snider's and David Dewar's. Wednesday, to Geo. Poliock's and Ben. Pfile's. Thursday, to Chas. geller's and Sbipka Hotel. Friday, to Khiva, to Dashwood Ho- tel, to Wendell Smith's Saturday, to his own stable, Zurich. Zurich. Syndicate, Proprietos. Robert Lamont, Manager. MILO III (19840) Is a beautiful black, white star on forehead, white patch on nnse, a prize- winner at London and Toronto in 1902; be ponies of the best strain of 77 shire stock in England. 42 Monday, leaves his own stable, 30 Crediton, proceeds to Jabez Short's for noon; thence to 'West McCiellivray for night, Tuesday, Archie Munroe's con. 16, and Thos. Snowden's con. 21. Wednesday, Mount Clarinet and Richsircl Glainville's, Thursday, Sharon trod home. Friday, Elijah Joey's f..r night. Seturdey, home till Monday morn- ing. 1 10 7 00 2 25 1 20 11 7 00 2000 6 Eli Xing, Prop. and. Man. The children cannot possibly have good health unless the bowels are in proper condition. A s u ish liver otes a coated ton ue, bad Delicate l ug g &. breath, consilpated bowels. Correct all these by giving Cii,"?Idren small doses es of Ayer'S pills. Genuine liver er pills , geritly latatives all vegetable, stygfelted. W4 have as Secrets! We 001101 �, o.rca th'dioranafl6t of en oar medicines, :. ..... . LeR oil Mai ADMIRAL DEWEY, 4911 Is a Clydesdale, 16i hands high, foal- ed in 1903; a dapple bay, well muscled, excellent legs and good style. Monday will leave his own stable, Lot 5, Con. 11, McGillivray, and pro- ceed to West McGillivray for noon, thence home for following day. Wednesday, Hill's Hotel, -Crediton, for noon and night. Thursday, David Mawhinney's and Mount Carmel. Friday to his own stable. Jas. Cockwill, Prop. and Man. LORD BOWATSON, 11406 Is a beautiful bay roan, 16 hands high,fine kneeaetian, good limbs, feet open, sound and tough; has an excel- lent pedigree and has provedhimself a favorite horse in this district. Tnesday, will leave his own stable, Fairfield, and proceed to Moffat's Ho- tel, Centralia, for noon, thence to J. Cooper's,eon. 6, Usborne, for night. Wednesday, to John Mcoullagh's con. 10, and. Thos, McCurdy's, Thames Road.- Thursday, oad.Thursday, to Wm. Monteith's and Dan Dew's. Friday, to John Perkins's con 4, and home. Saturday, to Hill's Hotel, Oreditou, and then home till Tnesday morning. Dan, McCurdy, Prop. and Man. NATEBY PRINCE 20754 Is a beautiful dark bay, foaled in 1901, stands 16 hands high, and weighs 1800 pounds; a splendid type of shire stallion, with excellent knee notion; as good horse to breed from, Monday will leave his owwn stnhle, Orediton,and proceed to WM,Srnith's, Con, 14, for noon; thence to Shipke for . pig ht. L „ Taesday, to Robert Stone's Con, 21, and to Corbett, Wed nesday,to Mt. Oaaern el, and home. Thursday, to John Rollins, townline and Oentrelia, Friday. to Henry McFa.rll's, Coro 2, -`t n i S t n e id ul end Wx a u .B d ph, n Q Saturdey, to Jas. Walker's, London Road, then home. Waiter Snanau,l. G, hlanrport and V 1 W'Beater, Proprietors. Sa tnuel 0. Lamport,. gaartagcr A .Rook In The Baltic, A Retuarlceblo Series or Adventures Restating on a. Nav41 M1s6 14e. The careless firing of a new piece of +ardlance by Lieut. Alan Drummond, of H.M.S. Consternation, while cruising through the Baltic, has led to a series of unaccountable and sLtrprisigg inter- national complications, Drummond sighed a new gun on an apparently deserted bit of rock that natal up out of the sea. To his amazement his cruiser was at once fired on from the rock, and the Rus- sian Government demanded an explan- a tion from Great Britian. The Mystery of the whole affair— the presence of cannon on such a site, the anger of Russia and the import- ance given to so insignificant a matter —worked onDrum mond s imagination, and in a moment of headstrong folly he went to Russia to investigate. A series of surprising adventures fol- lowed, culminating in a scene that de lies description. The whole story is splendidly re - ()minted in Robert Barr's great novel, "A. Rock in the Baltic." which has jest been purchased by The Mail and Ernp!re, and is to be the first novel of the • ranch -talked -of "$150,000 series" which this enterprising paper is to issue during the forthcoming twelve months. This series consists of twelve great novels by the most famous living Anglo-Saxon authors. The Mail and Emp:re, with its cus- tomary alertness, has secured the sole right in this district to publish these novels in serial form before they ap- pear in book form, which will afford its readers a literary treat never before offered by any newspaper in America. No other paper in the city vicin- ity co publish these great .et stories. Order in advance to avoid disappoint- ment, as the edition will be exhausted. before all are able to buy. Commences on Saturday, May 5th, and each suc- ceeding Saturday. These stories will also he published in the Weekly' Mail and Empire, commencing May 10th. Around About Us. St, Joseph: The large crib of the dock which was placed in position re- cently was washed away by a storm. This will cause some delay in complet- the-work. Clinton: A sad bereavement befell the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Penna backer recently when their daughter, Annie, at the age of 17 years, after eight months of illness, answered the summons of death, She was a bright young girl and her death is a very sad pare. Clinton: The house of Jno. Sterling of Dinsley Terrace was destroyed by tire Wednesday night. The family were at a neighbor's at the time and when the flames were first noticed they had made too great headway to he overcome. None of the contents were saved. Seafortb: An old resident of Sea - forth forl'h passed aaon Wednesdayat y: noon win the'person of Joseph Herbert at the age of 89 years. Deceased, who was a native of England, was born in the year 1817, on May 24th, the same day as the late Queen. Victoria, He served in the body guard at her late Mayesty's coronation and bas also re- eeired five badges of honor during his military life,which extended over 25 years of service in the Birmingham 20th Reghnent. Since conning to Sea - forth be had followed the occupation of a painter and house decorator but of late years his health has not been of the best and he was compelled to re- tire from active work. He leaves a widow and family of two sons. GAMEY Is a splendid roadster. foaled 1902, beautiful brown with white star 151 hands high and weigh 1000 pounds; has splendid style and action. Will stand at his own stable Lot 1, Con. 21, Stephen, for improvement of stock. W. & I). Brown, Prop. and Man., Greenway, SIR EV i'LYN 10918 A celebrated imported Clydesdale, 17-1 hands high, of great weight and. substance, and with a fine pedigree. Monday, to Hill's . Hotel, Crediton, for night. Tuesday, to John Glavin's. townliue, and to Moffat's Hotel, Centralia. Wednesday, Hugh Carroll's, Con. 4, Biddulph, and Wm. Brock's, Con. 8, Usborne. Thursday, to Woodham and Kirk- . Friday, to John Duncan's, Con. 12, and to Farquhar. Saturday, to bis own stable. ALEX. DOW, Proprietor. Why Recd Rose Tea is Economical ED Rose Tea has all the good points of two good teas and none of the weaknesses of any. You never drank a cup of straight Ceylon or Indian tea that could compare in strength, richness, delicacy and fragrance with the "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea. Yet Red Rose Tea goes further and costs no more than either Indian or Ceylon teas alone. Red Rose. Tea is better than either Indian or Ceylon tea and is more economical because it goes further. is good Tea T. H. Estabr°oons St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg Seaforth: George Baldwin has die- posed ofhis lus'ca1 instrument bus - Parkhill: The annual spring show was bald on the Fair Grounds on lues- ness in Seaforth to Richard Peck and day, April 21th. The cumber of ex• - this week removed to St. Thomas habits were not up to previous years but the quality, exceedingly good. Parkhill: Death has claimed anoth- er of the old residents of the town, in the person of N. Fried, who passed away on Friday night at Lieury at the home of his daugher, Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mr. Fried, who: was 72 years of age, had been ill several weeks, suffering from heart trouble. He was horn and brought up in Dumfries townsbip,Galt. It is about fifteen years since be Ca we to Parkhill, where he went into busi- ness, conducting the flour and feed store, which he afterward sold to A.B. Gilbert. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and a Conserva- tive in politics. Mrs.Fried died about ten years ago. where he has embarked in a much lar- ger business. Mr. Peck is an active, reliable young man and is well and favorably known. Seaforth: Wm. Wright has again won against the Grand Trunk Railway in his action for damages sustained by being struck by a train at the Main street crossing here, in July of 1904. The case was first tried by jury at God ericb. The jury awarded Mr. Wright some $345 damages. The Divisional Court at Toronto reversed the decision of the county court. Mr, Wright then took the ease to the Court of Appeal, and judgment has just been given sustaining the. appeal and confirming the verdict of the county court. STATE OF Omo, CITY OF TOLEDO, 1 ss Lucus OMIT, )))S Frank J. Cheney makes oath tfiat he is senior part- ner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State, aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNC- HED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this Oth day of December, A.D.,1530• (SEAL) A. W. GLEASON, Norear PUBLIC ALAN BRIGHT 11584 Is a Clydesdale with an excellent pedigree. He has plenty of size and substances, good feet and legs, with capital action. His breeding is of the best on both sides. Tuesday, will leave his own stable, Centralia, and proceed to Freeman Dodds, con, 4,Biddulpb,fnr noon; thence to Rus. Skinner's, 000.7, Usborne, for night. Wednesday, to John Perkins, con. 4 Usborne, and to...... , ... .. Thui'sdriy, and Hill's Hotel, Crediton. Friday, to Win. Flynn's, con. 4, Mc- Gillivary, John T. Simpson, con. 2. Saturday, home until Tuesday morn- ing. Chris. Baskerville, Proprietor and Manager. WIGTOWN Lnd, 55131 Is a bright bay of fine proportions, 16 bands high and weighs 1700 pounds. His stock is a fine specimen of Clyde-- dale. .Monday, will leave his own stable, Grand Bend, and proceed to Thos. Smith's for noon; thence to for night, Tuesday, to Parkhill and Guy Haiti - son's, atri-son's, con. 8. Wednesday, to Shipka incl home. d Y home, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for Testimonials free. N Y x CO. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 750. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, CENTRAL STSATFORD, ONT. Our classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain aCommercial Educe.. tion or Shorthand Training. Students are, entering each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. OEM ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns, Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, etc., have fireproof roofs? Paterson's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof and waterproof—and practically wearproof. It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime. We will send you a free sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere handle Paterson's "Wire Edge" Or can get it for you. Insist on having it. PATERSON MFG. CO. LIMITED - MONTREAL AND TORONTO WELLKNOWN IN JARVIS, ONT. 111, llaldimand County Councillor tells how Psychine cured his - Lung Troubles "I contracted a series of colds from the changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, "and gradually my lungs became affected. I tried medicine and doctors prescribed for roe, but got I no relief. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use Psychine. With two months' treatment I regained my health. To -day I am as sound as a bell, and give all the credit to Psychine." There is a proof of what Psychine does. It not only cures Colds and kills the germs of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Consumption, but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general health all over the body. You will never have Consump- tion if you use ipovnii N E 0 u (rtonounoca SUrese) fS ti'S a .Chtrrsdlt to Chas, Wilson's Thursday, Friday, to Peter I3edour's and St. Oe er Bat g av['rA t h , �, ilea , Jos end W t I Se,traelat ,`'WitaTiteobuil's and home. Cameo tlri£bas Mit and ft2--alt dirwltrgiR . ' $LQCUM Limited TarontO, 'i'V'alter stltttnn, .Prop, and Ma,tlager. DR. T. A. , t P�EE WIRE FERE IN PLOWS FENCING We have just received a carload of Page Wire Fence, 6 to 9 wires high, for 33c. and up per rod. This is recognized to be the best on the market, ?LOWS We handle Perrin Plows and have just received a carload of walking, rid- ing and gang plows made by this reliable Ii.rm. TRORICIOli BAKER Agent for theSylvesterand Pt;t'rin flow- COM parlics Exeter Ontario