HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-3, Page 4ter_: lft.e Curnplexion Special attention must he given to the Complexion this titneof the year. Something must be 'tdone to counteract the effects of ?ld Sol. is unsurpassed for Sunburn Tan, Freckles, and redness of the skin, Cooling, Healing, Soothing Anti- septic. I Indispensible in Warm Weather Its healing and absorbing qualities make it excellent for any irritation or rough- ness of the skin. Nothing can be more Satisfactory. Price 25c per bottle. Prepared and. For Sale —AT- -COLE'S S DRU STORE Exeter, Ontario #� Abvoratt, Sanders & Creech, Props. 71[U1RSDLY, MAY 3, '06 NOTES AIVD 0011IMENTS A man who embezzled $8,000 and a 'toy who stole 5 cents, both at Chicago were sentenced to one year each. The boy remarked that when he got out he would "go the limit," Who would blame him? The parliamentary grant of $100,000 to San Franisco will not be sent. Pre- ident Roosevelt bas sent a grateful message stating that money from for- eign sources will not be needed. How- ever the vote has been taken and the appropriation will be available if it should be called for. By a vote of 64 to 21 the members of the Legislature Inst week voted down the Opposition Leader's amendment .:to the Liquor License bill, proposing eta substitute the words"a baremajori- •°:ty " for "three-fifths of the voted Ftoll- .sd" in the clause referring to local op- tion. The hill received its third read- :ing and will go into effect on Mayl, the beginning of the license year. It, is understood that the Govern- •enent will bring down a power bill -some day this week. The bill will be ;-along the lines snggested by the hydro- -electric power commission's report and the campaign so vigorously put up by ''the member for London. While the smeasuremay not aim at immediate con- esummation of public ownership, yet it .is said that it will provide for aperma rnent power commission with wide Gowers. It is authoritatively stated •.that Premier Whitney has .signified this entire approval of the hill. Khiva Mrs. John Lippert, left Thursday fast to visit her son at Lake Odessa, ..Mich.—Mrs. Wm. Hooper has returned `home from Peterborough.—Miss M. .Barry left Friday last to visit her sis- ter in London.—Mr. D. McLeod, left last week to work in Sarnia.—The "Governmelit Mill Inspector was here • -on official duty Iast Wednesday and ordered some changes to be .made in the saw mill here.—Mr. Jacob Ratz ,.of Hamburg, after ashnrt visit with :Pais son,returned home Monday. DIrm.—Thele passed away at the "throne of his parents, on the 12th con. -,of Stephen, Mr. John Querrin,_after a, every brief illness from heart trouble. "The deceased had been ill only a few e ays and his death came as a surprise oto his friends, He was a young man of good character and commanded the respect of all. He was in the 28th year of his age and his death has <caused general regret in the commun- ity. The funeral took place to Mount • sgarmel.cemetery on Thursday last. GrAild, Bead Mr. Ross is having a cement faunae - tion put under his bodse.-1 ie Bossen. berry has cowuleuced the work on the ha.rbor.w-ilirs. Welsh of Stratford vis- ited friends in and around here for a few days last week. ---3'. Gravelle of Thedford is spending a few days with his perents.—Mrs. Jos. Gill, who has been on. the siek list, is able to be out again.—Mr. and• Mrs. Wm. Leavitt spent•Seturday in Exeter. They, were accompanied home by Miss Pearl Lea - vi et who spent Stindtty here,—The tlsh- erureu had thef nets in and report sonic good catches, Wyle zlerx.—Among the many mar- riages that have taken place in afar village few happy participants will have Inore universally the good wishes of our citizens for their future happ- cressand prosperity than the young folks who on WVednesday joined heart and hand for life, We refer to the marriage of Mr, Arthur Baker and Miss Alice Pearl, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Gill. At 2:30 as the. sweet strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs. J. W. Gill, fioeted through the rooms the bridal party entered the parlor, where a select com- pany had gathered to witness the cere- mnny. Rev. S. A. Oarriere was the officiating minister and he tied the. nuptial knot in his usual happy man- ner. The bride was bewitchingly at• tired in a cream voille, trimmed with chiffon, end was assisted by her sister, Miss Victoria, who was also daintily attired in a costume of grey tweed. Little Miss Florence Gill Made a>. sweet flower girl, Mr. Win. Baker assisted the groom through the trying ordeal. It was indeed a happy gathering that sat down to the sumptuous repast pro- vided for the occasion. In an inner room the gifts werelaid but time and space will not prernit us to enumerate them, suffice to say that they were of an high order, an indication that the young people are highly esteemed. The evening was very pleasantly spent in social chat and harmless amuse- ments, Guests were present from. Us - borne, Exeter, Ailsa Craig, Stratford and elsewhere. Your correspondent joins with the host of friends in well wishes toward Mr. and Mrs. Baker for a pleasant sail over the matrimonial sea. Does Your Heczrt Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. eofrotluentea eof dhl. t. O us ba pod Ex a efu sii tl Y a6 This r u ' n h tl gr, pod pee p n potion. I pisonous substances are then abeOrbed into the blood. Reelp the brw0la open with Ayer's Pills. . wlfdtle.& o anuf Ayer kora oftt,bittttttl, Juno 11AIR ViGOR, .geAQtIB GUiEII, ijers C 11 i� p11C10 'l.. illi RA wo tendo lad gaorotb I wo gutrllrli . the formulas of all our ihcditll>ilotu Dashwood Andrew Treumner of Petrnlea is at present visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shrum.—The Misses Salome and Emma Tiernan of Detroit are at their home here, waiting upon their mother who is very ill.—Mrs. Louis Simon still continues to grow weaker and her recovery is very doubtful.—Rev.A.W. Sower of Winnipeg was here on Sat- urday and on Sunday Morning he preached in the Evangelical church to a large congregation. He spoke in be- half of the Mission .work in the great West and at the close of the service took a freewill offering in aid of the work which amounted to $83.63. Rev. Sower was at one time pastor over this field and after serving two years, was sent as a missionary to Bosthern where he labored for four years, and from there to Winnipeg, at which place be now is. While pastor here he was greatly beloved by bis people and all who could came to hear and see him again on Sunday last.—Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr.Reynolds at Sarepta on Tues- day. The services were.conducted by Rev. Mr. Clements. • Shipka Next Sunday morning there will be no Sunday School on account of Quar- terly me, i ing in the Boston Methodist church. Church here will be the same as usual.—Some of the young people of this vicinity had the la grippe the past week on acconnt of driving out in the evening. Take our advice young people and get in the house in good tithe.—The merchants of our burg in- tend closing the stores every Wednes- day and Friday evening, giving the clerks more liberty.—Mr. marines I. Burke, Factory Inspector, was around here last week inspecting the mills, and says they are O. K. The laws re- garding factories are very strict.—Mr. J. Ratz of Hamburg was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wing last week.—Quite a number of people attended- the farewell sermon in the German Evangelical church of Crediton last Sunday.—John Schreo- der left for Sarnia last Monday.—John McCloud and family moved to Sarnia last Tuesday. --Master Henry Shink of Orediton"visited friends in and around here last Sunday. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY. In speaking of another's faults Pray don't forget your own; Remember those in homes of. glass Should seldom throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do " But talk of those who sin, 'Tis better we commence at home And froth that point begin. We have no right to judge a man Until he's fairly tried; Should we not like his company, We know the word is wide. Sonseinay have faults,and who has not, The old as well as young? I?erhnps we may, for aught we know, Have Y fift to their one. I'll tell you of a better plan And find it works fullwell: To try your own defects to cure Before of others tell; And though I sometimes hoe to he No worse that some I know, My own short comings bid me let The faults of others go. Then, let us all, when we commence T. ,-lartideu friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do `Po those who little snow. Remember, curses sotnetimee like, Utas chickens, "Roost at home." Do s't speak of other's faults until We have none of oltr own. Walt tad. Two men in each county to repre stint and advertise hardware depart- rte put out r es of our go ode, k nt tatsanl ill p g , r, .. at - .tri Tea velling'p salon or office M ti ager. Salery $00.00 per month, cash wt'ekllr, with all expenses paid in ad- vance. We furnish everything. 'fait Cot,trlwrnIA BouSE, Chicago, III, Dept- '610, ept,'610, Zl 5th Aye. 4t tdestroy- : :o: - Thr. Tcrotlto Post -office was dostr y f t1 by fire on Sunday. Zurich For Irtty forks and: slings go to john Cherltau, Exeter, Miss Agnes Kaercher has gone to London where she. has secured a good situation.—P. Sipple has resigned as. bailiff of the Tenth Division Court, His successor will b appointed at once and 0..Silber• wilt likely get the posi. tion.—A quieteveddiug took place on Saturday, April 21st,, at the Bogle of the bride's mother, Mrs, ;-Elizabeth 'Preemner, of this village, when her daughter, Miss ,Ketharilie, became the. bride of 11.11, Louis Prang, also., of this village. The bride was assisted by her sister,Miss Liszke Truemnerof Detroit, while Andrew Hess supported the groom. The ceremony was performed at 12 o'clock by Rev.. E, Schuelke in the presence of only the immediate re- latives. The presents received, by the bride and groom were both costly and beautiful, After a dainty wed- ding breakfast, the happy couple left, alnid good wishes, for a short wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Prang will begin. house -keeping in the handsome home purchased some time ago by Mr,Prang situated on Main street.—Herbert Axt has accepted a position in John: Grigg's stationery store, Exeter,—Rubt. La- mont has moved into the holm at Hi11sg een, which he recently purchas- ed from his brother,—The inquest touching the death of the late SVesley Erwin of St. Joseph was held it the Town Hall on Thursday last. A large number of witnesses were'examined, and while the majority testified that he had been drinking considerably on the, evening of his death, the jnrygave their verdict that death resulted from an unknown cause. The case will not be finally closed until the 'report of Government Analyst•is received.—Mr. Frank Uttley !)has secured a position with Chas. Welker liveryman, -Wirt. O'Brien has accepted a position with Youngblut ;& Deichert butchers, for the summer:—The many friends of Mrs. Peter Bender wilt regret to. hear that she is seriously ill at present.— Mrs: Wm. O'Brien is recovering from her severe illness, as is also the dangh- ter.of Me. and Mrs, John Fuss.—At .the mortage sale of north half of let 6, L.R.W.. Hay Township; -the prt'psrty was sold to Messrs. Maxim and 0,11en omnie.—Messrs. O'Brien and Smith, who have conducted abutcher shire in the village for over a year, last Frelay sold their stock,fixteres,ice and slaugh- ter house to "Messrs.Yougblut & Deioh- ert,butchers,--Rev.Yagerwill be mow- ed from here to New Hamburg, short- ly' hort- 1 DEATH, -Another of the pioneers of this section passed away last .week in the person of Valentine Eisenhofer at the age of 68 years. The deceased en- joyed bis usual health untilsome-weeks ago, when he suddenly became ill, and lingered until Monday, a paralytic stroke being the cause of -his death. He leaves his widow, one son, Joseph, and.a step daughter, Mrs. Foster, to mourn his death. Eliix>tvilie Garden Seeds -3 packages for 5 cents at Charlton's Fair, Exeter. Seeding is the order of the day. A number have already finished. -Mr. C. Johnston of Watford, who has been clerking in our general store for a few months, left on Tuesday for Paris, to accept a position in a large store.—Mr. and Mrs. Oke of Exeter are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. Hawkins, -- A number are complaining of having sick dogs, seemingly of distemper. Put them under the care of a V. S. Mr. and Mrs. 13. Fair have gone to London. -The Misses Maud and Ber- tha Woods are visiting at their home here.—Farmers are busy these days as is also the good housewife.—There have heen plenty of fish in the creeks this spring and numbers have been caught by the boys.—A number from here attended Dr. Rollins' sale of household effects at Exeter on Satur- day.—M aster Wellington Skinner who has beenattending the Arnott Insti- tute at Berlin, has returned home.— The revival services beld here during the past four weeks have closed and a goodly number have connected them- selves with the church, while the mem- bers themselves have no doubt been greatly benefitted. DEATH.—The death took place at the House of Refuge, Clinton, on Thurs- day last of one of Ellin vines old-time residents in the person of Mr. Samuel Halls, at the age of 86 years. Deceas- ed came to Eliipville over 40 years ago and resided here until about a year ago when he went to the House of Refuge to reside. Death was due to the in- firmities of,old age. He was born in Devonshire, England, in 1841, and. came to Canada in 1842, crossing the Atlantic in a sailing vessel and being 14 weeks on the water. For many. years he followed the occupation of a mason and WAS widely known in this district. He and his brother built the Indian Institute, Court House and, Gaol et Delaware. During the Civil War in America he went over and reported the incidents to the British Government. He married a Miss God- bolt, who predeceased him about 40, years. A brother, Jam es, and threesons survive, Samuel and James in Chicago, and William in St. Louis. Samuel, also a nephew, Mr. Halls . from Toronto and a niece Mrs. H. Touton, London, attended the funeral. Interment took place on Saturday morning the re- mains being taken from the train : at Exeter and buried in theElimvillecem- eter . y WEDDED.—A pleasant and interest- ing event took place at the home of Hobert, Woods yest 'de1ay (Wednesday) when their daughter, Miss Maud, became the bride of Mr. Jaynes H. McLaughlin, a prosperous young farmer of near Walton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 11. J. Fair, pastor of the Methodist church here, in the presence of about sixty invited guests. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the guests congregated in the parlor, when the groom and bride took their places and the nuptial knot was tied. They were unattended. The bride presented a very pleasing appearance in a gown of cream cash- mere. ash - n e Her going -away - awrygown was of prune colored cloth. The presents wet•e nttrnerous and beautiful, attest- ing to the high esteem in which the young people are held. Congratula- turns b(:ing.over, all partook of aentrip, tootle wedding supper, after which the happy couple left for their new hone in Walton amid the g+oot1 wishes of their ninny friends. The .ADvocAT,>i loins in congratulations. v A B lscr's Triumph The Mooney Baker cannot produce anything • better than %tooneig's Perfection" Creil ra 5ocias The very best of lour, butter and cream —:the most modern plant,the very best baker in Canada. A biscuit superior to any other you have ever tasted. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. • Porter Undoubtedly the best hewed on tho continent, Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially CRIcAGO 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible -hundred, much higher, than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. THE 1VIQLSQNS. BANK flaoo.poeatearor Act Parliament 1815) • • Head Office, .. - i'. M011tY'0FL1 .. Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fuad-•. • -� � • • • • • •X3,000,000 (Iacorpbratedby Act of Pariiament1815) bead - 1VTotitread 000,000 Capital Paid V'p . • �3, Reserved. Fund.... , , .. . $3,0001,000 ® FORTY, -EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION• OF CANADA Wood": Phosphoaiae, The Cheat Eitdiish Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous . systeto, makes new lood in old veins. Owes Nero- dins Debilit , Mental and Brain Worry, Des- pondent -1h sal Weakness, .Emissions, Sper- mtatornccea, and Effects of 4buse o ' Excesses. Price se per box, sixfor 5. One will please six win cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed 3n plain pk . on receipt) of rice. New pamphlet mailed ree. The Wood Medicine Co. (former Windsor) Toronto, Ont. CAandeboye, The marriage took place on Thins - day last of Mr.Pat Eagen of this.plare to Miss E. McCaffrey of Liman. We extend congratulations.—Miss Ella Blackwell, teacher, left Saturday for Toronto where she has taken charge of a school. Miss Gertie Elliott has filled the vacancy here.—The death of Mr. Connors, father Mrs. A. Patton of this place, occurred the latter part of the week.—Mr. B. A. Blackwell, who has been attending the Medical College at Loudon passed his final examination and is now entitled to affix the title M. D. to his name. Congratulations. Hensal.i Miss Rose Yungblut spent a few days at London during the week,—George Hudson bas purchased the house and lot of Mrs. McOloy,—Miss Stella Rob- son is visiting at the borne of her sis- ter, Mrs. H. Arnold.—George Dick has gone to Manitoba,: The services of Miss Vera Murdock have been engaged as organist for the Carmel church, owing to Miss McClny leaving town. -- Miss Florence Bonthron is on a visit to Barrie friends.—Henry Cook's many friends are pleased to see him out once more.—Smith and McDonald have dis- posed of their meat business to Reeve Petty. We wish G. 0. every success. —Albert Whiteside attended the fun- eral of bis brother, Wm.. at Keewatin. Algomn, last week.—D. Grassick of Stanley has purchased the residence of John Kemp. while T. 'Welsh basdis- posed of his dwelling to John John- ston. We are pleased to learn of good citizens like Mr. Grassick and Mr. Johnston coaling to Uensall to enjoy ,'well earned rest from ar.tive farming pursuits. --Mrs. Wm. McCloy and fam- ily have am-ilyhave moved to New Clitoris where Mr. McCkoy is a,busbrn near for the On- tario Government. G. Hudson who recently parch:reed the dwelling is at present moving into it.—The lo- cal lodge of I.O.O.F. accompanied by abont forty members of Exeter lodge attended divine worship in the Eng- lish church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Doherty conducted the service and preached from the lesson taught by the gond Samaritan.-Tbe village as- sessment has increased over last year's figures by abont $40,000. -We are pleased to report that our council has closed a very goodsale of our foundry to F. C. Rant of Londnn, who came here very highly recommended and who will, no doubt, carry on'the busi- ness in a manner that will prove pro- fitable to himself and advantageous to the village. Mr. Hunt will go largely into plumbers supplies and has already taken possession of the premises. • DEATHS. -Word was received here a few days ago of the death of Wm. Whiteside, son of W. Whiteside, Sr.,, of this place, which occurred at Kee- watin, Algoma„ death being•dne toin- flammation of the lungs. Be' was a former resident of this village, but has resided in the Westanumberofyears. He was a member of the Northwest mounted police and greatly distine guisbed himself in the service, making several daring arrests. He held the position of chief of police of Keewatin. He leaves a wife and one chard.—The grins reaper visited our midst on Sat- urday week and removed the beloved p>irtner of David Follick. Deceased had been in failing health for some. time and yet her death came as a great shock to ber family. She was going about as usual and bad partaken of the noonday meal when shortly after she was tound by her husband• lying on the floor. in an unconscious condi- tion. Medical aid was immediately summoned but despite all she passed away in the evening at the age of 67 years. She was nne of the pioneer resi- dents of 'Hensen and was very highly respected fm, her many excellent qual- ities, She ways a sincere Christian lady end:t loving wife and anntber. A hOQ band, two danghters—Mrs. David Dew of Hensel'. tied hire. Vail of Exeter Norte, nncl nne son, George, sntvive her, besides two sisters and five broth- ers. The remains were laid to rest in the Fat•nsville; r:enletery on Monday. To extend th e 1pereti;vrd ones w a ex e d otir sympathy. 'Itneketeenith: W. M. Doig, of Sault Ste: Merle, Mich, has rented his fare' enthe second con.- near JJippen, for a term of six years, to T. 0, &lmonda of 1'tickeeetnith. He pays h14Y1vee Dotg 1200 rent fob' thi' year and 3$00 a swat for the remaining five years, EXETER BRANCH n OFFICE HOURS 10 a, in. to 3•p. tu. SATURDAYS, iS a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed br collected, Forms supplied on application.' DRAFTS on all points, in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exohange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department.s positaof $1 and upwards received. Interest com- poundd half -yearly and added 'to principal Juae 30th and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARVING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, NERVOT.TS _3EBILITY OUR NEW AIFTAOD TREATMENT will cure you, and make a man of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear: the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. The various organs be.ccme natural and manly, You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and free of charge, Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars. WE WILL CURE YOU OR NO PAY. p NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter •E. Summers, of Kalamazoo, Duch„ relates his experience: I was troubled with Nervous De- bility for many years. d lay it to in- dtsoretlon and excesses in early youth, I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. 1 Imagined everybody who looked at me, 1,11•••••„ ft -dossed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me—my back ached. had pains in to back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired • in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, --memory 'poor, rte. Numbness in the fingers set In and thedoctortold Yns. he feared paralysis. I took` all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class zl - physicians; n'cre as elee:ria tett for ` ,t three months, ,went to lit. Clemens for ar Es r'Ea"M tFlr er o as 1s`ar aEnr baths, riot nseelced iltite nhu at Mt. Cletnens I was induced to consult Drs. beKennedyefit.tt t Keergan, though t had ete, lest all faith Im doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New Method ,treatment and it saved my life. The improvement was Iike mafiio—I could feel :he vigor going through my nerves, I was cured mentally, physically and sexually. I have sent them many patients and will continue to do so.'• CURES GUARANTER:D oil NO PAY. "t -e treat and cure . VARICOCELE, STP,ICTUREI, NE• VOPS DEBILITY, ELOOD DISEASES. URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DIS- EASES. CGlti3t•T.,T:ITION.FREE. 8001=5 FREE. It unable to call wrIta for a 1;.• Qurectlon lank_ for Home Treatment. . .7r,,,,-,4,914 . 3, l 48 SHELBY STREET, E;IE a' i O T, f i8� 3. N'"-W��� Esmondville: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall, mourn the death of their second d augh ter, M iss Margaret, which occurred at the hospital in Quebec city, on Friday from appendicitis. She had only been in the city for a few months having gone there about the first of March, where she held the position of milliner... The deceased was ayoung woman in the prime of life. The remains were brought home on Snn••lay, iuterruent taking place to the Maitiend Bank cemetery. A Friend Told Me About THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE Hundreds of people, who have been cured of Kidney Trouble 6y Bn Ju,. were first induced to try this wonderful remedy by friends who had them- selves been cured. The sales of BU -Ju are daily increasing, because everyone who takes them is benefitted—and these in turn, tell others. So the good news i£ spread. Here is what a Picton man says about Bu -Ju :— "1 have used Bit -Jit with great benefit to myself, end cheerfully recommend to all who 1 think, are suffering from Kidney Troubles* and Rheumatism. 't think Bu Ju the best remedy Made.. Yours sinrereIy, JAMES MILLS, THE CLAFUN •CHEMICAL OO., LIMITED, WINDSOR 'ONE NEW YORK IAim ml��llt� .ingwomsw �wer.atoea,i iii. Af ■ , ■ w ■ i'.1114111111:1111,sostg4. ta�►a1 s„s 1111:1 ,1111>xwwJ rottr'r E. �`ha flttton rll5OE•SrAl' ll'raeolt intra re-sTAY 'FEN CP to last. Livery wits, IC heavily gnlvhtifso,t and tho ,trams and Itll 11I511 0AR80)1 Isar sisal. -11 glveg na aassyaueo. tiluetratod t //510555 fraS,•-rive s;;onts Wanted• Y. AJIt .dam►-. t s 1l fi .iL wrrzr... rrr.r+ o rran. W. ilaetionlellt Agent.. HEailQua�'lcTs --FOR— Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts Sash, Doors Frames and all Building Materials. Water Tanks BEE -HIVES Finished or in Knock down, - always on band. Highest price paid for Saw- logs ofevery description. Custom sawing promptly attended to. • Estimates cheerfully given. The Ross ,Taylor Co.. Ltd t Exeter, Ont. Marriage Licenses Issued at the ADVOCATE OFFICE $ i .00 ROUND TRIP GODER1CH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 ttrTUANlNe JUNE 21 St'r UR$YU0UND 2Daye Intr'De ort :/l �S'