HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-5-3, Page 3SPRINT ADVICE. 1 VISIT 1W RUSSIAN POLICE. Do Not. Dose WithPurgatives and. Weakening Medicines -- What Peopla Need at This Season is a Tonle. Not eeactly sick -- but not feeling quite well, That's the, spring feeling. You are easily tired, appetite variable, Midnight Summons --•.Shot Without Trial Before Dawn. Ivan Krivorotoff, his wife and .mother were aroused !n their home at the sta- tion of Golitvino; south of Moscow, by a loud knock about midnight on January 2, !van's another opened the door; and threemen. entered, Semen !Venal, the sometimes headaches and a feeling, of head constable, who had been drinking; depression. Or perhaps pimples and Vassily Konkoff, deputy constable, and eruptions appear on the face, or you the gendarme Stationed at GoliLvino. have twinges of rheumatism or neural- Ml were well known to Krivorotoff. gig. Arty of these indicate -that the They entered his bedroom, and he shoots Hood is out of order, that the indoor hands with them and asked: life of winter has left its mark upon • "Ivanoff, What do you want with you and may easily develope into more me?" serious trouble. Don't dose •yourself "Get up and dress, Krivorotoff," was 1Lh .purgative medicines in the hope the answer, "and come with us to the that you can put the blood right. Pur- station." gatives gallop through the system, and Krivorotoff's heart was gripped by the weaken instead of giving strength. What fear of death. The• Semenoff Regiment you do need. is a tonic medicine that had passed on its punittte expedition will make new, rich, red blood, build only, a day or two before. It is true up the weakened nerves and thus Colonel Riemann had held a thanksgiv- give you new health and strength. ing service for the suppression of se - And the one medicine to ao this speed- stilton, and had declared that enough tly and surely is Pr, Williams' Pink blood had been shed and that there Fills. Every dose of - this medicine were no more Semenoff soldiers in the makes new, rich blood which makes Nleinity, but the recollection of the r, oak. easily 'tired and ailing men, and twenty-six bodies In the fresh trench women feel bright, active and strong. near the railway station was too much if you need a medicine this spring try fol Krivorotoff. Cr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will "Oh, come on," replied Ivanoff. "They never recret, it. This medicine has are waiting on you at the investiga- cured thousands and thnnsands in every lion' rare of the world. and what it has done Krivorotoff told Ivanoff this was not tot nthrrs it cnn easily do for you. true, as there was nobody at the stn- Medicine- dealers everywhere sell these tion to conduct an investigation, and pills nr yrn] eon get them direct from refused to go, dclaring they wanted to the 17r.. Williems' Medicine Co., Week- kill him. elate; Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes "What a fool you. are, Krivorotoff," for $2.50. SIEGE COST 50.000 LiVES. Sanaa Almost Depopulated --Suffering of Inhabitants from Hunner. Leland Buxton, who has just returned from a tour of several months in the Persian Gulf and in the Yemen, visited Sanaa, which was recently besieged- by the rebel Arabs. He states that he found Sanaa to be said Ivanoff. "Do you know that the Colonel said at the mass. that there would be no more killed. What are you afraid oi? Who's going to shoot. you? Hurry, dress and conic on." Krivorotoff again refused. The gend- errne put his revolver to his temple. Krivorotoff's mother begged him to go in peace, so as not to anger the officer. He submitted. Before leaving he em - traced his wife and mother. Ivanoff sneered, "What's the use of snivelling? Might think you are going to be shot." practicallydepopulated, flavin been re- Krivorotoff never returned. The uped from a population of 70,000 to railwayminutes handsa heard several Shots a something like 20,000 as a result of the few later, and the havgeaine g f the famine during the Arab'seige. The twenty-six showed signs of having been during reopened. Jews. suffered terriblythe period, Krivorotoff's wife went to the authori- and almost the whole town is deserted. Sanaa, which, so far as he knows, has Only been visited by a few. Englishmen. has magnificent and large- buildings, covered with decorations, and the town is surrounded by mud walls. On his way to the capital Mr. Bux- ton found villages had been destroyed by the Turkish artillery, and that a great portion of the route to Sanaa was entirely depopulated. Large numbers of skeletons and skulls marked the route. The siege .of Sanaa was attended by terrible suffering and starvation, and cannibalism occurred both among the Arabs and the Turks. The people were reduced to terrible straits, and one Turk himself admitted that he had killed and eaten three Arabs. The dogs, which are a characteristic feature of most eastern towns, had dis- appeared, both they and the cats having been used as food. The only European in Sanaa is an Italian trader, who was in the place throughout the siege, and who has lived here for twenty years. FRENCH ARMY CONSCRIPTS. Never Take Good Clothes or Possessions into the Barracks. - "They are a curious crowd," says a writer describing the conscripts of the French army, "these boys of twenty and or twenty-one, in various stages of sobriety, as they. throng onto the plat- forms of the railway stations and, under the fire of gentle and superior sarcasm from the young men in uni- form who have already done a year or two, climb into the third-class cattle pens which are to take them to the threshold of their lives in barracks. The sons of wealthy men elbow the scourings of the street. ✓ "AB wear their worst clothes, except those who do not possess a second suit. The chief peculiarity about the whole -of them is an entire absence of luggage. A young friend of my own was one of them. Itis luggage for the two days of his first. visit to Paris con- sisted of a comb and an extremely aged tooth brush, and before leaving Paris he asked me to keep his overcoat for him til] he returned. 'They will only spoil it, and it is a new one,' was his plea. "1 counted the valises of a whole train load of conscripts who accompanied my friend, and they numbered exactly four. °Those four will have their lives teased out of them to -morrow,' was the verdict of a private under arms upon the plat- form.' •' CHILDHOOD'S PERILS. The so-called soothing medicines con- tain poisonous opiates that deaden and stupefy, but never cure the little ail- ments of childhood. Baby's Own Tab- lets are guaranteed to contain no opiate Rey act -on the stomach and bowel and thus remove the cause of nearly all the Ills that aniet lithe ones. In this way they bring natural, healthy sleep, and the child wakes up bright and +n cll. Mrs. A: Weeks, Vernon, 13. C., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and can cheerfully say that I have found them all you claim for them," Thee Tablets are good for children of all ages from birth onward. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 25c a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TTIIMBLE COLLECT1NG. Ono of the queerest fads among the up- per classes is th'e collecting of the thimbles of women celebrities. One cf the fiifest of, these collections is that cf ai London society roan, who has a cab - !net full of the dainty finger -shields of -the maidens he has loved and lost; while Mrs. Vanderbilt rejoices in the posses, sion of a veritable thimble of that ex- cfiilent noedlewoman Queen Elizabeth. This is the gem of her collection, al- though the latter contains a solid silver thimbleworn by .our Queen when a girl of fourteen, and a substantial "fin- f?er-shoe" of no less a person than the Mother of our King. Tt's all right to while your time away atter yeti have tie. goirtetbirtg worth,` 1, rulli1e. ties for information. They offered her a certificate that he had been executed by the military authorities on January i 1, instead of the morning of January 2. Such writes the St. Petersburg corre- spondent of the London Standard, is the story related to V. Vladimiroff, the well known - writer, by the mother and wife of the victim: Neither it nor any other stories published by Vladimiroff have been denied by the authorities. • A CAMPBELLTOWN BUILDER SPEAKS HE POUND NOTHING TO EQUAL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, FOR THEY CURED DIM OF HIS TROUBLE. Mr. W. II. Wallace is a Well Man To- day, But Re Was Pretty Bad Before He Got Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cambelltown, N.B., Apr. 23 (Special) --"It was a cold started my trouble; says Mr. Wallace, of this place, "I am a contractor and builder and ray work causes me to be out and exposed to F 11 weathers so I suppose' it was in that way I got cold. Anyway it selteed in my kidneys and made me pretty sick. I got lumbago in theback, cramp in the muscles, pains in the loins, shortness of breath, a dragging pain ` at the loins and my urine was thick with dark sed- iment. Then I knew the kidneys were to blame so I took. Dodd's Kidney Pills and they soon put me in shape and cured me so that I have had no trouble with my kidneys since." QUALIFYING FOR THE PROFESSION. An old lady walked into a lawyer's office lately, when the following con- versation took place :— "Sir, I've Called 'to see if you would like to take this -.boy. and make a law- yer of him ?" "The boy appears rather young, ma- dam; how old is he?" "Seven years, sir," - "He is too young --decidedly too young. Have you got no older boys?" "Oh, yes, sir; I have several. 13u•t we Have concluded to make farmers of the others. I told my man I thought this little fellow would make a first -rale lawyer, and so I called to see if you would lake him." "No, madam; he is too young yet to commence the study of the profession. But why do you think this boy so much better calculated for a lawyer than your other sons?" "Wily, you see, sir, he is just seven years` lo -day. When he was only Ilve he'd lie like anything, when he got to be six he was saucy and impudent as any critter could be, and now he'll steal anything he can lay his hands on." • Even though it woman considers a man a bore, she invariably believes that he considers her interesting. samoir ARE. YOU A "TRYER ?" All honor to the man who tries! Ila may fail --quite likely lie will -many and many tinges before he accomplishes the desired results. But if he has got the grit and the hang -on tenacity, of the bulldog, be will come out 'a winner lal the end. The harder the battle, the more glorious the victory. Easily attained success is equally valuable, but rare. The trouble is, this wheel of chance sort of success is seldom valued for what it is worth. It comes so easily, it is liable to be lost just as easily. The man who has come out a winner after hardship and disappointment, who hasfought many battles with great odds against him, and who, has overcome obstacles galore—well, Ile knows the price he had to pay for victory, and it Is valued ac- cordingly. Whether or nat the silvery lining isyet in sight for you, "don't give up the ship." After all, the real joy Is in the fight—the little victories that come with everyday business battles. The "big reward" may seem to be discouragingly far off in the future, but keep trying and trying. The. world honors the man who tries as much as the man who succeeds. ♦. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS* Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper: For limited period only. A handsome illustrator! treatise, giv- ing full descr:l+tion e' ltbeuni atism and Paralysis, with instructions for a com- plete home cure, describing the most u uccessful treatment in tire world, re- tomrnended by the Ministry and caldera- ed by medical men. '.this high!y in- ✓ tructfve book was written by W. IL Vcno, a gentleman who has made• & study of these diseases. The preface to by a .graduate of the' University o!` Wurtzburg. Send postal to -day and you will receive the boob: ` free by re- turn. --Address, The Veno. Drug Co.. ES ICiug St., Wert, Toronto Teacher "Johnny, can you tellme what a hypocrite is?" Johnny : "Yes, ma'am., It's a boy what comes to school with a smile on Lis face." UNLIGH t��+ na�yy 1tEWAPJ will ►p rV 'W be paid to. any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. is equally good with hard or soft water. if you use. Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you End any cause for complaint, Lever Drothera Limited, Toronto s{ 'LIGHT FROM THE CIGARET. Sapleigh — Weally, 1 - aw — nevah smoke a cigawet without thinking what a beastly fool I,aln, donelier know." Miss Causticp b — And yet some people claim there isn't any virtue in cigarets. A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of ail in llickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, en old-time and widely recognized remedy which, if resorted to at the inception of a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trouble, guard the system from any serious cense quences. Price -25 cents, at all dealers. "They call it an electric light," Pat confided' to his companion, "but it do beat me how they make the hairpin burn in thee little bottle." For "Run-down" People there's Laysno- thingIt a Stilling Hand on Pain.-- known in medical treatment to- day so effective andceatain of a cure For pains in the joints and limbs and and so magical in its building up pow - for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and E.,. as South American Nervine, because lumbago, Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil Js it strikes at the root of all nervous all - without a peer. Well rubbed in, the ments, the digestive organs, makes rich skin absorbs it and it quickly and per- red blood, drives away emaciation, puts ruanently relieves the affected part. Its on flesh and makes overh sical value lies in its magic property or re- wrecks generally. -148 p y moving pairs from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. EXPLANATION. He — I must have acted like a perfect NATURAL AS LIFE. • A merciful providence made a man's idiot at the dinner last night. °toes to point upward so that he could She (yawning) — 1 didn't notice any - not kick himself to death when he felt thing unusual about you. like it. For Inflammation of the Eyes.—Amon,;. A'Ae AGLY FAMILY of skin diseases is the one the many good qualities which Parme- generally'descrihed by the word J caeine. In all lee's Vegetable Pills possess., besides its forms it resists ordinary treatment but is. completely cured by Weaver's Cerate used in eon- regulating the digestive organs, is their ueetion with Weaver's Syron. ITE KNEW VALUES. efficacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many lettere of recommendation from those who were Art Dealer—"Ilere is a lovely little afflicted with this complaint and four 1 woodland scene for only $2,250." a cure in the pills. They affect the Oil Magnate—"That? Nonsense 1 I nerve centres and the blond in a surpris- know where that was painted. Why, 1 ingly active way, and the result is al- could buy the whole farm for $1,500." !most immediately seen. Apoplexy. — Dr. Agnew's Cure for the: ODE TO SPRING. Ileart is effective in apoplectic symp- toms. If you have unpleasant (La:- Ch, gentle spring, you are the thing ness, lightness or sudden rush of blond For forcing leaf and bud; to the head, take precautions against But oft, alas( it comes to pass a recurrence. This great remedy will! Oh, spring, thy name is mud. remove the cause. The press• of the 1 land has daily a list of sudden deaths' FERIiOVIM, WHAT IS IT? It is the name of which would not have been .chronicled the best tonic. It builds up the system, gives new life make, ppeople well and strong. Be sure if Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart were you got the gen "Ferrovtm." used. -147 DEGREES. IT WAS EASY. "Were you frightened when you arose Lo hake your first speech?" "What should frighten me?" "The audience." "The audience left as soon as my name was announced." They Drive Pimples Away. — A face covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal - irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive them away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- • lence. SOOTI•IING THE BABY. Mother : Have you kept your baby brother nice and quiet while I've been gone, Tommy? Tommy : Yes, mommer. Mother : ITas he cried any at all? Tommy: Ile hasn't made a sound, mommer, not the whet° time. Mother : What did you give him to amuse himself with? Tommy : The —mucilage bottle, and he's been like a. mouse since the first suck. Bnflgnt soap le better than outer reaps, but is boat when used in the Sunlight way. Bay Sunlight Soap ant follow directions. DAY OF REST IN FRANCE. The commission which has been con- sidering the iiltrodiiction in France of a weekly day of rest has proposed Sun- day as a day of compulsory idleness for all except certain trades, necessar- ily busy every day. It willebe laid be- fore the French Parliament. Evidently the Continent 'of England, and for that matter the United States, are drawing together in the use of Sunday. the old-fashioned English Sunday _meant nC' work and no play. The Continent- al Sunday meant play, but unhappily, also, a great deal of work. While Eng- land is forgetting the austerities of Puritanism and taking to play on Sun- day, France is adva.noing in the econo- mics of labor and finds work seven days a week intolerable, PENSIONS FOR SERVANT GIRLS. The late Herr Theodor Kutzner, a Berlin millionaire, has left to that city the sum of 2,800,000 marks to create a fund to be known as the "'Theodor and 1i;ar1 Kutzner Foundation." The reven- ues of the capital left to the city are to be used for providing pensions of 250 Marl's each to be given to servant -girls, seamstresses, and etnbroiderers. They Must be at least [[tett-six years old. "She says she's saddest when she sings." "Nonsense!_ She may be sadder than usual, but it's her audience that's sad- •t (lest." ST PELLAR'S L CEILINGS Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools. Stores. Halls. Also special designs for ilouses. Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Douses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or :fall oft. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to tit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. OUR CATALOOlUE. NO. 44 C, 1?E'+f'1t1A±a'S MANY fER1GNS. • WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MONTREAL, @UE. 70 Craig St- wrRttiPee. TO Lombard St. t1�TAi, ONr. 423 Susses 3t. j Head Office and Works, TOasW * OMT. t LOWbMI, OWWT, to 0et+aoree St J 60 Dundee St. 1 VANCOUVER, 8.0. I 515 Fearer St. WHIT& YOult NEAREST OFFICE. • Oshawa, Ont., Canadla LANDS l Western Cana TW 41, isomerism sections, select. ed lands in Saskatchewan, only a miles from two railways, C.P.B..4 G.Z.P. Strong soil, 00 per cent. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs Ab nit 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. Price $10.50 per acre. Write for nap and fnn particulars PARA OATS,. 91 Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. MAKE the FARM PAY A Fairbanks -Morse 2 H.P. Jack -of -all -Trades t' &SOLINE ENGINE trill Saw woad ne inn[ ne two men can haadre It. I1 nlao rumps water, hells corn, grinds feed. makes butter rano cr-emseparator. in tact fur- nishes power for all inrni purposes. 11rary farmer Should have ono Out out this complete advertisement and send it to 444 ST. JAMES STREET, TIIu CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, LTD. 3szo_oi rt RE 82,. Please send me (without charge) particulars about Jack-of•all•Tradcs Engine for farm aro. 1 nosy wants. ,._ __».... ....H.P,I Dame Engine for I Address Prov OLD VIRGINIA FARMS It is only necessary to read the roc_ tl.t i1STSATHD CATALOGUE FnaE. LARCE'T LiST FOR SALE- 11 THI STATE way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the C.,£SELFSA 1 LO., nlcYf;AaNO, VIM NIA. removal of corns, warts,, etc. It is a complete extinguisher. timonials to be convinced that Hone - FOR BOYS—A CRAM) OFFER If you will devote only your SPARE T;mE DAD COULD DO THIS ONE. sending us names of farmers auc`i feeders and ne,p Introduce Edith—"Papa is immensely pleased to ' ARABIAN STCC'f AND POULTRY FtC'OD TABLETS • hear you are a poet." A Common -Sense Stuck Food ata Common -Sense Freddy—"Is h ?" Price of O\IS CENT POUND RATS y 11.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Sead or a Edith—`Oh, very! The last one of my trial order and ask for booklet No. 18 giving full lovers he tried to kick was a football particulars about 10) Free Premiums offered player." The Iceman's Troubles.—"My busi- ness," says. John Gray, ice dealer, of Wingharn, Ont., "is one of the most fertile fields under the sun for sowing call phonetic spelling?" „ the seeds for rheumatic suffering. For n five years I was a great invalid, words ,,It's the kind, Jim, they used to tIo„ cannot convey the faintest idea of my you and me at school for using." intense suffering and constant pain Got a Constant Headache? - Ten I endured. 6 bottles of South American chances to one the secret of your suffer - Rheumatic Cure permanently cured ing is that "white man's burden," Ca- me." -146 tarrh. here's a sentence from one SELF-PRESERVATION. man's evidence for Dr. Agnew's Catar- rhal Powder — "One application gave "I am greatly troubled with klepto- me instant relief, cleared the nesse] pas - mania, exclaimed the fashionably sages and stopped the pain in my head." dressed woman, as she bustled into the 1'.'s a quick, safe and sure treatment, and it never fails to cure. 50 cents. -- 145. 'IHE BES.W CHEMICAL CO., SCHOF'IELD BLDG., CLEVELAND, O. .n.rmaaa..svgs.=:ex:.::.e.xr:ss :0,46, SAME OLD SPELLING. "Say, Dick, what is this new fad they drug department; "now what would you advise me to take for it 2" "Your de- parture, manlame, by all means," re- plied the floor -walker, and bowed her to the elevator.: IIARTYRDOI DESCRIBED Kingston Man belle how be Suffered and How he was Released. "For years a martyr, is how (bas. H. Powell of 105 Raglan Street, Kingston, begins his story.. " A martyr to chronic constipation, but now I am free from it and all through the use of Dr. Leohbardt's Anti -Fill." Cita.. 1H. POWSLL Many who are now suffering from this complaint will be glad to learn from Mr. Poevoll.'s story that there is hope for the most stubborn case, lie continues : " I was induced to try Anti - Pili by reading the testimony of eome one who had been cured of constipations by it. I had suffered' -for eighteen years and had taken tend of stuff recommended as cures but which made me worse rather than better, Doctors told me there was no cure for me." Dr, I.eonhrtrdt's Anti-l?iil le for sale by all Druggistit or by Tho Wiluon-Pyle Co., Limited,, Niagara Fells, Out. Mr. Vowel' will verify every ward of tllisi itatemeatw bOt IN HER OWN EYES. Her—"Do you believe it is true that every woman is beautiful in the eyes ' t some one?" Him—"Certainly, if she isn't blind." Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sold in Canada. It always gives satisfaction by restoring health to the little folks. • 1,:' PAYSI Merchant wasn't Very wise; Swore he wouldn't Advertise. Tried his system For a year, Earned a hundred $$S clear. Then the merchant Got so mad Put the hundred In an "ad." Ad. brought so mush Cllstdrn in That the merchant Had to grin. Since then daily Loud he cries: "lam it pays 10 it dvertlsel" TEFEHL• BQROUtiH II .� iek 14 OE CO TD ,,,� Sx-nsruse5 Onednw1lvrG _ 1he&mCetera scdCeter ;7 '� � %�,` Cdnors,51‘ifishuncintr, 5E40FOR CATALOGUE AND WORPRICI5w r thmiis4T SFAIR'S MAGIC Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Acute, In- flammatory Chronic;RHEUMATIC Lumbago, and all Rid - also Neuralgia id- or alsoalis Satica, CURElrom h immediate troubles; removes Uric Acid relief, Duntsufor, but sedfor a bottle at once. Osborne Remedy Co., 176 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. $1.ee per bottle. The Arneth Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammerin,. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BEi`RLIN, ONTARIO. o ONLY ONE ANSWER. Edna (writing composition) —"Dear me, I have forgotten which are the seven wonders of the world. I think 1'll ask Mrs. Brown," Tom -"Don't." Ectna---"Why not?" Tom—"Well, she has seven children." Lash or Cure If Shiloh's Contumpption Cure fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get bads all you paid for ft. You ate sure of a Cure cs the if it Wasn't a sure cure, this offal' woulii not be made. Can anything be fairer) If you have a Cold, Couzbt or any daeento of the Throat, Low or Air Pinar?, UV SiILOdi 31s 7.54. per bottle All &dot gusrautee it. N II ISSUE NO. 117.411