HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-4-26, Page 7A SPIUNG DANGER. litany People Weaken Their Systems by :Dosing With Purgative Medicines.. A spring medicine seems, to be a ne- cessity. Nature demands it as an aid to .enriching the .blood' and carrying cif the impurities that have accumulated during the indoor . life of the winter months. 'Thousands of people, reco{;- xizing the necessity for a sprint; medi- cine, dose 'themselves with harsh, grip - mg purgatives. This is a mistake. Ask any doctor andhe will tell you that the use of purgative medicines weak- ens the system and cannot possibly cure disease. In the spring the system needs ,building up--piergatives weaken. The blood should be made rich, red and. pure—purgatives canot do this. What is needed is a tonic, and the best tonic medical science has yet devised is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose of this medicine actually makes new, rich blood, and this new blood strengthens every organ and every part of the body. That is why these pills banish pimples and unsightly skin eruptions. *that is why they cure headaches and Lackaches, rheumatism and neuralgia and a host of other troubles• that come from poor, watery blood. That is why the men and women who use Dr. Wil - hams' Pink Pills eat well and sleep vv ell and feel active and strong. iters. Albert E. Sampson, L'Ardoise, N. S., sr;ys: "1 have used Dr. Williams' ' Pink ('ills with the greatest benefit. I know of no medicine that can equal them in building up people who are weak '1r run 'down.,, When buying these pills see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ler Pale People,' is, printed on .the wrapper around the, box.. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or. by mail et 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BIG LINERS' BEING BUILT. British Sister Ships to Outclass Any- thing Afloat. Two new ocean liners, which are be- ing built with the 810,000,000 lent by the British Government, are fast near- ing completion, and will be launched in Tune or July of this year. They will be named the Mauritania and Lusitan- ia, and will be the largest ships the world has ever seen. Each vessel will have a gross ton- nage of 33,200, while they will be sixty feet longer than any other liners afloat. • They are eighty-eight feet in beam, and in this respect are the first to surpass the Great Eastern, which was eighty-three feet in breadth. Each will have accommodation for 3,000 passengers and will carry a crew of 800. They will be propelled by tur- bine engines capable of developing 80,- 000 0;000 horsepower, and are expected to travel at a minimum speed of twenty- four knots an hour. ?larine engineers predict the vessels will be the steadiest ships on the ocean. They are to be fitted in a manner equal to the most gorgeous of modern hotels. The decora- tions will consist of ,>;eproductions of the- greatest works of'ar•t, while the system of lifts between th)e various decks will provide for the rapid transit of passengers from one part of the ship to another. The first-class dining saloon will be unprecedented in marine architecture. It will he a massive, gorgeous apart- ment 125 feet long by 80 feet wide, and will comforrtably accommodate 500 per- sons at one meal. It will be lighted by ,a great dome extending up through the two decks above and crowned with a roof of cathedral glass. More than ono engineering record has been broken in the construction of the ships. The stern frames and brackets are the largest ever known, the former alone weighing forty-seven tons and re- quiring no fewer than sixty-nine tons of molten metal in the making, The rudder weighs seventy-nine tons, and each link in the 2,000 cables is Twenty-two and one-fourth inches long and weighs 100 pounds. Each link was tested and withstood a strain of 370 tons: SAFEGUARD THE CIJILDRIN. There Is no telling when a medicine may be needed in homes where there are little 'ones. . Therefore, the pru- dent ,another will always keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets on hand. These Tablets promptly cure indigestion, colic, sour stomach, constipation, diar- rhoea and teething troubles. They beak up colds, prevent croup, expel worms, and give the child sound na- tural sleep. Mothers have the guarantee of a government analyst that these Tab- lets contain no opiate or poisonous nothing stuff. •Mrs. J. C. Gildart,, Pros.- ser ros-ser Brook. N. B., says: "Baby's Owl) tablets act like magic when a little one is ill, and I would not feel safe without a box in the house." 'You can get Paby's Own Tablets from your medi- cine dealer or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SYNCHRONIZATION. Mrs. Murphy --That's a foine boy .you have there, ,Mrs. Maginnis. Flow ould is he ? Mrs. Maginnis (with motherly pride)— He'll be two years oleid to -morrow, an' he was born on the same clay as his father. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. This pioneer and popular railway of Canada can now boast of the longest double _ track railway in the world under one management, its main line being double. tracked from St. Johns, Que., to Niagara Falls and Chicago. It has the finest road bed in Canada over which some of the fastest long- distanco trains In the-. world are opera- ted, The "International Limited," run- ning between Montreal and Chicago, has become known as the "Railway Grey- hound, of Canada" and the. finest and fastest train in the Dominion. Four express„ trains each way daily exoep't Sunday and two fast limited trains each tray daily are operated be- tween Montreal and. Toronto, Modern Oncl luxurious strains with . Cafe .parlor +paid library ears on day trains and PullA man sleeping Cars on night trains, "VIE RESURRECTION IN 19 15." Peculiar Religious Sect Create a Stir in Yorkshire. Some remarkable beliefs are held 1>y the new religious sect, the Millennial Dawnists, recently, formed in Wlrarfdale, Yorkshire, England. In the main the adherents, most c.f whom have left, other Nonconformist Churches in the district, hold that man is mortal, and that he will not be en- dowed with a soul. until the resurrec tion, which is timed for 1915, Then Christ will appear on earth and preside at the hcad,of His Church, which will consist only of those who have been faithful and true under the new d''spensa.tion. Thus will begin the . Mil- lennial age, which will continue for I,- 000 years. During this period Christ and the Church will act as a tribunal, and all who have not. previously joined this new Church will be given an oppor- tunity of attaining the perfect life. Guides will be provided to direct such persons along the paths of. holiness, and the devil will be chained up, in order that they may be saved from tempta- tion. If at the end of 1,000 years they succeed in reaching their original state —that of the spotless Adam—they will he admitted to the Church, this privi- lege having been forfeited by not join- ing the correct Church before the dawn of the millennium. The inernbers of this Church are to Ix the Bride of Christ in the new era, and they will be first to rise at the re- surrection, and be known as the first fruits. The next will be those who ul- timately win salvation and are admit- ted to life eternal, whilst all' the rest will go to a, second death -=which is ev- erlasting death. The adherents are very enthusiastic. Among the adherents, of the new sect are three local 'Primitive Methodist preachers. In tendering their resigna- tions,, they. wrote that, while they Le- lieved that "the wages of sin is death," they could not find in the Bible that this life was the only opportunity they would have for salvation. They believ- ed that Christ would come again, and that everyone would have another chance The movement is already causing a good deal of dissension in families. NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS CASE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE A YOUNG MAN WHO HAD REACH- ED A VERY CRITICAL STAGE OF KIDNEY DISEASE. His Case Was More Serious Than Ile Thought, But Thanks to Dodd's Kid- ney Pills He is Well and Strong Now. St, Leelin, Glo. Co., .N. B., April 1G— (Special).—Mr. Patrick `Clowning, of this place, is a young man only twenty years of age, but some time ago kidney disease had him firmly in its grip and had it not been for Dodd's Kidney Pills he would probably not have been alive tc-day.- "I think the cause of my trouble was overwork," says Mr. Downing, "any- way it began with a heavy dragging pain in my back and across my loins. Then I was subject to headaches, cramp in the muscles, dizzy spells and weak- ness till I felt fit for nothing. But the worst symptom of my case was when I noticed my urine was streaked with blood, then I lcnew that my kidneys were affected. Hearing of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills 1 sent for some and. I am pleased to say the pains have all gone since using them and I am well and strong as ever I was." GREAT BLUNDERS OF LIFE. Isere are some "blunders" written down by five hundred men, and to 1 e found in the Crerar Library, Chicago: "The greatest blunder in my life was gambling." "When I left my church and mother." "My greatest , blunder was when I learned to smoke.' "Was to fool away my time when 1 was at school." "Not keeping my .position, but grew slack in my work." "Thinking that my boss could not do without me." "Refused a steady position with a good firm." "Would not hearken to the advice of other people." "Not saving money when I was young." "Beating some one out of' money." "Did not stick. to anything." "Careless about my religious duties.", "Did not take care, of my money." } LAUNDRY AND MATRIMONY., The Korean mother who is desirous of seeing her daughter happily married makes' certain that the young woman is a good laundress, for ability in this direction has more weight with the Ko- rean swain than beauty. Ile does not even demand that his wife Shall be more than an average cook, but she must, be eble to keep fresh and spotless the lin- en garments which everyone, from prince to peasant, wears. Such aids to laun- dry work as flat -irons and wringers are not, popular, the process in use • to- day being the, same as those:of centuries ago; therefore, the first recommenda- tion to a young man's' favor' is ability as a laundress. NI L f'FI1ENCY No distinction is matte as to the kind of Piles that Dr. Leouhardt's Ilan• toid cures. The names Internal, External, Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., are sim- ply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. , Piles are caused by congestion or stave - blob of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cane. Dr. Leonhardt s Ham-Roid is a tablet taken internally. It is a permanent curd and no ease of Pilon has_ ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee with every package, Price, $1,00 at any druggist's, or. the Wilsor Fyfe Co., Limited, Nisgars Earls, Ont. 2 THE SUNLIGHT RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP; LEAVE 30 70 60 MI U. TES upwri lab A 1144111111 RINSE WELL .WAY'. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluty. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals —indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap, Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whomou buy SurdiohC Soap if yvu find any eauee for eomplatzt. 735 LEVER idROT1$LRS LIMITED, TORONTO DEGREES. Dolly—"That girl told awful flbs about me. Polly—You're lucky, deare'r She might have told the truth. WEAK WATERY BLOOD pauses much trouble. That tired feeling and many more symptoms follow in its- wake. Try "Ferrovim." It 1s the best tonic to make you strong and well. All druggists sell 1t. Mr. Suhbubs—"Great heavens, Lucy, Mary Ann tried to start the fire with gun -cotton, and she has been blown out through the roof!" •Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is +agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used ac- cording to directions it will break the. most persistent cold, and restore the air rassages to their normal healthy con- dition. There is no need to commend it to those familiar with. it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use, the advice is—try Pickle's Syrup. "I'm getting along much better now with )Miss Boxley." "You don't say! I was told her father kicked you out ev- ery time you called." "So he does; but he doesn't kick so hard as lie used to." "Love Laughs at Locksmiths" as South American Kidney Cure laughs at dis- ease. It's the seemingly impossible doors to disease that it unlocks that makes its cures almost incredible. But for every cure there is a proof if you core to investigate. It is a liquid kid- ney specific and it never fails. Makes and keeps risen "fit" and well. -142 "And you rejected him?" "I did." "I•Ie has the reputation of being a large - hearted man." "That's the trouble with him; he is too large -hearted. I -le can love half a dozen women at the same time." ft Retains Old and Makes New Friends. —Time was when Dr. Monies' Eclectric Oil had but a small field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recognized its curative qualities still value it as a specific, and while it retains its old friends it is ever making new. It is certain that whoever once uses it will not be without it. "Ile makes me so angry," remarked Miss Bute; "he's forever rema.rkin.g to me that 'beauty is only skin deep.' "And when you get angry," remarked Miss Chellus, "it just shows him how thin-skinned you are 1" Piles — itching, Blind and Bleeding --Cured in three to six nights. llr. Agnew's Ointment is peerless in cur- ing. One application gives instant re- lief. It cures all itching and irritating skin diseases, Chaffing, Eczema, etc. +5 cents. --443. "Dad, what's the difference between a profession and a trade?" "The man who works at a trade goes home when his eight hours are finished. The man who follows a profession has to keep on until his work is done." A Sure Cure for headache. -Bilious headache, to which women are more subject than men, becomes so acute in some subjects that they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there 'Is a constant and distressing ef- fort to free the stomach from bile which has became unduly secreted there. Parmelec's Vegeta.bhe Pills are a speedy alterative, and in neutraliz- ing the effects of the intruding bile r e- lieves the pressure on the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. WED AND LIVE LONG. Marriage is an institution highly con- duciveto the health of both husband and wife. Statistics prove that among married men over 20 years of age and women over 40 the mortality rate is far less than among those who remain single. Among the widowed and di- vorced the mortality is exceptionally great. Suicides among the unmarried are much more numerous than among the married, The matrimonial state promotes temperance in every form. Furthermore, the probable duration of life of a married. man of 30 exceeds that of his unniarried brother by five years, and the Wife may expect to live one year longer than a single woman of the same age. Taiilor - "f am sorry, sir, but as this Is 10 be your wedding suit I shall require cash on delivery." Customer -•-+ "Eh? Why, I've had an account with you for years, and I've always paid you prompt- ly." "Yes, sir; but you were a bachelor then, and were surd of handling gout' own money." " ETERBOROUiir- °,r~`„ w of CO. s ,,P* 4, a,n.,,a�, c. ErvacwacrdetIIsfow. The &steedCheapest SENO FOR CATALIi UEaieiEETOURPRIM MtSPYINE STAMMERERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, ONTARIO. THS NORTHERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A YRLID, PROOR 88IYE tOMPIINY, WANT A NUMBER OF General and Loa! Agents. To those who can write Insurance a liberal contract will be given, Apply, stating age, and experience (if any), to JOHN MILNE, Managing Director, London, Ont. Did. you ever notice that the size of trouble depends on whether it is com- ing or going South American Nervine makes the whole system radiant in perfect health, it accelerates circulation, enriches the blood, penetrates to the very centres of nerve force, builds tissue, makes and keeps people well. This wonderful remedy has had a charmed experience and has done its greatest work in cases that the medical fraternity had pronounced hopeless. -140 FAT BABIES. The family with the thinnest bank roll has the fattest baby. Ii your .children aro troubled with worms, give them Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and *.f- fsctual. Try it and mark the improve. merit in your child. "Oh, I say!" exclaimed tine young mother, "baby's gut your watch in her mouth. "I know," replied the fond uncle, "but I've got hold of the chain, and i won't let it go down too far." .- PEDLAR'S STEEL CEILINGS Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, halls. Also special designs for Houses, Kit» chens, Dining -Rooms, etc, Nothing has ever beep devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster .and will never crack dr fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mecharlie. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. OUR CATALOGUE, NO. 44 C, DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. 'WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. 010.1.....• 11•11111111111011 THE PEDLAR PEOPLE; MONTREAL, QUI ' •TTAWA, ONT. 767 Creed St- 423 Sussex Rt. w1NNIPO, Wiuxx You& ra tSlnieara 59. iiia¢ Otfiice and Works, • ' TOssDNT•, ONT. LONDON, ttilT It Colborne St O• Duedae sit, Namur orates.YANOOOvlS, •.C, Orb Ponder •t. 10 Oshawa, Ont., Canada LANDS In Western Canadae earner) al ad lands fie Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.R. * Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough had, spring creek, no sloughs About 40 milia. N,B. of Indian head. Pnee 110.50 per acrd, Write for map and tall particulars. R, PARSONS, to Wellesley Street, Toronto. Canada. $60 Summer Excursion Rate from St. Paui, thistle - apt lis, and Duluth, (Front Chicago $75), .Lae to 1 to Sept. 1s, 1906, to the Pacific Northwest and e Puget Sound Country This very low rate places rcithtn the reach Of all an outing on the shores of the ' Mediterranean of America," at the summer resorts and iu1 the beautiful North Coa;t cities of Seattle, '.racoma, and Portland, or in any of a thousand delightful places in the groat mountain ranges. It's a country you should /now. No more pleasurable trip in all America, with the side trip, en route, to Yellowstone National Park via the Gardiner Gateway A region of crowning scenic glories=' Wonderland of the World." If you will send a post card to A. M Cleland, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn., yuu will receive a folder giving full infor- mation by return mail. "Wonderland 19043," six cents. For full information,about rates and trains write W. G. MASON, D.P.A. 75 Yonge St., Toronto, Can. Northrn Pacific Railway a Direct to the North Pacific Coast Country." LOVE'S BRIGHTEST DREAM. "When the rich widow married the young fellow she told him he would gave nothing to do but spend her mon- ey" "And now?" And now she allows him just $7 a week." Discouraged Stomachs. — Could you n ander at the delicate organs of diges- tion refusing to be helped and comfor- ted when day after day they are liter- ally "drowned out" by strong tonics, bitters and hurtful nostrums Common sense carne into Medical Science when h evolved the tasty tablet dose and dis- covered a God-setid to humanity fn br. Von Stan's pineaple tablets formula. :+5 cents. -14.4 - PROPOSER REJECTED. "How do you propose to keep my daughter ?" "On your unwillingness to see her starve-" sunngat !soap 18 better Caen orner soaps, but is beat when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Bibson — "Did she sing 'For all Eter- nity?" Gibson — "I don't know; she was still singing when I came away." SCALD HEAD is a disgusting and obstinate' disease, frequent in children. Treatment : Per- fect cleanliness and a generous application of Wearer' Carate. Mothers will be glad to learn this. Between an ordinary cold and the grip the difference is the size of the doc- tor's bill. • It Lays a Stifling Hand on Pain,—For Pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumba- go, Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is with- out a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and perman- ently relieves the affected part. its value lies in its magnetic property cf removing pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized, 4 ---- AFFECTS THE HAT TRADE. English Leather Manufacturers Oppose Embargo on Cattle. At a meeting of the Stockport, Eng- land, Towns. Council recently a long dis- cussion took place upon the question of .the restrictions placed on the impor- tation of Canadian cattle. Mr. Alder- man Lees, a hat manufacturer, said it was a great disadvantage to the coun- try to have these restrictions upon the importation of foreign cattle. One re - Suit was a great scarcity of hides, which seriously affected' the price of leather, and that in turn affected the tatting industry, and made it a very important matter to Stockport, Mr, Alderman 3, 'Turner, also a hat, manufacturer, said that serious incon- venience to the hafting trade was suf- fered through the great advance in the price of leather, hides having gone up 33% per cent. Mr. Walmsley said the motorcar In- dustry was responsible for the increase in the price of leather, stove hides being used for each car. GOOD AS A MOVING VAN. "It is a great comfort to have a child About the hous6," said the man of do- mestic tastes. "Yes," answered the unfeeling wretch, "when company comes that you don't care for 3'ou• can make it recite.'' OLD VIRGINIA FARMS ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUC FREE. LARGEST LIST FOR SALE IN THE STATE OASSELMAN & CO., RICHMOND, VIaC.NIA. American Poultry Farm.; We Breed for Color, Vigor, and Heavy Egg Production. Our Leghorn and Wyaudotte hens have records of over 200 rggs per year. cgs for Hatching from forty Breeding Pens oil rred and White Plymouth Rucks, White anal Silver Wyanduttes, White and Brown Leghorn Eggs 33,00 per 15, 35.00 per a0, 315.00 per 1 Bronze Turkeys and Jersey Cattle. 30 years' 02 porience in Breeding. Circular and Prices Fre F. 17. MUNGER & SONS, .DeKalb, 111 �t�E+3��3�•f�E��E+?�E-�r 1 STARR'S MAGIC RHEUMATIC CURE ±1 Guaranteed to CURE RHEUMATISM— Acute, Inflammatory, or Chronic : also Neuralgia Sciatica, Lumbago and all liid- k ney troubles, Remove, unc acid from the 4- system gives immediate relief. Don't suffer, but send for a bottle at once. nun- drads have been cured.. The Osborne In Remedy Co., Toronto. Ont. 31.00 per bottle., $3 3+KE+):(�i •F i$s + E$KE+A+A Balking, Shying, or any kind of a baba cured!, In a few hours by my' system. Particnlarsfree i Fret. JESSE . 1E119. Pleasant NIL 0118 BOYS AT HIGH SCHOOL—A FREE COLGEDLtCATiON- I[ you will devoLEteE only your SPARE TIM SC towline us names of farmers and feeders and bel ie iitroduce IRAaIAN STCOrf AND POULTRY MD TABLETS! 1 Common -Sense Stock Food at a Common -Sere* Price of ONE CENT A. POUND RATE R.00 per 1.00 Prepaid and gi,arantecd. Send. ustill ;rim order and ask for booklet No. 18iving f particulars about 100 Free Premiums offered. THE BESAW CHEMICAL CO., IC110FIELD BLDG., CLEVELAND, o. 00•0.-.. THE WIIIBLIGIG. This earth, upon its axis set, Spins on. We scarce can time iL And every time it turns we get A different kind of climate. Ill fitting boots and shoes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the ar- ticle to use. Get a bottle at once and cure your corns. Faith You cannot be expected to have faith i,t Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, as a cure for Colds, Coughs and a diseases of the air passages; if you have tot tried it. We have faith in it. and we guarantee it. If it doesn't cure you it costs you nothing. If it docs it cods you 25e. That's fair. Try it to -clay. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the moat obstinate cases, and we do not hesitate to say that it will cure any Cold, Cough, Throat or Lung trouble. If we did not believe this wo would not guarantee it, Shiloh has had an unbroken record of .success for thirty ire. h has *toad every potsllble test without failure. Further Prof is found in the many testimonials of those who have tried Shiloh dad been cured, Mrs. Archie Taylor, Asaph,, Pa., writes *" i borsht a horde of 5ttikti a Coesoweel n Cies and found it very be,t.ficial. I kavetwe dadka„ and this tad a 1alyD,k ceaah, i save thew ewr thins 1 could tb ek of, lasnlwy per en bases delft one mines my hwb;ind tweet .a facade of We Orre it to the cMldre,, when 'her shoe nt to thee 1sleet *II Mehl. It , s).1 sh hem; lyahem is it se s