HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-4-26, Page 4e.•
If there anysigns ,ts that
present food does not ae•ree,
try another, We have, all the
good kinds and we are careful
to keep them fresh,
Collo, Cramps, Teething
Troubles, Peevishness and
Sleeplessness, use
Cones 'CarminativeSyrup.
Perfectly harmless as it con-
tains no opiate or narcotic.
It will also prevent that ex-
ceedingly troublesome affec-
tion of the Inembrane of the"
month arising from acidity
of the stomach known as
White Mouth.
Prepared and For Sale
Where every baby necessity is kept
in stock. SUPREMA is the baby's
toilet powder.
feze .er Lbvorate,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
'THURSDAY. APR. 26, '06.
Hugh Clark M. P. P. of Kincardine.
":leas been promoted from Major to
.Colonel, and will have command of
the Bruce Regiment.
Tbe$500 marked cheque and S1,5G0
in cash which the Gamey commis-
sioners havebeen holding will he de-
yoted to charitable purposes. The Pre-
mier introduced a . bill to that effect
last week.
* *
The.House of Commons last week by
unanimous resolution adopted an ad-
dress to the King's most gracious. Ma-
jesty inviting the Bing and Queen to
-resit Canada at their convenience.
* *
"Comparatively easy to find scholars
Tess'easytofind rnenofsterling cbaracter
sn this or any other walk oflife, most
:difficult to find that combination of
strong character and scholarship, with
;patience, tact and gentleness, which
'make up the ideal teacher," was one of
foe reasons assigned by Miss Agnes
AL1. Purves -at the recent Ontario Edo-
national Association meeting why so
:.few men are in the teaching profession.
flier paper was read in the public
•school department. Boys should be
'taught love of country, loyalty to the
tlrowo, indulgence in manly sports,
self-reliance, the loathing of vulgarity
of manners, of tale -ham•, and girls
need "mens sans in corpore sano" as
`well as the boys. School hoards should
:and men who can teach thus, and re-
rnnunerate highly.
(a'reenway • •
Robert Hayter and Wm. Baker each
'passed through here with a steel wind-
mill for their farm. -Mrs. R. Harvey
-aand daughter called on friends here
last week. -Andrew Pollock bought
25 acres of land from A. M. Wilson,
•being part of lot 39 S.B., Stepben.-
Mrs, Ross and daughter of Holmes-
'rille visited his sister, Mrs. W. J.
.Brown last week and remained over
'=Suuday.-James I. McPherson has im-
proved his residence by buying annth-
ear half acre of land from W. J. Wilson.
Rufus McPherson of Corbett has been
:engaged as clerk by W. J. Wilson &
• Elimville
Magnar9D,-A quiet -marriage took
place at the Methodist parsonage on
Wednesday of last week. when Rev.
H. J. Fair performed the nuptial ties
that made Mr. Henry Delbridge, and
Miss Helen Spicer, daughter of the
late Byron Spicer, man and wife.
Your correspondent joins their many
friends in extending congratulations.
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to takes,
then take it- Ayer's . Sorsa.
parilla. If you doubt, then.
consult your doctor. 'We know
what he will say about this
pfd. .
family medicine.
This, is the first 'question yourector would
ask: Aro your bovrels regular?' He knows
that dally action: of the bowels is absolutely
essential to recovery. Keep your liver active.
Awl your bowels regular by taking laxative
doses of Ayer's rills.
Made t, .y, O. Ayer Ca., Lowest, Mass
Aloe atdriureott n.rs or
411/ PIAIR Vint&
OM Aorta cco..
We have no sooreti t we ,publish
the formula* or all our medtolnes,
House cleaning bite is at bend.
Everywhere the pour patient hnblty.
carr be seen beatilrg the carpet, clean-
Mg stovepipes and noting. the general
chore boy; Cheer up old man, it will
Only last a few days.--Oonrad Kuhn
has purchased re rubbers tired buggy
from t Wilt. H. Wenzel. "August prom-
ises to give the girls• t good time this
al -Muller. --Marshall Bloorutield of Oen-
tralia has been engaged as hostler at
the Central Hotel, ---Miss Pearl An-
drews left last week cu an extended
visit to Manitoba, -Percy Humble of
Sarnia was in the village for a few -
days this week visiting friends, -Mrs,
King,Sta, is dally improving; as is also
Mrs, Albert Icing. -Young Bros. are
remodelling their warehouse and will
convert it into a workshop. -Our bar-
ber' has papered trod painted his ton-
sorial parlors and has made a decided
improvement, -Sant. Kuhn is learning
the painting with Autos & Harris.-
Tobias Wrote is having his house re-
painted. Bert Clark is doing the work
and is making a splendid job -of it.-
1lrs, Richard Johnston, who bus bee
a pleasant visitor at .the home of he
sister, Airs. Thomas Trevet.hick, ha
returned to London, -Sucher tislliu
has been the sport the past week.
Many of our boys were oat during the
night but did not meet with much suc-
cess. -Misses Mary and Agnes McDon-
ald of Mt. Carmel spent a few days in
the burgh during the week. -Me. and
Mrs. John Sweitzer, Mr. and ;Mrs. S.
Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Heist spent Sun-
day in Zurich. -Joseph Foster of Zur;,
ich has been awarded the contract to
construct the concrete sidewalks hi
our village. Work will commence in
the near future. -The masons have
commence.' at the cement fonudation
of our new school honse, and from now
on things will be on the move. -Miss
Inex Andrews, who spent the Easter
vacation here, has resumed her studies
at the Parkhill High School. -Fred
Wein who was taken to the House of
Refuge at Clinton about two months
ago. has again appeared in our midst.
-School reopened on Monday after
the Easter holidays. The lady teach-
ers, Misses Farrow and 0. M. Turner,
enjoyed the vacation at their homes in
Goderich.-John Geiser returned home
last week after a brief visit in the. Co-
balt mining district. --Miss Lizzie Ratz
of Parkhill visited at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, last week.
-After a severalmonths' stay at his
home here, Will Brown left a few days
ago for Sebewaing to resume his for-
mer position as tinsmith. -Dr. and
Mrs. Heist left for Hamilton on Mon-
day_where they willreside in future.
We are sorry to lose them as they had
many friends here, . We wish them
every success and happiness in their
new place of residence. -Henry Eilber„
M.P.P., had a long distance Bell tele-
phone placed in bis office on Tuesday:
-Gottlob Brown occupied the pulpit
in the Evangelical, church Sunday
morning in the absence of Rev. Darns
who was attending' Conference at. Bis-.
mark. There was no service in the
evening. -Rev. E. H, Bean of Camp-
den bas been selected by the Canada
Conference to be the . pastor of the
Evangelical church in this village.
The next session of the Conference
will be held here. Rev. Damm will
preach his farewell sermons next Sun-
day. -Fred Hoist has bought a new
boiler and engine for the tile manu-
facturing plant, from E. Leonard &
Sons, Co., Limited, London, and has
had men placing the same in their
proper positions this week. -Some of.
our citizens have done some of their
spring gardening.
inittee of arrangements for our Vic-
toria Daa celebration has had several
meetings and from all reports we will
have an excellent program of sports.
There will be two baseball matches be-
tween our boys and the London team
(Blue Labels) and the Parkhill High
School boys. A football game with
Hensel] will he played also. The com-
mittee are also rocking arrangements
to have , a . Trade's Procession in the
forenoon. In the evening a grand.con-
cert will beiv n i
e outBllswill ben
a few days and will give more particu-
lars. Now, good citizens, help to make
this celebration a success. Get a sup-
ply of bunting and streamers and make
our burg look gay. Act the good pat-
riot and citizen and get busy.
Crediton East
Our sports are getting ready for Vic-
toria Day. -Our horsernen, Garfield
and Eli Lawson and Garnet Bissett are
speeding their horses from morning
until night. They have made some
sensational runs and the time is away
down, that is if their reports are cor-
rect. -Miss Ida Rau is visiting friends
in Exeter this week. -Fred Kerr is
sporting a new rubber -tired rig these
days. -Thos. Heddeh has moved into
the dwelling on . Fred Hoist's brick
yard and will look after the business
this season for the proprietor. -Henry
Swoitzer is building a fence along the
mill property. -Our brick and tile
manufacturers are getting things in
she pe for the coming season. -Edward
Sweitzer has moved on the farm he re-
cently bought from Peter Kilpatrick.
-Fishing has been the rage the past
week. Our vetern fishers, Bernhoft
and Holtzman have caught some fine
specimens, but the majority, haven't
h id much luck. -Jos. I3aist has moved
onto the property he recently bought
from August Sweitzer and Geo. Man-
tie.--Jno. Edwards moved into the
residence lately occupied by Thomas
HNdden.-There is some talk of having
a telephone at this end of the town.
It would certainly fill a long felt want
and o. 'slid often save a long walk up
toe 1.1.
lend, (Inv popular merchant end post -
Piaster, has just finished the addition
to lair store. The size of the building
is now 10x40 and will he found more
eon a•a•nient to display his stock of
goods. In 1898 he purchased the husi-
na'vsflow WesleyMitchell. In 1000
he wits nl,liged to place an addition to
1 he handing and the steady increase
of business made it necessary to en-
large it again this year. "Billy" is
chuck full of energy ,and is a wide
at tike business man. His motto,
'titanalaand expects every man to do his
duty" vahirh he hats had printed on his
let tee heads, is quite appropriate. He
nate CHrries a general litre of drygoods,
groeetdeii, confectionery, boots and
shoes rand hardware, hearties a variety
of II her '10.1010S too numerous to men.
tiers. By his,:genial planner he has es-
tablished an excellent business and he
believes in giving hie oustotners good
value for their money. He further
believesin the old Adage, "T1s not so
much how muoh you pay. 'tis whet
You get for what you pity." His many
friends wish hiul continued success its
the mercantile business.
Grand Bend
Nem Baratta -It has been said that
he who causes a singe blade of grass
to grow where none grew before is a
public benefactor, consequently it may
be said that he, through whose energy
and enterprise the village's architec-
ture is graced by a pleasing structure,
where before existed an inferior build-
ing.is deserving the same measure of
peruse.. Grand Bend, with all its nat-
ural beauty, has grown into a sumtner
resort of unusual popularity and fume
for its tnagnifiueut surroundings, .and
to meet the demands of the thousands
of .visitors who gather` here during the
summer months several fine buildings
for their accommodation have been
erected. The latest of these is the mlig-
nificent hotel struoture being built by
Mr. Henry Bosseuberry ou the site of
the old property. Take'a walk down.
the road leading to the lake shore and
an the left side you will notice a neat,
imposing three-story building, the
wain walls of which are composed of
excellently designed blocks of cement.
This is the new hotel. It has trim
windows with suitable ledges, a well
designed entrance and the general ap-
pearance is to be admired. The build-
ing is about 40 feet square and con-
tains in all about thirty rooms. Be-
sides the bar, which is to be equipped
in the most approved style, there is a
capacious dining room and parlor,
kitchen and over twenty neat bed-
rooms. The house throughout will be
lit with acetylene gas. The Writer was
pleased to, take a look through the
various apartments which is now in
course of completion. Every room in
the building is to be finished in mod-
ern style and the furnishings are to be
in keeping with the outward appear-
ance of the building and the splendid
appointed rooms within; all, of which
go to show that the genial landlord is
determined to do all in his power that
can be done to make the guests com-
fortable. Grand Bend can now boast
of three magnificent houses of accom-
modation, besides the one mentioned
there is that of Mr. \Vm.Fritz and Mr.
Win. Leavitt, both of -which afford
Nage ge and excellent accommodation
for the public.
Mrs. Jos. Snell of Exeter is at pres-
ent attending her rnother, Mrs. Louis
Simon, of this,plaee, who is confined
to her bed owing to the infirmities of
old age. We hope soon to hear of
Mrs. Simon being able to get around
again.` -Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin and.
family visited at the home of Mr. Ren-
nie of Zurich on Sunday last, -The
proceedings of the, Evangelical Con-
ference just closed thus far received is
to the effect that next year the Con-
fernce , will he held in Crediton, that
Rev. L. H. Wagner is presicliKk' elder
for this district and that the Rev. L.
K. Eidt has been appointedpastor over
the Dashwood congregation for the
coming year. -Mrs. John Willert is
very i11 at her hotiie suffering from
some internal trouble. Her friends
are very anxious for her recovery.--
ecovery.-School started again on Monday and
it is truly a great relief to get the little
ones of to their work again. -Garden-
ing has commenced in full earnest this
week and 'the farmers are very busy
putting in their crop so that business
on the whole is rather quiet those
days, -Miss Allen of Crorrarty is at
present visiting her aunt, Mrs, Dr.
Rutledge. -Jos. Eidt shipped t carload
of flour to Seaforth ou Tuesday. -Mr.
Oliver Gra.ybiel of the Sovereign Bank,
Exeter, spent Sunday at h'is' home
here. -Chas. Steinhagen left on Tues-
day of last week for Thedford, to take
charge of Mr. Jenning's horse. -David
Pfaff left Mond
Ly to look after Messrs.
Fritz & Lamont's horse at Zurich.-
Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Goetz spent Sun-
day in Hensall at the home of .Henry
Cook.-Jno. Voelker was in Zurich on
Saturday last.
Seeding is now the order of the day.
Some of our farmers will soon he.
through. The weather the last week
was all that could he desired. -John
T. Parkinson (assistant principle of
St. George's School, London), spent
the Easter vacation at his home here.
We -congratulate John for the honor-
able position he has obtained. -Miss
Ida Batten of London is visiting un-
der the parental roof. -Mrs. Robert
Taylor spent Easter with her sister in
London. -Rev. H. J. Fair delivered an
excellent sermon in this church Sun-
day morning last. The subject being
"She hath done what she could.". Sa-
crament of the Lord's Supper will be
administered in the church Sunday.
morning next. -The snow storm on
Sunday last made one think of winter
again. -C. Godbolt and D. Miller of
Sunshine were visitors at our Sunday
school last Sunday. The attendance
was small, on account of the wet day.
Soreheads and stiff necks seem to
be the order of the day.-Fru.mers are
busy seeding. ---Mrs. Harry Wing and
family have returned from Hamburg
after spending the Easter holidays
with friends and relatives. -Master
John Mcisaac is up again after spend-
ing a few days a ith La Grippe. --Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Baxter spent Sunday
with friends in Denfield. -Messrs.
Gower are very busy ditching. -Miss
E. Weston has returned after spend-
ing a few days with her parents in St.
Marys.-Mr.Peter McPhee left for De-
troit last Wednesday. -Sara. Sweitzer
had the misfortune of losing his "Dia-
rnout Harris." --Names Hannan, - Sr.,
sold one of his fine driving mares' lest
Tuesday to Mr. Kalhfleisch, St.Jose yh.
-Miss Lizzie Mason left lest week l to
Make her home in Crediton.
Clinton; On April laith.Tohn(Oaopett.,
who has hien employed with R. Dowus,
experienced a stroke of paralysis,
caused by a clot of blood on the brain,
his left'side being affected, At last ac•
counts he was a, little easier, and hopes
are entertained for his recovery,
'Mins Lizzie Trennnner of Detroit is
visiting at het home .here, --.Miss Mel-
ville Kehler is spending a few weeks
with her sister, Mrs. D. E. Studer,
Tavistock. -Ed. Zimmer has taken a
position at the Oonlwerieal Hotel as
hostler. -Dr. N.B..Buchanan of )3etlin
spent Easter with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. G.. Buchanan.-Mii•s.(Rev.)Greiger
of Elmwood visited last week at the
home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, S.
Ronnie. -Miss Ethel and Master Eric
Elliot of Merlin are making an extend-
ed visit with their ancle, Robt. A. El
B(4,130)3,106 Line,Stinley.--Rev. W. j.
Yager attended the annual conference
of the Evangelic church held et His -
mark last week. --Messrs, Frank Den -
monis, Regis Masse and L. Jeffery of
St.Joseph have gone to Buffalo, where
they will join the crew of the'sebooner
"Neptnn€." as soon as navigation opens.
-Geo, Trott, the photographer, has
left for a trip throngh the Northwest
rand expects to be absent for about a
month, -The cannon of Hay have ex
changed the old road grader for a new
one made by the Guocl Roads Machinery
Co.,Hamilton.-G, Holtzman received.
word recently of the death of the
nineteen months' old daughter of Me.
and Mrs, Dennis, Galt. The little one
had been ill for about three weeks from
a complication of diseases, The r•ee
matins were brought here, interment
taking place in the J3rorison Lineeelme-
tery.-Miss McDonald, a former teach-
er at the Bronson Line school, visited
friends in this vicinity last week. -
Some large catches of suckers have
been made by a number of local fisher -
wen. The largest catch made thus far,
that we have heard about, was made
on Monday by M. Meidinger and two
or three others, who captured fifty-six
of the fish. -Geo. Thiel, son of And-
rew Thiel,was on Tuesday of last weep
committed 1'or trial at Goderich on at
charge of horse stealing. The case
•Erose out ofa horse deal he made with
Chas. Welker, liveryman. The condi-
tions of the deal were the t each should
have the privilege of trading back the
horses after ra week's trial. Welker
wished to do so, but Thiel refused, hence
Welker laid information against the
defendant. The preliminary hearing
was heard by Crown Attorney Seager
of Goderich and Ohas. Greb, J. P. of
Zurich. Thiel gave bail in the sum of
Rest and Comfort
For the Kidneys.
If your kidneys are all inflam-
med -if there are sharp, shoot-
ing pains in the small of the
back and dull ache through
the hips -if there is a constant
desire to urinate -if the urine
is hot and scalding -if the
head aches and specks float
before the eyes - you can't
imagine what relief there is
for you in
These wonderful little pills
soothe and heal kidneys and
bladder -take away all pain -
clear the urine -enable one to
go through the night without
arising and relieve every
trace of your kidney trouble.
Cures Rheumatism Too.
2 Days In Detroit
Wooa'a Pilo3phodliae;
The Great English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous systern, makes new
lood in old Veins Cures Nerv-
ous Debiityy, Mental a,ui Brain Worry, Des-
pondency', ,Sextutl Weakness, Emissions, Sfper-
matorncuea, and Effects of dbuse or Excesses.
Price 11 per box, stator M. One will please six
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet
mailed free. The Woolf Medicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
lN111119:111:7:111:1-1111111Y11111:11111141: NCE
rUtNT:. WM,ordimttrCAM thu Dilinu IIINr:1
nTAYlt. .0:.,sduhot lluehna. n when top wIuw
nubs: It. Stays �e hot stip our bend when sup -live
A4 Loins down. Illustrated Cateloguo frau —live
aw,to �'sidra..
W. J. Heaman, Agent.
Having received all the necessary,
tipplicances for turning' out
First Class Laundry work, in
future nil worksent to me wi11
lie executed at home and not
sent to London as heretofore.:
shirts, ` . 8''cents
2 Collars 8 cents
Cuffs per pair 3 cents
Pest of work guaranteed
� c
I it «t1r
11QONEY 1315G1ll.tE. CANDY;'
'ORM' Hite. CANADA':
Mooney's Perfet'tion Cream
Sodas are crisp squares
of wholesome nourishment..
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are as easily digested
by the child and invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, in a form
that delights the appetite.
Always fresh and crisp in
the moisture -proof packages.
At all grocers in 1 and
3 pound packages.
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength.. for the daily
round of duties..
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter; the
purity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib.
For twenty-five years we have devoted our lives to the treatment of
diseases peculiar to men. Our records show that during that time we
have actually cured thousands. We believe this should be sufficient
proof to most any man that as physicians we must be successful.. Not
a dollar need be paid for medicines or treatment if you fail to get cured.
We cure on bank guaranty. Get honest treatment. When you write or.
come to us you will be dealt with in a strictly professional manner.
ing from lost vitality or weakness from any cause, come to us and we
will cure you. Men who are nervous, mental, physical and sexual bank-,.,
rupts, the result of errors or excesses; producing weakness, despondency,
failing memory, etc., should come to us at once, and we will stop that
drain upon your system and restore strength, vitality and nerve power. '
Our experience and thorough knowledge of every electrical and thera-
peutic agent known to the medical world enables us to effect cures after
others fail..
ting. No pain or detention from business. Before you submit to the
cutting operation, investigate our painless and positive curing method.
Our New Method. Treatment for Blood and Skin Diseases will cure all
ulcers, sores, falling out of the hair, bone pains, eruptions and other
symptoms of all these complaints. Come and be cured• by our scientific
treatment. Patients that we treated twenty years ago have never suf-
fered a relapse. If you have KIDNEY, BLADDER or URETHRAL TROD.
ease, come tows for scientific and reliable treatment.
Our offices are complete with the latest and best electrical and medi-
cal appliances and all remedies that are known to the medical world for
the cure of these diseases.
If unable to call, write for QUESTION .BLANK for HOME TREAT_
'IEINT. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. Consultation Free. _5oolra Free on
Diseases of Hien or Women.
148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Milch.
Office Hours, 9 a. M. to 8 p. m. Sand:ya, 10 to 12 In. and 2 to 4 p. an.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital 'aid t7 ` $3,000,000
Reserved Fuud••• • • - . ....... $3,000,000
OFFICE riOUnS 10 a. nr. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange..
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stuck Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
posits of $1 and upwards received. Interest com-
p pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th
and December 31st,
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DlcssOri & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
....M.MINNEW/NW•Ma. 1.111111•1111111M,
Spring Baraius
Spring Suits
Better can't be found anywhere.
They are the latest styles and the
values are great. They range
from' $10 to $20. You can't af-
fordto pass us if you need a suit.
Rain Coats
$4.50 to $10. These are splendid
goods and every coat is a bar-
gain. Call and see them.
Wall Papers
Will you need wall paper 'this
spring? We sell thein so cheap
that yon will think we are giv-
ing there away. Very pretty
A splendid range of
at 20, 30, and 35c.
ll. SHED
—FOR ----
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and all Building Materials.
Water Tanks
Finished or in Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw
logs ofevery description.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
e Ross TLtd
Exeter Ont.
Maarria • e Licenses
issued at the