HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-4-19, Page 8SPRING
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Say, we got in some swell
Spring Suitings last week.
They are right up to the mo-
t'loats are two inches longer than
last year, and the Lapels are so much
lecoader and deeper that you can't help
bent notice them.
'The vests are cut with five buttons.
The pants are just a little pegtoppy.
They are beauties alright for $15,
1:8 and $20, mud no matter where you
o• you can't find anything that will
tasnicely as they do.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
amass Locals -- Read Them
.Bray your seeds at Stewart's. Steel
.l hiygs is the best. Nothing else.
en kinds of garden and flower seeds
liackages for 5 cents at Charlton's.
Stewart is doing the wall paper trade.
ere's a reason for it. Their 5, .10 and
Mc lines are very strong.
Geo. Hunter & Son of Ridgetown
will hold another cattle sale at Cen-
tralia. on Saturday, April 21st, consist -
?ng of milch cows, steers and heifers.
Ree bills for particulars.
ttg Booty for fine wear Ahrens for
Iteaszl tcear. Stewart sells them. They're
A. good smart girl to learn vest mak-
i g Apply to W. Johns,
.4:fen's spring underwear. The kind
tom, ,Fits snug, wears well and feels nice,
cents at Stewart's.
Good reliable lady to take orders for
our tailor -wade costumes and skirts,
Write quickly. Dominion Garment
moo., Guelph, Ont,
Three big specials in Men's ready-made
suits at Stewart's, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.
"'b" When in search for an ideal antisep-
de talcum powder for the toilet and
nursery get Suprema" at Cole's Drug
• store.
Dr. B. F. Butler the noted eye speci-
alist of London will be at the Central
Hotel, Exeter, on the following Mon -
;legs, April 23rd, May 21st, June 18th,
Jhly 16th. Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Did you see those lovely dinner sets at
;atetccirt'sl Some beauties, 108 pieces for
4;2_0. Oh, Yes.' they have cheaper
(waif foto want them.
inions In New York.
New York modistes are just now up
is their ears in work, preparing trous-
ai:aa..ux and gowns for Spring weddiags,
e ys Helen Berkeley Loyd in the May
Delineator. All the newest bridal
!�oowns are cut on princess lines, but a
distinctive feature is the abbreviation
e&'the princess as we have known it,
fiti the " baby princess. " The skirt,
with the addition of a Watteau plait
"no. the back opens out into train, and is
the newest effect in wedding gowns.
The Watteau plait is not essential but
as it•adds dignity and grace, and helps
tsrhnld the veil in position,its nse is ad-
visable. Silk and cotton rajahs, mus -
fins and linens have a prominent place
he trousseau. Linen bas a putt -
=lady strong vogue, and is used for
morning frocks in white and colors in
sheerest quality and delicate tints for
>e afternoon gowns, The new pare -
rola this season are simply beautiful,
teen not beautifully, simple.
They are
invade to match the afternoon gowns
and show the same trimming. One
treads them of hand -painted chiffon,
bordered and inserted with duchess
rice, and of the sheerest Persian lawn
wrought in the daintiest lingerie
sects. Many of the handles are ex-
ppnsively jeweled, The stioksare deli-
cately enameled, and some are extra
Ring and have a binge near the catch
eat they may be folded when out of
In,Oanadian and :sport-
ed. Tweeds, Worsteds,
Cheviots and Serges
Made up in the latest style to
yourat, Call and see how well
lean: do for you.
rything :n: Mens' Smart
sit Tailor, Exeter; Oslo
Mr. R. Davis is rnoying into his
house on James street,
A number from town attended ti. ball
in Seaforth Monday night.
Mr, David Rowtclitf'e's little daugh-
ter is seriously ill of pneumonia,
Mr. Roy is moving his household
effects to his farm on the Thames Road:'
Mr. E. Wood has enlarged his but-
cher shop by taking out a partition.
Frank Farquhar of Herman. is en.
gaged with Mr. E. H. Fish, barbering.
Mr, Hector of Usborne has moved
into Mr. W.J.Bissett's house on Huron
Miss Salina Harvey was taken ill on
Sunday and is still confined to her
Mr. John Woods has been ill with
grip for two weeks. Ile is now iw.
Miss Lilly Robinson is still quite ill
of pneumonia, although she is some
Mr, Richard Quance is now able to
get around with the aid of a walking
Mr, DebiasStaley last week bought
the residence north of the power house
from Mr. P. Eaton.
Mr. W. R. Dearing, Stephen, is con-
fined to his home suffering from an at-
tack of pneumonia.
Dr. Rollins is having a sale of real
estate and household effects. See
"ad." in another column.
Miss Nina Carling rendered an ap-
propriate Easter soloin excellent
voice at the James street church on
Sunday evening. Miss Beers'solo was
also well received.
The Epworth League anniversary
will be heid.in the Tames street church
on Sunday next.. Rev. Jos. Philp of
Alymer, president of the London con-
ference, will preach morning and ev-
Mr. Barr of Brussels, an inmate of
the House of Refuge, since 1900, died
on Monday, at the age of 93 years, and
was interred at the House burial
ground, Rev. Mr. Newcombe perform-
ing the service.
Messrs. Handford and Kay this week
sold their imported entire horse "Nate -
by Prince" to • Messrs. Lamport and
Baxter of Stephen township. This is
a good horse and the purchasers are to
be congratulated on securing it.
Mrs. Joey, who resides with her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Penhale, had the
misfortune on Friday last to fall upon
the floor during a fainting spell. Itis
feared that her thigh is broken. She
is a lady of great age and should the
injury be as suspected her recovery is
Mr. John Evans of London visited
old friends in town on Saturday last
and was a pleasant caller at the Ad-
vocate office. While here Mr. Evans
sold his acre of land on the south
boundary to Mrs. John Sanders, who
recently purchased his house and lot.
Tommy Batman returned to London,
with Mr. Evans Saturday evening and
will visit therefor a few days.
The High School Literary Society
gave an 'At Home" to tbe::parents
and guardians at the school on Wed-
nesday evening last. The attendance
of the students and the older people
was quite large. A program was ren-
dered and a lunch served. The pro-
gram consisted of addresses by Revs.
Going, Martin and Godwin, solos by
Mr. Fleming and Alice Howard, read-
ings by Ena McPherson and Beatrice
Howey, an instrumental by Flossie
Sweet and an instrumental duet by
Flossie Foss and Gladys Brandt. The
parents expressed entire satisfaction
with the entertainment afforded them
while it is quite ,unnecessary to state
that the boys and girls eujoyed them-
selves thoroughly.
Forecasts for April.
A reactionary storm period is cent-
ral on tbe 22nd, 23rd and 24th. A ser-
ies of threatening to violent thunder
storms will be quite natural for three
to five days at this time, say from
about Saturday, the 21st, to Wednes-
day the 15th. With the atmospheric
pressure at and about normal during
these disturbances, nothing more than.
normal April tbunder showers and
hail may occur; but should the barorri
eter fall suddenly to very low readings
violet to tornadic storms would be
quite probable,•
Human oddities.
A person's eyes are out of line in two
cases out of five, and one eye is strong-
er than the other in seven •persons out
of ten. The right is also as a rule
higher than the left. Only one person
in fifteen has perfect eyes, the largest
percentage of defects prevailing among
fair-haired people. Thesmallest vibra-
tion of sound can he distinguished
better with one ear than with both,
The nails of two fingers never grow
with the same rapidity, that of the
middle finger growing the fastest,
while that of the thumb grows slow-
est. In fifty-four cases out of one hun-
dred the left leg is shorter than the
Holidays Visitors iii Exeter
Messrs. Richard, John and James
Bissett of London, Mr. Anderson of
Clinton; Edgar Westcott, Wingharn;
W. A. Westcort, Peterboro; Arthur
Snell, Melborne; Miss Lilly Bell, Miss
Bertha, Sou tbcott Miss Belle Acheson,
Arthur'Woods, . Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. In-
wood, Allen Myers, John Salter, Mark
Mitchell, Percy Rendle, Percy Hooper,
Miss Mand Taylor, Miss Banes, Miss
Bella Walker, Mr. and Mrs.Dixon,J. A.
Sanders, Miss O. Ilooper,London; Nel-
son Westcott, Seafor•th; Miss Minnie
Craig of Peterboro, Miss Nettie Wal-
ters, Miss' Minnie Taylor, Ith, Davis,
Elijah Higgins, Toronto; Mrs. Elliott,
Norwich; Wallace Fisher, Tborndale;
A Moore, St, Marys; Frank Delbridge,
Ilderton, E. W. Horne, Mervin Boston
of Milverton; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sam-
uel of Highgate, Alex. Martin, Toron-
to; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Guelph;
Mies A, Cunningham. Ctaandeboye;.
Geo. and Robert O i. npbell, St, Joseph;
Barry Huston, Waterloo; Mrs, and
Miss Bernick, Blyt.h, Orville Godwin,
of St. Thomas; Mr. and. Mrs.
Jos. Hilderley, .Brooksdale; Miss Ara-
bella Boat end Mr. Rendes, Hamilton;
Mrs, Bawdert, Clinton; Mrs. Chris.
Zuefle end two daoghters of liarriston•,
Roy Baker of St. Mallen Nast.er Fred
C3awden, Mis W. E. (Aline, Mt. and
Mrs, Geo. Willis of London; Mrs. M.
i, Elliott, Mitchell,
Mr,A.13atgsbaw has engaged to wor
t I':fi.R,SON.t%j
with Mr, T. 1J. Handford.
Mrs J, J. White entertained a fe
friends on Tuesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs, L. }L Dicksou an
daughter, Miss Dottie spent the East
holidays in New Hamburg.
Mr. W. G, Bissett sold three of h
thoroughbred minoroa chickens .
Hon, Thos. Greenway last week,
The Pickwick club gives its last
dance on Tuesday evening, April 24t
The London Harpers will furnish th
The householder is'busy cleaning t
his backyard those days. Let every'
one get at it and keep. up the reput
tion of the town.
Free Press.—"Mr. Wesley Haw
sham, the well-known traveller,
convalescing after a severe illness co
eying a month." .
tile° - a evam a
'Mrs. John Snell spent Faster in S
is Mrs..l3irney spent part of the we
to in Belgrave.
Me.:4nd Mrs. T, Gr. Creech visited
Forest this week;
hMrs. Rivers is visiting her siste
e. who is ill in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet spent t
holidays in London.
iP Mr. R. S. Lang of Toronto was he.
on business Tuesday.
rL- Bert Flynn h,,ts gone'to grand Be,
to work with Mr. Levett,
Hawk Mrs.Stanbury and Mrs, Powell we
is in London Good Friday.
v- License Inspector John Torran
was in Town on Tuesday.
n Mrs. A. Cottle spent Easter in Lo
don visiting her daughter.
n Miss Lilla Howard is visiting frien
at London and elsewhere.
Mr, A. Sheere le having an audiosale of his household effects on Satur
day afternoon, April 21st, 11. Brow
is the auctioneer.
Messrs. Adam and George Clare
week exchanged farms, both of
are in Hay township, the former
a difference' of about $2100.
The weather on Easter Sunday
not as tine as the ladies would
It was cold, dark and gloomy,
spring bats were not favorite`s,
The solo by Mrs. Perkins .in
Trivitt Memorial church on Su
evening was admirably rendered
numb appreciated by the large
gregation. -
Rev. Veale of Eirkton, who recently
preached in the James st, Church
was a former pastor here, is very'
pneumonia: His recovery is doubtful
This the third time Mr. Veale
been ill of this disease.
Mrs. S Fitton andGerald Mr n G raid
thiswere i
which Toronto for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt visi
ed in Godericb over Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Gladman visited i
a as London during the holidays,
wish. Mrs.-Shaddock and daughter, Mi
and Eva, spent Easter in London.
Mrs. Dunsford of the Lake Roa
the visited in Ilderton on Monday.
nday Mrs, Blatchford and daughter, Mar
and an, visited in Lucan this week.
con- Messrs. Win. Cook and Sandy BaN
den left Monday for the West.
Miss Janet Brown visited her siste
and` Miss Ellen, in Detroit at Easter.
of Misses Ethel Armstrong and Ver
, Rowe visited in Clinton over ,Sunda
has Miss Millie Martin of Auburn i
spending the vacation with her pa
s fax
cuts here.
Misses Allis Handford, Lizzie Frayn
and Annie Mill holidayed in Lando
Wm part of this week.
Mr, Wm. Campbell of London wa
E J. here this week attending the funer
of a cousin, Mrs. Pybus.
od- Mrs.
Mr. Thos. Dayman left Tuesday ev
ening for Regina. He will be follow
ed later by Mrs. Dayman.
Mr. Moses Gardiner and son, Joh
left Monday evening for Winnipe
The latter will remain there.
Miss E Ron.'Thos. Greenway came up fro
Ottawa on Saturday and visited D
Rollins on Sunday and Monday.
Mr. J. T. Wescott left Tuesday fo
in Gait where he has secured a situatio
held lathing on the new Collegiate buildin
Mr. C. Birney, son and daugbte
went to. Belgrave Monday' evening t
bindattend the funeral of the former'
e Mrs. E. Sanders and little son ar
visiting here from Ho ward City, Mich,,
out She will shortly move to her old horn
in Elora.
11 be Mrs. Fred Burnett, nee Gertie Veri
ty, accompanied Miss Nina Carlin
hem• home from Toronto last week and i
The now visiting in town. Miss Marth
Carling is also home from • Brantford
rMrs. David Mack, accompanied b
her daughter, Mary, was in Londo
be a Monday, and visited her sister, Mrs
Walter Hill, who underwent an oper
ation at St. Joseph's -'Hospital las
week and who is now recovering.
Miss Belva Holland, after a visi
here, Ieft Friday for London wiser
wife she remained until Monday when sh
mith went to New York city to take a post
6 graduate course in Manhattan Hospi
only a til. Mrs. Holland accompanied_ he
It of as�far as London,
The annual election of officer
Main. Street League took place'
day evening when the following were
duly elected:—Hon.. Pres., Rey.
Godwin; Pres., Mrs. F. J. Wick
Sec., Miss M. Brook; Treas.,
Hooper; Oorres.•See., Miss A. Howard;
Rep. Dist. -Executive, Rev. Win.
win;lst Vice -Pres. C. Endeavor,
J. A. Munroe; 2nd Vice -Pres. Mission-
ary, Miss H: Foliiek; 3rd Vice-Pres.Literary, Miss L. Johns; 4th Vice -
Social, Miss C. Sweet; Organist, Miss
M. Homey; Asst. -Organist, Mis
The Srucefield Show.
Our readers generally should bear
mind the Entire Stock Show to be
at B'rucefield, on Tuesday next, under
the auspices of the South Huron
Society. This bids fair to be the
and most interesting show of the est
ever held under the auspices of th
ciety. It will be in the interests of
Stallion and Bull owners.to bring
their animals, so as to let the farmers
and stock men see. them, and it wi
to the interests of stock then and far-
mers to come out and inspect for them-
selves the animals on exhibition.
Society pays. $4 for each stallion shown
-to assist in defraying the exfopenses an
very liberal premiums are offered
hulls. We expect this show to
great success this year.
that all roads will lead to Brucefieldon
Tuesday next.
Died in Tuckersmith. '
The death took place on Saturday
afternoon last of Lilly Passmore,
of Mr. Wm. Pybus of Tuckers
township, at the age of 30 years and
months. Deceased bad been ill on
few hours, death 'being the resp
convulsions subsequent to child -birth.
The little child is living and Apparent-
ly doing well. Mrs. Pybus was the
second daughter of Mr. W. H. Pass-
more, of the Thames Road, Usborne.
township, where she was born and
lived prior to her marriage about two
years and a half ago.. She was highly
esteemed by all her friends, and their
sympathy is extended to the bereaved
relatives. Thefnneral took place Mon-
day afternoon to the Exeter cemetery.
This is the second death that has taken
place within a short time, his eldest
daughter, Mrs. Edith Darcb, having
died very suddenly abont five months
John Snell Married.
At the home of the bride's mother in
Clinton the• marriage took place on
Wednesday, April 18th, at 1 p. m., of
Mr. John Snell, son of Mr. Eli Snell of
Exeter and Miss Annie Flintoff, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Geo. Flintoff. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Manning in the presence of about fifty
inyited guests. The bride was assisted
by her sister, Miss Mabel, while the
groom wassupported by his -brother.
Arthur. The bride wore a beautiful
cream colored ' gown. The happy
couple accompanied by a number of
relatives drove to Exeter and that ev-
ening a reception was heldin the home
of the groom on the 2nd concession of
Usborne. ` That Mr. and Mrs. Snell
may have along, prosperous and happy
wedded life is the. wish of the Anvo-
caxi and their rnany friends.
Vestry Meeting.
Although not largely attended the
vestry meeting held in the Teivitt
Memorial church school hall on Mon -
'day night last was most harmonious
and pleasing to those in attendance.
The Rector, Rev. R. J. M. Perkins,
took the chair. In :t short address he
referred briefly to matters concerning
tbe church during the past year. �1
noteworthy feature was the removals,
no less than ten families and numerous
individualshaving ha ang reanov4d ilro:n the
parish during the year. He stated he
b td performed eleven baptisms, five
wedding cere:bonies and etttendecl
eight funerals The churchwarden's
report showed total receipts of $1,614.-
82 with aFeitit an equal expenditure.
Mr. Thos. Hawkins was Again appoint-
ed Rector's warden, while Mr. John
Knight was again chosen as People's
warden. Messrs. C. II. Sanders and
N. D. Hurdon were appointed auditors.
The following sidesmen were appoint-
ed:—E. Elliott, N, D..Iinrdon, Adam
Case, C. 13. Sanders. Mr. Waring, S.
Sweet, Thos. Sanders. Envelope Corn-
mittee:—C. I3.. Sanders, Shirley Bo.
bier, Thos. Sanders, R. Dinney, I+'.
Elliot, Jos. Davis and Frank Case.
The Advisoryi
Board of last year was
re-aappointed . A hearty vote of thanks
embracing the various aiuxilleries of
tbechurch was tlnaninionslypassed. A
motion was passed confirtning the ar-
rangements made by Archdeacon
Young during his recent vlei t regard-
ing thelincrease ih the Rector's stipend
to $800 and free rectory, The vestry
meeting adjourned for two weeks
after which Mit. N, IS. llurdon was
elected delegate to the Synod.
Additional Locals on page 1.
Star Flour
Is the ideal Family Flour—good
for Bread or Biscuits.
It is superior to flour made
from all Manitoba Wheat, so we
are told by many of our custom-
ers, and so we think ourselves.
The: prices is less too -$2.25
per cwt.
We also manufacture and sell
PRINCESS (Choice Pastry)
Special prices for feed.
We have a full
errnent tested
purchase elsewhere,
seeds. '
for the
with animals
of John A. Bruce & Co.:
Call and examine before
Gov -
?k -_°
d -
We are agent
which will withstand
from contact
bending the stays,
the instant pressure
samples and our
American Hinge joint
sudden and severe pressure
or otherwise, without
springing back to
removed. Call and
Paints in all colors
the earth, Call and
We have the Sherwin-Williams
and shades, which
a paint card.
' ..t ... .m ... —.. ..W. �� ... '1.•:. .... ,'.sYI. a{',. .. '„�iNaw �fK4 .. '-.�:W'� :w1:
We will offer our entire stock of Furniture, comprising
Dining Room,
Bed Room, Drawing Room,
and Hall Furniture
many odd pieces and Rockers, at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we offer.
Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral- Directors.
livasti Gooas News
We desire to announce the new arrivals in the Wash.
Goods. Department. A special selection of Organdies
Gingham, Chambrys, and Vestings have just come
to hand. The range values are second to none. We
want you to make a
silk finish in delicate
'Dresden designs. The
and daintiest fabric shown
season. Price 350 a yard.
to say.
for all ages. Fancy
in nice bright color§,
designs in Black, White,
. Navy Blue. The - very
Pricey 0 to 25c
the new shades of Blue, Green,
and Pink, small
also the check with
in dot. prices 12 1.-2
a yard.
Just a few words
Spring and Summer
range of sizes is full
for fit than later in the
beautiful soft wash material
in Cream Ground withstnall
of Navy, Pale Blue, Black
Perfect for a cool summer
Prices 12 1-2 to I5c.
and Hosiery
are ready with the
and Hosiery. The
offers a better chance
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing.
ti --
Just Arrived.
All at Special, Low Prices.
Come nate anal get an Early Choice.
Wcr Eggs. e are �
a� it Big Prices for Butter and E 5
1 a
aAc��.Ac>pc aBc�.-�,.,�a�aecil
it's two to one you find nn picking them
up that something is broken. .Bring
thein to us and we will match the
broken part and repair it for at rtnmin-
al sura.
so tht'y are as good ns when fir=t larir•.
chased, We niatell any leneaes (hair
you break, or supply new ones entire.
Our entire optir:ai stuck iv go well se,
lected *re can please the whole town.
a al)
y s itait>t��+aa
Ohernist and Optician. EXETER.
Phone 50.