HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-4-19, Page 5THE .QcteseterAbuorcettgo published every Thursday, Morning et the. (Mee MAIN„STREET, -- EXETER. ,•_--_.,By the^ -=^ ADVOCATE PUBLISet iNG OOMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ona Heller per annum if paid in advance, $1,50 it not so paid. i.d-Freexti.s+L a Rataw o>rr pp cu. ttosa. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid Advertisements without specified .directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal diaoount made for transelent advertisements Inserted for long periods. Evert description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the (neat style, and at moderate rates, Cheques', money orders, &c„ for advertising, subscriptions, eto„ to be made payable to Sanders & Creech, PROPRTETORS Professional Cards. DR. A. R. KTNSHAN, L. D. S., D. D. S„ Honor graduate of Toronto TlniveristV. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Faneon's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Dashwood Roller Mill A real good time to buy our famous White Star Flour is now. Made from the very finest of wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills, the Millers, and the Milling Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults.—For strength. richness, whole- ness and appetizing flavor it is with- out equal; makes more bread • easier and better than any other—gives solid satisfaction to consumer and producer -Buy it and you will please yourself and your good wife as well—House- wives all over the county emdorse our claims. We solicit your patronage. Jos.Eidt, Dashwood Now ITOKI Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices: Satisfactory. - Bring in your grain and load. borne with feed. Jos. Cobbledick Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength—No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger $3; No. 3, for special eases, $5 per box. Sold by. all druggists, or sent prepaid on reeoipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address THR COOK MEDICINE Ce.,TORONTO,ONT. (forrnerivWi r) the �rllo!e to Blly FOR THE HOME. Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good High Grade PIANO or ORGAN Every member of the family willful- ly appreciate it. We carry these instrumentsin the highest grade and our prices and terms are of the most 'liberal kind for the Purchaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the market for beauty and durability. Call and see us; we will take pleasure in showing you our goods. S. AAAR.TIN & SON EXETER MARKETS.. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 74 Barley. , .. . ` 40 Oats ............. 81 .. a.. .. 65. Potatoes, per ba .. 1 00 Hay, per ton 6 50. Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ewe 1 20 Sutter. ., ... ..,... Eggs Live hogs, sper cwt Shorts per on 20 00 Bran per ton 18 00" DefedA.pples 6 76 42 82 70 1 10 7 00 1 220 20 20 14 7 la 20 00 18 00 6 Backache, "The Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in. Women --Thousands of Sufferer's Find Relief. 'How often do -we hear women say: "It seems as though my back would break„' or '`Don't speak to me, I cin all out o£ starts?” These significant remarks prove that the system requires attention. Backache and "the blues" aro direct symptoms of an inward ctrouble which will sooner or later declare itself. It may be caused by diseased kidneys or some derangement of the organs. Nature requires 'assistance and at once, and Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound instantly. asserts its curative powers in all those peculiar ailments of women. It has been the standby of intelligent American women for twenty years and the ablest judges agree that it is tho most universally successful remedy for Woman's ills known to medicine. Read the convincing testimonials of Mrs. Oakes and Mre. MacNamee. Mrs. J. P. Oakes of Prince of Wales Hotel, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, near Halifax, Halifax' County, Nova Scotia, Canada, `rites Dear Mrs. Pinklialir:— "After what your 'Vegetable Compound did for me, I am a firm believer that it is a wonderful medicine., and that any woman who is troubled with any of the ills We s'ift'er from should try it and she will soon be convinced of its worth. Six bottles changed are from a peevish, ciesponclent, sickly, ailing woman to a sweet -tempered, healthy one, who rarely ever has a pain now, and who before was rarely without one. As a regulator, strengthener and a tonic, I think it has no superior and I certainly endorse it." Mrs. Anna R. MacNamee of corner Queen and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. writes : for nue I suffered with irregularities, back- ache and severe pains all through my body, and was very nervous and blue. I think I used a dozen different kinds of medicines, saltie prescribeel by the doctor and some re- eonuneruded by friends, but • one bottle of 'Vegetable Compound was worth more to all l z ltroothcriuedicinesutto ether, My general health began to improve ags'soon as I began to use the Compound, and in three weeks I was a perfectly well woman." When women are troubled with irreg- ular, suppressed or aufol periods,rlods, weak- ness,. displacements or ulceration,that bearing -down feeling, inflammation of the female organs, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indi- gestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritabi- lity, nervousness, sleeplessness, melan- choly, "all -gone" and 'want -to -be -left - alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remember ethere is one tried and true remedy.. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other medicine has soca a record of cures of female troubles. No other medicine in the world has received this widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse to buy any substitute. FREE ADV1C1~ TO WOMEN Remember, every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about`' her symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pink - ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant before her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. Dear Mrs. Pinkiani;— Her advice and medicine have restored "Lydia E. Pinkbaen's Vegetable Com- to health innumerable women. Address, pound has done all the good in the world Lynn, Mass. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice—A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. Spring Term Opens April 2. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Why should you content yourself in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school? We give a thorough practical education and assist our graduates to good positions.. Commence your course now. Write for particulars: • ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. A SIG SALE —0E -- REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEJIOLD EFFECTS. Dr. J. A. Rollins, who is going west, will sell on Andrew Street, Exeter, on Saturday, April 28, 1906 at 1 p.m. the following property, viz:— REaLESTATE: Residence, esidence good repair, air 10 rooms P large lot. Cottage on deeded landed at Grand Bend Park, lot 53% by 142 feet fronting on road. EFFECTS: Piano, Iialiet 4:e Davis, good: Parlor set, plush and nearly new; Sideboards, several; 2 extension tables; number of smaller tables; Stands, all kinds and sizes; Chairs, large number of all kinds; Pictures, framed, large variety; Carpets, all kinds and 'sizes; Linoleums, covering 3 large rooms, and smaller one; Rugs and Mats, great variety; Dishes, Glassware, Silverware, Lamps; Bedroom Suites, sets and furniture, contents of f, bedrooms, feather beds and mattresses; number Lounges and Sofas; Flowers and. Plants; vases, large variety; Bookcase and Sec- retary, Wardrobe, artistic; y, doz. Stoves, uewstov e pipe; Encyclopedia Britannica; Books; Table, PIano, StitndOoverings, Coll^etion of tJlocks, Blinds, Olean- der Tree; Curtains and Poles, arch and door; Refrig- erator;Kitchen Cabinet; Cooking Etowah); Curios, Nick-Nacks, Bric-a-Brac, Antiques, Maps, Atlases, Canes, Plug Hats, Invalid Table and invalid. Stool, Ironing Table,. Wood, etc.; i3oxes lull of all kinds of. things, mysteries. Lawn Hower, Ladders, Spear: Telephone i tock, 'Exeter and Kirkton. Line, numer• ous other things. TERMS:—RearEstate m vie known on day of sale. All others Cash. Real Estate sold at 3:30 p, m. H. BROWN, DR. J. A. ROLLINS, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Clinton: A. 5 -year-old boy named Henry Nelson met his death by drown- ing on Wednesday. He was playing with another little lad named Alien - son at the pond in rear of the elevator when he slipped and fell in where the water is over ten feet deep. It was some time before assistance arrived and when the body was found an hour had elapsed. $100 Reward $100. The renders of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitu- tional treatment. IIa1Ps Catarrh Cure is taken in. ternally, acting directly upon theblood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength and building np the constitution and assist- ing nature in doing. its work. The proprietors have ss' muchai i . f th in its MUrattve powers that they o[Ier One hundred Dollars tor any rase that it tails to Miro. Sencl,tor list of testimonials. Address F. J. O1=XIa1SEY k CO., Toledo,' 0. Sold by all Druggists, Ts cents, Take ball's Family' ills tor donstipntion. Know all about sick -headaches? Suffered the nausea of indigestion ? Often lost your appe- tite? Been out -o' -sorts time and time again i'' ''Then always keep on handthe exact rem- edy—Ayer s em-edy•—Ayer's Pills. They make wrong livers' right! All vegetable. Sold for 60 years. CVsheve r.o se ,et 1' Weparlisli.7.0.Jtyorno.,. the tornados of all ear rztediefees. ,,. Zenon, Maas. Around About Us. Seaforth: Messrs. Speare & Page, clothiers, have made an assignment -for the benefit of their creditors. Parkhill: , Newell Bra. have taken possession of the Hastings House. Mrs. Zavitz and family havemovedto Ailsa Craig. Mitchell:" Miss Edna B:l,bb, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Babb, was married in Buffalo Friday to Dr. Geo. Boy1 of Philadelphia. Clinton: A. J. Holloway has pur- chased.from C. lviason the west half of lot 19, 3rd con., Hallett, being fifty acres. The price paid was $2000. St. Marys: The sad death occurred on April 4th, of Miss Nellie Murray. The deceased young lady .passed away after a short illness of heart trouble. Seaforth: The following were tick- eted last week, Mrs. Alex. Reid and two children, to Prince Albert; David Davis of Staffs, to Port Arthur; Fred Beattie of Seaforth to Seattle, Wash. Lucan: The case comes up this week in London of-Hodginti vs. Banting, an action brought $ ht byAlfred Hodgins Had i ns of Biddulph, against W. B. Bunting, M. D., of Lucan, for $5,000 for alleged malpractice in setting a bone in plain- tiff's leg. Clinton: A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mrs,' Marshall on Wed- nesday evening, when her daughter, Miss Sarah, became the wife of Robe. H. Freeman of 2nd con., Hullett. Rev. Manning officiated. The young peo- ple were unattended, . Stanley: Willie, the, eight year old son of Neil McGregor had the misfor- tune to break his right arm while playing football at school a month ago. It soon healed and Wednesday while going to .school he tripped and fell, breaking the same arm in two places. St. Marys: A. quiet wedding was celebrated at the 'manse, when Miss Annie Dunseith, daughter of thelate ex -Mayor Wm. Dunseith and Mr. Wm. Carr, a member of the St. Marys Hard- ware Ltd., became united in the holy bonds of matrimonv-. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.Mc Williams. Parkhill: Armee; the many who left for distant points during the past few days we noticed,_Mrs. J. D. McIn- tosh and children, to Hanlen, Sask.; Mrs. Ernest Aikens and Miss Winni- fred Aitkens to Winnipeg; • Mr, and Mrs. Uptigrove to Matnitoha; Fred Robotharn and faznily to Aurora, Ill. Lucan: A. quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage, Lucan, on Wednesday., April 4th; the contracting parties being Miss Clara. daughter of Andrew Clark, Clandeboye, and Thos. Flyrin, son of Robert Flynn of the 2nd concession of Biddulph. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Holmes. Clinton: On Sunday a seven year old grandchild of Mr. P. Cronyn, God- erich "township, was brought to the hospital here. suffering from apeculiar eccidrr t i. While is Ic 111 i p y ng ia,round the yard, she had fallen on a stick which entered bet' mouth, and cut heralate so severely that the services', of e. doc- tor were necessary. 'c , SeNfit th. Jahn Daley has returned from the hospital, whf re be wits un- ergning tt•eatnzcant for his eye. Sortie rue ago he was trimming a hedge herrn, twig pr•netrett•'d the eye, itnd was . t thought b rive would g lose s the sight of it. However be win now ee a little with the injured eye, and ere lyre hright 'topes that it Will ome all righr.ligain. • I ,5t. Marge: Thofrzas Fleming Svaas otalled here Przday owing to the death: of his mother, who lived with her daughter, Mrs. Dillon, east ward, Mitchell: Henry Sawyer an old and highly respected citizen of this town, died suddenly Sunday evening of heart failure. He was et church Sun- day morning and complained of 'a slight pain, but did not think much of it. In the evening he Sank into a chair and cued before reedit:el aid could be simunoned. Clinton: On Tuesday evening the members of the W. C. T. U, nzet^at the home of John Stephenson, to the num- ber of about thirty, and after lunch had been served, they took advantage of the occasion to present Joshua Pearen 'with a hymn book and Mrs. Pearen with a bible, Ala Pearetlisan honorary member of the Society, and they are about to rnov.e West. Mitobell:.tluiet wedding was sol- emnized here on . Wednesday when Miss Minnie Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Obas. Pierce, became the wife of 0.W. Wilkinson, a, prosperous lumber dealer of Toronto. Rev, How- son performed the .ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives, while the young couple were unattended; The bride gowned in blue silk trimmed, with Irish point lace, Was given away by her father. Hullett: Thos. Carbeet passed away on Wednesday after a long illness. Two years ago beeves the picture of robust manhood, but about that time disease laid its grip upon him and not- withstanding all that medical skill could do it carried him off when only in the prime of life for he was but 48 years and 6 months old. He zs sur- vived by his wife and six ,children. The funer al tookids' lace Friday y t o the R. C. cemetery, Clinton. Lucan: A pretty wedding was cele- brated on Wednesday, April 4-, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Atkinson, when her daughter, Miss Annie, gaye her heart and hand to Harry Hodgins of the 4th concession, Biddulph. Rev. Thomas officiated in the presence of it select gathering. Miss Emma Ryan of Lucan and 0. McFalls attended the happy couple. The gifts were many and varied. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins has settled down on the 4th concession. Mitchell: A pretty wedding took place on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Constance Seebeck, when her young- est daughter, Miss Sarah, was married to 3. F. Skinner, of the firm of the Mitchell Nursery Oo. Rev. Howson tied the knot. Master John Skinner played the wedding march, while Ed. Seehach gave the bride away. Miss Tillie Seehach and Miss Minnie Corbett attended the bride while Messrs. Thos. Skinner and Wm, Bennet supported the groom. St. Marys: James Elliott passed away very suddenly on Tuesday. The old gentleman, though 80 years of age, was hale and hearty and showed no signs of indisposition, On Monday he went to his room at the Ontario House at night apparently in good health. He has always been an early riser but on Tuesday he did not appear at eight o'clock and Robt. Purdue went to call him. On opening the door he found Mr. Elliott on the floor. The body was quite cold, showing that life had. been 'ext ect some time. Seaforth': Mrs. Timothy-Givlin,one of the early settlers of McKillop, died with terrible suddenness at her home here early Sunday morning. Although she had not been in the best of health for some time, it was not considered that she was suffering from a partici-. Inc disease, rather the wearing out of the system of one well advanced in years. On Saturday night she went to bed apparently in her usual health, but in the morning when Miss Givlin went into her mother's room she was horrified to find that life had fled. Harpley Miss Becca Sherritt has returned home from Toronto for the summer.— Miss Knapper of Sarnia is spending Easter holidays with Mrs. Robert Stone.—Mrs. Christena Love, who has spent the winter with her daughter in Detroit, Mich., returned home last Saturd —Mr. J. B. Hodgins has pur- chased zr Y $ A chased' a Chicago Airmotor Wind Mill from W. Barefett of Parkhill.—Miss Lydia and Hazel Sherritt are spending the holidays with friends in Denfield. —Tom Faille commenced seeding cin. Monday, the first to begin in this;sec- tion.—Robert Hodgins is. Laid up with Sciatic Rheumatism, being confined to his bed for several days past. Dr. Mc- Laughlin of Dashwcod is attending him.—W. Pickering passed through our burg with bis household effects en -route to 0. Morish's farm at Grand Bend which he has rented. St. Joseph This place .was cast into a great state of excitement last Thursday night when it became known that Wesley Irwin, whose home is in Hay- field, had died in the little shanty near the blacksmith shop, while under the influence of liquor. The yonng .man was alone at the time of his death and when found was lying with bis face down on the floor. Coroner Campbell' of Zurich was notified, and be immedi- ately sent word to County Crown At- torney Seager of Goderich. Late in the evening High Constable Gundry ari ived and with a jury empanelled at Zurich, proceeded to hold an inquest After viewing theremains, the inquest was adjourned until Thursday, April 19th, to allow time to have the Con- tents of the stomach of the deceased analyzed by the government at Toron- to. The inquest will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich. The body was taken charge of by the brother of the deceased and interred at Bayfield list Saturday. iriivfirrr . i..e. , ev., . a" c a; .a ra �I��fAlltuwq -. ..Pwiiiri 1 !!!iiLIiii!1iP !J1!1!, Ittr •,,,.,,,,y; .00Oriter,,,rt ;��� �iii'll ��,OI i i'H1NoEr-,STALL FENCE rn *:T 1 9`Iis nlllon 11.tti j„5r,ty Vmn:atamarla 0 111 Ill CARIaI f hard star ION”, ami a itlod to. , de A.11, from l.rn Mimic' of routraatlrnr o»rt nz. Mai m. 111outratril 01i1atu300 fru,,-- live agnate µdot ss'. mo (vsrictlz ti=>rraa>; co.o. z -ren'. W. J. Hearnan, Agent, Neither iridian nor Ceylon tea alone produces the Red Rose flavor CO produce a tea with the "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea from either Ceylon or Indian alone is impossible. Neither Indian nor Ceylon in itself possesses the Red Rose flavor, but combined in proper proportions they produce the rich fruity flavor" that has made Red Rose Tea famous—that makes Red Rose Tea the only tea used in any home where it is once tried, is good Tea a T. H. Estabroolis St. John, N,B., Toronto, Winnipeg Zion Mrs, Wrn. Brock spent Good Friday in London visiting relatives.—Wm. Brock attended the horse show at Olinto nft w h a fine span, which won first prize.—Miss Ethel Millson is visit- ing her aunts, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Wm. Brock, during the Easter holi- days.—J. Wright took the service here on Sunday morning instead of John Oann.—Quite a number of farmers are building this summer and are making preparations for raising their barns be- fore the rush.—Philip Hero was the first to commence seeding in this neighborhood. He sowed on Thurs- day some spring wheat which he brought from Manitoba last fall. Greenway e y A very interesting and instructive meeting of the Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. H. Wisbart last week.—Lydia andHazel a z tt Sitexxi and Gordon TAens spent their Easter holidays with their aunt, Mrs. A. F Matthews, Denfield.—Mrs. W. J. Wil- son, who has been sick for over a week. was presented with several hoquetsualr wild flowers by Miss Esther McPher- son, Lloyd and Laura Stewardson; else a beautiful Easter Lily by Rev. .f. R.. Sutcliffe.—The flower display Easter Sunday in Boston Methodist choreal was grand, also the sermons by .the pastor, Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe. -Jas. Wal- lace bought a fine driving horselasb week. Cheaper than Shingles Don't you want Barn and Chicken Houses as dry as your kitchen ? Roof them with Paterson's "Wire Edge" Read/ Roofing It is cheaper than shingles and you can put it on yourself. With each roll of " Wire Edge " are nails, caps and cement. You need only a hammer and you can make all the buildingsraia-proof, snow -proof and fire -proof. Our booklet tells about the roofing that �• a�;: never leaks and lasts a lifetime. Let us end you a • free copy and samples of ti ^- PATERSON' S " WIRE Sold by hardware dealers • X11 y everywhere. ''o-i PATERSON MFG. CO. Limited Toronto and Montreal ..f .,,,s,A3,,e — , -.0,...-01.- -.1.- „RQ JR. -A. 4%—.01. IX- -.A.-44, ..45.- OXYDONOR The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age. What does Oxydonor do? It gives the body an affinity for OXYGEN, . and makes it absorb . nature's revitalizing force—oxygen—through every pore Disease simply cannot stay in the . system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Fever, Indigestion, Insom- nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. Read what those have Y whov used it say. A NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. R E ATISM. Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Health Registrar General's CfFce, Tour to, Car, writes, August 31st, 1901, "My experience with Oxydoncr has been most ratisfaetc in e,<r respect. Personally I can vouch for its efficiency in 00 ute eases, such es la grippe Fr F59 er strain. In both instances its action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeable and permanent. For more chronic affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experienced very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight in gold, Send us your name and address and we will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful instrument. DR. H. SANCHE & CO. 61 Filth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catherine Si., l% entree' IP Eden A number from here took in the MOTHER SISIER R New England dinner at Centralia on ! Monday night,reporting a good time— Misses Maggie and Jessie Luxton left on Monday for Moosomin and Lillmore Sask., where they will visit for some time.—Geo. Rook still continues quite pobrly.—Will Dickens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates.— Mr. Geo. Banthorpe spent Sunday with friends here.—Mr. Hale of Fullerton and Ml's. Munroe of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. John Essery on Monday. -A number of the farmers Kaye comeneuc- ed seeding. ElilinviIle Quite a number from here attended the Epworth League' anniversary ser- vices at Centralia on Sunday and also the New England Dinner on Monday evening v 'n and re •t -ort , n tone —Mr. Guhr resttimed thework with his dredge on the Melville creek this week.—Mrs. W. Coultis and sins spent Good .C'riday with friends in Crediton. -Mr. Joshua Johns tied fern- fly visited in Crediton Friday. --We nee sorry to bear of the serious illness of Rev. `Veale, pastor at Eilkton, bat we hope for a speedy recovery,—The revival services which have eheld here for the past few weeks still con- r —n' ti ne. Plnlr 11111 is the tiler of the a g � day around here.—The Misses Fair of Petrolea are visiting at, the personage this week, —Rev,Andrews of Oen tralia hied charge of the Easter services here on Sunday morntng, and be delivered ainoch appreciated sermon.— Mr. C. .rolistnrspent 7 astezwith friends t We,tford.—Mr. Chester Hodgson of Toronto, accompanied by his mother, spentEaster as the guest of his sister, Mts. R. Sklrincr, AND BROTHER Died ofConsumption,butthis Linden lady used Psychine and is strong and well " My mother, brother and sister died o* consumption," says Ella M. `Cove, of iia. den, N.S., "and I myself suffered for two years from a distressing cough and weak lungs. I suppose I inherited a tendency in this direction? "But thank God 1 used Psychine and it built me right up. My lungs now strong. I enjoy splendid health, and Iowa H . all to Psychine." Consumption, whet'herhet'editaryor con- tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kills the germ, no matter' how it attacks the lungs. Psyching builds up this body and makes it strong and able to resist disease. Psychine is an aid to digestion ge oir and a maker of .are rich blood. The greatest giver of general 'health (Pronounced Si -'recti) 5Oo, Per1I�ttie Larger piano SI and '$2.-a11 drugg,*te. OR. T. IL BLOOM, t irriitedb. Toronto.